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Created January 16, 2022 13:29
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Binary Search Tree - Rust
#![allow(unused_variables, dead_code)]
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct BST {
key: String,
value: u64,
left: Box<Option<BST>>,
right: Box<Option<BST>>
impl BST {
fn height(&self) -> usize {
if self.left.is_some() & self.right.is_some() {
let left_height = &self.left.clone().unwrap().height();
let right_height = &self.right.clone().unwrap().height();
return 1 + std::cmp::max(left_height, right_height);
} else if self.left.is_some() {
let left_height = &self.left.clone().unwrap().height();
return 1 + left_height;
} else if self.right.is_some() {
let right_height = &self.right.clone().unwrap().height();
return 1 + right_height;
} else {
return 1;
fn node_count(&self) -> usize {
let mut bst_count: usize = 1;
if self.left.is_some() {
bst_count += &self.left.clone().unwrap().node_count();
if self.right.is_some() {
bst_count += &self.right.clone().unwrap().node_count();
fn nodes_on_level(&self, current_level: usize, desired_level: usize) -> Vec<Option<BST>> {
let mut vec: Vec<Option<BST>> = Vec::new();
if current_level == desired_level {
} else {
if self.left.is_some() {
let left_vec: Vec<Option<BST>> = self.left.clone()
.nodes_on_level(current_level + 1, desired_level);
} else {
if self.right.is_some() {
let right_vec: Vec<Option<BST>> = self.right.clone()
.nodes_on_level(current_level + 1, desired_level);
} else {
fn max_iterative(&self) -> BST {
if self.right.is_some() {
let mut right = &self.right.clone().unwrap();
loop {
match right.right.as_ref() {
Some(bst) => {
right = bst;
None => break
return right.clone();
fn max_recursive(&self) -> BST {
if self.right.is_some() {
return self.right.clone().unwrap().max_recursive();
fn min_iterative(&self) -> BST {
if self.left.is_some() {
let mut left = &self.left.clone().unwrap();
loop {
match left.left.as_ref() {
Some(bst) => {
left = bst;
None => break
return left.clone();
fn min_recursive(&self) -> BST {
if self.left.is_some() {
return self.left.clone().unwrap().min_recursive();
fn insert(&mut self, bst: BST) -> BST {
if self.value < bst.value {
if self.right.is_some() {
self.right = Box::new(Some(self.right.clone().unwrap().insert(bst)));
} else {
self.right = Box::new(Some(bst))
} else if self.value > bst.value {
if self.left.is_some() {
self.left = Box::new(Some(self.left.clone().unwrap().insert(bst)));
} else {
self.left = Box::new(Some(bst))
fn remove(&mut self, value: u64) -> Option<BST> {
if self.value == value {
return None;
} else if self.value < value {
if self.right.is_some() {
let mut right = self.right.clone().unwrap();
if right.value == value {
self.right = Box::new(None);
} else {
self.right = Box::new(right.remove(value));
} else if self.value > value {
if self.left.is_some() {
let mut left = self.left.clone().unwrap();
if left.value == value {
self.left = Box::new(None);
} else {
self.left = Box::new(left.remove(value));
fn balance(&mut self) {
// No algorithms included, simply convert BST to vector and convert the result back to BST again.
let values: Vec<(String, u64)> = self.clone().into();
*self = BST::from(values);
fn recursive_search(&self, value: u64) -> Option<BST> {
if self.value == value {
return Some(self.clone());
} else if (self.value < value) & self.right.is_some() {
return self.right.clone().unwrap().recursive_search(value);
} else if (self.value > value) & self.left.is_some() {
return self.left.clone().unwrap().recursive_search(value);
} else {
return None;
fn iterative_search(&self, value: u64) -> Option<BST> {
let mut bst = self.clone();
loop {
if (value > bst.value) & bst.right.is_some() {
bst = self.right.clone().unwrap();
} else if (value < bst.value) & bst.left.is_some() {
bst = self.left.clone().unwrap();
} else if value == bst.value {
return Some(bst);
} else {
return None;
fn inorder_tree_walk(&self) {
if self.left.is_some() {
println!("{}", self);
if self.right.is_some() {
fn preorder_tree_walk(&self) {
println!("{}", self);
if self.left.is_some() {
if self.right.is_some() {
fn postorder_tree_walk(&self) {
if self.left.is_some() {
if self.right.is_some() {
println!("{}", self);
fn print(&self) {
let height = self.height();
for level in 0..height {
let node_list = self.nodes_on_level(0, level);
let floor = height - level;
let vertices_count = u64::pow(2, floor as u32) as usize;
let space_left = u64::pow(2, floor as u32) as usize - 1;
let space_between = u64::pow(2, floor as u32) as usize - 1;
let mut print_node_str = " ".repeat(2 * space_left);
for node in &node_list {
match node {
Some(n) => {
print_node_str.push_str(&format!("{}", n));
None => {
print_node_str.push_str(&" ".repeat(5));
print_node_str.push_str(&" ".repeat(3 * space_between));
println!("{}", print_node_str);
for i in 1..vertices_count {
let mut print_vertices_str = " ".repeat(2 * space_left - i + 3).to_string();
for (j, node) in node_list.iter().enumerate() {
if node.is_none() {
print_vertices_str.push_str(&" ".repeat(2 * vertices_count - i));
let _node = node.as_ref().unwrap();
let left = _node.left.is_some();
let right = _node.right.is_some();
if left {
} else {
print_vertices_str.push_str(" ");
print_vertices_str.push_str(&" ".repeat(2 * i + 2 * j));
if right {
} else {
print_vertices_str.push_str(" ");
print_vertices_str.push_str(&" ".repeat(3 * vertices_count - 2 * i));
println!("{}", print_vertices_str);
impl Display for BST {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "({:?}:{})", self.key.clone(), self.value)
