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Vertical tab pane for firefox, look like edge
// ==UserScript==
// @name Vertical Tabs Pane
// @version 1.6.9
// @author aminomancer
// @homepage
// @description Create a vertical pane across from the sidebar that functions
// like the vertical tab pane in Microsoft Edge. It doesn't hide the tab bar
// since people have different preferences on how to do that, but it sets an
// attribute on the root element that you can use to hide the regular tab bar
// while the vertical pane is open, for example :root[vertical-tabs]
// #TabsToolbar... By default, the pane is resizable just like the sidebar is.
// And like the pane in Edge, you can press a button to collapse it, and it will
// hide the tab labels and become a thin strip that just shows the tabs'
// favicons. Hovering the collapsed pane will expand it without moving the
// browser content. As with the [vertical-tabs] attribute, this "unpinned" state
// is reflected on the root element, so you can select it like
// :root[vertical-tabs-unpinned]... Like the sidebar, the state of the pane is
// stored between windows and recorded in preferences. There's no need to edit
// these preferences directly. There are a few other preferences that can be
// edited in about:config, but they can all be changed on the fly by opening the
// context menu within the pane. The new tab button and the individual tabs all
// have their own context menus, but right-clicking anything else will open the
// pane's context menu, which has options for changing these preferences. "Move
// Pane to Right/Left" will change which side the pane (and by extension, the
// sidebar) is displayed on, relative to the browser content. Since the pane
// always mirrors the position of the sidebar, moving the pane to the right will
// move the sidebar to the left, and vice versa. "Reverse Tab Order" changes the
// direction of the pane so that newer tabs are displayed on top rather than on
// bottom. "Expand Pane on Hover/Focus" causes the pane to expand on hover when
// it's collapsed. When you collapse the pane with the unpin button, it
// collapses to a small width and then temporarily expands if you hover it,
// after a delay of 100ms. Then when your mouse leaves the pane, it collapses
// again, after a delay of 100ms. Both of these delays can be changed with the
// "Configure Hover Delay" and "Configure Hover Out Delay" options in the
// context menu, or in about:config. For languages other than English, the
// labels and tooltips can be modified directly in the l10n object below.
// @license This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International License, v. 4.0. If a copy of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
let _windows = {
get: function (onlyBrowsers = true) {
let windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator(onlyBrowsers ? 'navigator:browser' : null);
let wins = [];
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
return wins
forEach: function (fun, onlyBrowsers = true) {
let wins = this.get(onlyBrowsers);
wins.forEach((w) => (fun(w.document, w)))
var _ucUtils = {
createElement: function (doc, tag, props, isHTML = false) {
let el = isHTML ? doc.createElement(tag) : doc.createXULElement(tag);
for (let prop in props) {
el.setAttribute(prop, props[prop])
return el
registerHotkey: function (desc, func) {
const validMods = ["accel", "alt", "ctrl", "meta", "shift"];
const validKey = (k) => ((/^[\w-]$/).test(k) ? 1 : (/^F(?:1[0,2]|[1-9])$/).test(k) ? 2 : 0);
const NOK = (a) => (typeof a != "string");
const eToO = (e) => ({
"metaKey": e.metaKey,
"ctrlKey": e.ctrlKey,
"altKey": e.altKey,
"shiftKey": e.shiftKey,
"key": e.srcElement.getAttribute("key"),
"id": e.srcElement.getAttribute("id")
if (NOK( || NOK(desc.key) || NOK(desc.modifiers)) {
return false
try {
let mods = desc.modifiers.toLowerCase().split(" ").filter((a) => (validMods.includes(a)));
let key = validKey(desc.key);
if (!key || (mods.length === 0 && key === 1)) {
return false
_windows.forEach((doc, win) => {
if (doc.getElementById( {
let details = {
"modifiers": mods.join(",").replace("ctrl", "accel"),
"oncommand": "//"
if (key === 1) {
details.key = desc.key.toUpperCase();
} else {
details.keycode = `VK_${desc.key}`;
let el = _ucUtils.createElement(doc, "key", details);
el.addEventListener("command", (ev) => {
func(, eToO(ev))
let keyset = doc.getElementById("mainKeyset") || doc.body.appendChild(_ucUtils.createElement(doc, "keyset", {
id: "ucKeys"
keyset.insertBefore(el, keyset.firstChild);
} catch (e) {
return false
return true
let config = {
// localization strings. change these if your UI is not in english.
l10n: {
"Button label": "垂直标签栏",
"Button tooltip": "显示/隐藏垂直标签栏",
"Collapse button tooltip": "自动缩小标签栏",
"Pin button tooltip": "固定标签栏尺寸",
// labels for the context menu
context: {
"Move Pane to Right": "移动到右边",
"Move Pane to Left": "移动到左边",
"Hidden Tabbar": "隐藏标签栏",
"Expand Pane": "标签栏自动变窄",
"Reverse Tab Order": "翻转标签顺序",
"Configure Hover Delay": "设置显示完整标签栏延迟",
"Configure Hover Out Delay": "设置标签栏自动变窄延迟",
// strings for the hover delay config prompt
prompt: {
"Hover delay title": "显示完整标签栏延迟 (单位毫秒)",
"Hover delay description": "鼠标放在迷你标签栏上多久后显示完整标签栏?",
"Hover out delay title": "标签栏自动缩小延迟 (单位毫秒)",
"Hover out delay description": "鼠标离开标签栏多久后自动缩小?",
"Invalid": "输入的数值有误!",
"Invalid description": "只能输入正数",
// settings for the hotkey
hotkey: {
// set to false if you don't want any hotkey
enabled: true,
// valid modifiers are "alt", "shift", "ctrl", "meta" and "accel". accel
// is equal to ctrl on windows and linux, but meta (cmd ⌘) on macOS. meta
// is the windows key on windows. it's variable on linux.
modifiers: "accel",
// the actual key. valid keys are letters, the hyphen key - and F1-F12.
// digits and F13-F24 are not supported by firefox.F
key: "F1",
if (location.href !== "chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml") return;
const prefSvc = Services.prefs;
const closedPref = "userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane.closed";
const unpinnedPref = "userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane.unpinned";
const noExpandPref = "";
const widthPref = "userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane.width";
const reversePref = "userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane.reverse-order";
const hoverDelayPref = "userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane.hover-delay";
const hoverOutDelayPref = "userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane.hover-out-delay";
const hiddenTabBarPref = "userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane.hidden-tabbar";
const userContextPref = "privacy.userContext.enabled";
const containerOnClickPref = "privacy.userContext.newTabContainerOnLeftClick.enabled";
// all of these events will be listened for on the pane itself
const paneEvents = ["mouseenter", "mouseleave", "focus"];
// these events target the arrowscrollbox (the container for tab items)
const dragEvents = ["dragstart", "dragleave", "dragover", "drop", "dragend"];
// these events target the vanilla tab bar, gBrowser.tabContainer
const tabEvents = [
* create a DOM node with given parameters
* @param {object} aDoc (which document to create the element in)
* @param {string} tag (an HTML tag name, like "button" or "p")
* @param {object} props (an object containing attribute name/value pairs,
* e.g. class: ".bookmark-item")
* @param {boolean} isHTML (if true, create an HTML element. if omitted or
* false, create a XUL element. generally avoid HTML
* when modding the UI, most UI elements are actually
* XUL elements.)
* @returns the created DOM node
function create(aDoc, tag, props, isHTML = false) {
let el = isHTML ? aDoc.createElement(tag) : aDoc.createXULElement(tag);
for (let prop in props) {
el.setAttribute(prop, props[prop]);
return el;
* set or remove multiple attributes for a given node
* @param {object} el (a DOM node)
* @param {object} attrs (an object of attribute name/value pairs)
* @returns the DOM node
function setAttributes(el, attrs) {
for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(attrs)) {
if (value) el.setAttribute(name, value);
else el.removeAttribute(name);
class VerticalTabsPaneBase {
preferences = [
{ name: closedPref, value: false },
{ name: unpinnedPref, value: false },
{ name: noExpandPref, value: false },
{ name: widthPref, value: 350 },
{ name: reversePref, value: false },
{ name: hoverDelayPref, value: 100 },
{ name: hoverOutDelayPref, value: 100 },
{ name: hiddenTabBarPref, value: true },
constructor() {
// ensure E10SUtils are available. required for showing tab's process ID
// in its tooltip, if the pref for that is enabled.
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
E10SUtils: "resource://gre/modules/E10SUtils.jsm",
// get some localized strings for the tooltip
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_l10n", function () {
return new Localization(["browser/browser.ftl"], true);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "vertical-tabs-pane-toggle");
// build the DOM
this.pane = document.getElementById("vertical-tabs-pane");
this._splitter = document.getElementById("vertical-tabs-splitter");
this._contextMenu = document.getElementById("mainPopupSet").appendChild(
create(document, "menupopup", {
id: "vertical-tabs-context-menu",
this._innerBox = this.pane.appendChild(
create(document, "vbox", { id: "vertical-tabs-inner-box" })
this._buttonsRow = this._innerBox.appendChild(
create(document, "hbox", {
id: "vertical-tabs-buttons-row",
this._contextMenu.menuitemPosition = this._contextMenu.appendChild(
create(document, "menuitem", {
id: "vertical-tabs-context-position",
label: config.l10n.context["Move Pane to Right"],
oncommand: `Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SidebarUI.POSITION_START_PREF, true);`,
this._contextMenu.menuitemExpand = this._contextMenu.appendChild(
create(document, "menuitem", {
id: "vertical-tabs-context-expand",
label: config.l10n.context["Expand Pane"],
type: "checkbox",
oncommand: `Services.prefs.setBoolPref("", !this.getAttribute("checked"));`,
this._contextMenu.menuitemReverse = this._contextMenu.appendChild(
create(document, "menuitem", {
id: "vertical-tabs-context-reverse",
label: config.l10n.context["Reverse Tab Order"],
type: "checkbox",
oncommand: `Services.prefs.setBoolPref("userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane.reverse-order", this.getAttribute("checked"));`,
this._contextMenu.menuitemHoverDelay = this._contextMenu.appendChild(
create(document, "menuitem", {
id: "vertical-tabs-context-hover-delay",
label: config.l10n.context["Configure Hover Delay"],
oncommand: `verticalTabsPane.promptForIntPref("userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane.hover-delay")`,
this._contextMenu.menuitemHoverOutDelay = this._contextMenu.appendChild(
create(document, "menuitem", {
id: "vertical-tabs-context-hover-out-delay",
label: config.l10n.context["Configure Hover Out Delay"],
oncommand: `verticalTabsPane.promptForIntPref("userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane.hover-out-delay")`,
// tab stops let us focus elements in the tabs pane by hitting tab to
// cycle through toolbars, just as in vanilla firefox.
