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Created October 24, 2012 16:52
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Exact change calculation
* Exact change calculator (recursion learning exercice)
* Eric Belanger // // Twitter: @bilange
* This code has been build to demonstrate how to do recursion, for people who
* wants to know Go better via code examples. This code has been HIGHLY
* documented to help the learning process. Feel free to fork, base upon or
* otherwise copy this code! :-)
* This MAY be NOT the only way to do this task, so feel free to experiment!
* PS: The variables are named after the word 'denomination', as per
package main
import (
//Here, I am keeping all the valid currency denominations (still in
//circulation), you might want to change the values to reflect what's used in
//your country. Here, I have put what's used in Canada, eh. No need to put that
//in order, it'll be reordered later.
var denominations = []float64{
50.00, 20.00, 10.00, 5.00, 100.00,
2.00, 1.00, 0.25, 0.10, 0.05, 0.01,
//Here we keep track of how many coins/bills we need.
var denomSum = []float64{}
func main() {
//Enter the amount due that you want to want to split in exact change here.
var amount float64 = 438.99
//This line has been extracted from
//I'll attempt an explaination at the end of the code, but for now, let's
//just say 'denominations' values will be reordered, highest first. Details
//at the bottom of the code.
//That slice will keep track of how many coins/bills we need to give out.
//Note that the order will match the order of the global 'denominations'
//variable, order the biggest first.
denomSum = make([]float64, len(denominations), len(denominations))
//We call exactChange for the first time here. This will start our recursion
//procedure. Passing the values, in order:
// - the (total) amount to calculate (438.99)
// - 0, as we use that to first access denominations[0].
exactChange(amount, 0)
//Now, at this point in the code, denomSum contains the right amount of
//bills/coins, and recursion has ended.
fmt.Printf("The right quantity of coins and/or bills for %.2f$:\n", amount)
for i := 0; i<len(denomSum); i++ {
if denomSum[i] > 0 {
fmt.Printf("\t%1.0f x $%.2f\t= $%.2f\n", denomSum[i], denominations[i], denomSum[i] * denominations[i])
func exactChange(amount float64, denomination float64) {
//Iterating into every coin/bill types held in the slice 'denominations'
//If we are just getting started, we will use 0 for 'denomination' index.
//However, this will be different if coming from recursion.
for i := denomination; i < float64(len(denominations)); i++ {
if denominations[int(i)] > amount {
//The current value held in 'i' points to a denominations[]
//value higher than what's left to calculate anyway. Let's calculate with
//the NEXT (+1, remember that we ordered our array accordingly in main())
//coin or bill in our denominations[] slice.
exactChange(amount, denomination + 1)
} else {
//Our current denomination[i] can be used, as it fits what's left to calculate.
* As we're using floats all along, we cannot use the '%' modulo
* operation on float types in Go. However, the fine folks at Go/Google
* has come up with an equivalent function for floats.
* math.Modf(): integer and fractional floating-point numbers that sum to f.
* math.Mod(): Mod returns the floating-point remainder of x/y
//Keeping what can possibly fit (the whole part) into the 'sum' slice
denomSum[int(i)] , _ = math.Modf(amount / denominations[int(i)])
//We STILL want to calculate for whatever's not fitting in our current
//denomination. To do that, let's call the exactChange() again, but this
//time with the "remainder", or that is the part that couldn't fit into
//the current denomination.
//As for the first parameter, if we were to, for example, calculate what
//we need to give if we have an amount of 1.99$ after dealing with 1.00$,
//we would say there's still 0.99$ left.
//As for the second parameter, we specify which index in our
//denominations[] slice we want to start checking. It's totally useless
//to start checking from the first, biggest denomination possible since
//we are actually narrowing down denominations, so we're keeping track of
//the 'current' denomination. Also, it's safe to skip the CURRENT
//denomination (since we have calculated what can fits and what cannot
//just above in the code execution), so we add +1 to start where we KNOW
//there's gonna be a good chance of having a 'match'.
exactChange(math.Mod(amount , denominations[int(i)]), denomination + 1)
//Furthermore, omitting a 'return' here will still continue in our 'for'
//loop above, causing an endless loop.
//The following struct and function has been ripped off this URL:
//Here's my ATTEMPTED explaination. Not for the faint of the heart. The magical line:
// sort.Sort(Reverse{sort.Float64Slice(denominations)})
// ...does this, kind of:
// - sort.Sort sorts, and needs an interface, that Reverse provide.
// - Reverse is a struct initialized with its only variable, a sort.Interface.
// - Reverse overrides the Interface's Less() by it's own, reversing the comparison
// direction, causing the sort.Sort() method to re-order biggest first.
// - sort.Float64Slice()? I am missing the part (after looking at the code)
// where I can simply pass 'denominations' as if Float64Slice was a function,
// but since Float64Slice is a declaration of a new type this seems somehow legit
// see: for the code,
// or: for the reading
// - Float64Slice, as type of []float64, also have the methods implementing
// Interface, defined here:
type Reverse struct {
func (r Reverse) Less(i, j int) bool {
return r.Interface.Less(j, i)
//On a second thought, this would have been less hassle to make a function that
//takes a float64[], iterates through every element and re-order them,
//recursively. I didn't go that route since the code in the Go's documentation
//is showing programming the "Go" way. If you want to do recursion on your own float64[],
//this is left as homework to the reader :-)
//Thanks for reading!
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