impl From<Vec<(String, u64)>> for BST {
fn from(values: Vec<(String, u64)>) -> Self {
if values.len() == 0 {
return BST {
key: "".to_string(),
value: 0,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
let mut sorted = values;
sorted.sort_by_key(|k| k.1);
let middle_index = sorted.len() / 2;
let mut right_vec = sorted.split_off(middle_index);
let middle_entry = right_vec.remove(0);
let mut bst = BST {
key: middle_entry.0,
value: middle_entry.1,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
for entry in sorted {
bst.insert(BST {
key: entry.0,
value: entry.1,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
for entry in right_vec {
bst.insert(BST {
key: entry.0,
value: entry.1,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
impl Into<Vec<(String, u64)>> for BST {
fn into(self) -> Vec<(String, u64)> {
let mut values: Vec<(String, u64)> = Vec::new();
values.push((self.key.clone(), self.value));
if self.left.is_some() {
let left_vec: Vec<(String, u64)> = self.left.clone().unwrap().into();
if self.right.is_some() {
let right_vec: Vec<(String, u64)> = self.right.clone().unwrap().into();
fn main() {
let test = BST::from(vec![("T".to_string(), 0), ("e".to_string(), 1),
("s".to_string(), 2), ("t".to_string(), 3), ("!".to_string(), 4)]);
println!("Tree view:");
println!("Inorder Tree Walk:");
println!("Preorder Tree Walk:");
println!("Postorder Tree Walk:");
mod bst_tests {
use super::*;
fn test_bst_from_vec() {
let values = vec![
("A".to_string(), 10),
("C".to_string(), 11),
("B".to_string(), 9),
("E".to_string(), 8),
("D".to_string(), 13)
let bst = BST::from(values);
assert!(bst == BST {
key: "A".to_string(),
value: 10,
left: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "B".to_string(),
value: 9,
left: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "E".to_string(),
value: 8,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
right: Box::new(None)
right: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "D".to_string(),
value: 13,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
fn test_bst_into_vec() {
let bst = BST {
key: "A".to_string(),
value: 10,
left: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "B".to_string(),
value: 9,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
right: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
let values: Vec<(String, u64)> = bst.into();
assert!(values == vec![("A".to_string(), 10), ("B".to_string(), 9), ("C".to_string(), 11)]);
fn test_bst_nodes_on_level() {
let values = vec![
("A".to_string(), 10),
("C".to_string(), 11),
("B".to_string(), 9)
let bst = BST::from(values);
assert!(bst.nodes_on_level(0, 1) == vec![Some(BST {
key: "B".to_string(),
value: 9,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
}), Some(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
fn test_bst_insert() {
let mut bst = BST {
key: "A".to_string(),
value: 10,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
bst.insert(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
bst.insert(BST {
key: "B".to_string(),
value: 9,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst == BST {
key: "A".to_string(),
value: 10,
left: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "B".to_string(),
value: 9,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
right: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
fn test_bst_remove() {
let mut bst = BST {
key: "A".to_string(),
value: 10,
left: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "B".to_string(),
value: 9,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
right: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst == BST {
key: "A".to_string(),
value: 10,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
fn test_bst_height() {
let mut bst = BST {
key: "A".to_string(),
value: 10,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst.height() == 1);
bst.insert(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst.height() == 2);
bst.insert(BST {
key: "B".to_string(),
value: 9,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst.height() == 2);
bst.insert(BST {
key: "D".to_string(),
value: 8,
left: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "E".to_string(),
value: 7,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst.height() == 4);
assert!(bst.height() == 3);
fn test_bst_node_count() {
let mut bst = BST {
key: "A".to_string(),
value: 10,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst.node_count() == 1);
bst.insert(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst.node_count() == 2);
bst.insert(BST {
key: "B".to_string(),
value: 9,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst.node_count() == 3);
bst.insert(BST {
key: "D".to_string(),
value: 8,
left: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "E".to_string(),
value: 7,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst.node_count() == 5);
assert!(bst.node_count() == 4);
fn test_bst_balance() {
let mut bst = BST {
key: "A".to_string(),
value: 10,
left: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "B".to_string(),
value: 9,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
right: Box::new(None)
assert!(bst == BST {
key: "A".to_string(),
value: 10,
left: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "B".to_string(),
value: 9,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
right: Box::new(Some(BST {
key: "C".to_string(),
value: 11,
left: Box::new(None),
right: Box::new(None)
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