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Last active May 22, 2022 15:18
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if (self.CavalryLogger) {
self.__DEV__ = self.__DEV__ || 0;
'use strict';
if (!Array.from) Array.from = function(a) {
if (a == null) throw new TypeError('Object is null or undefined');
var b = arguments[1],
c = arguments[2],
d = this,
e = Object(a),
f = typeof Symbol === 'function' ? typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator' : '@@iterator',
g = typeof b === 'function',
h = typeof e[f] === 'function',
i = 0,
j, k;
if (h) {
j = typeof d === 'function' ? new d() : [];
var l = e[f](),
while (!(m = {
k = m.value;
if (g) k =, k, i);
j[i] = k;
i += 1;
j.length = i;
return j;
var n = e.length;
if (isNaN(n) || n < 0) n = 0;
j = typeof d === 'function' ? new d(n) : new Array(n);
while (i < n) {
k = e[i];
if (g) k =, k, i);
j[i] = k;
i += 1;
j.length = i;
return j;
'use strict';
(function(a) {
function b(c, d) {
if (this == null) throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.findIndex called on null or undefined');
if (typeof c !== 'function') throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function');
var e = Object(this),
f = e.length >>> 0;
for (var g = 0; g < f; g++)
if (, e[g], g, e)) return g;
return -1;
if (!Array.prototype.findIndex) Array.prototype.findIndex = b;
if (!Array.prototype.find) Array.prototype.find = function(c, d) {
if (this == null) throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.find called on null or undefined');
var e =, c, d);
return e === -1 ? a : this[e];
if (!Array.prototype.fill) Array.prototype.fill = function(c) {
if (this == null) throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.fill called on null or undefined');
var d = Object(this),
e = d.length >>> 0,
f = arguments[1],
g = f >> 0,
h = g < 0 ? Math.max(e + g, 0) : Math.min(g, e),
i = arguments[2],
j = i === a ? e : i >> 0,
k = j < 0 ? Math.max(e + j, 0) : Math.min(j, e);
while (h < k) {
d[h] = c;
return d;
(function() {
'use strict';
var a = Array.prototype.indexOf;
if (!Array.prototype.includes) Array.prototype.includes = function(e) {
'use strict';
if (e !== undefined && Array.isArray(this) && !Number.isNaN(e)) return a.apply(this, arguments) !== -1;
var f = Object(this),
g = f.length ? b(f.length) : 0;
if (g === 0) return false;
var h = arguments.length > 1 ? c(arguments[1]) : 0,
i = h < 0 ? Math.max(g + h, 0) : h,
j = Number.isNaN(e);
while (i < g) {
var k = f[i];
if (k === e || j && Number.isNaN(k)) return true;
return false;
function b(e) {
return Math.min(Math.max(c(e), 0), Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
function c(e) {
var f = Number(e);
return Number.isFinite(f) && f !== 0 ? d(f) * Math.floor(Math.abs(f)) : f;
function d(e) {
return e >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
(function() {
var a = {},
b = function i(j, k) {
if (!j && !k) return null;
var l = {};
if (typeof j !== 'undefined') l.type = j;
if (typeof k !== 'undefined') l.signature = k;
return l;
c = function i(j, k) {
return b(j && /^[A-Z]/.test(j) ? j : undefined, k && (k.params && k.params.length || k.returns) ? 'function(' + (k.params ? {
return /\?/.test(l) ? '?' + l.replace('?', '') : l;
}).join(',') : '') + ')' + (k.returns ? ':' + k.returns : '') : undefined);
d = function i(j, k, l) {
return j;
e = function i(j, k, l) {
if ('sourcemeta' in __transform_includes) j.__SMmeta = k;
if ('typechecks' in __transform_includes) {
var m = c(k ? : undefined, l);
if (m) __w(j, m);
return j;
f = function i(j, k, l) {
return l.apply(j, k);
g = function i(j, k, l, m) {
if (m && m.params) __t.apply(j, m.params);
var n = l.apply(j, k);
if (m && m.returns) __t([n, m.returns]);
return n;
h = function i(j, k, l, m, n) {
if (n) {
if (!n.callId) n.callId = n.module + ':' + (n.line || 0) + ':' + (n.column || 0);
var o = n.callId;
a[o] = (a[o] || 0) + 1;
return l.apply(j, k);
if (typeof __transform_includes === 'undefined') {
__annotator = d;
__bodyWrapper = f;
} else {
__annotator = e;
if ('codeusage' in __transform_includes) {
__annotator = d;
__bodyWrapper = h;
__bodyWrapper.getCodeUsage = function() {
return a;
__bodyWrapper.clearCodeUsage = function() {
a = {};
} else if ('typechecks' in __transform_includes) {
__bodyWrapper = g;
} else __bodyWrapper = f;
__t = function(a) {
return a[0];
__w = function(a) {
return a;
(function() {
if (Object.assign) return;
var a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
if (Object.keys && !== 'object_keys_polyfill') {
b = function c(d, e) {
var f = Object.keys(e);
for (var g = 0; g < f.length; g++) d[f[g]] = e[f[g]];
} else b = function c(d, e) {
for (var f in e)
if (, f)) d[f] = e[f];
Object.assign = function(c, d) {
if (c == null) throw new TypeError('Object.assign target cannot be null or undefined');
var e = Object(c);
for (var f = 1; f < arguments.length; f++) {
var g = arguments[f];
if (g != null) b(e, Object(g));
return e;
(function(a, b) {
var c = 'keys',
d = 'values',
e = 'entries',
f = function() {
var l = h(Array),
m = void 0;
if (!l) m = function() {
function n(o, p) {
'use strict';
this.$ArrayIterator1 = o;
this.$ArrayIterator2 = p;
this.$ArrayIterator3 = 0;
} = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.$ArrayIterator1 == null) return {
value: b,
done: true
var o = this.$ArrayIterator1,
p = this.$ArrayIterator1.length,
q = this.$ArrayIterator3,
r = this.$ArrayIterator2;
if (q >= p) {
this.$ArrayIterator1 = b;
return {
value: b,
done: true
this.$ArrayIterator3 = q + 1;
if (r === c) {
return {
value: q,
done: false
} else if (r === d) {
return {
value: o[q],
done: false
} else if (r === e) return {
value: [q, o[q]],
done: false
n.prototype[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'] = function() {
'use strict';
return this;
return n;
return {
keys: l ? function(n) {
return n.keys();
} : function(n) {
return new m(n, c);
values: l ? function(n) {
return n.values();
} : function(n) {
return new m(n, d);
entries: l ? function(n) {
return n.entries();
} : function(n) {
return new m(n, e);
g = function() {
var l = h(String),
m = void 0;
if (!l) m = function() {
function n(o) {
'use strict';
this.$StringIterator1 = o;
this.$StringIterator2 = 0;
} = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.$StringIterator1 == null) return {
value: b,
done: true
var o = this.$StringIterator2,
p = this.$StringIterator1,
q = p.length;
if (o >= q) {
this.$StringIterator1 = b;
return {
value: b,
done: true
var r = void 0,
s = p.charCodeAt(o);
if (s < 55296 || s > 56319 || o + 1 === q) {
r = p[o];
} else {
var t = p.charCodeAt(o + 1);
if (t < 56320 || t > 57343) {
r = p[o];
} else r = p[o] + p[o + 1];
this.$StringIterator2 = o + r.length;
return {
value: r,
done: false
n.prototype[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'] = function() {
'use strict';
return this;
return n;
return {
keys: function n() {
throw TypeError('Strings default iterator doesn\'t implement keys.');
values: l ? function(n) {
return n[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();
} : function(n) {
return new m(n);
entries: function n() {
throw TypeError('Strings default iterator doesn\'t implement entries.');
function h(l) {
return typeof l.prototype[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'] === 'function' && typeof l.prototype.values === 'function' && typeof l.prototype.keys === 'function' && typeof l.prototype.entries === 'function';
function i(l, m) {
'use strict';
this.$ObjectIterator1 = l;
this.$ObjectIterator2 = m;
this.$ObjectIterator3 = Object.keys(l);
this.$ObjectIterator4 = 0;
} = function() {
'use strict';
var l = this.$ObjectIterator3.length,
m = this.$ObjectIterator4,
n = this.$ObjectIterator2,
o = this.$ObjectIterator3[m];
if (m >= l) {
this.$ObjectIterator1 = b;
return {
value: b,
done: true
this.$ObjectIterator4 = m + 1;
if (n === c) {
return {
value: o,
done: false
} else if (n === d) {
return {
value: this.$ObjectIterator1[o],
done: false
} else if (n === e) return {
value: [o, this.$ObjectIterator1[o]],
done: false
i.prototype[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'] = function() {
'use strict';
return this;
var j = {
keys: function l(m) {
return new i(m, c);
values: function l(m) {
return new i(m, d);
entries: function l(m) {
return new i(m, e);
function k(l, m) {
if (typeof l === 'string') {
return g[m || d](l);
} else if (Array.isArray(l)) {
return f[m || d](l);
} else if (l[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']) {
return l[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();
} else return j[m || e](l);
Object.assign(k, {
keys: function l(m) {
return k(m, c);
values: function l(m) {
return k(m, d);
entries: function l(m) {
return k(m, e);
generic: j.entries
a.FB_enumerate = k;
})(typeof global === 'undefined' ? this : global);
(function(a, b) {
var c = a.window || a;
function d() {
return 'f' + (Math.random() * (1 << 30)).toString(16).replace('.', '');
function e(j) {
var k = j ? j.ownerDocument || j : document,
l = k.defaultView || c;
return !!(j && (typeof l.Node === 'function' ? j instanceof l.Node : typeof j === 'object' && typeof j.nodeType === 'number' && typeof j.nodeName === 'string'));
function f(j) {
var k = c[j];
if (k == null) return true;
if (typeof c.Symbol !== 'function') return true;
var l = k.prototype;
return k == null || typeof k !== 'function' || typeof l.clear !== 'function' || new k().size !== 0 || typeof l.keys !== 'function' || typeof l['for' + 'Each'] !== 'function';
var g = a.FB_enumerate,
h = function() {
if (!f('Map')) return c.Map;
var j = 'key',
k = 'value',
l = 'key+value',
m = '$map_',
n = void 0,
o = 'IE_HASH_';
function p(ba) {
'use strict';
if (!u(this)) throw new TypeError('Wrong map object type.');
if (ba != null) {
var ca = g(ba),
da = void 0;
while (!(da = {
if (!u(da.value)) throw new TypeError('Expected iterable items to be pair objects.');
this.set(da.value[0], da.value[1]);
p.prototype.clear = function() {
'use strict';
p.prototype.has = function(ba) {
'use strict';
var ca = r(this, ba);
return !!(ca != null && this._mapData[ca]);
p.prototype.set = function(ba, ca) {
'use strict';
var da = r(this, ba);
if (da != null && this._mapData[da]) {
this._mapData[da][1] = ca;
} else {
da = this._mapData.push([ba, ca]) - 1;
s(this, ba, da);
this.size += 1;
return this;
p.prototype.get = function(ba) {
'use strict';
var ca = r(this, ba);
if (ca == null) {
return b;
} else return this._mapData[ca][1];
p.prototype['delete'] = function(ba) {
'use strict';
var ca = r(this, ba);
if (ca != null && this._mapData[ca]) {
s(this, ba, b);
this._mapData[ca] = b;
this.size -= 1;
return true;
} else return false;
p.prototype.entries = function() {
'use strict';
return new q(this, l);
p.prototype.keys = function() {
'use strict';
return new q(this, j);
p.prototype.values = function() {
'use strict';
return new q(this, k);
p.prototype.forEach = function(ba, ca) {
'use strict';
if (typeof ba !== 'function') throw new TypeError('Callback must be callable.');
var da = ba.bind(ca || b),
ea = this._mapData;
for (var fa = 0; fa < ea.length; fa++) {
var ga = ea[fa];
if (ga != null) da(ga[1], ga[0], this);
p.prototype[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'] = function() {
'use strict';
return this.entries();
function q(ba, ca) {
'use strict';
if (!(u(ba) && ba._mapData)) throw new TypeError('Object is not a map.');
if ([j, l, k].indexOf(ca) === -1) throw new Error('Invalid iteration kind.');
this._map = ba;
this._nextIndex = 0;
this._kind = ca;
} = function() {
'use strict';
if (!this instanceof p) throw new TypeError('Expected to be called on a MapIterator.');
var ba = this._map,
ca = this._nextIndex,
da = this._kind;
if (ba == null) return v(b, true);
var ea = ba._mapData;
while (ca < ea.length) {
var fa = ea[ca];
ca += 1;
this._nextIndex = ca;
if (fa)
if (da === j) {
return v(fa[0], false);
} else if (da === k) {
return v(fa[1], false);
} else if (da) return v(fa, false);
this._map = b;
return v(b, true);
q.prototype[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'] = function() {
'use strict';
return this;
function r(ba, ca) {
if (u(ca)) {
var da = z(ca);
return da ? ba._objectIndex[da] : b;
} else {
var ea = m + ca;
if (typeof ca === 'string') {
return ba._stringIndex[ea];
} else return ba._otherIndex[ea];
function s(ba, ca, da) {
var ea = da == null;
if (u(ca)) {
var fa = z(ca);
if (!fa) fa = aa(ca);
if (ea) {
delete ba._objectIndex[fa];
} else ba._objectIndex[fa] = da;
} else {
var ga = m + ca;
if (typeof ca === 'string') {
if (ea) {
delete ba._stringIndex[ga];
} else ba._stringIndex[ga] = da;
} else if (ea) {
delete ba._otherIndex[ga];
} else ba._otherIndex[ga] = da;
function t(ba) {
ba._mapData = [];
ba._objectIndex = {};
ba._stringIndex = {};
ba._otherIndex = {};
ba.size = 0;
function u(ba) {
return ba != null && (typeof ba === 'object' || typeof ba === 'function');
function v(ba, ca) {
return {
value: ba,
done: ca
p.__isES5 = function() {
try {
Object.defineProperty({}, '__.$#x', {});
return true;
} catch (ba) {
return false;
function w(ba) {
if (!p.__isES5 || !Object.isExtensible) {
return true;
} else return Object.isExtensible(ba);
function x(ba) {
var ca = void 0;
switch (ba.nodeType) {
case 1:
ca = ba.uniqueID;
case 9:
ca = ba.documentElement.uniqueID;
return null;
if (ca) {
return o + ca;
} else return null;
var y = d();
function z(ba) {
if (ba[y]) {
return ba[y];
} else if (!p.__isES5 && ba.propertyIsEnumerable && ba.propertyIsEnumerable[y]) {
return ba.propertyIsEnumerable[y];
} else if (!p.__isES5 && e(ba) && x(ba)) {
return x(ba);
} else if (!p.__isES5 && ba[y]) return ba[y];
var aa = function() {
var ba = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,
ca = 0;
return function da(ea) {
if (w(ea)) {
ca += 1;
if (p.__isES5) {
Object.defineProperty(ea, y, {
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
configurable: false,
value: ca
} else if (ea.propertyIsEnumerable) {
ea.propertyIsEnumerable = function() {
return ba.apply(this, arguments);
ea.propertyIsEnumerable[y] = ca;
} else if (e(ea)) {
ea[y] = ca;
} else throw new Error('Unable to set a non-enumerable property on object.');
return ca;
} else throw new Error('Non-extensible objects are not allowed as keys.');
return __annotator(p, {
name: 'Map'
i = function() {
if (!f('Set')) return c.Set;
function j(l) {
'use strict';
if (this == null || typeof this !== 'object' && typeof this !== 'function') throw new TypeError('Wrong set object type.');
if (l != null) {
var m = g(l),
n = void 0;
while (!(n = this.add(n.value);
j.prototype.add = function(l) {
'use strict';
this._map.set(l, l);
this.size = this._map.size;
return this;
j.prototype.clear = function() {
'use strict';
j.prototype['delete'] = function(l) {
'use strict';
var m = this._map['delete'](l);
this.size = this._map.size;
return m;
j.prototype.entries = function() {
'use strict';
return this._map.entries();
j.prototype.forEach = function(l) {
'use strict';
var m = arguments[1],
n = this._map.keys(),
o = void 0;
while (!(o =, o.value, o.value, this);
j.prototype.has = function(l) {
'use strict';
return this._map.has(l);
j.prototype.values = function() {
'use strict';
return this._map.values();
j.prototype.keys = function() {
'use strict';
return this.values();
j.prototype[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'] = function() {
'use strict';
return this.values();
function k(l) {
l._map = new h();
l.size = l._map.size;
return __annotator(j, {
name: 'Set'
a.Map = h;
a.Set = i;
})(typeof global === 'undefined' ? this : global);
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.JSON && JSON.stringify(['\u2028\u2029']) === '["\u2028\u2029"]') JSON.stringify = function(a) {
var b = /\u2028/g,
c = /\u2029/g;
return function d(e, f, g) {
var h =, e, f, g);
if (h) {
if (-1 < h.indexOf('\u2028')) h = h.replace(b, '\\u2028');
if (-1 < h.indexOf('\u2029')) h = h.replace(c, '\\u2029');
return h;
(function() {
var a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
if (typeof Object.entries !== 'function') Object.entries = function(b) {
if (b == null) throw new TypeError('Object.entries called on non-object');
var c = [];
for (var d in b)
if (, d)) c.push([d, b[d]]);
return c;
if (typeof Object.values !== 'function') Object.values = function(b) {
if (b == null) throw new TypeError('Object.values called on non-object');
var c = [];
for (var d in b)
if (, d)) c.push(b[d]);
return c;
(function(a) {
a.__m = function(b, c) {
b.__SMmeta = c;
return b;
if (typeof String.fromCodePoint !== 'function') String.fromCodePoint = function() {
var a = [];
for (var b = arguments.length, c = Array(b), d = 0; d < b; d++) c[d] = arguments[d];
for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var f = Number(c[e]);
if (!isFinite(f) || Math.floor(f) != f || f < 0 || 1114111 < f) throw RangeError('Invalid code point ' + f);
if (f < 65536) {
} else {
f -= 65536;
a.push(String.fromCharCode((f >> 10) + 55296), String.fromCharCode(f % 1024 + 56320));
return a.join('');
if (!String.prototype.startsWith) String.prototype.startsWith = function(a) {
"use strict";
if (this == null) throw TypeError();
var b = String(this),
c = arguments.length > 1 ? Number(arguments[1]) || 0 : 0,
d = Math.min(Math.max(c, 0), b.length);
return b.indexOf(String(a), c) == d;
if (!String.prototype.endsWith) String.prototype.endsWith = function(a) {
"use strict";
if (this == null) throw TypeError();
var b = String(this),
c = b.length,
d = String(a),
e = arguments.length > 1 ? Number(arguments[1]) || 0 : c,
f = Math.min(Math.max(e, 0), c),
g = f - d.length;
if (g < 0) return false;
return b.lastIndexOf(d, g) == g;
if (!String.prototype.includes) String.prototype.includes = function(a) {
"use strict";
if (this == null) throw TypeError();
var b = String(this),
c = arguments.length > 1 ? Number(arguments[1]) || 0 : 0;
return b.indexOf(String(a), c) != -1;
if (!String.prototype.repeat) String.prototype.repeat = function(a) {
"use strict";
if (this == null) throw TypeError();
var b = String(this);
a = Number(a) || 0;
if (a < 0 || a === Infinity) throw RangeError();
if (a === 1) return b;
var c = '';
while (a) {
if (a & 1) c += b;
if (a >>= 1) b += b;
return c;
if (!String.prototype.codePointAt) String.prototype.codePointAt = function(a) {
'use strict';
if (this == null) throw TypeError('Invalid context: ' + this);
var b = String(this),
c = b.length;
a = Number(a) || 0;
if (a < 0 || c <= a) return undefined;
var d = b.charCodeAt(a);
if (55296 <= d && d <= 56319 && c > a + 1) {
var e = b.charCodeAt(a + 1);
if (56320 <= e && e <= 57343) return (d - 55296) * 1024 + e - 56320 + 65536;
return d;
if (!String.prototype.contains) String.prototype.contains = String.prototype.includes;
if (!String.prototype.trimLeft) String.prototype.trimLeft = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+/, '');
if (!String.prototype.trimRight) String.prototype.trimRight = function() {
return this.replace(/\s+$/, '');
(function(a) {
var b = a.babelHelpers = {},
c = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
b.inherits = function(d, e) {
Object.assign(d, e);
d.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype);
d.prototype.constructor = d;
d.__superConstructor__ = e;
return e;
b._extends = Object.assign;
b['extends'] = b._extends;
b.objectWithoutProperties = function(d, e) {
var f = {};
for (var g in d) {
if (!, g) || e.indexOf(g) >= 0) continue;
f[g] = d[g];
return f;
b.taggedTemplateLiteralLoose = function(d, e) {
d.raw = e;
return d;
b.bind = Function.prototype.bind;
})(typeof global === 'undefined' ? self : global);
(function(a) {
var b = a.performance;
if (b && b.setResourceTimingBufferSize) {
b.setResourceTimingBufferSize = function() {};
(function a(b) {
if (b.require) return;
var c = {},
d = {},
e = {},
f = {},
g = 0,
h = 1,
i = 2,
j = 4,
k = {},
l = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
m = Object.prototype.toString;
function n(ta) {
var ua =,
va = {},
wa, xa, ya, za;
while (ua.length) {
xa = ua.shift();
if (va[xa]) continue;
va[xa] = true;
ya = c[xa];
if (!ya || !ya.waiting) continue;
for (wa = 0; wa < ya.dependencies.length; wa++) {
za = ya.dependencies[wa];
if (!c[za] || c[za].waiting) ua.push(za);
for (xa in va)
if (, xa)) ua.push(xa);
var ab = [];
for (wa = 0; wa < ua.length; wa++) {
xa = ua[wa];
var bb = xa;
ya = c[xa];
if (!ya) {
bb += ' is not defined';
} else if (!ya.waiting) {
bb += ' is ready';
} else {
var cb = [];
for (var db = 0; db < ya.dependencies.length; db++) {
za = ya.dependencies[db];
if (!c[za] || c[za].waiting) cb.push(za);
bb += ' is waiting for ' + cb.join(', ');
return ab.join('\n');
function o(ta) { = 'ModuleError';
this.message = ta;
this.stack = Error(ta).stack;
this.framesToPop = 2;
o.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
o.prototype.constructor = o;
var p = (b.Env || {}).profile_require_factories,
q = b.performance || b.msPerformance || b.webkitPerformance || {},
if ( && q.timing && q.timing.navigationStart) {
var s = q.timing.navigationStart;
r = function ta() {
return + s;
} else r = function ta() {
var t = 0,
u = 0;
function v(ta) {
var ua = c[ta];
if (ua && ua.exports != null) {
if (ua.refcount-- === 1) c[ta] = void 0;
return ua.exports;
return x(ta);
function w(ta) {
var ua = c[ta],
va = d[ta];
if (ua.factoryLength === -1) {
var wa = p && b.ProfilingCounters,
xa, ya;
if (wa) xa = wa.startTiming('FACTORY_COMPILE_TIME');
ua.factoryLength = ua.factory.length;
if (xa != null) {
ya = wa.stopTiming(xa);
va.compileTime += ya;
return ua.factoryLength;
function x(ta) {
if (b.ErrorUtils && !b.ErrorUtils.inGuard()) return b.ErrorUtils.applyWithGuard(x, null, [ta]);
var ua = c[ta];
if (!ua) {
var va = 'Requiring unknown module "' + ta + '"';
throw new o(va);
if (ua.hasError) throw new o('Requiring module "' + ta + '" which threw an exception');
if (ua.waiting) throw new o('Requiring module "' + ta + '" with unresolved dependencies: ' + n([ta]));
var wa = ua.exports = {},
xa = ua.factory;
if ( === '[object Function]') {
var ya = ua.dependencies,
za = ya.length,
try {
try {
} catch (bb) {
y(bb, ta);
var cb = [],
db = za;
if (ua.special & i) {
var eb = w(ta);
db = Math.min(za, eb);
for (var fb = 0; fb < za; fb++) {
var gb = ya[fb];
if (cb.length < db) cb.push(gb === 'module' ? ua : gb === 'exports' ? wa :, gb));
var hb = p && b.ProfilingCounters,
if (hb) {
hb.incrementCounter('FACTORY_COUNT', 1);
ib = hb.startTiming('FACTORY_EXEC_TIME');
try {
ab = xa.apply(ua.context || b, cb);
} catch (bb) {
y(bb, ta);
} finally {
if (p) {
var jb = r(),
kb = 0;
if (ib != null) kb = hb.stopTiming(ib);
var lb = d[];
lb.factoryTime = kb;
lb.factoryEnd = jb;
if (xa.__SMmeta)
for (var mb in xa.__SMmeta)
if (xa.__SMmeta.hasOwnProperty(mb)) lb[mb] = xa.__SMmeta[mb];
} catch (bb) {
ua.hasError = true;
ua.exports = null;
throw bb;
if (ab) ua.exports = ab;
if (typeof ua.exports === 'function') {
var nb = ua.exports,
ob = nb.__superConstructor__;
if (!nb.displayName || ob && ob.displayName === nb.displayName) nb.displayName = ( || '(anonymous)') + ' [from ' + ta + ']';
ua.factoryFinished = true;
} else ua.exports = xa;
var pb = '__isRequired__' + ta;
if (e[pb]) ea(pb, k);
if (ua.refcount-- === 1) c[ta] = void 0;
return ua.exports;
function y(ta, ua) {
if (!(ta instanceof Error)) ta = new Error(ta);
if (c.ex && c.erx) {
var va =, 'ex'),
wa =, 'erx'),
xa = wa(ta.message);
if (xa[0].indexOf(' from module "%s"') < 0) {
xa[0] += ' from module "%s"';
xa[xa.length] = ua;
ta.message = va.apply(null, xa);
throw ta;
function z() {
var ta = 0;
for (var ua in d)
if (d.hasOwnProperty(ua)) ta += d[ua].factoryTime;
return ta;
function aa() {
var ta = 0;
for (var ua in d)
if (d.hasOwnProperty(ua)) ta += d[ua].compileTime;
return ta;
function ba() {
return t;
function ca() {
return u;
function da() {
var ta = {};
for (var ua in d)
if (d.hasOwnProperty(ua)) ta[ua] = d[ua];
return ta;
function ea(ta, ua, va, wa, xa, ya, za) {
if (ua === undefined) {
ua = [];
va = ta;
ta = ia();
} else if (va === undefined) {
va = ua;
if ( === '[object Array]') {
ua = ta;
ta = ia(ua.join(','));
} else ua = [];
var ab = {
cancel: ga.bind(this, ta)
bb = c[ta];
if (bb) {
if (ya) bb.refcount += ya;
return ab;
} else if (!ua && !va && ya) {
f[ta] = (f[ta] || 0) + ya;
return ab;
var cb = (f[ta] || 0) + (ya || 0);
delete f[ta];
bb = new fa(ta, cb, null, va, ua, xa, wa);
c[ta] = bb;
d[ta] = {
id: ta,
dependencies: ua,
meta: za,
category: wa,
defined: p ? r() : null,
compileTime: null,
factoryTime: null,
factoryEnd: null
return ab;
function fa(ta, ua, va, wa, xa, ya, za) { = ta;
this.refcount = ua;
this.exports = va || null;
this.factory = wa;
this.factoryLength = -1;
this.factoryFinished = false;
this.dependencies = xa;
this.context = ya;
this.special = za || 0;
this.waitingMap = {};
this.waiting = 0;
this.hasError = false;
this.ranRecursiveSideEffects = false;
this.sideEffectDependencyException = null;
function ga(ta) {
if (!c[ta]) return;
var ua = c[ta];
c[ta] = void 0;
for (var va in ua.waitingMap)
if (ua.waitingMap[va]) delete e[va][ta];
for (var wa = 0; wa < ua.dependencies.length; wa++) {
va = ua.dependencies[wa];
if (c[va]) {
if (c[va].refcount-- === 1) ga(va);
} else if (f[va]) f[va]--;
function ha(ta, ua, va) {
return ea('__requireLazy__' + (ta.length > 0 ? ta.join(',') + '__' : '') + g++, ta, sa()(ua, 'requireLazy'), h, va, 1);
function ia(ta) {
return '__mod__' + (ta ? ta + '__' : '') + g++;
function ja(ta, ua) {
if (!ta.waitingMap[ua] && !== ua) {
ta.waitingMap[ua] = 1;
e[ua] || (e[ua] = {});
e[ua][] = 1;
function ka(ta) {
var ua = [],
va = c[ta],
wa, xa, ya;
for (xa = 0; xa < va.dependencies.length; xa++) {
wa = va.dependencies[xa];
if (!c[wa]) {
ja(va, wa);
} else if (c[wa].waiting)
for (ya in c[wa].waitingMap)
if (c[wa].waitingMap[ya]) ja(va, ya);
if (va.waiting === 0 && va.special & h) ua.push(ta);
if (e[ta]) {
var za = e[ta],
e[ta] = undefined;
for (wa in za) {
ab = c[wa];
for (ya in va.waitingMap)
if (va.waitingMap[ya]) ja(ab, ya);
if (ab.waitingMap[ta]) {
ab.waitingMap[ta] = 0;
if (ab.waiting === 0 && ab.special & h) ua.push(wa);
for (xa = 0; xa < ua.length; xa++), ua[xa]);
function la(ta) {
if (ta.sideEffectDependencyException) throw ta.sideEffectDependencyException;
if (ta.ranRecursiveSideEffects) return;
ta.ranRecursiveSideEffects = true;
var ua = ta.dependencies;
if (ua)
for (var va = 0; va < ua.length; va++) {
var wa = ua[va],
xa = c[wa];
try {
} catch (ya) {
ta.sideEffectDependencyException = ya;
throw ya;
if (xa.special & j) try {, wa);
} catch (ya) {
ta.sideEffectDependencyException = ya;
throw ya;
function ma(ta, ua) {
c[ta] = new fa(ta, 0, ua);
d[ta] = {
id: ta,
dependencies: [],
category: 0,
compileTime: null,
factoryLengthAccessTime: null,
factoryTime: null,
factoryEnd: null
ma('module', 0);
ma('exports', 0);
ma('define', ea);
ma('global', b);
ma('require', v);
ma('requireDynamic', na);
ma('requireLazy', ha);
ma('requireWeak', oa);
ma('ifRequired', pa);
ea.amd = {};
b.define = ea;
b.require = v;
b.requireDynamic = na;
b.requireLazy = ha;
function na(ta, ua) {
throw new ReferenceError('requireDynamic is not defined');
function oa(ta, ua) {, ta, function(va) {
}, function() {
ea('__requireWeak__' + ta + '__' + g++, ['__isRequired__' + ta], sa()(function() {
}, 'requireWeak'), h, null, 1);
function pa(ta, ua, va) {
var wa = c[ta];
if (wa && wa.factoryFinished) {
if (typeof ua === 'function') return ua(wa.exports);
} else if (typeof va === 'function') return va();
var qa = {
getModules: function ta() {
var ua = {};
for (var va in c)
if (c[va] && c.hasOwnProperty(va)) ua[va] = c[va];
return ua;
modulesMap: c,
deps: e,
printDependencyInfo: function ta() {
if (!b.console) return;
var ua = Object.keys(qa.deps);
debugUnresolvedDependencies: n
function ra(ta) {
return ta;
function sa() {
return b.TimeSlice && b.TimeSlice.guard || ra;
ma('__getFactoryTime', z);
ma('__getCompileTime', aa);
ma('__getTotalFactories', ba);
ma('__getTotalRequireCalls', ca);
ma('__getModuleTimeDetails', da);
ma('__debug', qa);
b.__d = function(ta, ua, va, wa) {
var xa = ['global', 'require', 'requireDynamic', 'requireLazy', 'module', 'exports'];
sa()(function ya() {
ea(ta, xa.concat(ua), va, wa || i, null, null);
}, 'define ' + ta, {
root: true
__d("Env", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
nocatch: b.FB_GKS && b.FB_GKS.js_nocatch
if (b.Env) Object.assign(h, b.Env);
b.Env = h;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('eprintf', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
for (var j = arguments.length, k = Array(j > 1 ? j - 1 : 0), l = 1; l < j; l++) k[l - 1] = arguments[l];
var m = {
return String(p);
n = i.split('%s').length - 1;
if (n !== m.length) return h('eprintf args number mismatch: %s', JSON.stringify([i].concat(m)));
var o = 0;
return i.replace(/%s/g, function() {
return String(m[o++]);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('ex', ['eprintf'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
for (var j = arguments.length, k = Array(j > 1 ? j - 1 : 0), l = 1; l < j; l++) k[l - 1] = arguments[l];
var m = {
return String(o);
n = i.split('%s').length - 1;
if (n !== m.length) return h('ex args number mismatch: %s', JSON.stringify([i].concat(m)));
return h._prefix + JSON.stringify([i].concat(m)) + h._suffix;
h._prefix = '<![EX[';
h._suffix = ']]>';
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('erx', ['ex'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
if (typeof i !== 'string') return i;
var j = i.indexOf(c('ex')._prefix),
k = i.lastIndexOf(c('ex')._suffix);
if (j < 0 || k < 0) return [i];
var l = j + c('ex')._prefix.length,
m = k + c('ex')._suffix.length;
if (l >= k) return ['erx slice failure: %s', i];
var n = i.substring(0, j),
o = i.substring(m);
i = i.substring(l, k);
try {
var q = JSON.parse(i);
q[0] = n + q[0] + o;
return q;
} catch (p) {
return ['erx parse failure: %s', i];
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("removeFromArray", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
var k = i.indexOf(j);
if (k !== -1) i.splice(k, 1);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('ErrorUtils', ['Env', 'eprintf', 'erx', 'removeFromArray'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = '<anonymous guard>',
i = '<generated guard>',
j = typeof window === 'undefined' ? '<self.onerror>' : '<window.onerror>',
k = /^https?:\/\//i,
l = /^Type Mismatch for/,
m = /(.*)[@\s][^\s]+$/,
n = [],
o = void 0,
p = [],
q = 50,
r = [],
s = false,
t = false,
u ='nocatch') !== -1,
v = ['Unknown script code', 'Function code', 'eval code'];
if (c('Env').long_stack_traces && Error.stackTraceLimit != null) Error.stackTraceLimit = 100;
function w(ha) {
var ia = ha.columnNumber || ha.column;
return ia != null ? String(ia) : '';
function x(ha) {
return ha[0] && ha[0].column || '';
function y(ha) {
for (var ia = 0; ia < v.length; ia++) {
var ja = ' ' + v[ia];
if (ha.endsWith(ja)) return [ha, ha.substring(0, ha.length - ja.length)];
return null;
function z(ha) {
var ia = ha.lineNumber || ha.line;
return ia != null ? String(ia) : '';
function aa(ha) {
return ha[0] && ha[0].line || '';
function ba(ha) {
var ia = ha.fileName || ha.sourceURL;
return ia != null ? String(ia) : '';
function ca(ha) {
return ha[0] && ha[0].script || '';
function da(ha) {
if (!ha) return [];
return ha.split(/\n\n/)[0].replace(/[\(\)]|\[.*?\]|^[\w \.]+:\s.*?\n/g, '').split('\n').map(function(ia) {
ia = ia.trim();
var ja = void 0,
ka = void 0,
la = ia.match(/:(\d+)(?::(\d+))?$/);
if (la) {
ja = la[1];
ka = la[2];
ia = ia.slice(0, -la[0].length);
var ma = void 0,
na = y(ia) || ia.match(m);
if (na) {
ia = ia.substring(na[1].length + 1);
var oa = na[1].match(/(?:at)?\s*(.*)(?:[^\s]+|$)/);
ma = oa ? oa[1] : '';
if (ia.includes('charset=utf-8;base64,')) ia = '<inlined-file>';
var pa = {
column: ka,
identifier: ma,
line: ja,
script: ia
if (o) o(pa);
var qa = ' at' + (pa.identifier ? ' ' + pa.identifier + ' (' : ' ') + pa.script + (pa.line ? ':' + pa.line : '') + (pa.column ? ':' + pa.column : '') + (pa.identifier ? ')' : '');
return babelHelpers['extends']({}, pa, {
text: qa
function ea(ha) {
s = true;
function fa() {
s = r.length !== 0;
var ga = {
history: p,
addListener: function ha(ia) {
var ja = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1];
if (!ja) p.forEach(ia);
removeListener: function ha(ia) {
c('removeFromArray')(n, ia);
setSourceResolver: function ha(ia) {
o = ia;
applyWithGuard: function ha(ia, ja, ka, la, ma) {
ea(ma || h);
if (c('Env').nocatch) u = true;
if (u) {
var na = void 0;
try {
na = ia.apply(ja, ka || []);
} finally {
return na;
try {
return ia.apply(ja, ka || []);
} catch (oa) {
var pa = ga.normalizeError(oa);
if (la) la(pa);
if (ia) pa.callee = ia.toString().substring(0, 100);
if (ka) pa.args = Array.from(ka).toString().substring(0, 100);
pa.guard = r[0];
pa.guardList = r.slice();
} finally {
guard: function ha(ia, ja, ka) {
ja = ja || || i;
function la() {
return ga.applyWithGuard(ia, ka || this, arguments, null, ja);
if (ia.__SMmeta) la.__SMmeta = ia.__SMmeta;
return la;
inGuard: function ha() {
return s;
normalizeError: function ha(ia) {
if (ia._originalError) return ia;
var ja = da(ia.stackTrace || ia.stack),
ka = false;
if (ia.framesToPop) {
var la = ia.framesToPop,
ma = void 0;
while (la > 0 && ja.length > 0) {
ma = ja.shift();
ka = true;
if (l.test(ia.message) && ia.framesToPop === 2 && ma)
if (k.test(ma.script)) ia.message += ' at ' + ma.script + (ma.line ? ':' + ma.line : '') + (ma.column ? ':' + ma.column : '');
var na = {
_originalError: ia,
column: ka ? x(ja) : w(ia) || x(ja),
extra: ia.extra,
guard: ia.guard,
guardList: ia.guardList,
line: ka ? aa(ja) : z(ia) || aa(ja),
message: ia.message,
messageWithParams: ia.messageWithParams,
script: ka ? ca(ja) : ba(ia) || ca(ja),
snapshot: ia.snapshot,
stack: {
return pa.text;
stackFrames: ja,
type: ia.type
if (typeof na.message === 'string') {
na.messageWithParams = na.messageWithParams || c('erx')(na.message);
} else {
na.messageObject = na.message;
na.message = String(na.message) + ' (' + typeof na.message + ')';
if (na.messageWithParams) na.message = c('eprintf').apply(undefined, na.messageWithParams);
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window && window.location) na.windowLocationURL = window.location.href;
if (o) o(na);
for (var oa in na)
if (na[oa] == null) delete na[oa];
return na;
onerror: function ha(ia, ja, ka, la, ma) {
ma = ma || {};
ma.message = ma.message || ia;
ma.script = ma.script || ja;
ma.line = ma.line || ka;
ma.column = ma.column || la;
ma.guard = j;
ma.guardList = [j];
ga.reportError(ma, true);
reportError: function ha(ia) {
var ja = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1];
if (t) return false;
if (r.length > 0) {
ia.guard = ia.guard || r[0];
ia.guardList = r.slice();
var ka = ga.normalizeError(ia);
if (p.length > q) p.splice(q / 2, 1);
t = true;
for (var la = 0; la < n.length; la++) try {
} catch (ma) {}
t = false;
return true;
b.onerror = ga.onerror;
f.exports = b.ErrorUtils = ga;
if (typeof __t === 'function' && __t.setHandler) __t.setHandler(ga.reportError);
}), 3);
__d('CallbackDependencyManager', ['ErrorUtils'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h() {
'use strict';
this.$CallbackDependencyManager1 = {};
this.$CallbackDependencyManager2 = {};
this.$CallbackDependencyManager3 = 1;
this.$CallbackDependencyManager4 = {};
h.prototype.$CallbackDependencyManager5 = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
var k = 0,
l = {};
for (var m = 0, n = j.length; m < n; m++) l[j[m]] = 1;
for (var o in l) {
if (this.$CallbackDependencyManager4[o]) continue;
if (this.$CallbackDependencyManager1[o] === undefined) this.$CallbackDependencyManager1[o] = {};
this.$CallbackDependencyManager1[o][i] = (this.$CallbackDependencyManager1[o][i] || 0) + 1;
return k;
h.prototype.$CallbackDependencyManager6 = function(i) {
'use strict';
if (!this.$CallbackDependencyManager1[i]) return;
for (var j in this.$CallbackDependencyManager1[i]) {
if (this.$CallbackDependencyManager1[i][j] <= 0) delete this.$CallbackDependencyManager1[i][j];
if (this.$CallbackDependencyManager2[j].$CallbackDependencyManager7 <= 0) {
var k = this.$CallbackDependencyManager2[j].$CallbackDependencyManager8;
delete this.$CallbackDependencyManager2[j];
h.prototype.addDependenciesToExistingCallback = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
if (!this.$CallbackDependencyManager2[i]) return null;
var k = this.$CallbackDependencyManager5(i, j);
this.$CallbackDependencyManager2[i].$CallbackDependencyManager7 += k;
return i;
h.prototype.isPersistentDependencySatisfied = function(i) {
'use strict';
return !!this.$CallbackDependencyManager4[i];
h.prototype.satisfyPersistentDependency = function(i) {
'use strict';
this.$CallbackDependencyManager4[i] = 1;
h.prototype.satisfyNonPersistentDependency = function(i) {
'use strict';
var j = this.$CallbackDependencyManager4[i] === 1;
if (!j) this.$CallbackDependencyManager4[i] = 1;
if (!j) delete this.$CallbackDependencyManager4[i];
h.prototype.registerCallback = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
var k = this.$CallbackDependencyManager3;
var l = this.$CallbackDependencyManager5(k, j);
if (l === 0) {
return null;
this.$CallbackDependencyManager2[k] = {
$CallbackDependencyManager8: i,
$CallbackDependencyManager7: l
return k;
h.prototype.unsatisfyPersistentDependency = function(i) {
'use strict';
delete this.$CallbackDependencyManager4[i];
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('EventSubscription', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
function h(i) {
this.subscriber = i;
h.prototype.remove = function() {
if (this.subscriber) {
this.subscriber = null;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('EmitterSubscription', ['EventSubscription'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h, i;
h = babelHelpers.inherits(j, c('EventSubscription'));
i = h && h.prototype;
function j(k, l, m) {, k);
this.listener = l;
this.context = m;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d("sprintf", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
for (var j = arguments.length, k = Array(j > 1 ? j - 1 : 0), l = 1; l < j; l++) k[l - 1] = arguments[l];
var m = 0;
return i.replace(/%s/g, function() {
return String(k[m++]);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('invariant', ['ex', 'sprintf'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = c('ex');
function i(j, k) {
if (!j) {
var l = void 0;
if (k === undefined) {
l = new Error('Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment ' + 'for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.');
} else {
for (var m = arguments.length, n = Array(m > 2 ? m - 2 : 0), o = 2; o < m; o++) n[o - 2] = arguments[o];
l = new Error(h.apply(undefined, [k].concat(n))); = 'Invariant Violation';
l.messageWithParams = [k].concat(n);
l.framesToPop = 1;
throw l;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('EventSubscriptionVendor', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
'use strict';
function i() {
this.$EventSubscriptionVendor1 = {};
i.prototype.addSubscription = function(j, k) {
k.subscriber === this || h(0);
if (!this.$EventSubscriptionVendor1[j]) this.$EventSubscriptionVendor1[j] = [];
var l = this.$EventSubscriptionVendor1[j].length;
k.eventType = j;
k.key = l;
return k;
i.prototype.removeAllSubscriptions = function(j) {
if (j === undefined) {
this.$EventSubscriptionVendor1 = {};
} else delete this.$EventSubscriptionVendor1[j];
i.prototype.removeSubscription = function(j) {
var k = j.eventType,
l = j.key,
m = this.$EventSubscriptionVendor1[k];
if (m) delete m[l];
i.prototype.getSubscriptionsForType = function(j) {
return this.$EventSubscriptionVendor1[j];
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("emptyFunction", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(j) {
return function() {
return j;
var i = function j() {};
i.thatReturns = h;
i.thatReturnsFalse = h(false);
i.thatReturnsTrue = h(true);
i.thatReturnsNull = h(null);
i.thatReturnsThis = function() {
return this;
i.thatReturnsArgument = function(j) {
return j;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('BaseEventEmitter', ['invariant', 'EmitterSubscription', 'ErrorUtils', 'EventSubscriptionVendor', 'emptyFunction'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i() {
'use strict';
this.$BaseEventEmitter2 = new(c('EventSubscriptionVendor'))();
this.$BaseEventEmitter1 = null;
i.prototype.addListener = function(j, k, l) {
'use strict';
return this.$BaseEventEmitter2.addSubscription(j, new(c('EmitterSubscription'))(this.$BaseEventEmitter2, k, l));
i.prototype.once = function(j, k, l) {
'use strict';
var m = this;
return this.addListener(j, function() {
k.apply(l, arguments);
i.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(j) {
'use strict';
i.prototype.removeCurrentListener = function() {
'use strict';
!!this.$BaseEventEmitter1 || h(0);
i.prototype.listeners = function(j) {
'use strict';
var k = this.$BaseEventEmitter2.getSubscriptionsForType(j);
return k ? k.filter(c('emptyFunction').thatReturnsTrue).map(function(l) {
return l.listener;
}) : [];
i.prototype.emit = function(j) {
'use strict';
var k = this.$BaseEventEmitter2.getSubscriptionsForType(j);
if (k) {
var l = Object.keys(k),
for (var n = 0; n < l.length; n++) {
var o = l[n],
p = k[o];
if (p) {
this.$BaseEventEmitter1 = p;
if (m == null) {
m = [p];
for (var q = 0, r = arguments.length; q < r; q++) m[q + 1] = arguments[q];
} else m[0] = p;
this.__emitToSubscription.apply(this, m);
this.$BaseEventEmitter1 = null;
i.prototype.__emitToSubscription = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
for (var l = arguments.length, m = Array(l > 2 ? l - 2 : 0), n = 2; n < l; n++) m[n - 2] = arguments[n];
c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(j.listener, j.context, m, null, 'EventEmitter ' + k + ' event');
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('EventEmitter', ['BaseEventEmitter'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i;
h = babelHelpers.inherits(j, c('BaseEventEmitter'));
i = h && h.prototype;
function j() {
'use strict';
h.apply(this, arguments);
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('EventEmitterWithHolding', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
function h(i, j) {
this.$EventEmitterWithHolding1 = i;
this.$EventEmitterWithHolding2 = j;
this.$EventEmitterWithHolding3 = null;
this.$EventEmitterWithHolding4 = [];
this.$EventEmitterWithHolding5 = 0;
h.prototype.addListener = function(i, j, k) {
return this.$EventEmitterWithHolding1.addListener(i, j, k);
h.prototype.once = function(i, j, k) {
return this.$EventEmitterWithHolding1.once(i, j, k);
h.prototype.addRetroactiveListener = function(i, j, k) {
var l = this.$EventEmitterWithHolding1.addListener(i, j, k),
m = this.$EventEmitterWithHolding4;
this.$EventEmitterWithHolding2.emitToListener(i, j, k);
if (m[m.length - 1]) l.remove();
return l;
h.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(i) {
h.prototype.removeCurrentListener = function() {
if (this.$EventEmitterWithHolding5) {
var i = this.$EventEmitterWithHolding4;
i[i.length - 1] = true;
} else this.$EventEmitterWithHolding1.removeCurrentListener();
h.prototype.listeners = function(i) {
return this.$EventEmitterWithHolding1.listeners(i);
h.prototype.emit = function(i, j, k, l, m, n, o) {
this.$EventEmitterWithHolding1.emit(i, j, k, l, m, n, o);
h.prototype.emitAndHold = function(i, j, k, l, m, n, o) {
this.$EventEmitterWithHolding3 = this.$EventEmitterWithHolding2.holdEvent(i, j, k, l, m, n, o);
this.$EventEmitterWithHolding1.emit(i, j, k, l, m, n, o);
this.$EventEmitterWithHolding3 = null;
h.prototype.releaseCurrentEvent = function() {
if (this.$EventEmitterWithHolding3 !== null) {
} else if (!!this.$EventEmitterWithHolding5) this.$EventEmitterWithHolding2.releaseCurrentEvent();
h.prototype.releaseHeldEventType = function(i) {
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('EventHolder', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
'use strict';
function i() {
this.$EventHolder1 = {};
this.$EventHolder2 = [];
i.prototype.holdEvent = function(j, k, l, m, n, o, p) {
this.$EventHolder1[j] = this.$EventHolder1[j] || [];
var q = this.$EventHolder1[j],
r = {
eventType: j,
index: q.length
q.push([k, l, m, n, o, p]);
return r;
i.prototype.emitToListener = function(j, k, l) {
var m = this.$EventHolder1[j];
if (!m) return;
m.forEach(function(n, o) {
if (!n) return;
eventType: j,
index: o
k.apply(l, n);
i.prototype.releaseCurrentEvent = function() {
this.$EventHolder2.length || h(0);
this.releaseEvent(this.$EventHolder2[this.$EventHolder2.length - 1]);
i.prototype.releaseEvent = function(j) {
delete this.$EventHolder1[j.eventType][j.index];
i.prototype.releaseEventType = function(j) {
this.$EventHolder1[j] = [];
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('Arbiter', ['invariant', 'CallbackDependencyManager', 'ErrorUtils', 'EventEmitter', 'EventEmitterWithHolding', 'EventHolder'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
'use strict';
var i, j;
function k(o) {
return Array.isArray(o) ? o : [o];
function l() {
var o = new(c('EventEmitter'))();
this.$Arbiter1 = new m();
this.$Arbiter2 = new(c('EventEmitterWithHolding'))(o, this.$Arbiter1);
this.$Arbiter3 = new(c('CallbackDependencyManager'))();
this.$Arbiter4 = [];
l.prototype.subscribe = function(o, p, q) {
o = k(o);
o.forEach(function(s) {
s && typeof s === 'string' || h(0);
typeof p === 'function' || h(0);
q = q || l.SUBSCRIBE_ALL;
q === l.SUBSCRIBE_NEW || q === l.SUBSCRIBE_ALL || h(0);
var r = {
var t = this.$Arbiter5.bind(this, p, s);
t.__SMmeta = p.__SMmeta;
if (q === l.SUBSCRIBE_NEW) return this.$Arbiter2.addListener(s, t);
var u = this.$Arbiter2.addRetroactiveListener(s, t);
return u;
}, this);
return new n(this, r);
l.prototype.$Arbiter5 = function(o, p, q) {
var r = this.$Arbiter4[this.$Arbiter4.length - 1];
if (r[p] === false) return;
var s = c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(o, null, [p, q]);
if (s === false) this.$Arbiter2.releaseCurrentEvent();
r[p] = s;
l.prototype.unsubscribeCurrentSubscription = function() {
l.prototype.releaseCurrentPersistentEvent = function() {
l.prototype.subscribeOnce = function(o, p, q) {
var r = this.subscribe(o, function(s, t) {
return p(s, t);
}.bind(this), q);
return r;
l.prototype.unsubscribe = function(o) {
o.isForArbiterInstance(this) || h(0);
l.prototype.inform = function(o, p, q) {
var r = Array.isArray(o);
o = k(o);
q = q || l.BEHAVIOR_EVENT;
var s = q === l.BEHAVIOR_STATE || q === l.BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT;
for (var t = 0; t < o.length; t++) {
var u = o[t];
u || h(0);
this.$Arbiter1.setHoldingBehavior(u, q);
this.$Arbiter2.emitAndHold(u, p);
this.$Arbiter6(u, p, s);
var v = this.$Arbiter4.pop();
return r ? v : v[o[0]];
l.prototype.query = function(o) {
var p = this.$Arbiter1.getHoldingBehavior(o);
!p || p === l.BEHAVIOR_STATE || h(0);
var q = null;
this.$Arbiter1.emitToListener(o, function(r) {
q = r;
return q;
l.prototype.registerCallback = function(o, p) {
if (typeof o === 'function') {
return this.$Arbiter3.registerCallback(o, p);
} else return this.$Arbiter3.addDependenciesToExistingCallback(o, p);
l.prototype.$Arbiter6 = function(o, p, q) {
if (p === null) return;
if (q) {
} else this.$Arbiter3.satisfyNonPersistentDependency(o);
i = babelHelpers.inherits(m, c('EventHolder'));
j = i && i.prototype;
function m() {;
this.$ArbiterEventHolder1 = {};
m.prototype.setHoldingBehavior = function(o, p) {
this.$ArbiterEventHolder1[o] = p;
