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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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$localComputerName = [Environment]::MachineName
# Monitor counter for threshold
function WaitForCounter($counter, $value, $duration)
"Started watching " + $counter + " to reach " + $value + " for " + $duration
$timeCounterReached = [DateTime]::MaxValue
Get-Counter -Counter $counter -Continuous |
% {
if ($_.CounterSamples[0].CookedValue -ge $value)
$now = [DateTime]::Now
if ($timeCounterReached -gt $now)
"The counter reached the threshold. Waiting " + $duration + " before collection."
$timeCounterReached = $now
if ($timeCounterReached -le $now)
$currentDuration = $now - $timeCounterReached
"Counter reached desired value " + $currentDuration + " ago."
if ($currentDuration -ge $duration)
"Trigger hit! Starting data collection..."
wpr -start CPU -start Network
"Data collection running."
# Send-MailMessage -To -From -Subject "Alert on $localComputerName" -Body "CPU exceeded threshold." -SmtpServer
Start-Sleep 60
"Stopping data collection..."
wpr -stop C:\wpr.etl
if ($timeCounterReached -lt $now)
"Counter dropped below threshold."
$timeCounterReached = [DateTime]::MaxValue
# End of script block
# Here's where we start monitoring. Adjust as needed.
WaitForCounter "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" 10 (new-object TimeSpan(0, 0, 0))
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