this._buttonsRow.appendChild(create(document, "toolbartabstop", { "aria-hidden": true }));
this._newTabButton = this._buttonsRow.appendChild(
); = "vertical-tabs-new-tab-button";
this._newTabButton.setAttribute("flex", "1");
this._newTabButton.setAttribute("class", "subviewbutton subviewbutton-iconic");
nodeToShortcutMap[] = nodeToShortcutMap["new-tab-button"];
this._pinButton = this._buttonsRow.appendChild(
create(document, "toolbarbutton", {
id: "vertical-tabs-pin-button",
class: "subviewbutton subviewbutton-iconic no-label",
tooltiptext: config.l10n["Collapse button tooltip"],
this._pinButton.addEventListener("command", e => {
this.pane.getAttribute("unpinned") ? this._removeUnpinned() : this.unpin();
this._closeButton = this._buttonsRow.appendChild(
create(document, "toolbarbutton", {
id: "vertical-tabs-close-button",
class: "subviewbutton subviewbutton-iconic no-label",
tooltiptext: config.l10n["Button tooltip"],
if ("key_toggleVerticalTabs" in window) {
this._closeButton.tooltipText += ` (${ShortcutUtils.prettifyShortcut(
this._closeButton.addEventListener("command", e => this.toggle());
this._innerBox.appendChild(create(document, "toolbarseparator"));
this._innerBox.appendChild(create(document, "toolbartabstop", { "aria-hidden": true }));
this._arrowscrollbox = this._innerBox.appendChild(
create(document, "arrowscrollbox", {
id: "vertical-tabs-list",
tooltip: "vertical-tabs-tooltip",
context: "tabContextMenu",
orient: "vertical",
flex: "1",
this._innerBox.appendChild(create(document, "toolbarseparator"));
const newTab = this._innerBox.appendChild(
); = "vertical-tabs-new-tab-button-plus";
newTab.setAttribute("flex", "1");
newTab.setAttribute("class", "subviewbutton subviewbutton-iconic");
nodeToShortcutMap[] = nodeToShortcutMap["new-tab-button"];
this._bottomNewTab = newTab;
// build a modified clone of the built-in tabs tooltip for use in the pane.
let vanillaTooltip = document.getElementById("tabbrowser-tab-tooltip");
this._tabTooltip = vanillaTooltip.cloneNode(true);
vanillaTooltip.after(this._tabTooltip); = "vertical-tabs-tooltip";
this._tabTooltip.setAttribute("onpopupshowing", `verticalTabsPane.createTabTooltip(event)`);
// this is a map of all the rows, and you can get a specific row from it
// by passing a tab (like a real <tab> element from the built-in tab bar)
this.tabToElement = new Map();
this._listenersRegistered = false;
// set up preferences if they don't already exist
this.preferences.forEach(pref => {
if (!prefSvc.prefHasUserValue( {
prefSvc[`set${typeof pref.value === "number" ? "Int" : "Bool"}Pref`](,
prefSvc.addObserver("userChrome.tabs.verticalTabsPane", this);
prefSvc.addObserver("privacy.userContext", this);
prefSvc.addObserver(SidebarUI.POSITION_START_PREF, this);
// re-initialize the sidebar's positionstart pref callback since we
// changed it earlier at the bottom to make it also move the pane.
// destroy the scrollbuttons.
["#scrollbutton-up", "#scrollbutton-down"].forEach(id =>
// the pref observer changes stuff in the script when the pref is changed.
// but when the script initially starts, the prefs haven't been changed so
// that logic isn't immediately invoked. we have to invoke it manually, as
// if the prefs had been changed.
let readPref = pref => this.observe(prefSvc, "nsPref:read", pref);
if (!this._hoverDelay) this._hoverDelay = 100;
if (!this._hoverOutDelay) this._hoverOutDelay = 100;
if (!this._hiddenTabBarPref) this._hiddenTabBarPref = true;
// we don't want to read some of these prefs until we know whether the
// window was opened by another window with a pane, because instead of
// reading from prefs we can adopt the pane state from the previous
// window. normally in my scripts I update prefs like this every time
// they're changed, which would mean, for example, changing the pane's
// width in one window would instantly update the pane's width in every
// other window. that's not how firefox's built-in sidebar works, though.
// when you open a window, the sidebar state is taken from the previous
// window. but changing the sidebar in that window won't affect the
// sidebar in the previous window. sidebar state isn't permanently stored
// anywhere until the last window is closed. (basically, when the app has
// been closed) so to keep this consistent with the sidebar we're gonna
// use the previous window as the main source of state, and use prefs as a
// fallback. the prefs will be set when the last window is closed (see the
// uninit function at the bottom)
SessionStore.promiseInitialized.then(() => {
if (window.closed) return;
// try to adopt from previous window, otherwise restore from prefs.
let sourceWindow = window.opener;
if (
sourceWindow &&
!sourceWindow.closed &&
sourceWindow.location.protocol == "chrome:" &&
) {
// get the root element, e.g. what you'd select in CSS with :root
get _root() {
if (!this.__root) this.__root = document.documentElement;
return this.__root;
// return all the DOM nodes for tab rows in the pane.
get _rows() {
return this.tabToElement.values();
// return the row for the active/selected tab.
get _selectedRow() {
return this._arrowscrollbox.querySelector(".all-tabs-item[selected]");
// this creates (and caches) a tree walker. tree walkers are basically
// interfaces for finding nodes in order. we get to specify which direction
// we're looking in, forward or backward, and we get to specify a filter
// function that rules out types of elements. this one accepts tabstops,
// buttons, toolbarbuttons, and checkboxes, but rules out disabled or hidden
// nodes, and rules out everything else. this is what tells us which element
// to focus when pressing the right/left arrow keys.
get _horizontalWalker() {
if (!this.__horizontalWalker) {
this.__horizontalWalker = document.createTreeWalker(
node => {
if (node.tagName == "toolbartabstop") return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
if (node.disabled || node.hidden) return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
if (
node.tagName == "button" ||
node.tagName == "toolbarbutton" ||
node.tagName == "checkbox"
) {
if (!node.hasAttribute("tabindex")) node.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
return this.__horizontalWalker;
// this one tells us which element to focus when pressing the up/down arrow
// keys. it's just like the other but it skips secondary buttons. (mute and
// close buttons) this way we can arrow up/down to navigate through tabs
// very quickly, and arrow left/right to focus the mute and close buttons.
get _verticalWalker() {
if (!this.__verticalWalker) {
this.__verticalWalker = document.createTreeWalker(
node => {
if (node.tagName == "toolbartabstop") return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
if (node.disabled || node.hidden) return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
if (
node.tagName == "button" ||
node.tagName == "toolbarbutton" ||
node.tagName == "checkbox"
) {
if (node.classList.contains("all-tabs-secondary-button")) {
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
if (!node.hasAttribute("tabindex")) node.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
return this.__verticalWalker;
// make an array containing all the context menus that can be opened by
// right-clicking something inside the pane.
get _availContextMenus() {
let menus = [];
let contextDefs = [...this.pane.querySelectorAll("[context]")];
contextDefs.forEach(node => {
let menu = document.getElementById(node.getAttribute("context"));
if (!menus.includes(menu)) menus.push(menu);
return menus;
// we want to prevent the pane from collapsing when a context menu is opened
// from inside it. since document.popupNode was recently removed, we have to
// manually locate every context menu, and check if it's open by checking
// the triggerNode property. if the triggerNode is inside the pane, we
// prevent the pane from collapsing and instead add a popuphidden event
// listener, so it instead collapses once the pane has been closed.
get _openMenu() {
let menus = this._availContextMenus;
if (!menus.length) return false;
let openMenu = false;
menus.forEach(menu => {
if (menu.triggerNode && this.pane.contains(menu.triggerNode)) openMenu = menu;
return openMenu;
// grab the localized strings for the built-in tab sound pseudo-tooltip,
// e.g. "PLAYING" or "AUTOPLAY BLOCKED". we lowercase these and append them
// to the end of the tooltip title if the sound overlay is hovered.
async _formatFluentStrings() {
let [playingString, mutedString, blockedString, pipString] = await this._l10n.formatValues([
this._fluentStrings = {
* this tells us which tabs to not make rows for. in this case we only
* exclude hidden tabs. tabs are normally only hidden by certain extensions,
* e.g. an addon that makes tab groups.
* @param {object} tab (a <tab> element from the vanilla tab bar)
* @returns {boolean} false if the tab should be excluded from the pane
_filterFn(tab) {
return !tab.hidden;
* get the initial state for the pane from a previous window. this is what
* happens when you open a new window (not the first window of a session)
* @param {object} sourceWindow (a window object, the window from which the
* new window was opened)
* @returns {boolean} true if state was successfully restored from source
* window, false if state must be restored from prefs.
_adoptFromWindow(sourceWindow) {
let sourceUI = sourceWindow.verticalTabsPane;
if (!sourceUI || !sourceUI.pane) return false;
sourceUI.pane.width || sourceUI.pane.getBoundingClientRect().width
let sourcePinned = !!sourceUI.pane.getAttribute("unpinned");
sourcePinned ? this.unpin() : this._removeUnpinned();
? this._root.setAttribute("vertical-tabs-unpinned", true)
: this._root.removeAttribute("vertical-tabs-unpinned");
sourceUI.pane.hidden ? this.close() :;
return true;
_removeUnpinned() {
* for a given descendant of a tab row, return the actual tab row element.
* @param {object} el (a DOM node contained within a tab row)
* @returns the ancestor tab row
_findRow(el) {
return el.classList.contains("all-tabs-item") ? el : el.closest(".all-tabs-item");
// change the pin/unpin button's tooltip so it reflects the current state.
// if the pane is pinned, the button should say "Collapse pane" and if it's
// unpinned it should say "Pin pane"
_resetPinnedTooltip() {
let newVal = this.pane.getAttribute("unpinned");
this._pinButton.tooltipText =
config.l10n[newVal ? "Pin button tooltip" : "Collapse button tooltip"];
* launch a modal prompt (attached to the window) asking the user to set the
* hover/hover out delay. the prompt has an input box containing the current
* value. it will accept any positive integer. this is invoked by the
* "configure hover delay" context menu items.
* @param {string} pref (which pref the prompt should change)
* @returns an error prompt if the input is invalid, which returns back to
* this input prompt
promptForIntPref(pref) {
let val, title, text;
switch (pref) {
case hoverDelayPref:
val = this._hoverDelay ?? 100;
title = config.l10n.prompt["Hover delay title"];
text = config.l10n.prompt["Hover delay description"];
case hoverOutDelayPref:
val = this._hoverOutDelay ?? 100;
title = config.l10n.prompt["Hover out delay title"];
text = config.l10n.prompt["Hover out delay description"];
let input = { value: val };
let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(null);
let ok = Services.prompt.prompt(win, title, text, input, null, { value: 0 });
if (!ok) return;
let int = parseInt(input.value, 10);
let onFail = () => {
config.l10n.prompt["Invalid description"]
if (!(int >= 0)) {
return onFail();
try {
prefSvc.setIntPref(pref, int);
} catch (e) {
return onFail();
* universal event handler — we generally pass the whole class to
* addEventListener and let this function decide which callback to invoke.
