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Last active February 26, 2023 17:54
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DigitalOcean Docker 1-click Test App Setup
# Install a Docker 1-click droplet. Choose at least 4cpu/8gb, as we will run multiple applications
# Create a non-root user
sudo adduser ubuntu --disabled-password
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
cp -r /root/.docker /home/ubuntu/
chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /home/ubuntu/.docker
su - ubuntu
# Create 2 ubuntu containers with named volumes
docker run -d --name test_ubuntu1 -v named_volume_1:/data1 ubuntu tail -f /dev/null
docker run -d --name test_ubuntu5 -v named_volume_5:/data1 ubuntu tail -f /dev/null
# Add sample data to named volumes
docker exec -i test_ubuntu1 sh -c 'echo "This is a sample file" >> /data1/sample.txt'
docker exec -i test_ubuntu1 sh -c 'echo "This is a sample file" >> /data1/sample2.txt'
docker exec -i test_ubuntu5 bash -c 'echo "This is a sample file" >> /data1/sample.txt'
docker exec -i test_ubuntu5 bash -c 'echo "This is a sample file" >> /data1/sample2.txt'
# Verify that sample files are created
docker exec -i test_ubuntu5 bash -c 'cat /data1/sample.txt'
# Create a postgres db
docker run -d --name test_postgres -v named_volume_2:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword postgres
# verify it is running
docker ps
# Download sample db to the host and unzip it (to a tar file). Copy to the container /tmp
curl -o
docker cp dvdrental.tar test_postgres:/tmp
# import DB
docker exec -it test_postgres bash -c 'createdb -U postgres dvdrental'
docker exec -it test_postgres bash -c 'pg_restore -U postgres -d dvdrental < /tmp/dvdrental.tar'
# Verify the import
ubuntu@docker-host1:~$ docker exec -it test_postgres psql -U postgres dvdrental -c '\dt'
# Install mongodb into another container
docker run -d --name test_mongodb -v named_volume_3:/data/db -v named_volume_311:/data/configdb mongo
# Download sample database
curl -o zips.json
docker cp zips.json test_mongodb:/tmp
docker exec -it test_mongodb bash -c 'mongoimport --db mydb --collection zips --file /tmp/zips.json'
# Verify the import
docker exec -it test_mongodb bash -c 'mongosh mydb --eval --eval "db.zips.find()"'
# Install mysql into a container
docker run -d --name test_mysql -v named_volume_4:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword mysql:latest
# Download and import the sample db
curl -o
docker cp sakila-db/sakila-schema.sql test_mysql:/sakila-schema.sql
docker cp sakila-db/sakila-data.sql test_mysql:/sakila-data.sql
docker exec -it test_mysql mysql -u root -pmysecretpassword -e 'CREATE DATABASE sakila; USE sakila; SOURCE /sakila-schema.sql; SOURCE /sakila-data.sql;'
# verify the import
docker exec -it test_mysql mysql -u root -pmysecretpassword -e 'USE sakila; show tables;'
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bikram20 commented Feb 26, 2023

Restoring volume


if ! docker run --rm -v "$VOLNAME":/backup-volume -v "$(pwd)":/backup-dir busybox tar -xvzf /backup-dir/"$FILENAME" -C /;
echo "Error: Failed to start busybox backup container"

echo "Copied $VOLNAME into $FILENAME"

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