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Last active February 1, 2016 09:00
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Import the modules
import cv2
import sys
import numpy as np
# Set the global parameters
Sigma controls how fat the Gaussian is.
Theta controls the orientation i.e. which direction the filter responses to.
Lambd controls the freqency of the sinusoidal function.
Gamma controls the ellipticity of the Gaussian.
Psi controls the phase shift. (not used here)
# Name of the window
win_name = 'Image'
def update():
global filter_size, sigma, theta, lambd, gamma, norm_filter
# Create the fiter banks
filter = cv2.getGaborKernel(filter_size, sigma, theta, lambd, gamma, ktype=cv2.CV_32F)
norm_filter = (filter + np.abs(np.min(filter)))/(np.abs(np.max(filter)) + np.abs(np.min(filter)))
# Create the callback functions
def set_k_size(x):
global filter_size
filter_size = (x, x)
def set_sigma(x):
global sigma
sigma = x/10.
def set_theta(x):
global theta
theta = x*np.pi/180.0
def set_lambd(x):
global lambd
lambd = x/100.
def set_gamma(x):
global gamma
gamma = x/100.0
# The main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
global filter_size, sigma, theta, lambd, gamma, norm_filter
# Create the trackbars
# Set the dafault the values
filter_size = (50, 50)
sigma = 3
theta = 0
lambd = 10
gamma = .50
# Create the window
cv2.namedWindow(win_name, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
# Create the trackbars
cv2.createTrackbar('Filter Size', win_name, 50, 100, set_k_size)
cv2.createTrackbar('Sigma*10', win_name, 3, 200, set_sigma)
cv2.createTrackbar('Theta (In degrees)', win_name, 0, 180, set_theta)
cv2.createTrackbar('Lambda/100', win_name, 10, 10000, set_lambd)
cv2.createTrackbar('Gamma*100', win_name, 50, 100, set_gamma)
# Update the filter bank
# Create the fiter banks
filter = cv2.getGaborKernel(filter_size, sigma, theta, lambd, gamma, ktype=cv2.CV_32F)
print "Press ESC to quit the program"
cv2.imshow(win_name, norm_filter)
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