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Created October 23, 2016 19:21
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Amazon S3 file upload using NodeJs
var aws = require('aws-sdk');
var promise = require('bluebird');
var fs = promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
var awsConfig = {
region: "aws.region",
accessKeyId: "aws.accessKeyId",
secretAccessKey: "aws.secretAccessKey",
sslEnabled: true
var s3 = promise.promisifyAll(new aws.S3(awsConfig));
* @param {Object} data - required s3 properties regarding object
* @param {String} data.path - absolute path of the object,
* @param {String} - name define object relative path, example: path/to/object.ext
* @param {String} data.mimeType - aws require content type, provide
* @param {String} [data.acl] - default permission is private
* @param {String} bucketName - cache-control max age in days
* @param {Number} [maxAge] - cache-control max age in days
* @returns {promise} - checksum
function uploadObject(data, bucketName, maxAge){
return fs.readFileAsync(data.path)
var params = {};
params.Bucket = bucketName;
params.Body = buffer;
params.Key =;
params.ContentType = data.mimeType;
params.ACL = data.acl || 'private';
params.StorageClass = 'STANDARD';
if(maxAge) params.CacheControl = 'max-age=' + (3600 * 24 * maxAge);
return s3.putObjectAsync(params);
} else
throw new Error('mime type is mandatory');
return checksum;
console.log("Error in CDN file upload, ", data.path, err);
return err;
module.exports = {
uploadObject: uploadObject
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