m.prototype.getHoldingBehavior = function(o) {
return this.$ArbiterEventHolder1[o];
m.prototype.holdEvent = function(o, p, q, r, s) {
var t = this.$ArbiterEventHolder1[o];
if (t !== l.BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT) this.$ArbiterEventHolder2(o);
if (t !== l.BEHAVIOR_EVENT) return, o, p, q, r, s);
m.prototype.$ArbiterEventHolder2 = function(o) {
this.emitToListener(o, this.releaseCurrentEvent, this);
m.prototype.releaseEvent = function(o) {
if (o), o);
Object.assign(l, {
function n(o, p) {
this.$ArbiterToken1 = o;
this.$ArbiterToken2 = p;
n.prototype.unsubscribe = function() {
for (var o = 0; o < this.$ArbiterToken2.length; o++) this.$ArbiterToken2[o].remove();
this.$ArbiterToken2.length = 0;
n.prototype.isForArbiterInstance = function(o) {
this.$ArbiterToken1 || h(0);
return this.$ArbiterToken1 === o;
Object.keys(l.prototype).forEach(function(o) {
l[o] = function() {
var p = this instanceof l ? this : l;
return l.prototype[o].apply(p, arguments);
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('CSRFGuard', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = 'for (;;);',
i = /^for ?\(;;\);/,
j = {
length: h.length,
regex: i,
exists: function k(l) {
return !!l.match(i);
clean: function k(l) {
var m = l.match(i);
return m ? l.substr(m[0].length) : m;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('JSLog', ['ErrorUtils', 'ex', 'sprintf'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = c('ex'),
i = ['error', 'warn', 'info'];
function j(l, m) {
if (m === undefined) {
k.error('JSLog.%s requires an error message argument', l);
for (var n = arguments.length, o = Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0), p = 2; p < n; p++) o[p - 2] = arguments[p];
var q = new Error(h.apply(undefined, [m].concat(o))); = c('sprintf')('JSLog.%s', l);
q.type = l;
q.messageWithParams = [m].concat(o);
q.framesToPop = 1;
var k = i.reduce(function(l, m) {
l[m] = j.bind(l, m);
return l;
}, {});
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('CircularBuffer', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(j) {
'use strict';
j > 0 || h(0);
this.$CircularBuffer1 = j;
this.$CircularBuffer2 = 0;
this.$CircularBuffer3 = [];
i.prototype.write = function(j) {
'use strict';
if (this.$CircularBuffer3.length < this.$CircularBuffer1) {
} else {
this.$CircularBuffer3[this.$CircularBuffer2] = j;
this.$CircularBuffer2 %= this.$CircularBuffer1;
return this;
}; = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$CircularBuffer3.slice(this.$CircularBuffer2).concat(this.$CircularBuffer3.slice(0, this.$CircularBuffer2));
i.prototype.clear = function() {
'use strict';
this.$CircularBuffer2 = 0;
this.$CircularBuffer3 = [];
return this;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('LogBuffer', ['CircularBuffer'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = b.setTimeout.nativeBackup || b.setTimeout,
i = 5000,
j = {},
k = {},
l = {
write: function m(n, o) {
var p = j[n] = j[n] || new(c('CircularBuffer'))(i);
if (k[n]) k[n].forEach(function(q) {
try {
} catch (r) {}
read: function m(n) {
if (!j[n]) {
return [];
} else return j[n].read();
tail: function m(n, o) {
if (typeof o !== 'function') return;
k[n] = k[n] || [];
if (j[n]) {
var p = j[n]; {
try {
} catch (r) {}
clear: function m(n) {
if (j[n]) h(function() {
}, 0);
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('ExecutionEnvironment', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement),
i = {
canUseDOM: h,
canUseWorkers: typeof Worker !== 'undefined',
canUseEventListeners: h && !!(window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent),
canUseViewport: h && !!window.screen,
isInWorker: !h
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('performance', ['ExecutionEnvironment'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = void 0;
if (c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM) h = window.performance || window.msPerformance || window.webkitPerformance;
f.exports = h || {};
}), null);
__d('performanceAbsoluteNow', ['performance'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h;
if (c('performance').now && c('performance').timing && c('performance').timing.navigationStart) {
var i = c('performance').timing.navigationStart;
h = function j() {
return c('performance').now() + i;
} else h = function j() {
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('ProfilingCounters', ['performanceAbsoluteNow'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h() {
'use strict';
this.$ProfilingCounters1 = [];
this.$ProfilingCounters2 = {};
this.$ProfilingCounters3 = {};
this.$ProfilingCounters4 = {};
h.startCapturing = function() {
'use strict';
h.$ProfilingCounters6.push(new h());
h.stopCapturing = function() {
'use strict';
var i = h.$ProfilingCounters6.pop();
if (!i) throw new Error('Called ProfilingCounters.stopCapturing too many times.');
h.$ProfilingCounters7 = function() {
'use strict';
var i = h.$ProfilingCounters6.length;
if (i === 0) throw new Error('Must call ProfilingCounters.startCapturing first.');
return h.$ProfilingCounters6[i - 1];
h.startTiming = function(i) {
'use strict';
return h.$ProfilingCounters7().$ProfilingCounters8(i);
h.prototype.$ProfilingCounters8 = function(i) {
'use strict';
var j = h.$ProfilingCounters5++,
k = {
value: 0,
counter: i,
id: j,
lastStartTime: 0
this.$ProfilingCounters2[j] = this.$ProfilingCounters1.length;
var l = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
k.lastStartTime = l;
if (this.$ProfilingCounters1.length > 1) {
var m = this.$ProfilingCounters1[this.$ProfilingCounters1.length - 2];
m.value += l - m.lastStartTime;
return j;
h.stopTiming = function(i) {
'use strict';
return h.$ProfilingCounters7().$ProfilingCounters9(i);
h.prototype.$ProfilingCounters9 = function(i) {
'use strict';
var j = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')(),
k = this.$ProfilingCounters2[i];
delete this.$ProfilingCounters2[i];
if (k == null || this.$ProfilingCounters1[k] == null) return 0;
var l = null,
m = 0;
while (this.$ProfilingCounters1.length - 1 > k) {
var n = this.$ProfilingCounters1.pop();
m += n.value;
delete this.$ProfilingCounters2[];
if (l == null && n.lastStartTime != null) l = n.lastStartTime;
var o = this.$ProfilingCounters1.pop();
o.value += j - (l || o.lastStartTime);
o.value += m;
this.$ProfilingCounters4[o.counter] = this.$ProfilingCounters4[o.counter] || 0;
this.$ProfilingCounters4[o.counter] += o.value;
if (this.$ProfilingCounters1.length > 0) this.$ProfilingCounters1[this.$ProfilingCounters1.length - 1].lastStartTime = j;
return o.value;
h.incrementCounter = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
h.$ProfilingCounters7().$ProfilingCounters10(i, j);
h.prototype.$ProfilingCounters10 = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
this.$ProfilingCounters3[i] = this.$ProfilingCounters3[i] || 0;
this.$ProfilingCounters3[i] += j;
h.getTotals = function() {
'use strict';
return h.$ProfilingCounters7().$ProfilingCounters11();
h.prototype.$ProfilingCounters11 = function() {
'use strict';
return babelHelpers['extends']({}, this.$ProfilingCounters4, this.$ProfilingCounters3);
h.$ProfilingCounters6 = [];
h.$ProfilingCounters5 = 1;
b.ProfilingCounters = h;
f.exports = h;
}), 3);
__d('TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = [],
i = null,
j = null,
k = 1,
l = {},
m = {};
function n(p, q, r, s) {
if (p == null || p.length === 0) return;
var t = 0,
u = 0,
v = [];
while (u < p.length) {
var w = p[u],
x = true;
if (!(s !== null && s !== w.rootContext && q)) {
if (w.refCount === 0) {
w.callbacks.forEach(function(y) {
return v.push(y);
w.callbacks = [];
x = false;
if (x) {
p[t] = w;
p.splice(t, u - t);
if (j != null) j.scheduleCallbacks(v);
var o = {
wrapWithReferenceCounting: function p(q, r, s, t) {
var u = null,
v = false;
if (s && h.length > 0) {
h.forEach(function(z) {
return z.refCount++;
u = h;
var w = false,
x = k++,
y = function z() {
w = true;
var aa = m[x];
if (aa) {
delete l[aa];
delete m[x];
var ba = h;
if (u != null) h = u;
var ca = r.apply(this, arguments),
da = t.getLastCompletedTimeSliceContextID(),
ea = i != null && i.rootContext === da;
if (u != null || ea) {
n(h, v, q, t.getLastCompletedTimeSliceContextID());
h = ba;
v = true;
return ca;
y.__creationID = x;
y.__cancelCallback = function() {
if (u != null && !w) {
w = true;
n(u, v, q, null);
v = true;
return y;
getCurrentActiveReferenceRootIds: function p() {
return {
return q.rootContext;
addOrCreateRefCounter: function p(q, r) {
if (i != null && i.rootContext === r) {
} else {
i = {
refCount: 1,
callbacks: [q],
rootContext: r
h = h.slice();
registerForCancelling: function p(q, r) {
if (l[q] != null) {
} else if (!q) return;
l[q] = r;
m[r.__creationID] = q;
cancelTimeSlice: function p(q) {
var r = l[q];
if (r) {
delete l[q];
delete m[r.__creationID];
isValidCancellationToken: function p(q) {
return l[q] != null;
registerRefCountingCallbackManager: function p(q) {
j = q;
f.exports = o;
}), null);
__d('wrapFunction', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {},
i = function j(k, l, m) {
var n = l || 'default';
return function() {
var o = n in h ? h[n](k, m) : k;
return o.apply(this, arguments);
i.setWrapper = function(j) {
var k = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 'default' : arguments[1];
h[k] = j;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('TimeSlice', ['invariant', 'CircularBuffer', 'ErrorUtils', 'Env', 'LogBuffer', 'ProfilingCounters', 'TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper', 'performanceAbsoluteNow', 'wrapFunction'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = 1,
j = false,
k = void 0,
l = void 0,
m = void 0,
n = 0,
o = 1,
p = 2,
q = n,
r = new(c('CircularBuffer'))(100),
s = 0,
t = 0,
u = c('Env').shouldLogCounters,
v = 'stackTraceLimit' in Error,
w = 60000,
x = 240000,
y = null,
z = false,
aa = 0,
ba = [],
ca = {
_enabled: false,
_lastEnabledStartTimeMs: null,
_firstEnabledStartTimeMs: null,
_delayMs: 33,
_idleGapThresholdMs: 60,
_lastEvent: {
type: 'unknown',
timeMs: null
_intervalHandle: null,
_ignoredTimesliceNames: {},
_expectedNextHeartbeatMs: null,
_activeHeartbeatHandles: {},
enable: function ea() {
var fa, ga = this,
ha = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
if (!this._enabled) {
var ia = c('Env').timeslice_heartbeat_config || {};
this._enabled = true;
this._delayMs = ia.pollIntervalMs || this._delayMs;
this._idleGapThresholdMs = ia.idleGapThresholdMs || this._idleGapThresholdMs;
this._ignoredTimesliceNames = ia.ignoredTimesliceNames || this._ignoredTimesliceNames;
this._intervalHandle = setInterval(this._beat.bind(this), this._delayMs);
this._expectedNextHeartbeatMs = ha + this._delayMs;
if (this._firstEnabledStartTimeMs == null) this._firstEnabledStartTimeMs = ha;
if (z) {
return null;
} else if (ha - this._firstEnabledStartTimeMs > x) {
z = true;
return null;
} else {
var fa = function() {
ga._lastEnabledStartTimeMs = ha;
var ja = aa++,
ka = {
disable: function() {
if (this._activeHeartbeatHandles[ja] != null) {
delete this._activeHeartbeatHandles[ja];
enabledTime: ga._lastEnabledStartTimeMs
ga._activeHeartbeatHandles[ja] = ka;
return {
v: ka
if (typeof fa === "object") return fa.v;
_checkShouldDisable: function ea() {
var fa, ga = this;
if (this._enabled)(function() {
var ha = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')(),
ia = false;
Object.keys(ga._activeHeartbeatHandles).forEach(function(ja) {
if (ha - this._activeHeartbeatHandles[ja].enabledTime > w) {
delete this._activeHeartbeatHandles[ja];
} else ia = true;
if (!ia) {
ga._enabled = false;
ga._intervalHandle = null;
ga._firstEnabledStartTimeMs = null;
updateExecution: function ea(fa, ga, ha) {
if (!this._enabled) return;
if (this._ignoredTimesliceNames[ha]) {
type: 'ignored_exec',
timeMs: fa
}, true);
type: 'ignored_exec',
timeMs: ga
}, false);
} else {
type: 'exec',
timeMs: fa
}, true);
type: 'exec',
timeMs: ga
}, false);
_isIdleMarker: function ea(event) {
return event.type == 'beat' || event.type == 'ignored_exec';
_updateState: function ea(fa, ga) {
var ha = this._lastEvent.timeMs,
ia = fa.timeMs;
if (ga) {
var ja = this._expectedNextHeartbeatMs + this._idleGapThresholdMs,
ka = ia > ja;
if (this._lastEvent.type === 'exec') {
if (fa.type === 'exec') {
this._outputBrowserBlock(ha, ia, ka ? 'likely_btwn_exec' : 'btwn_exec');
} else if (this._isIdleMarker(fa)) this._outputBrowserBlock(ha, ia, ka ? 'likely_post_exec' : 'post_exec');
} else if (this._isIdleMarker(this._lastEvent))
if (fa.type === 'exec') {
this._outputBrowserBlock(ha, ia, ka ? 'likely_pre_exec' : 'pre_exec');
} else if (this._isIdleMarker(fa) && ka) {
var la = fa.type === 'beat' ? 'delayed_beat' : 'delayed_beat_btwn_ignored';
this._outputBrowserBlock(ha, ia, la);
this._lastEvent = fa;
_outputBrowserBlock: function ea(fa, ga, ha) {
if (fa < ga) c('LogBuffer').write('time_slice_heartbeat', {
begin: fa,
end: ga,
id: i++,
parentID: null,
guard: 'browser time: ' + ha
_beat: function ea() {
var fa = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
if (!this._enabled) {
} else if (fa - this._lastEnabledStartTimeMs > w) {
this._activeHeartbeatHandles = {};
type: 'beat',
timeMs: fa
}, true);
this._expectedNextHeartbeatMs = fa + this._delayMs;
isOn: function ea() {
return this._enabled;
da = {
guard: function ea(fa, ga, ha) {
typeof fa === 'function' || h(0);
typeof ga === 'string' || h(0);
if (fa.__tsGuarded) return fa;
if (!ha || !ha.root) da.checkCoverage();
var ia = void 0;
if (j) ia = k;
var ja = function ka() {
var la = void 0;
var ma = k;
k = i++;
if (j) {
la = fa.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
var na = 'TimeSlice' + (ga ? ': ' + ga : '');
var oa = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
j = true;
m = ga;
la = c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(fa, this, arguments, null, na);
j = false;
var pa = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
t += pa - oa;
c('LogBuffer').write('time_slice', babelHelpers['extends']({
begin: oa,
end: pa,
id: k,
parentID: ia,
guard: ga,
counters: u ? c('ProfilingCounters').getTotals() : null,
activeRefTreeIds: c('TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper').getCurrentActiveReferenceRootIds()
}, ha, fa.__SMmeta));
ca.updateExecution(oa, pa, ga);
l = k;
k = ma;
return la;
ja = c('TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper').wrapWithReferenceCounting(ga, ja, ha != null && ha.isContinuation, da);
ja.__tsGuarded = true;
return ja;
inGuard: function ea() {
return j;
checkCoverage: function ea() {
var fa = void 0;
if (q !== p && !j) {
if (v) {
fa = Error.stackTraceLimit;
Error.stackTraceLimit = 50;
var ga = new Error('Missing TimeSlice coverage');
if (v) Error.stackTraceLimit = fa;
ga.type = 'warn';
if (q === o && Math.random() < s) {
} else if (q === n) r.write(ga);
setLogging: function ea(fa, ga) {
if (q !== n) return;
s = ga;
if (fa) {
q = o; {
if (Math.random() < s) c('ErrorUtils').reportError(ha);
} else q = p;
r = undefined;
enableHeartbeat: function ea() {
return ca.enable();
disablePageHeartbeat: function ea() {
if (y != null) y.disable();
isHeartbeatOn: function ea() {
return ca.isOn();
getContext: function ea() {
if (!j) return null;
return {
id: k,
name: m
getLastCompletedTimeSliceContextID: function ea() {
return l;
getTotalTime: function ea() {
return t;
getGuardedContinuation: function ea(fa) {
return da.guard(function() {
return arguments[0].apply(this,, 1));
}, fa, {
isContinuation: true
getGuardNameStack: function ea() {
return ba.slice();
c('wrapFunction').setWrapper(da.guard, 'entry');
if (c('Env').timeslice_heartbeat_config && c('Env').timeslice_heartbeat_config.enableOnRequire) y = da.enableHeartbeat();
b.TimeSlice = da;
f.exports = da;
}), 3);
__d('CurrentCommunity', ['CurrentCommunityInitialData'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getID: function i() {
return c('CurrentCommunityInitialData').COMMUNITY_ID || '0';
getName: function i() {
return c('CurrentCommunityInitialData').COMMUNITY_NAME || '';
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('DTSG', ['invariant', 'DTSGInitialData'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
'use strict';
var i = c('DTSGInitialData').token || null,
j = {
getToken: function k() {
return i;
setToken: function k(l) {
i = l;
refresh: function k() {
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('BitMap', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_';
function i() {
'use strict';
this.$BitMap1 = [];
i.prototype.set = function(l) {
'use strict';
this.$BitMap1[l] = 1;
return this;
i.prototype.toString = function() {
'use strict';
var l = [];
for (var m = 0; m < this.$BitMap1.length; m++) l.push(this.$BitMap1[m] ? 1 : 0);
return l.length ? k(l.join('')) : '';
i.prototype.toCompressedString = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.$BitMap1.length === 0) return '';
var l = [],
m = 1,
n = this.$BitMap1[0] || 0,
o = n.toString(2);
for (var p = 1; p < this.$BitMap1.length; p++) {
var q = this.$BitMap1[p] || 0;
if (q === n) {
} else {
n = q;
m = 1;
if (m) l.push(j(m));
return k(o + l.join(''));
function j(l) {
var m = l.toString(2),
n = '0'.repeat(m.length - 1);
return n + m;
function k(l) {
var m = (l + '00000').match(/[01]{6}/g),
n = '';
for (var o = 0; o < m.length; o++) n += h[parseInt(m[o], 2)];
return n;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('Map', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
f.exports = function(h) {
return h.Map;
}), null);
__d('Set', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
f.exports = function(h) {
return h.Set;
}), null);
__d('ge', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(k, l, m) {
return typeof k != 'string' ? k : !l ? document.getElementById(k) : i(k, l, m);
function i(k, l, m) {
var n = void 0,
o = void 0,
p = void 0;
if (j(l) == k) {
return l;
} else if (l.getElementsByTagName) {
o = l.getElementsByTagName(m || '*');
for (p = 0; p < o.length; p++)
if (j(o[p]) == k) return o[p];
} else {
o = l.childNodes;
for (p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
n = i(k, o[p]);
if (n) return n;
return null;
function j(k) {
return k.getAttribute ? k.getAttribute('id') : null;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('memoize', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(j) {
var k = void 0;
return function() {
!arguments.length || h(0);
if (j) {
k = j();
j = null;
return k;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('replaceTransportMarkers', ['Map', 'Set', 'ge', 'memoize'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j, k) {
var l = k !== undefined ? j[k] : j,
if (Array.isArray(l)) {
for (m = 0; m < l.length; m++) h(i, l, m);
} else if (l && typeof l == 'object')
if (l.__m) {
if (l.__lazy) {
j[k] = c('memoize')(c.bind(null, l.__m));
} else j[k] =, l.__m);
} else if (l.__e) {
j[k] = c('ge')(l.__e);
} else if (l.__rel) {
j[k] = i;
} else {
for (var n in l) h(i, l, n);
if (l.__map) {
j[k] = new(c('Map'))(l.__map);
} else if (l.__set) j[k] = new(c('Set'))(l.__set);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('ServerJSDefine', ['BitMap', 'replaceTransportMarkers'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 2,
i = new(c('BitMap'))(),
j = {
getLoadedModuleHash: function k() {
return i.toCompressedString();
handleDefine: function k(l, m, n, o, p) {
define(l, m, function q() {
c('replaceTransportMarkers')(p, n);
return n;
}, h);
handleDefines: function k(l, m) {
l.forEach(function(n) {
if (m) n.push(m);
j.handleDefine.apply(null, n);
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('CSSCore', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(k, l) {
var m = k;
while (m.parentNode) m = m.parentNode;
var n = m.querySelectorAll(l);
return, k) !== -1;
var j = {
addClass: function k(l, m) {
!/\s/.test(m) || h(0);
if (m)
if (l.classList) {
} else if (!j.hasClass(l, m)) l.className = l.className + ' ' + m;
return l;
removeClass: function k(l, m) {
!/\s/.test(m) || h(0);
if (m)
if (l.classList) {
} else if (j.hasClass(l, m)) l.className = l.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + m + '(?:\\s|$)', 'g'), '$1').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '');
return l;
conditionClass: function k(l, m, n) {
return (n ? j.addClass : j.removeClass)(l, m);
hasClass: function k(l, m) {
!/\s/.test(m) || h(0);
if (l.classList) return !!m && l.classList.contains(m);
return (' ' + l.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + m + ' ') > -1;
matchesSelector: function k(l, m) {
var n = l.matches || l.webkitMatchesSelector || l.mozMatchesSelector || l.msMatchesSelector || function(o) {
return i(l, o);
return, m);
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('isSocialPlugin', ['CSSCore'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
function h() {
return document.body && c('CSSCore').hasClass(document.body, 'plugin');
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('getAsyncParams', ['CurrentCommunity', 'CurrentUserInitialData', 'DTSG', 'ISB', 'LSD', 'ServerJSDefine', 'SiteData', 'SprinkleConfig', 'isSocialPlugin'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 1;
function i(j) {
var k, l = (k = {
__user: c('CurrentUserInitialData').USER_ID,
__a: 1,
__dyn: c('ServerJSDefine').getLoadedModuleHash(),
__af: c('SiteData').features,
__req: (h++).toString(36)
}, k[c('SiteData').be_key] = c('SiteData').be_mode, k[c('SiteData').pkg_cohort_key] = c('SiteData').pkg_cohort, k.__rev = c('SiteData').revision, k);'&').forEach(function(p) {
var q = p.split('='),
r = q[0],
s = q[1];
if (r === 'locale' || r === 'cxobfus' || r === 'js_debug' || r.substr(0, 3) === 'mh_') l[r] = s;
if (j == 'POST') {
var m = c('DTSG').getCachedToken ? c('DTSG').getCachedToken() : c('DTSG').getToken();
if (m) {
l.fb_dtsg = m;
var n = '';
for (var o = 0; o < l.fb_dtsg.length; o++) n += l.fb_dtsg.charCodeAt(o);
if (c('SprinkleConfig').param_name) l[c('SprinkleConfig').param_name] = '2' + n;
if (c('LSD').token) l.lsd = c('LSD').token;
if (c('ISB').token) l.fb_isb = c('ISB').token;
if (c('CurrentCommunity').getID() !== '0') l.__cid = c('CurrentCommunity').getID();
if (c('isSocialPlugin')()) l.__sp = 1;
if (c('SiteData').page_gen_time) l[c('SiteData').page_gen_time_key] = c('SiteData').page_gen_time;
if (c('SiteData').branch_name) l[c('SiteData').branch_name_key] = c('SiteData').branch_name;
return l;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('getSameOriginTransport', ['ex'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h() {
try {
return b.XMLHttpRequest ? new b.XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
} catch (i) {
throw new Error(c('ex')('getSameOriginTransport: %s', i.message));
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('ix', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = {};
function j(k) {
var l = i[k];
!!l || h(0);
return l;
j.add = function(k) {
var l = false;
for (var m in k)
if (!(m in i)) i[m] = k[m];
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('Bootloader', ['ix', 'Arbiter', 'BootloaderConfig', 'CSSLoader', 'CallbackDependencyManager', 'CSRFGuard', 'ErrorUtils', 'JSLog', 'ServerJS', 'TimeSlice', 'TimeSliceInteraction', 'ex', 'getAsyncParams', 'getSameOriginTransport', 'performanceAbsoluteNow'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = function ua() {},
j = {},
k = {},
l = {},
m = {},
n = null,
o = {},
p = {},
q = {},
r = {},
s = {},
t = [],
u = {},
v = {},
w = {},
x = {},
y = false,
z = false,
aa = [],
ba = new(c('CallbackDependencyManager'))(),
ca = 0,
da = c('BootloaderConfig').jsRetries || [],
ea = c('BootloaderConfig').jsRetryAbortNum,
fa = c('BootloaderConfig').jsRetryAbortTime,
ga = da.length > 0,
ha = {
BOOTLOAD: 'bootloader/bootload',
HASTE_RESPONSE: 'bootloader/hasteResponse'
c('ErrorUtils').addListener(function(ua) {
ua.loadingUrls = Object.keys(p);
}, true);
function ia(ua) {
var va = l[ua];
if (va) return va;
throw new Error(c('ex')('Bootloader: %s is not in the component map', ua));
function ja() {
if (!n) n = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body;
return n;
function ka() {
if (!ga) return false;
var ua = t.length;
if (ua < ea) return true;
var va = t[ua - 1] - t[ua - ea];
if (va < fa) {
c('JSLog').error('JS retry abort');
ga = false;
return ga;
function la(ua, va, wa, xa) {
var ya = document.createElement('script');
ya.src = ua;
ya.async = true;
if (va != null && o[va].crossOrigin) ya.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
var za = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')(),
ab = c('TimeSlice').getGuardedContinuation('Bootloader script.onresponse');
c('TimeSliceInteraction').informGlobally('bootloader._loadJS').addStringAnnotation('source', ua).addStringAnnotation('hash', va != null ? va : '');
ya.onload = ab.bind(undefined, function() {
if (s[ua]) c('JSLog').info('JS retry success [%s] at %s | time: %s | retries: %s', va, ua, c('performanceAbsoluteNow')() - za, s[ua]);
ya.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (['loaded', 'complete'].includes(this.readyState)) ab.bind(undefined, wa)();
ya.onerror = ab.bind(undefined, function() {
if (!s[ua]) s[ua] = 0;
if (ka() && s[ua] < da.length) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (!ka()) return;
var bb = ya.parentNode;
la(ua, va, wa, bb);
}, da[s[ua]]);
} else {
r[ua] = true;
c('JSLog').error('JS loading error [%s] at %s | time: %s | retries: %s' + ' | concurrency: %s', va, ua, c('performanceAbsoluteNow')() - za, s[ua], Object.keys(p).length);
return ya;
function ma(ua, va, wa, xa) {
var ya = function ab() {
return ta.done([wa], va);
p[va] = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
if (ua === 'js') {
la(va, wa, ya, xa);
} else if (ua === 'async') {
na(va, ya);
} else if (ua === 'css') {
var za = wa != null && o[wa].crossOrigin;
c('CSSLoader').loadStyleSheet(wa, va, xa, za, ya, function() {
c('JSLog').warn('CSS timeout [%s] at %s | concurrency: %s', wa, va, Object.keys(p).length);
r[va] = true;
function na(ua, va) {
var wa = c('getAsyncParams')('GET');
for (var xa in wa) {
var ya = encodeURIComponent(xa),
za = encodeURIComponent(wa[xa]);
ua += '&' + ya + '=' + za;
var ab = c('getSameOriginTransport')();'GET', ua, true);
ab.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (ab.readyState === 4) {
var bb = ab.status === 200 ? JSON.parse(c('CSRFGuard').clean(ab.responseText)) : {},
cb = oa();
cb(bb, ua, va);
function oa() {
return c('TimeSlice').guard(function(ua, va, wa) {
var xa = ua.jsmods,
ya = ua.resource_map,
za = ua.bootloadable,
ab = ua.ixData,
bb = ua.allResources,
cb = [0, 0, 0];
if (ya) cb = ta.setResourceMap(ya);
if (ab) h.add(ab);
if (za) ta.enableBootload(za);
ta.loadResources(bb || [], function() {
new(c('ServerJS'))().handle(xa || {});
var db = {
uri: va,
components: Object.keys(za || {}),
resourceCounts: cb
c('Arbiter').inform(ha.HASTE_RESPONSE, db, c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT);
}, 'Bootloader receiveEndpointData', {
isContinuation: true
function pa(ua) {
if (!o[ua]) {
c('JSLog').error('Missing unloading resource %s', ua);
if (o[ua].type === 'css') {
delete j[ua];
if (u[ua]) {
delete u[ua];
function qa(ua, va, wa, xa) {
var ya, za = {},
ab = {},
bb = {},
cb = window.CavalryLogger && window.CavalryLogger.getInstance();
ua.forEach(function(fb) {
var gb = o[fb];
if (!gb) {
c('JSLog').error('Unable to resolve resource %s.', fb);
if (gb.nonblocking && !c('BootloaderConfig').assumeNotNonblocking) {
bb[fb] = true;
} else ab[fb] = true;
if (!j[fb]) {
j[fb] = true;
if (gb.permanent || c('BootloaderConfig').assumePermanent) k[fb] = true;
za[fb] = gb;
cb && cb.measureResources({
name: fb,
type: gb.type
}, wa);
var db = va;
if (xa)(function() {
var fb = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
db = function gb() {
var hb = Math.round(c('performanceAbsoluteNow')() - fb),
ib = Object.keys(ab).length,
jb = Object.keys(za),
kb = {
blocking_resources_downloaded: jb.filter(function(nb) {
return (nb in ab);
blocking_resources_count: ib,
all_resources_downloaded: jb.length,
all_resources_count: ib + Object.keys(bb).length,
err_count: Object.values(za).filter(function(nb) {
var ob = nb.src;
return (ob in r);
lb = c('TimeSlice').getContext(),
mb = babelHelpers['extends']({}, xa, kb, {
timeslice_context: lb &&,
start_time: fb,
duration: hb
c('Arbiter').inform(ha.BOOTLOAD, mb, c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT);
va && va();
if (db) ba.registerCallback(db, Object.keys(ab));
var eb = document.createDocumentFragment();
Object.entries(za).forEach(function(fb) {
var gb = fb[0],
hb = fb[1],
ib = hb.type,
jb = hb.src;
ma(ib, jb, gb, eb);
function ra() {
return c('TimeSlice').guard(function(ua, va, wa, xa) {
if (va) {
for (var ya = arguments.length, za = Array(ya > 4 ? ya - 4 : 0), ab = 4; ab < ya; ab++) za[ab - 4] = arguments[ab];
va.apply(ua, za);
if (xa) c('JSLog').error('JS loading error [%s] at %s', wa, ua.src);
}, 'Bootloader _onScriptDone', {
isContinuation: true
function sa() {
if (y) return;
y = true;
Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('link')).forEach(function(ua) {
var va = void 0;
if (va = ua.getAttribute('data-bootloader-hash')) {
o[va] = {
src: ua.href,
type: 'css'
if (ua.getAttribute('data-permanent') || c('BootloaderConfig').assumePermanent) {
o[va].permanent = 1;
k[va] = true;
c('CSSLoader').registerLoadedStyleSheet(va, ua);
x[va] = true;
Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('script')).forEach(function(ua) {
var va = void 0;
if (va = ua.getAttribute('data-bootloader-hash')) {
o[va] = {
src: ua.src,
type: 'js'
if (ua.getAttribute('async')) {
if (window._btldr && window._btldr[va]) {
} else {
var wa = ra();
ua.onload = wa.bind(null, ua, ua.onload, va, false);
ua.onerror = wa.bind(null, ua, ua.onerror, va, true);
j[va] = true;
} else ta.done([va]);
x[va] = true;
var ta = {
loadModules: function ua(va) {
var wa, xa = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? i : arguments[1],
ya = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 'loadModules: unknown caller' : arguments[2];
if (!z) {
var za = 'Deferred: Bootloader.loadModules',
ab = c('TimeSlice').getGuardedContinuation(za);
aa.push([va, xa, ya, ab]);
var bb = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')(),
cb = JSON.stringify([ya, va]),
db = false;
if (!(cb in w)) {
db = true;
w[cb] = bb;
var eb = [],
fb = [],
gb = [],
hb = false,
ib = 0;
va.forEach(function(jb) {
var kb = ia(jb);
if (kb.needsAsync) {
if (jb in m) {
} else gb.push(jb);
if (!(jb in v)) {
hb = true;
v[jb] = bb;
if (kb.module) eb.push(jb);
fb.push.apply(fb, kb.resources);
if (gb.length > 0)(function() {
var jb = c('BootloaderConfig').payloadEndpointURI,
kb = 'async:' + ca++,
lb = encodeURIComponent(gb.join(',')),
mb = jb.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?';
o[kb] = {
src: '' + jb + mb + 'modules=' + lb,
type: 'async'
gb.forEach(function(nb) {
m[nb] = kb;
qa(fb, e.bind(null, eb, xa), null, {
ref: ya,
components: va,
has_new_component: hb,
first_identical_request: db,
async_resources_count: ib,
async_resources_downloaded: gb.length
loadResources: function ua(va, wa, xa, ya) {
var za;
c('TimeSliceInteraction').informGlobally('Bootloader.loadResources').addSetAnnotation('hashes', va);
if (xa)(function() {
var ab = {};
va.forEach(function(cb) {
ab[cb] = true;
for (var bb in j)
if (!(bb in k || bb in ab || bb in x)) pa(bb);
x = {};
qa(va, wa, ya);
requestJSResource_UNSAFE_NEEDS_REVIEW_BY_SECURITY_AND_XFN: function ua(va) {
ma('js', va, null, ja());
done: function ua(va, wa) {
if (wa != null) {
q[wa] = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')() - p[wa];
delete p[wa];
if (window.CavalryLogger) window.CavalryLogger.done_js(va);
va.forEach(function(xa) {
if (xa != null) {
j[xa] = true;
if (o[xa] && o[xa].type === 'css' && !u[xa]) u[xa] = define(c('CSSLoader').moduleName(xa), [], 'x', 2, null, 1);
enableBootload: function ua(va) {
for (var wa in va)
if (!l[wa]) l[wa] = va[wa];
if (!z) {
z = true;
aa.forEach(function(xa) {
xa[3](function() {
ta.loadModules.apply(ta, xa);
aa = [];
setResourceMap: function ua(va) {
var wa = 0,
xa = 0,
ya = 0;
for (var za in va)
if (!o[za]) {
o[za] = va[za];
} else if (o[za].src === va[za].src) {
} else xa++;
return [wa, xa, ya];
getURLToHashMap: function ua() {
var va = {};
for (var wa in o) va[o[wa].src] = wa;
return va;
loadPredictedResources: function ua(va, wa) {
va.forEach(function(xa) {
x[xa] = true;
qa(va, wa);
loadPredictedResourceMap: function ua(va, wa) {
ta.loadPredictedResources(Object.keys(va), wa);
getLoadingUrls: function ua() {
var va = {},
wa = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
for (var xa in p) va[xa] = wa - p[xa];
return va;
getBootloadedComponents: function ua() {
return v;
getLoadedUrlTimes: function ua() {
return q;
getErrorUrls: function ua() {
return Object.keys(r);
__debug: {
callbackManager: ba,
componentMap: l,
requested: j,
resources: o,
retries: s,
errors: r,
loading: p,
predictedResources: x,
bootloaded: v
Events: ha
f.exports = ta;
}), null);
__d('isEmpty', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
'use strict';
function i(k) {
if (Array.isArray(k)) {
return k.length === 0;
} else if (typeof k === 'object') {
if (k) {
!j(k) || k.size === undefined || h(0);
for (var l in k) return false;
return true;
} else return !k;
function j(k) {
if (typeof Symbol === 'undefined') return false;
return k[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'];
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('setIntervalAcrossTransitions', ['TimeSlice'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = b.setInterval.nativeBackup || b.setInterval;
f.exports = function() {
for (var i = arguments.length, j = Array(i), k = 0; k < i; k++) j[k] = arguments[k];
j[0] = c('TimeSlice').guard(j[0], 'setInterval');
return, b, j);
}), null);
__d('CSSLoader', ['CSSLoaderConfig', 'TimeSlice', 'TimeSliceInteraction', 'isEmpty', 'setIntervalAcrossTransitions'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 20,
i = c('CSSLoaderConfig').timeout,
j = c('CSSLoaderConfig').loadEventSupported,
k, l = {},
m = [],
n, o = {};
function p(t) {
if (k) return;
k = true;
var u = document.createElement('link');
u.onload = function() {
j = true;
u.rel = 'stylesheet';
u.href = 'data:text/css;base64,';
function q() {
var t, u = [],
v = [];
if ( >= n) {
for (t in o) {
o = {};
} else
for (t in o) {
var w = o[t].signal,
x = window.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(w, null) : w.currentStyle;
if (x && parseInt(x.height, 10) > 1) {
delete o[t];
for (var y = 0; y < v.length; y++) v[y].parentNode.removeChild(v[y]);
if (!c('isEmpty')(u)) {
for (y = 0; y < u.length; y++) u[y]();
n = + i;
return c('isEmpty')(o);
function r(t, u, v, w) {
var x = document.createElement('meta'); = 'bootloader_' + t.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/ig, '_');
var y = !c('isEmpty')(o);
n = + i;
o[t] = {
signal: x,
load: v,
error: w
if (!y) var z = c('setIntervalAcrossTransitions')(function aa() {
if (q()) clearInterval(z);
}, h);
var s = {
loadStyleSheet: function t(u, v, w, x, y, z) {
if (l[u]) throw new Error('CSS component ' + u + ' has already been requested.');
c('TimeSliceInteraction').informGlobally('CSSLoader.loadStyleSheet').addStringAnnotation('source', v).addStringAnnotation('name', u);
if (document.createStyleSheet) {
var aa;
for (var ba = 0; ba < m.length; ba++)
if (m[ba].imports.length < 31) {
aa = ba;
if (aa === undefined) {
try {
} catch (ca) {
aa = m.length - 1;
l[u] = {
styleSheet: m[aa],
uri: v
r(u, w, y, z);
var da = document.createElement('link');
da.rel = 'stylesheet';
da.type = 'text/css';
var ea = v.match(/^data:[^,]+,/);
if (ea && !ea[0].match(/base64/)) v = ea[0] + encodeURIComponent(v.substr(ea[0].length));
da.href = v;
if (x) da.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
l[u] = {
link: da
var fa = c('TimeSlice').getGuardedContinuation('CSSLoader link.onresponse');
if (j) {
da.onload = fa.bind(undefined, function ga() {
da.onload = da.onerror = null;
da.onerror = fa.bind(undefined, function ga() {
da.onload = da.onerror = null;
} else {
r(u, w, y, z);
if (j === undefined) p(w);
registerLoadedStyleSheet: function t(u, v) {
if (l[u]) throw new Error('CSS component ' + u + ' has been requested and should not be ' + 'loaded more than once.');
l[u] = {
link: v
unloadStyleSheet: function t(u) {
var v = l[u];
if (v == null) return;
var w =;
if (w) {
w.onload = w.onerror = null;
} else {
var x = v.styleSheet;
for (var y = 0; y < x.imports.length; y++)
if (x.imports[y].href == v.uri) {
delete o[u];
delete l[u];
moduleName: function t(u) {
return c('CSSLoaderConfig').modulePrefix + u;
f.exports = s;
}), null);
__d('getMarkupWrap', ['invariant', 'ExecutionEnvironment'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM ? document.createElement('div') : null,
j = {},
k = [1, '<select multiple="true">', '</select>'],
l = [1, '<table>', '</table>'],
m = [3, '<table><tbody><tr>', '</tr></tbody></table>'],
n = [1, '<svg xmlns="">', '</svg>'],
o = {
'*': [1, '?<div>', '</div>'],
area: [1, '<map>', '</map>'],
col: [2, '<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>', '</colgroup></table>'],
legend: [1, '<fieldset>', '</fieldset>'],
param: [1, '<object>', '</object>'],
tr: [2, '<table><tbody>', '</tbody></table>'],
optgroup: k,
option: k,
caption: l,
colgroup: l,
tbody: l,
tfoot: l,
thead: l,
td: m,
th: m
p = ['circle', 'clipPath', 'defs', 'ellipse', 'g', 'image', 'line', 'linearGradient', 'mask', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'radialGradient', 'rect', 'stop', 'text', 'tspan'];
p.forEach(function(r) {
o[r] = n;
j[r] = true;
function q(r) {
!!i || h(0);
if (!o.hasOwnProperty(r)) r = '*';
if (!j.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
if (r === '*') {
i.innerHTML = '<link />';
} else i.innerHTML = '<' + r + '></' + r + '>';
j[r] = !i.firstChild;
return j[r] ? o[r] : null;
f.exports = q;
}), null);
__d('createNodesFromMarkup', ['invariant', 'ExecutionEnvironment', 'getMarkupWrap'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM ? document.createElement('div') : null,
j = /^\s*<(\w+)/;
function k(m) {
var n = m.match(j);
return n && n[1].toLowerCase();
function l(m, n) {
var o = i;
!!i || h(0);
var p = k(m),
q = p && c('getMarkupWrap')(p);
if (q) {
o.innerHTML = q[1] + m + q[2];
var r = q[0];
while (r--) o = o.lastChild;
} else o.innerHTML = m;
var s = o.getElementsByTagName('script');
if (s.length) {
n || h(0);
var t = Array.from(o.childNodes);
while (o.lastChild) o.removeChild(o.lastChild);
return t;
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('evalGlobal', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
if (typeof i != 'string') throw new TypeError('JS sent to evalGlobal is not a string. Only strings are permitted.');
if (!i) return;
var j = document.createElement('script');
try {
} catch (k) {
j.text = i;
var l = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.documentElement;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('HTML', ['invariant', 'Bootloader', 'createNodesFromMarkup', 'emptyFunction', 'evalGlobal'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = /(<(\w+)[^>]*?)\/>/g,
j = {
abbr: true,
area: true,
br: true,
col: true,
embed: true,
hr: true,
img: true,
input: true,
link: true,
meta: true,
param: true
function k(l) {
'use strict';
if (l && typeof l.__html === 'string') l = l.__html;
if (!(this instanceof k)) {
if (l instanceof k) return l;
return new k(l);
if (l) {
var m = typeof l;
m === 'string' || h(0);
this._markup = l || '';
this._defer = false;
this._nodes = null;
this._inlineJS = c('emptyFunction');
this._rootNode = null;
k.prototype.toString = function() {
'use strict';
return this._markup;
k.prototype.getContent = function() {
'use strict';
return this._markup;
k.prototype.getNodes = function() {
'use strict';
return this._nodes;
k.prototype.getRootNode = function() {
'use strict';
!this._rootNode || h(0);
var l = this.getNodes();
if (l.length === 1) {
this._rootNode = l[0];
} else {
var m = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (var n = 0; n < l.length; n++) m.appendChild(l[n]);
this._rootNode = m;
return this._rootNode;
k.prototype.getAction = function() {
'use strict';
var l = function() {
return this._defer ? function() {
setTimeout(l, 0);
} : l;
k.prototype._fillCache = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._nodes !== null) return;
if (!this._markup) {
this._nodes = [];
var l = this._markup.replace(i, function(o, p, q) {
return j[q.toLowerCase()] ? o : p + '></' + q + '>';
m = null,
n = c('createNodesFromMarkup')(l, function(o) {
m = m || [];
m.push(o.src ? c('Bootloader').requestJSResource_UNSAFE_NEEDS_REVIEW_BY_SECURITY_AND_XFN.bind(c('Bootloader'), o.src) : c('evalGlobal').bind(null, o.innerHTML));
if (m) this._inlineJS = function() {
for (var o = 0; o < m.length; o++) m[o]();
this._nodes = n;
k.prototype.setDeferred = function(l) {
'use strict';
this._defer = !!l;
return this;
k.isHTML = function(l) {
'use strict';
return !!l && (l instanceof k || l.__html !== undefined);
k.replaceJSONWrapper = function(l) {
'use strict';
return l && l.__html !== undefined ? new k(l.__html) : l;
f.exports = k;
}), null);
* Copyright (C) 2010 by Johannes Baagoe <>
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* @providesModule Alea
* @preserve-header
__d('Alea', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h() {
var j = 4022871197,
k = function l(m) {
m = m.toString();
for (var o = 0; o < m.length; o++) {
j += m.charCodeAt(o);
var p = .02519603282416938 * j;
j = p >>> 0;
p -= j;
p *= j;
j = p >>> 0;
p -= j;
j += p * 4294967296;
return (j >>> 0) * 2.3283064365386963e-10;
k.version = 'Mash 0.9';
return k;
function i() {
return function(j) {
var k = 0,
l = 0,
m = 0,
n = 1;
if (j.length === 0) j = [new Date()];
var o = new h();
k = o(' ');
l = o(' ');
m = o(' ');
for (var p = 0; p < j.length; p++) {
k -= o(j[p]);
if (k < 0) k += 1;
l -= o(j[p]);
if (l < 0) l += 1;
m -= o(j[p]);
if (m < 0) m += 1;
o = null;
var q = function r() {
var s = 2091639 * k + n * 2.3283064365386963e-10;
k = l;
l = m;
m = s - (n = s | 0);
return m;
q.version = 'Alea 0.9';
q.args = j;
return q;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("ArtilleryJSPointTypes", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
}), null);
__d('ArtilleryTraceIDUtils', ['Alea', 'ErrorUtils', 'ServerNonce'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/',
i = c('Alea')(c('ServerNonce').ServerNonce),
j = function l() {
var m = 0,
n = 0,
o = '';
for (var p = 10; p >= 0; p--) {
if (m < 6) {
n = Math.floor(2147483648 * i());
m = 32;
if (p === 0) n &= 7;
o = h.charAt(n & 63) + o;
n >>= 6;
m -= 6;
return o;
k = {
newTraceId: function l() {
var m = void 0;
for (var n = 3; n > 0; n--) {
m = j();
if (m != this.getDummyId()) return m;
c('ErrorUtils').reportError(new Error('failed to generate valid Fbtrace id'));
return this.getDummyId();
newObjectId: function l() {
return this.newTraceId();
getDummyId: function l() {
traceIdToBucket: function l(m) {
var n = m.charAt(m.length - 1);
return h.indexOf(n) % 32;
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d("CurrentEventMeta", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = null,
i = {},
j = {
__setCurrentEventID: function k(l) {
h = l;
__informEventDataReady: function k(l, m) {
if (i[l]) {
i[l].forEach(function(n) {
return n(m);
delete i[l];
hasCurrentEvent: function k() {
return !!h;
registerForCurrentEventData: function k(l) {
if (h) {
i[h] = i[h] || [];
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('TimerStorage', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
i = {};
Object.keys(h).forEach(function(k) {
return i[k] = {};
var j = babelHelpers['extends']({}, h, {
set: function k(l, m) {
i[l][m] = true;
unset: function k(l, m) {
delete i[l][m];
clearAll: function k(l, m) {
i[l] = {};
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('performanceNow', ['performance'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h;
if (c('performance').now) {
h = function i() {
return c('performance').now();
} else h = function i() {
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("nativeRequestAnimationFrame", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = b.requestAnimationFrame && b.requestAnimationFrame.nativeBackup || b.requestAnimationFrame || b.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || b.mozRequestAnimationFrame || b.oRequestAnimationFrame || b.msRequestAnimationFrame;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('requestAnimationFramePolyfill', ['emptyFunction', 'nativeRequestAnimationFrame'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 0,
i = c('nativeRequestAnimationFrame') || function(j) {
var k =,
l = Math.max(0, 16 - (k - h));
h = k + l;
return b.setTimeout(function() {
}, l);
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('IdleCallbackImplementation', ['performanceNow', 'requestAnimationFramePolyfill'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = [],
i = 0,
j = 0,
k = -1,
l = false,
m = 1000 / 60,
n = 2;
function o(y, z) {
var aa = j++;
h[aa] = y;
if (z != null && z.timeout > 0) b.setTimeout(function() {
return w(aa);
}, z.timeout);
return aa;
function p(y) {
h[y] = null;
function q() {
if (!l) {
l = true;
c('requestAnimationFramePolyfill')(function(y) {
l = false;
s(c('performanceNow')() - y);
function r(y) {
var z = m - n;
if (y < z) return z - y;
var aa = y % m;
if (aa > z || aa < n) {
return 0;
} else return z - aa;
function s(y) {
var z = c('performanceNow')();
if (z > k) {
var aa = r(y);
if (aa > 0) {
var ba = z + aa;
k = ba;
if (t()) q();
function t() {
return i < h.length;
function u() {
while (t()) {
var y = h[i];
if (y) return y;
function v(y) {
var z = void 0;
while (c('performanceNow')() < y && (z = u())) z(new x(y));
function w(y) {
var z = h[y];
if (z) {
z(new x(null));
function x(y) {
'use strict';
this.didTimeout = y == null;
this.$IdleCallbackDeadline1 = y;
x.prototype.timeRemaining = function() {
'use strict';
var y = this.$IdleCallbackDeadline1;
if (y != null) {
var z = c('performanceNow')();
if (z < y) return y - z;
return 0;
f.exports = {
requestIdleCallback: o,
cancelIdleCallback: p
}), null);
__d('requestIdleCallbackAcrossTransitions', ['IdleCallbackImplementation', 'TimeSlice'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = b.requestIdleCallback || c('IdleCallbackImplementation').requestIdleCallback;
f.exports = function i(j, k) {
return, c('TimeSlice').guard(j, 'requestIdleCallback', {
isContinuation: true
}), k);
}), null);
__d('requestIdleCallback', ['TimerStorage', 'requestIdleCallbackAcrossTransitions'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = function h(i, j) {
var k = void 0,
l = function m(n) {
c('TimerStorage').unset(c('TimerStorage').IDLE_CALLBACK, k);
k = c('requestIdleCallbackAcrossTransitions').call(b, l, j);
c('TimerStorage').set(c('TimerStorage').IDLE_CALLBACK, k);
return k;
}), null);
__d('TimeSliceRefCountingCallbackManager', ['TimeSlice', 'TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper', 'requestIdleCallback'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = false;
function i() {
if (!h) {
h = true;
var j = {
onAllChildrenFinished: function k(l) {
var m = c('TimeSlice').getContext();
if (m != null) {
return true;
} else return false;
scheduleCallbacks: function k(l) {
if (l.length > 0) c('requestIdleCallback')(c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
return l.forEach(function(m) {
return m();
}, 'invoking onAllChildrenFinished callbacks', {
