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Last active November 23, 2016 15:22
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Save bill-long/3d6f36f7361ce7d83586 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automate data collection on an Exchange server when a particular event is logged in the Application event log.
$dataFolder = 'C:\CollectedData'
$nicToCapture = '*' # Can be a number or *
$collectNmcap = $true
$numberOfCapFilesToKeep = 5
$collectProcdump = $false
$procdumpProcessOrPID = '1234'
$collectEventLogs = $true
$collectLdapClientTrace = $false
$startExtraTrace = $false
$stopExtraTrace = $false
# Events to watch for
$event1 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop (@{'ID'='1006'; 'Source'='MSExchangeFastSearch'; 'Message'='SocketException'})
$event2 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop (@{'ID'='1009'; 'Source'='MSExchangeFastSearch'; 'Message'='SocketException'})
$interestingEvents = $event1, $event2
# Monitor event log for specific event ID
function WaitForEvent($logName, $eventsToWatchFor, $serverName)
"Started watching " + $logName + " log on server " + $serverName + " for the following events: "
$eventLog = new-object System.Diagnostics.EventLog($logName, $serverName)
$latestEvent = $eventLog.Entries[$eventLog.Entries.Count - 1]
$lastEventTime = $latestEvent.TimeWritten
$foundEvent = $false
while (!$foundEvent)
Start-Sleep 20
$eventLog = new-object System.Diagnostics.EventLog($logName, $serverName)
$latestEvent = $eventLog.Entries[$eventLog.Entries.Count - 1]
if ($latestEvent.TimeWritten -gt $lastEventTime)
# We have new events. Check to see if any are the ID we care about.
for ($x = $eventLog.Entries.Count - 1; $x -ge 0; $x--)
$thisEvent = $eventLog.Entries[$x]
if ($thisEvent.TimeWritten -lt $lastEventTime)
# Then we're done, we've checked all events since the last one we saw.
$lastEventTime = $eventLog.Entries[$eventLog.Entries.Count - 1].TimeWritten
"Found new event with Source: " + $thisEvent.Source + " and ID: " + $thisEvent.EventID.ToString()
foreach ($interestingEvent in $eventsToWatchFor)
if ($thisEvent.EventID -eq $interestingEvent.ID -and $thisEvent.Source -eq $interestingEvent.Source -and $thisEvent.Message.Contains($interestingEvent.Message))
"This is the event we're looking for!"
"Event ID: " + $thisEvent.EventID.ToString()
"Source: " + $thisEvent.Source
"Time: " + $thisEvent.TimeGenerated.ToString()
"Message: " + $thisEvent.Message
$foundEvent = $true
if ($foundEvent)
# Check to see if we need to clean up old nmcap files
$capFiles = new-object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
$capFiles.AddRange([System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($dataFolder, "*.cap"))
while ($capFiles.Count -gt $numberOfCapFilesToKeep)
$oldestFileTime = [DateTime]::MaxValue
$oldestFileName = ""
foreach ($file in $capFiles)
$fileTime = [System.IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($file)
if ($fileTime -lt $oldestFileTime)
$oldestFileTime = $fileTime
$oldestFileName = $file
"Deleting oldest cap file: " + $oldestFileName
$localComputerName = ($env:computername).ToUpper()
if ($collectLdapClientTrace)
"Starting LDAP client trace..."
$logmanParams = @('create', 'trace', 'ds_ds', '-ow', '-o', (Join-Path $dataFolder "ds_ds.etl"), '-p', 'Microsoft-Windows-LDAP-Client', '0x1a59afa3', '0xff', '-nb', '16', '16', '-bs', '1024', '-mode', 'Circular', '-f', 'bincirc', '-max', '4096', '-ets')
& logman $logmanParams
if ($startExtraTrace)
"Starting ExTRA trace..."
$logmanParams[2] = 'extra'
$logmanParams[5] = Join-Path $dataFolder "extra.etl"
$logmanParams[7] = 'Microsoft Exchange Server 2010'
$logmanParams[8] = '0xffffffffffffffff'
$logmanParams[20] = '4096'
& logman $logmanParams
if ($collectNmcap)
"Starting nmcap..."
$capFileName = Join-Path $dataFolder ($localComputerName + ".chn")
$capFileName += ":500MB"
$nmcapArgs = @('/UseProfile', '2', '/network', $nicToCapture, '/capture', '/file', $capFileName, '/Disableconversations', '/StopWhen', '/Frame', 'IPv4.DestinationAddress==')
$nmcapProcess = Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Network Monitor 3\nmcap.exe" -ArgumentList $nmcapArgs
WaitForEvent Application $interestingEvents $localComputerName
if ($collectProcdump)
"Collecting procdump..."
procdump -mp $procdumpProcessOrPID $dataFolder
if ($collectNmcap)
"Stopping nmcap..."
ping -n 1 | out-null
if ($collectLdapClientTrace)
"Stopping LDAP client trace..."
logman stop ds_ds -ets
if ($stopExtraTrace)
"Stopping ExTRA trace..."
logman stop extra -ets
if ($collectEventLogs)
"Saving Application event log..."
$evtPath = Join-Path $dataFolder "Application.evtx"
wevtutil epl "Application" $evtPath
"Saving System event log..."
$evtPath = Join-Path $dataFolder "System.evtx"
wevtutil epl "System" $evtPath
"Data collection complete."
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