* @param {object} e (an event object)
handleEvent(e) {
let { tab } =;
switch (e.type) {
case "mousedown":
this._onMouseDown(e, tab);
case "mouseup":
this._onMouseUp(e, tab);
case "click":
case "command":
this._onCommand(e, tab);
case "mouseover":
this._onMouseOver(e, tab);
case "mouseout":
case "mouseenter":
case "mouseleave":
case "deactivate":
case "TabHide":
case "TabShow":
case "TabPinned":
case "TabUnpinned":
case "TabAttrModified":
case "TabBrowserDiscarded":
case "TabClose":
case "TabMove":
case "dragstart":
this._onDragStart(e, tab);
case "dragleave":
case "dragover":
case "dragend":
case "drop":
case "keydown":
case "focus":
case "blur":
e.currentTarget === this.pane ? this._onPaneBlur(e) : this._onButtonBlur(e);
case "TabMultiSelect":
case "TabSelect":
if (this.isOpen) this.tabToElement.get({ block: "nearest" });
* notification observer. used to receive notifications about prefs
* changing, or notifications telling us to toggle the pane
* @param {object} subject (the subject of the notification)
* @param {string} topic (the topic "nsPref:changed" is passed to our
* observer when a pref is changed. we use
* "vertical-tabs-pane-toggle" to toggle the pane)
* @param {string} data (additional data is often passed, e.g. the name of
* the preference that changed)
observe(subject, topic, data) {
switch (topic) {
case "vertical-tabs-pane-toggle":
if (subject === window) this.toggle();
case "nsPref:changed":
case "nsPref:read":
this._onPrefChanged(subject, data);
* for a given preference, get its value, regardless of the preference type.
* @param {object} root (an nsIPrefBranch object. reflects the preference
* branch we're watching, or just the root)
* @param {string} pref (a preference string)
* @returns the preference's value
_getPref(root, pref) {
switch (root.getPrefType(pref)) {
case root.PREF_BOOL:
return root.getBoolPref(pref);
case root.PREF_INT:
return root.getIntPref(pref);
case root.PREF_STRING:
return root.getStringPref(pref);
return null;
* universal preference observer. called when a preference is changed.
* @param {object} sub (an nsIPrefBranch object. reflects the preference
* branch we're watching, or just the root)
* @param {string} pref (the preference that changed)
_onPrefChanged(sub, pref) {
let value = this._getPref(sub, pref);
switch (pref) {
case widthPref:
if (value === null) value = 350;
this.pane.width = value;
case closedPref:
value ? this.close() :;
case unpinnedPref:
value ? this.unpin() : this._removeUnpinned();
? this._root.setAttribute("vertical-tabs-unpinned", true)
: this._root.removeAttribute("vertical-tabs-unpinned");
case noExpandPref:
this._noExpand = value;
if (value) {
this.pane.setAttribute("no-expand", true);
} else {
this._contextMenu.menuitemExpand.setAttribute("checked", true);
case reversePref:
this._reversed = value;
if (this.isOpen) {
for (let item of this._rows) item.remove();
this.tabToElement = new Map();
if (value) this._contextMenu.menuitemReverse.setAttribute("checked", true);
else this._contextMenu.menuitemReverse.removeAttribute("checked");
case hoverDelayPref:
this._hoverDelay = value ?? 100;
case hoverOutDelayPref:
this._hoverOutDelay = value ?? 100;
case hiddenTabBarPref:
this.hiddenTabBar = value !== undefined ? value : true;
case userContextPref:
case containerOnClickPref:
let menuitem = this._contextMenu.menuitemPosition;
if (value) {
menuitem.label = config.l10n.context["Move Pane to Left"];
`Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SidebarUI.POSITION_START_PREF, false);`
} else {
menuitem.label = config.l10n.context["Move Pane to Right"];
`Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SidebarUI.POSITION_START_PREF, true);`
toggle() {
this.isOpen ? this.close() :;
open() {
this.pane.hidden = this._splitter.hidden = false;
this.pane.setAttribute("checked", true);
this.isOpen = true;
this._root.setAttribute("vertical-tabs", true);
if (this._hiddenTabBarPref) {
document.getElementById("titlebar").setAttribute("pane", true);
document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar").setAttribute("vertical-space", true);
if (!this._listenersRegistered) this._populate();
close() {
if (this.pane.contains(document.activeElement)) document.activeElement.blur();
this.pane.hidden = this._splitter.hidden = true;
this.isOpen = false;
this._root.setAttribute("vertical-tabs", false);
// set the active tab
_selectTab(tab) {
if (gBrowser.selectedTab != tab) gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
else gBrowser.tabContainer._handleTabSelect();
// fill the pane with tab rows
_populate() {
let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (let tab of gBrowser.tabs) {
if (this._filterFn(tab)) {
fragment[this._reversed ? `prepend` : `appendChild`](this._createRow(tab));
for (let row of this._rows) this._setImageAttributes(row,;
this._selectedRow.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest", behavior: "instant" });
* add an element to the tab container/arrowscrollbox
* @param {object} elementOrFragment (a DOM element or document fragment to
* add to the container)
_addElement(elementOrFragment) {
this._arrowscrollbox.insertBefore(elementOrFragment, this.insertBefore);
// invoked when closing the pane. destroy all the rows and clear any
// timeouts and flags.
_cleanup() {
for (let item of this._rows) item.remove();
this.tabToElement = new Map();
this.hoverOutQueued = false;
this.hoverQueued = false;
// invoked when opening the pane. add all the event listeners.
// this way the script is less wasteful when the pane is closed.
_setupListeners() {
this._listenersRegistered = true;
window.addEventListener("deactivate", this);
tabEvents.forEach(ev => gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener(ev, this));
dragEvents.forEach(ev => this._arrowscrollbox.addEventListener(ev, this));
paneEvents.forEach(ev => this.pane.addEventListener(ev, this));
if (gToolbarKeyNavEnabled) this.pane.addEventListener("keydown", this);
this.pane.addEventListener("blur", this, true);
gBrowser.addEventListener("TabMultiSelect", this);
for (let stop of this.pane.getElementsByTagName("toolbartabstop")) {
stop.addEventListener("focus", this);
// invoked when closing the pane. clear all the aforementioned event listeners.
_cleanupListeners() {
window.removeEventListener("deactivate", this);
tabEvents.forEach(ev => gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener(ev, this));
dragEvents.forEach(ev => this._arrowscrollbox.removeEventListener(ev, this));
paneEvents.forEach(ev => this.pane.removeEventListener(ev, this));
this.pane.removeEventListener("keydown", this);
this.pane.removeEventListener("blur", this, true);
gBrowser.removeEventListener("TabMultiSelect", this);
for (let stop of this.pane.getElementsByTagName("toolbartabstop")) {
stop.removeEventListener("focus", this);
this._listenersRegistered = false;
* callback when a tab attribute is modified. a response to the
* TabAttrModified custom event dispatched by gBrowser. this is what we use
* to update most of the tab attributes, like busy, soundplaying, etc.
* @param {object} tab (a tab element from the real tab bar)
_tabAttrModified(tab) {
let item = this.tabToElement.get(tab);
if (item) {
if (!this._filterFn(tab)) this._removeItem(item, tab);
else this._setRowAttributes(item, tab);
} else if (this._filterFn(tab)) {
* the key implies that we're moving a tab, but this doesn't tell us where
* to move the tab to. in reality, this just removes a tab and adds it back.
* it simply gets called when a tab gets moved by other means, so we delete
* the row and _addTab places it in the same position as its corresponding
* tab. meaning we can't actually move a tab this way, this just helps the
* tabs pane mirror the real tab bar.
* @param {object} tab (a tab element)
_moveTab(tab) {
let item = this.tabToElement.get(tab);
if (item) {
this._removeItem(item, tab);
this._selectedRow.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest", behavior: "instant" });
* invoked by the above functions. if a tab's attributes change and it's
* somehow not in the pane already, add it. this adds a dom node for a given
* tab and places it in a position reflecting the tab's real position.
* @param {object} newTab (a tab element that's not already in the pane)
_addTab(newTab) {
if (!this._filterFn(newTab)) return;
let newRow = this._createRow(newTab);
let nextTab = newTab.nextElementSibling;
while (nextTab && !this._filterFn(nextTab)) nextTab = nextTab.nextElementSibling;
let nextRow = this.tabToElement.get(nextTab);
if (this._reversed) {
if (nextRow) nextRow.after(newRow);
else this._arrowscrollbox.prepend(newRow);
} else if (nextRow) {
nextRow.parentNode.insertBefore(newRow, nextRow);
} else {
* invoked when a tab is closed from outside the pane. since the tab no
* longer exists, remove it from the pane.
* @param {object} tab (a tab element)
_tabClose(tab) {
let item = this.tabToElement.get(tab);
if (item) this._removeItem(item, tab);
* remove a tab/item pair from the map, and remove the item from the DOM.
* @param {object} item (a row element, e.g. with class all-tabs-item)
* @param {object} tab (a corresponding tab element — every all-tabs-item
* has a reference to its corresponding tab at
_removeItem(item, tab) {
* for a given tab, create a row in the pane's container.
* @param {object} tab (a tab element)
* @returns a row element
_createRow(tab) {
let row = create(document, "toolbaritem", {
class: "all-tabs-item",
draggable: true,
if (this.className) row.classList.add(this.className); = tab;
row.mOverSecondaryButton = false;
row.addEventListener("command", this);
row.addEventListener("mousedown", this);
row.addEventListener("mouseup", this);
row.addEventListener("click", this);
row.addEventListener("mouseover", this);
row.addEventListener("mouseout", this);
this.tabToElement.set(tab, row);
// main button
row.mainButton = row.appendChild(
create(document, "toolbarbutton", {
class: "all-tabs-button subviewbutton subviewbutton-iconic",
flex: "1",
crop: "right",
); = tab;
// audio button
row.audioButton = row.appendChild(
create(document, "toolbarbutton", {
class: "all-tabs-secondary-button subviewbutton subviewbutton-iconic",
closemenu: "none",
"toggle-mute": "true",
); = tab;
// close button
row.closeButton = row.appendChild(
create(document, "toolbarbutton", {
class: "all-tabs-secondary-button subviewbutton subviewbutton-iconic",
"close-button": "true",
); = tab;
// sound overlay — it only shows when the pane is collapsed
row.soundOverlay = row.appendChild(
create(document, "image", { class: "sound-overlay" }, true)
); = tab;
this._setRowAttributes(row, tab);
return row;
* for a given row/tab pair, set the row's attributes equal to the tab's.
* this gets invoked on various events whereupon we need to update a row.
* @param {object} row (a row element)
* @param {object} tab (a tab element)
_setRowAttributes(row, tab) {
// attributes to set on the row
setAttributes(row, {
selected: tab.selected,
pinned: tab.pinned,
pending: tab.getAttribute("pending"),
multiselected: tab.getAttribute("multiselected"),
muted: tab.muted,
soundplaying: tab.soundPlaying,
"activemedia-blocked": tab.activeMediaBlocked,
pictureinpicture: tab.pictureinpicture,
notselectedsinceload: tab.getAttribute("notselectedsinceload"),
// we need to use classes for the usercontext/container, since the
// built-in CSS that sets the identity color & icon uses classes, not
// attributes.
if (tab.userContextId) {
let idColor = ContextualIdentityService.getPublicIdentityFromId(tab.userContextId)?.color;
row.className = idColor ? `all-tabs-item identity-color-${idColor}` : "all-tabs-item";
row.setAttribute("usercontextid", tab.userContextId);
} else {
row.className = "all-tabs-item";
// set attributes on the main button, in particular the tab title and favicon.
let busy = tab.getAttribute("busy");
setAttributes(row.mainButton, {
label: tab.label,
image: !busy && tab.getAttribute("image"),
iconloadingprincipal: tab.getAttribute("iconloadingprincipal"),
this._setImageAttributes(row, tab);
// decide which icon to display for the audio button, or whether it should
// be displayed at all.
setAttributes(row.audioButton, {
muted: tab.muted,
soundplaying: tab.soundPlaying,
"activemedia-blocked": tab.activeMediaBlocked,
pictureinpicture: tab.pictureinpicture,
hidden: !(tab.muted || tab.soundPlaying || tab.activeMediaBlocked || tab.pictureinpicture),
* show a throbber in place of the favicon while a tab is loading.
