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Last active July 22, 2023 05:36
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Alfresco contentstore stripper
# Script that traverses a directory and strips all content from files larger than
# $filesizelimit This comes handy when we need to transfer a backuped directory
# structure to our local environment. We are normally not interested in the content
# of the files when debugging.
# Version 0.1,
# By Erik Billerby, billerby[-at-]
# Location where 7-Zip is installed on your computer.
# The default is in a folder, '7-Zip' in your Program Files directory.
# The backup archive name needs to be on the following format for this script to
# operate correctly backup_[YYYY-MM-DD].zip
# To run script: start cmd.exe with administrator privileges:
# prompt> powershell.exe
# prompt> .\strip-content-from-alf-data-dir.ps1
# To begin with, enter the date for the backup you want to process below:
# TODO - parameterize
# Only strip files larger than the limit stated below:
# Alias for 7-zip
if (-not (test-path "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe")) {throw "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe needed"}
set-alias sz "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"
# Path to the directory that contain the backups
# Path to directory to store the stripped version
# copy the backup file to a new temporary directory
echo $backupdir"\backup_"$backupdate".zip"
Copy-Item $backupdir"\backup_"$backupdate".zip" $strippeddir
"Uncompressing backup file"
$outputOption = "-o$strippeddir/backup_$backupdate"
sz x $strippeddir\"backup_"$backupdate".zip" $outputOption
$dirtostrip = "$strippeddir\backup_$backupdate\$backupdate\alf_data\contentstore"
$files=((dir $dirtostrip -recurse) |?{$_.psiscontainer -eq $false})
"stripping content from files larger than $filesizelimit"
# feedback, number of trunkaded files
$matches = 0;
$totalfiles = 0;
for ($i=0;$i -ne $files.count; $i++)
if ($files[$i] -eq $null) {continue}
if ($files[$i].length -gt $filesizelimit) {
Clear-Content $files[$i].FullName
"$matches files of total $totalfiles have had their content stripped..."
sz a $strippeddir\stripped-$ $strippeddir\backup_$backupdate\$backupdate
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