isContinuation: false
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('TimingAnnotations', ['Map', 'Set'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i, j, k;
l.prototype.addStringAnnotation = function(p, q) {
'use strict';
return this;
l.prototype.addSetAnnotation = function(p, q) {
'use strict';
return this;
l.prototype.addSetElement = function(p, q) {
'use strict';
return this;
l.prototype.registerOnBeforeSend = function(p) {
'use strict';
return this;
function l() {
'use strict';
h = babelHelpers.inherits(m, l);
i = h && h.prototype;
m.prototype.addVectorAnnotation = function(p, q) {
'use strict';
return this;
function m() {
'use strict';
h.apply(this, arguments);
function n() {
'use strict';
this.$TimingAnnotations1 = null;
this.$TimingAnnotations2 = null;
this.$TimingAnnotations3 = [];
n.prototype.addStringAnnotation = function(p, q) {
'use strict';
this.$TimingAnnotations2 = this.$TimingAnnotations2 || new(c('Map'))();
this.$TimingAnnotations2.set(p, q);
return this;
n.prototype.addSetAnnotation = function(p, q) {
'use strict';
var r = this.$TimingAnnotations1 || new(c('Map'))(),
s = r.get(p) || new(c('Set'))();
q.forEach(function(t) {
return s.add(t);
r.set(p, s);
this.$TimingAnnotations1 = r;
return this;
n.prototype.addSetElement = function(p, q) {
'use strict';
var r = this.$TimingAnnotations1 || new(c('Map'))(),
s = r.get(p) || new(c('Set'))();
r.set(p, s);
this.$TimingAnnotations1 = r;
return this;
n.prototype.registerOnBeforeSend = function(p) {
'use strict';
return this;
n.prototype.prepareToSend = function() {
'use strict';
this.$TimingAnnotations3.forEach(function(fa) {
return fa(this);
this.$TimingAnnotations3 = [];
var p = {};
if (this.$TimingAnnotations1 != null)
for (var q = this.$TimingAnnotations1, r = Array.isArray(q), s = 0, q = r ? q : q[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var t;
if (r) {
if (s >= q.length) break;
t = q[s++];
} else {
s =;
if (s.done) break;
t = s.value;
var u = t,
v = u[0],
w = u[1];
p[v] = Array.from(w.values());
var x = {};
if (this.$TimingAnnotations2 != null)
for (var y = this.$TimingAnnotations2, z = Array.isArray(y), aa = 0, y = z ? y : y[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var ba;
if (z) {
if (aa >= y.length) break;
ba = y[aa++];
} else {
aa =;
if (aa.done) break;
ba = aa.value;
var ca = ba,
da = ca[0],
ea = ca[1];
x[da] = ea;
return {
setProps: p,
stringProps: x
n.EmptyTimingAnnotations = l;
n.EmptyTraceTimingAnnotations = m;
n.TraceTimingAnnotations = o;
j = babelHelpers.inherits(o, n);
k = j && j.prototype;
function o() {
var p, q;
'use strict';
for (var r = arguments.length, s = Array(r), t = 0; t < r; t++) s[t] = arguments[t];
return q = (p = k.constructor).call.apply(p, [this].concat(s)), this.$TraceTimingAnnotations1 = null, q;
o.prototype.addVectorAnnotation = function(p, q) {
'use strict';
this.$TraceTimingAnnotations1 = this.$TraceTimingAnnotations1 || new(c('Map'))();
this.$TraceTimingAnnotations1.set(p, q);
return this;
o.prototype.prepareToSend = function() {
'use strict';
var p =;
p.vectorProps = {};
if (this.$TraceTimingAnnotations1 != null)
for (var q = this.$TraceTimingAnnotations1, r = Array.isArray(q), s = 0, q = r ? q : q[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var t;
if (r) {
if (s >= q.length) break;
t = q[s++];
} else {
s =;
if (s.done) break;
t = s.value;
var u = t,
v = u[0],
w = u[1];
p.vectorProps[v] = w;
return p;
f.exports = n;
}), null);
__d('clearTimeout', ['TimerStorage', 'TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = b.clearTimeout.nativeBackup || b.clearTimeout,
i = c('TimerStorage').TIMEOUT;
f.exports = function() {
for (var j = arguments.length, k = Array(j), l = 0; l < j; l++) k[l] = arguments[l];
c('TimerStorage').unset(i, k[0]);
var m = i + k[0];
if (k[0] != null && c('TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper').isValidCancellationToken(m)) c('TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper').cancelTimeSlice(m);
return, b, k);
}), null);
__d('setTimeoutAcrossTransitions', ['TimerStorage', 'TimeSlice', 'TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = b.setTimeout.nativeBackup || b.setTimeout,
i = c('TimerStorage').TIMEOUT;
f.exports = function() {
for (var j = arguments.length, k = Array(j), l = 0; l < j; l++) k[l] = arguments[l];
var m = c('TimeSlice').guard(k[0], 'setTimeout', {
isContinuation: true
k[0] = m;
var n =, b, k);
c('TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper').registerForCancelling(i + n, k[0]);
return n;
}), null);
__d('TimeSliceInteraction', ['ArtilleryJSPointTypes', 'Alea', 'Bootloader', 'CircularBuffer', 'CurrentEventMeta', 'ErrorUtils', 'ArtilleryTraceIDUtils', 'ServerNonce', 'TimeSlice', 'TimeSliceRefCountingCallbackManager', 'TimingAnnotations', 'TimeSliceInteractionCoinflips', 'clearTimeout', 'performance', 'performanceAbsoluteNow', 'requestIdleCallbackAcrossTransitions', 'setTimeoutAcrossTransitions', 'Map', 'Set'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
pointGroup: null,
type: null,
isPointOfInterest: null
i = 250,
j = new(c('CircularBuffer'))(i),
k = 100,
l = new(c('CircularBuffer'))(k),
m = 60 * 1000,
n = new(c('Map'))(),
o = new(c('TimingAnnotations').EmptyTimingAnnotations)(),
p = new(c('TimingAnnotations').EmptyTraceTimingAnnotations)(),
q = c('Alea')(c('ServerNonce')),
r = 'artillery_javascript_actions',
s = 'artillery_javascript_lite_actions';
function t(z) {
return z !== 0 && q() * z <= 1;
function u(z) {
var aa = c('TimeSliceInteractionCoinflips').interaction_to_coinflip,
ba = c('TimeSliceInteractionCoinflips').interaction_to_lite_coinflip,
ca = aa.hasOwnProperty(z) ? aa[z] : c('TimeSliceInteractionCoinflips').default_rate,
da = ba.hasOwnProperty(z) ? ba[z] : c('TimeSliceInteractionCoinflips').lite_default_rate,
ea = new(c('Set'))();
if (t(da)) ea.add('lite');
if (t(ca)) ea.add('full');
var fa = 0;
if (ea.has('lite') && ea.has('full')) {
fa = 1 / da * (1 / ca);
} else if (ea.has('lite')) {
fa = 1 / da * (1 - 1 / ca);
} else if (ea.has('full')) fa = 1 / ca * (1 - 1 / da);
return {
modes: ea,
probability: fa
function v() {
var z = c('ErrorUtils').normalizeError(Error()).stackFrames;
if (z) z.forEach(function(aa) {
return delete aa.text;
return z;
function w() {
return n.size !== 0;
function x(z) {
return babelHelpers['extends']({}, z, {
annotations: z.annotations.prepareToSend()
y.create = function(z) {
'use strict';
var aa = u(z),
ba = aa.modes,
ca = aa.probability,
da = new y(z, ba, ca);
if (ba.size === 0) {
} else {
interaction: da,
ts: c('performanceAbsoluteNow')()
da.trace().addStringAnnotation('initiatorType', 'manually_ended');
return da;
y.createAutoclosed = function(z) {
var aa;
'use strict';
var ba = y.create(z);
if (ba.isEnabled())(function() {
ba.trace().addStringAnnotation('initiatorType', 'autoclosed');
var ca = c('setTimeoutAcrossTransitions')(c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
ba.trace().addStringAnnotation('terminated_by_timeout_ms', m.toString());
}, 'timeout for interaction ' + z, {
isContinuation: false
}), m);
c('TimeSliceRefCountingCallbackManager').onAllChildrenFinished(function() {
return ba;
y.informGlobally = function(z, aa) {
'use strict';
if (!w()) return o;
var ba = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')(),
ca = new(c('TimingAnnotations'))(),
da = babelHelpers['extends']({
ts: ba,
name: z,
annotations: ca,
stacktrace: [],
guardStack: c('TimeSlice').getGuardNameStack()
}, h, aa);
ca.addStringAnnotation('global_point', '1');
n.forEach(function(ea) {
return ea.push(da);
return ca;
y.informOnPage = function(z, aa) {
'use strict';
var ba = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')(),
ca = new(c('TimingAnnotations'))(),
da = babelHelpers['extends']({
ts: ba,
name: z,
annotations: ca,
stacktrace: [],
guardStack: []
}, h, aa);
return ca;
function y(z, aa, ba) {
'use strict';
this.$TimeSliceInteraction2 = null;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction4 = true;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction5 = null;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction6 = [];
this.$TimeSliceInteraction7 = false;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction8 = false;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction9 = [];
this.$TimeSliceInteraction10 = [];
this.$TimeSliceInteraction11 = new(c('TimingAnnotations').TraceTimingAnnotations)();
this.$TimeSliceInteraction14 = false;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction15 = null;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction17 = 1;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction20 = function(da) {
this.$TimeSliceInteraction14 = false;
Object.keys(da).forEach(function(ea) {
var fa = '' + da[ea];
this.$TimeSliceInteraction11.addStringAnnotation(ea, fa);
if (this.$TimeSliceInteraction15) this.$TimeSliceInteraction15();
this.$TimeSliceInteraction12 = aa;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction1 = z;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction18 = ba;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction13 = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
var ca = c('TimeSlice').getContext();
this.inform('trace_started', {
type: c('ArtilleryJSPointTypes').TRACE_STARTED,
pointGroup: 'e2e',
isPointOfInterest: true
this.$TimeSliceInteraction16 = ca != null ? : null;
n.set(this, []);
if (this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full')) {
if (c('TimeSliceInteractionCoinflips').enable_heartbeat) this.$TimeSliceInteraction5 = c('TimeSlice').enableHeartbeat();
if (c('CurrentEventMeta').hasCurrentEvent()) {
this.$TimeSliceInteraction14 = true;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction3 = c('ArtilleryTraceIDUtils').newTraceId();
y.prototype.inform = function(z, aa) {
'use strict';
var ba = aa != null && aa.isPointOfInterest;
if (!this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full') && !(this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('lite') && ba)) return o;
var ca = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')(),
da = new(c('TimingAnnotations'))(),
ea = this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full') ? c('TimeSlice').getGuardNameStack() : [];
ts: ca,
name: z,
annotations: da,
stacktrace: [],
guardStack: ea
}, h, aa));
if (!this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full')) {
return o;
} else return da;
y.prototype.invokeWithProfiling = function(z, aa) {
'use strict';
if (!this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full')) return aa();
var ba = this.inform('start_' + z);
var ca = c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(aa, b, null, null, z);
this.inform('finished_' + z);
return ca;
y.prototype.getCurrentInvocation = function() {
'use strict';
if (!this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full')) {
return o;
} else if (this.$TimeSliceInteraction6.length < 1) {
return o;
} else return this.$TimeSliceInteraction6[this.$TimeSliceInteraction6.length - 1];
y.prototype.finish = function() {
var z, aa = this;
'use strict';
if (!this.$TimeSliceInteraction4) return;
if (this.$TimeSliceInteraction8) {
c('ErrorUtils').reportError(new Error('Trace was already marked as ended'));
} else(function() {
aa.$TimeSliceInteraction8 = true;
aa.inform('trace_ended', {
type: c('ArtilleryJSPointTypes').TRACE_STARTED,
pointGroup: 'e2e',
isPointOfInterest: true
aa.trace().addStringAnnotation('weight', '' + 1 / (aa.$TimeSliceInteraction17 * aa.$TimeSliceInteraction18));
var ba = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')(),
ca = n.get(aa);
if (aa.$TimeSliceInteraction5) aa.$TimeSliceInteraction5.disable();
if (aa.$TimeSliceInteraction19('lite')) c('requestIdleCallbackAcrossTransitions')(function() {
return this.$TimeSliceInteraction21();
if (aa.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full')) {
var da = function() {
c('requestIdleCallbackAcrossTransitions')(function() {
this.$TimeSliceInteraction22(ba, ca);
if (aa.$TimeSliceInteraction14) {
aa.$TimeSliceInteraction15 = da;
} else da();
y.prototype.registerOnBeforeSend = function(z) {
'use strict';
if (this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full')) this.$TimeSliceInteraction10.push(z);
return this;
y.prototype.trace = function() {
'use strict';
if (!this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full') && !this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('lite')) return p;
return this.$TimeSliceInteraction11;
y.prototype.getTraceID = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.$TimeSliceInteraction4) return this.$TimeSliceInteraction3;
return null;
y.prototype.addExtraSampleRate = function(z) {
'use strict';
this.$TimeSliceInteraction17 = z;
return this;
y.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$TimeSliceInteraction4;
y.prototype.disable = function() {
'use strict';
this.$TimeSliceInteraction4 = false;
if (this.$TimeSliceInteraction5) this.$TimeSliceInteraction5.disable();
y.getPageLoadPoints = function(z, aa) {
'use strict';
var ba = [],
ca =;
for (var da = ca.length - 1; da >= 0; da--) {
var ea = ca[da];
if (ea.ts < z) {
return ba;
} else if (ea.ts < aa) ba.push(x(ea));
return ba;
y.getInteractionIDsBetween = function(z, aa) {
'use strict';
var ba = [],
ca =;
for (var da = ca.length - 1; da >= 0; da--) {
var ea = ca[da],
fa = ea.interaction,
ga = ea.ts,
ha = fa.getTraceID();
if (ga < z) {
return ba;
} else if (ga < aa && ha != null) ba.push(ha);
return ba;
y.prototype.setIsDefaultAsyncInteraction = function() {
'use strict';
this.$TimeSliceInteraction7 = true;
return this;
y.prototype.receiveAsyncResponse = function(z) {
'use strict';
if (z != null && z.artillery_info && this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full')) {
} else this.disable();
return this;
y.prototype.addArtilleryIDHeader = function(z) {
'use strict';
if (this.$TimeSliceInteraction4) z.setRequestHeader('X-ARTILLERY-REQ-METADATA', JSON.stringify({
trace_id: this.$TimeSliceInteraction3
return this;
y.prototype.finishAsyncRequest = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.$TimeSliceInteraction7 && this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full'))
if (this.$TimeSliceInteraction2 != null) {
} else this.disable();
y.prototype.$TimeSliceInteraction24 = function(z) {
'use strict';
if (!this.$TimeSliceInteraction19('full')) return this;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction2 = z;
return this;
y.prototype.$TimeSliceInteraction21 = function() {
'use strict';
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["Banzai"], function(z) {
var aa = [];
this.$TimeSliceInteraction9.forEach(function(ca) {
if (ca.isPointOfInterest) aa.push({
ts: ca.ts,
var ba = {
trace_id: this.$TimeSliceInteraction3,
action_name: this.$TimeSliceInteraction1,
trace_annotations: this.$TimeSliceInteraction11.prepareToSend(),
points: aa
};, ba);
}.bind(this), 'TimeSliceInteraction');
y.prototype.$TimeSliceInteraction22 = function(z, aa) {
'use strict';
this.$TimeSliceInteraction10.forEach(function(da) {
return da();
var ba = aa != null ? this.$TimeSliceInteraction9.concat(aa) : this.$TimeSliceInteraction9,
ca =;
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["Banzai", "ResourceTimingBootloaderHelper", "TimeSliceHelper"], function(da, ea, fa) {
var ga = fa.getMetrics(this.$TimeSliceInteraction13, z, 1, 1, true),
ha = ga.reduce(function(la, ma) {
if (la == null || ma.begin < la.begin) {
return ma;
} else return la;
}, null),
ia = ha != null && ha.begin <= this.$TimeSliceInteraction13 && ha.end >= this.$TimeSliceInteraction13;
this.$TimeSliceInteraction11.addStringAnnotation('overflown_timeslice_buffer', ia ? '0' : '1');
var ja = void 0;
if (c('performance') && c('performance').timing && c('performance').timing.navigationStart) {
ja = ea.getMetrics(this.$TimeSliceInteraction13 - c('performance').timing.navigationStart, false, null, z - c('performance').timing.navigationStart, true);
} else ja = {};
var ka = {
trace_id: this.$TimeSliceInteraction3,
join_points: this.$TimeSliceInteraction2,
action_name: this.$TimeSliceInteraction1,
points: ca,
traceAnnotations: this.$TimeSliceInteraction11.prepareToSend(),
timeslices: fa.formatMetricsForTransport(ga),
resource_timings: ja,
first_timeslice_id: this.$TimeSliceInteraction16
};, ka);
}.bind(this), 'TimeSliceInteraction');
y.prototype.$TimeSliceInteraction23 = function() {
'use strict';
delete this.$TimeSliceInteraction9;
delete this.$TimeSliceInteraction10;
y.prototype.$TimeSliceInteraction19 = function(z) {
'use strict';
return this.$TimeSliceInteraction4 && this.$TimeSliceInteraction12.has(z);
f.exports = y;
}), null);
__d('ConstBitMap', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {};
'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_'.split('').forEach(function(m, n) {
h[m] = n;
function i(m) {
'use strict';
if (m) {
var n = l(m, 0),
o = j(m);
this.$ConstBitMap1 = k(o, n);
} else this.$ConstBitMap1 = [];
i.prototype.contains = function(m) {
'use strict';
return !!this.$ConstBitMap1[m];
i.prototype.__toBinaryString_FOR_TEST = function() {
'use strict';
var m = '';
for (var n = 0; n < this.$ConstBitMap1.length; n++) m += this.$ConstBitMap1[n] ? '1' : '0';
return m;
function j(m) {
var n = m.length * 6,
o = [],
p = 1;
while (p < n) {
var q = 0;
while (p < n) {
var r = l(m, p);
if (r == 1) break;
var s = 0;
while (q >= 0 && p < n) {
var t = l(m, p++);
s |= t << q--;
if (s) o.push(s);
return o;
function k(m, n) {
var o = [],
p = 0;
m.forEach(function(q) {
if (n === 1)
for (var r = 0; r < q; r++) o[p + r] = 1;
n = n === 1 ? 0 : 1;
p += q;
return o;
function l(m, n) {
return h[m[Math.floor(n / 6)]] >> 5 - n % 6 & 1;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('memoizeStringOnly', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
function h(i) {
var j = {};
return function(k) {
if (!j.hasOwnProperty(k)) j[k] =, k);
return j[k];
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('AsyncFeature', ['invariant', 'ConstBitMap', 'memoizeStringOnly'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(q) {}
var j = c('memoizeStringOnly')(function(q) {
return new(c('ConstBitMap'))(q);
k = 2,
l = [],
m = {};
function n(q) {
var r = k++;
m[r] = j(q);
return r;
function o(q) {
var r = l.length - 1;
if (r < 0) {
i('AsyncFeature: Stack should not be empty!');
if (l[r] !== q) {
i('AsyncFeature: _pop token does not match!');
delete m[q];
var p = {
SERVER_HAS_FEATURE: function q(r) {
__serverHasFeatureImpl: function q(r) {
var s = l.length - 1;
if (s < 0) {
i('SERVER_HAS_FEATURE stack is empty! You are calling it in at a point ' + 'where the AsyncResponse context has been lost! If you are using it in ' + 'a JS::call() or JS::instance(), make sure to use it synchronously! ' + 'You cannot use it in an asynchronous callback!');
return true;
return m[l[s]].contains(r);
__invokeWithServerBitMap: function q(r, s) {
if (typeof r !== 'string' || r === '') {
i('Invalid bitMapStr supplied to AsyncFeature.__invokeWithServerBitMap!');
return s();
var t = n(r);
try {
return s();
} finally {
__getBitMapFromString: j
f.exports = p;
}), null);
__d('ifRequired', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j, k) {
typeof k === 'function' && k();
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('AsyncFeatureLogging', ['AsyncFeatureDeployment', 'SiteData', 'ifRequired'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i = {
maybeLogServerJSCheck: function l(m, n, o) {},
maybeLogAsyncResponse: function l(m, n, o) {}
function j() {
return c('ifRequired')('URI', function(l) {
return String(l.getMostRecentURI());
}, function() {
return null;
function k() {
return c('ifRequired')('URI', function(l) {
return String(l.getRequestURI());
}, function() {
return null;
if (c('AsyncFeatureDeployment').module)(function() {
var l = c('AsyncFeatureDeployment').sampling,
m = c('AsyncFeatureDeployment').module;
function n(o, p, q) {
var r = l['default'];
if (l.event[o + '::' + p]) {
r = l.event[o + '::' + p];
} else if (l.event[o]) r = l.event[o];
return r[q ? 'all_good' : 'not_all_good'];
i.maybeLogServerJSCheck = function(o, p, q) {
var r = n('ServerJS', o, p);
if (Math.random() < r) new m().setClientRequestURI(k()).setClientMostRecentURI(j()).setClientSampleRate(l.coinflip / r).setClientSvnRevision(c('SiteData').revision).setHasValidFeatures(p).setMajorSource('ServerJS').setMinorSource(o).setServerFeatures(q).log();
i.maybeLogAsyncResponse = function(o, p, q) {
var r = q && q.__sf,
s = typeof r === 'string' && r !== '',
t = n('AsyncRequest', o, s);
if (Math.random() < t) new m().setAsyncRequestURI(String(p.uri)).setClientRequestURI(k()).setClientMostRecentURI(j()).setClientSampleRate(l.coinflip / t).setClientSvnRevision(c('SiteData').revision).setHasValidFeatures(s).setMajorSource('AsyncRequest').setMinorSource(o).setServerFeatures(r).log();
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("__debug", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {};
}), null);
__d('ServerJS', ['AsyncFeature', 'ErrorUtils', 'ServerJSDefine', 'ex', 'ge', 'replaceTransportMarkers', '__debug'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 1,
i = 2,
j = 0,
k = function() {
var p;
return function(q) {
if (p) {
} else e(['AsyncFeatureLogging'], function(r) {
p = r;
function l() {
'use strict';
this.$ServerJS1 = {};
this.$ServerJS2 = null;
this.$ServerJS3 = {};
this.$ServerJS4 = undefined;
this.$ServerJS5 = undefined;
l.prototype.handle = function(p, q) {
'use strict';
this.$ServerJS4 = q;
if (p.__guard) throw new Error('ServerJS.handle called on data that has already been handled');
p.__guard = true;
m(p.define || [], this.$ServerJS7, this);
m(p.markup || [], this.$ServerJS8, this);
m(p.elements || [], this.$ServerJS9, this);
m(p.instances || [], this.$ServerJS10, this);
var r = m(p.require || [], this.$ServerJS11, this);
return {
cancel: function s() {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++)
if (r[t]) r[t].cancel();
l.prototype.handlePartial = function(p, q) {
'use strict';
(p.instances || []).forEach(n.bind(null, this.$ServerJS1, 3));
(p.markup || []).forEach(n.bind(null, this.$ServerJS1, 2));
(p.elements || []).forEach(n.bind(null, this.$ServerJS1, 2));
return this.handle(p, q);
l.prototype.setRelativeTo = function(p) {
'use strict';
this.$ServerJS2 = p;
return this;
l.prototype.setServerFeatures = function(p) {
'use strict';
this.$ServerJS5 = p;
return this;
l.prototype.cleanup = function() {
'use strict';
var p = Object.keys(this.$ServerJS1);, p, o);
this.$ServerJS1 = {};
function q(s) {
var t = this.$ServerJS3[s],
u = t[0],
v = t[1];
delete this.$ServerJS3[s];
var w = v ? 'JS::call("' + u + '", "' + v + '", ...)' : 'JS::requireModule("' + u + '")',
x = c('ex')('%s did not fire because it has missing dependencies.\n%s', w, c('__debug').debugUnresolvedDependencies([u]));
throw new Error(x);
for (var r in this.$ServerJS3) c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(q, this, [r], null, 'ServerJS:cleanup' + ' id: ' + r);
l.prototype.$ServerJS7 = function(p, q, r, s) {
'use strict';
return c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(c('ServerJSDefine').handleDefine, c('ServerJSDefine'), [p, q, r, s, this.$ServerJS2], null, 'JS::define');
l.prototype.$ServerJS11 = function(p, q, r, s, t) {
'use strict';
return c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(this.$ServerJS12, this, [p, q, r, s, t], null, q ? 'JS::call' : 'JS::requireModule');
l.prototype.$ServerJS12 = function(p, q, r, s, t) {
'use strict';
if (typeof q == 'object') {
t = q;
q = undefined;
var u = [p].concat(r || []).concat(t || []),
if (q) {
v = '__call__' + p + '.' + q;
} else v = '__requireModule__' + p;
v += '__' + j++;
this.$ServerJS3[v] = [p, q];
var w = c('ErrorUtils').guard(function x(y) {
var y =, p);
delete this.$ServerJS3[v];
s && c('replaceTransportMarkers')(this.$ServerJS2, s);
if (q) {
if (!y[q]) throw new TypeError(c('ex')('Module %s has no method "%s"', p, q));
this.$ServerJS6('call:' + p + '.' + q);
c('AsyncFeature').__invokeWithServerBitMap(this.$ServerJS5, function() {
return y[q].apply(y, s || []);
w.__SMmeta = y[q].__SMmeta || {};
w.__SMmeta.module = w.__SMmeta.module || p; = || q;
}.bind(this), q ? "JS::call('" + p + "', '" + q + "', ...)" : "JS::requireModule('" + p + "')");
return define(v, u, w, h | i, this, 1, this.$ServerJS4);
l.prototype.$ServerJS10 = function(p, q, r, s) {
'use strict';
return c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(this.$ServerJS13, this, [p, q, r, s], null, 'JS::instance');
l.prototype.$ServerJS13 = function(p, q, r, s) {
'use strict';
var t = null;
if (q) t = function u() {
var v =, q[0]);
c('replaceTransportMarkers')(this.$ServerJS2, r);
this.$ServerJS6('instance:' + p);
return c('AsyncFeature').__invokeWithServerBitMap(this.$ServerJS5, function() {
var w = Object.create(v.prototype);
v.apply(w, r);
return w;
define(p, q, t, i, null, s);
l.prototype.$ServerJS8 = function(p, q, r) {
'use strict';
return c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(this.$ServerJS14, this, [p, q, r], null, 'JS::markup');
l.prototype.$ServerJS14 = function(p, q, r) {
'use strict';
define(p, ['HTML'], function s(t) {
return t.replaceJSONWrapper(q).getRootNode();
}, 0, null, r);
l.prototype.$ServerJS9 = function(p, q, r, s) {
'use strict';
return c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(this.$ServerJS15, this, [p, q, r, s], null, 'JS::element');
l.prototype.$ServerJS15 = function(p, q, r, s) {
'use strict';
if (q === null && r) {
define(p, null, null, 0, null, r);
var t = [],
u = 0;
if (s) {
u = h;
define(p, t, function v(w) {
var x = c('ge')(q, w);
if (!x) {
var y = '';
throw new Error(c('ex')('Could not find element "%s"%s', q, y));
return x;
}, u, null, r);
l.prototype.$ServerJS6 = function(p) {
'use strict';
k(function(q) {
q.maybeLogServerJSCheck(p, typeof this.$ServerJS5 === 'string' && this.$ServerJS5 !== '', this.$ServerJS5);
(function() {
e(['HTML'], function(p) {});
function m(p, q, r) {
return s(t) {
return q.apply(r, t);
function n(p, q, r) {
var s = r[0];
if (!(s in p)) r[q] = (r[q] || 0) + 1;
p[s] = true;
function o() {
return {};
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('CookieCore', ['CookieCoreConfig'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = /^.*(\.(facebook|messenger|oculus|instagram)\..*)$/i,
i = /_js_(.*)/;
function j(q) {
if (window.self != return false;
return true;
var k = {
set: function q(r, s, t) {
var u = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? '/' : arguments[3],
v =;
if (t != null)
if (t > v) {
t -= v;
} else if (t == 1) {
k.clear(r, u);
var w = p(r);
document.cookie = r + '=' + encodeURIComponent(s) + '; ' + (t ? 'expires=' + new Date(v + t).toUTCString() + '; ' : '') + 'path=' + u + '; domain=' + window.location.hostname.replace(h, '$1') + (w ? '; secure' : '');
setWithoutChecks: function q(r, s, t, u, v) {
k.set(r, s, t, u, v);
setIfFirstPartyContext: function q(r, s, t, u) {
if (!j(r)) return;
k.set(r, s, t, u);
setWithoutChecksIfFirstPartyContext: function q(r, s, t, u, v) {
if (!j(r)) return;
k.setWithoutChecks(r, s, t, u, v);
clear: function q(r) {
var s = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? '/' : arguments[1];
s = s || '/';
document.cookie = r + '=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; ' + 'path=' + s + '; domain=' + window.location.hostname.replace(h, '$1');
get: function q(r) {
var s = document.cookie.match('(?:^|;\\s*)' + r + '=(.*?)(?:;|$)');
return s ? decodeURIComponent(s[1]) : s;
l = void 0;
function m(q) {
return {
insecure: q.i || false,
path: q.p || '/',
ttlSeconds: q.t || 0
function n(q) {
if (c('CookieCoreConfig')[q] !== undefined) return m(c('CookieCoreConfig')[q]);
var r = q.match(i);
if (r && r.length > 1) return n(r[1]);
return null;
function o(q) {
return n(q) !== null;
function p(q) {
var r = n(q);
if (r == null) return true;
return !r.insecure;
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('Cookie', ['Bootloader', 'CookieCore', 'Env'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(k) {
if (c('Env').no_cookies) return false;
if (c('Env').defer_cookies) {
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["BanzaiODS"], function(l) {
l.bumpEntityKey('defer_cookies', 'set.' + k);
}, 'Cookie');
return false;
return true;
function i(k, l, m) {
var n = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? '/' : arguments[3];
if (!h(k)) return;
c('CookieCore').set(k, l, m, n);
function j(k, l, m, n, o) {
if (!h(k)) return;
c('CookieCore').setWithoutChecks(k, l, m, n, o);
f.exports = babelHelpers['extends']({}, c('CookieCore'), {
set: i,
setWithoutChecks: j
}), null);
__d('$-core', ['ex'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(j) {
var k = typeof j === 'string' ? document.getElementById(j) : j;
if (!k) throw new Error(c('ex')('Tried to get element with id of "%s" but it is not present on the page.', j));
return k;
function i(j) {
return h(j);
i.unsafe = h;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('$', ['$-core'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = c('$-core');
}), null);
__d('DOMEvent', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(j) {
'use strict';
this.event = j || window.event;
typeof this.event.srcElement != 'unknown' || h(0); = || this.event.srcElement;
i.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
'use strict';
var j = this.event;
if (j.preventDefault) {
if (!('defaultPrevented' in j)) j.defaultPrevented = true;
} else j.returnValue = false;
return this;
i.prototype.isDefaultPrevented = function() {
'use strict';
var j = this.event;
return 'defaultPrevented' in j ? j.defaultPrevented : j.returnValue === false;
i.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {
'use strict';
var j = this.event;
j.stopPropagation ? j.stopPropagation() : j.cancelBubble = true;
return this;
i.prototype.kill = function() {
'use strict';
return this;
i.killThenCall = function(j) {
'use strict';
return function(k) {
new i(k).kill();
return j();
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('DOMEventListener', ['invariant', 'wrapFunction'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = void 0,
j = void 0;
if (window.addEventListener) {
i = function l(m, n, o) {
o.wrapper = c('wrapFunction')(o, 'entry', 'DOMEventListener.add ' + n);
m.addEventListener(n, o.wrapper, false);
j = function l(m, n, o) {
m.removeEventListener(n, o.wrapper, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
i = function l(m, n, o) {
o.wrapper = c('wrapFunction')(o, 'entry', 'DOMEventListener.add ' + n);
m.attachEvent || h(0);
m.attachEvent('on' + n, o.wrapper);
j = function l(m, n, o) {
m.detachEvent || h(0);
m.detachEvent('on' + n, o.wrapper);
} else j = i = function l() {};
var k = {
add: function l(m, n, o) {
i(m, n, o);
return {
remove: function p() {
j(m, n, o);
remove: j
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('CSS', ['$', 'CSSCore'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = c('$').unsafe,
i = 'hidden_elem',
j = {
setClass: function k(l, m) {
h(l).className = m || '';
return l;
hasClass: function k(l, m) {
return c('CSSCore').hasClass(h(l), m);
matchesSelector: function k(l, m) {
return c('CSSCore').matchesSelector(h(l), m);
addClass: function k(l, m) {
return c('CSSCore').addClass(h(l), m);
removeClass: function k(l, m) {
return c('CSSCore').removeClass(h(l), m);
conditionClass: function k(l, m, n) {
return c('CSSCore').conditionClass(h(l), m, n);
toggleClass: function k(l, m) {
return j.conditionClass(l, m, !j.hasClass(l, m));
shown: function k(l) {
return !j.hasClass(l, i);
hide: function k(l) {
return j.addClass(l, i);
show: function k(l) {
return j.removeClass(l, i);
toggle: function k(l) {
return j.toggleClass(l, i);
conditionShow: function k(l, m) {
return j.conditionClass(l, i, !m);
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('isNode', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
var j = i ? i.ownerDocument || i : document,
k = j.defaultView || window;
return !!(i && (typeof k.Node === 'function' ? i instanceof k.Node : typeof i === 'object' && typeof i.nodeType === 'number' && typeof i.nodeName === 'string'));
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('isTextNode', ['isNode'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
return c('isNode')(i) && i.nodeType == 3;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('containsNode', ['isTextNode'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
if (!i || !j) {
return false;
} else if (i === j) {
return true;
} else if (c('isTextNode')(i)) {
return false;
} else if (c('isTextNode')(j)) {
return h(i, j.parentNode);
} else if ('contains' in i) {
return i.contains(j);
} else if (i.compareDocumentPosition) {
return !!(i.compareDocumentPosition(j) & 16);
} else return false;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('createArrayFromMixed', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(l) {
var m = l.length;
!Array.isArray(l) && (typeof l === 'object' || typeof l === 'function') || h(0);
typeof m === 'number' || h(0);
m === 0 || m - 1 in l || h(0);
typeof l.callee !== 'function' || h(0);
if (l.hasOwnProperty) try {
} catch (n) {}
var o = Array(m);
for (var p = 0; p < m; p++) o[p] = l[p];
return o;
function j(l) {
return (!!l && (typeof l == 'object' || typeof l == 'function') && 'length' in l && !('setInterval' in l) && typeof l.nodeType != 'number' && (Array.isArray(l) || 'callee' in l || 'item' in l));
function k(l) {
if (!j(l)) {
return [l];
} else if (Array.isArray(l)) {
return l.slice();
} else return i(l);
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('createObjectFrom', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
var k = {},
l = Array.isArray(j);
if (j === undefined) j = true;
for (var m = i.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) k[i[m]] = l ? j[m] : j;
return k;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('isElementNode', ['isNode'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
return c('isNode')(i) && i.nodeType == 1;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('DOMQuery', ['CSS', 'ErrorUtils', 'containsNode', 'createArrayFromMixed', 'createObjectFrom', 'ge', 'ifRequired', 'isElementNode', 'isNode'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = /^\.-?[_a-zA-Z]+[\w-]*$/;
function i(k, l) {
return k.hasAttribute ? k.hasAttribute(l) : k.getAttribute(l) !== null;
var j = {
find: function k(l, m) {
var n = j.scry(l, m);
return n[0];
findPushSafe: function k(l, m, n) {
var o = j.scry(l, m),
p = j.scry(l, n),
if (o.length === 1 && p.length === 1 && o[0] === p[0]) {
q = o;
} else q = o.concat(p);
return q[0];
scry: function k(l, m) {
if (!l || !l.getElementsByTagName) return [];
var n = m.split(' '),
o = [l];
for (var p = 0; p < n.length; p++) {
if (o.length === 0) break;
if (n[p] === '') continue;
var q = n[p],
r = n[p],
s = [],
t = false;
if (q.charAt(0) == '^')
if (p === 0) {
t = true;
q = q.slice(1);
} else return [];
q = q.replace(/\[(?:[^=\]]*=(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'))?|[.#]/g, ' $&');
var u = q.split(' '),
v = u[0] || '*',
w = v == '*',
x = u[1] && u[1].charAt(0) == '#';
if (x) {
var y = c('ge')(u[1].slice(1), l, v);
if (y && (w || y.tagName.toLowerCase() == v))
for (var z = 0; z < o.length; z++)
if (t && c('containsNode')(y, o[z])) {
s = [y];
} else if (document == o[z] || c('containsNode')(o[z], y) && o[z] !== y) {
s = [y];
} else {
var aa = [],
ba = o.length,
ca, da = !t && r.indexOf('[') < 0 && document.querySelectorAll;
for (var ea = 0; ea < ba; ea++) {
if (t) {
ca = [];
var fa = o[ea].parentNode;
while (c('isElementNode')(fa)) {
if (w || fa.tagName.toLowerCase() == v) ca.push(fa);
fa = fa.parentNode;
} else if (da) {
if (h.test(r)) {
ca = o[ea].getElementsByClassName(r.substring(1));
} else ca = o[ea].querySelectorAll(r);
} else ca = o[ea].getElementsByTagName(v);
var ga = ca.length;
for (var ha = 0; ha < ga; ha++) aa.push(ca[ha]);
if (!da)
for (var ia = 1; ia < u.length; ia++) {
var ja = u[ia],
ka = ja.charAt(0) == '.',
la = ja.substring(1);
for (ea = 0; ea < aa.length; ea++) {
var ma = aa[ea];
if (!ma || ma.nodeType !== 1) continue;
if (ka) {
if (!c('CSS').hasClass(ma, la)) delete aa[ea];
} else {
var na = ja.slice(1, ja.length - 1),
oa = na.indexOf('=');
if (oa < 0) {
if (!i(ma, na)) {
delete aa[ea];
} else {
var pa = na.substr(0, oa),
qa = na.substr(oa + 1);
qa = qa.slice(1, qa.length - 1);
if (ma.getAttribute(pa) != qa) {
delete aa[ea];
for (ea = 0; ea < aa.length; ea++)
if (aa[ea]) {
if (t) break;
o = s;
return o;
getSelection: function k() {
var l = window.getSelection;
if (l) {
return l() + '';
} else {
var m = document.selection;
if (m) return m.createRange().text;
return null;
contains: function k(l, m) {
return c('containsNode')(c('ge')(l), c('ge')(m));
getRootElement: function k() {
var l = c('ifRequired')('Quickling', function(m) {
return (m.isActive() ? c('ge')('content') : null);
return l || document.body;
isNodeOfType: function k(l, m) {
var n = c('createArrayFromMixed')(m).join('|').toUpperCase().split('|'),
o = c('createObjectFrom')(n);
return c('isNode')(l) && l.nodeName in o;
isInputNode: function k(l) {
return j.isNodeOfType(l, ['input', 'textarea']) || l.contentEditable === 'true';
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('DataStore', ['isEmpty'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {},
i = 1;
function j(m) {
if (typeof m == 'string') {
return 'str_' + m;
} else return 'elem_' + (m.__FB_TOKEN || (m.__FB_TOKEN = [i++]))[0];
function k(m) {
var n = j(m);
return h[n] || (h[n] = {});
var l = {
set: function m(n, o, p) {
if (!n) throw new TypeError('DataStore.set: namespace is required, got ' + typeof n);
var q = k(n);
q[o] = p;
return n;
get: function m(n, o, p) {
if (!n) throw new TypeError('DataStore.get: namespace is required, got ' + typeof n);
var q = k(n),
r = q[o];
if (typeof r === 'undefined' && n.getAttribute)
if (n.hasAttribute && !n.hasAttribute('data-' + o)) {
r = undefined;
} else {
var s = n.getAttribute('data-' + o);
r = null === s ? undefined : s;
if (p !== undefined && r === undefined) r = q[o] = p;
return r;
remove: function m(n, o) {
if (!n) throw new TypeError('DataStore.remove: namespace is required, got ' + typeof n);
var p = k(n),
q = p[o];
delete p[o];
if (c('isEmpty')(p)) l.purge(n);
return q;
purge: function m(n) {
delete h[j(n)];
_storage: h
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('Parent', ['CSSCore'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
byTag: function i(j, k) {
k = k.toUpperCase();
while (j && j.nodeName !== k) j = j.parentNode;
return j;
byClass: function i(j, k) {
while (j && !c('CSSCore').hasClass(j, k)) j = j.parentNode;
return j;
bySelector: function i(j, k) {
if (j === null) return null;
if (typeof j.matches === 'function') {
while (j && j !== document && !j.matches(k)) j = j.parentNode;
return j === document ? null : j;
} else if (typeof j.msMatchesSelector === 'function') {
while (j && j !== document && !j.msMatchesSelector(k)) j = j.parentNode;
return j === document ? null : j;
} else return h.bySelector_SLOW(j, k);
bySelector_SLOW: function i(j, k) {
var l = j;
while (l.parentNode) l = l.parentNode;
var m = l.querySelectorAll(k);
while (j) {
if (, j) !== -1) return j;
j = j.parentNode;
return j;
byAttribute: function i(j, k) {
while (j && (!j.getAttribute || !j.getAttribute(k))) j = j.parentNode;
return j;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('SubscriptionList', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(j, k) {
'use strict';
this.$SubscriptionList1 = [];
this.$SubscriptionList2 = j;
this.$SubscriptionList3 = k;
i.prototype.add = function(j) {
'use strict';
var k = {
callback: j
if (this.$SubscriptionList2 && this.$SubscriptionList1.length === 1) this.$SubscriptionList2();
return {
remove: function() {
var l = this.$SubscriptionList1.indexOf(k);
l !== -1 || h(0);
this.$SubscriptionList1.splice(l, 1);
if (this.$SubscriptionList3 && this.$SubscriptionList1.length === 0) this.$SubscriptionList3();
i.prototype.getCallbacks = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$ {
return j.callback;
i.prototype.fireCallbacks = function(j) {
'use strict';
this.$SubscriptionList1.forEach(function(k) {
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("TimeSpentPageTransitionCause", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
PAGE_LOAD: "load",
PAGE_UNLOAD: "unload",
TRANSITION: "transition",
OPEN_OVERLAY_VIEW: "open_overlay_view",
REPLACE_OVERLAY_VIEW: "replace_overlay_view",
CLOSE_OVERLAY_VIEW: "close_overlay_view"
}), null);
__d('WebStorage', ['ErrorUtils', 'ex'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {},
i = {};
function j(p, q, r) {
if (!h.hasOwnProperty(r)) h[r] = q(r);
return h[r];
function k(p) {
try {
return window[p];
} catch (q) {}
return null;
function l(p) {
try {
var r = window[p];
if (r) {
var s = '__test__' +;
r.setItem(s, '');
return r;
} catch (q) {}
return null;
function m(p) {
var q = [];
for (var r = 0; r < p.length; r++) q.push(p.key(r) || '');
return q;
function n(p, q, r) {
var s = null;
try {
p.setItem(q, r);
} catch (t) {
var u = m(p).map(function(v) {
var w = (p.getItem(v) || '').length;
return v + '(' + w + ')';
s = new Error(c('ex')('%sStorage quota exceeded while setting %s(%s). Items(length) follows: ' + '%s', ? + ': ' : '', q, r.length, u.join()));
return s;
var o = {
getLocalStorage: function p() {
return j(h, l, 'localStorage');
getSessionStorage: function p() {
return j(h, l, 'sessionStorage');
getLocalStorageForRead: function p() {
return j(i, k, 'localStorage');
getSessionStorageForRead: function p() {
return j(i, k, 'sessionStorage');
setItemGuarded: n
f.exports = o;
}), null);
__d("isInIframe", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = window !=;
function i() {
return h;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('ScriptPath', ['WebStorage', 'ErrorUtils', 'SubscriptionList', 'TimeSpentPageTransitionCause', 'isInIframe'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = 'sp_pi',
i = 1000 * 30,
j = null,
k = null,
l = new(c('SubscriptionList'))(),
m = null,
n = [];
function o(t, u) {
l.getCallbacks().forEach(function(v) {
c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(function() {
source: j,
dest: k,
cause: t,
extraData: u
function p() {
return k ? k.scriptPath : undefined;
function q() {
var t = c('WebStorage').getSessionStorage();
if (!t || c('isInIframe')()) return;
t.setItem(h, JSON.stringify({
pageInfo: k,
clickPoint: m,
function r() {
var t = c('WebStorage').getSessionStorageForRead();
if (!t) return;
var u = t.getItem(h);
if (u) {
var v = JSON.parse(u);
if (v) {
if (v.time < - i) {
t = c('WebStorage').getSessionStorage();
if (t) t.removeItem(h);
k = v.pageInfo;
m = v.clickPoint;
if (k) k.restored = true;
var s = {
set: function t(u, v, w) {
j = k;
k = {
scriptPath: u,
categoryToken: v,
extraData: w || {}
n = [];
window._script_path = u;
openOverlayView: function t(u, v, w) {
if (!u) return;
var x = n.length;
if (x === 0 || n[x - 1] !== u) {
j = Object.assign({}, k);
if (k) k.topViewEndpoint = u;
if (w && w.replaceTopOverlay && x > 0) {
n[x - 1] = u;
o(c('TimeSpentPageTransitionCause').REPLACE_OVERLAY_VIEW, v);
} else {
o(c('TimeSpentPageTransitionCause').OPEN_OVERLAY_VIEW, v);
closeOverlayView: function t(u, v) {
var w = n.lastIndexOf(u);
if (w === -1) return;
j = Object.assign({}, k);
if (k)
if (w > 0) {
k.topViewEndpoint = n[w - 1];
} else k.topViewEndpoint = null;
n = n.slice(0, w);
o(c('TimeSpentPageTransitionCause').CLOSE_OVERLAY_VIEW, v);
setClickPointInfo: function t(u) {
m = u;
getClickPointInfo: function t() {
return m;
getScriptPath: p,
getCategoryToken: function t() {
return k ? k.categoryToken : undefined;
getTopViewEndpoint: function t() {
var u = n.length;
return u > 0 ? n[u - 1] : p();
getPageInfo: function t() {
return k;
getSourcePageInfo: function t() {
return j;
subscribe: function t(u) {
return l.add(u);
shutdown: function t() {
f.exports = s;
}), null);
__d('requestAnimationFrameAcrossTransitions', ['TimerStorage', 'TimeSlice', 'TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper', 'requestAnimationFramePolyfill'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = c('TimerStorage').ANIMATION_FRAME;
f.exports = function i() {
for (var j = arguments.length, k = Array(j), l = 0; l < j; l++) k[l] = arguments[l];
var m = c('TimeSlice').guard(k[0], 'requestAnimationFrame', {
isContinuation: true
k[0] = m;
var n = c('requestAnimationFramePolyfill').apply(b, k);
c('TimeSliceRefCountingWrapper').registerForCancelling(h + n, k[0]);
return n;
}), null);
__d("requireWeak", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {, [i], j);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('uniqueID', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 'js_',
i = 36,
j = 0;
function k() {
return h + (j++).toString(i);
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('EventProfiler', ['CurrentEventMeta', 'EventConfig', 'Parent', 'ScriptPath', 'TimeSlice', 'TimeSliceInteraction', 'performanceNow', 'requestAnimationFrameAcrossTransitions', 'requireWeak', 'setTimeoutAcrossTransitions', 'uniqueID'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = c('EventConfig').sampling || {},
i = {},
j = {},
k = null,
l = {
__wrapEventListenHandler: function s(t) {
return function u(v, event) {
if (!h[v]) return, v, event);
var w = m(event),
x = c('performanceNow')(); = || c('uniqueID')();
var y =;
var z = void 0,
aa = j[y];
if (i[y] === undefined && !aa) {
if (w) {
k = c('TimeSliceInteraction').createAutoclosed('Event').addExtraSampleRate(1 / w);
} else k = null;
z =, v, event);
j[y] = c('TimeSlice').getGuardedContinuation('Event Bubble Continuation');
} else z = aa(function() {
j[y] = c('TimeSlice').getGuardedContinuation('Event Bubble Continuation');
return, v, event);
var ba = c('performanceNow')();
if (i[y] === undefined) {
var ca = o(event);
ca = ca ? Math.round(ca) : null;
var da = ca ? x - ca : 0,
ea = q(,
fa = r(, 'data-referrer'),
ga = r(, 'data-interaction-root-id');
i[y] = {
event_name: v,
event_target_raw: ea,
event_start_ms: ca,
main_thread_wait_ms: Math.round(da),
event_handlers_runtime_ms: 0,
script_path: c('ScriptPath').getScriptPath() || '<unknown>',
event_end_ms: 0,
total_time_since_first_handler_start: 0,
request_animation_frame_wait_ms: 0,
set_timeout_wait_ms: 0,
weight: w
if (k) k.trace().addVectorAnnotation('event_target_stack', ea).addVectorAnnotation('interaction_ids', ga).addVectorAnnotation('pagelets', fa);
c('requestAnimationFrameAcrossTransitions')(function() {
var ia = c('performanceNow')();
i[y].request_animation_frame_wait_ms = Math.round(ia - i[y].event_end_ms);
c('setTimeoutAcrossTransitions')(function() {
i[y].set_timeout_wait_ms = Math.round(c('performanceNow')() - ia);
n(y, x);
var ja = j[y];
if (ja) {
delete j[y];
delete i[y];
}, 0);
var ha = i[y];
ha.event_handlers_runtime_ms += ba - x;
ha.event_end_ms = ba;
return z;
function m(event) {
if (event.__samplingWeight !== undefined) return event.__samplingWeight;
var s = 0,
t = event.type in h ? h[event.type] : 1;
if (t) {
t *= h.__default;
var u = h.__min || 1;
t = Math.round(Math.max(u, t));
if (Math.random() * t < 1) s = t;
event.__samplingWeight = s;
return s;
function n(s, t) {
var u = c('performanceNow')(),
v = i[s];
v.event_end_ms = Math.round(v.event_end_ms);
v.event_handlers_runtime_ms = Math.round(v.event_handlers_runtime_ms);
v.total_time_since_first_handler_start = Math.round(u - t);