* @param {object} row (a row element)
* @param {object} tab (a row element)
_setImageAttributes(row, tab) {
let image = row.mainButton.icon;
if (image) {
let busy = tab.getAttribute("busy");
setAttributes(image, { busy, progress: tab.getAttribute("progress") });
if (busy) image.classList.add("tab-throbber-tabslist");
else image.classList.remove("tab-throbber-tabslist");
get _mouseTargetRect() {
return window.windowUtils?.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(this.pane);
* get the previous or next node for a given TreeWalker
* @param {object} walker (a TreeWalker object)
* @param {boolean} prev (whether to walk backwards or forwards)
* @returns the next eligible DOM node to focus
getNewFocus(walker, prev) {
return prev ? walker.previousNode() : walker.nextNode();
* cycle focus between buttons in the pane
* @param {boolean} prev (whether to go backwards or forwards)
* @param {boolean} horizontal (whether we navigated with left/right arrow
* keys, or up/down arrow keys. determines
* whether we skip over mute/close buttons.)
navigateButtons(prev, horizontal) {
let walker = horizontal ? this._horizontalWalker : this._verticalWalker;
let oldFocus = document.activeElement;
walker.currentNode = oldFocus;
let newFocus = this.getNewFocus(walker, prev);
while (newFocus && newFocus.tagName == "toolbartabstop") {
newFocus = this.getNewFocus(walker, prev);
if (newFocus) this._focusButton(newFocus);
* make a DOM node focusable, focus it, and add a blur listener to it
* that'll revert its focusability when we're done focusing it. we have to
* do it this way since we don't want ALL the buttons to be focusable with
* tabs. it looks like you can focus them with tabs, but really you're just
* focusing the tab stops, which are set up to instantly focus the
* next/previous element. this way you only need to tab twice to get past
* the pane. if every button was tabbable then you'd have to press the tab
* key at least twice for every tab you have just to get to the browser
* content, perhaps hundreds of times. instead, tab only focuses the top
* buttons row and the lower tabs scrollbox. once one of those is focused,
* arrow keys cycle between buttons.
* @param {object} button (DOM node)
_focusButton(button) {
button.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
button.addEventListener("blur", this);
// event callback when something is focused. prevent the pane from being
// collapsed while it's focused. also execute the tab stop behavior if a tab
// stop was focused.
_onFocus(e) {
this.hoverOutQueued = false;
this.hoverQueued = false;
if (this.pane.getAttribute("unpinned") && !this._noExpand) {
this.pane.setAttribute("expanded", true);
if ( === "toolbartabstop") this._onTabStopFocus(e);
// invoked on a blur event. if the pane is no longer focused or hovered, and
// it's unpinned, prepare to collapse it.
_onPaneBlur(e) {
if (this.pane.matches(":hover, :focus-within")) return;
this.hoverOutQueued = false;
this.hoverQueued = false;
// if the pane is set to not expand, forget about all this.
if (this._noExpand) return this.pane.removeAttribute("expanded");
// if the pane was blurred because a context menu was opened, defer this
// behavior until the context menu is hidden.
let { _openMenu } = this;
if (_openMenu) {
_openMenu.addEventListener("popuphidden", e => this._onPaneBlur(e), {
once: true,
// if a button was blurred, make it un-tabbable again.
_onButtonBlur(e) {
if (document.activeElement == return;"blur", this);"tabindex");
// this one is pretty complicated. if a tab stop was focused, we need to
// pass focus to the next eligible element. the only truly focusable
// elements in the pane are tab stops. but the first button after a tab stop
// receives focus from the tab stop. then the buttons that come after it can
// be focused with arrow keys. but we also need to check if user is tabbing
// *out* of the pane, and pass focus to the next eligible button outside of
// the pane (probably a button) see browser-toolbarKeyNav.js for more
// details on this concept.
_onTabStopFocus(e) {
let walker = this._horizontalWalker;
let oldFocus = e.relatedTarget;
let isButton = node => node.tagName == "button" || node.tagName == "toolbarbutton";
if (oldFocus) {
this._isFocusMovingBackward =
oldFocus.compareDocumentPosition( & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING;
if (this._isFocusMovingBackward && oldFocus && isButton(oldFocus)) {
walker.currentNode =;
let button = walker.nextNode();
if (!button || !isButton(button)) {
if (
oldFocus &&
this._isFocusMovingBackward &&
!gNavToolbox.contains(oldFocus) &&
) {
let allStops = [...document.querySelectorAll("toolbartabstop")];
let earlierVisibleStopIndex = allStops.indexOf( - 1;
while (earlierVisibleStopIndex >= 0) {
let stop = allStops[earlierVisibleStopIndex];
let stopContainer = this.pane.contains(stop) ? this.pane : stop.closest("toolbar");
if (window.windowUtils?.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(stopContainer).height > 0) break;
if (earlierVisibleStopIndex == -1) this._isFocusMovingBackward = false;
if (this._isFocusMovingBackward) document.commandDispatcher.rewindFocus();
else document.commandDispatcher.advanceFocus();
// when a key is pressed, navigate the focus (or remove it for esc key)
_onKeyDown(e) {
let accelKey = AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey;
if (e.altKey || e.shiftKey || accelKey) return;
switch (e.key) {
case "ArrowLeft":
!(this._noExpand && this.pane.getAttribute("unpinned"))
case "ArrowRight":
// Previous if UI is RTL, next if UI is LTR.
!(this._noExpand && this.pane.getAttribute("unpinned"))
case "ArrowUp":
case "ArrowDown":
case "Escape":
if (this.pane.contains(document.activeElement)) {
// fall through
// when you left-click a tab, the first thing that happens is selection.
// this happens on mouse down, not on mouse up. if holding shift key or ctrl
// key, perform multiselection operations. otherwise, just select the
// clicked tab.
_onMouseDown(e, tab) {
if (e.button !== 0) return;
let accelKey = AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey;
if (e.shiftKey) {
const lastSelectedTab = gBrowser.lastMultiSelectedTab;
if (!accelKey) {
gBrowser.selectedTab = lastSelectedTab;
gBrowser.addRangeToMultiSelectedTabs(lastSelectedTab, tab);
} else if (accelKey) {
if (tab.multiselected) {
} else if (tab != gBrowser.selectedTab) {
gBrowser.lastMultiSelectedTab = tab;
} else {
if (!tab.selected && tab.multiselected) gBrowser.lockClearMultiSelectionOnce();
if (
!e.shiftKey &&
!accelKey &&
!"all-tabs-secondary-button") &&
tab !== gBrowser.selectedTab
) {
if (tab.getAttribute("pending") || tab.getAttribute("busy")) tab.noCanvas = true;
else delete tab.noCanvas;
if (gBrowser.selectedTab != tab) gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
else gBrowser.tabContainer._handleTabSelect();
if (".all-tabs-item")?.mOverSecondaryButton) {
// when the mouse is released, clear the multiselection and perform some
// drag/drop cleanup. if middle mouse button was clicked, then close the
// tab, but first warm up the next tab that will be selected.
_onMouseUp(e, tab) {
if (e.button === 2) return;
if (e.button === 1) {
gBrowser.removeTab(tab, {
animate: true,
byMouse: false,
if (
e.shiftKey ||
(AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) ||"all-tabs-secondary-button")
) {
delete tab.noCanvas;
// when mouse enters the pane, prepare to expand the pane after the
// specified delay.
_onMouseEnter(e) {
this.hoverOutQueued = false;
if (!this.pane.getAttribute("unpinned") || this._noExpand) {
return this.pane.removeAttribute("expanded");
if (this.hoverQueued) return;
this.hoverQueued = true;
this.hoverTimer = setTimeout(() => {
this.hoverQueued = false;
this.pane.setAttribute("expanded", true);
}, this._hoverDelay);
// when mouse leaves the pane, prepare to collapse the pane...
_onMouseLeave(e, delay) {
this.hoverQueued = false;
if (this.hoverOutQueued) return;
this.hoverOutQueued = true;
this.hoverOutTimer = setTimeout(() => {
this.hoverOutQueued = false;
if (this.pane.matches(":hover, :focus-within")) return;
if (e.type === "popuphidden" && Services.focus.activeWindow === window) {
let rect = this._mouseTargetRect;
let { _x, _y } = MousePosTracker;
if (_x >= rect.left && _x <= rect.right && _y >= && _y <= rect.bottom) return;
if (this._noExpand) return this.pane.removeAttribute("expanded");
// again, don't collapse the pane yet if the mouse left because a
// context menu was opened on the pane. wait until the context menu is
// closed before collapsing the pane.
let { _openMenu } = this;
if (_openMenu) {
_openMenu.addEventListener("popuphidden", e => this._onMouseLeave(e, 0), {
once: true,
}, delay ?? this._hoverOutDelay);
_onDeactivate(e) {
this.hoverQueued = false;
this.hoverOutQueued = false;
unpin() {"--pane-width", this.pane.width + "px");
(Math.sqrt(this.pane.width / 350) * 0).toFixed(2) + "s"
if (this.pane.matches(":hover, :focus-within") && !this._noExpand) {
this.pane.setAttribute("expanded", true);
this.pane.setAttribute("unpinned", true);
document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar").setAttribute("vertical-space", true);
// "click" events work kind of like "mouseup" events, but in this case we're
// only using this to prevent the click event yielding a command event.
_onClick(e) {
if (e.button === 0) {
if ("all-tabs-secondary-button") &&
!e.shiftKey &&
!(AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey)
) {
// "command" events happen on click or on spacebar/enter. we want the
// buttons to be keyboard accessible too. so this is how the mute button and
// close button work, and ultimately how you select a tab with the keyboard.
_onCommand(e, tab) {
if ("toggle-mute")) {
? gBrowser.toggleMuteAudioOnMultiSelectedTabs(tab)
: tab.toggleMuteAudio();
if ("close-button")) {
if (tab.multiselected) gBrowser.removeMultiSelectedTabs();
else gBrowser.removeTab(tab, { animate: true });
if (!gSharedTabWarning.willShowSharedTabWarning(tab)) {
if (tab !== gBrowser.selectedTab) this._selectTab(tab);
delete tab.noCanvas;
// invoked on "dragstart" event. first figure out what we're dragging and
// set a drag image.
