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Last active March 19, 2019 22:19
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If you want to match strings that start with hey, use the ^ operator:
/^hey/.test('hey') //✅
/^hey/.test('bla hey') //❌
If you want to match strings that end with hey, use the $ operator:
/hey$/.test('hey') //✅
/hey$/.test('bla hey') //✅
/hey$/.test('hey you') //❌
Combine those, and match strings that exactly match hey, and just that string:
/^hey$/.test('hey') //✅
\d matches any digit, equivalent to [0-9]
\D matches any character that’s not a digit, equivalent to [^0-9]
\w matches any alphanumeric character, equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9]
\W matches any non-alphanumeric character, equivalent to [^A-Za-z0-9]
\s matches any whitespace character: spaces, tabs, newlines and Unicode spaces
\S matches any character that’s not a whitespace
\0 matches null
\n matches a newline character
\t matches a tab character
\uXXXX matches a unicode character with code XXXX (requires the u flag)
. matches any character that is not a newline char (e.g. \n) (unless you use the s flag, explained later on)
[^] matches any character, including newline characters. It’s useful on multiline strings.
? require zero or one item (optional)
+ Match one or more (>=1) items
/^\d+$/.test('144343') //✅
/^\d+$/.test('') //❌
* Match 0 or more (>= 0) items
/^\d*$/.test('') //✅
/^\d*$/.test('1a') //❌
{n} Match exactly n items
/^\d{3}$/.test('123') //✅
/^\d{3}$/.test('12') //❌
/^\d{3}$/.test('1234') //❌
/^[A-Za-z0-9]{3}$/.test('Abc') //✅
{n,m} Match between n and m times:
/^\d{3,5}$/.test('123') //✅
/^\d{3,5}$/.test('1234') //✅
/^\d{3,5}$/.test('12345') //✅
/^\d{3,5}$/.test('123456') //❌
() create group
/^(\d{3})(\w+)$/.test('123') //❌
/^(\d{3})(\w+)$/.test('123s') //✅
()? optional group
/^(\d{3})(\s)?(\w+)$/.exec('123 s')
//Array [ "123 s", "123", " ", "s" ]
//Array [ "123s", "123", undefined, "s" ]
Named capturing groups
const re = /(?<year>\d{4})-(?<month>\d{2})-(?<day>\d{2})/
const result = re.exec('2015-01-02')
// result.groups.year === '2015';
//result.groups.month === '01';
// === '02';
g: matches the pattern multiple times
i: makes the regex case insensitive
m: enables multiline mode. In this mode, ^ and $ match the start and end of the whole string. Without this, with multiline strings they match the beginning and end of each line.
u: enables support for unicode (introduced in ES6/ES2015)
s: (new in ES2018) short for single line, it causes the . to match new line characters as well.
\b matches a set of characters at the beginning or end of a word
\B matches a set of characters not at the beginning or end of a word
'I saw a bear'.match(/\bbear/) //Array ["bear"]
'I saw a beard'.match(/\bbear/) //Array ["bear"]
'I saw a beard'.match(/\bbear\b/) //null
'cool_bear'.match(/\bbear\b/) //null
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