if (v.weight) c('requireWeak')('BanzaiLogger', function(x) {
x.log('WebSpeedInteractionsLoggerConfig', v);
var w = Object.assign({}, v);
delete w.event_target_raw;
delete w.weight;
c('CurrentEventMeta').__informEventDataReady(s, w);
var o = function() {
function s(event) {
return null;
if (!b.performance || ! return s;
var t = b.CustomEvent && (typeof b.CustomEvent === 'function' || b.CustomEvent.toString().indexOf('CustomEventConstructor') > -1),
u = t ? new b.CustomEvent('test').timeStamp : b.document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent').timeStamp;
if (u && u <= return function(event) {
return event.timeStamp;
return s;
function p(s) {
if (!s || !(s instanceof HTMLElement)) return '';
var t =,
u = s.nodeName,
v = s.getAttribute('class');
u = u ? u.replace(/^#/, '') : 'unknown';
t = t ? '#' + t : '';
v = v ? ' ' + v.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim() : '';
return ':' + u + t + v;
function q(s) {
var t = [];
while (s && s instanceof HTMLElement) {
s = s.parentElement;
return t;
function r(s, t) {
var u = [];
while (s && s instanceof HTMLElement) {
var v = s.getAttribute(t);
if (v) u.push(v);
s = c('Parent').byAttribute(s.parentNode, t);
return u.reverse();
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d("Scroll", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(j, k) {
return !!k && (j === k.documentElement || j === k.body);
var i = {
getTop: function j(k) {
var l = k.ownerDocument;
return h(k, l) ? l.body.scrollTop || l.documentElement.scrollTop : k.scrollTop;
setTop: function j(k, l) {
var m = k.ownerDocument;
if (h(k, m)) {
m.body.scrollTop = m.documentElement.scrollTop = l;
} else k.scrollTop = l;
getLeft: function j(k) {
var l = k.ownerDocument;
return h(k, l) ? l.body.scrollLeft || l.documentElement.scrollLeft : k.scrollLeft;
setLeft: function j(k, l) {
var m = k.ownerDocument;
if (h(k, m)) {
m.body.scrollLeft = m.documentElement.scrollLeft = l;
} else k.scrollLeft = l;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('VersionRange', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
'use strict';
var i = /\./,
j = /\|\|/,
k = /\s+\-\s+/,
l = /^(<=|<|=|>=|~>|~|>|)?\s*(.+)/,
m = /^(\d*)(.*)/;
function n(fa, ga) {
var ha = fa.split(j);
if (ha.length > 1) {
return ha.some(function(ia) {
return ea.contains(ia, ga);
} else {
fa = ha[0].trim();
return o(fa, ga);
function o(fa, ga) {
var ha = fa.split(k);
ha.length > 0 && ha.length <= 2 || h(0);
if (ha.length === 1) {
return p(ha[0], ga);
} else {
var ia = ha[0],
ja = ha[1];
y(ia) && y(ja) || h(0);
return (p('>=' + ia, ga) && p('<=' + ja, ga));
function p(fa, ga) {
fa = fa.trim();
if (fa === '') return true;
var ha = ga.split(i),
ia = w(fa),
ja = ia.modifier,
ka = ia.rangeComponents;
switch (ja) {
case '<':
return q(ha, ka);
case '<=':
return r(ha, ka);
case '>=':
return t(ha, ka);
case '>':
return u(ha, ka);
case '~':
case '~>':
return v(ha, ka);
return s(ha, ka);
function q(fa, ga) {
return da(fa, ga) === -1;
function r(fa, ga) {
var ha = da(fa, ga);
return ha === -1 || ha === 0;
function s(fa, ga) {
return da(fa, ga) === 0;
function t(fa, ga) {
var ha = da(fa, ga);
return ha === 1 || ha === 0;
function u(fa, ga) {
return da(fa, ga) === 1;
function v(fa, ga) {
var ha = ga.slice(),
ia = ga.slice();
if (ia.length > 1) ia.pop();
var ja = ia.length - 1,
ka = parseInt(ia[ja], 10);
if (x(ka)) ia[ja] = ka + 1 + '';
return (t(fa, ha) && q(fa, ia));
function w(fa) {
var ga = fa.split(i),
ha = ga[0].match(l);
ha || h(0);
return {
modifier: ha[1],
rangeComponents: [ha[2]].concat(ga.slice(1))
function x(fa) {
return !isNaN(fa) && isFinite(fa);
function y(fa) {
return !w(fa).modifier;
function z(fa, ga) {
for (var ha = fa.length; ha < ga; ha++) fa[ha] = '0';
function aa(fa, ga) {
fa = fa.slice();
ga = ga.slice();
z(fa, ga.length);
for (var ha = 0; ha < ga.length; ha++) {
var ia = ga[ha].match(/^[x*]$/i);
if (ia) {
ga[ha] = fa[ha] = '0';
if (ia[0] === '*' && ha === ga.length - 1)
for (var ja = ha; ja < fa.length; ja++) fa[ja] = '0';
z(ga, fa.length);
return [fa, ga];
function ba(fa, ga) {
var ha = fa.match(m)[1],
ia = ga.match(m)[1],
ja = parseInt(ha, 10),
ka = parseInt(ia, 10);
if (x(ja) && x(ka) && ja !== ka) {
return ca(ja, ka);
} else return ca(fa, ga);
function ca(fa, ga) {
typeof fa === typeof ga || h(0);
if (fa > ga) {
return 1;
} else if (fa < ga) {
return -1;
} else return 0;
function da(fa, ga) {
var ha = aa(fa, ga),
ia = ha[0],
ja = ha[1];
for (var ka = 0; ka < ja.length; ka++) {
var la = ba(ia[ka], ja[ka]);
if (la) return la;
return 0;
var ea = {
contains: function fa(ga, ha) {
return n(ga.trim(), ha.trim());
f.exports = ea;
}), null);
__d('mapObject', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function i(j, k, l) {
if (!j) return null;
var m = {};
for (var n in j)
if (, n)) m[n] =, j[n], n, j);
return m;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('UserAgent', ['UserAgentData', 'VersionRange', 'mapObject', 'memoizeStringOnly'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
function h(k, l, m, n) {
if (k === m) return true;
if (!m.startsWith(k)) return false;
var o = m.slice(k.length);
if (l) {
o = n ? n(o) : o;
return c('VersionRange').contains(o, l);
return false;
function i(k) {
if (c('UserAgentData').platformName === 'Windows') return k.replace(/^\s*NT/, '');
return k;
var j = {
isBrowser: function k(l) {
return h(c('UserAgentData').browserName, c('UserAgentData').browserFullVersion, l);
isBrowserArchitecture: function k(l) {
return h(c('UserAgentData').browserArchitecture, null, l);
isDevice: function k(l) {
return h(c('UserAgentData').deviceName, null, l);
isEngine: function k(l) {
return h(c('UserAgentData').engineName, c('UserAgentData').engineVersion, l);
isPlatform: function k(l) {
return h(c('UserAgentData').platformName, c('UserAgentData').platformFullVersion, l, i);
isPlatformArchitecture: function k(l) {
return h(c('UserAgentData').platformArchitecture, null, l);
f.exports = c('mapObject')(j, c('memoizeStringOnly'));
}), null);
__d('UserAgent_DEPRECATED', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = false,
i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w;
function x() {
if (h) return;
h = true;
var z = navigator.userAgent,
aa = /(?:MSIE.(\d+\.\d+))|(?:(?:Firefox|GranParadiso|Iceweasel).(\d+\.\d+))|(?:Opera(?:.+Version.|.)(\d+\.\d+))|(?:AppleWebKit.(\d+(?:\.\d+)?))|(?:Trident\/\d+\.\d+.*rv:(\d+\.\d+))/.exec(z),
ba = /(Mac OS X)|(Windows)|(Linux)/.exec(z);
t = /\b(iPhone|iP[ao]d)/.exec(z);
u = /\b(iP[ao]d)/.exec(z);
r = /Android/i.exec(z);
v = /FBAN\/\w+;/i.exec(z);
w = /Mobile/i.exec(z);
s = !!/Win64/.exec(z);
if (aa) {
i = aa[1] ? parseFloat(aa[1]) : aa[5] ? parseFloat(aa[5]) : NaN;
if (i && document && document.documentMode) i = document.documentMode;
var ca = /(?:Trident\/(\d+.\d+))/.exec(z);
n = ca ? parseFloat(ca[1]) + 4 : i;
j = aa[2] ? parseFloat(aa[2]) : NaN;
k = aa[3] ? parseFloat(aa[3]) : NaN;
l = aa[4] ? parseFloat(aa[4]) : NaN;
if (l) {
aa = /(?:Chrome\/(\d+\.\d+))/.exec(z);
m = aa && aa[1] ? parseFloat(aa[1]) : NaN;
} else m = NaN;
} else i = j = k = m = l = NaN;
if (ba) {
if (ba[1]) {
var da = /(?:Mac OS X (\d+(?:[._]\d+)?))/.exec(z);
o = da ? parseFloat(da[1].replace('_', '.')) : true;
} else o = false;
p = !!ba[2];
q = !!ba[3];
} else o = p = q = false;
var y = {
ie: function z() {
return x() || i;
ieCompatibilityMode: function z() {
return x() || n > i;
ie64: function z() {
return && s;
firefox: function z() {
return x() || j;
opera: function z() {
return x() || k;
webkit: function z() {
return x() || l;
safari: function z() {
return y.webkit();
chrome: function z() {
return x() || m;
windows: function z() {
return x() || p;
osx: function z() {
return x() || o;
linux: function z() {
return x() || q;
iphone: function z() {
return x() || t;
mobile: function z() {
return x() || t || u || r || w;
nativeApp: function z() {
return x() || v;
android: function z() {
return x() || r;
ipad: function z() {
return x() || u;
f.exports = y;
}), null);
__d('event-form-bubbling', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
b.Event = b.Event || function() {};
b.Event.__inlineSubmit = function(h, event) {
var i = b.Event.__getHandler && b.Event.__getHandler(h, 'submit');
return (i && i !== h.onsubmit ? null : b.Event.__bubbleSubmit(h, event));
b.Event.__bubbleSubmit = function(h, event) {
if (document.documentElement.attachEvent) {
var i;
while (i !== false && (h = h.parentNode)) i = h.onsubmit ? h.onsubmit(event) : b.Event.__fire && b.Event.__fire(h, 'submit', event);
return i;
}), 3);
__d('getDocumentScrollElement', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit') > -1;
function i(j) {
j = j || document;
return !h && j.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat' ? j.documentElement : j.body;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("getObjectValues", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
var j = [];
for (var k in i) j.push(i[k]);
return j;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('Event', ['invariant', 'event-form-bubbling', 'Arbiter', 'DataStore', 'DOMQuery', 'DOMEvent', 'ErrorUtils', 'EventProfiler', 'ExecutionEnvironment', 'Parent', 'Scroll', 'TimeSlice', 'UserAgent', 'UserAgent_DEPRECATED', 'DOMEventListener', 'requireWeak', 'SiteData', '$', 'getDocumentScrollElement', 'ifRequired', 'getObjectValues', 'performanceNow'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = {
C2: .125,
C3: .125,
dev: .01,
'default': .01
j = b.Event,
k = 'Event.listeners';
if (!j.prototype) j.prototype = {};
function l(w) {
if (w.type === 'click' || w.type === 'mouseover' || w.type === 'keydown') c('Arbiter').inform('Event/stop', {
event: w
function m(w, x, y) { = w;
this.type = x; = y;
Object.assign(m.prototype, {
getData: function w() { = || {};
stop: function w() {
return j.stop(this);
prevent: function w() {
return j.prevent(this);
isDefaultPrevented: function w() {
return j.isDefaultPrevented(this);
kill: function w() {
return j.kill(this);
getTarget: function w() {
return new(c('DOMEvent'))(this).target || null;
function n(w) {
if (w instanceof m) return w;
if (!w)
if (!window.addEventListener && document.createEventObject) {
w = window.event ? document.createEventObject(window.event) : {};
} else w = {};
if (!w._inherits_from_prototype)
for (var x in j.prototype) try {
w[x] = j.prototype[x];
} catch (y) {}
return w;
Object.assign(j.prototype, {
_inherits_from_prototype: true,
getRelatedTarget: function w() {
var x = this.relatedTarget || (this.fromElement === this.srcElement ? this.toElement : this.fromElement);
return x && x.nodeType ? x : null;
getModifiers: function w() {
var x = {
control: !!this.ctrlKey,
shift: !!this.shiftKey,
alt: !!this.altKey,
meta: !!this.metaKey
x.access = c('UserAgent_DEPRECATED').osx() ? x.control : x.alt;
x.any = x.control || x.shift || x.alt || x.meta;
return x;
isRightClick: function w() {
if (this.which) return this.which === 3;
return this.button && this.button === 2;
isMiddleClick: function w() {
if (this.which) return this.which === 2;
return this.button && this.button === 4;
isDefaultRequested: function w() {
return this.getModifiers().any || this.isMiddleClick() || this.isRightClick();
}, m.prototype);
Object.assign(j, {
listen: function w(x, y, z, aa) {
if (!c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM) return new v(z, fa, y, aa, ia);
if (typeof x == 'string') x = c('$')(x);
if (typeof aa == 'undefined') aa = j.Priority.NORMAL;
if (typeof y == 'object') {
var ba = {};
for (var ca in y) ba[ca] = j.listen(x, ca, y[ca], aa);
return ba;
if (y.match(/^on/i)) throw new TypeError('Bad event name `' + y + "': use `click', not `onclick'.");
if (x.nodeName == 'LABEL' && y == 'click') {
var da = x.getElementsByTagName('input');
x = da.length == 1 ? da[0] : x;
} else if (x === window && y === 'scroll') {
var ea = c('getDocumentScrollElement')();
if (ea !== document.documentElement && ea !== document.body) x = ea;
var fa = c('DataStore').get(x, k, {}),
ga = q[y];
if (ga) {
y = ga.base;
if (ga.wrap) z = ga.wrap(z);
s(x, fa, y);
var ha = fa[y];
if (!(aa in ha)) ha[aa] = [];
var ia = ha[aa].length,
ja = new v(z, fa, y, aa, ia);
if (y === 'keydown') {
var ka = c('SiteData').push_phase,
la = i[ka] || i['default'];
if (Math.random() < la) ja._stack = c('ErrorUtils').normalizeError(new Error('generate a keydown handler stack trace')).stack;
ha[aa][ia] = ja;
return ja;
stop: function w(x) {
var y = new(c('DOMEvent'))(x).stopPropagation();
return x;
prevent: function w(x) {
return x;
isDefaultPrevented: function w(x) {
return new(c('DOMEvent'))(x).isDefaultPrevented(x);
kill: function w(x) {
var y = new(c('DOMEvent'))(x).kill();
return false;
getKeyCode: function w(event) {
event = new(c('DOMEvent'))(event).event;
if (!event) return false;
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 63232:
return 38;
case 63233:
return 40;
case 63234:
return 37;
case 63235:
return 39;
case 63272:
case 63273:
case 63275:
return null;
case 63276:
return 33;
case 63277:
return 34;
if (event.shiftKey) switch (event.keyCode) {
case 33:
case 34:
case 37:
case 38:
case 39:
case 40:
return null;
return event.keyCode;
getPriorities: function w() {
if (!o) {
var x = c('getObjectValues')(j.Priority);
x.sort(function(y, z) {
return y - z;
o = x;
return o;
fire: function w(x, y, z) {
var aa = new m(x, y, z),
do {
var ca = j.__getHandler(x, y);
if (ca) ba = ca(aa);
x = x.parentNode;
} while (x && ba !== false && !aa.cancelBubble);
return ba !== false;
__fire: function w(x, y, event) {
var z = j.__getHandler(x, y);
if (z) return z(n(event));
__getHandler: function w(x, y) {
var z = c('DataStore').get(x, k);
if (z && z[y]) return z[y].domHandler;
return x['on' + y];
getPosition: function w(x) {
x = new(c('DOMEvent'))(x).event;
var y = c('getDocumentScrollElement')(),
z = x.clientX + c('Scroll').getLeft(y),
aa = x.clientY + c('Scroll').getTop(y);
return {
x: z,
y: aa
var o = null,
p = function w(x) {
return function(y) {
if (!c('DOMQuery').contains(this, y.getRelatedTarget())) return, y);
if (!window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {
q = {
mouseenter: {
base: 'mouseover',
wrap: p
mouseleave: {
base: 'mouseout',
wrap: p
} else q = {
mousedown: {
base: 'MSPointerDown'
mousemove: {
base: 'MSPointerMove'
mouseup: {
base: 'MSPointerUp'
mouseover: {
base: 'MSPointerOver'
mouseout: {
base: 'MSPointerOut'
mouseenter: {
base: 'MSPointerOver',
wrap: p
mouseleave: {
base: 'MSPointerOut',
wrap: p
if (c('UserAgent_DEPRECATED').firefox()) {
var r = function w(x, event) {
event = n(event);
var y = event.getTarget();
while (y) {
j.__fire(y, x, event);
y = y.parentNode;
document.documentElement.addEventListener('focus', r.bind(null, 'focusin'), true);
document.documentElement.addEventListener('blur', r.bind(null, 'focusout'), true);
var s = function w(x, y, z) {
if (z in y) return;
var aa = c('TimeSlice').guard(u.bind(x, z), 'Event listenHandler ' + z);
y[z] = {
numHandlers: 0,
domHandlerRemover: c('DOMEventListener').add(x, z, aa),
domHandler: aa
var ba = 'on' + z;
if (x[ba]) {
var ca = x === document.documentElement ? j.Priority._BUBBLE : j.Priority.TRADITIONAL,
da = x[ba];
x[ba] = null;
j.listen(x, z, da, ca);
if (x.nodeName === 'FORM' && z === 'submit' && c('UserAgent').isBrowser('IE < 9')) j.listen(x, z, j.__bubbleSubmit.bind(null, x), j.Priority._BUBBLE);
function t(w, x) {
return (w.nodeName === 'INPUT' && w.type === x);
var u = c('EventProfiler').__wrapEventListenHandler(function w(x, event) {
var y;
event = n(event);
if (!c('DataStore').get(this, k)) throw new Error('Bad listenHandler context.');
var z = c('DataStore').get(this, k)[x];
if (!z) throw new Error('No registered handlers for `' + x + "'.");
if (x == 'click')(function() {
var ga = event.getTarget(),
ha = c('Parent').byTag(ga, 'a');
if (ha && ha.href && ha.href.endsWith('#') && !t(ga, 'file') && !t(ga, 'submit')) event.prevent();
c('ifRequired')('clickRefAction', function(ia) {
ia('click', ha, event);
var aa = j.getPriorities();
for (var ba = 0; ba < aa.length; ba++) {
var ca = aa[ba];
if (ca in z) {
var da = z[ca];
for (var ea = 0; ea < da.length; ea++) {
if (!da[ea]) continue;
var fa = da[ea].fire(this, event);
if (fa === false) {
return event.kill();
} else if (event.cancelBubble) event.stop();
return event.returnValue;
j.Priority = {
URGENT: -20,
_BUBBLE: 1000
function v(w, x, y, z, aa) {
this._handler = w;
this._handlers = x;
this._type = y;
this._priority = z;
this._id = aa;
Object.assign(v.prototype, {
remove: function w() {
if (c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM) {
this._handlers || h(0);
var x = this._handlers[this._type];
if (x.numHandlers <= 1) {
delete this._handlers[this._type];
} else {
delete x[this._priority][this._id];
this._handlers = null;
fire: function w(x, event) {
var y, z = this;
if (c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM) {
var y = function() {
var aa = z._stack && c('performanceNow')(),
ba = c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(z._handler, x, [event], function(ea) {
ea.event_type = event.type;
ea.dom_element = ||;
ea.category = 'eventhandler';
ca = z._stack && c('performanceNow')(),
da = ca - aa;
if (da > 100 && z._stack) c('requireWeak')('BanzaiScuba', function(ea) {
var fa = new ea('interaction_debugging');
fa.addNormal('location', this._stack);
fa.addInteger('event_handler_runtime', da);;
return {
v: ba
if (typeof y === "object") return y.v;
return true;
b.$E = j.$E = n;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('cx', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
throw new Error('cx: Unexpected class transformation.');
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('FbtResult', ['cx', 'ErrorUtils'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol['for'] && Symbol['for']('react.element') || 60103,
j = false;
function k(o, p, q, r) {
var s = "_4qba";
if (r)
if (p === 'TRANSLATION') {
s = "_4qbb";
} else if (p === 'APPROVE') {
s = "_4qbc";
} else if (p === 'REPORT') s = "_4qbd";
return {
$$typeof: i,
type: 'em',
key: null,
ref: null,
props: {
className: s,
'data-intl-hash': r,
'data-intl-translation': q,
'data-intl-trid': '',
children: o
_owner: null
var l = function o(p) {
return k(p.content, p.inlineMode, p.translation, p.hash);
function m(o) {}
function n(o, p, q, r) {
'use strict';
this.$FbtResult1 = o;
this.$FbtResult2 = null;
this.$$typeof = i;
this.type = l;
this.props = {
content: this.$FbtResult1,
inlineMode: p,
translation: q,
hash: r
this.key = null;
this.ref = null;
n.prototype.flattenToArray = function() {
'use strict';
return n.flattenToArray(this.$FbtResult1);
n.prototype.getContents = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$FbtResult1;
n.prototype.toString = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.$FbtResult2 !== null) return this.$FbtResult2;
var o = '',
p = this.flattenToArray();
for (var q = 0; q < p.length; ++q) {
var r = p[q];
if (typeof r === 'string' || r instanceof n) {
o += r;
} else {
var s = new Error('Converting to a string will drop content data');
c('ErrorUtils').reportError(s, true);
if (!Object.isFrozen(this)) this.$FbtResult2 = o;
return o;
n.prototype.toJSON = function() {
'use strict';
return this.toString();
n.flattenToArray = function(o) {
'use strict';
var p = [];
for (var q = 0; q < o.length; ++q) {
var r = o[q];
if (Array.isArray(r)) {
p.push.apply(p, n.flattenToArray(r));
} else if (r instanceof n) {
p.push.apply(p, r.flattenToArray());
} else p.push(r);
return p;
['replace', 'split', 'toLowerCase', 'toUpperCase', 'indexOf', 'charAt', 'charCodeAt', 'substr', 'substring', 'trim', 'lastIndexOf', 'search', 'match', 'slice', 'codePointAt', 'endsWith', 'includes', 'localeCompare', 'normalize', 'repeat', 'startsWith', 'toLocaleLowerCase', 'toLocaleUpperCase', 'trimLeft', 'trimRight', 'link', 'anchor', 'fontcolor', 'fontsize', 'big', 'blink', 'bold', 'fixed', 'italics', 'small', 'strike', 'sub', 'sup', 'contains'].forEach(function(o) {
n.prototype[o] = function() {
'use strict';
return this.toString()[o].apply(this, arguments);
f.exports = n;
}), null);
__d("isScalar", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
return /string|number|boolean/.test(typeof i);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('DOM', ['$', 'DOMQuery', 'ErrorUtils', 'Event', 'FbtResult', 'HTML', 'UserAgent_DEPRECATED', 'createArrayFromMixed', 'isNode', 'isScalar', 'isTextNode'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
create: function k(l, m, n) {
var o = document.createElement(l);
if (m) h.setAttributes(o, m);
if (n != null) h.setContent(o, n);
return o;
setAttributes: function k(l, m) {
if (m.type) l.type = m.type;
for (var n in m) {
var o = m[n],
p = /^on/i.test(n);
if (n == 'type') {
} else if (n == 'style') {
if (typeof o == 'string') { = o;
} else Object.assign(, o);
} else if (p) {
c('Event').listen(l, n.substr(2), o);
} else if (n in l) {
l[n] = o;
} else if (l.setAttribute) l.setAttribute(n, o);
prependContent: function k(l, m) {
if (!l) throw new Error('DOM.prependContent: reference element is not a node');
return j(m, l, function(n) {
l.firstChild ? l.insertBefore(n, l.firstChild) : l.appendChild(n);
insertAfter: function k(l, m) {
if (!l || !l.parentNode) throw new Error('DOM.insertAfter: reference element does not ' + 'have a parent.');
var n = l.parentNode;
return j(m, n, function(o) {
l.nextSibling ? n.insertBefore(o, l.nextSibling) : n.appendChild(o);
insertBefore: function k(l, m) {
if (!l || !l.parentNode) throw new Error('DOM.insertBefore: reference element does not have a parent.');
var n = l.parentNode;
return j(m, n, function(o) {
n.insertBefore(o, l);
setContent: function k(l, m) {
if (!l) throw new Error('DOM.setContent: reference element is not a node.');
while (l.firstChild) i(l.firstChild);
return h.appendContent(l, m);
appendContent: function k(l, m) {
if (!l) throw new Error('DOM.appendContent: reference element is not a node.');
return j(m, l, function(n) {
replace: function k(l, m) {
if (!l || !l.parentNode) throw new Error('DOM.replace: reference element does not ' + 'have a parent.');
var n = l.parentNode;
return j(m, n, function(o) {
n.replaceChild(o, l);
remove: function k(l) {
empty: function k(l) {
l = c('$')(l);
while (l.firstChild) i(l.firstChild);
Object.assign(h, c('DOMQuery'));
function i(k) {
if (k.parentNode) k.parentNode.removeChild(k);
function j(k, l, m) {
k = c('HTML').replaceJSONWrapper(k);
if (k instanceof c('HTML') && l.firstChild === null && -1 === k.toString().indexOf('<scr' + 'ipt')) {
var n = c('UserAgent_DEPRECATED').ie();
if (!n || n > 7 && !c('DOMQuery').isNodeOfType(l, ['table', 'tbody', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tr', 'select', 'fieldset'])) {
var o = n ? '<em style="display:none;">&nbsp;</em>' : '';
l.innerHTML = o + k;
n && l.removeChild(l.firstChild);
return Array.from(l.childNodes);
} else if (c('isTextNode')(l)) { = k;
return [k];
var p = document.createDocumentFragment(),
q, r = [],
s = [];
k = c('createArrayFromMixed')(k);
if (k.length === 1 && k[0] instanceof c('FbtResult')) k = k[0].getContents();
for (var t = 0; t < k.length; t++) {
q = c('HTML').replaceJSONWrapper(k[t]);
if (q instanceof c('HTML')) {
var u = q.getNodes();
for (var v = 0; v < u.length; v++) {
} else if (c('isScalar')(q) || q instanceof c('FbtResult')) {
var w = document.createTextNode(q);
} else if (c('isNode')(q)) {
s.forEach(function(x) {
return r;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('DOMControl', ['DataStore', '$'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
'use strict';
this.root = c('$')(i);
this.updating = false;
c('DataStore').set(i, 'DOMControl', this);
h.prototype.getRoot = function() {
'use strict';
return this.root;
h.prototype.beginUpdate = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.updating) return false;
this.updating = true;
return true;
h.prototype.endUpdate = function() {
'use strict';
this.updating = false;
h.prototype.update = function(i) {
'use strict';
if (!this.beginUpdate()) return this;
h.prototype.onupdate = function(i) {
'use strict';
h.getInstance = function(i) {
'use strict';
return c('DataStore').get(i, 'DOMControl');
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('Input', ['CSS', 'DOMQuery', 'DOMControl'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
isWhiteSpaceOnly: function i(j) {
return !/\S/.test(j || '');
isEmpty: function i(j) {
return h.isWhiteSpaceOnly(j.value);
getValue: function i(j) {
return h.isEmpty(j) ? '' : j.value;
getValueRaw: function i(j) {
return j.value;
setValue: function i(j, k) {
j.value = k || '';
var l = c('DOMControl').getInstance(j);
l && l.resetHeight && l.resetHeight();
setPlaceholder: function i(j, k) {
j.setAttribute('aria-label', k);
j.setAttribute('placeholder', k);
reset: function i(j) {
j.value = ''; = '';
setSubmitOnEnter: function i(j, k) {
c('CSS').conditionClass(j, 'enter_submit', k);
getSubmitOnEnter: function i(j) {
return c('CSS').hasClass(j, 'enter_submit');
setMaxLength: function i(j, k) {
if (k > 0) {
j.setAttribute('maxlength', k);
} else j.removeAttribute('maxlength');
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("camelize", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = /-(.)/g;
function i(j) {
return j.replace(h, function(k, l) {
return l.toUpperCase();
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('getOpacityStyleName', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = false,
i = null;
function j() {
if (!h) {
if ('opacity' in {
i = 'opacity';
} else {
var k = document.createElement('div'); = 'alpha(opacity=100)';
if ( i = 'filter';
k = null;
h = true;
return i;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('hyphenate', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = /([A-Z])/g;
function i(j) {
return j.replace(h, '-$1').toLowerCase();
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('getStyleProperty', ['camelize', 'hyphenate'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(j) {
return j == null ? j : String(j);
function i(j, k) {
var l = void 0;
if (window.getComputedStyle) {
l = window.getComputedStyle(j, null);
if (l) return h(l.getPropertyValue(c('hyphenate')(k)));
if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
l = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(j, null);
if (l) return h(l.getPropertyValue(c('hyphenate')(k)));
if (k === 'display') return 'none';
if (j.currentStyle) {
if (k === 'float') return h(j.currentStyle.cssFloat || j.currentStyle.styleFloat);
return h(j.currentStyle[c('camelize')(k)]);
return h( &&[c('camelize')(k)]);
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('StyleCore', ['invariant', 'camelize', 'containsNode', 'ex', 'getOpacityStyleName', 'getStyleProperty', 'hyphenate'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(p, q) {
var r = o.get(p, q);
return r === 'auto' || r === 'scroll';
var j = new RegExp('\\s*' + '([^\\s:]+)' + '\\s*:\\s*' + '([^;(\'"]*(?:(?:\\([^)]*\\)|"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')[^;(?:\'"]*)*)' + '(?:;|$)', 'g');
function k(p) {
var q = {};
p.replace(j, function(r, s, t) {
q[s] = t;
return q;
function l(p) {
var q = '';
for (var r in p)
if (p[r]) q += r + ':' + p[r] + ';';
return q;
function m(p) {
return p !== '' ? 'alpha(opacity=' + p * 100 + ')' : '';
function n(p, q, r) {
switch (c('hyphenate')(q)) {
case 'font-weight':
case 'line-height':
case 'opacity':
case 'z-index':
case 'animation-iteration-count':
case '-webkit-animation-iteration-count':
case 'width':
case 'height':
var s = parseInt(r, 10) < 0;
!s || h(0);
isNaN(r) || !r || r === '0' || h(0);
var o = {
set: function p(q, r, s) {
n('Style.set', r, s);
var t =;
switch (r) {
case 'opacity':
if (c('getOpacityStyleName')() === 'filter') {
t.filter = m(s);
} else t.opacity = s;
case 'float':
t.cssFloat = t.styleFloat = s || '';
try {
t[c('camelize')(r)] = s;
} catch (u) {
throw new Error(c('ex')('Style.set: "%s" argument is invalid: %s', r, s));
apply: function p(q, r) {
var s = void 0;
for (s in r) n('Style.apply', s, r[s]);
if ('opacity' in r && c('getOpacityStyleName')() === 'filter') {
r.filter = m(r.opacity);
delete r.opacity;
var t = k(;
for (s in r) {
var u = r[s];
delete r[s];
var v = c('hyphenate')(s);
for (var w in t)
if (w === v || w.indexOf(v + '-') === 0) delete t[w];
r[v] = u;
Object.assign(t, r); = l(t);
get: c('getStyleProperty'),
getFloat: function p(q, r) {
return parseFloat(o.get(q, r), 10);
getOpacity: function p(q) {
if (c('getOpacityStyleName')() === 'filter') {
var r = o.get(q, 'filter');
if (r) {
var s = /(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/.exec(r);
if (s) return parseFloat(s.pop()) / 100;
return o.getFloat(q, 'opacity') || 1;
isFixed: function p(q) {
while (c('containsNode')(document.body, q)) {
if (o.get(q, 'position') === 'fixed') return true;
q = q.parentNode;
return false;
getScrollParent: function p(q) {
if (!q) return null;
while (q && q !== document.body) {
if (i(q, 'overflow') || i(q, 'overflowY') || i(q, 'overflowX')) return q;
q = q.parentNode;
return window;
f.exports = o;
}), null);
__d('Style', ['StyleCore', '$'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = babelHelpers['extends']({}, c('StyleCore'), {
get: function i(j, k) {
typeof j === 'string';
return c('StyleCore').get(c('$')(j), k);
getFloat: function i(j, k) {
typeof j === 'string';
return c('StyleCore').getFloat(c('$')(j), k);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('FlipDirection', ['DOM', 'Input', 'Style'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
setDirection: function i(j) {
var k = c('DOM').isNodeOfType(j, 'input') && j.type == 'text',
l = c('DOM').isNodeOfType(j, 'textarea');
if (!(k || l) || j.getAttribute('data-prevent-auto-flip')) return;
var m = c('Input').getValue(j),
n = &&;
if (!n) {
var o = 0,
p = true;
for (var q = 0; q < m.length; q++) {
var r = m.charCodeAt(q);
if (r >= 48) {
if (p) {
p = false;
if (r >= 1470 && r <= 1920) {
c('Style').set(j, 'direction', 'rtl');
j.setAttribute('dir', 'rtl');
if (o == 5) {
c('Style').set(j, 'direction', 'ltr');
j.setAttribute('dir', 'ltr');
} else p = true;
} else if (m.length === 0) {
c('Style').set(j, 'direction', '');
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('FlipDirectionOnKeypress', ['Event', 'FlipDirection'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = function i(event) {
var j = event.getTarget();
c('Event').listen(document.documentElement, {
keyup: h,
input: h
}), null);
__d('getActiveElement', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
i = i || document;
if (typeof i === 'undefined') return null;
try {
return i.activeElement || i.body;
} catch (j) {
return i.body;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('FocusListener', ['Arbiter', 'CSS', 'Parent', 'getActiveElement'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
expandInput: function m(n) {
c('CSS').addClass(n, 'child_is_active');
c('CSS').addClass(n, 'child_is_focused');
c('CSS').addClass(n, 'child_was_focused');
function i(m, n) {
if (n.getAttribute('data-silentfocuslistener')) return;
var o = c('Parent').byClass(n, 'focus_target');
if (o)
if ('focus' == m || 'focusin' == m) {
} else {
if (n.value === '') c('CSS').removeClass(o, 'child_is_active');
c('CSS').removeClass(o, 'child_is_focused');
var j = c('getActiveElement')();
if (j) i('focus', j);
function k(event) {
event = event || window.event;
i(event.type, || event.srcElement);
var l = document.documentElement;
if (l.addEventListener) {
l.addEventListener('focus', k, true);
l.addEventListener('blur', k, true);
} else {
l.attachEvent('onfocusin', k);
l.attachEvent('onfocusout', k);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('guid', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h() {
return 'f' + (Math.random() * (1 << 30)).toString(16).replace('.', '');
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('ArbiterMixin', ['Arbiter', 'guid'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = "arbiter$" + c('guid')(),
i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
j = {
_getArbiterInstance: function k() {
return, h) ? this[h] : this[h] = new(c('Arbiter'))();
inform: function k(l, m, n) {
return this._getArbiterInstance().inform(l, m, n);
subscribe: function k(l, m, n) {
return this._getArbiterInstance().subscribe(l, m, n);
subscribeOnce: function k(l, m, n) {
return this._getArbiterInstance().subscribeOnce(l, m, n);
unsubscribe: function k(l) {
unsubscribeCurrentSubscription: function k() {
releaseCurrentPersistentEvent: function k() {
registerCallback: function k(l, m) {
return this._getArbiterInstance().registerCallback(l, m);
query: function k(l) {
return this._getArbiterInstance().query(l);
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('flattenPHPQueryData', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(k) {
return j(k);
function j(k, l, m) {
l = l || '';
m = m || {};
if (k === null || k === undefined) {
m[l] = undefined;
} else if (typeof k == 'object') {
typeof k.appendChild !== 'function' || h(0);
for (var n in k) {
if (n === '$$typeof') continue;
if (k.hasOwnProperty(n) && k[n] !== undefined) j(k[n], l ? l + '[' + n + ']' : n, m);
} else m[l] = k;
return m;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('PHPQuerySerializer', ['invariant', 'flattenPHPQueryData'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(p) {
var q = [],
r = c('flattenPHPQueryData')(p);
for (var s in r)
if (r.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
var t = j(s);
if (r[s] === undefined) {
} else q.push(t + '=' + j(r[s]));
return q.join('&');
function j(p) {
return encodeURIComponent(p).replace(/%5D/g, ']').replace(/%5B/g, '[');
var k = /^([-_\w]+)((?:\[[-_\w]*\])+)=?(.*)/;
function l(p) {
if (p === 'hasOwnProperty' || p === '__proto__') return '\ud83d\udf56';
return p;
function m(p) {
if (!p) return {};
var q = {};
p = p.replace(/%5B/ig, '[').replace(/%5D/ig, ']');
p = p.split('&');
var r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (var s = 0, t = p.length; s < t; s++) {
var u = p[s].match(k);
if (!u) {
var v = p[s].split('=');
q[n(v[0])] = v[1] === undefined ? null : n(v[1]);
} else {
var w = u[2].split(/\]\[|\[|\]/).slice(0, -1),
x = u[1],
y = n(u[3] || '');
w[0] = x;
var z = q;
for (var aa = 0; aa < w.length - 1; aa++) {
var ba = l(w[aa]);
if (ba) {
if (!, ba)) {
var ca = w[aa + 1] && !w[aa + 1].match(/^\d{1,3}$/) ? {} : [];
z[ba] = ca;
if (z[ba] !== ca) return q;
z = z[ba];
} else {
if (w[aa + 1] && !w[aa + 1].match(/^\d{1,3}$/)) {
} else z.push([]);
z = z[z.length - 1];
if (z instanceof Array && w[w.length - 1] === '') {
} else z[l(w[w.length - 1])] = y;
return q;
function n(p) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(p.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
} catch (q) {
return p;
var o = {
serialize: i,
encodeComponent: j,
deserialize: m,
decodeComponent: n
f.exports = o;
}), null);
__d('URIRFC3986', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = new RegExp('^' + '([^:/?#]+:)?' + '(//' + '([^\\\\/?#@]*@)?' + '(' + '\\[[A-Fa-f0-9:.]+\\]|' + '[^\\/?#:]*' + ')' + '(:[0-9]*)?' + ')?' + '([^?#]*)' + '(\\?[^#]*)?' + '(#.*)?'),
i = {
parse: function j(k) {
if (k.trim() === '') return null;
var l = k.match(h);
if (l == null) return null;
var m = {};
m.uri = l[0] ? l[0] : null;
m.scheme = l[1] ? l[1].substr(0, l[1].length - 1) : null;
m.authority = l[2] ? l[2].substr(2) : null;
m.userinfo = l[3] ? l[3].substr(0, l[3].length - 1) : null; = l[2] ? l[4] : null;
m.port = l[5] ? l[5].substr(1) ? parseInt(l[5].substr(1), 10) : null : null;
m.path = l[6] ? l[6] : null;
m.query = l[7] ? l[7].substr(1) : null;
m.fragment = l[8] ? l[8].substr(1) : null;
m.isGenericURI = m.authority === null && !!m.scheme;
return m;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('URISchemes', ['createObjectFrom'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = c('createObjectFrom')(['blob', 'cmms', 'fb', 'fbatwork', 'fb-ama', 'fb-messenger', 'fb-page-messages', 'fb-pma', 'fbcf', 'fbconnect', 'fbmobilehome', 'fbrpc', 'file', 'ftp', 'http', 'https', 'mailto', 'ms-app', 'intent', 'itms', 'itms-apps', 'itms-services', 'market', 'svn+ssh', 'fbstaging', 'tel', 'sms', 'pebblejs', 'sftp', 'whatsapp', 'moments', 'fblite', 'chrome-extension', 'webcal', 'fb124024574287414', 'fb124024574287414rc', 'fb124024574287414master', 'fb1576585912599779', 'fb929757330408142', 'designpack']),
i = {
isAllowed: function j(k) {
if (!k) return true;
return h.hasOwnProperty(k.toLowerCase());
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('setHostSubdomain', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
var k = i.split('.');
if (k.length < 3) {
} else k[0] = j;
return k.join('.');
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('URIBase', ['invariant', 'URIRFC3986', 'URISchemes', 'ex', 'setHostSubdomain'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = new RegExp('[\\x00-\\x2c\\x2f\\x3b-\\x40\\x5c\\x5e\\x60\\x7b-\\x7f' + '\\uFDD0-\\uFDEF\\uFFF0-\\uFFFF' + '\\u2047\\u2048\\uFE56\\uFE5F\\uFF03\\uFF0F\\uFF1F]'),
j = new RegExp('^(?:[^/]*:|' + '[\\x00-\\x1f]*/[\\x00-\\x1f]*/)');
function k(n, o, p, q) {
if (!o) return true;
if (o instanceof m) {
return true;
o = o.toString().trim();
var r = c('URIRFC3986').parse(o) || {
fragment: null,
scheme: null
if (!p && !c('URISchemes').isAllowed(r.scheme)) return false;
n.setProtocol(r.scheme || '');
if (!p && i.test( || '')) return false;
n.setDomain( || '');
n.setPort(r.port || '');
n.setPath(r.path || '');
if (p) {
n.setQueryData(q.deserialize(r.query || '') || {});
} else try {
n.setQueryData(q.deserialize(r.query || '') || {});
} catch (s) {
return false;
n.setFragment(r.fragment || '');
if (r.fragment === '') n.setForceFragmentSeparator(true);
n.setIsGeneric(r.isGenericURI || false);
if (r.userinfo !== null)
if (p) {
throw new Error(c('ex')('URI.parse: invalid URI (userinfo is not allowed in a URI): %s', n.toString()));
} else return false;
if (!n.getDomain() && n.getPath().indexOf('\\') !== -1)
if (p) {
throw new Error(c('ex')('URI.parse: invalid URI (no domain but multiple back-slashes): %s', n.toString()));
} else return false;
if (!n.getProtocol() && j.test(o))
if (p) {
throw new Error(c('ex')('URI.parse: invalid URI (unsafe protocol-relative URLs): %s', n.toString()));
} else return false;
if (n.getDomain() && n.getPath() && !n.getPath().startsWith('/'))
if (p) {
throw new Error(c('ex')('URI.parse: invalid URI (domain and path where path lacks leading slash): %s', n.toString()));
} else return false;
return true;
var l = [];
m.isValidURI = function(n, o) {
'use strict';
return k(new m(null, o), n, false, o);
function m(n, o) {
'use strict';
o || h(0);
this.$URIBase9 = o;
this.$URIBase7 = '';
this.$URIBase1 = '';
this.$URIBase6 = '';
this.$URIBase5 = '';
this.$URIBase3 = '';
this.$URIBase4 = false;
this.$URIBase8 = {};
this.$URIBase2 = false;
k(this, n, true, o);
m.prototype.setProtocol = function(n) {
'use strict';
c('URISchemes').isAllowed(n) || h(0);
this.$URIBase7 = n;
return this;
m.prototype.getProtocol = function() {
'use strict';
return (this.$URIBase7 || '').toLowerCase();
m.prototype.setSecure = function(n) {
'use strict';
return this.setProtocol(n ? 'https' : 'http');
m.prototype.isSecure = function() {
'use strict';
return this.getProtocol() === 'https';
m.prototype.setDomain = function(n) {
'use strict';
if (i.test(n)) throw new Error(c('ex')('URI.setDomain: unsafe domain specified: %s for url %s', n, this.toString()));
this.$URIBase1 = n;
return this;
m.prototype.getDomain = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$URIBase1;
m.prototype.setPort = function(n) {
'use strict';
this.$URIBase6 = n;
return this;
m.prototype.getPort = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$URIBase6;
m.prototype.setPath = function(n) {
'use strict';
this.$URIBase5 = n;
return this;
m.prototype.getPath = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$URIBase5;
m.prototype.addQueryData = function(n, o) {
'use strict';
if ( === '[object Object]') {
Object.assign(this.$URIBase8, n);
} else this.$URIBase8[n] = o;
return this;
m.prototype.setQueryData = function(n) {
'use strict';
this.$URIBase8 = n;
return this;
m.prototype.getQueryData = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$URIBase8;
m.prototype.removeQueryData = function(n) {
'use strict';
if (!Array.isArray(n)) n = [n];
for (var o = 0, p = n.length; o < p; ++o) delete this.$URIBase8[n[o]];
return this;
m.prototype.setFragment = function(n) {
'use strict';
this.$URIBase3 = n;
return this;
m.prototype.getFragment = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$URIBase3;
m.prototype.setForceFragmentSeparator = function(n) {
'use strict';
this.$URIBase2 = n;
return this;
m.prototype.getForceFragmentSeparator = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$URIBase2;
m.prototype.setIsGeneric = function(n) {
'use strict';
this.$URIBase4 = n;
return this;
m.prototype.getIsGeneric = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$URIBase4;
m.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
'use strict';
return !(this.getPath() || this.getProtocol() || this.getDomain() || this.getPort() || Object.keys(this.getQueryData()).length > 0 || this.getFragment());
m.prototype.toString = function() {
'use strict';
var n = this;
for (var o = 0; o < l.length; o++) n = l[o](n);
return n.$URIBase10();
m.prototype.$URIBase10 = function() {
'use strict';
var n = '',
o = this.getProtocol();
if (o) n += o + ':' + (this.getIsGeneric() ? '' : '//');
var p = this.getDomain();
if (p) n += p;
var q = this.getPort();
if (q) n += ':' + q;
var r = this.getPath();
if (r) {
n += r;
} else if (n) n += '/';
var s = this.$URIBase9.serialize(this.getQueryData());
if (s) n += '?' + s;
var t = this.getFragment();
if (t) {
n += '#' + t;
} else if (this.getForceFragmentSeparator()) n += '#';
return n;
m.registerFilter = function(n) {
'use strict';
m.prototype.getOrigin = function() {
'use strict';
var n = this.getPort();
return this.getProtocol() + '://' + this.getDomain() + (n ? ':' + n : '');
m.prototype.getQualifiedURIBase = function() {
'use strict';
return new m(this, this.$URIBase9).qualify();
m.prototype.qualify = function() {
'use strict';
if (!this.getDomain()) {
var n = new m(window.location.href, this.$URIBase9);
return this;
m.prototype.setSubdomain = function(n) {
'use strict';
var o = this.qualify().getDomain();
return this.setDomain(c('setHostSubdomain')(o, n));
m.prototype.getSubdomain = function() {
'use strict';
if (!this.getDomain()) return '';
var n = this.getDomain().split('.');
if (n.length <= 2) {
return '';
} else return n[0];
f.exports = m;
}), null);
__d("areSameOrigin", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
if (i.isEmpty() || j.isEmpty()) return false;
if (i.getProtocol() && i.getProtocol() != j.getProtocol()) return false;
if (i.getDomain() && i.getDomain() != j.getDomain()) return false;
if (i.getPort() && i.getPort() != j.getPort()) return false;
return true;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("ReloadPage", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
now: function i(j) {
delay: function i(j) {
b.setTimeout(, j);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('goURIOnWindow', ['ReloadPage', 'URISchemes'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
function h(i, j, k, l) {
i = i.toString();
var m = j ? j : window;
if (/^([^.:/?#]+):/.test(i) && !c('URISchemes').isAllowed(RegExp.$1)) throw new Error('goURI: URI scheme rejected, URI: ' + i);
if (!k && b.PageTransitions) {
b.PageTransitions.go(i, l);
} else if (window.location.href === i) {
} else if (l) {
} else m.location.href = i;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('goURI', ['goURIOnWindow'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
function h(i, j, k) {
c('goURIOnWindow')(i, window, j, k);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('isFacebookURI', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = null,
i = ['http', 'https'];
function j(k) {
if (!h) h = new RegExp('(^|\\.)facebook\\.com$', 'i');
if (k.isEmpty() && k.toString() !== '#') return false;
if (!k.getDomain() && !k.getProtocol()) return true;
return i.indexOf(k.getProtocol()) !== -1 && h.test(k.getDomain());
j.setRegex = function(k) {
h = k;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('isMessengerDotComURI', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = new RegExp('(^|\\.)messenger\\.com$', 'i'),
i = ['https'];
function j(k) {
if (k.isEmpty() && k.toString() !== '#') return false;
if (!k.getDomain() && !k.getProtocol()) return false;
return (i.indexOf(k.getProtocol()) !== -1 && h.test(k.getDomain()));
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d("unqualifyURI", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('URI', ['CdnAkamaiDomainsConfig', 'PHPQuerySerializer', 'URIBase', 'areSameOrigin', 'goURI', 'ifRequired', 'isFacebookURI', 'isMessengerDotComURI', 'memoize', 'unqualifyURI'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i, j, k = this,
l = c('memoize')(function() {
return new n(window.location.href);
function m() {
return c('ifRequired')('PageTransitions', function(o) {
if (o.isInitialized()) return o;
h = babelHelpers.inherits(n, c('URIBase'));
i = h && h.prototype;
function n(o) {
'use strict';, o || '', c('PHPQuerySerializer'));
n.prototype.setPath = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.path = o;
return, o);
n.prototype.getPath = function() {
'use strict';
var o =;
if (o) return o.replace(/^\/+/, '/');
return o;
n.prototype.setProtocol = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.protocol = o;
return, o);
n.prototype.setDomain = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.domain = o;
return, o);
n.prototype.setPort = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.port = o;
return, o);
n.prototype.setFragment = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.fragment = o;
return, o);
n.prototype.valueOf = function() {
'use strict';
return this.toString();
n.prototype.isFacebookURI = function() {
'use strict';
return c('isFacebookURI')(this);
n.prototype.isLinkshimURI = function() {
'use strict';
if ((this.getPath() === '/l.php' || this.getPath().indexOf('/si/ajax/l/') === 0 || this.getPath().indexOf('/l/') === 0 || this.getPath().indexOf('l/') === 0) && (c('isFacebookURI')(this) || c('isMessengerDotComURI')(this))) return true;
return false;
n.prototype.isCdnURI = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.getProtocol() !== 'http' && this.getProtocol() !== 'https') return false;
var o = this.getPort();
if (!!o && o !== 80 && o !== 443) return false;
if (this.isSubdomainOfDomain('')) return true;
return c('CdnAkamaiDomainsConfig')[this.getDomain()] != undefined;
n.prototype.isSubdomainOfDomain = function(o) {
'use strict';
var p = this.getDomain();
if (o === '' || p === '') return false;
if (p.endsWith(o)) {
var q = p.length,
r = o.length,
s = q - r - 1;
if (q === r || p[s] === '.') return n.isValidURI(o);
return false;
n.prototype.getRegisteredDomain = function() {
'use strict';
if (!this.getDomain()) return '';
if (!c('isFacebookURI')(this)) return null;
var o = this.getDomain().split('.'),
p = o.indexOf('facebook');
return o.slice(p).join('.');
n.prototype.getUnqualifiedURI = function() {
'use strict';
var o = new n(this);
return o;
n.prototype.getQualifiedURI = function() {
'use strict';
return new n(this).qualify();
n.prototype.isSameOrigin = function(o) {
'use strict';
var p = o;
if (!p) {
p = l();
