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Last active October 10, 2017 17:55
Uploading files to Rackspace in a Rails app using Paperclip + Fog
# config/initializers/paperclip.rb
'production' => {
path: '',
storage: :fog,
fog_credentials: {
provider: 'Rackspace',
rackspace_username: ENV['RACKSPACE_USERNAME'],
rackspace_api_key: ENV['RACKSPACE_API_KEY'],
persistent: false
fog_directory: 'static',
fog_public: true
'development' => {
path: '',
storage: :fog,
fog_credentials: {
provider: 'Rackspace',
rackspace_username: 'mydevuser',
rackspace_api_key: 'mydevkey',
persistent: false
fog_directory: 'static',
fog_public: true
# in a model
# Can easily replace the static 'my_file' with the actual uploaded
# filename using ':filename'
has_attached_file :my_file, path: "#{Rails.env}/my_model/:id/my_file.:extension"
# and in the controller
def upload_file
@model = Model.find(params['id'])
not_found if @model.nil?
# in a view/form
<%= form_for @model, url: upload_file_model_path, html: {multipart: true} do |f| %>
<%= f.label 'My File' %>
<%= f.file_field :my_file %>
<%= f.submit 'Upload' %>
<% end %>
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