_onDragStart(e, tab) {
let row =;
if (!tab || gBrowser.tabContainer._isCustomizing) return;
let selectedTabs = gBrowser.selectedTabs;
let otherSelectedTabs = selectedTabs.filter(selectedTab => selectedTab != tab);
let dataTransferOrderedTabs = [tab].concat(otherSelectedTabs);
let dt = e.dataTransfer;
for (let i = 0; i < dataTransferOrderedTabs.length; i++) {
let dtTab = dataTransferOrderedTabs[i];
dt.mozSetDataAt("all-tabs-item", dtTab, i);
dt.mozCursor = "default";
// if multiselected tabs aren't adjacent, make them adjacent
if (tab.multiselected) {
let newIndex = (aTab, index) => {
if (aTab.pinned) return Math.min(index, gBrowser._numPinnedTabs - 1);
return Math.max(index, gBrowser._numPinnedTabs);
let tabIndex = selectedTabs.indexOf(tab);
let draggedTabPos = tab._tPos;
// tabs to the left of the dragged tab
let insertAtPos = draggedTabPos - 1;
for (let i = tabIndex - 1; i > -1; i--) {
insertAtPos = newIndex(selectedTabs[i], insertAtPos);
if (insertAtPos && !selectedTabs[i].nextElementSibling.multiselected) {
gBrowser.moveTabTo(selectedTabs[i], insertAtPos);
// tabs to the right
insertAtPos = draggedTabPos + 1;
for (let i = tabIndex + 1; i < selectedTabs.length; i++) {
insertAtPos = newIndex(selectedTabs[i], insertAtPos);
if (insertAtPos && !selectedTabs[i].previousElementSibling.multiselected) {
gBrowser.moveTabTo(selectedTabs[i], insertAtPos);
// tab preview
if (!tab.noCanvas && (AppConstants.platform == "win" || AppConstants.platform == "macosx")) {
delete tab.noCanvas;
let scale = window.devicePixelRatio;
let canvas = this._dndCanvas;
if (!canvas) {
this._dndCanvas = canvas = document.createElementNS(
); = "100%"; = "100%";
canvas.mozOpaque = true;
canvas.width = 160 * scale;
canvas.height = 90 * scale;
let toDrag = canvas;
let dragImageOffset = -16;
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
if (gMultiProcessBrowser) {
let context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.fillStyle = getComputedStyle(this.pane).getPropertyValue("background-color");
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
let captureListener = () => dt.updateDragImage(canvas, dragImageOffset, dragImageOffset);
PageThumbs.captureToCanvas(browser, canvas).then(captureListener);
} else {
PageThumbs.captureToCanvas(browser, canvas);
dragImageOffset = dragImageOffset * scale;
dt.setDragImage(toDrag, dragImageOffset, dragImageOffset);
tab._dragData = {
movingTabs: (tab.multiselected ? gBrowser.selectedTabs : [tab]).filter(this._filterFn),
// invoked when we drag over an element inside the pane. decide whether to
// show the drag-over styling on a row, and whether to show the drag
// indicator above or below the row.
_onDragOver(e) {
let row = this._findRow(;
let dt = e.dataTransfer;
// scroll when dragging near the ends of the scrollbox
let pixelsToScroll = 0;
let rect = this._arrowscrollbox.getBoundingClientRect();
if (row) {
let targetRect = row.getBoundingClientRect();
let increment = (targetRect.height || this._arrowscrollbox.scrollIncrement) * 3;
if (e.clientY - < targetRect.height) pixelsToScroll = increment * -1;
else if (rect.bottom - e.clientY < targetRect.height) pixelsToScroll = increment;
if (pixelsToScroll) this._arrowscrollbox.scrollByPixels(pixelsToScroll, false);
.forEach(item => item.removeAttribute("dragpos"));
if (!dt.types.includes("all-tabs-item") || !row || {
dt.mozCursor = "auto";
dt.mozCursor = "default";
let draggedTab = dt.mozGetDataAt("all-tabs-item", 0);
if ( === draggedTab) return;
if ( !== draggedTab.pinned) return;
// whether a tab will be placed before or after the drop target depends on
// 1) whether the drop target is above or below the dragged tab, and 2)
// whether the order of the tab list is reversed.
let getPosition = () => {
return this._reversed ? < draggedTab._tPos : > draggedTab._tPos;
let position = getPosition() ? "after" : "before";
row.setAttribute("dragpos", position);
// invoked when we drag over an element then leave it. clean up the dragpos
// attribute. we actually do this for every row (wasteful, I know) since
// these events are dispatched too slowly. I guess it's a firefox bug, idk.
_onDragLeave(e) {
let row = this._findRow(;
let dt = e.dataTransfer;
dt.mozCursor = "auto";
if (!dt.types.includes("all-tabs-item") || !row) return;
.forEach(item => item.removeAttribute("dragpos"));
// invoked when we finally release the dragged tab(s). figure out where to
// move the tab to, move it, do some cleanup.
_onDrop(e) {
let row = this._findRow(;
let dt = e.dataTransfer;
let tabBar = gBrowser.tabContainer;
if (!dt.types.includes("all-tabs-item") || !row) return;
let draggedTab = dt.mozGetDataAt("all-tabs-item", 0);
let movingTabs = draggedTab._dragData.movingTabs;
if (!movingTabs || dt.mozUserCancelled || dt.dropEffect === "none" || tabBar._isCustomizing) {
delete draggedTab._dragData;
if (draggedTab) {
let newIndex =;
const dir = newIndex < movingTabs[0]._tPos;
movingTabs.forEach(tab => {
if (tab.pinned !== return;
dt.dropEffect == "copy" ? gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab) : tab,
dir ? newIndex++ : newIndex
// invoked when dragging ends, whether by dropping or by exiting. just
// cleans up after the other drag event handlers.
_onDragEnd(e) {
let draggedTab = e.dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt("all-tabs-item", 0);
delete draggedTab._dragData;
delete draggedTab.noCanvas;
for (let row of this._rows) row.removeAttribute("dragpos");
// callback function for the TabMultiSelect custom event. this event doesn't
// get dispatched to a specific tab, because multiple tabs can be
// multiselected by the same operation. so we can't use its target to
// specify which row's attributes to change. we therefore have to update the
// "multiselected" attribute for every row.
_onTabMultiSelect() {
for (let item of this._rows) {
? item.setAttribute("multiselected", true)
: item.removeAttribute("multiselected");
// invoked when mousing over a row. we use this to set a flag
// mOverSecondaryButton on the row, which our drag handlers reference. we
// want to speculatively warm up a tab when the user hovers it since it's
// possible they will click it. there's a cache for this with a maximum
// limit, so if the user mouses over 3 tabs without clicking them, then a
// 4th, it will clear the 1st to make room. this is the same thing the
// built-in tab bar does so we're just mimicking vanilla behavior here. this
// can be disabled with browser.tabs.remote.warmup.enabled
_onMouseOver(e, tab) {
let row = this._findRow(;
if ("all-tabs-secondary-button")) {
row.mOverSecondaryButton = true;
if ("close-button")) {
tab = gBrowser._findTabToBlurTo(tab);
// invoked when mousing out of an element.
_onMouseOut(e) {
let row =".all-tabs-item");
if ("all-tabs-secondary-button")) {
row.mOverSecondaryButton = false;
// generate tooltip labels and decide where to anchor the tooltip. invoked
// when the vertical-tabs-tooltip is about to be shown.
createTabTooltip(e) {
let row = ? this._findRow( : null;
if (!row) return e.preventDefault();
let { tab } = row;
if (!tab) return e.preventDefault();
// get a localized string, replace any plural variables with the passed
// number, and add a shortcut string (e.g. Ctrl+M) matching the passed key
// element ID.
let stringWithShortcut = (stringId, keyElemId, pluralCount) => {
let keyElem = document.getElementById(keyElemId);
let shortcut = ShortcutUtils.prettifyShortcut(keyElem);
return PluralForm.get(pluralCount, gTabBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName(stringId))
.replace("%S", shortcut)
.replace("#1", pluralCount);
let label;
// should we align to the tab or to the mouse? depends on which element
// was hovered.
let align = true;
let { linkedBrowser } = tab;
const selectedTabs = gBrowser.selectedTabs;
const contextTabInSelection = selectedTabs.includes(tab);
const affectedTabsLength = contextTabInSelection ? selectedTabs.length : 1;
// a bunch of localization
if (row.closeButton.matches(":hover")) {
let shortcut = ShortcutUtils.prettifyShortcut(window.key_close);
label = PluralForm.get(
).replace("#1", affectedTabsLength);
if (contextTabInSelection && shortcut) {
if (label.includes("%S")) label = label.replace("%S", shortcut);
else label = label + " (" + shortcut + ")";
align = false;
} else if (row.audioButton.matches(":hover")) {
let stringID;
if (contextTabInSelection) {
stringID = linkedBrowser.audioMuted
? "tabs.unmuteAudio2.tooltip"
: "tabs.muteAudio2.tooltip";
label = stringWithShortcut(stringID, "key_toggleMute", affectedTabsLength);
} else {
if (tab.hasAttribute("activemedia-blocked")) {
stringID = "tabs.unblockAudio2.tooltip";
} else {
stringID = linkedBrowser.audioMuted
? "tabs.unmuteAudio2.background.tooltip"
: "tabs.muteAudio2.background.tooltip";
label = PluralForm.get(
).replace("#1", affectedTabsLength);
align = false;
} else {
label = tab._fullLabel || tab.getAttribute("label");
// show the tab's process ID in the tooltip?
if (prefSvc.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.tooltipsShowPidAndActiveness", false)) {
if (linkedBrowser) {
let [contentPid, ...framePids] = this.E10SUtils.getBrowserPids(
if (contentPid) {
if (framePids && framePids.length) {
label += ` (pids ${contentPid}, ${framePids.sort().join(", ")})`;
} else {
label += ` (pid ${contentPid})`;
if (linkedBrowser.docShellIsActive) label += " [A]";
// add the container name to the tooltip?
if (tab.userContextId) {
label = gTabBrowserBundle.formatStringFromName("tabs.containers.tooltip", [
// if hovering the sound overlay, show the current media state of the
// tab, after the tab title. "playing" or "muted" or "media blocked"
if (row.soundOverlay.matches(":hover") && this._fluentStrings) {
let stateString;
if (tab.hasAttribute("activemedia-blocked")) stateString = "blockedString";
else if (linkedBrowser.audioMuted) stateString = "mutedString";
else stateString = "playingString";
label += ` (${this._fluentStrings[stateString].toLowerCase()})`;
// align to the row
if (align) {"position", "after_start");, "after_start");
let title =".places-tooltip-title");
title.textContent = label;
if (tab.getAttribute("customizemode") === "true") {".places-tooltip-box").setAttribute("desc-hidden", "true");
let url =".places-tooltip-uri");
url.value = linkedBrowser?.currentURI?.spec.replace(/^https:\/\//, "");".places-tooltip-box").removeAttribute("desc-hidden");
// show a lock icon to show tab security/encryption
let icon ="#places-tooltip-insecure-icon");
let pending = tab.hasAttribute("pending") || !linkedBrowser.browsingContext;
let docURI = pending
? linkedBrowser?.currentURI
: linkedBrowser?.documentURI || linkedBrowser?.currentURI;
if (docURI) {
let homePage = new RegExp(`(${BROWSER_NEW_TAB_URL}|${HomePage.get(window)})`, "i").test(
if (homePage) {
icon.setAttribute("type", "home-page");
icon.hidden = false;
switch (docURI.scheme) {
case "file":
case "resource":
case "chrome":
icon.setAttribute("type", "local-page");
icon.hidden = false;
case "about":
let pathQueryRef = docURI?.pathQueryRef;
if (pathQueryRef && /^(neterror|certerror|httpsonlyerror)/.test(pathQueryRef)) {
icon.setAttribute("type", "error-page");
icon.hidden = false;
if (docURI.filePath == "blocked") {
icon.setAttribute("type", "blocked-page");
icon.hidden = false;
icon.setAttribute("type", "about-page");
icon.hidden = false;
case "moz-extension":
icon.setAttribute("type", "extension-page");
icon.hidden = false;
if (linkedBrowser.browsingContext) {
let prog = Ci.nsIWebProgressListener;
let state = linkedBrowser?.securityUI?.state;
if (typeof state != "number" || state & prog.STATE_IS_SECURE) {
icon.hidden = true;
icon.setAttribute("type", "secure");
if (state & prog.STATE_IS_INSECURE) {
icon.setAttribute("type", "insecure");
icon.hidden = false;
if (state & prog.STATE_IS_BROKEN) {
icon.hidden = false;
icon.setAttribute("type", "insecure");
} else {
icon.setAttribute("type", "mixed-passive");
icon.hidden = false;
icon.hidden = true;
icon.setAttribute("type", pending ? "pending" : "secure");
// container tab settings affect what we need to show in the "New Tab"
// button's tooltip and context menu. so we need to observe this preference
// and respond accordingly.
