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Created March 22, 2017 10:38
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ComputationGraphConfiguration configuration = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
.optimizationAlgo(OptimizationAlgorithm.STOCHASTIC_GRADIENT_DESCENT).iterations(1) // Nb. of iterations = 1
//These are the names of the two inputs to the computation graph.
.addInputs("nlPhrase", "owlAxiom")
.setInputTypes(InputType.recurrent(vocab.size()), InputType.recurrent(vocab.size())) // The size of the vocab.
//The inputs to the encoder will have size = minibatch x featuresize x timesteps
//Note that the network only knows of the feature vector size. It does not know how many time steps unless it sees an instance of the data
.addLayer("encoder", new GravesLSTM.Builder().nIn(vocab.size()).nOut(128).activation(Activation.SOFTSIGN).build(),"nlPhrase") // For now, the LSTM cell in the encoder has 128 nodes; input timesteps will contain as many as vocab.size() elements.
.addLayer("decoder", new GravesLSTM.Builder().nIn(vocab.size()).nOut(128).activation(Activation.SOFTSIGN).build(), "owlAxiom") // For now, the LSTM cell in the decoder also has 128 nodes; input timesteps will contain as many as vocab.size() nodes.
// nIn for RnnOutputLayer is the number of hidden layers in the decoder's last LSTM cell
.addLayer("output", new RnnOutputLayer.Builder().nIn(128).nOut(vocab.size()).activation(Activation.SOFTMAX).lossFunction(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MCXENT).build(), "decoder")
ComputationGraph net = new ComputationGraph(configuration);
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