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Created December 17, 2009 15:25
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(ns com.myapp.service.web
(:use [compojure]
[compojure.http response])
(:import [org.springframework.web.context ContextLoaderListener]
[com.myapp.core.model Label]))
(defn test-create-label [request]
(let [spring-ctx
(request :servlet-context))
label-dao (.getBean spring-ctx "labelDao")
new-label (doto (new Label)
(.setName "Label 1")
(.setDescription "testing"))]
(.create label-dao new-label)
(.read label-dao (.getId new-label)))))
(defn test-page [request]
(html [:html
[:p "Test page."]
[:p "Label name: " (test-create-label request)]]]))
;; define routes
(defroutes webservice
(GET "/"
(test-page request))
(ANY "*"
(defn start-server [host port]
(defserver ws-server {:host host :port port}
"/*" (servlet webservice))
(let [ctx (get-context ws-server)]
(doto ctx
(.setInitParams {"contextConfigLocation"
(.addEventListener (new ContextLoaderListener)))
(start ws-server)))
(defn -main [& args]
(start-server "" 8080))
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