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Created February 22, 2011 21:32
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  • Save billdawson/839453 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save billdawson/839453 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Uses Titanium Mobile (Android) to make a voice recording and share it
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
title: 'Sound Recorder Test',
exitOnClose: true,
fullscreen: false,
backgroundColor: 'black'
// const value grabbed from
var RECORD_SOUND_ACTION = "android.provider.MediaStore.RECORD_SOUND";
var soundUri = null; // Will be set as a result of recording action.
var recordButton = Titanium.UI.createButton({
top: 10, left: 10, right: 10, height: 35, title: "Record Audio"
var labelResultCaption = Titanium.UI.createLabel({
top: 50, left: 10, right: 10, height: 35, visible: false, color: 'yellow'
var labelResult = Titanium.UI.createLabel({
top: 90, left: 10, right: 10, height: 100, visible: false,
backgroundColor: 'white', color: 'black',
verticalAlign: 'top'
var sendButton = Titanium.UI.createButton({
top: 200, left: 10, right: 10, height: 35,
title: "Share Recorded Audio", visible: false
sendButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
var intent = Titanium.Android.createIntent({
action: Titanium.Android.ACTION_SEND,
type: 'audio/amr'
intent.putExtraUri(Titanium.Android.EXTRA_STREAM, soundUri);
recordButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
var intent = Titanium.Android.createIntent({ action: RECORD_SOUND_ACTION });
Titanium.Android.currentActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, function(e) {
if (e.error) {
labelResultCaption.text = 'Error: ' + e.error;
labelResultCaption.visible = true;
} else {
if (e.resultCode === Titanium.Android.RESULT_OK) {
soundUri =;
labelResultCaption.text = 'Audio Captured. Content URI:';
labelResult.text = soundUri;
labelResultCaption.visible = true;
labelResult.visible = true;
sendButton.visible = true;
} else {
labelResultCaption.text = 'Canceled/Error? Result code: ' + e.resultCode;
labelResultCaption.visible = true;
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ravidsrk commented Jun 9, 2011

How we can implement Pause in this application?

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fmundaca commented Feb 3, 2013

I have an issue, i can't take the data from intent (the recording audio or url where is saved) cause Titanium.Android.currentActivity.startActivityForResult is never execute. Any help please ?

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