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Created March 1, 2019 12:39
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Simple Purgecss setup for Roots Sage WordPress starter theme


  1. Sage doesn't come with Purgecss (or uncss, etc.)
  2. Say, we use Bulma -- suddenly dist/main.css grows by 400K!
  3. Let's purge it!
  4. Oh dang, we need to whitelist /\.wp-/, /\.post-type/, /myfancylightbox/...
  5. Wait we are whitelisting pretty much everything from /resource/assets/styles!
  6. Isn't there an option to purge /node_modules/**/* only?
  7. Nope.
  8. purgecss start ignore, strategically placed, to the rescue!

Now, this might not be 100% effective, but it is very convenient. YMMV!


yarn add -D purgecss-webpack-plugin
yarn add -D glob-all

Set up Webpack plugin

// resources/assets/build/webpack.config.optimize.js
const glob = require('glob-all');
const PurgecssPlugin = require('purgecss-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new PurgecssPlugin({
      paths: glob.sync([

Configure Sage's PostCSS

// resources/assets/build/postcss.config.js
// we need to keep "important" comments
const cssnanoConfig = {
  preset: ['default', { discardComments: { removeAll: false } }]
//                                                    ^^^^^

Edit main.scss

// resources/assets/styles/main.scss

@import "common/variables";

/** Import everything from autoload */
@import "./autoload/**/*";

 * Import npm dependencies
 * Prefix your imports with `~` to grab from node_modules/
 * @see

/*! purgecss start ignore */
// note the exclamation mark, which makes this comment "important"!
// everything above this line will be purged!
// everything below it will land in dist/main.css!

/** Import theme styles */
@import "common/global";
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I try to implement the PurgeCSS only but I am getting error on Sage 9

Cannot read property 'compilation' of undefined

You will have to install an older version of the PurgeCSS Webpack plugin if you're using Sage 9. This is because Sage 9 utilizes Webpack 3, and recent versions of the PurgeCSS for Webpack plugin utilize Webpack 4.

The latest version to work with Sage 9 is 0.23.0. Run the following and re-run your build to fix your issue:

yarn add --dev purgecss-webpack-plugin@0.23.0 glob all

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Thanks for the suggestion. I will try and let you know

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