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Last active July 14, 2024 22:56
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  • Save bigsnarfdude/1f22a71c3b6ab35bf94e89b06a13571f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bigsnarfdude/1f22a71c3b6ab35bf94e89b06a13571f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
1.8B GTP2 script
# install cudnn so we can use FlashAttention and run fast (optional)
# for me, CUDA 12 (run `nvcc --version`) running on Linux x86_64 Ubuntu 22.04
sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install libcudnn9-dev-cuda-12
# "install" cudnn-frontend to ~/
git clone
# install MPI (optional, if you intend to use multiple GPUs)
# (you might also have to install NVIDIA NCCL if it doesn't come with your setup)
sudo apt -y install openmpi-bin openmpi-doc libopenmpi-dev
# download and enter llm.c repo
git clone
cd llm.c
# download the "starter pack" (~1GB download)
# contains GPT2-124M weights (used in tests), tokenizer, eval data .bin s
# download the training dataset (FineWeb-Edu 100B token) .bin data shards
# note: this is a total of 1001 data shards. If you only want to test things
# out and don't want to do an actual run, feel free to append the number of
# training shards to download (e.g. for just 10 shards: ./ 10)
# the full dataset is ~200GB, we can store it here in dev/data directory.
cd dev/data
# compile (~1 min 1st time for cuDNN mostly, few sec from then on)
cd ../../
make train_gpt2cu USE_CUDNN=1
# and train! (wait 24 hours here)
mpirun -np 8 ./train_gpt2cu \
-i "dev/data/edu_fineweb100B/edu_fineweb_train_*.bin" \
-j "dev/data/edu_fineweb100B/edu_fineweb_val_*.bin" \
-o "log_gpt2_1558M" \
-v 250 -s 300000 -g 384 \
-h 1 \
-b 16 -t 1024 \
-d 1048576 \
-r 0 \
-z 1 \
-c 0.1 \
-k "cosine" \
-l 0.0006 \
-q 0.1 \
-u 700 \
-n 2000 \
-x 32000 \
-ge 1 \
-y 1 \
-e "d48"
num_parameters: 1557686400 => bytes: 3115372800
allocated 2971 MiB for model parameters
batch_size B=16 * seq_len T=1024 * num_processes=8 and total_batch_size=1048576
=> setting grad_accum_steps=8
created directory: log_gpt2_1558M
allocating 40409 MiB for activations
val loss 11.129390
allocating 2971 MiB for parameter gradients
allocating 742 MiB for AdamW optimizer state m
allocating 742 MiB for AdamW optimizer state v
allocating 742 MiB for master copy of params
step 1/32000 | loss 11.133732 (+nanz)| norm 52.9732 (+nanz)| lr 8.57e-07 | 3056.36 ms | 42.6% bf16 MFU | 343080 tok/s
step 2/32000 | loss 10.539388 (+nanz)| norm 43.5996 (+nanz)| lr 1.71e-06 | 2747.19 ms | 47.4% bf16 MFU | 381690 tok/s
step 3/32000 | loss 9.894109 (+nanz)| norm 23.2229 (+nanz)| lr 2.57e-06 | 2753.25 ms | 47.3% bf16 MFU | 381259 tok/s
step 4/32000 | loss 9.566241 (+nanz)| norm 28.4920 (+nanz)| lr 3.43e-06 | 2741.47 ms | 47.5% bf16 MFU | 381690 tok/s
step 5/32000 | loss 9.482848 (+nanz)| norm 23.7817 (+nanz)| lr 4.29e-06 | 2752.07 ms | 47.3% bf16 MFU | 381507 tok/s
step 6/32000 | loss 9.332832 (+nanz)| norm 15.9113 (+nanz)| lr 5.14e-06 | 2751.01 ms | 47.3% bf16 MFU | 381431 tok/s
step 7/32000 | loss 9.165650 (+nanz)| norm 10.5941 (+nanz)| lr 6.00e-06 | 2753.03 ms | 47.3% bf16 MFU | 381327 tok/s
step 8/32000 | loss 9.132234 (+nanz)| norm 16.2733 (+nanz)| lr 6.86e-06 | 2748.91 ms | 47.3% bf16 MFU | 381348 tok/s
step 9/32000 | loss 9.097384 (+nanz)| norm 12.1342 (+nanz)| lr 7.71e-06 | 2748.73 ms | 47.3% bf16 MFU | 381367 tok/s
step 10/32000 | loss 9.072879 (+nanz)| norm 10.5923 (+nanz)| lr 8.57e-06 | 2749.40 ms | 47.3% bf16 MFU | 381369 tok/s
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