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Created August 15, 2013 16:43
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Holt Winters Python Implementation
def holtwinters(y, alpha, beta, gamma, c, debug=True):
y - time series data.
alpha , beta, gamma - exponential smoothing coefficients
for level, trend, seasonal components.
c - extrapolated future data points.
4 quarterly
7 weekly.
12 monthly
The length of y must be a an integer multiple (> 2) of c.
#Compute initial b and intercept using the first two complete c periods.
ylen =len(y)
if ylen % c !=0:
return None
fc =float(c)
ybar2 =sum([y[i] for i in range(c, 2 * c)])/ fc
ybar1 =sum([y[i] for i in range(c)]) / fc
b0 =(ybar2 - ybar1) / fc
if debug: print "b0 = ", b0
#Compute for the level estimate a0 using b0 above.
tbar =sum(i for i in range(1, c+1)) / fc
print tbar
a0 =ybar1 - b0 * tbar
if debug: print "a0 = ", a0
#Compute for initial indices
I =[y[i] / (a0 + (i+1) * b0) for i in range(0, ylen)]
if debug: print "Initial indices = ", I
S=[0] * (ylen+ c)
for i in range(c):
S[i] =(I[i] + I[i+c]) / 2.0
#Normalize so S[i] for i in [0, c) will add to c.
tS =c / sum([S[i] for i in range(c)])
for i in range(c):
S[i] *=tS
if debug: print "S[",i,"]=", S[i]
# Holt - winters proper ...
if debug: print "Use Holt Winters formulae"
F =[0] * (ylen+ c)
At =a0
Bt =b0
for i in range(ylen):
Atm1 =At
Btm1 =Bt
At =alpha * y[i] / S[i] + (1.0-alpha) * (Atm1 + Btm1)
Bt =beta * (At - Atm1) + (1- beta) * Btm1
S[i+c] =gamma * y[i] / At + (1.0 - gamma) * S[i]
F[i]=(a0 + b0 * (i+1)) * S[i]
print "i=", i+1, "y=", y[i], "S=", S[i], "Atm1=", Atm1, "Btm1=",Btm1, "At=", At, "Bt=", Bt, "S[i+c]=", S[i+c], "F=", F[i]
print i,y[i], F[i]
#Forecast for next c periods:
for m in range(c):
print "forecast:", (At + Bt* (m+1))* S[ylen + m]
# the time-series data.
y =[146, 96, 59, 133, 192, 127, 79, 186, 272, 155, 98, 219]
holtwinters(y, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 4)
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