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Created June 10, 2024 06:42
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import PyPDF2
import sys
class PdfDirGenerator:
def __init__(self, pdf_path:str, txt_path:str, offset:int, out_path:str=None, levelmark:str='.'):
self.pdf_path = pdf_path # pdf路径
self.txt_path = txt_path # 包含pdf目录信息的txt
self.offset = offset # 目录页数偏移量
self.out_path = out_path # 输出路径
self.levelmark = levelmark # 用于判断书签级别的标志符
self.dir_parent = [None]
def getLevelId(self, level):
一级目录: 0 个“.”,例如: 第1章、附录A等
二级目录: 1个“.”,例如: 1.1、A.1
三级目录: 2个“.”,例如: 2.1.3
mark_num = 0
for c in level:
if c == self.levelmark:
mark_num += 1
return mark_num + 1
def run(self):
print("--------------------------- Adding the bookmark ---------------------------")
print(" * PDF Source: %s" % self.pdf_path)
print(" * TXT Source: %s" % self.txt_path)
print(" * Offset: %d" % self.offset)
with open(self.txt_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as txt:
pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(self.pdf_path)
pdf_writer = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter()
# BUG: ValueError: {’/Type’: ‘/Outlines’, ‘/Count’: 0} is not in list
# 修改代码 ${PYTHON_PATH}/site-packages/PyPDF2/ getOutlineRoot 函数
# 参考:
lines = txt.readlines()
num_all_lines = len(lines)
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
pline = line.split(' ')
if len(pline) == 2:
pline.insert(0, '')
level = pline[0]; title = ' '.join(pline[1:-1]); page = int(pline[-1]) + self.offset
# 1. 计算当前的 level 的级数 id
# 2. 当前书签的父结点存放在 dir_parent[id-1] 上
# 3. 更新/插入 dir_parent[id]
id = self.getLevelId(level)
if id >= len(self.dir_parent):
if level != '':
title = level + ' ' + title
self.dir_parent[id] = pdf_writer.addBookmark(title, page-1, self.dir_parent[id-1])
print(" * [%d/%d finished] level: %s(%d), title: %s, page: %d" % (i+1, num_all_lines, level, id, title, page))
if self.out_path is None:
self.out_path = self.pdf_path[:-4] + '(书签).pdf'
with open(self.out_path, 'wb') as out_pdf:
print(" * Save: %s" % self.out_path)
print("---------------------------------- Done! ----------------------------------")
if __name__ == '__main__':
input_num = len(sys.argv)
assert(input_num > 3)
opath = None
if input_num > 4:
opath = sys.argv[4]
if input_num > 5:
mark = sys.argv[5]
pdg = PdfDirGenerator(
offset=int(sys.argv[3]), # 一般是目录结束页的页数
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