} else if (!(p instanceof n)) p = new n(p.toString());
return c('areSameOrigin')(this, p);
n.prototype.go = function(o) {
'use strict';
c('goURI')(this, o);
n.isValidURI = function(o) {
'use strict';
return c('URIBase').isValidURI(o, c('PHPQuerySerializer'));
n.getRequestURI = function(o, p) {
'use strict';
o = o === undefined || o;
if (o) {
var q = m();
if (q) return q.getCurrentURI(!!p).getQualifiedURI();
return new n(window.location.href);
n.getMostRecentURI = function() {
'use strict';
var o = m();
if (o) return o.getMostRecentURI().getQualifiedURI();
return new n(window.location.href);
n.getNextURI = function() {
'use strict';
var o = m();
if (o) return o.getNextURI().getQualifiedURI();
return new n(window.location.href);
n.encodeComponent = function(o) {
'use strict';
return encodeURIComponent(o).replace(/%5D/g, ']').replace(/%5B/g, '[');
n.decodeComponent = function(o) {
'use strict';
return decodeURIComponent(o.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
Object.assign(n, {
expression: /(((\w+):\/\/)([^\/:]*)(:(\d+))?)?([^#?]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/,
arrayQueryExpression: /^(\w+)((?:\[\w*\])+)=?(.*)/
f.exports = n;
}), null);
__d('mixin', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s) {
var t = function y() {},
u = [i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r],
v = 0,
w = void 0;
while (u[v]) {
w = u[v];
for (var x in w)
if (w.hasOwnProperty(x)) t.prototype[x] = w[x];
v += 1;
return t;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('JSONPTransport', ['ArbiterMixin', 'DOM', 'HTML', 'TimeSlice', 'URI', 'mixin'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i, j = {},
k = 2,
l = 'jsonp',
m = 'iframe';
function n(p) {
delete j[p];
h = babelHelpers.inherits(o, c('mixin')(c('ArbiterMixin')));
i = h && h.prototype;
function o(p, q) {
'use strict';;
this._type = p;
this._uri = q;
this._hasResponse = false;
j[this.getID()] = this;
o.prototype.getID = function() {
'use strict';
return this._id || (this._id = k++);
o.prototype.hasFinished = function() {
'use strict';
return !(this.getID() in j);
o.prototype.getRequestURI = function() {
'use strict';
return new(c('URI'))(this._uri).addQueryData({
__a: 1,
__adt: this.getID(),
__req: 'jsonp_' + this.getID()
o.prototype.getTransportFrame = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._iframe) return this._iframe;
var p = 'transport_frame_' + this.getID(),
q = c('HTML')('<iframe class="hidden_elem" name="' + p + '" src="javascript:void(0)" />');
return this._iframe = c('DOM').appendContent(document.body, q)[0];
o.prototype.send = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._type === l) {
setTimeout(function() {
c('DOM').appendContent(document.body, c('DOM').create('script', {
src: this.getRequestURI().toString(),
type: 'text/javascript'
}.bind(this), 0);
} else {
this.getTransportFrame().onload = this._checkForErrors.bind(this);
this.getTransportFrame().src = this.getRequestURI().toString();
o.prototype.handleResponse = function(p) {
'use strict';
this.inform('response', p);
if (this.hasFinished()) setTimeout(this._cleanup.bind(this), 0);
o.prototype.abort = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._aborted) return;
this._aborted = true;
o.prototype._checkForErrors = function() {
'use strict';
if (!this._hasResponse) this.abort();
o.prototype._cleanup = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._iframe) {
this._iframe = null;
o.respond = function(p, q, r) {
'use strict';
var s = j[p];
if (s) {
s._hasResponse = true;
if (!r) n(p);
if (s._type == m)
if (typeof q === 'string') {
q = JSON.parse(q);
} else q = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(q));
} else {
var t = b.ErrorSignal;
if (t && !r) t.logJSError('ajax', {
error: 'UnexpectedJsonResponse',
extra: {
id: p,
uri: q.payload && q.payload.uri || ''
o.respond = c('TimeSlice').guard(o.respond, 'JSONPTransport.respond', {
root: true
f.exports = o;
}), null);
__d('StrSet', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
'use strict';
this.$StrSet2 = {};
this.$StrSet1 = 0;
if (i) this.addAll(i);
h.prototype.add = function(i) {
'use strict';
if (!this.$StrSet2.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
this.$StrSet2[i] = true;
return this;
h.prototype.addAll = function(i) {
'use strict';
i.forEach(this.add, this);
return this;
h.prototype.remove = function(i) {
'use strict';
if (this.$StrSet2.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
delete this.$StrSet2[i];
return this;
h.prototype.removeAll = function(i) {
'use strict';
i.forEach(this.remove, this);
return this;
h.prototype.toArray = function() {
'use strict';
return Object.keys(this.$StrSet2);
h.prototype.toMap = function(i) {
'use strict';
var j = {};
Object.keys(this.$StrSet2).forEach(function(k) {
j[k] = typeof i == 'function' ? i(k) : i || true;
return j;
h.prototype.contains = function(i) {
'use strict';
return this.$StrSet2.hasOwnProperty(i);
h.prototype.count = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$StrSet1;
h.prototype.clear = function() {
'use strict';
this.$StrSet2 = {};
this.$StrSet1 = 0;
return this;
h.prototype.clone = function() {
'use strict';
return new h(this);
h.prototype.forEach = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
Object.keys(this.$StrSet2).forEach(i, j);
}; = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
return Object.keys(this.$StrSet2).map(i, j);
h.prototype.some = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
return Object.keys(this.$StrSet2).some(i, j);
h.prototype.every = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
return Object.keys(this.$StrSet2).every(i, j);
h.prototype.filter = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
return new h(Object.keys(this.$StrSet2).filter(i, j));
h.prototype.union = function(i) {
'use strict';
return this.clone().addAll(i);
h.prototype.intersect = function(i) {
'use strict';
return this.filter(function(j) {
return i.contains(j);
h.prototype.difference = function(i) {
'use strict';
return i.filter(function(j) {
return !this.contains(j);
h.prototype.equals = function(i) {
'use strict';
var j = function n(o, p) {
return o === p ? 0 : o < p ? -1 : 1;
k = this.toArray(),
l = i.toArray();
if (k.length !== l.length) return false;
var m = k.length;
k = k.sort(j);
l = l.sort(j);
while (m--)
if (k[m] !== l[m]) return false;
return true;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PlatformBaseVersioning', ['invariant', 'PlatformVersions', 'getObjectValues', 'StrSet'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = new(c('StrSet'))(c('getObjectValues')(c('PlatformVersions').versions)),
j = location.pathname,
k = j.substring(1, j.indexOf('/', 1)),
l = i.contains(k) ? k : c('PlatformVersions').versions.UNVERSIONED;
function m(p, q) {
if (q == c('PlatformVersions').versions.UNVERSIONED) return p;
i.contains(q) || h(0);
if (p.indexOf('/') !== 0) p = '/' + p;
return '/' + q + p;
function n(p) {
if (i.contains(p.substring(1, p.indexOf('/', 1)))) return p.substring(p.indexOf('/', 1));
return p;
var o = {
addVersionToPath: m,
getLatestVersion: function p() {
return c('PlatformVersions').LATEST;
versionAwareURI: function p(q) {
return q.setPath(m(q.getPath(), l));
versionAwarePath: function p(q) {
return m(q, l);
getUnversionedPath: n
f.exports = o;
}), null);
__d('PluginMessage', ['DOMEventListener'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
listen: function i() {
c('DOMEventListener').add(window, 'message', function(event) {
if (/\.facebook\.com$/.test(event.origin) && /^FB_POPUP:/.test( {
var j = JSON.parse(;
if ('reload' in j && /^https?:/.test(j.reload)) document.location.replace(j.reload);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('DOMDimensions', ['Style', 'getDocumentScrollElement'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getElementDimensions: function i(j) {
return {
width: j.offsetWidth || 0,
height: j.offsetHeight || 0
getDocumentDimensions: function i(j) {
var k = c('getDocumentScrollElement')(j),
l = k.scrollWidth || 0,
m = k.scrollHeight || 0;
return {
width: l,
height: m
measureElementBox: function i(j, k, l, m, n) {
var o;
switch (k) {
case 'left':
case 'right':
case 'top':
case 'bottom':
o = [k];
case 'width':
o = ['left', 'right'];
case 'height':
o = ['top', 'bottom'];
throw Error('Invalid plane: ' + k);
var p = function q(r, s) {
var t = 0;
for (var u = 0; u < o.length; u++) t += parseInt(c('Style').get(j, r + '-' + o[u] + s), 10) || 0;
return t;
return (l ? p('padding', '') : 0) + (m ? p('border', '-width') : 0) + (n ? p('margin', '') : 0);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('BehaviorsMixin', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(l) {
'use strict';
this.$InstalledBehavior1 = l;
this.$InstalledBehavior2 = false;
h.prototype.enable = function() {
'use strict';
if (!this.$InstalledBehavior2) {
this.$InstalledBehavior2 = true;
h.prototype.disable = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.$InstalledBehavior2) {
this.$InstalledBehavior2 = false;
var i = 1;
function j(l) {
if (!l.__BEHAVIOR_ID) l.__BEHAVIOR_ID = i++;
return l.__BEHAVIOR_ID;
var k = {
enableBehavior: function l(m) {
if (!this._behaviors) this._behaviors = {};
var n = j(m);
if (!this._behaviors[n]) this._behaviors[n] = new h(new m(this));
return this;
disableBehavior: function l(m) {
if (this._behaviors) {
var n = j(m);
if (this._behaviors[n]) this._behaviors[n].disable();
return this;
enableBehaviors: function l(m) {
m.forEach(this.enableBehavior, this);
return this;
destroyBehaviors: function l() {
if (this._behaviors) {
for (var m in this._behaviors) this._behaviors[m].disable();
this._behaviors = {};
hasBehavior: function l(m) {
return this._behaviors && j(m) in this._behaviors;
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('BootloadedReact', ['Bootloader'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol['for'] && Symbol['for']('react.element') || 60103,
i = function k(l) {
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["ReactDOM"], l, 'BootloadedReact');
j = {
isValidElement: function k(l) {
return !!(typeof l === 'object' && l !== null && l.$$typeof === h);
render: function k(l, m, n) {
i(function(o) {
o.render(l, m, function() {
n && n(this);
unmountComponentAtNode: function k(l, m) {
i(function(n) {
m && m();
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('getOrCreateDOMID', ['uniqueID'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
if (! = c('uniqueID')();
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('ContextualThing', ['CSS', 'containsNode', 'ge', 'getOrCreateDOMID'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
register: function i(j, k) {
j.setAttribute('data-ownerid', c('getOrCreateDOMID')(k));
containsIncludingLayers: function i(j, k) {
var l = k;
while (l) {
if (c('containsNode')(j, l)) return true;
l = h.getContext(l);
return false;
getContext: function i(j) {
var k = j,
l = void 0;
while (k) {
if (k.getAttribute && (l = k.getAttribute('data-ownerid'))) return c('ge')(l);
k = k.parentNode;
return null;
parentByClass: function i(j, k) {
var l = j,
m = void 0;
while (l && !c('CSS').hasClass(l, k))
if (l.getAttribute && (m = l.getAttribute('data-ownerid'))) {
l = c('ge')(m);
} else l = l.parentNode;
return l;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PageEvents', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
NATIVE_ONLOAD: 'onload/onload',
BIGPIPE_ONLOAD: 'onload/onload_callback',
AJAXPIPE_ONLOAD: 'ajaxpipe/onload_callback',
NATIVE_DOMREADY: 'onload/dom_content_ready',
BIGPIPE_DOMREADY: 'onload/domcontent_callback',
AJAXPIPE_DOMREADY: 'ajaxpipe/domcontent_callback',
NATIVE_ONBEFOREUNLOAD: 'onload/beforeunload',
NATIVE_ONUNLOAD: 'onload/unload',
AJAXPIPE_ONUNLOAD: 'onload/exit',
AJAXPIPE_SEND: 'ajaxpipe/send',
AJAXPIPE_ONBEFORECLEARCANVAS: 'ajaxpipe/onbeforeclearcanvas'
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('createCancelableFunction', ['emptyFunction'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
var j = function k() {
for (var l = arguments.length, m = Array(l), n = 0; n < l; n++) m[n] = arguments[n];
return i.apply(null, m);
j.cancel = function() {
i = c('emptyFunction');
return j;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('Run', ['Arbiter', 'ExecutionEnvironment', 'PageEvents', 'TimeSlice', 'createCancelableFunction', 'emptyFunction', 'performanceAbsoluteNow'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 'onunloadhooks',
i = 'onafterunloadhooks',
j = c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_STATE;
function k(aa, ba) {
var ca = b.CavalryLogger,
da = ca && ca.getInstance();
if (!da) return;
if (ba) {
da.setAbsTimeStamp && da.setAbsTimeStamp(aa, ba);
} else da.setTimeStamp(aa);
function l() {
return !window.loading_page_chrome;
function m(aa) {
var ba = b.PageHooks;
if (window.domready && ba) {
ba.runHook(aa, 'domreadyhooks:late');
return {
remove: c('emptyFunction')
} else return t('domreadyhooks', aa);
function n(aa) {
var ba = b.PageHooks;
if (window.loaded && ba) {
var ca = setTimeout(function() {
ba.runHook(aa, 'onloadhooks:late');
}, 0);
return {
remove: function da() {
return clearTimeout(ca);
} else return t('onloadhooks', aa);
function o(aa, ba) {
if (ba === undefined) ba = l();
return ba ? t('onbeforeleavehooks', aa) : t('onbeforeunloadhooks', aa);
function p(aa, ba) {
if (!window.onunload) window.onunload = c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
c('Arbiter').inform(c('PageEvents').NATIVE_ONUNLOAD, true, j);
}, 'window.onunload');
return t(aa, ba);
function q(aa) {
return p(h, aa);
function r(aa) {
return p(i, aa);
function s(aa) {
return t('onleavehooks', aa);
function t(aa, ba) {
ba = c('createCancelableFunction')(ba);
window[aa] = (window[aa] || []).concat(ba);
return {
remove: function ca() {
function u(aa) {
window[aa] = [];
var v = c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
c('Arbiter').inform(c('PageEvents').NATIVE_DOMREADY, true, j);
}, 'DOMContentLoaded');
b._domcontentready = v;
function w() {
var aa = document,
ba = window;
if (aa.addEventListener) {
var ca = /AppleWebKit.(\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
if (ca && ca[1] < 525) {
var da = setInterval(function() {
if (/loaded|complete/.test(aa.readyState)) {
}, 10);
} else aa.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", v, true);
} else {
var ea = 'javascript:void(0)';
if (ba.location.protocol == 'https:') ea = '//:';
aa.write('<script onreadystatechange="if (this.readyState==\'complete\') {' + 'this.parentNode.removeChild(this);_domcontentready();}" ' + 'defer="defer" src="' + ea + '"><\/script\>');
var fa = ba.onload;
ba.onload = c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
fa && fa();
c('Arbiter').inform(c('PageEvents').NATIVE_ONLOAD, true, j);
}, 'window.onload');
ba.onbeforeunload = c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
var ga = {};
c('Arbiter').inform(c('PageEvents').NATIVE_ONBEFOREUNLOAD, ga, j);
if (!ga.warn) c('Arbiter').inform(c('PageEvents').AJAXPIPE_ONUNLOAD, {
transition_type: 'normal'
return ga.warn;
}, 'window.onbeforeunload');
var x = c('Arbiter').registerCallback(function() {
var aa = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
if (window.console && console.timeStamp) console.timeStamp('perf_trace {"name": "e2e",' + ' "parent": "PageEvents.BIGPIPE_ONLOAD"}');
k('t_onload', aa);
c('Arbiter').inform(c('PageEvents').BIGPIPE_ONLOAD, {
ts: aa
}, j);
}, [c('PageEvents').NATIVE_ONLOAD]),
y = c('Arbiter').registerCallback(function() {
var aa = {
c('Arbiter').inform(c('PageEvents').BIGPIPE_DOMREADY, aa, j);
}, [c('PageEvents').NATIVE_DOMREADY]);
if (c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM) w();
var z = {
onLoad: m,
onAfterLoad: n,
onLeave: s,
onBeforeUnload: o,
onUnload: q,
onAfterUnload: r,
__domContentCallback: y,
__onloadCallback: x,
__removeHook: u
f.exports = z;
}), null);
__d('getElementText', ['isElementNode', 'isTextNode'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = null;
function i(j) {
if (c('isTextNode')(j)) {
} else if (c('isElementNode')(j)) {
if (h === null) {
var k = document.createElement('div');
h = k.textContent != null ? 'textContent' : 'innerText';
return j[h];
} else return '';
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('KeyEventController', ['DOMQuery', 'Event', 'Run', 'emptyFunction', 'getElementText', 'isEmpty'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = null,
i = ['input', 'select', 'textarea', 'object', 'embed'],
j = {
button: 1,
checkbox: 1,
radio: 1,
submit: 1,
file: 1
k = {
TAB: [9],
RETURN: [13],
ALT: [18],
ESCAPE: [27],
LEFT: [37, 63234],
UP: [38, 63232],
RIGHT: [39, 63235],
DOWN: [40, 63233],
DELETE: [46],
COMMA: [188],
PERIOD: [190],
SLASH: [191],
'`': [192],
'[': [219],
']': [221],
PAGE_UP: [33],
PAGE_DOWN: [34],
END: [35],
HOME: [36],
SPACE: [32],
KP_DOT: [46, 110],
'-': [189],
'=': [187]
l = {
8: 1,
9: 1,
13: 1,
27: 1,
32: 1,
37: 1,
63234: 1,
38: 1,
63232: 1,
39: 1,
63235: 1,
40: 1,
63233: 1,
46: 1
function m() {
'use strict';
this.handlers = {};
document.onkeyup = this.onkeyevent.bind(this, 'onkeyup');
document.onkeydown = this.onkeyevent.bind(this, 'onkeydown');
document.onkeypress = this.onkeyevent.bind(this, 'onkeypress');
m.prototype.mapKey = function(n) {
'use strict';
if (n >= 0 && n <= 9) {
if (typeof n != 'number') n = n.charCodeAt(0) - 48;
return [48 + n, 96 + n];
var o = k[n.toUpperCase()];
if (o) return o;
return [n.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0)];
m.prototype.onkeyevent = function(n, o) {
'use strict';
o = c('Event').$E(o);
var p = this.handlers[o.keyCode] || this.handlers[o.which],
q, r, s;
if (p)
for (var t = 0; t < p.length; t++) {
q = p[t].callback;
r = p[t].filter;
try {
if (!r || r(o, n)) {
s = q(o, n);
if (s === false) return c('Event').kill(o);
} catch (u) {}
return true;
m.prototype.resetHandlers = function() {
'use strict';
for (var n in this.handlers)
if (this.handlers.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
var o = this.handlers[n].filter(function(p) {
return p.preserve();
if (o.length) {
this.handlers[n] = o;
} else delete this.handlers[n];
m.getInstance = function() {
'use strict';
return h || (h = new m());
m.defaultFilter = function(event, n) {
'use strict';
event = c('Event').$E(event);
return m.filterEventTypes(event, n) && m.filterEventTargets(event, n) && m.filterEventModifiers(event, n);
m.filterEventTypes = function(event, n) {
'use strict';
if (n === 'onkeydown') return true;
return false;
m.filterEventTargets = function(event, n) {
'use strict';
var o = event.getTarget(),
p = o.contentEditable === 'true' || o.contentEditable === 'plaintext-only';
return (!(p || c('DOMQuery').isNodeOfType(o, i)) || o.type in j || event.keyCode in l && (c('DOMQuery').isNodeOfType(o, ['input', 'textarea']) && o.value.length === 0 || p && c('getElementText')(o).length === 0));
m.filterEventModifiers = function(event, n) {
'use strict';
if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey || event.repeat) return false;
return true;
m.registerKey = function(n, o) {
var p = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? m.defaultFilter : arguments[2],
q = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? false : arguments[3],
r = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? c('emptyFunction').thatReturnsFalse : arguments[4];
'use strict';
var s = m.getInstance(),
t = s.mapKey(n);
if (c('isEmpty')(s.handlers)) c('Run').onLeave(s.resetHandlers.bind(s));
var u = {};
for (var v = 0; v < t.length; v++) {
n = t[v];
if (!s.handlers[n] || q) s.handlers[n] = [];
var w = {
callback: o,
filter: p,
preserve: r
u[n] = w;
return {
remove: function x() {
for (var y in u) {
if (s.handlers[y] && s.handlers[y].length) {
var z = s.handlers[y].indexOf(u[y]);
z >= 0 && s.handlers[y].splice(z, 1);
delete u[y];
f.exports = m;
}), null);
__d('KeyStatus', ['Event', 'ExecutionEnvironment'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = null,
i = null;
function j() {
if (!i) i = c('Event').listen(window, 'blur', function() {
h = null;
function k() {
if (i) {
i = null;
function l(event) {
h = c('Event').getKeyCode(event);
function m() {
h = null;
if (c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM) {
var n = document.documentElement;
if (n.addEventListener) {
n.addEventListener('keydown', l, true);
n.addEventListener('keyup', m, true);
} else if (n.attachEvent) {
var o = n.attachEvent;
o('onkeydown', l);
o('onkeyup', m);
var p = {
isKeyDown: function q() {
return !!h;
getKeyDownCode: function q() {
return h;
f.exports = p;
}), null);
* Copyright (c) 2012, llc, Donavon West, and Domenic
* Denicola
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* @preserve-header
* @providesModule ImmediateImplementation
__d("ImmediateImplementation", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
(function(h, i) {
"use strict";
var j = 1,
k = {},
l = {},
m = l,
n = false,
o = h.document,
p = void 0;
function q(y) {
var z = y[0];
y =, 1);
k[j] = function() {
z.apply(i, y);
m = = {
handle: j++
return m.handle;
function r() {
var y = void 0,
z = void 0;
while (!n && (y = {
l = y;
if (z = k[y.handle]) {
n = true;
try {
n = false;
} finally {
if (n) {
n = false;
if ( p(r);
function s(y) {
delete k[y];
function t() {
var y;
if (h.postMessage && !h.importScripts) {
var y = function() {
var z = true,
aa = function ba() {
z = false;
if (h.removeEventListener) {
h.removeEventListener("message", ba, false);
} else h.detachEvent("onmessage", ba);
if (h.addEventListener) {
h.addEventListener("message", aa, false);
} else if (h.attachEvent) {
h.attachEvent("onmessage", aa);
} else return {
v: false
h.postMessage("", "*");
return {
v: z
if (typeof y === "object") return y.v;
function u() {
var y = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$",
z = function aa(event) {
if (event.source === h && typeof === "string" && === 0) r();
if (h.addEventListener) {
h.addEventListener("message", z, false);
} else h.attachEvent("onmessage", z);
p = function aa() {
var ba = q(arguments);
h.postMessage(y + ba, "*");
return ba;
function v() {
var y = new MessageChannel();
y.port1.onmessage = r;
p = function z() {
var aa = q(arguments);
return aa;
function w() {
var y = o.documentElement;
p = function z() {
var aa = q(arguments),
ba = o.createElement("script");
ba.onreadystatechange = function() {
ba.onreadystatechange = null;
ba = null;
return aa;
function x() {
p = function y() {
setTimeout(r, 0);
return q(arguments);
if (t()) {
} else if (h.MessageChannel) {
} else if (o && o.createElement && "onreadystatechange" in o.createElement("script")) {
} else x();
g.setImmediate = p;
g.clearImmediate = s;
})(Function("return this")());
}), null);
__d('setImmediatePolyfill', ['invariant', 'ImmediateImplementation'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = b.setImmediate;
if (!i) {
var j = c('ImmediateImplementation');
i = j.setImmediate;
function k() {
for (var l = arguments.length, m = Array(l), n = 0; n < l; n++) m[n] = arguments[n];
typeof m[0] === 'function' || h(0);
return i.apply(null, m);
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('setImmediateAcrossTransitions', ['TimeSlice', 'setImmediatePolyfill'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = function() {
for (var h = arguments.length, i = Array(h), j = 0; j < h; j++) i[j] = arguments[j];
i[0] = c('TimeSlice').guard(i[0], 'setImmediate', {
isContinuation: true
return c('setImmediatePolyfill').apply(b, i);
}), null);
__d('setImmediate', ['TimerStorage', 'setImmediateAcrossTransitions'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = function() {
for (var h = arguments.length, i = Array(h), j = 0; j < h; j++) i[j] = arguments[j];
var k, l = i[0];
i[0] = function() {
c('TimerStorage').unset(c('TimerStorage').IMMEDIATE, k);, this, arguments);
k = c('setImmediateAcrossTransitions').apply(b, i);
c('TimerStorage').set(c('TimerStorage').IMMEDIATE, k);
return k;
}), null);
__d('Layer', ['KeyStatus', 'ArbiterMixin', 'BehaviorsMixin', 'BootloadedReact', 'ContextualThing', 'CSS', 'DataStore', 'DOM', 'Event', 'HTML', 'KeyEventController', 'Parent', 'Style', 'ge', 'isNode', 'mixin', 'removeFromArray', 'setImmediate'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i;
var j = [];
h = babelHelpers.inherits(k, c('mixin')(c('ArbiterMixin'), c('BehaviorsMixin')));
i = h && h.prototype;
function k(n, o) {
'use strict';;
this._config = n || {};
if (o) {
this._configure(this._config, o);
var p = this._config.addedBehaviors || [];
k.prototype.init = function(n) {
'use strict';
this._configure(this._config, n);
var o = this._config.addedBehaviors || [];
this._initialized = true;
return this;
k.prototype._configure = function(n, o) {
var p, q = this;
'use strict';
if (o) {
var r = c('isNode')(o),
s = typeof o === 'string' || c('HTML').isHTML(o);
this.containsReactComponent = c('BootloadedReact').isValidElement(o);
if (s) {
o = c('HTML')(o).getRootNode();
} else if (this.containsReactComponent) {
var t;
(function() {
t = document.createElement('div');
var u = true;
c('BootloadedReact').render(o, t, function() {
if (!u) this.updatePosition();
u = false;
o = q._reactContainer = t;
this._root = this._buildWrapper(n, o);
if (n.attributes) c('DOM').setAttributes(this._root, n.attributes);
if (n.classNames) n.classNames.forEach(c('CSS').addClass.bind(null, this._root));
c('CSS').addClass(this._root, 'uiLayer');
if (n.causalElement) this._causalElement = c('ge')(n.causalElement);
if (n.permanent) this._permanent = n.permanent;
c('DataStore').set(this._root, 'layer', this);
k.prototype._getDefaultBehaviors = function() {
'use strict';
return [];
k.prototype.getCausalElement = function() {
'use strict';
return this._causalElement;
k.prototype.setCausalElement = function(n) {
'use strict';
this._causalElement = n;
return this;
k.prototype.getInsertParent = function() {
'use strict';
return this._insertParent || document.body;
k.prototype.getRoot = function() {
'use strict';
return this._root;
k.prototype.getContentRoot = function() {
'use strict';
return this._root;
k.prototype._buildWrapper = function(n, o) {
'use strict';
return o;
k.prototype.setInsertParent = function(n) {
'use strict';
if (n) {
if (this._shown && n !== this.getInsertParent()) {
c('DOM').appendContent(n, this.getRoot());
this._insertParent = n;
return this;
k.prototype.showAfterDelay = function(n) {
'use strict';
setTimeout(, n);
}; = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._shown) return this;
var n = this.getRoot();
c('Style').set(n, 'visibility', 'hidden');
c('Style').set(n, 'overflow', 'hidden');
c('DOM').appendContent(this.getInsertParent(), n);
if (this.updatePosition() !== false) {
this._shown = true;
k.inform('show', this);
if (!this._permanent) setTimeout(function() {
if (this._shown) j.push(this);
}.bind(this), 0);
} else c('CSS').hide(n);
c('Style').set(n, 'visibility', '');
c('Style').set(n, 'overflow', '');
return this;
k.prototype.hide = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._hiding || !this._shown || this.inform('beforehide') === false) return this;
this._hiding = true;
if (this.inform('starthide') !== false) this.finishHide();
return this;
k.prototype.conditionShow = function(n) {
'use strict';
return n ? : this.hide();
k.prototype.finishHide = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._shown) {
if (!this._permanent) c('removeFromArray')(j, this);
this._hiding = false;
this._shown = false;
k.inform('hide', this);
k.prototype.isShown = function() {
'use strict';
return this._shown;
k.prototype.updatePosition = function() {
'use strict';
return true;
k.prototype.destroy = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.containsReactComponent) c('BootloadedReact').unmountComponentAtNode(this._reactContainer);
var n = this.getRoot();
k.inform('destroy', this);
c('DataStore').remove(n, 'layer');
this._root = this._causalElement = null;
k.init = function(n, o) {
'use strict';
k.initAndShow = function(n, o) {
'use strict';
}; = function(n) {
'use strict';;
k.showAfterDelay = function(n, o) {
'use strict';
k.getTopmostLayer = function() {
'use strict';
return j[j.length - 1];
Object.assign(k, c('ArbiterMixin'));
Object.assign(k.prototype, {
_initialized: false,
_root: null,
_shown: false,
_hiding: false,
_causalElement: null,
_reactContainer: null
c('Event').listen(document.documentElement, 'keydown', function(event) {
if (c('KeyEventController').filterEventTargets(event, 'keydown'))
for (var n = j.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
if (j[n].inform('key', event) === false) return false;
}, c('Event').Priority.URGENT);
var l;
c('Event').listen(document.documentElement, 'mousedown', function(event) {
l = event.getTarget();
var m;
c('Event').listen(document.documentElement, 'mouseup', function(event) {
m = event.getTarget();
c('setImmediate')(function() {
l = null;
m = null;
c('Event').listen(document.documentElement, 'click', function(event) {
var n = l,
o = m;
l = null;
m = null;
var p = j.length;
if (!p) return;
var q = event.getTarget();
if (q !== o || q !== n) return;
if (!c('DOM').contains(document.documentElement, q)) return;
if (!q.offsetWidth) return;
if (c('Parent').byClass(q, 'generic_dialog')) return;
while (p--) {
var r = j[p],
s = r.getContentRoot();
if (c('ContextualThing').containsIncludingLayers(s, q)) return;
if (r.inform('blur', {
target: q
}) === false || r.isShown()) return;
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('Popup', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
open: function i(j, k, l, m) {
var n = document.body,
o = 'screenX' in window ? window.screenX : window.screenLeft,
p = 'screenY' in window ? window.screenY : window.screenTop,
q = 'outerWidth' in window ? window.outerWidth : n.clientWidth,
r = 'outerHeight' in window ? window.outerHeight : n.clientHeight - 22,
s = Math.floor(o + (q - k) / 2),
t = Math.floor(p + (r - l) / 2.5),
u = ['width=' + k, 'height=' + l, 'left=' + s, 'top=' + t, 'scrollbars'];
return, m || '_blank', u.join(','));
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("getViewportDimensions", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h() {
var k = void 0;
if (document.documentElement) k = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
if (!k && document.body) k = document.body.clientWidth;
return k || 0;
function i() {
var k = void 0;
if (document.documentElement) k = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
if (!k && document.body) k = document.body.clientHeight;
return k || 0;
function j() {
return {
width: window.innerWidth || h(),
height: window.innerHeight || i()
j.withoutScrollbars = function() {
return {
width: h(),
height: i()
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('PopupWindow', ['DOMDimensions', 'DOMQuery', 'Layer', 'Popup', 'getViewportDimensions'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
_opts: {
allowShrink: true,
strategy: 'vector',
timeout: 100,
widthElement: null
init: function i(j) {
Object.assign(h._opts, j);
setInterval(h._resizeCheck, h._opts.timeout);
_resizeCheck: function i() {
var j = c('getViewportDimensions')(),
k = h._getDocumentSize(),
l = c('Layer').getTopmostLayer();
if (l) {
var m = l.getRoot().firstChild,
n = c('DOMDimensions').getElementDimensions(m);
n.height += c('DOMDimensions').measureElementBox(m, 'height', true, true, true);
n.width += c('DOMDimensions').measureElementBox(m, 'width', true, true, true);
k.height = Math.max(k.height, n.height);
k.width = Math.max(k.width, n.width);
var o = k.height - j.height,
p = k.width - j.width;
if (p < 0 && !h._opts.widthElement) p = 0;
p = p > 1 ? p : 0;
if (!h._opts.allowShrink && o < 0) o = 0;
if (o || p) try {
window.console && window.console.firebug;
window.resizeBy(p, o);
if (p) window.moveBy(p / -2, 0);
} catch (q) {}
_getDocumentSize: function i() {
var j = c('DOMDimensions').getDocumentDimensions();
if (h._opts.strategy === 'offsetHeight') j.height = document.body.offsetHeight;
if (h._opts.widthElement) {
var k = c('DOMQuery').scry(document.body, h._opts.widthElement)[0];
if (k) j.width = c('DOMDimensions').getElementDimensions(k).width;
var l = b.Dialog;
if (l && l.max_bottom && l.max_bottom > j.height) j.height = l.max_bottom;
return j;
open: function i(j, k, l, m) {
return c('Popup').open(j, l, k, m);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PluginConfirm', ['DOMEvent', 'DOMEventListener', 'PluginMessage', 'PopupWindow', 'URI', 'PlatformBaseVersioning'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
Object.assign(this, {
plugin: i,
confirm_params: {},
return_params: c('URI').getRequestURI().getQueryData()
ret: 'sentry'
delete this.return_params.hash;
Object.assign(h.prototype, {
addConfirmParams: function i(j) {
Object.assign(this.confirm_params, j);
addReturnParams: function i(j) {
Object.assign(this.return_params, j);
return this;
start: function i() {
var j = c('PlatformBaseVersioning').versionAwareURI(new(c('URI'))('/plugins/error/confirm/' + this.plugin)).addQueryData(this.confirm_params).addQueryData({
secure: c('URI').getRequestURI().isSecure(),
plugin: this.plugin,
return_params: JSON.stringify(this.return_params)
this.popup = c('PopupWindow').open(j.toString(), 320, 486);
return this;
h.starter = function(i, j, k) {
var l = new h(i);
l.addConfirmParams(j || {});
l.addReturnParams(k || {});
return l.start.bind(l);
h.listen = function(i, j, k, l) {
c('DOMEventListener').add(i, 'click', function(m) {
h.starter(j, k, l)();
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('TooltipData', ['DataStore', 'DOM', 'URI', 'getElementText', 'ifRequired', 'isTextNode'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(m) {
var n = m.getAttribute('data-tooltip-delay'),
o = n ? parseInt(n, 10) || 1000 : 0;
return babelHelpers['extends']({
content: m.getAttribute('data-tooltip-content'),
delay: o,
position: m.getAttribute('data-tooltip-position') || 'above',
alignH: m.getAttribute('data-tooltip-alignh') || 'left',
suppress: false,
overflowDisplay: m.getAttribute('data-tooltip-display') === 'overflow',
persistOnClick: m.getAttribute('data-pitloot-persistonclick'),
textDirection: m.getAttribute('data-tooltip-text-direction')
}, c('DataStore').get(m, 'tooltip'));
function i(m, n) {
var o = h(m);
c('DataStore').set(m, 'tooltip', {
content: n.content || o.content,
position: n.position || o.position,
alignH: n.alignH || o.alignH,
suppress: n.suppress !== undefined ? n.suppress : o.suppress,
overflowDisplay: n.overflowDisplay || o.overflowDisplay,
persistOnClick: n.persistOnClick || o.persistOnClick
function j(m, n) {
i(m, n);
m.setAttribute('data-hover', 'tooltip');
function k(m, n) {}
var l = {
remove: function m(n) {
c('DataStore').remove(n, 'tooltip');
c('ifRequired')('Tooltip', function(o) {
o.isActive(n) && o.hide();
set: function m(n, o, p, q) {
k(n, o);
if (o instanceof c('URI')) {
n.setAttribute('data-tooltip-uri', o);
c('ifRequired')('Tooltip', function(s) {
s.isActive(n) && s.fetchIfNecessary(n);
} else {
var r = l._store({
context: n,
content: o,
position: p,
alignH: q
if (typeof r.content !== 'string') {
n.setAttribute('data-tooltip-content', c('getElementText')(r.content));
} else n.setAttribute('data-tooltip-content', r.content);
c('ifRequired')('Tooltip', function(s) {
s.isActive(n) &&;
_store: function m(n) {
var o = n.context,
p = n.content,
q = n.position,
r = n.alignH;
k(o, p);
if (c('isTextNode')(p)) p = c('getElementText')(p);
var s = false;
if (typeof p !== 'string') {
p = c('DOM').create('div', {}, p);
} else s = p === '';
var t = {
alignH: r,
content: p,
position: q,
suppress: s
j(o, t);
return t;
propsFor: function m(n, o) {
if (!n) return {};
var p = {
'data-tooltip-content': n,
'data-hover': 'tooltip'
if (o) p['data-tooltip-position'] = o;
return p;
enableDisplayOnOverflow: function m(n) {
j(n, {
overflowDisplay: true
enablePersistOnClick: function m(n) {
j(n, {
persistOnClick: true
suppress: function m(n, o) {
i(n, {
suppress: o
_get: h
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('Focus', ['cx', 'CSS', 'Event', 'KeyStatus', 'Run', 'TooltipData', 'ge', 'getOrCreateDOMID', 'ifRequired'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = c('KeyStatus').isKeyDown,
j = {},
k = void 0,
l = {
set: function r(s) {
var t = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1];
if (s) {
var u = c('ifRequired')('VirtualCursorStatus', function(v) {
return v.isVirtualCursorTriggered();
}, function() {
return false;
if (t || i() || u) {
} else l.setWithoutOutline(s);
setWithoutOutline: function r(s) {
if (s) {
c('CSS').addClass(s, "_5f0v");
var t = c('Event').listen(s, 'blur', function() {
c('CSS').removeClass(s, "_5f0v");
c('TooltipData').suppress(s, true);
c('TooltipData').suppress(s, false);
relocate: function r(s, t) {
function u(v) {
c('CSS').conditionClass(t, "_3oxt", v);
c('CSS').conditionClass(t, "_16jm", v);
c('CSS').addClass(s, "_5f0v");
return l.listen(s, u);
listen: function r(s, t) {
var u = c('getOrCreateDOMID')(s);
j[u] = t;
return n(u);
function m(r) {
try {
r.tabIndex = r.tabIndex;
} catch (s) {}
function n(r) {
c('Run').onLeave(function() {
!c('ge')(r) && q(r);
return {
remove: function s() {
return q(r);
function o() {
if (k) return;
c('Event').listen(document.documentElement, 'focusout', p);
c('Event').listen(document.documentElement, 'focusin', p);
k = true;
function p(event) {
var r = event.getTarget();
if (typeof j[] === 'function') {
var s = event.type === 'focusin' || event.type === 'focus';
function q(r) {
if (j[r]) delete j[r];
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('errorCode', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
function h(i) {
throw new Error('errorCode' + '("' + i + '"): This should not happen. Oh noes!');
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('AsyncResponse', ['errorCode', 'invariant', 'AsyncFeature', 'Bootloader', 'DTSG', 'SiteData'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
function j(l) {}
function k(l, m) {
'use strict';
this.__sf = '';
this.error = 0;
this.errorSummary = null;
this.errorDescription = null;
this.onload = null;
this.replay = false;
this.payload = m;
this.request = l;
this.silentError = false;
this.transientError = false;
this.blockedAction = false;
this.is_last = true;
k.prototype.getRequest = function() {
'use strict';
return this.request;
k.prototype.getPayload = function() {
'use strict';
return this.payload;
k.prototype.getError = function() {
'use strict';
return this.error;
k.prototype.getErrorSummary = function() {
'use strict';
return this.errorSummary;
k.prototype.setErrorSummary = function(l) {
'use strict';
l = l === undefined ? null : l;
this.errorSummary = l;
return this;
k.prototype.getErrorDescription = function() {
'use strict';
return this.errorDescription;
k.prototype.getErrorIsWarning = function() {
'use strict';
return !!this.errorIsWarning;
k.prototype.isTransient = function() {
'use strict';
return !!this.transientError;
k.prototype.isBlockedAction = function() {
'use strict';
return !!this.blockedAction;
k.prototype.logError = function(l, m) {
'use strict';
var n = b.ErrorSignal;
if (n && this.request) {
var o = this.request.getURI(),
p = {
err_code: this.error,
vip: c('SiteData').vip || '-',
path: o || '-',
aid: this.request ? this.request.userActionID : null
if (m) {
p.duration = m.duration;
p.xfb_ip = m.xfb_ip;
if (o && o.indexOf('scribe_endpoint.php') != -1) l = 'async_error_double';
n.sendErrorSignal(l, JSON.stringify(p));
k.prototype.logErrorByGroup = function(l, m) {
'use strict';
if (Math.floor(Math.random() * m) === 0)
if (this.error == 1357010 || this.error < 15000) {
this.logError('async_error_oops_' + l);
} else this.logError('async_error_logic_' + l);
k.prototype.SERVER_HAS_FEATURE = function(l) {
'use strict';
k.prototype.__serverHasFeatureImpl = function(l) {
'use strict';
if (typeof this.__sf !== 'string' || this.__sf === '') {
j('AsyncResponse does not contain a `__sf` (server features) property!');
return true;
return c('AsyncFeature').__getBitMapFromString(this.__sf).contains(l);
k.defaultErrorHandler = function(l) {
'use strict';
try {
if (!l.silentError) {
} else l.logErrorByGroup('silent', 10);
} catch (m) {
k.verboseErrorHandler = function(l) {
'use strict';
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["ExceptionDialog"], function(m) {
return m.showAsyncError(l);
}, 'AsyncResponse');
k.renewDTSG = function(l) {
'use strict';
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('HTTPErrors', ['emptyFunction'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
get: c('emptyFunction'),
getAll: c('emptyFunction')
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('JSCC', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {};
function i(k) {
var l, m = false;
return function() {
if (!m) {
l = k();
m = true;
return l;
var j = {
get: function k(l) {
if (!h[l]) throw new Error('JSCC entry is missing');
return h[l]();
init: function k(l) {
for (var m in l) h[m] = i(l[m]);
return function n() {
for (var o in l) delete h[o];
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d("PixelRatioConst", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
cookieName: "dpr"
}), null);
__d('Promise', ['invariant', 'TimeSlice', 'setImmediate', 'setTimeoutAcrossTransitions'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
'use strict';
function i() {}
var j = null,
k = {};
function l(da) {
try {
return da.then;
} catch (ea) {
j = ea;
return k;
function m(da, ea) {
try {
return da(ea);
} catch (fa) {
j = fa;
return k;
function n(da, ea, fa) {
try {
da(ea, fa);
} catch (ga) {
j = ga;
return k;
function o(da) {
if (typeof this !== 'object') throw new TypeError('Promises must be constructed via new');
if (typeof da !== 'function') throw new TypeError('not a function');
this._state = 0;
this._value = null;
this._deferreds = [];
if (da === i) return;
v(da, this);
o._noop = i;
o.prototype.then = function(da, ea) {
if (this.constructor !== o) return p(this, da, ea);
var fa = new o(i);
q(this, new u(da, ea, fa));
return fa;
function p(da, ea, fa) {
return new da.constructor(function(ga, ha) {
var ia = new o(i);
ia.then(ga, ha);
q(da, new u(ea, fa, ia));
function q(da, ea) {
while (da._state === 3) da = da._value;
if (da._state === 0) {
c('setImmediate')(function fa() {
var ga = da._state === 1 ? ea.onFulfilled : ea.onRejected;
if (ga === null) {
ea.continuation(function() {});
if (da._state === 1) {
r(ea.promise, da._value);
} else s(ea.promise, da._value);
var ha = m(ea.continuation.bind(null, ga), da._value);
if (ha === k) {
s(ea.promise, j);
} else r(ea.promise, ha);
function r(da, ea) {
if (ea === da) return s(da, new TypeError('A promise cannot be resolved with itself.'));
if (ea && (typeof ea === 'object' || typeof ea === 'function')) {
var fa = l(ea);
if (fa === k) return s(da, j);
if (fa === da.then && ea instanceof o) {
da._state = 3;
da._value = ea;
} else if (typeof fa === 'function') {
v(fa.bind(ea), da);
da._state = 1;
da._value = ea;
function s(da, ea) {
da._state = 2;
da._value = ea;
function t(da) {
for (var ea = 0; ea < da._deferreds.length; ea++) q(da, da._deferreds[ea]);
da._deferreds = null;
function u(da, ea, fa) {
this.onFulfilled = typeof da === 'function' ? da : null;
this.onRejected = typeof ea === 'function' ? ea : null;
this.continuation = c('TimeSlice').getGuardedContinuation('Promise Handler');
this.promise = fa;
function v(da, ea) {
var fa = false,
ga = n(da, function(ha) {
if (fa) return;
fa = true;
r(ea, ha);
}, function(ha) {
if (fa) return;
fa = true;
s(ea, ha);
if (!fa && ga === k) {
fa = true;
s(ea, j);
o.prototype.done = function(da, ea) {
var fa = arguments.length ? this.then.apply(this, arguments) : this;
fa.then(null, function(ga) {
c('setTimeoutAcrossTransitions')(function() {
throw ga;
}, 0);
var w = ca(true),
x = ca(false),
y = ca(null),
z = ca(undefined),
aa = ca(0),
ba = ca('');
function ca(da) {
var ea = new o(o._noop);
ea._state = 1;
ea._value = da;
return ea;
o.resolve = function(da) {
if (da instanceof o) return da;
if (da === null) return y;
if (da === undefined) return z;
if (da === true) return w;
if (da === false) return x;
if (da === 0) return aa;
if (da === '') return ba;
if (typeof da === 'object' || typeof da === 'function') try {
var fa = da.then;
if (typeof fa === 'function') return new o(fa.bind(da));
} catch (ea) {
return new o(function(ga, ha) {
return ca(da);
o.all = function(da) {
if (!Array.isArray(da)) da = [new o(function() {
throw new TypeError('Promise.all must be passed an iterable.');
var ea =;
return new o(function(fa, ga) {
if (ea.length === 0) return fa([]);
var ha = ea.length;
function ia(ka, la) {
if (la && (typeof la === 'object' || typeof la === 'function'))
if (la instanceof o && la.then === o.prototype.then) {
while (la._state === 3) la = la._value;
if (la._state === 1) return ia(ka, la._value);
if (la._state === 2) ga(la._value);
la.then(function(oa) {
ia(ka, oa);
}, ga);
} else {
var ma = la.then;
if (typeof ma === 'function') {
var na = new o(ma.bind(la));
na.then(function(oa) {
ia(ka, oa);
}, ga);
ea[ka] = la;
if (--ha === 0) fa(ea);
for (var ja = 0; ja < ea.length; ja++) ia(ja, ea[ja]);
o.reject = function(da) {
return new o(function(ea, fa) {
o.race = function(da) {
return new o(function(ea, fa) {
da.forEach(function(ga) {
o.resolve(ga).then(ea, fa);
o.prototype['catch'] = function(da) {
return this.then(null, da);
f.exports = o;
}), null);
__d('SessionName', ['SessionNameConfig', 'isInIframe'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = '_e_',
function j() {
i = ( || '').toString();
if (i.length == 7 && i.substr(0, 3) == h) {
i = i.substr(3);
} else {
i = c('SessionNameConfig').seed || '';
if (!c('isInIframe')()) = h + i;
f.exports = {
getName: function k() {
if (i === undefined) j();
return i;
}), null);
__d('WebPixelRatio', ['Cookie', 'DOMEventListener', 'PixelRatioConst', 'Run'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = c('PixelRatioConst').cookieName,
i, j = false;
function k() {
return window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
function l() {
c('Cookie').set(h, k(), null);
function m() {
function n() {
var p = k();
if (p !== i) {
} else m();
var o = {
startDetecting: function p(q) {
i = q || 1;
if (j) return;
j = true;
if ('onpagehide' in window) {
c('DOMEventListener').add(window, 'pagehide', n);
} else c('Run').onBeforeUnload(n, false);
getOriginalValue: function p() {
return i || k();
f.exports = o;
}), null);
__d('getCrossOriginTransport', ['invariant', 'ex'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i() {
try {
var k = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (!('withCredentials' in k) && typeof XDomainRequest !== 'undefined') k = new XDomainRequest();
return k;
} catch (j) {
throw new Error(c('ex')('getCrossOriginTransport: %s', j.message));
i.withCredentials = function() {
var j = i();
'withCredentials' in j || h(0);
var k =; = function() {
k.apply(this, arguments);
this.withCredentials = true;
return j;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('ZeroRewrites', ['getSameOriginTransport', 'getCrossOriginTransport', 'isFacebookURI', 'URI', 'ZeroRewriteRules'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
rewriteURI: function i(j) {
if (!c('isFacebookURI')(j) || h._isWhitelisted(j)) return j;
var k = h._getRewrittenSubdomain(j);
if (k !== null && k !== undefined) j = j.setSubdomain(k);
return j;
getTransportBuilderForURI: function i(j) {
return h._isRewritten(j) ? c('getCrossOriginTransport').withCredentials : c('getSameOriginTransport');