_handlePrivacyChange() {
let containersEnabled =
prefSvc.getBoolPref(userContextPref) && !PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window);
const newTabLeftClickOpensContainersMenu = prefSvc.getBoolPref(containerOnClickPref);
const switchPrivacyForNewTab = (parent) => {
if (parent.menupopup) parent.menupopup.remove();
if (containersEnabled) {
parent.setAttribute("context", "new-tab-button-popup");
let popup = document.getElementById("new-tab-button-popup").cloneNode(true);
popup.className = "new-tab-popup";
popup.setAttribute("position", "after_end");
parent.setAttribute("type", "menu");
nodeToTooltipMap[] = newTabLeftClickOpensContainersMenu
? "newTabAlwaysContainer.tooltip"
: "newTabContainer.tooltip";
} else {
nodeToTooltipMap[] = "newTabButton.tooltip";
parent.removeAttribute("context", "new-tab-button-popup");
if (containersEnabled && !newTabLeftClickOpensContainersMenu) {
} else {
// load our stylesheet as an author sheet. override it with userChrome.css
// and !important rules.
_registerSheet() {
let css = /* css */ `
#PersonalToolbar[vertical-space] {
* margin-left: calc( 20px + 4px * 2 + var(--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding-inline) * 2 );
#titlebar[pane] {
display: none;
#vertical-tabs-pane {
--vertical-tabs-padding: 4px;
--collapsed-pane-width: calc(
24px + var(--vertical-tabs-padding) * 2 + var(--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding-inline) * 2
background-color: var(--vertical-tabs-pane-background, var(--lwt-accent-color));
padding: var(--vertical-tabs-padding);
border-color: var(--sidebar-border-color);
border-block-style: none;
border-inline-style: solid;
border-inline-width: 1px 0;
z-index: 2;
height: 100% !important;
#vertical-tabs-pane[fullscreen] {
display: none !important;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned] {
margin-top: -32px;
height: calc(100% + 32px) !important;
#vertical-tabs-pane[positionstart] {
border-inline-width: 0 1px;
#vertical-tabs-pane:not([unpinned]) {
min-width: 160px;
max-width: 50vw;
#vertical-tabs-pane:not([hidden]) {
min-height: 0;
display: flex;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned]:not([hidden]) {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
margin-inline: 0;
max-width: var(--collapsed-pane-width);
min-width: var(--collapsed-pane-width);
width: var(--collapsed-pane-width);
height: 0;
transition-property: min-width, max-width, margin;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out, ease-in-out, ease-in-out;
transition-duration: var(--pane-transition-duration), var(--pane-transition-duration), var(--pane-transition-duration);
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned]:not([positionstart="true"]) {
left: auto;
right: 0;
margin-inline: 0;
order: 6;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned][expanded] {
min-width: var(--pane-width, 350px);
width: var(--pane-width, 350px);
max-width: var(--pane-width, 350px);
margin-inline: 0 calc(var(--collapsed-pane-width) - var(--pane-width, 350px));
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned][expanded]:not([positionstart="true"]) {
margin-inline: calc(var(--collapsed-pane-width) - var(--pane-width, 350px)) 0;
#vertical-tabs-pane[no-expand] {
transition: none !important;
#vertical-tabs-splitter {
border: none;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned] ~ #vertical-tabs-splitter {
display: none;
#vertical-tabs-inner-box {
overflow: hidden;
width: -moz-available;
min-width: calc(16px + var(--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding-inline) * 2);
height: min-content;
max-height: 100%;
#vertical-tabs-buttons-row {
min-width: 0 !important;
#vertical-tabs-pane[no-expand][unpinned] #vertical-tabs-buttons-row {
-moz-box-orient: vertical;
flex-direction: column;
#vertical-tabs-buttons-row > toolbarbutton {
margin: 0 !important;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned]:not([expanded]) #vertical-tabs-buttons-row > toolbarbutton {
min-width: calc(16px + var(--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding-inline) * 2) !important;
/* tabs */
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item {
border-radius: var(--arrowpanel-menuitem-border-radius);
box-shadow: none;
-moz-box-align: center;
padding-inline-end: 2px;
margin: 0;
overflow: clip;
position: relative;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned]:not([expanded]) #vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item {
padding-inline-end: 0;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-button:not([disabled], [open]):focus {
background: none;
.all-tabs-item:is([selected], [multiselected], [usercontextid]:is(:hover, [_moz-menuactive]))
.all-tabs-button:not([disabled]) {
background-image: linear-gradient(
to right,
var(--main-stripe-color) 0,
var(--main-stripe-color) 4px,
transparent 4px
) !important;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[selected] {
font-weight: normal;
background-color: #F9FBFC !important;
box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35) 0px 5px 15px;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-button {
min-height: revert;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[usercontextid]:not([multiselected]) {
--main-stripe-color: var(--identity-tab-color);
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[multiselected] {
--main-stripe-color: var(--multiselected-color, var(--toolbarbutton-icon-fill-attention));
.all-tabs-item:not([selected]):is(:hover, :focus-within, [_moz-menuactive], [multiselected]) {
background-color: var(--arrowpanel-dimmed) !important;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[multiselected]:not([selected]):is(:hover, [_moz-menuactive]) {
background-color: var(--arrowpanel-dimmed-further) !important;
.all-tabs-item[pending]:not([selected]):is(:hover, :focus-within, [_moz-menuactive], [multiselected]) {
background-color: var(
color-mix(in srgb, var(--arrowpanel-dimmed) 60%, transparent)
) !important;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[pending][multiselected]:not([selected]):is(:hover, [_moz-menuactive]) {
background-color: var(--arrowpanel-dimmed) !important;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[pending] > .all-tabs-button {
opacity: 0.6;
:root[italic-unread-tabs] .all-tabs-item[notselectedsinceload]:not([pending]) > .all-tabs-button,
:root[italic-unread-tabs] .all-tabs-item[notselectedsinceload][pending] > .all-tabs-button[busy] {
font-style: italic;
/* secondary buttons inside a tab row */
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button {
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
border-radius: var(--tab-button-border-radius, 2px);
color: inherit;
background-color: transparent !important;
opacity: 0.7;
min-height: revert;
min-width: revert;
padding: 0;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button > .toolbarbutton-icon {
min-width: 18px;
min-height: 18px;
fill: inherit;
fill-opacity: inherit;
-moz-context-properties: inherit;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button > label:empty {
display: none;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button:is(:hover, :focus):not([disabled]),
.all-tabs-item:is(:hover, :focus-within)
.all-tabs-secondary-button[close-button]:is(:hover, :focus):not([disabled]) {
background-color: var(--arrowpanel-dimmed) !important;
opacity: 1;
color: inherit;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button:hover:active:not([disabled]),
.all-tabs-item:is(:hover, :focus-within)
.all-tabs-secondary-button[close-button]:hover:active:not([disabled]) {
background-color: var(--arrowpanel-dimmed-further) !important;
/* audio button */
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button[toggle-mute] {
list-style-image: none !important;
background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="18px" height="18px" viewBox="0 0 18 18"><path fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" fill="context-fill" d="M3.52,5.367c-1.332,0-2.422,1.09-2.422,2.422v2.422c0,1.332,1.09,2.422,2.422,2.422h1.516l4.102,3.633 V1.735L5.035,5.367H3.52z M12.059,9c0-0.727-0.484-1.211-1.211-1.211v2.422C11.574,10.211,12.059,9.727,12.059,9z M14.48,9 c0-1.695-1.211-3.148-2.785-3.512l-0.363,1.09C12.422,6.82,13.27,7.789,13.27,9c0,1.211-0.848,2.18-1.938,2.422l0.484,1.09 C13.27,12.148,14.48,10.695,14.48,9z M12.543,3.188l-0.484,1.09C14.238,4.883,15.691,6.82,15.691,9c0,2.18-1.453,4.117-3.512,4.601 l0.484,1.09c2.422-0.605,4.238-2.906,4.238-5.691C16.902,6.215,15.086,3.914,12.543,3.188z"/></svg>') !important;
background-size: 14px !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
background-position: center !important;
padding: 0 !important;
margin-inline-end: 8.5px;
margin-inline-start: -27px;
transition: 0.25s cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.78, 0.21, 0.95) transform,
0.2s cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.74, 0.24, 0.95) margin, 0.075s linear opacity;
display: block !important;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button[toggle-mute][hidden] {
transform: translateX(14px);
opacity: 0;
.all-tabs-item:is(:hover, :focus-within)
.all-tabs-secondary-button[toggle-mute] {
transform: translateX(48px);
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button[soundplaying] {
transform: none !important;
opacity: 0.7;
margin-inline-start: -2px;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button[muted] {
list-style-image: none !important;
background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="18px" height="18px" viewBox="0 0 18 18"><path fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" fill="context-fill" d="M3.52,5.367c-1.332,0-2.422,1.09-2.422,2.422v2.422c0,1.332,1.09,2.422,2.422,2.422h1.516l4.102,3.633V1.735L5.035,5.367H3.52z"/><path fill="context-fill" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12.155,12.066l-1.138-1.138l4.872-4.872l1.138,1.138 L12.155,12.066z"/><path fill="context-fill" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.998,7.204l1.138-1.138l4.872,4.872l-1.138,1.138L10.998,7.204z"/></svg>') !important;
transform: none !important;
opacity: 0.7;
margin-inline-start: -2px;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button[activemedia-blocked] {
list-style-image: none !important;
background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 12 12"><path fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" fill="context-fill" d="M2.128.13A.968.968 0 0 0 .676.964v10.068a.968.968 0 0 0 1.452.838l8.712-5.034a.968.968 0 0 0 0-1.676L2.128.13z"/></svg>') !important;
background-size: 10px !important;
background-position: 4.5px center !important;
transform: none !important;
opacity: 0.7;
