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Created November 2, 2016 10:16
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find php function and class in file under a directory
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use feature 'say';
use diagnostics;
use Carp qw/carp croak/;
use IO::File;
use File::Find;
use Data::Dumper;
sub get_class_func($);
sub get_files($);
sub get_branch_num($$);
sub write_to_file($$$$);
croak "Usage: Directory" unless @ARGV ==1;
my $dir = shift;
croak "$dir must be a directory " unless -d $dir;
my $final_file = IO::File->new("statistics.log",'w');
my $ignoreClassPrefix =["ApolloV2" ,"CI_" ,"Composer"];
############################ test code #####################################################
#my $file = "/path/to/dao/commonDao.php";#
#my $result = get_class_func($file); #
#write_to_file($final_file,$file,$result); #
#exit; #
my $files = get_files($dir);
foreach my $file(@$files) {
my $result = get_class_func($file);
say "analysis $file over!!!";
say "###Success###, result store in statistics.log";
sub get_files($){
my $dir = shift;
my $files = [];
sub {
/\.php$/ && push @$files, "$File::Find::name";
}, $dir
return $files;
from file get class and function
sub get_class_func($) {
my $file = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new($file,'r');
my $result = {};
my $inClass = 0;
my $inFunc = 0;
my $inComment = 0;
my $classBranchNum = 0;
my $funcBranchNum = 0;
my $className = '-';
my $funcName = '';
while(!$fh->eof) {
#match //,#单行注释
$line =~ s#//.*##g;
$line =~ s/#.*//g;
#match /*
if($line =~ /\/\*/) {
$inComment = 1;
if($line =~ /\*\//) {
$inComment = 0;
if($inComment == 1) {
#match class keywords
if($line =~ /^\s*(?:class|interface)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)/io) {
$inClass = 1;
$className = $1;
$classBranchNum = $classBranchNum + get_branch_num($line, '{') - get_branch_num($line, '}');
#match function keywords
if($line =~ /\s+function\s+([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)/io) {
$inFunc = 1;
$funcName = $1;
$result->{$className} = [] unless defined $result->{$className};
push @{$result->{$className}}, $funcName;
my $leftBranchNum = get_branch_num($line, '{');
my $rightBranchNum = get_branch_num($line, '}');
if($inClass) {
$classBranchNum = $classBranchNum + $leftBranchNum - $rightBranchNum;
if($inFunc) {
$funcBranchNum = $leftBranchNum + $leftBranchNum - $rightBranchNum;
if ($inClass && $classBranchNum == 0 ) {
$className = '-';
$inClass = 0;
if ( $inFunc && $funcBranchNum == 0) {
$funcName = '';
$inFunc = 0;
return $result;
sub get_branch_num($$) {
my($line, $branch) = @_;
$branch = qq/\Q$branch\E/;
my $num = ()= $line =~ /$branch/g;
return $num;
sub write_to_file($$$$) {
my($fh, $file, $result,$ignoreClassPrefix) = @_;
while( my ( $className, $funcAryRef ) = each %$result) {
foreach my $func(@$funcAryRef) {
my $writeFlag = 1;
my @match = grep { my $tmpRegex = qq/\Q$_\E/;$className =~ /$tmpRegex/;} @$ignoreClassPrefix;
if (not @match ) {
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