isRewriteSafe: function i(j) {
if (Object.keys(c('ZeroRewriteRules').rewrite_rules).length === 0 || !c('isFacebookURI')(j)) return false;
var k = h._getCurrentURI().getDomain(),
l = new(c('URI'))(j).qualify().getDomain();
return k === l || h._isRewritten(j);
_isWhitelisted: function i(j) {
var k = j.getPath();
if (!k.endsWith('/')) k += '/';
return c('ZeroRewriteRules').whitelist && c('ZeroRewriteRules').whitelist[k] == 1;
_getRewrittenSubdomain: function i(j) {
var k = new(c('URI'))(j).qualify().getSubdomain();
return c('ZeroRewriteRules').rewrite_rules[k];
_isRewritten: function i(j) {
j = new(c('URI'))(j).qualify();
if (Object.keys(c('ZeroRewriteRules').rewrite_rules).length === 0 || !c('isFacebookURI')(j) || h._isWhitelisted(j)) return false;
var k = j.getSubdomain(),
l = h._getCurrentURI(),
m = h._getRewrittenSubdomain(l);
return j.getDomain() !== l.getDomain() && k === m;
_getCurrentURI: function i() {
return new(c('URI'))('/').qualify();
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('bind', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
var k =, 2);
if (typeof j != 'string') return Function.prototype.bind.apply(j, [i].concat(k));
function l() {
var m = k.concat(;
if (i[j]) return i[j].apply(i, m);
l.toString = function() {
return 'bound lazily: ' + i[j];
return l;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("executeAfter", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j, k) {
return function l() {
i.apply(k || this, arguments);
j.apply(k || this, arguments);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('BGSyncConst', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
msgTag: {
requestID: 'request-bg-sync-id',
requestUpload: 'request-bg-sync-upload',
removeRequest: 'remove-cached-request',
queueRequest: 'queue-request'
reqTag: {
banzai: 'banzai'
}), null);
__d('CurrentUser', ['Cookie', 'CurrentUserInitialData'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getID: function i() {
return c('CurrentUserInitialData').USER_ID;
getAccountID: function i() {
return c('CurrentUserInitialData').ACCOUNT_ID;
isLoggedIn: function i() {
return c('CurrentUserInitialData').USER_ID && c('CurrentUserInitialData').USER_ID !== '0';
isLoggedInNow: function i() {
if (!h.isLoggedIn()) return false;
if (c('CurrentUserInitialData').IS_INTERN_SITE) return true;
if (c('CurrentUserInitialData').IS_WORK_USER) return true;
if (c('CurrentUserInitialData').ORIGINAL_USER_ID) return c('CurrentUserInitialData').ORIGINAL_USER_ID === c('Cookie').get('c_user');
return c('CurrentUserInitialData').USER_ID === c('Cookie').get('c_user');
isEmployee: function i() {
return !!c('CurrentUserInitialData').IS_EMPLOYEE;
hasWorkUser: function i() {
return !!c('CurrentUserInitialData').HAS_WORK_USER;
isWorkUser: function i() {
return !!c('CurrentUserInitialData').IS_WORK_USER;
isGray: function i() {
return !!c('CurrentUserInitialData').IS_GRAY;
isUnderage: function i() {
return !!c('CurrentUserInitialData').IS_UNDERAGE;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('Miny', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 'Miny1',
j = {
encode: function k(l) {
if (/^$|[~\\]|__proto__/.test(l)) return l;
var m = l.match(/\w+|\W+/g),
n, o = Object.create(null);
for (n = 0; n < m.length; n++) o[m[n]] = (o[m[n]] || 0) + 1;
var p = Object.keys(o);
p.sort(function(s, t) {
return o[t] - o[s];
for (n = 0; n < p.length; n++) {
var q = (n - n % 32) / 32;
o[p[n]] = q ? q.toString(32) + i[n % 32] : i[n % 32];
var r = '';
for (n = 0; n < m.length; n++) r += o[m[n]];
p.unshift(h, p.length);
return p.join('~');
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('QueryString', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(l) {
var m = [];
Object.keys(l).sort().forEach(function(n) {
var o = l[n];
if (typeof o === 'undefined') return;
if (o === null) {
m.push(encodeURIComponent(n) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(o));
return m.join('&');
function i(l, m) {
var n = {};
if (l === '') return n;
var o = l.split('&');
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
var q = o[p].split('=', 2),
r = decodeURIComponent(q[0]);
if (m && n.hasOwnProperty(r)) throw new URIError('Duplicate key: ' + r);
n[r] = q.length === 2 ? decodeURIComponent(q[1]) : null;
return n;
function j(l, m) {
return l + (l.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?') + (typeof m === 'string' ? m : k.encode(m));
var k = {
encode: h,
decode: i,
appendToUrl: j
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d("ClientServiceWorkerMessage", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j, k) {
"use strict";
this.$ClientServiceWorkerMessage1 = i;
this.$ClientServiceWorkerMessage2 = j;
this.$ClientServiceWorkerMessage3 = k;
h.prototype.sendViaController = function() {
"use strict";
if (!navigator.serviceWorker || !navigator.serviceWorker.controller) return;
var i = new self.MessageChannel();
if (this.$ClientServiceWorkerMessage3) i.port1.onmessage = this.$ClientServiceWorkerMessage3;
command: this.$ClientServiceWorkerMessage1,
data: this.$ClientServiceWorkerMessage2
}, [i.port2]);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync', ['BGSyncConst', 'ClientServiceWorkerMessage', 'DOM', 'memoize', 'ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncGK'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = c('memoize')(function() {
var l = new Uint32Array(1);
return self.crypto.getRandomValues(l)[0].toString().substring(2, 16);
function i(event, l, m) {
var n = h(),
o = && ? : {},
p = l.toString();
if (n && o.param) {
if (p.indexOf('?') > -1) {
p += '&';
} else p += '?';
p = '' + p + o.param + '&client_id=' + n;
if (m) m(p, o);
function j(l, m, n, o) {
new(c('ClientServiceWorkerMessage'))('bgSync', {
clientID: h(),
data: n,
msgTag: l,
reqTag: m
}, o).sendViaController();
var k = {
getBackgroundSyncUri: function l(m, n, o, p) {
if (k.isBackgroundSyncAvailable()) {
j(c('BGSyncConst').msgTag.requestID, n, o, function(event) {
return i(event, m, p);
} else if (p) p(m, o);
isBackgroundSyncAvailable: function l() {
return (self && 'serviceWorker' in self.navigator && 'SyncManager' in self && !!self.navigator.serviceWorker.controller && c('ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncGK').background_sync_sw);
makeFileList: function l(m) {
var n = {},
o = c('DOM').scry(m, 'input'),
p = 0;
for (var q = o, r = Array.isArray(q), s = 0, q = r ? q : q[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var t;
if (r) {
if (s >= q.length) break;
t = q[s++];
} else {
s =;
if (s.done) break;
t = s.value;
var u = t,
v = u.files;
if (v)
for (var w = v, x = Array.isArray(w), y = 0, w = x ? w : w[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var z;
if (x) {
if (y >= w.length) break;
z = w[y++];
} else {
y =;
if (y.done) break;
z = y.value;
var aa = z;
n[p++] = aa;
return n;
makeFormData: function l(m) {
var n = c('DOM').convertFormToDictionary(m),
o = k.makeFileList(m),
p = new FormData();
Object.values(o).forEach(function(r) {
p.append('filelist[]', r);
for (var q in n) p.append(q, n[q]);
return p;
postFailureHandler: function l(m, n) {
j(c('BGSyncConst').msgTag.requestUpload, n, null, null);
postSuccessHandler: function l(m, n, o) {
j(c('BGSyncConst').msgTag.removeRequest, n, {
bgSyncID: o
}, null);
queueRequest: function l(m, n) {
if (k.isBackgroundSyncAvailable()) j(c('BGSyncConst').msgTag.queueRequest, n, m, null);
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('getAsyncHeaders', ['isFacebookURI', 'ZeroCategoryHeader'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
var j = {};
if (c('isFacebookURI')(i) && c('ZeroCategoryHeader').value) j[c('ZeroCategoryHeader').header] = c('ZeroCategoryHeader').value;
return j;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest', ['getAsyncHeaders', 'SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync', 'URI', 'ZeroRewrites'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
'use strict';
if (j !== undefined) this.setURI(j);
h.prototype.queueRequest = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest4 === undefined) return;
c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').getBackgroundSyncUri(this.getURI(), this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest2, null, function(i, j) {
return this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest8(i, j);
h.prototype.send = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest4 === undefined) return;
c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').getBackgroundSyncUri(this.getURI(), this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest2, null, function(i, j) {
return this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest9(i, j);
h.prototype.setBgSyncID = function(i) {
'use strict';
this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest1 = i;
return this;
h.prototype.getBgSyncID = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest1;
h.prototype.setMethod = function(i) {
'use strict';
this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest3 = i;
return this;
h.prototype.setPostData = function(i) {
'use strict';
this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest5 = i;
return this;
h.prototype.setTag = function(i) {
'use strict';
this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest2 = i;
return this;
h.prototype.getTag = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest2;
h.prototype.setURI = function(i) {
'use strict';
this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest4 = c('ZeroRewrites').rewriteURI(new(c('URI'))(i));
return this;
h.prototype.getURI = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest4.getQualifiedURI().toString();
h.prototype.setErrorHandler = function(i) {
'use strict';
this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest6 = i;
return this;
h.prototype.setSuccessHandler = function(i) {
'use strict';
this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest7 = i;
return this;
h.prototype.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest8 = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
var k = new Blob([this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest5], {
type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
l = {
request: {
body: k,
credentials: 'include',
headers: c('getAsyncHeaders')(new(c('URI'))(i)),
method: this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest3,
referrer: self.location.href,
tryCount: 1,
url: i
bgSyncID: this.getBgSyncID()
c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').queueRequest(l, this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest2);
h.prototype.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest9 = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
if (c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').isBackgroundSyncAvailable()) this.setBgSyncID(j.bgSyncID);
var k = c('ZeroRewrites').getTransportBuilderForURI(this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest4)();$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest3, this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest4.toString(), true);
k.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (k.readyState >= 4) {
var l = void 0;
try {
l = k.status;
} catch (m) {
l = 0;
if (l === 200) {
} else this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest11(k.statusText);
h.prototype.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest11 = function(i) {
'use strict';
if (this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest6) this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest6(i);
if (c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').isBackgroundSyncAvailable()) c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').postFailureHandler(i, this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest2);
h.prototype.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest10 = function(i) {
'use strict';
if (this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest7) this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest7(i);
if (c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').isBackgroundSyncAvailable()) c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').postSuccessHandler(i, this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest2, this.$ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest1);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('BanzaiAdapter', ['Arbiter', 'CurrentUser', 'Miny', 'QueryString', 'Run', 'SiteData', 'UserAgent', 'URI', 'ZeroRewrites', 'BGSyncConst', 'ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest', 'SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync', 'getAsyncParams', 'setTimeoutAcrossTransitions', 'BanzaiConfig'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = [],
i = new(c('Arbiter'))(),
j = '/ajax/bz',
k = 'POST',
l = {},
m = l.adapter = {
config: c('BanzaiConfig'),
endpoint: j,
getUserID: function n() {
return c('CurrentUser').getID();
inform: function n(o) {
subscribe: function n(o, p) {
return i.subscribe(o, p);
cleanup: function n() {
var o = h;
h = [];
o.forEach(function(p) {
if (p.readyState < 4) p.abort();
readyToSend: function n() {
return c('UserAgent').isBrowser('IE <= 8') || navigator.onLine;
send: function n(o, p, q, r) {
if (c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').isBackgroundSyncAvailable()) {
var s = new(c('ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest'))(c('BGSyncConst').reqTag.banzai);
s.setSuccessHandler(function() {
if (p) p();
if (!r) m.inform(l.OK);
s.setErrorHandler(function(v) {
if (q) q(v.status);
if (!r) m.inform(l.ERROR);
var t = c('ZeroRewrites').rewriteURI(new(c('URI'))(j)),
u = c('ZeroRewrites').getTransportBuilderForURI(t)();, t.toString(), true);
u.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
u.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (u.readyState >= 4) {
var v;
try {
v = u.status;
} catch (w) {
v = 0;
if (v == 200) {
if (p) p();
if (!r) m.inform(l.OK);
} else {
if (q) q(v);
if (!r) m.inform(l.ERROR);
addRequestAuthData: function n(o) {
return o;
prepForTransit: function n(o) {
var p = c('getAsyncParams')(k);
p.q = JSON.stringify(o);
p.ts =; = c('SiteData').push_phase;
if (l.FBTRACE) p.fbtrace = l.FBTRACE;
if (l.isEnabled('miny_compression')) {
var q =,
r = c('Miny').encode(p.q);
if (r.length < p.q.length) {
p.q = r;
p.miny_encode_ms = - q;
return c('QueryString').encode(p);
setHooks: function n() {},
setUnloadHook: function n() {
onUnload: function n(o) {
isOkToSendViaBeacon: function n() {
return true;
queueRequest: function n(o) {
var p = new(c('ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncRequest'))(c('BGSyncConst').reqTag.banzai, new(c('URI'))(j).getQualifiedURI());
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('BanzaiServiceWorker', ['BanzaiAdapter', 'BGSyncConst', 'setTimeoutAcrossTransitions', 'SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync', 'ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncBanzaiGK'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = c('BanzaiAdapter').adapter,
i = 60000,
j = void 0,
k = void 0;
function l(o) {
var p = + o;
if (!k || p < k) {
k = p;
j = c('setTimeoutAcrossTransitions')(n.sync, o);
function m(o) {
var n = {
flush: function o() {
j = 0;
isEnabled: function o() {
return (c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').isBackgroundSyncAvailable() && c('ServiceWorkerBackgroundSyncBanzaiGK').sw_background_sync_banzai);
send: function o(p, q, r, s) {
if (q) {
if (!s) return;
sync: function o() {
k = null;
c('SharedClientServiceWorkerBackgroundSync').postFailureHandler(null, c('BGSyncConst').reqTag.banzai);
f.exports = n;
}), null);
__d("FBJSON", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
parse: JSON.parse,
stringify: JSON.stringify
}), null);
__d('BigPipePlugins', ['DataStore'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
h.runPluginOnPagelet = function(i) {
'use strict';
h.getPluginList().forEach(function(j) {
h.getPluginList = function() {
'use strict';
return [h.$BigPipePlugins1];
h.$BigPipePlugins1 = function(i) {
'use strict';
if (!i) return;
var j = i.querySelectorAll('div[data-fte]');
for (var k = 0, l = j.length; k < l; k++) h.$BigPipePlugins2(j[k], 'data-ft', 'data-ft');
h.$BigPipePlugins2 = function(i, j, k) {
'use strict';
var l = i.getAttribute(j);
if (l) {
c('DataStore').set(i, k, l);
function h() {
'use strict';
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("PageletEventConstsJS", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
ARRIVE_START: "prearrive",
ARRIVE_END: "arrive",
CSS_START: "css",
CSS_END: "css_load",
DISPLAY_START: "display_start",
DISPLAY_END: "display",
JS_START: "jsstart",
JS_END: "jsdone",
ONLOAD_START: "preonload",
ONLOAD_END: "onload",
SETUP: "setup"
}), null);
__d('PageletSet', ['Arbiter'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {},
i = {
hasPagelet: function l(m) {
return h.hasOwnProperty(m);
getPagelet: function l(m) {
return h[m];
getOrCreatePagelet: function l(m) {
if (!i.hasPagelet(m)) {
var n = new k(m);
h[m] = n;
return i.getPagelet(m);
getPageletIDs: function l() {
return Object.keys(h);
removePagelet: function l(m) {
if (i.hasPagelet(m)) {
delete h[m];
function j(l, m) {
return l.contains ? l.contains(m) : l.compareDocumentPosition(m) & 16;
function k(l) {
'use strict'; = l;
this._root = null;
this._destructors = [];
this.addDestructor(function m() {
c('Arbiter').inform('pagelet/destroy', {
root: this._root
k.prototype.setRoot = function(l) {
'use strict';
this._root = l;
k.prototype._getDescendantPagelets = function() {
'use strict';
var l = [];
if (!this._root) return l;
var m = i.getPageletIDs();
for (var n = 0; n < m.length; n++) {
var o = m[n];
if (o === continue;
var p = h[o];
if (p._root && j(this._root, p._root)) l.push(p);
return l;
k.prototype.addDestructor = function(l) {
'use strict';
k.prototype.destroy = function() {
'use strict';
var l = this._getDescendantPagelets();
for (var m = 0; m < l.length; m++) {
var n = l[m];
if (i.hasPagelet( i.removePagelet(;
for (m = 0; m < this._destructors.length; m++) this._destructors[m]();
if (this._root)
while (this._root.firstChild) this._root.removeChild(this._root.firstChild);
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("__getCompileTime", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {};
}), null);
__d("__getFactoryTime", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {};
}), null);
__d("__getTotalFactories", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {};
}), null);
__d('setTimeout', ['TimerStorage', 'setTimeoutAcrossTransitions'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = function() {
for (var h = arguments.length, i = Array(h), j = 0; j < h; j++) i[j] = arguments[j];
var k, l = i[0];
i[0] = function() {
c('TimerStorage').unset(c('TimerStorage').TIMEOUT, k);, this, arguments);
k = c('setTimeoutAcrossTransitions').apply(b, i);
c('TimerStorage').set(c('TimerStorage').TIMEOUT, k);
return k;
}), null);
__d('BigPipe', ['ix', 'Arbiter', 'BigPipeExperiments', 'BigPipePlugins', 'Bootloader', 'ErrorUtils', 'JSCC', 'PageEvents', 'PageletEventConstsJS', 'PageletSet', 'Run', 'ServerJS', 'TimeSlice', '$', 'ge', 'performanceAbsoluteNow', 'setTimeout', 'setTimeoutAcrossTransitions', '__getTotalFactories', '__getCompileTime', '__getFactoryTime'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = document.documentMode || +(/MSIE.(\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent) || [])[1],
j = c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_STATE,
l = [],
m = console.timeStamp &&'pagelet_ts=1') > 0;
function n(x, y) {
if (x)
for (var z = 0; z < x.length; z++) c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(new Function(x[z]), y);
function o() {
q.forEach(function(x) {
return x.inform('release_pagelet_suspension');
q = [];
var p = 0,
q = [];
function r(x) {
'use strict';
Object.assign(this, {
arbiter: c('Arbiter'),
rootNodeID: 'content',
lid: null,
isAjax: false,
domContentCallback: c('Run').__domContentCallback,
onloadCallback: c('Run').__onloadCallback,
domContentEvt: c('PageEvents').BIGPIPE_DOMREADY,
onloadEvt: c('PageEvents').BIGPIPE_ONLOAD,
forceFinish: false,
_phaseDisplayEndCallbacks: [],
_currentPhase: 0,
_lastPhase: -1,
_lastRealPhase: -1,
_livePagelets: {},
_displayDoneFired: false,
_awaitingLIDEventQueue: []
}, x);
if (this.automatic) {
this._relevant_instance = r._current_instance;
} else r._current_instance = this;
this._serverJS = new(c('ServerJS'))();
this._informEventExternal(r.Events.init, {
arbiter: this.arbiter
}, c('Arbiter'));
this._displayDoneCallback = this.arbiter.registerCallback(function() {
var y = this._captureUsageSnapshot();
this._informEventExternal(r.Events.displayed, {
rid: this.rid,
ajax: this.isAjax,
usageSnapshot: y
}.bind(this), ['display_done']);
this.arbiter.registerCallback(this.domContentCallback, ['pagelet_displayed_all']);
this.arbiter.registerCallback(this.onloadCallback, ['bigpipe_e2e_reported']);
this._loadedCallback = this.arbiter.registerCallback(function() {
this._informEventExternal(r.Events.loaded, {
rid: this.rid,
ajax: this.isAjax
this.arbiter.inform('bigpipe_e2e_reported', true);
}.bind(this), ['pagelet_displayed_all']);
this.arbiter.registerCallback(this._serverJS.cleanup.bind(this._serverJS), [this.onloadEvt]);
r.prototype._beginPhase = function(x) {
'use strict';
this._informEventExternal('phase_begin', {
phase: x
this.arbiter.inform('phase_begin_' + x, true, j);
r.prototype._endPhase = function(x) {
'use strict';
this.arbiter.inform('phase_arrived_' + x, true, j);
if (!this.isAjax) l.push(;
r.prototype._displayPageletHandler = function(x) {
'use strict';
if (this.displayCallback) {
this.displayCallback(this._displayPagelet.bind(this, x));
} else this._displayPagelet(x);
r.prototype._displayPagelet = function(x) {
'use strict';
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').DISPLAY_START, x);
var y = this._getPagelet(x),
z = [];
for (var aa in x.content) {
var ba = x.content[aa];
if (x.append) aa = this._getPageletRootID(x);
var ca = c('ge')(aa);
if (!ca) continue;
if (aa === y.setRoot(ca);
if (ba) {
if (x.append) {
u(ca, ba, z);
} else if (ba.nodeType) {
ca.innerHTML = '';
u(ca, ba, z);
} else {
ca.innerHTML = s(ba);
if (c('BigPipeExperiments').enable_bigpipe_plugins) c('BigPipePlugins').runPluginOnPagelet(ca);
var da = ca.getAttribute('data-referrer');
if (!da) ca.setAttribute('data-referrer', aa);
x.displayed = true;
if (x.jsmods) {
var ea = this._serverJS.handlePartial(x.jsmods, {
var fa = [];
z.forEach(function(ga) {
if (typeof ga.getElementsByTagName === 'function') {
var ha = ga.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var ia = 0; ia < ha.length; ia++) fa.push(ha[ia].src);
if (fa.length > 0) this._informEventExternal('images_displayed', {
timeslice: c('TimeSlice').getContext().id,
images: fa
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').DISPLAY_END, x);
this.arbiter.inform( + '_displayed', true, j);
r.prototype._captureUsageSnapshot = function() {
'use strict';
var x = window.__bodyWrapper;
if (!x.getCodeUsage) return {};
var y = babelHelpers['extends']({}, x.getCodeUsage()),
z = document.body.outerHTML,
aa = {};
Array.from(document.styleSheets).forEach(function(ba) {
if (ba.href) aa[ba.href] = true;
return {
js_calls: y,
document_html: z,
stylesheets: aa
r.prototype._onPhaseDisplayEnd = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._currentPhase === this._ttiPhase) {
var x = c('Bootloader').__debug.predictedResources,
y = c('Bootloader').__debug.requested,
z = 0;
for (var aa in y) z += !(aa in x);
var ba = {
pre_tti_non_ef_resources: z
ca = this._captureUsageSnapshot();
if (!this.isAjax) {
ba.cjs_factory_count_tti = c('__getTotalFactories')();
ba.cjs_compile_time_tti = c('__getCompileTime')();
ba.cjs_factory_time_tti = c('__getFactoryTime')();
this._informEventExternal(r.Events.tti, {
phase: this._ttiPhase,
rid: this.rid,
ajax: this.isAjax,
metrics: ba,
usageSnapshot: ca
this.arbiter.inform('tti_pagelet_displayed', true, j);
if (this._secondFlushPayload) {
delete this._secondFlushPayload;
if (this._isRelevant()) {
if (this._currentPhase === this._lastRealPhase) this._fireDisplayDone();
if (this._currentPhase === this._lastPhase) {
if (!this._displayDoneFired) this._fireDisplayDone();
this.arbiter.inform('pagelet_displayed_all', true, j);
if (i <= 8) {
c('setTimeout')(this._beginPhase.bind(this, this._currentPhase), 20);
} else this._beginPhase(this._currentPhase);
r.prototype._fireDisplayDone = function() {
'use strict';
this._displayDoneFired = true;
this.arbiter.inform('display_done', true);
r.prototype._downloadJsForPagelet = function(x) {
'use strict';
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').JS_START, x);
c('Bootloader').loadResources(x.allResources || [], function y() {
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').JS_END, x);
x.requires = x.requires || [];
if (!this.isAjax || x.phase >= 1) x.requires.push('uipage_onload');
var z = function() {
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').ONLOAD_START, x);
if (this._isRelevantPagelet(x)) n(x.onload);
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').ONLOAD_END, x);
this.arbiter.inform('pagelet_onload', true);
x.provides && this.arbiter.inform(x.provides, true, j);
aa = function() {
this._isRelevantPagelet(x) && n(x.onafterload);
this.arbiter.registerCallback(z, x.requires);
this.arbiter.registerCallback(aa, [this.onloadEvt]);
}.bind(this), false,;
r.prototype._getPagelet = function(x) {
'use strict';
var y = this._getPageletRootID(x);
return c('PageletSet').getPagelet(y);
r.prototype._getPageletRootID = function(x) {
'use strict';
var y = x.append;
if (y) return y === 'bigpipe_root' ? this.rootNodeID : y;
return Object.keys(x.content)[0] || null;
r.prototype._isRelevant = function() {
'use strict';
return this == r._current_instance || this.automatic && this._relevant_instance == r._current_instance || this.jsNonBlock || this.forceFinish || r._current_instance && r._current_instance.allowIrrelevantRequests;
r.prototype._isRelevantPagelet = function(x) {
'use strict';
if (!this._isRelevant()) return false;
var y = this._getPageletRootID(x);
return !!this._livePagelets[y];
r.prototype._informEventExternal = function(x, y, z) {
'use strict';
y = y || {};
z = z || this.arbiter;
y.ts = c('performanceAbsoluteNow')();
if (m) console.timeStamp(x + ' ' + JSON.stringify(y));
if (this.lid === null) {
this._awaitingLIDEventQueue.push([z, x, y]);
} else {
y.lid = this.lid;
z.inform(x, y, k);
r.prototype._informPageletEvent = function(x, y) {
'use strict';
var z = {
event: x,
if (y.phase) z.phase = y.phase;
if (y.categories) z.categories = y.categories;
if (y.allResources) z.allResources = y.allResources;
if (y.displayResources) z.displayResources = y.displayResources;
this._informEventExternal('pagelet_event', z);
r.getCurrentInstance = function() {
'use strict';
return r._current_instance;
r.prototype.loadSecondFlushPayload = function(x) {
'use strict';
var y = {
id: 'second_flush'
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').CSS_START, y);
this.arbiter.registerCallback(this._displayDoneCallback, ['pagelet_prefetch']);
c('Bootloader').loadPredictedResourceMap(x.resources || {}, function() {
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').CSS_END, y);
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').DISPLAY_START, y);
if (x.jsmods) this._serverJS.handlePartial(x.jsmods);
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').DISPLAY_END, y);
this.arbiter.inform('pagelet_prefetch', true);
r.suspendPageletDisplay = function(x) {
'use strict';
var y = c('setTimeoutAcrossTransitions')(function() {
}, x),
z = function aa() {
if (!y) return;
y = null;
if (p === 0) o();
return z;
Object.assign(r.prototype, {
beforePageletArrive: function x(y) {
c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
return (this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').ARRIVE_START, {
id: y
}.bind(this), 'beforePageletArrive ' + y, {
root: true
setSecondFlushPayload: function x(y) {
if (y.immediate_start || this._ttiPhase != undefined && this._currentPhase > this._ttiPhase) {
} else this._secondFlushPayload = y;
setPageID: function x(y) {
this.lid = y;
this._awaitingLIDEventQueue.forEach(function(z) {
var aa = z[0],
ba = z[1],
ca = z[2];
ca.lid = y;
aa.inform(ba, ca, k);
this._awaitingLIDEventQueue = [];
onPageletArrive: c('ErrorUtils').guard(function(x) {
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').ARRIVE_END, x);
x.content = x.content || {};
if (c('BigPipeExperiments').preparse_content == 'on_arrive') {
} else if (c('BigPipeExperiments').preparse_content == 'after_tti') {
this.arbiter.registerCallback(function() {
return v(x);
}, ['tti_pagelet_displayed']);
} else if (c('BigPipeExperiments').preparse_content == 'on_idle') {
if (b.requestIdleCallback) {
b.requestIdleCallback(function() {
return v(x);
} else c('setTimeout')(function() {
return v(x);
}, 1);
} else if (c('BigPipeExperiments').preparse_content == 'on_idle_after_tti') {
this.arbiter.registerCallback(function() {
if (b.requestIdleCallback) {
b.requestIdleCallback(function() {
return v(x);
} else c('setTimeout')(function() {
return v(x);
}, 1);
}, ['tti_pagelet_displayed']);
} else if (c('BigPipeExperiments').preparse_content == 'on_idle_after_tti_ric') this.arbiter.registerCallback(function() {
if (b.requestIdleCallback) b.requestIdleCallback(function() {
return v(x);
}, ['tti_pagelet_displayed']);
var y = x.phase;
if (!this._phaseDisplayEndCallbacks[y]) this._phaseDisplayEndCallbacks[y] = this.arbiter.registerCallback(this._onPhaseDisplayEnd.bind(this), ['phase_arrived_' + y]);
this.arbiter.registerCallback(this._phaseDisplayEndCallbacks[y], [ + '_displayed']);
var z = this._getPageletRootID(x),
aa = c('PageletSet').getOrCreatePagelet(z);
if (x.last_pagelet) this._lastRealPhase = y;
if (x.the_end) this._lastPhase = y;
if (x.tti_phase !== undefined) this._ttiPhase = x.tti_phase;
this._livePagelets[] = true;
aa.addDestructor(function() {
delete this._livePagelets[];
if (x.jscc_map) {
var ba = (eval)(x.jscc_map),
ca = c('JSCC').init(ba);
c('Bootloader').setResourceMap(x.resource_map || {});
if (x.bootloadable) c('Bootloader').enableBootload(x.bootloadable);
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').SETUP, x);
var da = ['phase_begin_' + x.phase, + '_css_end'];
if (p > 0) {
}(x.display_dependency || []).forEach(function(ia) {
return da.push(ia + '_displayed');
if (x.display_group) {
var ea = document.body.getElementsByClassName('pagelet-group');
for (var fa = 0; fa < ea.length; fa++) {
var ga = ea[fa];
if ( === break;
if (ga.getAttribute('data-display-group') === x.display_group) da.push( + '_displayed');
this.arbiter.registerCallback(function() {
return this._displayPageletHandler(x);
}.bind(this), da);
this.arbiter.registerCallback(function() {
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').CSS_START, x);
var ia = x.displayResources || [];
c('Bootloader').loadResources(ia, function ja() {
this._informPageletEvent(c('PageletEventConstsJS').CSS_END, x);
this.arbiter.inform( + '_css_end', true, j);
}.bind(this), false,;
}.bind(this), ['phase_begin_' + y]);
this.arbiter.registerCallback(this._loadedCallback, ['pagelet_onload']);
var ha = [ + '_displayed'];
if (!this.jsNonBlock) ha.push(this.domContentEvt);
this.arbiter.registerCallback(this._downloadJsForPagelet.bind(this, x), ha);
if (x.is_last) this._endPhase(y);
if (x.prefetchRsrcs) {
this.arbiter.registerCallback(this._displayDoneCallback, ['pagelet_prefetch']);
c('Bootloader').loadPredictedResources(x.prefetchRsrcs, function ia() {
x.prefetchJsmods && this._serverJS.handlePartial(x.prefetchJsmods);
this.arbiter.inform('pagelet_prefetch', true);
} else if (x.prefetchJsmods) this._serverJS.handlePartial(x.prefetchJsmods);
}, 'BigPipe#onPageletArrive')
r.Events = {
init: 'BigPipe/init',
tti: 'tti_bigpipe',
displayed: 'all_pagelets_displayed',
loaded: 'all_pagelets_loaded'
function s(x) {
if (!x || typeof x === 'string') return x;
if (x.container_id) {
var y = c('$')(x.container_id);
x = t(y) || '';
return x;
return null;
function t(x) {
if (!x.firstChild) {
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["ErrorSignal"], function(z) {
z.sendErrorSignal('bigpipe', 'Pagelet markup container is empty.');
}, 'BigPipe');
return null;
if (x.firstChild.nodeType !== 8) return null;
var y = x.firstChild.nodeValue;
y = y.substring(1, y.length - 1);
return y.replace(/\\([\s\S]|$)/g, '$1');
function u(x, y, z) {
var aa = w(y);
for (var ba = 0; ba < aa.childNodes.length; ba++) z.push(aa.childNodes[ba]);
function v(x) {
if (x.displayed) return;
var y = x.content;
for (var z in y) y[z] = w(y[z]);
function w(x) {
if (x.nodeType) return x;
var y = document.createDocumentFragment();
x = s(x);
if (x) {
var z = document.createElement('div');
z.innerHTML = x;
while (z.firstChild) y.appendChild(z.firstChild);
return y;
f.exports = r;
}), null);
__d('EventEmitterWithValidation', ['BaseEventEmitter'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h, i;
h = babelHelpers.inherits(j, c('BaseEventEmitter'));
i = h && h.prototype;
function j(m) {;
this.$EventEmitterWithValidation1 = Object.keys(m);
j.prototype.emit = function(m) {
k(m, this.$EventEmitterWithValidation1);
return i.emit.apply(this, arguments);
function k(m, n) {
if (n.indexOf(m) === -1) throw new TypeError(l(m, n));
function l(m, n) {
var o = 'Unknown event type "' + m + '". ';
o += 'Known event types: ' + n.join(', ') + '.';
return o;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('mixInEventEmitter', ['invariant', 'EventEmitterWithHolding', 'EventEmitterWithValidation', 'EventHolder'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
'use strict';
function i(k, l) {
l || h(0);
var m = k.prototype || k;
!m.__eventEmitter || h(0);
var n = k.constructor;
if (n) n === Object || n === Function || h(0);
m.__types = babelHelpers['extends']({}, m.__types, l);
Object.assign(m, j);
var j = {
emit: function k(l, m, n, o, p, q, r) {
return this.__getEventEmitter().emit(l, m, n, o, p, q, r);
emitAndHold: function k(l, m, n, o, p, q, r) {
return this.__getEventEmitter().emitAndHold(l, m, n, o, p, q, r);
addListener: function k(l, m, n) {
return this.__getEventEmitter().addListener(l, m, n);
once: function k(l, m, n) {
return this.__getEventEmitter().once(l, m, n);
addRetroactiveListener: function k(l, m, n) {
return this.__getEventEmitter().addRetroactiveListener(l, m, n);
listeners: function k(l) {
return this.__getEventEmitter().listeners(l);
removeAllListeners: function k() {
removeCurrentListener: function k() {
releaseHeldEventType: function k(l) {
__getEventEmitter: function k() {
if (!this.__eventEmitter) {
var l = new(c('EventEmitterWithValidation'))(this.__types),
m = new(c('EventHolder'))();
this.__eventEmitter = new(c('EventEmitterWithHolding'))(l, m);
return this.__eventEmitter;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("pageID", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()).toString(36);
}), null);
__d('NavigationMetricsCore', ['mixInEventEmitter', 'pageID'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
i = {
tti: 'tti',
e2e: 'e2e',
all_pagelets_loaded: 'all_pagelets_loaded',
all_pagelets_displayed: 'all_pagelets_displayed'
j = 0,
k = {},
l = void 0;
m.lastServerLID = function() {
'use strict';
return l;
function m() {
'use strict';
this.eventTimings = {
tti: null,
e2e: null,
all_pagelets_loaded: null,
all_pagelets_displayed: null
this.lid = c('pageID') + ':' + j++;
this.extras = {};
m.prototype.getLID = function() {
'use strict';
return this.lid;
m.prototype.setRequestStart = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.start = o;
return this;
m.prototype.setTTI = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.eventTimings.tti = o;
this.$NavigationEntryImpl1(i.tti, o);
return this;
m.prototype.setE2E = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.eventTimings.e2e = o;
this.$NavigationEntryImpl1(i.e2e, o);
return this;
m.prototype.setExtra = function(o, p) {
'use strict';
this.extras[o] = p;
return this;
m.prototype.setDisplayDone = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.eventTimings.all_pagelets_displayed = o;
this.setExtra('all_pagelets_displayed', o);
this.$NavigationEntryImpl1(i.all_pagelets_displayed, o);
return this;
m.prototype.setAllPageletsLoaded = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.eventTimings.all_pagelets_loaded = o;
this.setExtra('all_pagelets_loaded', o);
this.$NavigationEntryImpl1(i.all_pagelets_loaded, o);
return this;
m.prototype.setServerLID = function(o) {
'use strict';
this.serverLID = o;
return this;
m.prototype.$NavigationEntryImpl1 = function(event, o) {
'use strict';
var p = {};
if (k != null && this.serverLID != null && k[this.serverLID] != null) p = k[this.serverLID];
var q = babelHelpers['extends']({}, p, {
event: event,
timestamp: o,
visibilityState: null
if (document.visibilityState) q.visibilityState = document.visibilityState;
n.emitAndHold(h.EVENT_OCCURRED, this.serverLID, q);
return this;
m.prototype.doneNavigation = function() {
'use strict';
var o = babelHelpers['extends']({
start: this.start,
extras: this.extras
}, this.eventTimings);
if (this.serverLID && k[this.serverLID]) {
var p = this.serverLID;
Object.assign(o, k[p]);
delete k[p];
n.emitAndHold(h.NAVIGATION_DONE, this.lid, o);
var n = {
Events: h,
postPagelet: function o(p, q) {},
postScheduler: function o() {},
siteInit: function o(p) {
setPage: function o(p) {
if (!p.serverLID) return;
k[p.serverLID] = {
pageType: p.page_type,
pageURI: p.page_uri,
serverLID: p.serverLID
l = p.serverLID;
getFullPageLoadLid: function o() {
throw new Error('getFullPageLoadLid is not implemented on this site');
c('mixInEventEmitter')(n, h);
f.exports = n;
}), null);
__d('NavigationMetrics', ['Arbiter', 'BigPipe', 'NavigationMetricsCore', 'PageEvents', 'performance'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = '0';
c('NavigationMetricsCore').getFullPageLoadLid = function() {
return h;
c('NavigationMetricsCore').siteInit(function(i) {
var j = new i(),
k = true;
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('BigPipe').Events.init, function(l, m) {
var n = k ? j : new i();
if (k) h = m.lid;
k = false;
var o = m.arbiter;
o.subscribe(c('BigPipe').Events.tti, function(p, q) {
var r = q.ts;
o.subscribe(c('PageEvents').AJAXPIPE_SEND, function(p, q) {
var r = q.ts;
o.subscribe(c('PageEvents').AJAXPIPE_ONLOAD, function(p, q) {
var r = q.ts;
o.subscribe(c('BigPipe').Events.displayed, function(p, q) {
var r = q.ts;
o.subscribe(c('BigPipe').Events.loaded, function(p, q) {
var r = q.ts;
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('PageEvents').BIGPIPE_ONLOAD, function(l, m) {
var n = m.ts;
k = false;
j.setRequestStart(c('performance').timing && c('performance').timing.navigationStart).setE2E(n).doneNavigation();
f.exports = c('NavigationMetricsCore');
}), null);
__d('Visibility', ['TimeSlice', 'mixInEventEmitter'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = void 0,
i = void 0;
if (document.hidden !== undefined) {
h = 'hidden';
i = 'visibilitychange';
} else if (document.mozHidden !== undefined) {
h = 'mozHidden';
i = 'mozvisibilitychange';
} else if (document.msHidden !== undefined) {
h = 'msHidden';
i = 'msvisibilitychange';
} else if (document.webkitHidden !== undefined) {
h = 'webkitHidden';
i = 'webkitvisibilitychange';
function j() {
return h ? document[h] : false;
function k() {
return document.addEventListener && i !== undefined;
var l = {
HIDDEN: 'hidden',
VISIBLE: 'visible',
isHidden: j,
isSupported: k
c('mixInEventEmitter')(l, {
visible: true,
hidden: true
if (k()) document.addEventListener(i, c('TimeSlice').guard(function m() {
l.emit(j() ? l.HIDDEN : l.VISIBLE);
}, 'visibility change'));
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('WebStorageMutex', ['WebStorage', 'setTimeoutAcrossTransitions', 'pageID'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = null,
i = false,
j = c('pageID');
function k() {
if (!i) {
i = true;
h = c('WebStorage').getLocalStorage();
return h;
function l(m) {
'use strict'; = m;
l.testSetPageID = function(m) {
'use strict';
j = m;
l.prototype.$WebStorageMutex1 = function() {
'use strict';
if (!k()) return j;
var m = k().getItem('mutex_' +;
m = m ? m.split(':') : null;
return m && m[1] >= ? m[0] : null;
l.prototype.$WebStorageMutex2 = function(m) {
'use strict';
if (!k()) return;
var n = + (m || 10000);
c('WebStorage').setItemGuarded(k(), 'mutex_' +, j + ':' + n);
l.prototype.hasLock = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$WebStorageMutex1() == j;
l.prototype.lock = function(m, n, o) {
'use strict';
if (this.$WebStorageMutex3) clearTimeout(this.$WebStorageMutex3);
if (j == (this.$WebStorageMutex1() || j)) this.$WebStorageMutex2(o);
this.$WebStorageMutex3 = c('setTimeoutAcrossTransitions')(function() {
this.$WebStorageMutex3 = null;
var p = this.hasLock() ? m : n;
if (p) p(this);
}.bind(this), 0);
l.prototype.unlock = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.$WebStorageMutex3) clearTimeout(this.$WebStorageMutex3);
if (k() && this.hasLock()) k().removeItem('mutex_' +;
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('lowerFacebookDomain', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = window.location.hostname.match(/\.(facebook\.sg|facebookcorewwwi\.onion)$/),
i = h ? h[1] : '';
j.setDomain = function(k) {
i = k;
j.isValidDocumentDomain = function() {
if (document.domain == i) return true;
return false;
function j() {
document.domain = i;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('Banzai', ['BanzaiAdapter', 'BanzaiServiceWorker', 'CurrentUser', 'ErrorUtils', 'ExecutionEnvironment', 'FBJSON', 'NavigationMetrics', 'TimeSlice', 'Visibility', 'WebStorage', 'emptyFunction', 'isInIframe', 'lowerFacebookDomain', 'pageID', 'setTimeoutAcrossTransitions', 'WebStorageMutex'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = c('BanzaiAdapter').adapter,
i = c('isInIframe')(),
j = 'bz:',
k = 'ods:banzai',
l = 'send_via_beacon_failure',
m = 0,
n = 1,
o = 2,
p, q, r = [],
s = null,
t = [];
function u(ia) {
return ia[2] >= - (h.config.EXPIRY || c('BanzaiAdapter').EXPIRY);
function v(ia, ja) {
ia.__meta.status = m;
ia[3] = (ia[3] || 0) + 1;
if (!ia.__meta.retry && ja >= 400 && ja < 600) r.push(ia);
function w(ia, ja, ka, la) {
var ma = [ia, ja, ka, 0];
ma.__meta = {
retry: la === true,
pageID: c('pageID'),
userID: c('CurrentUser').getID(),
status: m
return ma;
function x() {
var ia = [];
t.forEach(function(na) {
var oa = na.cb();
oa.forEach(function(pa) {
var qa = na.route;
if (qa) {
var ra = w(qa, pa,;
ra.__meta.onSuccess = na.onSuccess;
ra.__meta.onFailure = na.onFailure;
t = [];
var ja = [],
ka = [];
ca(ja, ka, true, ia);
if (ja.length > 0) {
ja[0].send_method = 'beacon';
var la = new Blob([h.addRequestAuthData(h.prepForTransit(ja))], {
type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
ma = navigator.sendBeacon(c('BanzaiAdapter').adapter.endpoint, la);
if (ma) {
ka.forEach(function(na) {
return ia.__meta && na.__meta.onSuccess && na.__meta.onSuccess();
} else ka.forEach(function(na) {
return ia.__meta && na.__meta.onFailure && na.__meta.onFailure();
function y(ia) {
var ja = + ia;
if (!q || ja < q) {
q = ja;
p = c('setTimeoutAcrossTransitions')(z, ia);
return true;
return false;
var z = c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
aa(null, null);
}, 'Banzai.send', {
isContinuation: false
function aa(ia, ja) {
q = null;
if (!h.readyToSend()) {
if (ja) ja();
var ka = [],
la = [];
r = ca(ka, la, true, r);
if (ka.length <= 0) {
if (ia) ia();
ka[0].trigger = s;
s = null;
ka[0].send_method = 'ajax';
h.send(ka, function() {
la.forEach(function(ma) {
ma.__meta.status = o;
if (ia) ia();
}, function(ma) {
la.forEach(function(na) {
v(na, ma);
if (ja) ja();
function ba() {
if (!(navigator && navigator.sendBeacon && h.isOkToSendViaBeacon())) return;
var ia = [],
ja = [];
r = ca(ia, ja, false, r);
if (ia.length <= 0) return;
ia[0].send_method = 'beacon';
var ka = new Blob([h.addRequestAuthData(h.prepForTransit(ia))], {
type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
la = navigator.sendBeacon(c('BanzaiAdapter').adapter.endpoint, ka);
if (!la) {
var ma;
ja.forEach(function(na) {
r.push(w(k, (ma = {}, ma[l] = [1], ma),;
function ca(ia, ja, ka, la) {
var ma = {};
return la.filter(function(na) {
var oa = na.__meta;
if (oa.status >= o || !u(na)) return false;
if (oa.status >= n) return true;
var pa = oa.pageID + oa.userID,
qa = ma[pa];
if (!qa) {
qa = {
user: oa.userID,
page_id: oa.pageID,
posts: []
ma[pa] = qa;
oa.status = n;
return ka && oa.retry;
var da, ea, fa = false;
function ga() {
if (!fa) {
fa = true;
ea = c('WebStorage').getLocalStorage();
return ea;
function ha() {
if (!da)
if (!i) {
da = {
store: function ia() {
var ja = ga();
if (!ja || r.length <= 0) return;
var ka = {
return [la[0], la[1], la[2], la[3] || 0, la.__meta];
r = [];
ja.setItem(j + c('pageID') + '.' +, c('FBJSON').stringify(ka));
restore: function ia() {
var ja = ga();
if (!ja) return;
var ka = c('WebStorageMutex');
new ka('banzai').lock(function(la) {
var ma = [];
for (var na = 0; na < ja.length; na++) {
var oa = ja.key(na);
if (oa.indexOf(j) === 0 && oa.indexOf('bz:__') !== 0) ma.push(oa);
ma.forEach(function(pa) {
var qa = ja.getItem(pa);
if (!qa) return;
var ra = c('FBJSON').parse(qa,;
ra.forEach(function(sa) {
if (!sa) return;
var ta = sa.__meta = sa.pop(),
ua = u(sa);
if (!ua) return;
var va = c('CurrentUser').getID();
if (ta.userID === va || va === '0') {
ta.status = m;
} else da = {
store: c('emptyFunction'),
restore: c('emptyFunction')
c('BanzaiAdapter').SEND = 'Banzai:SEND';
c('BanzaiAdapter').OK = 'Banzai:OK';
c('BanzaiAdapter').ERROR = 'Banzai:ERROR';
c('BanzaiAdapter').SHUTDOWN = 'Banzai:SHUTDOWN';
c('BanzaiAdapter').VITAL_WAIT = 1000;
c('BanzaiAdapter').BASIC_WAIT = 60000;
c('BanzaiAdapter').EXPIRY = 30 * 60000;
c('BanzaiAdapter').VITAL = {
delay: h.config.MIN_WAIT || c('BanzaiAdapter').VITAL_WAIT
c('BanzaiAdapter').BASIC = {
delay: h.config.MAX_WAIT || c('BanzaiAdapter').BASIC_WAIT
c('BanzaiAdapter').FBTRACE = h.config.fbtrace;
c('BanzaiAdapter').isEnabled = function(ia) {
return h.config.gks && h.config.gks[ia];
c('BanzaiAdapter').post = function(ia, ja, ka) {
if (!ia) c('ErrorUtils').reportError(new Error(' called without specifying a route'));
ka = ka || {};
var la = ka.retry;
if (h.config.disabled) return;
if (!c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM) return;
var ma = h.config.blacklist;
if (ma)
if (ma.indexOf)
if (typeof ma.indexOf == 'function')
if (ma.indexOf(ia) != -1) return;
if (i && c('lowerFacebookDomain').isValidDocumentDomain()) {
var na = void 0;
try {
na ='Banzai');
} catch (oa) {
na = null;
if (na) {, arguments);
var pa = w(ia, ja,, la),
qa = ka.delay;
if (qa == null) qa = c('BanzaiAdapter').BASIC_WAIT;
if (c('BanzaiServiceWorker').isEnabled()) {
var ra = [{
user: c('CurrentUser').getID(),
page_id: c('pageID'),
posts: [pa],
trigger: ia
c('BanzaiServiceWorker').send(ra, ka.signal, qa, la);
if (ka.signal) {
pa.__meta.status = n;
var sa = [{
user: c('CurrentUser').getID(),
page_id: c('pageID'),
posts: [pa],
trigger: ia
h.send(sa, function() {
pa.__meta.status = o;
}, function(ta) {
v(pa, ta);
}, true);
if (!la) return;
if (y(qa) || !s) s = ia;
c('BanzaiAdapter').registerToSendWithBeacon = function(ia, ja, ka, la) {
if (!(navigator && navigator.sendBeacon && h.isOkToSendViaBeacon())) return false;