margin-inline-start: -2px;
> .all-tabs-item:not(:hover, :focus-within)
.all-tabs-secondary-button[pictureinpicture] {
list-style-image: none !important;
background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 625.8 512"><path fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" d="M568.9 0h-512C25.6 0 0 25 0 56.3v398.8C0 486.4 25.6 512 56.9 512h512c31.3 0 56.9-25.6 56.9-56.9V56.3C625.8 25 600.2 0 568.9 0zm-512 425.7V86c0-16.5 13.5-30 30-30h452c16.5 0 30 13.5 30 30v339.6c0 16.5-13.5 30-30 30h-452c-16.5.1-30-13.4-30-29.9zM482 227.6H314.4c-16.5 0-30 13.5-30 30v110.7c0 16.5 13.5 30 30 30H482c16.5 0 30-13.5 30-30V257.6c0-16.5-13.5-30-30-30z"/></svg>') !important;
border-radius: 0 !important;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button[pictureinpicture] {
transform: none !important;
opacity: 0.7;
margin-inline-start: -2px;
/* sound overlay on the favicon */
#vertical-tabs-pane .sound-overlay {
display: none;
.all-tabs-item:is([muted], [soundplaying], [activemedia-blocked])
.sound-overlay {
display: block;
position: absolute;
left: calc(var(--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding-inline) + 8px);
top: calc(var(--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding-block) + 8px);
width: 14px;
height: 14px;
-moz-context-properties: fill, fill-opacity;
fill: currentColor;
fill-opacity: 0.7;
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
transition-property: opacity;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
transition-duration: var(--pane-transition-duration);
.all-tabs-item:is([muted], [soundplaying], [activemedia-blocked])
.sound-overlay {
opacity: 1;
pointer-events: auto;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned] .all-tabs-item[selected] .sound-overlay {
fill-opacity: inherit;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned] .all-tabs-item[soundplaying] .sound-overlay {
background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="18px" height="18px" viewBox="0 0 18 18"><path fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" fill="context-fill" d="M3.52,5.367c-1.332,0-2.422,1.09-2.422,2.422v2.422c0,1.332,1.09,2.422,2.422,2.422h1.516l4.102,3.633 V1.735L5.035,5.367H3.52z M12.059,9c0-0.727-0.484-1.211-1.211-1.211v2.422C11.574,10.211,12.059,9.727,12.059,9z M14.48,9 c0-1.695-1.211-3.148-2.785-3.512l-0.363,1.09C12.422,6.82,13.27,7.789,13.27,9c0,1.211-0.848,2.18-1.938,2.422l0.484,1.09 C13.27,12.148,14.48,10.695,14.48,9z M12.543,3.188l-0.484,1.09C14.238,4.883,15.691,6.82,15.691,9c0,2.18-1.453,4.117-3.512,4.601 l0.484,1.09c2.422-0.605,4.238-2.906,4.238-5.691C16.902,6.215,15.086,3.914,12.543,3.188z"/></svg>')
center/12px no-repeat;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned] .all-tabs-item[muted] .sound-overlay {
background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="18px" height="18px" viewBox="0 0 18 18"><path fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" fill="context-fill" d="M3.52,5.367c-1.332,0-2.422,1.09-2.422,2.422v2.422c0,1.332,1.09,2.422,2.422,2.422h1.516l4.102,3.633V1.735L5.035,5.367H3.52z"/><path fill="context-fill" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12.155,12.066l-1.138-1.138l4.872-4.872l1.138,1.138 L12.155,12.066z"/><path fill="context-fill" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.998,7.204l1.138-1.138l4.872,4.872l-1.138,1.138L10.998,7.204z"/></svg>')
center/12px no-repeat;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned] .all-tabs-item[activemedia-blocked] .sound-overlay {
background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="16px" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" fill="context-fill"><path d="M2.128.13A.968.968 0 0 0 .676.964v10.068a.968.968 0 0 0 1.452.838l8.712-5.034a.968.968 0 0 0 0-1.676L2.128.13z"/></svg>')
3px 3px/9px no-repeat;
/* take a chunk out of the favicon so the overlay is more visible */
.all-tabs-item:is([muted], [soundplaying], [activemedia-blocked])
.toolbarbutton-icon {
mask: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=""><circle cx="100%" cy="100%" r="9"/></svg>')
exclude 0/100% 100% no-repeat,
linear-gradient(#fff, #fff);
mask-position: 8px 8px;
transition-property: mask;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
transition-duration: calc(var(--pane-transition-duration) / 2);
.all-tabs-item:is([muted], [soundplaying], [activemedia-blocked])
.toolbarbutton-icon {
mask: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=""><circle cx="100%" cy="100%" r="9"/></svg>')
exclude 0/100% 100% no-repeat,
linear-gradient(#fff, #fff);
/* close button */
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item .all-tabs-secondary-button[close-button] {
fill-opacity: 0;
transform: translateX(14px);
opacity: 0;
margin-inline-start: -27px;
transition: 0.25s cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.78, 0.21, 0.95) transform,
0.2s cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.74, 0.24, 0.95) margin, 0.075s linear opacity;
display: block;
-moz-context-properties: fill, fill-opacity, stroke;
fill: currentColor;
fill-opacity: 0;
border-radius: var(--tab-button-border-radius, 2px);
list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/close.svg");
.all-tabs-item:is(:hover, :focus-within)
.all-tabs-secondary-button[close-button] {
transform: none;
opacity: 0.7;
margin-inline-start: -2px;
/* drag/drop indicator */
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[dragpos] {
background-color: color-mix(
in srgb,
transparent 30%,
var(--arrowpanel-faint, color-mix(in srgb, var(--arrowpanel-dimmed) 60%, transparent))
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[dragpos]::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
height: 0;
z-index: 1000;
width: 100%;
#vertical-tabs-pane:not([no-expand][unpinned]) #vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[dragpos]::before {
border-image: linear-gradient(
to right,
var(--panel-item-active-bgcolor) 1%,
var(--panel-item-active-bgcolor) 25%,
transparent 90%
border-image-slice: 1;
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[dragpos="before"]::before {
inset-block-start: 0;
border-top: 1px solid var(--panel-item-active-bgcolor);
#vertical-tabs-list .all-tabs-item[dragpos="after"]::before {
inset-block-end: 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--panel-item-active-bgcolor);
.all-tabs-secondary-button[toggle-mute] {
transform: none !important;
margin-inline: revert !important;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned]:not([expanded]) .all-tabs-item {
min-width: 0 !important;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned]:not([expanded]) :is(.all-tabs-item, .subviewbutton) {
margin: 0 !important;
-moz-box-pack: start !important;
> toolbarbutton:not(#vertical-tabs-new-tab-button),
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned] :is(.all-tabs-item, .subviewbutton) .toolbarbutton-text {
transition-property: opacity;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
transition-duration: var(--pane-transition-duration);
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned]:not([expanded]) .all-tabs-secondary-button {
visibility: collapse;
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned]:not([expanded], [no-expand])
> toolbarbutton:not(#vertical-tabs-new-tab-button),
:is(.all-tabs-item, .subviewbutton)
.toolbarbutton-text {
opacity: 0 !important;
#vertical-tabs-pane .subviewbutton-iconic > .toolbarbutton-icon {
-moz-context-properties: fill, fill-opacity;
fill: var(--toolbarbutton-icon-fill);
#vertical-tabs-pane .toolbarbutton-text {
display: none;
/* pinned indicator */
#vertical-tabs-pane .all-tabs-item[pinned] > .all-tabs-button.subviewbutton > .toolbarbutton-text {
background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" d="M14.707 13.293L11.414 10l2.293-2.293a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414A4.384 4.384 0 0 0 10.586 5h-.172A2.415 2.415 0 0 1 8 2.586V2a1 1 0 0 0-1.707-.707l-5 5A1 1 0 0 0 2 8h.586A2.415 2.415 0 0 1 5 10.414v.169a4.036 4.036 0 0 0 1.337 3.166 1 1 0 0 0 1.37-.042L10 11.414l3.293 3.293a1 1 0 0 0 1.414-1.414zm-7.578-1.837A2.684 2.684 0 0 1 7 10.583v-.169a4.386 4.386 0 0 0-1.292-3.121 4.414 4.414 0 0 0-1.572-1.015l2.143-2.142a4.4 4.4 0 0 0 1.013 1.571A4.384 4.384 0 0 0 10.414 7h.172a2.4 2.4 0 0 1 .848.152z"/></svg>')
no-repeat 6px/11px;
padding-inline-start: 20px;
-moz-context-properties: fill, fill-opacity;
fill: currentColor;
#vertical-tabs-pane toolbarseparator {
appearance: none;
min-height: 0;
border-top: 1px solid var(--panel-separator-color);
border-bottom: none;
margin: var(--panel-separator-margin);
margin-inline: 0;
padding: 0;
#vertical-tabs-pane[checked] toolbartabstop {
-moz-user-focus: normal;
/* the main toolbar button */
#vertical-tabs-button {
list-style-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="context-fill %230c0c0d"><path fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" d="M2,7h3v6H2V7z"/><path d="M6,7v6H5V7H2V6h12v1H6z M13,1c1.657,0,3,1.343,3,3v8c0,1.657-1.343,3-3,3H3c-1.657,0-3-1.343-3-3V4c0-1.657,1.343-3,3-3H13z M3,3C2.448,3,2,3.448,2,4v8c0,0.6,0.4,1,1,1h10c0.6,0,1-0.4,1-1V4c0-0.6-0.4-1-1-1H3z"/></svg>');
fill-opacity: 0.4;
/* buttons at the top of the pane */
#vertical-tabs-button:not([positionstart="true"]) .toolbarbutton-icon {
transform: scaleX(-1);
#vertical-tabs-button[checked="true"] {
display: none;
#vertical-tabs-close-button {
list-style-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="context-fill %230c0c0d"><path fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" d="M2,3h12v3H2V3z"/><path d="M6,7v6H5V7H2V6h12v1H6z M13,1c1.657,0,3,1.343,3,3v8c0,1.657-1.343,3-3,3H3c-1.657,0-3-1.343-3-3V4c0-1.657,1.343-3,3-3H13z M3,3C2.448,3,2,3.448,2,4v8c0,0.6,0.4,1,1,1h10c0.6,0,1-0.4,1-1V4c0-0.6-0.4-1-1-1H3z"/></svg>');
fill-opacity: 0.4;
#vertical-tabs-new-tab-button {
list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/new-tab.svg");
#vertical-tabs-new-tab-button-plus {
list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/plus.svg");
#vertical-tabs-pin-button {
list-style-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" d="M11.414 10l2.293-2.293a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414 4.418 4.418 0 0 0-.8-.622L11.425 7.15h.008l-4.3 4.3v-.017l-1.48 1.476a3.865 3.865 0 0 0 .692.834 1 1 0 0 0 1.37-.042L10 11.414l3.293 3.293a1 1 0 0 0 1.414-1.414zm3.293-8.707a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0L9.7 4.882A2.382 2.382 0 0 1 8 2.586V2a1 1 0 0 0-1.707-.707l-5 5A1 1 0 0 0 2 8h.586a2.382 2.382 0 0 1 2.3 1.7l-3.593 3.593a1 1 0 1 0 1.414 1.414l12-12a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414zm-9 6a4.414 4.414 0 0 0-1.571-1.015l2.143-2.142a4.4 4.4 0 0 0 1.013 1.571 4.191 4.191 0 0 0 .9.684l-1.8 1.8a4.2 4.2 0 0 0-.684-.898z"/></svg>');
