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Last active September 13, 2016 18:56
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flash fill
// function matchBefore(str, k, token){
// var match
// while(match = token.exec(str)){
// if(match.index + match[0].length === k) return match[0];
// }
// }
// function matchAfter(str, k, token){
// var match
// while(match = token.exec(str)){
// if(match.index === k) return match[0];
// }
// }
// show(matchingRegexes('as24zx43', 0, false))
var k = new Map()
var m = []
k.set(1, m)
var k = [1,'2','a']
var m = {}
m[k] = 1
var re = /^./g
re.lastIndex = 0
export function CPos(k){
return {type: 'CPos', value: k}
export function Pos(left, right, k){
return {type: 'Pos', left, right, k}
export function TokenSeq(tokenSets){
return {type: 'TokenSeq', tokenSets}
export function ConstStr(str){
return {type: 'TokenSeq', value: str}
import Tokens from './tokens.js'
import IParts, {Reps} from './iparts.js'
import {Pos, CPos, TokenSeq} from './defs.js'
const MAX_MATCH_LEN = 3
function generateRegex(tokens, str){
var parts = IParts(str)
return TokenSeq( => parts[t]))
function matchTable(str, k, before){
var tokens = Reps(IParts(str))
var table = []
var start = before ? Math.max(k - MAX_MATCH_LEN, 0) : k
var end = before ? k : Math.min(k + MAX_MATCH_LEN, str.length)
for(var i = start; i < end; i++) table.push([]);
tokens.forEach(token => {
var match;
var t = new RegExp(token, 'g')
t.lastIndex = start
while((match = t.exec(str)) && match.index < end){
for(var i = 0; i < match[0].length; i++) table[match.index + i - start] && table[match.index + i - start].push(token);
return table
matchTable("1 1 1asdf", 2, false)
function matchingRegexes_crazy(str, k, before){
var table = matchTable(str, k, before)
var start = before ? Math.max(k - MAX_MATCH_LEN, 0) : k
var ret = {}
var i = k
var direction = before ? -1 : 1
var generate = (curList, i, lastTok) => {
table[i] && table[i].forEach(t => {
var nextList = before ? [t, ...curList] : [...curList, t]
if (nextList.length > MAX_MATCH_LEN) return; // Otherwise this is prohibitively slow
if (t === lastTok) generate(curList, i+direction, t);
generate(nextList, i+direction, t)
ret[JSON.stringify(nextList)] = true
generate([], before ? table.length - 1 : 0, null)
return Object.keys(ret).map(k=>JSON.parse(k))
// Reps(IParts("aSa12"))
// function show(r){
// return>k.toString()).join('\n')
// }
// var m = show(matchingRegexes("aSa12sadsd", 6, false))
// m.length
function matchingRegexes(str, k, before){
var tokens = Reps(IParts(str))
var regexes = => new Regex(t, 'g'))
var start = before ? k - 1 : k
var dir = before ? -1 : 1
for(var i = start; i >= 0 && i < str.length; i += dir){
regexes.forEach((r, j) => {
export default function GeneratePosition(str, k){
var res = [CPos(k), CPos(-str.length - k)]
matchingRegexes(str, k, true).forEach(seqBefore => {
matchingRegexes(str, k, false).forEach(seqAfter => {
var s = [...seqBefore, ...seqAfter];
var total = 0, match, c;
var t = new RegExp(s.join(''), 'g')
while(match = t.exec(str)){
if(match.index <= k && match.index + match[0].length >= k) c = total;
var r1 = generateRegex(seqBefore, str)
var r2 = generateRegex(seqAfter, str)
res.push( Pos( r1, r2, new Set([c, -(total - c + 1)]) ) )
return res
GeneratePosition("aaa156", 3)[5]
import Tokens from './tokens.js'
var tokens = Object.values(Tokens)
export default function IParts(str) {
var res = {}
var seen = {}
tokens.forEach(c => {
var match = JSON.stringify(str.match(new RegExp(c, 'g')))
var entry = seen[match]
entry = new Set()
seen[match] = entry
res[c] = entry
return res
export function Reps(iparts){
return Array.from(new Set(Object.values(iparts)))
.map(s => s.values().next().value)
const Tokens = {
NumTok: '\\d+',
NonNumTok: '[^\\d]+',
AlphTok: '[a-zA-Z]+',
NonAlphTok: '[^a-zA-Z]+',
LowerTok: '[a-z]+',
NonLowerTok: '[^a-z]+',
UpperTok: '[A-Z]+',
NonUpperTok: '[^A-Z]+',
AlphNumTok: '[a-zA-Z0-9]+',
NonAlphNumTok: '[^a-zA-Z0-9]+',
AlphNumWsTok: '[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+',
NonAlphNumWsTok: '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]+',
WsTok: ' ',
StartTok: '^.',
EndTok: '.$',
DotTok: '\\.',
FwdSlashTok: '\\/',
BckSlashTok: '\\\\',
DashTok: '-',
LoDashTok: '_',
export default Tokens
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