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Created April 14, 2012 11:26
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Pure Ruby snippet that prints the name of the root (Desktop) MS UI Automation element using IUIAutomation::GetRootElement and wprintf
# Find me at
# This script shows how to use wprintf() and a few functions from the
# MS UI Automation COM interface (IUIAutomation) to print the name
# of the desktop's IUIAutomationElement on a Windows machine.
# For more information see the MS docs on:
# IUIAutomation::GetRootElement
# IUIAutomationElement::get_CurrentName
# For more info see:
# \Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Include\UIAutomationClient.h
require 'rubygems'
require 'windows/com'
require 'windows/com/automation'
require 'windows/com/variant'
require 'windows/msvcrt/buffer'
require 'windows/msvcrt/string'
require 'windows/unicode'
require 'windows/error'
include Windows::COM
include Windows::COM::Automation
include Windows::COM::Variant
include Windows::MSVCRT::Buffer
include Windows::MSVCRT::String
include Windows::Unicode
include Windows::Error
# Convenience method for transforming a Ruby string to a wide-char C string
def get_wide_str_ptr(ruby_str)
# Get a wide-character version of the string
wide_str = multi_to_wide(ruby_str)
# Place the wide string in an array, and pack the array as a pointer to a
# null-terminated string
packed_str = [wide_str].pack('p') # Can also use 'p*'
# Get the memory address of the packed array, by unpacking it as an
# unsigned long:
packed_str.unpack('L').first # Can also use [0]
# Constants (from UIAutomationClient.h)
IID_CUIAutomation = [0xff48dba4, 0x60ef, 0x4201, 0xaa, 0x87, 0x54, 0x10, 0x3e, 0xef, 0x59, 0x4e].pack('LSSC8')
IID_IUIAutomation = [0x30cbe57d, 0xd9d0, 0x452a, 0xab, 0x13, 0x7a, 0xc5, 0xac, 0x48, 0x25, 0xee].pack('LSSC8')
UIA_NamePropertyId = 30005;
# Initialize COM
# Instantiate the CUIAutomation object and store its IUIAutomation interface
# in iuia_ptr
# (See:
iuia_ptr = 0.chr * 4
hr = CoCreateInstance(
puts "HRESULT of CoCreateInstance is: " + hr.to_s
# Get a pointer to the iuia_ptr, which we'll use for the IUIAutomation functions
iuia_ptr_ptr = iuia_ptr.unpack('L').first
# The next thing to do is invoke the IUIAutomation::GetRootElement method,
# to get the desktop's automation element. To describe how to do that:
# - Get the virtual function table of the IUIAutomation object
# - Find the GetRootElement function in the table
# - Call GetRootElement
# For more info see these examples:
# Allocate 4 bytes to store a pointer to the vtbl:
iuia_vtbl_ptr = 0.chr * 4
# Allocate 4*58 bytes for the table, since there are 58 functions in the C
# interface's IUIAutomationVtbl struct (see UIAutomationClient.h).
iuia_table = 0.chr * (4 * 58)
# Make a copy of iuia_ptr that we can muck about with., iuia_ptr_ptr, 4)
# Copy the 4*58 bytes at the iuia_vtbl_ptr memory address to iuia_table, iuia_vtbl_ptr.unpack('L').first, 4 * 58)
# Unpack the contents of the virtual function table into the 'iuia_table' array.
iuia_table = iuia_table.unpack('L*')
puts "Number of elements in the vtbl is: " + iuia_table.length.to_s
# GetRootElement is the 6th function in the vtbl. Both the 'This' pointer
# and the out param must be specified as args, due to the C style interface:
GetRootElement =[5], 'PP', 'L')
# Call GetRootElement to get a pointer to the desktop IUIAutomationElement
desktop_ptr = 0.chr * 4
hr ='L').first, desktop_ptr)
puts "HRESULT of GetRootElement is: " + hr.to_s
# To get the element's name, we need to call the get_CurrentName function.
# The function can be accessed through the IUIAutomationElement vtbl - and we
# can get the vtbl from the root element pointer.
# Allocate 4*85 bytes for the table, since there are 85 functions in the C
# interface's IUIAutomationElementVtbl struct (see UIAutomationClient.h).
element_vtbl_ptr = 0.chr * 4
element_table = 0.chr * (4 * 85)
# Make a copy of desktop_ptr using its memory address, desktop_ptr.unpack('L').first, 4)
# Unpack the contents of the virtual function table into the table array., element_vtbl_ptr.unpack('L').first, 4 * 85)
element_table = element_table.unpack('L*')
puts "Number of elements in the vtbl is: " + element_table.length.to_s
# IUIAutomationElement::get_CurrentName is the 24th function in the vtbl.
Get_CurrentName =[23], 'PP', 'L')
# Create buffer for the BSTR that will receive the name from Get_CurrentName()
root_element_name = 0.chr * 4
hr ='L').first, root_element_name)
puts hr
#puts get_last_error(hr)
# Print the name of the root element
Wprintf ='wprintf', 'PP', 'I', 'msvcrt')
format_str = "The string is: '%s'\n", root_element_name.unpack('L').first)
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