#vertical-tabs-pane[unpinned] #vertical-tabs-pin-button {
list-style-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" d="M14.707 13.293L11.414 10l2.293-2.293a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414A4.384 4.384 0 0 0 10.586 5h-.172A2.415 2.415 0 0 1 8 2.586V2a1 1 0 0 0-1.707-.707l-5 5A1 1 0 0 0 2 8h.586A2.415 2.415 0 0 1 5 10.414v.169a4.036 4.036 0 0 0 1.337 3.166 1 1 0 0 0 1.37-.042L10 11.414l3.293 3.293a1 1 0 0 0 1.414-1.414zm-7.578-1.837A2.684 2.684 0 0 1 7 10.583v-.169a4.386 4.386 0 0 0-1.292-3.121 4.414 4.414 0 0 0-1.572-1.015l2.143-2.142a4.4 4.4 0 0 0 1.013 1.571A4.384 4.384 0 0 0 10.414 7h.172a2.4 2.4 0 0 1 .848.152z"/></svg>');
#vertical-tabs-tooltip > .places-tooltip-box > hbox {
-moz-box-align: center;
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon {
min-width: 1em;
min-height: 1em;
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon[hidden] {
display: none;
@supports -moz-bool-pref("userChrome.tabs.tooltip.always-show-lock-icon") {
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon {
display: inline-block !important;
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon[pending] {
display: none !important;
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon[type="secure"] {
list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/security.svg");
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon[type="insecure"] {
list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/security-broken.svg");
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon[type="mixed-passive"] {
list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/security-warning.svg");
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon[type="about-page"] {
list-style-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16"><path fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" d="M15.424 5.366A4.384 4.384 0 0 0 13.817 3.4a7.893 7.893 0 0 1 .811 2.353v.017c-.9-2.185-2.441-3.066-3.7-4.984l-.189-.3c-.035-.059-.063-.112-.088-.161a1.341 1.341 0 0 1-.119-.306.022.022 0 0 0-.013-.019.026.026 0 0 0-.019 0h-.006a5.629 5.629 0 0 0-2.755 4.308c.094-.006.187-.014.282-.014a4.069 4.069 0 0 1 3.51 1.983A2.838 2.838 0 0 0 9.6 5.824a3.2 3.2 0 0 1-1.885 6.013 3.651 3.651 0 0 1-1.042-.2c-.078-.028-.157-.059-.235-.093-.046-.02-.091-.04-.135-.062A3.282 3.282 0 0 1 4.415 8.95s.369-1.334 2.647-1.334a1.91 1.91 0 0 0 .964-.857 12.756 12.756 0 0 1-1.941-1.118c-.29-.277-.428-.411-.551-.511-.066-.054-.128-.1-.207-.152a3.481 3.481 0 0 1-.022-1.894 5.915 5.915 0 0 0-1.929 1.442A4.108 4.108 0 0 1 3.1 2.584a1.561 1.561 0 0 0-.267.138 5.767 5.767 0 0 0-.783.649 6.9 6.9 0 0 0-.748.868 6.446 6.446 0 0 0-1.08 2.348c0 .009-.076.325-.131.715l-.025.182c-.019.117-.033.245-.048.444v.023c-.005.076-.011.16-.016.258v.04A7.884 7.884 0 0 0 8.011 16a7.941 7.941 0 0 0 7.9-6.44l.036-.3a7.724 7.724 0 0 0-.523-3.894z" /></svg>');
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon[type="local-page"] {
list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/notification-icons/persistent-storage.svg");
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon[type="extension-page"] {
list-style-image: url("chrome://mozapps/skin/extensions/extension.svg");
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon[type="home-page"] {
display: none;
#vertical-tabs-tooltip #places-tooltip-insecure-icon[type="error-page"] {
list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/warning.svg");
#places-tooltip-insecure-icon {
-moz-context-properties: fill;
fill: currentColor;
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
margin-inline-start: 0;
margin-inline-end: .2em;
min-width: 1em !important;
#places-tooltip-insecure-icon[hidden] {
display: none;
let sss = Cc[";1"].getService(
let uri = makeURI("data:text/css;charset=UTF=8," + encodeURIComponent(css));
if (sss.sheetRegistered(uri, sss.AUTHOR_SHEET)) return; // avoid loading duplicate sheets on subsequent window launches.
sss.loadAndRegisterSheet(uri, sss.AUTHOR_SHEET);
// there's a firefox bug where menuitems in the tab context menu don't have
// their localized labels initialized until the menu is opened on the
// *actual* tab bar. this bug actually affects the all-tabs menu but would
// affect anything trying to use the tab context menu that isn't the real
// tab bar. so we de-lazify the l10n IDs ourselves. lazy IDs are used for
// things that don't need to be managed at startup, but since we're
// increasing the number of elements that use this context menu, it's now
// pertinent to do this at startup.
_l10nIfNeeded() {
let lazies = document
if (lazies) {
lazies.forEach(el => {
el.setAttribute("data-l10n-id", el.getAttribute("data-lazy-l10n-id"));
// what to do when a window is closed. if it's the last window, record data
// about the pane's state to the xulStore and prefs.
uninit() {
let enumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
if (!enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
let xulStore = Services.xulStore;
if (this.pane.hasAttribute("checked")) xulStore.persist(this.pane, "checked");
else xulStore.removeValue(document.documentURI, "vertical-tabs-pane", "checked");
xulStore.persist(this.pane, "width");
prefSvc.setBoolPref(closedPref, this.pane.hidden || false);
prefSvc.setBoolPref(unpinnedPref, this.pane.getAttribute("unpinned") || false);
prefSvc.setIntPref(widthPref, this.pane.width || 350);
// invoked when delayed window startup has finished, in other words after
// important components have been fully inited.
function init() {
// instantiate our tabs pane
window.verticalTabsPane = new VerticalTabsPaneBase();
// set the sidebar position since we modified this function. change the
// onUnload function (invoked when window is closed) so that it calls our
// uninit function too.
`gBrowserInit.onUnload = function ` +
.replace(/(SidebarUI\.uninit\(\))/, `$1; verticalTabsPane.uninit()`)
// reset the event handler since it used the bind method, which creates an
// anonymous version of the function that we can't change. just re-bind our
// new version.
window.onunload = gBrowserInit.onUnload.bind(gBrowserInit);
// looks unread but this is required for the following functions
let gNextWindowID = 0;
// make the PictureInPicture methods dispatch an event to the tab container
// informing us that a tab's "pictureinpicture" attribute has changed. this
// is how we capture all changes to the sound icon in real-time. obviously
// this behavior isn't built-in.
let handleRequestSrc = PictureInPicture.handlePictureInPictureRequest.toSource();
if (!handleRequestSrc.includes("_tabAttrModified")) {
`PictureInPicture.handlePictureInPictureRequest = async function ` +
.replace(/async handlePictureInPictureRequest/, "")
.replace(/\sServices\.telemetry.*\s*.*\s*.*\s*.*/, "")
.replace(/gCurrentPlayerCount.*/g, "")
`$1 parentWin.gBrowser._tabAttrModified(tab, ["pictureinpicture"]);`
let clearIconSrc = PictureInPicture.clearPipTabIcon.toSource();
if (!clearIconSrc.includes("_tabAttrModified")) {
`PictureInPicture.clearPipTabIcon = function ` +
.replace(/WINDOW\_TYPE/, `"Toolkit:PictureInPicture"`)
`$1 gBrowser._tabAttrModified(tab, ["pictureinpicture"]);`
// create the main button that goes in the tabs toolbar and opens the pane.
function makeWidget() {
// if you create a widget in the first window, it will automatically be
// created in subsequent videos. so we stop the script from re-registering
// it on every subsequent window load.
if (CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("vertical-tabs-button", true)) return;
id: "vertical-tabs-button",
type: "button",
// it should go in the tabs toolbar by default but can be moved to any
// customizable toolbar.
defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_TABSTRIP,
label: config.l10n["Button label"],
tooltiptext: config.l10n["Button tooltip"],
localized: false,
onCommand(e) {
Services.obs.notifyObservers(, "vertical-tabs-pane-toggle");
onCreated(node) {
// an <observes> element is how we get the button to appear "checked"
// when the tabs pane is checked. it automatically sets its parent's
// specified attribute ("checked" and "positionstart") to match that of
// whatever it's observing.
let doc = node.ownerDocument;
create(doc, "observes", {
"element": "vertical-tabs-pane",
"attribute": "checked",
create(doc, "observes", {
"element": "vertical-tabs-pane",
"attribute": "positionstart",
if ("key_toggleVerticalTabs" in window) {
node.tooltipText += ` (${ShortcutUtils.prettifyShortcut(window.key_toggleVerticalTabs)})`;
// make the hotkey (Ctrl+Alt+V by default)
if (config.hotkey.enabled && _ucUtils?.registerHotkey) {
id: "key_toggleVerticalTabs",
modifiers: config.hotkey.modifiers,
key: config.hotkey.key,
(win, key) => Services.obs.notifyObservers(win, "vertical-tabs-pane-toggle")
// make the main elements
create(document, "splitter", {
class: "chromeclass-extrachrome sidebar-splitter",
id: "vertical-tabs-splitter",
hidden: true,
create(document, "vbox", {
class: "chromeclass-extrachrome",
id: "vertical-tabs-pane",
context: "vertical-tabs-context-menu",
hidden: true,
// tab pane's horizontal alignment should mirror that of the sidebar, which
// can be moved from left to right.
SidebarUI.setPosition = function () {
let appcontent = document.getElementById("appcontent");
let verticalSplitter = document.getElementById("vertical-tabs-splitter");
let verticalPane = document.getElementById("vertical-tabs-pane"); = 1; = 2; = 3; = 4; = 5;
if (!this._positionStart) { = 5; = 4; = 2; = 1;
this._box.setAttribute("positionend", true);
verticalPane.setAttribute("positionstart", true);
} else {
let content = SidebarUI.browser.contentWindow;
if (content && content.updatePosition) content.updatePosition();
// wait for delayed startup for some parts of the script to execute.
if (gBrowserInit.delayedStartupFinished) {
} else {
let delayedListener = (subject, topic) => {
if (topic == "browser-delayed-startup-finished" && subject == window) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(delayedListener, topic);
Services.obs.addObserver(delayedListener, "browser-delayed-startup-finished");
document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", () => {
if (document.fullscreenElement) {
document.getElementById("vertical-tabs-pane").setAttribute("fullscreen", true);
} else {
let t;
document.getElementById("vertical-tabs-pane").addEventListener("click", (e) => {
const target =;
console.log("clicked", t);
if (t && === "vertical-tabs-pane") {
t = null;
} else {
t = setTimeout(() => {
t = null;
}, 500);
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