if (!ia) {
c('ErrorUtils').reportError(new Error('Banzai.registerToSendWithBeacon called without specifying a route'));
return false;
cb: ja,
route: ia,
onSuccess: ka,
onFailure: la
return true;
c('BanzaiAdapter').flush = function(ia, ja) {
p = 0;
aa(ia, ja);
c('BanzaiAdapter').subscribe = h.subscribe;
c('BanzaiAdapter').canUseNavigatorBeacon = function() {
return navigator && navigator.sendBeacon && h.isOkToSendViaBeacon();
c('BanzaiAdapter')._schedule = y;
c('BanzaiAdapter')._store = function(ia) {
c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(, da);
c('BanzaiAdapter')._restore = function(ia) {
c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(da.restore, da);
y(h.config.RESTORE_WAIT || c('BanzaiAdapter').VITAL_WAIT);
c('BanzaiAdapter')._unload = function() {
if (c('BanzaiServiceWorker').isEnabled()) c('BanzaiServiceWorker').sync();
if (navigator && navigator.sendBeacon && h.isOkToSendViaBeacon()) x();
if (c('BanzaiAdapter').isEnabled('beacon_hailmary') && r.length > 0) ba();
if (r.length > 0) {
c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(, da);
c('BanzaiAdapter')._testState = function() {
return {
postBuffer: r,
triggerRoute: s
(c('BanzaiAdapter')._initialize = function() {
if (c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM) {
if (c('BanzaiAdapter').isEnabled('beacon_hailmary') && c('Visibility').isSupported()) {
c('Visibility').addListener(c('Visibility').HIDDEN, function() {
if (r.length > 0) ba();
if (r.length > 0) {
c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(, da);
} else h.setHooks();
c('NavigationMetrics').addListener(c('NavigationMetrics').Events.NAVIGATION_DONE, function(ia, ja) {
if (ja.pageType !== 'normal') return;
f.exports = c('BanzaiAdapter');
}), null);
__d("IntlVariations", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
BITMASK_NUMBER: 805306368,
NUMBER_ZERO: 1073741824,
NUMBER_ONE: 268435456,
NUMBER_TWO: 536870912,
NUMBER_FEW: 1342177280,
NUMBER_MANY: 805306368,
NUMBER_OTHER: 1610612736,
GENDER_MALE: 16777216,
GENDER_FEMALE: 33554432,
}), null);
__d('FbtNumberType', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("GenderConst", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
}), null);
__d('Intl', ['IntlPhonologicalRules', 'memoize'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = '[.!?' + '\u3002' + '\uFF01' + '\uFF1F' + '\u0964' + '\u2026' + '\u0EAF' + '\u1801' + '\u0E2F' + '\uFF0E' + ']',
i = new RegExp(h + '[)"\'' + '\u00BB' + '\u0F3B' + '\u0F3D' + '\u2019' + '\u201D' + '\u203A' + '\u3009' + '\u300B' + '\u300D' + '\u300F' + '\u3011' + '\u3015' + '\u3017' + '\u3019' + '\u301B' + '\u301E' + '\u301F' + '\uFD3F' + '\uFF07' + '\uFF09' + '\uFF3D' + '\\s' + ']*$'),
j = c('memoize')(function() {
var m = [];
for (var n in c('IntlPhonologicalRules').patterns) {
var o = c('IntlPhonologicalRules').patterns[n];
for (var p in c('IntlPhonologicalRules').meta) {
var q = new RegExp(p.slice(1, -1), 'g'),
r = c('IntlPhonologicalRules').meta[p];
n = n.replace(q, r);
o = o.replace(q, r);
if (o === 'javascript') o = function s(t) {
return t.slice(1).toLowerCase();
m.push([new RegExp(n.slice(1, -1), 'g'), o]);
return m;
function k(m) {
var n = j();
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var p = n[o],
q = p[0],
r = p[1];
m = m.replace(q, r);
return m.replace(/\x01/g, '');
function l(m) {
if (typeof m !== 'string') return false;
return i.test(m);
f.exports = {
endsInPunct: l,
applyPhonologicalRules: k
}), null);
__d('substituteTokens', ['invariant', 'Intl'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = new RegExp('\\{([^}]+)\\}(' + c('Intl').PUNCT_CHAR_CLASS + '*)', 'g');
function j(l) {
return l;
function k(l, m) {
var n = m;
if (!n) return l;
typeof n === 'object' || h(0);
var o = [],
p = [],
q = l.replace(i, function(t, u, v) {
var w = n[u];
if (w && typeof w === 'object') {
return '\x17' + v;
} else if (w === null) return '';
return w + (c('Intl').endsInPunct(w) ? '' : v);
if (q.length === 1) return q[0];
var r = [q[0]];
for (var s = 0; s < o.length; s++) r.push(j(o[s]), q[s + 1]);
return r;
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('fbt', ['invariant', 'Banzai', 'FbtNumberType', 'FbtResult', 'FbtResultGK', 'GenderConst', 'IntlVariations', 'IntlViewerContext', 'substituteTokens', 'FbtLogger', 'FbtQTOverrides'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = c('FbtLogger').logger,
j = c('FbtQTOverrides').overrides,
k = {
l = {
m = {
n = function q() {};
n._ = function(q, r) {
var s = {},
t = q;
if (q.__vcg) {
r = r || [];
[c('IntlViewerContext').GENDER, '*'], null
if (r !== undefined) {
t = this._accessTable(q, s, r, 0);
t !== null || h(0);
var u = t,
v = null;
typeof t === 'string' || Array.isArray(t) || h(0);
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
u = t[0];
v = t[1];
var w = '1_' + v;
u = j[w] || u;
if (j[w]) n.logQTImpression(v);
var x = c('substituteTokens')(u, s);
return p(x, u, v);
n._accessTable = function(q, r, s, t) {
if (t >= s.length) {
return q;
} else if (q == null) return null;
var u = null,
v = s[t],
w = v[k.INDEX];
if (Array.isArray(w)) {
for (var x = 0; x < w.length; ++x) {
var y = q[w[x]];
u = this._accessTable(y, r, s, t + 1);
if (u != null) break;
} else {
q = w !== null ? q[w] : q;
u = this._accessTable(q, r, s, t + 1);
if (u != null) Object.assign(r, v[k.SUBSTITUTION]);
return u;
n['enum'] = function(q, r) {
return [q, null];
n.param = function(q, r, s) {
var t = null;
if (s)
if (s[0] === l.NUMBER) {
var u = s.length > 1 ? s[1] : r;
typeof u === 'number' || h(0);
t = [c('FbtNumberType').getNumberVariationType(u), '*'];
} else if (s[0] === l.GENDER) {
s.length > 1 && s[1] & c('IntlVariations').BITMASK_GENDER || h(0);
t = [s[1], '*'];
} else h(0);
var v = {};
v[q] = r;
return [t, v];
n.plural = function(q, r, s) {
var t = [c('FbtNumberType').getNumberVariationType(q), '*'],
u = {};
if (r) u[r] = s || q + '';
return [t, u];
n.pronoun = function(q, r, s) {
r !== c('GenderConst').NOT_A_PERSON || !s || !s.human || h(0);
var t = o(q, r);
return [
[t, '*'], null
function o(q, r) {
switch (r) {
case c('GenderConst').NOT_A_PERSON:
return q === m.OBJECT || q === m.REFLEXIVE ? c('GenderConst').NOT_A_PERSON : c('GenderConst').UNKNOWN_PLURAL;
case c('GenderConst').FEMALE_SINGULAR:
case c('GenderConst').FEMALE_SINGULAR_GUESS:
return c('GenderConst').FEMALE_SINGULAR;
case c('GenderConst').MALE_SINGULAR:
case c('GenderConst').MALE_SINGULAR_GUESS:
return c('GenderConst').MALE_SINGULAR;
case c('GenderConst').MIXED_SINGULAR:
case c('GenderConst').FEMALE_PLURAL:
case c('GenderConst').MALE_PLURAL:
case c('GenderConst').NEUTER_PLURAL:
case c('GenderConst').UNKNOWN_PLURAL:
return c('GenderConst').UNKNOWN_PLURAL;
case c('GenderConst').NEUTER_SINGULAR:
case c('GenderConst').UNKNOWN_SINGULAR:
return q === m.REFLEXIVE ? c('GenderConst').NOT_A_PERSON : c('GenderConst').UNKNOWN_PLURAL;
return c('GenderConst').NOT_A_PERSON;
} = function(q, r, s) {
s & c('IntlVariations').BITMASK_GENDER || h(0);
var t = [s, '*'],
u = {};
u[q] = r;
return [t, u];
n.genderOfMany = function(q) {
0 < q.length || h(0);
return q.length === 1 ? q[0] : c('GenderConst').UNKNOWN_PLURAL;
n.logImpression = function(q) {
if (i) i.logImpression(q);
return q;
n.logQTImpression = function(q) {
c('Banzai').post('intl_qt_event', {
hash: q
return q;
function p(q, r, s) {
if (!c('FbtResultGK').shouldReturnFbtResult && c('FbtResultGK').inlineMode !== 'REPORT') return q;
return new(c('FbtResult'))(typeof q === 'string' ? [q] : q, c('FbtResultGK').inlineMode, r, s);
f.exports = n;
}), null);
__d('AsyncRequest', ['errorCode', 'invariant', 'ix', 'fbt', 'Promise', 'Arbiter', 'TimeSliceInteraction', 'ArtilleryJSPointTypes', 'AsyncFeature', 'AsyncFeatureLogging', 'AsyncRequestConfig', 'AsyncResponse', 'Bootloader', 'CSS', 'DTSG', 'Env', 'ErrorUtils', 'Event', 'HTTPErrors', 'JSCC', 'Parent', 'WebPixelRatio', 'PixelRatioConst', 'PHPQuerySerializer', 'ProfilingCounters', 'Run', 'ServerJS', 'SessionName', 'TimeSlice', 'URI', 'UserAgent_DEPRECATED', 'ZeroRewrites', 'isFacebookURI', 'isMessengerDotComURI', 'bind', 'emptyFunction', 'evalGlobal', 'executeAfter', 'ge', 'getAsyncHeaders', 'getAsyncParams', 'goURI', 'isEmpty', 'setTimeout', 'setTimeoutAcrossTransitions'], (function a(global, require, requireDynamic, requireLazy, module, exports, errorCode, invariant, ix, fbt) {
var EVENTS = {
SR_PAYLOAD: 'asyncRequest/srPayload'
function hasUnloaded() {
try {
return !window.domready;
} catch (ignore) {
return true;
function supportsUploadProgress(transport) {
return 'upload' in transport && 'onprogress' in transport.upload;
function supportsCrossOrigin(transport) {
return 'withCredentials' in transport;
function isNetworkError(transport) {
return transport.status in {
'0': 1,
'12029': 1,
'12030': 1,
'12031': 1,
'12152': 1
function validateResponseHandler(handler) {
var valid = !handler || typeof handler === 'function';
return valid;
var last_id = 2,
id_threshold = last_id;
require('Arbiter').subscribe('page_transition', function(_, message) {
id_threshold =;
function AsyncRequest(uri) {
'use strict';
this._dispatchErrorResponse = function(asyncResponse, errorHandler) {
var error = asyncResponse.getError();
var log_data = this._sendTimeStamp && {
duration: - this._sendTimeStamp,
xfb_ip: this._xFbServer || '-'
asyncResponse.logError('async_error', log_data);
if (!this._isRelevant() || error === 1010) {
if (error == 1357008 || error == 1357007 || error == 1357041 || error == 1442002 || error == 1357001) {
var is_confirmation = error == 1357008 || error == 1357007;
require('AsyncFeature').__invokeWithServerBitMap(asyncResponse.__sf, function() {
return this.interceptHandler(asyncResponse);
if (error == 1357041) {
} else if (error == 1357007) {
this._displayServerDialog(asyncResponse, is_confirmation, true);
} else this._displayServerDialog(asyncResponse, is_confirmation);
} else if (this._invokeInitialHandler(asyncResponse) !== false) {
try {
require('AsyncFeature').__invokeWithServerBitMap(asyncResponse.__sf, function() {
return errorHandler(asyncResponse);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
this._onStateChange = function() {
var transport = this.transport;
if (!transport) return;
try {
try {
if (typeof transport.getResponseHeader !== 'undefined' && transport.getResponseHeader('X-FB-Debug')) this._xFbServer = transport.getResponseHeader('X-FB-Debug');
} catch (ignore) {}
if (transport.status >= 200 && transport.status < 300) {
AsyncRequest.lastSuccessTime =;
} else if (require('UserAgent_DEPRECATED').webkit() && typeof transport.status == 'undefined') {
} else if (require('AsyncRequestConfig').retryOnNetworkError && isNetworkError(transport) && this.remainingRetries > 0 && !this._requestTimeout) {
delete this.transport;
} else this._invokeErrorHandler();
if (this.getOption('asynchronous_DEPRECATED') !== false) delete this.transport;
} catch (exception) {
if (hasUnloaded()) return;
delete this.transport;
if (this.remainingRetries > 0) {
} else {
var ErrorSignal = global.ErrorSignal;
ErrorSignal && ErrorSignal.sendErrorSignal('async_xport_resp', [1007, this._xFbServer || '-', this.getURI(), exception.message].join(':'));
this.transport = null;
this.method = 'POST';
this.uri = '';
this.timeout = null;
this.timer = null;
this.initialHandler = require('emptyFunction');
this.handler = null;
this.uploadProgressHandler = null;
this.errorHandler = require('AsyncResponse').defaultErrorHandler;
this.transportErrorHandler = null;
this.timeoutHandler = null;
this.interceptHandler = require('emptyFunction');
this.finallyHandler = require('emptyFunction');
this.abortHandler = require('emptyFunction');
this.serverDialogCancelHandler = null;
this.relativeTo = null;
this.statusElement = null;
this.statusClass = ''; = {};
this.headers = {};
this.file = null;
this.context = {};
this.readOnly = false;
this.writeRequiredParams = [];
this.remainingRetries = 0;
this.userActionID = '-';
this.logErrorsEnabled = require('AsyncRequestConfig').logAsyncRequest;
this.shouldTraceWithArtillery = true;
this.option = {
asynchronous_DEPRECATED: true,
suppressErrorHandlerWarning: false,
suppressEvaluation: false,
suppressErrorAlerts: false,
retries: 0,
jsonp: false,
bundle: false,
useIframeTransport: false,
handleErrorAfterUnload: false
this.transportErrorHandler = require('bind')(this, 'errorHandler');
if (uri !== undefined) this.setURI(uri);
this.setAllowCrossPageTransition(require('AsyncRequestConfig').asyncRequestsSurviveTransitionsDefault || false);
AsyncRequest.prototype._invokeInitialHandler = function(asyncResponse) {
'use strict';
return require('AsyncFeature').__invokeWithServerBitMap(asyncResponse.__sf, function() {
return this.initialHandler(asyncResponse);
AsyncRequest.prototype._dispatchResponse = function(asyncResponse) {
'use strict';
if (!this._isRelevant()) {
if (this._invokeInitialHandler(asyncResponse) === false) return;
if (asyncResponse.jscc_map) {
var jscc_map = (eval)(asyncResponse.jscc_map);
var suppress_js, handler = this.getHandler();
if (handler) try {
suppress_js = this._shouldSuppressJS(require('AsyncFeature').__invokeWithServerBitMap(asyncResponse.__sf, function() {
return handler(asyncResponse);
} catch (e) {
asyncResponse.is_last && this._applyFinallyHandler(asyncResponse);
throw e;
if (!suppress_js) this._handleJSResponse(asyncResponse);
asyncResponse.is_last && this._applyFinallyHandler(asyncResponse);
AsyncRequest.prototype._shouldSuppressJS = function(handler_return_value) {
'use strict';
return handler_return_value === AsyncRequest.suppressOnloadToken;
AsyncRequest.prototype._handleJSResponse = function(asyncResponse) {
'use strict';
var relativeTo = this.getRelativeTo(),
domOps = asyncResponse.domops,
dtsgToken = asyncResponse.dtsgToken,
jsMods = asyncResponse.jsmods,
serverJS = new(require('ServerJS'))();
var requires;
if (jsMods && jsMods.require) {
requires = jsMods.require;
delete jsMods.require;
if (jsMods) serverJS.handle(jsMods);
if (dtsgToken) require('DTSG').setToken(dtsgToken);
var finishHandleResp = function(AsyncDOM) {
if (domOps && AsyncDOM) AsyncDOM.invoke(domOps, relativeTo);
if (requires) serverJS.handle({
require: requires
this._handleJSRegisters(asyncResponse, 'onload');
if (this.lid) require('Arbiter').inform('tti_ajax', {
s: this.lid,
d: [this._sendTimeStamp || 0, this._sendTimeStamp && this._responseTime ? this._responseTime - this._sendTimeStamp : 0]
}, require('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_EVENT);
this._handleJSRegisters(asyncResponse, 'onafterload');
if (domOps) {
require('Bootloader').loadModules(["AsyncDOM"], finishHandleResp, 'AsyncRequest');
} else finishHandleResp(null);
AsyncRequest.prototype._handleJSRegisters = function(asyncResponse, phase) {
'use strict';
var registers = asyncResponse[phase];
if (registers)
for (var ii = 0; ii < registers.length; ii++) require('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(new Function(registers[ii]), this);
AsyncRequest.prototype.invokeResponseHandler = function(interpreted) {
'use strict';
if (typeof interpreted.redirect !== 'undefined') {
require('setTimeout')(function() {
}.bind(this), 0);
if (!this.handler && !this.errorHandler && !this.transportErrorHandler) return;
var response = interpreted.asyncResponse;
if (typeof response !== 'undefined') {
if (this._timesliceInteraction != null) this._timesliceInteraction.receiveAsyncResponse(response).inform('async_response_received', {
type: require('ArtilleryJSPointTypes').ASYNC_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
if (!this._isRelevant()) {
if (response.inlinejs) require('evalGlobal')(response.inlinejs);
if (response.lid) {
this._responseTime =;
if (global.CavalryLogger) this.cavalry = global.CavalryLogger.getInstance(response.lid);
this.lid = response.lid;
var resourceCounts = [0, 0, 0];
if (response.resource_map) resourceCounts = require('Bootloader').setResourceMap(response.resource_map);
if (response.bootloadable) require('Bootloader').enableBootload(response.bootloadable);
var dispatch, arbiter_event;
if (response.getError() && !response.getErrorIsWarning()) {
var handler = function() {
var _getErrorHandler;
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return require('AsyncFeature').__invokeWithServerBitMap(response.__sf, (_getErrorHandler = this.getErrorHandler()).bind.apply(_getErrorHandler, [this].concat(args)));
dispatch = require('ErrorUtils').guard(this._dispatchErrorResponse, 'AsyncRequest#_dispatchErrorResponse for ' + this.getURI());
dispatch = dispatch.bind(this, response, handler);
arbiter_event = 'error';
} else {
dispatch = require('ErrorUtils').guard(this._dispatchResponse.bind(this), 'AsyncRequest#_dispatchResponse for ' + this.getURI());
dispatch = dispatch.bind(this, response);
arbiter_event = 'response';
dispatch = require('executeAfter')(dispatch, function() {
require('Arbiter').inform('AsyncRequest/' + arbiter_event, {
request: this,
response: response
var replace = false;
if (this.preBootloadHandler) replace = this.preBootloadHandler(response);
response.css = response.css || [];
response.js = response.js || [];
require('Bootloader').loadResources(response.css.concat(response.js), require('AsyncRequestConfig').immediateDispatch ? dispatch : function() {
return require('setTimeout')(dispatch, 0);
}, replace, this.getURI());
var fields = {
uri: this.uri,
components: Object.keys(response.bootloadable || {}),
resourceCounts: resourceCounts
require('Arbiter').inform(EVENTS.SR_PAYLOAD, fields, require('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT);
} else if (typeof interpreted.transportError !== 'undefined') {
if (this._xFbServer) {
} else this._invokeErrorHandler(1012);
} else this._invokeErrorHandler(1007);
AsyncRequest.prototype._logError = function(response) {
'use strict';
if (this.logErrorsEnabled && !this.getOption('suppressErrorAlerts')) {
var message = void 0;
try {
message = JSON.stringify(response);
} catch (e) {
try {
message = JSON.stringify({
error: response.error,
errorSummary: response.errorSummary,
errorDescription: response.errorDescription
} catch (ee) {
message = 'Too many circular references in the error message.';
require('ErrorUtils').reportError(new Error(message), true);
AsyncRequest.prototype._invokeErrorHandler = function(explicitError) {
'use strict';
var transport = this.transport;
if (!transport) return;
var error;
if (this.responseText === '') {
error = 1002;
} else if (this._requestAborted) {
error = 1011;
} else {
try {
error = explicitError || transport.status || 1004;
} catch (e2) {
error = 1005;
if (false === navigator.onLine) error = 1006;
var desc, summary, silent = true;
if (error === 1006) {
summary = fbt._("No Network Connection");
desc = fbt._("Your browser appears to be offline. Please check your internet connection and try again.");
} else if (error >= 300 && error <= 399) {
summary = fbt._("Redirection");
desc = fbt._("Your access to Facebook was redirected or blocked by a third party at this time, please contact your ISP or reload.");
var location = transport.getResponseHeader('Location');
if (location) require('goURI')(location, true);
silent = true;
} else {
summary = fbt._("Oops");
desc = fbt._("Something went wrong. We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can. You may be able to try again.");
var async_response = new(require('AsyncResponse'))(this, transport);
Object.assign(async_response, {
error: error,
errorSummary: summary,
errorDescription: desc,
silentError: silent
require('AsyncFeatureLogging').maybeLogAsyncResponse('_invokeErrorHandler', this, async_response);
if (this._timesliceInteraction != null) this._timesliceInteraction.inform('async_transport_error_received').addStringAnnotation('error_code', error.toString());
require('setTimeout')(function() {
require('Arbiter').inform('AsyncRequest/error', {
request: this,
response: async_response
}.bind(this), 0);
if (hasUnloaded() && !this.getOption('handleErrorAfterUnload')) return;
if (!this.transportErrorHandler) return;
var error_handler = this.getTransportErrorHandler().bind(this);
require('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(this._dispatchErrorResponse, this, [async_response, error_handler]);
AsyncRequest.prototype._solveQuicksandChallenge = function(async_response) {
'use strict';
var payload = async_response.getPayload();
require('Bootloader').loadModules(["QuickSandSolver"], function(QuickSandSolver) {
QuickSandSolver.solveAndSendRequestBack(this, payload);
}.bind(this), 'AsyncRequest');
AsyncRequest.prototype._displayServerDialog = function(async_response, is_confirmation) {
var allow_get = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
'use strict';
var payload = async_response.getPayload();
if (payload.__dialog !== undefined) {
this._displayServerLegacyDialog(async_response, is_confirmation);
var json = payload.__dialogx;
require('Bootloader').loadModules(["ConfirmationDialog"], function(ConfirmationDialog) {
ConfirmationDialog.setupConfirmation(async_response, this, allow_get);
}.bind(this), 'AsyncRequest');
AsyncRequest.prototype._displayServerLegacyDialog = function(async_response, is_confirmation) {
'use strict';
var model = async_response.getPayload().__dialog;
require('Bootloader').loadModules(["Dialog"], function(Dialog) {
var dialog = new Dialog(model);
if (is_confirmation) dialog.setHandler(this._displayConfirmationHandler.bind(this, dialog));
dialog.setCancelHandler(function() {
var handler = this.getServerDialogCancelHandler();
try {
handler && handler(async_response);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
}.bind(this), 'AsyncRequest');
AsyncRequest.prototype._displayConfirmationHandler = function(dialog) {
'use strict'; = 1;
Object.assign(, dialog.getFormData());
AsyncRequest.prototype.setJSONPTransport = function(transport) {
'use strict';
transport.subscribe('response', this._handleJSONPResponse.bind(this));
transport.subscribe('abort', this._handleJSONPAbort.bind(this));
this.transport = transport;
AsyncRequest.prototype._handleJSONPResponse = function(_, data) {
'use strict';
var transport = this.transport;
if (!transport) return;
this.is_first = this.is_first === undefined;
var interpreted = this._interpretResponse(data);
interpreted.asyncResponse.is_first = this.is_first;
interpreted.asyncResponse.is_last = transport.hasFinished();
if (transport.hasFinished()) delete this.transport;
AsyncRequest.prototype._handleJSONPAbort = function() {
'use strict';
delete this.transport;
AsyncRequest.prototype._handleXHRResponse = function(transport) {
'use strict';
var interpreted;
if (this.getOption('suppressEvaluation')) {
interpreted = {
asyncResponse: new(require('AsyncResponse'))(this, transport)
require('AsyncFeatureLogging').maybeLogAsyncResponse('_handleXHRResponse:suppressEvaluation', this, interpreted.asyncResponse);
} else {
var text = transport.responseText,
error = null;
try {
var safe_text = this._unshieldResponseText(text);
try {
var response = eval('(' + safe_text + ')');
interpreted = this._interpretResponse(response);
} catch (exception) {
error = 'excep';
interpreted = {
transportError: 'eval() failed on async to ' + this.getURI()
} catch (exception) {
error = 'empty';
interpreted = {
transportError: exception.message
if (error) {
var ErrorSignal = global.ErrorSignal;
ErrorSignal && ErrorSignal.sendErrorSignal('async_xport_resp', [(this._xFbServer ? '1008_' : '1012_') + error, this._xFbServer || '-', this.getURI(), text.length, text.substr(0, 1600)].join(':'));
AsyncRequest.prototype._unshieldResponseText = function(text) {
'use strict';
var shield = "for (;;);",
shieldlen = shield.length;
if (text.length <= shieldlen) throw new Error('Response too short on async to ' + this.getURI());
var offset = 0;
while (text.charAt(offset) == " " || text.charAt(offset) == "\n") offset++;
offset && text.substring(offset, offset + shieldlen) == shield;
return text.substring(offset + shieldlen);
AsyncRequest.prototype._interpretResponse = function(response) {
'use strict';
if (response.redirect) return {
redirect: response.redirect
var r = new(require('AsyncResponse'))(this);
if (response.__ar != 1) {
r.payload = response;
} else Object.assign(r, response);
require('AsyncFeatureLogging').maybeLogAsyncResponse('_interpretResponse', this, response);
return {
asyncResponse: r
AsyncRequest.prototype._isMultiplexable = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.getOption('jsonp') || this.getOption('useIframeTransport')) return false;
if (!require('isFacebookURI')(new(require('URI'))(this.uri))) return false;
if (!this.getOption('asynchronous_DEPRECATED')) return false;
return true;
AsyncRequest.prototype._applyFinallyHandler = function(response) {
'use strict';
require('AsyncFeature').__invokeWithServerBitMap(response.__sf, function() {
var timesliceInteraction = this._timesliceInteraction;
if (timesliceInteraction) {
timesliceInteraction.invokeWithProfiling('finally_handler', function() {
return this.finallyHandler(response);
} else this.finallyHandler(response);
AsyncRequest.prototype.handleResponse = function(response) {
'use strict';
var interpreted = this._interpretResponse(response);
AsyncRequest.prototype.setMethod = function(m) {
'use strict';
this.method = m.toString().toUpperCase();
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getMethod = function() {
'use strict';
return this.method;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setData = function(obj) {
'use strict'; = obj;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader = function(name, value) {
'use strict';
this.headers[name] = value;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setRawData = function(raw_data) {
'use strict';
this.rawData = raw_data;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getData = function() {
'use strict';
AsyncRequest.prototype.setContextData = function(key, value, enabled) {
'use strict';
enabled = enabled === undefined ? true : enabled;
if (enabled) this.context['_log_' + key] = value;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype._setUserActionID = function() {
'use strict';
this.userActionID = (require('SessionName').getName() || '-') + '/-';
AsyncRequest.prototype.setURI = function(uri) {
'use strict';
var uri_obj = new(require('URI'))(uri);
if (this.getOption('useIframeTransport') && !require('isFacebookURI')(uri_obj)) return this;
if (!this._allowCrossOrigin && !this.getOption('jsonp') && !this.getOption('useIframeTransport') && !uri_obj.isSameOrigin()) return this;
if (!uri || uri_obj.isEmpty()) {
var ErrorSignal = global.ErrorSignal;
if (ErrorSignal) {
var data = {
err_code: 1013,
vip: '-',
duration: 0,
xfb_ip: '-',
path: window.location.href,
aid: this.userActionID
ErrorSignal.sendErrorSignal('async_error', JSON.stringify(data));
ErrorSignal.sendErrorSignal('async_xport_stack', [1013, window.location.href, null, require('ErrorUtils').normalizeError(new Error()).stack].join(':'));
return this;
this.uri = require('ZeroRewrites').rewriteURI(uri_obj);
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getURI = function() {
'use strict';
return this.uri.toString();
AsyncRequest.prototype.setInitialHandler = function(fn) {
'use strict';
this.initialHandler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setHandler = function(fn) {
'use strict';
if (validateResponseHandler(fn)) this.handler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getHandler = function() {
'use strict';
var func = this.handler || require('emptyFunction'),
timesliceInteraction = this._timesliceInteraction;
if (timesliceInteraction) return function(response) {
return timesliceInteraction.invokeWithProfiling('handler', function() {
return func(response);
return func;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setUploadProgressHandler = function(fn) {
'use strict';
if (validateResponseHandler(fn)) this.uploadProgressHandler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setErrorHandler = function(fn) {
'use strict';
if (validateResponseHandler(fn)) this.errorHandler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setTransportErrorHandler = function(fn) {
'use strict';
this.transportErrorHandler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getErrorHandler = function() {
'use strict';
var func = this.errorHandler || require('emptyFunction'),
timesliceInteraction = this._timesliceInteraction;
if (timesliceInteraction) return function(response) {
return timesliceInteraction.invokeWithProfiling('error_handler', function() {
return func(response);
return func;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getTransportErrorHandler = function() {
'use strict';
var func = this.transportErrorHandler || require('emptyFunction'),
timesliceInteraction = this._timesliceInteraction;
if (timesliceInteraction) return function(response) {
return timesliceInteraction.invokeWithProfiling('transport_error_handler', function() {
return func(response);
return func;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setTimeoutHandler = function(timeout, fn) {
'use strict';
if (validateResponseHandler(fn)) {
this.timeout = timeout;
this.timeoutHandler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.resetTimeout = function(timeout) {
'use strict';
if (!(this.timeoutHandler === null))
if (timeout === null) {
this.timeout = null;
this.timer = null;
} else {
var clear_on_quickling_event = !this._allowCrossPageTransition;
this.timeout = timeout;
if (clear_on_quickling_event) {
this.timer = require('setTimeout')(this._handleTimeout.bind(this), this.timeout);
} else this.timer = require('setTimeoutAcrossTransitions')(this._handleTimeout.bind(this), this.timeout);
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype._handleTimeout = function() {
'use strict';
this._requestTimeout = true;
var func = this.timeoutHandler;
if (this._timesliceInteraction) {
this._timesliceInteraction.invokeWithProfiling('timeout_handler', function() {
return func && func(this);
} else func && func(this);
timeout: this
AsyncRequest.prototype.disableArtilleryTracing = function() {
'use strict';
this.shouldTraceWithArtillery = false;
this._timesliceInteraction = null;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setNewSerial = function() {
'use strict'; = ++last_id;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setInterceptHandler = function(fn) {
'use strict';
this.interceptHandler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setFinallyHandler = function(fn) {
'use strict';
this.finallyHandler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setAbortHandler = function(fn) {
'use strict';
this.abortHandler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getServerDialogCancelHandler = function() {
'use strict';
return this.serverDialogCancelHandler;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setServerDialogCancelHandler = function(fn) {
'use strict';
this.serverDialogCancelHandler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setPreBootloadHandler = function(fn) {
'use strict';
this.preBootloadHandler = fn;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setReadOnly = function(readOnly) {
'use strict';
if (!(typeof readOnly != 'boolean')) this.readOnly = readOnly;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getReadOnly = function() {
'use strict';
return this.readOnly;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setRelativeTo = function(element) {
'use strict';
this.relativeTo = element;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getRelativeTo = function() {
'use strict';
return this.relativeTo;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setStatusClass = function(c) {
'use strict';
this.statusClass = c;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setStatusElement = function(element) {
'use strict';
this.statusElement = element;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getStatusElement = function() {
'use strict';
return require('ge')(this.statusElement);
AsyncRequest.prototype._isRelevant = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._allowCrossPageTransition) return true;
if (! return true;
return > id_threshold;
AsyncRequest.prototype.clearStatusIndicator = function() {
'use strict';
var statusElem = this.getStatusElement();
if (statusElem) {
require('CSS').removeClass(statusElem, 'async_saving');
require('CSS').removeClass(statusElem, this.statusClass);
AsyncRequest.prototype.addStatusIndicator = function() {
'use strict';
var statusElem = this.getStatusElement();
if (statusElem) {
require('CSS').addClass(statusElem, 'async_saving');
require('CSS').addClass(statusElem, this.statusClass);
AsyncRequest.prototype.specifiesWriteRequiredParams = function() {
'use strict';
return this.writeRequiredParams.every(function(param) {[param] =[param] || require('Env')[param] || (require('ge')(param) || {}).value;
if ([param] !== undefined) return true;
return false;
}, this);
AsyncRequest.prototype.setOption = function(opt, v) {
'use strict';
if (typeof this.option[opt] != 'undefined') this.option[opt] = v;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.getOption = function(opt) {
'use strict';
typeof this.option[opt] == 'undefined';
return this.option[opt];
AsyncRequest.prototype.abort = function() {
'use strict';
var transport = this.transport;
if (transport) {
var old_handler = this.getTransportErrorHandler();
this.setOption('suppressErrorAlerts', true);
this._requestAborted = true;
AsyncRequest.prototype.abandon = function() {
'use strict';
this.setOption('suppressErrorAlerts', true).setHandler(require('emptyFunction')).setErrorHandler(require('emptyFunction')).setTransportErrorHandler(require('emptyFunction'));
if (this.transport) {
this._requestAborted = true;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setNectarData = function(nctrParams) {
'use strict';
if (nctrParams) {
if ( === undefined) = {};
Object.assign(, nctrParams);
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setNectarModuleDataSafe = function(elem) {
'use strict';
var setNectarModuleData = this.setNectarModuleData;
if (setNectarModuleData), elem);
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setAllowCrossPageTransition = function(allow) {
'use strict';
this._allowCrossPageTransition = !!allow;
if (this.timer) this.resetTimeout(this.timeout);
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setAllowIrrelevantRequests = function(allowIrrelevantRequests) {
'use strict';
this._allowIrrelevantRequests = allowIrrelevantRequests;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setAllowCrossOrigin = function(allow) {
'use strict';
this._allowCrossOrigin = allow;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setAllowCredentials = function(allow) {
'use strict';
this._allowCredentials = allow;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setIsBackgroundRequest = function(isBackgroundRequest) {
'use strict';
this._isBackgroundRequest = isBackgroundRequest;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.setTimeSliceInteraction = function(interaction) {
'use strict';
if (this.shouldTraceWithArtillery) this._timesliceInteraction = interaction;
return this;
AsyncRequest.prototype.send = function(isRetry) {
var _uri$addQueryData;
'use strict';
isRetry = isRetry || false;
if (!this.uri) return false;
!this.errorHandler && !this.getOption('suppressErrorHandlerWarning');
if (this.getOption('jsonp') && this.method != 'GET') this.setMethod('GET');
if (this.getOption('useIframeTransport') && this.method != 'GET') this.setMethod('GET');
this.timeoutHandler !== null && (this.getOption('jsonp') || this.getOption('useIframeTransport'));
if (!this.getReadOnly()) {
if (this.method != 'POST') return false;
Object.assign(, require('getAsyncParams')(this.method));
var timesliceInteraction = this._timesliceInteraction;
if (this.shouldTraceWithArtillery) {
if (!timesliceInteraction) {
timesliceInteraction = require('TimeSliceInteraction').create('async_request');
this._timesliceInteraction = timesliceInteraction;
timesliceInteraction.trace().addStringAnnotation('uri', this.getURI());
timesliceInteraction.inform('async_request_sent', {
type: require('ArtilleryJSPointTypes').ASYNC_REQUEST_SENT
if (!require('isEmpty')(this.context)) {
Object.assign(, this.context); = 1;
if (require('Env').force_param) Object.assign(, require('Env').force_param);
if (this.getOption('bundle') && this._isMultiplexable()) {
return true;
if (!this.getOption('asynchronous_DEPRECATED')) this.uri.addQueryData({
__s: 1
this.uri.addQueryData((_uri$addQueryData = {}, _uri$addQueryData[require('PixelRatioConst').cookieName] = require('WebPixelRatio').getOriginalValue(), _uri$addQueryData));
require('Arbiter').inform('AsyncRequest/send', {
request: this
var uri_str, query;
if (this.method == 'GET' || this.rawData) {
uri_str = this.uri.addQueryData(;
query = this.rawData || '';
} else {
if (this._allowCrossOrigin) this.uri.addQueryData({
__a: 1
uri_str = this.uri.toString();
query = require('PHPQuerySerializer').serialize(;
if (this.transport) return false;
if (this.getOption('jsonp') || this.getOption('useIframeTransport')) {
requireLazy(['JSONPTransport'], function(JSONPTransport) {
var transport = new JSONPTransport(this.getOption('jsonp') ? 'jsonp' : 'iframe', this.uri);
return true;
var transport = require('ZeroRewrites').getTransportBuilderForURI(this.uri)();
if (!transport) return false;
var guardedOnReadyStateChange = require('TimeSlice').guard(this._onStateChange, 'XHR.onreadystatechange', {
isContinuation: true
transport.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (transport.readyState === 4) guardedOnReadyStateChange();
if (this.uploadProgressHandler && supportsUploadProgress(transport)) transport.upload.onprogress = this.uploadProgressHandler.bind(this);
if (!isRetry) this.remainingRetries = this.getOption('retries');
if (global.ErrorSignal) this._sendTimeStamp = this._sendTimeStamp ||;
this.transport = transport;
try {, uri_str, this.getOption('asynchronous_DEPRECATED'));
} catch (exception) {
return false;
if (!this.uri.isSameOrigin() && !this.getOption('jsonp') && !this.getOption('useIframeTransport')) {
if (!supportsCrossOrigin(transport)) return false;
if ((require('isFacebookURI')(new(require('URI'))(this.uri)) || require('isMessengerDotComURI')(this.uri)) && this._allowCredentials !== false) transport.withCredentials = true;
if (this.method == 'POST' && !this.rawData) transport.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
if (this._isBackgroundRequest) transport.setRequestHeader('X_FB_BACKGROUND_STATE', '1');
var asyncHeaders = require('getAsyncHeaders')(this.uri);
Object.keys(asyncHeaders).forEach(function(name) {
transport && transport.setRequestHeader(name, asyncHeaders[name]);
require('Arbiter').inform('AsyncRequest/will_send', {
request: this
if (transport)
for (var headerName in this.headers)
if (this.headers.hasOwnProperty(headerName)) transport.setRequestHeader(headerName, this.headers[headerName]);
if (this.timeout !== null) this.resetTimeout(this.timeout);
require('ProfilingCounters').incrementCounter('ASYNC_REQUEST_COUNT', 1);
return true;
AsyncRequest._inflightAdd = function(ar) {
'use strict';
AsyncRequest._inflightPurge = function() {
'use strict';
AsyncRequest._inflight = AsyncRequest._inflight.filter(function(ar) {
return ar.transport && ar.transport.readyState < 4;
AsyncRequest.prototype.exec = function(isRetry) {
'use strict';
if (this.getHandler() !== require('emptyFunction') || this.getErrorHandler() !== require('AsyncResponse').defaultErrorHandler) throw new Error('exec is an async function and does not allow previously set handlers');
return new(require('Promise'))(function(resolve, reject) {
AsyncRequest.bootstrap = function(href, elem, is_post) {
'use strict';
var method = 'GET',
readonly = true,
data = {};
if (is_post || elem && elem.rel == 'async-post') {
method = 'POST';
readonly = false;
if (href) {
href = new(require('URI'))(href);
data = href.getQueryData();
var status_elem = require('Parent').byClass(elem, 'stat_elem') || elem;
if (status_elem && require('CSS').hasClass(status_elem, 'async_saving')) return false;
var async = new AsyncRequest(href).setReadOnly(readonly).setMethod(method).setData(data).setNectarModuleDataSafe(elem).setRelativeTo(elem);
if (elem) {
async.setHandler(function(response) {
require('Event').fire(elem, 'success', {
response: response
async.setErrorHandler(function(response) {
if (require('Event').fire(elem, 'error', {
response: response
}) !== false) require('AsyncResponse').defaultErrorHandler(response);
if (status_elem) {
var status_class = status_elem.getAttribute('data-status-class');
status_class && async.setStatusClass(status_class);
return false;
}; = function(href, data) {
'use strict';
new AsyncRequest(href).setReadOnly(false).setMethod('POST').setData(data).send();
return false;
AsyncRequest.getLastID = function() {
'use strict';
return last_id;
AsyncRequest.getInflightCount = function() {
'use strict';
return this._inflightCount;
AsyncRequest._inflightEnable = function() {
'use strict';
if (require('UserAgent_DEPRECATED').ie()) require('Run').onUnload(function() {
AsyncRequest._inflight.forEach(function(ar) {
if (ar.transport && ar.transport.readyState < 4) {
delete ar.transport;
var _asyncMultiplex, _pendingAsyncMultiplexes = [];
function AsyncMultiplex() {
'use strict';
this._requests = [];
AsyncMultiplex.prototype.add = function(request) {
'use strict';
AsyncMultiplex.prototype.remove = function(request) {
'use strict';
var requests = this._requests,
requestsSent = this._requestsSent;
for (var ii = 0, jj = requests.length; ii < jj; ii++)
if (requests[ii] === request)
if (requestsSent) {
requests[ii] = null;
} else requests.splice(ii, 1);
AsyncMultiplex.prototype.send = function() {
'use strict';
!this._requestsSent || invariant(0);
this._requestsSent = true;
this._wrapperRequest = null;
var requests = this._requests;
if (!requests.length) return;
var request;
if (requests.length === 1) {
request = requests[0];
} else {
var data = requests.filter(Boolean).map(function(request) {
return [request.uri.getPath(), require('PHPQuerySerializer').serialize(];
request = this._wrapperRequest = new AsyncRequest('/ajax/proxy.php').setAllowCrossPageTransition(true).setData({
data: data
request && request.setOption('bundle', false).send();
AsyncMultiplex.prototype._handler = function(response) {
'use strict';
var responses = response.getPayload().responses;
if (responses.length !== this._requests.length) return;
for (var ii = 0; ii < this._requests.length; ii++) {
var request = this._requests[ii];
if (!request) continue;
var request_path = request.uri.getPath();
if (this._wrapperRequest) =;
if (responses[ii][0] !== request_path) {
transportError: 'Wrong response order in bundled request to ' + request_path
_pendingAsyncMultiplexes.splice(_pendingAsyncMultiplexes.indexOf(this, 1));
AsyncMultiplex.prototype._transportErrorHandler = function(response) {
'use strict';
var interpreted = {
transportError: response.errorDescription
paths = this._requests.filter(Boolean).map(function(request) {
if (this._wrapperRequest) =;
return request.uri.getPath();
}, this);
AsyncMultiplex.schedule = function(request) {
'use strict';
if (!_asyncMultiplex) {
_asyncMultiplex = new AsyncMultiplex();
require('setTimeout')(function() {
if (_asyncMultiplex) {
_asyncMultiplex = null;
}, 0);
return _asyncMultiplex;
AsyncMultiplex.unschedule = function(request) {
'use strict';
_pendingAsyncMultiplexes.forEach(function(asyncMultiplex) {
AsyncRequest.EVENTS = EVENTS;
AsyncRequest.suppressOnloadToken = {};
AsyncRequest._inflight = [];
AsyncRequest._inflightCount = 0;
AsyncRequest._inflightAdd = require('emptyFunction');
AsyncRequest._inflightPurge = require('emptyFunction');
global.AsyncRequest = AsyncRequest;
module.exports = AsyncRequest;
}), null);
__d('Random', ['ServerNonce', 'Alea'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = 4294967296,
i = c('ServerNonce').ServerNonce,
j = c('Alea')(i),
k = {
random: function l() {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof Uint32Array !== 'undefined') {
var m = new Uint32Array(1);
if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues) {
return window.crypto.getRandomValues(m)[0] / h;
} else if (window.msCrypto && window.msCrypto.getRandomValues) return window.msCrypto.getRandomValues(m)[0] / h;
return j();
uint32: function l() {
return Math.floor(this.random() * h);
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('getElementRect', ['containsNode'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
var j = i.ownerDocument.documentElement;
if (!('getBoundingClientRect' in i) || !c('containsNode')(j, i)) return {
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0
var k = i.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
left: Math.round(k.left) - j.clientLeft,
right: Math.round(k.right) - j.clientLeft,
top: Math.round( - j.clientTop,
bottom: Math.round(k.bottom) - j.clientTop
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('getElementPosition', ['getElementRect'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
var j = c('getElementRect')(i);
return {
x: j.left,
width: j.right - j.left,
height: j.bottom -
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('Form', ['DataStore', 'DOM', 'DOMQuery', 'DTSG', 'Input', 'LSD', 'Random', 'PHPQuerySerializer', 'URI', 'getElementPosition', 'isFacebookURI', 'isNode'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 'FileList' in window,
i = 'FormData' in window;
function j(l) {
var m = {};
c('PHPQuerySerializer').serialize(l).split('&').forEach(function(n) {
if (n) {
var o = /^([^=]*)(?:=(.*))?$/.exec(n),
p = c('URI').decodeComponent(o[1]),
q = o[2] !== undefined,
r = q ? c('URI').decodeComponent(o[2]) : null;
m[p] = r;
return m;
var k = {
getInputs: function l() {
var m = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? document : arguments[0];
return [].concat(c('DOMQuery').scry(m, 'input'), c('DOMQuery').scry(m, 'select'), c('DOMQuery').scry(m, 'textarea'), c('DOMQuery').scry(m, 'button'));
getInputsByName: function l(m) {
var n = {};
k.getInputs(m).forEach(function(o) {
var p = n[];
n[] = typeof p === 'undefined' ? o : [o].concat(p);
return n;
getSelectValue: function l(m) {
return m.options[m.selectedIndex].value;
setSelectValue: function l(m, n) {
for (var o = 0; o < m.options.length; ++o)
if (m.options[o].value == n) {
m.selectedIndex = o;
getRadioValue: function l(m) {
for (var n = 0; n < m.length; n++)
if (m[n].checked) return m[n].value;
return null;
getElements: function l(m) {
return m.tagName == 'FORM' && m.elements != m ? Array.from(m.elements) : k.getInputs(m);
getAttribute: function l(m, n) {
return (m.getAttributeNode(n) || {}).value || null;
setDisabled: function l(m, n) {
k.getElements(m).forEach(function(o) {
if (o.disabled !== undefined) {
var p = c('DataStore').get(o, 'origDisabledState');
if (n) {
if (p === undefined) c('DataStore').set(o, 'origDisabledState', o.disabled);
o.disabled = n;
} else if (p === false) o.disabled = false;
forEachValue: function l(m, n, o) {
k.getElements(m).forEach(function(p) {
if (! || p.disabled) return;
if (p.type === 'submit') return;
if (p.type === 'reset' || p.type === 'button' || p.type === 'image') return;
if ((p.type === 'radio' || p.type === 'checkbox') && !p.checked) return;
if (p.nodeName === 'SELECT') {
for (var q = 0, r = p.options.length; q < r; q++) {
var s = p.options[q];
if (s.selected) o('select',, s.value);
if (p.type === 'file') {
if (h) {
var t = p.files;
