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Last active March 20, 2017 18:23
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Save bill-long/9373825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sync ReplState table after running public folder repair request on Exchange 2010.
# Sync-ReplState.ps1
# After running a ReplState repair, it is often necessary to change
# the replica list on the affected folders by removing and re-adding
# the database in order to sync the data in the ReplState table with
# the Folders table.
# The purpose of this script is to scan the application log for the
# latest ReplState fix, get a list of the affected FIDs, then find
# those FIDs and modify the replica list, thus causing it to sync up.
# Example syntax:
# .\Sync-ReplState.ps1 -Server CONTOSO1
# This syntax will report the folders repaired on CONTOSO1, but
# will not make any changes.
# .\Sync-ReplState.ps1 -Server CONTOSO1 -MakeChanges $true
# This syntax will report each folder, and then prompt asking if
# you want the script to automatically update the replica list.
# .\Sync-ReplState.ps1 -Server CONTOSO1 -MakeChanges $true -DoNotPrompt $true
# This syntax will automatically update the replica lists for all
# affected folders without prompting.
param($Server, $MakeChanges, $DoNotPrompt, $DoAllFolders)
$serverName = $Server
if ($serverName.Length -lt 1)
"Server name must be specified."
$server = Get-ExchangeServer $serverName
$db = Get-PublicFolderDatabase -Server $serverName
$allOtherDbs = Get-PublicFolderDatabase -IncludePreExchange2010
$randomReplica = $allOtherDbs[0]
if ($randomReplica -eq $db)
$randomReplica = $allOtherDbs[1]
function DoFolder($folderStatistic)
$folder = Get-PublicFolder $folderStatistic -Server $serverName
$originalReplicaList = $folder.Replicas
" Original replica list:"
$originalReplicaList | ft Name
$newReplicaList = $null
if ($originalReplicaList.Contains($db.Identity))
if ($folder.Replicas.Count -lt 2)
# The folder only has a replica on the local server, so
# add a random replica temporarily.
$newReplicaList = $originalReplicaList + $randomReplica.Identity
$newReplicaList = $originalReplicaList - $db.Identity
$newReplicaList = $originalReplicaList + $db.Identity
" Will temporarily change replica list to:"
$newReplicaList | ft Name
if ($MakeChanges)
if ($DoNotPrompt -ne $true)
$prompt = Read-Host "Would you like the script to do this now (Y/N)? "
if ($prompt.ToUpper() -ne "Y")
"Skipping this folder."
Set-PublicFolder $folder -Replicas $newReplicaList -Server $server.Identity
" Replica list was updated. Now changing it back to:"
$originalReplicaList | ft Name
Set-PublicFolder $folder -Replicas $originalReplicaList -Server $server.Identity
" Replica list update finished."
" Script is running in read-only mode. Set -makeChanges $true to automatically update replica lists."
function CheckFolder($folder)
$entryIdString = $folder.EntryId.ToString()
$globcntString = $entryIdString.Substring(0, $entryIdString.Length - 4)
$globcntString = $globcntString.Substring($globcntString.Length - 12)
$globcntString = $globcntString.TrimStart(@('0'))
if ($globcnts.Contains($globcntString))
"Found repaired folder: " + $folder.FolderPath
DoFolder $folder
if ($DoAllFolders)
"Retrieving the public folders..."
$localPublicFolders = Get-PublicFolderStatistics -Server $serverName -resultSize unlimited
"DoAllFolders is $true. Doing all folders..."
foreach ($folder in $localPublicFolders)
"Doing folder " + $folder.FolderPath
DoFolder $folder
$applicationLog = new-object System.Diagnostics.EventLog("Application", $serverName)
$eventCount = $applicationLog.Entries.Count
"Application log on " + $serverName + " has " + $eventCount.ToString() + " events."
if ($eventCount -lt 1)
$fids = new-object 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]'
function AddEventToFidList($event, $fidList)
$lines = $event.Message.Split(@("`n"))
foreach ($line in $lines)
$columns = $line.Split(@(','))
if ($columns.Length -gt 4)
$fidList.Add($columns[2].Trim()) | Out-Null
"Finding latest ReplState repair..."
$repairEventIndex = -1
for ($x = ($eventCount - 1); $x -ge 0; $x--)
$thisEvent = $applicationLog.Entries[$x]
if ($thisEvent.EventID -eq 10063 -and $thisEvent.Message.Contains("ReplState"))
"Found repair event 10063 at " + $thisEvent.TimeGenerated.ToString()
AddEventToFidList $thisEvent $fids
elseif ($thisEvent.EventID -eq 10064)
if ($fids.Count -lt 1)
"Could not find an event with ID 10063 which contained a ReplState repair in the latest repair."
"Found " + $fids.Count.ToString() + " repaired FIDs."
$globcnts = new-object 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]'
foreach ($fid in $fids)
$globcnts.Add($fid.Substring($fid.IndexOf(@('-')) + 1)) | Out-Null
"Retrieving the public folders..."
$localPublicFolders = Get-PublicFolderStatistics -Server $serverName -resultSize unlimited
"Searching for folders that match the reported FIDs..."
$currentCount = 0
$totalCount = $localPublicFolders.Count
foreach ($localFolder in $localPublicFolders)
$percentComplete = [Math]::Floor($currentCount / $totalCount * 100)
Write-Progress -Activity "Syncing ReplState" -Status "$currentCount / $totalCount" -PercentComplete $percentComplete -CurrentOperation $localFolder.Identity.ToString()
CheckFolder $localFolder
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