for (var u = 0; u < t.length; u++) o('file',, t.item(u));
o(p.type,, c('Input').getValue(p));
if (n && && n.type === 'submit' && c('DOMQuery').contains(m, n) && c('DOMQuery').isNodeOfType(n, ['input', 'button'])) o('submit',, n.value);
createFormData: function l(m, n) {
if (!i) return null;
var o = new FormData();
if (m)
if (c('isNode')(m)) {
k.forEachValue(m, n, function(r, s, t) {
o.append(s, t);
} else {
var p = j(m);
for (var q in p)
if (p[q] == null) {
o.append(q, '');
} else o.append(q, p[q]);
return o;
serialize: function l(m, n) {
var o = {};
k.forEachValue(m, n, function(p, q, r) {
if (p === 'file') return;
k._serializeHelper(o, q, r);
return k._serializeFix(o);
_serializeHelper: function l(m, n, o) {
var p = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
q = /([^\]]+)\[([^\]]*)\](.*)/.exec(n);
if (q) {
if (!m[q[1]] || !, q[1])) {
var r;
m[q[1]] = r = {};
if (m[q[1]] !== r) return;
var s = 0;
if (q[2] === '') {
while (m[q[1]][s] !== undefined) s++;
} else s = q[2];
if (q[3] === '') {
m[q[1]][s] = o;
} else k._serializeHelper(m[q[1]], s.concat(q[3]), o);
} else m[n] = o;
_serializeFix: function l(m) {
for (var n in m)
if (m[n] instanceof Object) m[n] = k._serializeFix(m[n]);
var o = Object.keys(m);
if (o.length === 0 || o.some(isNaN)) return m;
o.sort(function(r, s) {
return r - s;
var p = 0,
q = o.every(function(r) {
return +r === p++;
if (q) return {
return m[r];
return m;
post: function l(m, n, o) {
var p = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? true : arguments[3],
q = new(c('URI'))(m),
r = document.createElement('form');
r.action = q.toString();
r.method = 'POST'; = 'none';
var s = !c('isFacebookURI')(q);
if (o) {
if (s) {
r.rel = 'noopener';
if (o === '_blank') {
o = btoa(c('Random').uint32());
var t ='about:blank', o);
if (!(t === undefined)) t.opener = null;
} = o;
if (p)
if (!s && q.getSubdomain() !== 'apps') {
n.fb_dtsg = c('DTSG').getToken();
if (c('LSD').token) n.lsd = c('LSD').token;
k.createHiddenInputs(n, r);
return false;
createHiddenInputs: function l(m, n, o) {
var p = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? false : arguments[3];
o = o || {};
var q = j(m);
for (var r in q) {
if (q[r] === null) continue;
if (o[r] && p) {
o[r].value = q[r];
} else {
var s = c('DOM').create('input', {
type: 'hidden',
name: r,
value: q[r]
o[r] = s;
return o;
getFirstElement: function l(m) {
var n = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? ['input[type="text"]', 'textarea', 'input[type="password"]', 'input[type="button"]', 'input[type="submit"]'] : arguments[1],
o = [];
for (var p = 0; p < n.length; p++) {
o = c('DOMQuery').scry(m, n[p]);
for (var q = 0; q < o.length; q++) {
var r = o[q];
try {
var t = c('getElementPosition')(r);
if (t.y > 0 && t.x > 0) return r;
} catch (s) {}
return null;
focusFirst: function l(m) {
var n = k.getFirstElement(m);
if (n) {
return true;
return false;
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('trackReferrer', ['Cookie', 'Parent'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = /^(?:(?:[^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:[^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/;
function i(k) {
return h.exec(k)[1] || '';
function j(k, l) {
k = c('Parent').byAttribute(k, 'data-referrer');
if (k) {
var m = i(l);
if (!m) return;
var n = m + '|' + k.getAttribute('data-referrer');
c('Cookie').set('x-src', n, 1000);
return k;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('FormSubmit', ['AsyncRequest', 'AsyncResponse', 'CSS', 'DOMQuery', 'Event', 'Form', 'Parent', 'trackReferrer'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
send: function i(j, k) {
var l = (c('Form').getAttribute(j, 'method') || 'GET').toUpperCase();
k = c('Parent').byTag(k, 'button') || k;
var m = c('Parent').byClass(k, 'stat_elem') || j;
if (c('CSS').hasClass(m, 'async_saving')) return null;
if (k && (k.form !== j || k.nodeName != 'INPUT' && k.nodeName != 'BUTTON' || k.type != 'submit')) {
var n = c('DOMQuery').scry(j, '.enter_submit_target')[0];
n && (k = n);
var o = c('Form').serialize(j, k);
c('Form').setDisabled(j, true);
var p = c('Form').getAttribute(j, 'ajaxify') || c('Form').getAttribute(j, 'action'),
q = !!c('Form').getAttribute(j, 'data-cors');
c('trackReferrer')(j, p);
var r = new(c('AsyncRequest'))().setAllowCrossOrigin(q).setURI(p).setData(o).setNectarModuleDataSafe(j).setReadOnly(l == 'GET').setMethod(l).setRelativeTo(j).setStatusElement(m).setInitialHandler(c('Form').setDisabled.bind(null, j, false)).setHandler(function(s) {
c('Event').fire(j, 'success', {
response: s
}).setErrorHandler(function(s) {
if (c('Event').fire(j, 'error', {
response: s
}) !== false) c('AsyncResponse').defaultErrorHandler(s);
}).setFinallyHandler(c('Form').setDisabled.bind(null, j, false));
return r;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PlatformWidgetEndpoint', ['PlatformBaseVersioning'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(m, n) {
return c('PlatformBaseVersioning').versionAwarePath('/dialog' + '/' + m + (n ? '/' + n : ''));
function i(m, n) {
return c('PlatformBaseVersioning').versionAwarePath('/plugins' + '/' + m + (n ? '/' + n : ''));
function j(m) {
return /^\/plugins\//.test(c('PlatformBaseVersioning').getUnversionedPath(m));
function k(m) {
return /^\/dialog\//.test(c('PlatformBaseVersioning').getUnversionedPath(m));
var l = {
dialog: h,
plugins: i,
isPluginEndpoint: j,
isDialogEndpoint: k
f.exports = l;
}), null);
__d('ArbiterFrame', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
inform: function i(j, k, l) {
var m = parent.frames,
n = m.length,
k.crossFrame = true;
for (var p = 0; p < n; p++) {
o = m[p];
try {
if (!o || o == window) continue;
if (o.require) {
o.require('Arbiter').inform(j, k, l);
} else if (o.ServerJSAsyncLoader) o.ServerJSAsyncLoader.wakeUp(j, k, l);
} catch (q) {}
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('Plugin', ['Arbiter', 'ArbiterFrame'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
CONNECT: 'platform/plugins/connect',
DISCONNECT: 'platform/plugins/disconnect',
ERROR: 'platform/plugins/error',
RELOAD: 'platform/plugins/reload',
DIALOG: 'platform/plugins/dialog',
connect: function i(j, k) {
var l = {
identifier: j,
href: j,
story_fbid: k
c('Arbiter').inform(h.CONNECT, l);
c('ArbiterFrame').inform(h.CONNECT, l);
disconnect: function i(j, k) {
var l = {
identifier: j,
href: j,
story_fbid: k
c('Arbiter').inform(h.DISCONNECT, l);
c('ArbiterFrame').inform(h.DISCONNECT, l);
error: function i(j, k) {
c('Arbiter').inform(h.ERROR, {
action: j,
content: k
reload: function i(j) {
c('Arbiter').inform(h.RELOAD, {
reloadUrl: j || ''
c('ArbiterFrame').inform(h.RELOAD, {
reloadUrl: j || ''
reloadOtherPlugins: function i(j, k) {
c('ArbiterFrame').inform(h.RELOAD, {
reloadUrl: '',
reload: j || '',
identifier: k || ''
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("PluginConnectButtonType", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
}), null);
__d('csx', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
throw new Error('csx: Unexpected class selector transformation.');
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('Button', ['csx', 'cx', 'CSS', 'DataStore', 'DOM', 'Event', 'Parent', 'emptyFunction', 'isNode'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
var j = 'uiButtonDisabled',
k = 'uiButtonDepressed',
l = "_42fr",
m = "_42fs",
n = 'button:blocker',
o = 'href',
p = 'ajaxify';
function q(w, x) {
var y = c('DataStore').get(w, n);
if (x) {
if (y) {
c('DataStore').remove(w, n);
} else if (!y) c('DataStore').set(w, n, c('Event').listen(w, 'click', c('emptyFunction').thatReturnsFalse, c('Event').Priority.URGENT));
function r(w) {
var x = c('Parent').byClass(w, 'uiButton') || c('Parent').bySelector(w, "._42ft");
if (!x) throw new Error('invalid use case');
return x;
function s(w) {
return c('DOM').isNodeOfType(w, 'a');
function t(w) {
return c('DOM').isNodeOfType(w, 'button');
function u(w) {
return c('CSS').matchesSelector(w, "._42ft");
var v = {
getInputElement: function w(x) {
x = r(x);
if (s(x)) throw new Error('invalid use case');
return t(x) ? x : c('DOM').find(x, 'input');
isEnabled: function w(x) {
return !(c('CSS').hasClass(r(x), j) || c('CSS').hasClass(r(x), l));
setEnabled: function w(x, y) {
x = r(x);
var z = u(x) ? l : j;
c('CSS').conditionClass(x, z, !y);
if (s(x)) {
var aa = x.getAttribute('href'),
ba = x.getAttribute('ajaxify'),
ca = c('DataStore').get(x, o, '#'),
da = c('DataStore').get(x, p);
if (y) {
if (!aa) x.setAttribute('href', ca);
if (!ba && da) x.setAttribute('ajaxify', da);
} else {
if (aa && aa !== ca) c('DataStore').set(x, o, aa);
if (ba && ba !== da) c('DataStore').set(x, p, ba);
x.setAttribute('tabIndex', '-1');
q(x, y);
} else {
var ea = v.getInputElement(x);
ea.disabled = !y;
q(ea, y);
setDepressed: function w(x, y) {
x = r(x);
var z = u(x) ? m : k;
c('CSS').conditionClass(x, z, y);
isDepressed: function w(x) {
x = r(x);
var y = u(x) ? m : k;
return c('CSS').hasClass(x, y);
setLabel: function w(x, y) {
x = r(x);
if (u(x)) {
var z = [];
if (y) z.push(y);
var aa = c('DOM').scry(x, '.img')[0];
if (aa)
if (x.firstChild == aa) {
} else z.push(aa);
c('DOM').setContent(x, z);
} else if (s(x)) {
var ba = c('DOM').find(x, 'span.uiButtonText');
c('DOM').setContent(ba, y);
} else v.getInputElement(x).value = y;
var ca = u(x) ? "_42fv" : 'uiButtonNoText';
c('CSS').conditionClass(x, ca, !y);
getIcon: function w(x) {
x = r(x);
return c('DOM').scry(x, '.img')[0];
setIcon: function w(x, y) {
if (y && !c('isNode')(y)) return;
var z = v.getIcon(x);
if (!y) {
z && c('DOM').remove(z);
c('CSS').addClass(y, 'customimg');
if (z != y)
if (z) {
c('DOM').replace(z, y);
} else c('DOM').prependContent(r(x), y);
f.exports = v;
}), null);
__d("debounceCore", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j, k, l, m) {
l = l || setTimeout;
m = m || clearTimeout;
var n = void 0;
function o() {
for (var p = arguments.length, q = Array(p), r = 0; r < p; r++) q[r] = arguments[r];
var s = function t() {
i.apply(k, q);
s.__SMmeta = i.__SMmeta;
n = l(s, j);
o.reset = function() {
return o;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('debounce', ['debounceCore', 'setTimeout'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j, k, l) {
if (j == null) j = 100;
var m = function n(o, p, q) {
return c('setTimeout')(o, p, q, !l);
return c('debounceCore')(i, j, k, m);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('TextInputControl', ['DOMControl', 'Event', 'Input', 'debounce'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i;
h = babelHelpers.inherits(j, c('DOMControl'));
i = h && h.prototype;
function j(k) {
'use strict';, k);
var l = this.getRoot(),
m = c('debounce')(this.update.bind(this), 0);
c('Event').listen(l, {
input: m,
keydown: m,
paste: m
j.prototype.setMaxLength = function(k) {
'use strict';
c('Input').setMaxLength(this.getRoot(), k);
return this;
j.prototype.getValue = function() {
'use strict';
return c('Input').getValue(this.getRoot());
j.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
'use strict';
return c('Input').isEmpty(this.getRoot());
j.prototype.setValue = function(k) {
'use strict';
c('Input').setValue(this.getRoot(), k);
return this;
j.prototype.clear = function() {
'use strict';
return this.setValue('');
j.prototype.setPlaceholderText = function(k) {
'use strict';
c('Input').setPlaceholder(this.getRoot(), k);
return this;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('transferTextStyles', ['Style'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
fontFamily: null,
fontSize: null,
fontStyle: null,
fontWeight: null,
lineHeight: null,
wordWrap: null
function i(j, k) {
for (var l in h)
if (h.hasOwnProperty(l)) h[l] = c('Style').get(j, l);
c('Style').apply(k, h);
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('TextMetrics', ['DOM', 'Style', 'UserAgent', 'transferTextStyles'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(j) {
var k = j.clientWidth,
l = c('Style').get(j, '-moz-box-sizing') == 'border-box';
if (l && c('UserAgent').isBrowser('Firefox < 29')) return k;
var m = c('Style').getFloat(j, 'paddingLeft') + c('Style').getFloat(j, 'paddingRight');
return k - m;
function i(j, k) {
'use strict';
this.$TextMetrics1 = j;
this.$TextMetrics2 = !!k;
var l = 'textarea',
m = 'textMetrics';
if (this.$TextMetrics2) {
l = 'div';
m += ' textMetricsInline';
this.$TextMetrics3 = c('DOM').create(l, {
className: m
c('transferTextStyles')(j, this.$TextMetrics3);
i.prototype.measure = function(j) {
'use strict';
var k = this.$TextMetrics1,
l = this.$TextMetrics3;
j = (j || k.value) + '...';
if (!this.$TextMetrics2) {
var m = h(k);
c('Style').set(l, 'width', Math.max(m, 0) + 'px');
if (k.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') {
l.value = j;
} else c('DOM').setContent(l, j);
return {
width: l.scrollWidth,
height: l.scrollHeight
i.prototype.destroy = function() {
'use strict';
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("classWithMixins", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
var k = function l() {
i.apply(this, arguments);
k.prototype = Object.assign(Object.create(i.prototype), j.prototype);
return k;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('TextAreaControl', ['Arbiter', 'ArbiterMixin', 'CSS', 'DOMControl', 'Event', 'Style', 'TextInputControl', 'TextMetrics', 'classWithMixins', 'mixin'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i;
function j(l, m) {
return c('Style').getFloat(l, m) || 0;
h = babelHelpers.inherits(k, c('classWithMixins')(c('TextInputControl'), c('mixin')(c('ArbiterMixin'))));
i = h && h.prototype;
function k(l) {
'use strict';, l);
this.autogrow = c('CSS').hasClass(l, 'uiTextareaAutogrow');
this.autogrowWithPlaceholder = c('CSS').hasClass(l, 'uiTextareaAutogrowWithPlaceholder');
this.width = null;
c('Event').listen(l, 'focus', this._handleFocus.bind(this));
k.prototype.setAutogrow = function(l) {
'use strict';
this.autogrow = l;
return this;
k.prototype.onupdate = function() {
'use strict';;
k.prototype.updateHeight = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.autogrow) {
var l = this.getRoot();
if (!this.metrics) this.metrics = new(c('TextMetrics'))(l);
if (typeof this.initialHeight === 'undefined') {
this.isBorderBox = c('Style').get(l, 'box-sizing') === 'border-box' || c('Style').get(l, '-moz-box-sizing') === 'border-box' || c('Style').get(l, '-webkit-box-sizing') === 'border-box';
this.borderBoxOffset = j(l, 'padding-top') + j(l, 'padding-bottom') + j(l, 'border-top-width') + j(l, 'border-bottom-width');
this.initialHeight = l.offsetHeight - this.borderBoxOffset;
var m = null;
if ((!l.value || l.value.length === 0) && this.autogrowWithPlaceholder) {
m = this.metrics.measure(l.placeholder);
} else m = this.metrics.measure();
var n = Math.max(this.initialHeight, m.height);
if (this.isBorderBox) n += this.borderBoxOffset;
if (this.maxHeight && n > this.maxHeight) {
n = this.maxHeight;
c('Arbiter').inform('maxHeightExceeded', {
textArea: l
if (n !== this.height) {
this.height = n;
c('Style').set(l, 'height', n + 'px');
} else if (this.metrics) {
this.metrics = null;
k.prototype.resetHeight = function() {
'use strict';
this.height = -1;
k.prototype.setMaxHeight = function(l) {
'use strict';
this.maxHeight = l;
k.prototype.setAutogrowWithPlaceholder = function(l) {
'use strict';
this.autogrowWithPlacedholder = l;
k.prototype._handleFocus = function() {
'use strict';
this.width = null;
k.getInstance = function(l) {
'use strict';
return c('DOMControl').getInstance(l) || new k(l);
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('PluginFlyout', ['csx', 'Arbiter', 'Button', 'CSS', 'DOM', 'DOMEvent', 'DOMEventListener', 'Focus', 'FormSubmit', 'Plugin', 'TextAreaControl'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = c('Arbiter').SUBSCRIBE_NEW,
j = c('Arbiter').subscribe,
k = c('Arbiter').inform,
l = function n(o, p) {
return c('DOMEventListener').add(o, 'click', p);
function m(n, o, p) {
var q = this,
r = j(c('Plugin').CONNECT, function(event, s) {
q.init(n, o, p);
q.connect(event, s);
}, i);
j(c('Plugin').DIALOG, function() {
q.init(n, o, p);
}, i);
Object.assign(m.prototype, {
init: function n(o, p, q) {
if (this.initialized) return;
this.initialized = true;
c('DOM').appendContent(o, JSON.parse(q));
var r = c('DOM').find(o, 'form'),
s = c('DOM').find(r, "._56zw"),
t = c('DOM').find(r, "._56zx"),
u = c('DOM').find(r, "._42x4"),
v = c('TextAreaControl').getInstance(u);
c('DOMEventListener').add(u, 'keyup', function(z) {
c('Button').setEnabled(s, !!v.getValue());
c('DOMEventListener').add(window, 'keydown', function(z) {
if (z.keyCode === 27) x();
c('DOMEventListener').add(r, 'submit', function(z) {
var w = p === 'tiny' ? c('DOM').find(document.body, '.pluginPostFlyoutPrompt') : null;
this.flyout = o;
this.form = r;
this.post_button = s;
this.prompt = w;
var x = this.hide.bind(this),
y =;
l(t, function(z) {
if (w) l(w, function(z) {
j(c('Plugin').CONNECT, this.connect.bind(this), i);
j(c('Plugin').DISCONNECT, function() {
}, i);
j(m.SUCCESS, function() {
if (w) c('CSS').hide(w);
}, i);
j(c('Plugin').ERROR, function(event, z) {
if (z.action !== 'comment') return;
c('DOM').setContent(c('DOM').find(r, "._56zy"), z.content);
}, i);
connect: function n(event, o) {
if (o.crossFrame) return;
if (this.prompt) c('CSS').show(this.prompt);
if (!o.story_fbid);
show: function n() {
this.shown = true;
var o = c('DOM').scry(this.form, "._5jjo");
if (o) {
} else c('Focus').set(this.form.comment);
hide: function n() {
this.shown = false;
toggle: function n() {
if (this.shown) {
} else;
Object.assign(m, {
SUCCESS: 'platform/plugins/flyout/success',
SHOW: 'platform/plugins/flyout/show',
HIDE: 'platform/plugins/flyout/hide',
success: function n() {
f.exports = m;
}), null);
__d('GeneratedLoggerUtils', ['invariant', 'Banzai'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
'use strict';
var i = c('Banzai').post;
if ('showlog') > -1) i = function k(l, m, n) {
c('Banzai').post(l, m, n);
var j = {
log: i,
serializeVector: function k(l) {
if (!l) return l;
if (Array.isArray(l)) return l;
if (l.toArray) {
var m = l;
return m.toArray();
if (typeof l === 'object' && l[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']) return Array.from(l);
serializeMap: function k(l) {
if (!l) return l;
if (l.toJS) {
var m = l;
return m.toJS();
if (typeof l === 'object' && l[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']) {
var n = l,
o = {};
for (var p = n, q = Array.isArray(p), r = 0, p = q ? p : p[typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var s;
if (q) {
if (r >= p.length) break;
s = p[r++];
} else {
r =;
if (r.done) break;
s = r.value;
var t = s;
o[t[0]] = t[1];
return o;
if ( === '[object Object]') return l;
checkExtraDataFieldNames: function k(l, m) {
Object.keys(l).forEach(function(n) {
!m.hasOwnProperty(n) || h(0);
warnForInvalidFieldNames: function k(l, m, n, o) {},
throwIfNull: function k(l, m) {
l || h(0);
return l;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d("nullthrows", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = function i(j) {
if (j != null) return j;
throw new Error("Got unexpected null or undefined");
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger', ['Banzai', 'GeneratedLoggerUtils', 'nullthrows'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
function h() {
h.prototype.log = function() {
c('GeneratedLoggerUtils').log('logger:PluginLoggedOutUserLoggerConfig', this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1, c('Banzai').BASIC);
h.prototype.logVital = function() {
c('GeneratedLoggerUtils').log('logger:PluginLoggedOutUserLoggerConfig', this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1, c('Banzai').VITAL);
h.prototype.clear = function() {
this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1 = {};
return this;
h.prototype.updateData = function(j) {
this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1 = babelHelpers['extends']({}, this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1, j);
return this;
h.prototype.setHref = function(j) {
this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1.href = j;
return this;
h.prototype.setIsSDK = function(j) {
this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1.is_sdk = j;
return this;
h.prototype.setPluginAppID = function(j) {
this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1.plugin_app_id = j;
return this;
h.prototype.setPluginName = function(j) {
this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1.plugin_name = j;
return this;
h.prototype.setRefererURL = function(j) {
this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1.referer_url = j;
return this;
h.prototype.setVC = function(j) {
this.$ = j;
return this;
h.prototype.updateExtraData = function(j) {
j = c('nullthrows')(c('GeneratedLoggerUtils').serializeMap(j));
c('GeneratedLoggerUtils').checkExtraDataFieldNames(j, i);
this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1 = babelHelpers['extends']({}, this.$PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger1, j);
return this;
h.prototype.addToExtraData = function(j, k) {
var l = {};
l[j] = k;
return this.updateExtraData(l);
var i = {
href: true,
is_sdk: true,
plugin_app_id: true,
plugin_name: true,
referer_url: true,
vc: true
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PluginOptin', ['DOMEvent', 'DOMEventListener', 'PluginMessage', 'PopupWindow', 'URI', 'UserAgent_DEPRECATED', 'PlatformWidgetEndpoint', 'PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
Object.assign(this, {
return_params: c('URI').getRequestURI().getQueryData(),
login_params: {},
optin_params: {},
plugin: i,
api_key: j
ret: 'optin'
this.login_params.nux = false;
delete this.return_params.hash;
Object.assign(h.prototype, {
addReturnParams: function i(j) {
Object.assign(this.return_params, j);
return this;
addLoginParams: function i(j) {
Object.assign(this.login_params, j);
return this;
addOptinParams: function i(j) {
Object.assign(this.optin_params, j);
return this;
start: function i() {
var j = this.api_key || 127760087237610,
k = new(c('URI'))(c('PlatformWidgetEndpoint').dialog('plugin.optin')).addQueryData(this.optin_params).addQueryData({
app_id: j,
secure: c('URI').getRequestURI().isSecure(),
social_plugin: this.plugin,
return_params: JSON.stringify(this.return_params),
login_params: JSON.stringify(this.login_params)
if (c('UserAgent_DEPRECATED').mobile()) {
} else k.addQueryData({
display: 'popup'
if (this.return_params.act !== null && this.return_params.act === 'send') new(c('PluginLoggedOutUserTypedLogger'))().setPluginAppID(j).setPluginName(this.return_params.act).setHref(this.return_params.href).logVital();
this.popup = c('PopupWindow').open(k.toString(), 420, 450);
return this;
h.starter = function(i, j, k, l) {
var m = new h(i);
m.addReturnParams(j || {});
m.addLoginParams(k || {});
m.addOptinParams(l || {});
return m.start.bind(m);
h.listen = function(i, j, k, l, m) {
c('DOMEventListener').add(i, 'click', function(n) {
h.starter(j, k, l, m)();
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PluginConnectButton', ['csx', 'cx', 'Arbiter', 'CSS', 'DOM', 'DOMDimensions', 'DOMEvent', 'DOMEventListener', 'Focus', 'FormSubmit', 'PlatformWidgetEndpoint', 'Plugin', 'PluginConnectButtonType', 'PluginFlyout', 'PluginOptin', 'Style', 'URI', 'getElementPosition'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
var j = c('Arbiter').SUBSCRIBE_NEW,
k = c('Arbiter').subscribe,
l = function n(o, p) {
return c('DOMEventListener').add(o, 'click', p);
function m(n) {
this.config = n;
this.busy = false;
var o = c('DOM').find(n.form, '.pluginConnectButton');
this.buttons = o;
this.node_connected = c('DOM').find(o, '.pluginConnectButtonConnected');
this.node_disconnected = c('DOM').find(o, '.pluginConnectButtonDisconnected');
var p = function(r) {
if (!this.busy) {
this.busy = this.canpersonalize;
l(this.node_disconnected, p);
if (n.buttontype === c('PluginConnectButtonType').BLUE_BASE) {
l(c('DOM').find(o, '.pluginButtonX button'), p);
} else if (n.buttontype === c('PluginConnectButtonType').WHITE_BASE) l(this.node_connected, p);
l(this.node_connected, function(r) {
return c('Arbiter').inform(c('Plugin').DIALOG, r);
var q = this.update.bind(this);
k(c('Plugin').CONNECT, q, j);
k(c('Plugin').DISCONNECT, q, j);
k(c('Plugin').ERROR, this.error.bind(this), j);
k('Connect.Unsafe.xd/reposition', this.flip.bind(this));
k(c('PluginFlyout').HIDE, this.hideFlyout.bind(this));
if (n.autosubmit) setTimeout(this.submit.bind(this), 0);
Object.assign(m.prototype, {
update: function n(o, event) {
this.busy = false;
var p = this.config;
if (event.identifier !== p.identifier) return;
var q = o === c('Plugin').CONNECT,
r = c('PlatformWidgetEndpoint').plugins(p.plugin);
r += '/' + (!q ? 'connect' : 'disconnect');
c('CSS')[q ? 'show' : 'hide'](this.node_connected);
c('CSS')[q ? 'hide' : 'show'](this.node_disconnected);
try {
if (document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'button') {
var t = q ? this.node_connected : this.node_disconnected,
u = c('DOM').find(t, 'button');
u.disabled = false;
} catch (s) {}
p.connected = q;
p.form.setAttribute('action', r);
p.form.setAttribute('ajaxify', r);
error: function n(event, o) {
this.busy = false;
if (o.action in {
connect: 1,
disconnect: 1
}) {
c('DOM').setContent(this.buttons, o.content);
var p = c('DOM').scry(this.buttons, '.confirmButton');
if (p.length === 1) c('Focus').set(p[0]);
submit: function n() {
if (!this.config.canpersonalize) return this.login();
fireStateToggle: function n() {
var o = this.config;
if (o.connected) {
} else c('Plugin').connect(o.identifier);
login: function n() {
var o = this.config.plugin;
new(c('PluginOptin'))(o, c('URI').getRequestURI().getQueryData().api_key).addReturnParams({
act: 'connect'
social_plugin_action: this.config.pluginaction
flip: function n(o, p) {
var q = c('DOM').scry(document.body, "._4xn8");
if (q.length === 0) {
} else q = q[0];
var r = c('DOM').scry(this.config.form, '.pluginConnectButtonConnected .pluginButtonIcon'),
s = c('Style').get(r[0], 'display') !== 'none' ? r[0] : r[1],
t = c('DOM').find(document.body, '.pluginConnectButtonLayoutRoot'),
if (p.type === 'reposition') {
c('CSS').addClass(t, "_1f8a");
c('Style').set(t, 'padding-left', 450 - t.offsetWidth + 'px');
c('CSS').removeClass(t, "_1f8b");
u = c('getElementPosition')(s).x + c('DOMDimensions').getElementDimensions(s).width / 2 - 6;
} else {
c('CSS').addClass(t, "_1f8b");
c('Style').set(t, 'padding-left', '0px');
c('CSS').removeClass(t, "_1f8a");
u = 6;
c('Style').set(q, 'left', u + 'px');
hideFlyout: function n() {
c('Focus').set(this.connected ? this.node_disconnected : this.node_connected);
f.exports = m;
}), null);
__d('Locale', ['SiteData', 'ExecutionEnvironment'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h() {
if (!c('ExecutionEnvironment').canUseDOM) {
return false;
} else return c('SiteData').is_rtl;
f.exports = {
isRTL: h
}), null);
__d('Log', ['sprintf'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
INFO: 2,
function i(k, l) {
var m =, 2),
n = c('sprintf').apply(null, m),
o = window.console;
if (o && j.level >= l) o[k in o ? k : 'log'](n);
var j = {
level: -1,
Level: h,
debug: i.bind(null, 'debug', h.DEBUG),
info: i.bind(null, 'info', h.INFO),
warn: i.bind(null, 'warn', h.WARNING),
error: i.bind(null, 'error', h.ERROR)
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('Queue', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {};
function i(j) {
'use strict';
this._opts = babelHelpers['extends']({
interval: 0,
processor: null
}, j);
this._queue = [];
this._stopped = true;
i.prototype._dispatch = function(j) {
'use strict';
if (this._stopped || this._queue.length === 0) return;
if (!this._opts.processor) {
this._stopped = true;
throw new Error('No processor available');
if (this._opts.interval) {, this._queue.shift());
this._timeout = setTimeout(this._dispatch.bind(this), this._opts.interval);
} else
while (this._queue.length), this._queue.shift());
i.prototype.enqueue = function(j) {
'use strict';
if (this._opts.processor && !this._stopped) {, j);
} else this._queue.push(j);
return this;
i.prototype.start = function(j) {
'use strict';
if (j) this._opts.processor = j;
this._stopped = false;
return this;
i.prototype.isStarted = function() {
'use strict';
return !this._stopped;
i.prototype.dispatch = function() {
'use strict';
i.prototype.stop = function(j) {
'use strict';
this._stopped = true;
if (j) clearTimeout(this._timeout);
return this;
i.prototype.merge = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
this._queue[k ? 'unshift' : 'push'].apply(this._queue, j._queue);
j._queue = [];
return this;
i.prototype.getLength = function() {
'use strict';
return this._queue.length;
i.get = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
var l;
if (j in h) {
l = h[j];
} else l = h[j] = new i(k);
return l;
i.exists = function(j) {
'use strict';
return j in h;
i.remove = function(j) {
'use strict';
return delete h[j];
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('resolveWindow', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
var j = window,
k = i.split('.');
try {
for (var m = 0; m < k.length; m++) {
var n = k[m],
o = /^frames\[['"]?([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)['"]?\]$/.exec(n);
if (o) {
j = j.frames[o[1]];
} else if (n === 'opener' || n === 'parent' || n === 'top') {
j = j[n];
} else return null;
} catch (l) {
return null;
return j;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('XD', ['Arbiter', 'DOM', 'DOMDimensions', 'Log', 'PHPQuerySerializer', 'URI', 'Queue', 'isFacebookURI', 'isInIframe', 'resolveWindow'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 'fb_xdm_frame_' + location.protocol.replace(':', ''),
i = {
_callbacks: [],
_opts: {
autoResize: false,
allowShrink: true,
channelUrl: null,
hideOverflow: false,
resizeTimeout: 1000,
resizeWidth: false,
expectResizeAck: false,
resizeAckTimeout: 6000
_lastResizeAckId: 0,
_resizeCount: 0,
_resizeTimestamp: 0,
_shrinker: null,
init: function k(l) {
this._opts = babelHelpers['extends']({}, this._opts, l);
if (this._opts.autoResize) this._startResizeMonitor();
c('Arbiter').subscribe('Connect.Unsafe.resize.ack', function(m, n) {
if (! = this._resizeCount;
if ( > this._lastResizeAckId) this._lastResizeAckId =;
getQueue: function k() {
if (!this._queue) this._queue = new(c('Queue'))();
return this._queue;
setChannelUrl: function k(l) {
this.getQueue().start(function(m) {
return this.send(m, l);
send: function k(l, m) {
m = m || this._opts.channelUrl;
if (!m) {
var n = {},
o = new(c('URI'))(m);
Object.assign(n, l, c('PHPQuerySerializer').deserialize(o.getFragment()));
var p = new(c('URI'))(n.origin).getOrigin(),
q = c('resolveWindow')(n.relation.replace(/^parent\./, '')),
r = 50,
s = function t() {
var u = q.frames[h];
try {
u.proxyMessage(c('PHPQuerySerializer').serialize(n), p);
} catch (v) {
if (--r) {
setTimeout(t, 100);
} else c('Log').warn('No such frame "' + h + '" to proxyMessage to');
_computeSize: function k() {
var l = c('DOMDimensions').getDocumentDimensions(),
m = 0;
if (this._opts.resizeWidth) {
var n = document.body;
if (n.clientWidth < n.scrollWidth) {
m = l.width;
} else {
var o = n.childNodes;
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
var q = o[p],
r = q.offsetLeft + q.offsetWidth;
if (r > m) m = r;
m = Math.max(m, i.forced_min_width);
l.width = m;
if (this._opts.allowShrink) {
if (!this._shrinker) this._shrinker = c('DOM').create('div');
c('DOM').appendContent(document.body, this._shrinker);
l.height = Math.max(this._shrinker.offsetTop, 0);
return l;
_startResizeMonitor: function k() {
var l, m = document.documentElement;
if (this._opts.hideOverflow) { = 'hidden'; = 'hidden';
var n = function() {
var o = this._computeSize(),
p =,
q = this._lastResizeAckId < this._resizeCount && p - this._resizeTimestamp > this._opts.resizeAckTimeout;
if (!l || this._opts.expectResizeAck && q || this._opts.allowShrink && l.width != o.width || !this._opts.allowShrink && l.width < o.width || this._opts.allowShrink && l.height != o.height || !this._opts.allowShrink && l.height < o.height) {
l = o;
this._resizeTimestamp = p;
var r = {
type: 'resize',
height: o.height,
ackData: {
id: this._resizeCount
if (o.width && o.width != 0) r.width = o.width;
try {
if (c('isFacebookURI')(new(c('URI'))(document.referrer)) && c('isInIframe')() && && window.parent.location && window.parent.location.toString && c('isFacebookURI')(new(c('URI'))(window.parent.location))) {
var t = window.parent.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
for (var u = 0; u < t.length; u = u + 1)
if (t[u].name == {
if (this._opts.resizeWidth) t[u].style.width = r.width + 'px';
t[u].style.height = r.height + 'px';
} catch (s) {
setInterval(n, this._opts.resizeTimeout);
j = babelHelpers['extends']({}, i);
f.exports.UnverifiedXD = j;
f.exports.XD = i;
b.UnverifiedXD = j;
b.XD = i;
}), null);
__d('UnverifiedXD', ['XD'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = c('XD').UnverifiedXD;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('getOffsetParent', ['Style'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
var j = i.parentNode;
if (!j || j === document.documentElement) return document.documentElement;
if (c('Style').get(j, 'position') !== 'static') return j;
return j === document.body ? document.documentElement : h(j);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PluginResize', ['Locale', 'Log', 'UnverifiedXD', 'getOffsetParent', 'getStyleProperty'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(l) {
l = l || document.body;
var m = 0,
n = c('getOffsetParent')(l);
if (c('Locale').isRTL() && n) {
m = n.offsetWidth - l.offsetLeft - l.offsetWidth;
} else if (!c('Locale').isRTL()) m = l.offsetLeft;
return i(l) + m;
function i(l) {
return Math.ceil(parseFloat(c('getStyleProperty')(l, 'width'))) || l.offsetWidth;
function j(l) {
l = l || document.body;
return l.offsetHeight + l.offsetTop;
function k(l, m, event, n) {
this.calcWidth = l || h;
this.calcHeight = m || j;
this.width = undefined;
this.height = undefined;
this.reposition = !!n;
this.event = event || 'resize';
Object.assign(k.prototype, {
resize: function l() {
var m = this.calcWidth(),
n = this.calcHeight();
if (m !== this.width || n !== this.height) {
c('Log').debug('Resizing Plugin: (%s, %s, %s, %s)', m, n, this.event, this.reposition);
this.width = m;
this.height = n;
type: this.event,
width: m,
height: n,
reposition: this.reposition
return this;
auto: function l(m) {
setInterval(this.resize.bind(this), m || 250);
return this;
}); = function(l, event, m) {
return new k(h.bind(null, l), j.bind(null, l), event).resize().auto(m);
k.autoHeight = function(l, m, event, n) {
return new k(function() {
return l;
}, j.bind(null, m), event).resize().auto(n);
k.getElementWidth = i;
f.exports = k;
}), null);
__d('PluginConnectButtonResize', ['DOMDimensions', 'DOMQuery', 'PluginResize', 'Style', 'getElementPosition'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j, k) {
if (k) c('Style').set(i, 'width', k + 'px');
c('PluginResize').auto(i, 'resize.flow');
function l() {
var m = c('DOMQuery').scry(document.body, '.uiTypeaheadView')[0];
if (!m) return {
x: 0,
y: 0
var n = c('getElementPosition')(m),
o = c('DOMDimensions').getElementDimensions(m);
return {
x: n.x + o.width,
y: n.y + o.height
new(c('PluginResize'))(function() {
return (Math.max(c('PluginResize').getElementWidth(i), j && j.offsetWidth, l().x));
}, function() {
return (Math.max(i.offsetHeight, j ? j.offsetHeight + j.offsetTop : 0, l().y));
}, 'resize.iframe', true).resize().auto();
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PluginConnectButtonWrapIconButton', ['Arbiter', 'DOM', 'Event', 'Focus', 'FormSubmit', 'PlatformWidgetEndpoint', 'Plugin', 'PluginOptin', 'URI'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
_connected: false,
_form: HTMLElement,
_href: String,
_button: Object,
_plugin: String,
_submitRequest: Object,
initializeButton: function i(j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s) {
this._connected = l;
this._form = j;
this._href = o;
this._button = k;
this._plugin = p;
this._submitRequest = null;
this._connecttip = r;
this._disconnecttip = s;
if (m) {
c('Event').listen(j, 'click', function(t) {
if (n) setTimeout(function() {
}.bind(this), 0);
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('Plugin').CONNECT, this._updatePlugin.bind(this));
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('Plugin').DISCONNECT, this._updatePlugin.bind(this));
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('Plugin').ERROR, function(t, u) {
return this._handleError(u);
} else c('Event').listen(this._form, 'click', function(t) {
new(c('PluginOptin'))(p, c('URI').getRequestURI().getQueryData().api_key).addReturnParams({
act: 'connect'
social_plugin_action: q
submit: function i() {
if (this._submitRequest !== null) {
this._submitRequest = c('FormSubmit').send(this._form);
if (this._connected) {
} else c('Plugin').connect(this._href);
_updatePlugin: function i(j, k) {
if (k.identifier !== this._href) return;
var l = j === c('Plugin').CONNECT;
if (l !== this._button.isActivated()) this._button.toggleButton();
this._connected = l;
this._button.setTitle(l ? this._disconnecttip : this._connecttip);
_toggleFormAction: function i() {
var j = c('PlatformWidgetEndpoint').plugins(this._plugin) + '/' + (this._connected ? 'disconnect' : 'connect');
this._form.setAttribute('action', j);
this._form.setAttribute('ajaxify', j);
_handleError: function i(j) {
c('DOM').setContent(this._form, j.content);
var k = c('DOM').scry(this._form, '.confirmButton');
if (k.length === 1) c('Focus').set(k[0]);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PluginConnection', ['Arbiter', 'CSS', 'Plugin'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = function i() {};
Object.assign(h.prototype, {
init: function i(j, k, l, event) {
event = event || c('Plugin').CONNECT;
this.identifier = j;
this.element = k;
this.css = l;
c('Arbiter').subscribe([c('Plugin').CONNECT, c('Plugin').DISCONNECT], function(m, n) {
if (j === n.href) c('CSS')[m === event ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](k, l);
return true;
return this;
connected: function i() {
return c('CSS').hasClass(this.element, this.css);
connect: function i() {
return c('Arbiter').inform(c('Plugin').CONNECT, {
href: this.identifier
}, c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_STATE);
disconnect: function i() {
return c('Arbiter').inform(c('Plugin').DISCONNECT, {
href: this.identifier
}, c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_STATE);
toggle: function i() {
return this.connected() ? this.disconnect() : this.connect();
h.init = function(i) {
for (var j, k = 0; k < i.length; k++) {
j = new h();
j.init.apply(j, i[k]);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('AsyncFormRequestUtils', ['Arbiter'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
subscribe: function i(j, k, l) {
c('Arbiter').subscribe('AsyncRequest/' + k, function(m, n) {
var o = n.request.relativeTo;
if (o && o === j) l(n);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('randomInt', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(j, k) {
var l = arguments.length;
l > 0 && l <= 2 || h(0);
if (l === 1) {
k = j;
j = 0;
k = k;
k > j || h(0);
var m = this.random || Math.random;
return Math.floor(j + m() * (k - j));
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('ClientIDs', ['randomInt'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {},
i = {
getNewClientID: function j() {
var k =,
l = k + ':' + (c('randomInt')(0, 4294967295) + 1);
h[l] = true;
return l;
isExistingClientID: function j(k) {
return !!h[k];
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("FBFeedLocations", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
PAGE: 13,
EMBED: 23,
EVENT: 49,
SRT: 51,
CRT: 68,
NEWS: 71,
PSYM: 74,
OYML: 116,
}), null);
__d('Keys', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
f.exports = {
TAB: 9,
SHIFT: 16,
CTRL: 17,
ALT: 18,
ESC: 27,
SPACE: 32,
PAGE_UP: 33,
END: 35,
HOME: 36,
LEFT: 37,
UP: 38,
RIGHT: 39,
DOWN: 40,
ZERO: 48,
ONE: 49,
TWO: 50,
THREE: 51,
FOUR: 52,
FIVE: 53,
SIX: 54,
SEVEN: 55,
EIGHT: 56,
NINE: 57,
A: 65,
B: 66,
C: 67,
D: 68,
E: 69,
F: 70,
G: 71,
H: 72,
I: 73,
J: 74,
K: 75,
L: 76,
M: 77,
N: 78,
O: 79,
P: 80,
Q: 81,
R: 82,
S: 83,
T: 84,
U: 85,
V: 86,
W: 87,
X: 88,
Y: 89,
Z: 90,
NUMPAD_0: 96,
NUMPAD_1: 97,
NUMPAD_2: 98,
NUMPAD_3: 99,
NUMPAD_4: 100,
NUMPAD_5: 101,
NUMPAD_6: 102,
NUMPAD_7: 103,
NUMPAD_8: 104,
NUMPAD_9: 105,
ADD: 107,
DIVIDE: 111,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123,
NUM_LOCK: 144,
COMMA: 188,
DASH: 189,
PERIOD: 190,
}), null);
__d('PluginFeedLikeButton', ['Arbiter', 'AsyncFormRequestUtils', 'ClientIDs', 'CSS', 'DOM', 'DOMEventListener', 'FBFeedLocations', 'FormSubmit', 'Keys', 'PluginOptin', 'URI'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
window.resetConfirmStoryLike = function(i) {
c('CSS').show(c('DOM').find(document, '#likeStory_' + i));
c('DOM').remove(c('DOM').find(document, '#confirmStory_' + i));
var h = {
addClientId: function i(j) {
j.setAttribute('value', c('ClientIDs').getNewClientID());
loggedOutLikeButton: function i(j, k, l) {
var m = '';
if (k === c('FBFeedLocations').EMBED) {
m = 'post';
} else if (k === c('FBFeedLocations').PAGE_PLUGIN) {
m = 'page';
} else throw new Error('Invalid FBFeedLocation type.');
var n = new(c('PluginOptin'))(m).addReturnParams({
act: 'like_' + j
c('DOMEventListener').add(l, 'click', n.start.bind(n));
init: function i(j, k, l, m, n) {
var o = function r(s) {
if (s.type === 'keypress')
if (s.keyCode === c('Keys').RETURN || s.keyCode === c('Keys').SPACE) {
} else return;
c('DOMEventListener').add(k, 'click', o);
c('DOMEventListener').add(l, 'click', o);
c('DOMEventListener').add(k, 'keypress', o);
c('DOMEventListener').add(l, 'keypress', o);
var p = m.getAttribute('value') === '1';
c('AsyncFormRequestUtils').subscribe(n, 'send', function(r) {
var s = m.getAttribute('value') === '1';
c('CSS').conditionShow(l, s);
c('CSS').conditionShow(k, !s);
c('Arbiter').inform('embeddedUfiToggle', {
isLike: s,
storyToken: j
m.setAttribute('value', s ? '' : '1');
c('AsyncFormRequestUtils').subscribe(n, 'response', function(r) {
var s = r.response.payload;
if (s && !s.success) {
var t = s.isLike;
c('CSS').conditionShow(k, t);
c('CSS').conditionShow(l, !t);
c('Arbiter').inform('revertLike', {
isLike: t,
storyToken: j
m.setAttribute('value', t ? '1' : '');
var q = new(c('URI'))(;
if (p && q.act === 'like_' + j) c('FormSubmit').send(n);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PluginFlyoutDialog', ['Arbiter', 'DOMEvent', 'DOMEventListener', 'PluginFlyout'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j, k) {
this.parent = new(c('PluginFlyout'))(i, j, k);
this.flyout = i;
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('PluginFlyout').SHOW,, c('Arbiter').SUBSCRIBE_NEW);
Object.assign(h.prototype, {
show: function i() {
if (this.subscribed) return;
this.subscribed = 1;
var j = window.ServerJSAsyncLoader;
j && j.ondemandjs &&;
c('DOMEventListener').add(this.flyout.parentNode, 'click', function(k) {
k = new(c('DOMEvent'))(k);
if ( === this.flyout.parentNode) {
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('escapeRegex', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i) {
return i.replace(/([.?*+\^$\[\]\\(){}|\-])/g, '\\$1');
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('intlNumUtils', ['NumberFormatConfig', 'escapeRegex'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = /(\d)(\d\d\d)($|\D)/,
i = {
'\u060C': '.',
'\u0660': '0',
'\u0661': '1',
'\u0662': '2',
'\u0663': '3',
'\u0664': '4',
'\u0665': '5',
'\u0666': '6',
'\u0667': '7',
'\u0668': '8',
'\u0669': '9',
'\u066B': '.',
'\u06F0': '0',
'\u06F1': '1',
'\u06F2': '2',
'\u06F3': '3',
'\u06F4': '4',
'\u06F5': '5',
'\u06F6': '6',
'\u06F7': '7',
'\u06F8': '8',
'\u06F9': '9'
j = ['\u0433\u0440\u043d.', '\u0434\u0435\u043d.', '\u043b\u0432.', '\u043c\u0430\u043d.', '\u0564\u0580.', '\u062c.\u0645.', '\u062f.\u0625.', '\u062f.\u0627.', '\u062f.\u0628.', '\u062f.\u062a.', '\u062f.\u062c.', '\u062f.\u0639.', '\u062f.\u0643.', '\u062f.\u0644.', '\u062f.\u0645.', '\u0631.\u0633.', '\u0631.\u0639.', '\u0631.\u0642.', '\u0631.\u064a.', '\u0644.\u0633.', '\u0644.\u0644.', '\u0783.', 'B/.', 'Bs.', 'Fr.', 'kr.', 'L.', 'p.', 'S/.'],
k = {};
function l(aa) {
if (!k[aa]) k[aa] = new RegExp(aa, 'i');
return k[aa];
var m = l(j.reduce(function(aa, ba, ca) {
return aa + (ca ? '|' : '') + '(' + c('escapeRegex')(ba) + ')';
}, ''));
function n(aa, ba, ca, da, ea) {
ca = ca || '';
da = da || '.';
ea = ea || 0;
if (ba === undefined || ba === null) {
aa = aa.toString();
} else if (typeof aa === 'string') {
aa = t(aa, ba);
} else aa = r(aa, ba);
var fa = aa.split('.'),
ga = fa[0],
ha = fa[1];
if (Math.abs(parseInt(ga, 10)).toString().length >= ea) {
var ia = '',
ja = '$1' + ca + '$2$3';
while ((ia = ga.replace(h, ja)) != ga) ga = ia;
var ka = ga;
if (ha) ka += da + ha;
return ka;
function o(aa, ba) {
return n(aa, ba, '', c('NumberFormatConfig').decimalSeparator, c('NumberFormatConfig').minDigitsForThousandsSeparator);
function p(aa, ba) {
return n(aa, ba, c('NumberFormatConfig').numberDelimiter, c('NumberFormatConfig').decimalSeparator, c('NumberFormatConfig').minDigitsForThousandsSeparator);
function q(aa, ba, ca) {
var da = Math.floor(Math.log(aa) / Math.LN10),
ea = aa;
if (da < ca) ea = aa * Math.pow(10, -da + ca);
var fa = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(ea) / Math.LN10) - ca + 1),
ga = Math.round(ea / fa) * fa;
if (da < ca) ga /= Math.pow(10, -da + ca);
return p(ga, ba);
function r(aa, ba) {
var ca = ba == null ? 0 : ba,
da = Math.pow(10, ca),
ea = aa;
ea = Math.round(ea * da) / da;
ea = ea + '';
if (!ca) return ea;
var fa = ea.indexOf('.'),
ga = 0;
if (fa == -1) {
ea += '.';
ga = ca;
} else ga = ca - (ea.length - fa - 1);
for (var ha = 0, ia = ga; ha < ia; ha++) ea += '0';
return ea;
var s = function aa(ba, ca) {
for (var da = 0; da < ca; da++) ba += '0';
return ba;
function t(aa, ba) {
var ca = aa.indexOf('.'),
da = ca === -1 ? aa : aa.slice(0, ca),
ea = ca === -1 ? '' : aa.slice(ca + 1);
return ba ? da + '.' + s(ea.slice(0, ba), ba - ea.length) : da;
var u = {},
v = function aa(ba) {
if (!u[ba]) u[ba] = new RegExp('([^\\/p]|^)' + c('escapeRegex')(ba) + '(\\d*).*', 'i');
return u[ba];
function w(aa, ba, ca) {
aa = aa.split('').map(function(ja) {
return (i.hasOwnProperty(ja) ? i[ja] : ja);
aa = aa.replace(/^[^\d]*\-/, '\u0002');
aa = aa.replace(m, '');
ca = ca || '';
var da = c('escapeRegex')(ba),
ea = c('escapeRegex')(ca),
fa = l('^[^\\d]*\\d.*' + da + '.*\\d[^\\d]*$');
if (!fa.test(aa)) {
var ga = l('(^[^\\d]*)' + da + '(\\d*[^\\d]*$)');
if (ga.test(aa)) {
aa = aa.replace(ga, '$1\u0001$2');
return x(aa);
var ha = l('^[^\\d]*[\\d ' + c('escapeRegex')(ea) + ']*[^\\d]*$');
if (!ha.test(aa)) aa = '';
return x(aa);
var ia = l('(^[^\\d]*[\\d ' + ea + ']*)' + da + '(\\d*[^\\d]*$)');
aa = ia.test(aa) ? aa.replace(ia, '$1\u0001$2') : '';
return x(aa);
function x(aa) {
aa = aa.replace(/[^0-9\u0001\u0002]/g, '').replace('\u0001', '.').replace('\u0002', '-');
var ba = Number(aa);
return aa === '' || isNaN(ba) ? null : ba;
function y(aa) {
return w(aa, c('NumberFormatConfig').decimalSeparator || '.', c('NumberFormatConfig').numberDelimiter);
var z = {
formatNumber: o,
formatNumberRaw: n,
formatNumberWithThousandDelimiters: p,
formatNumberWithLimitedSigFig: q,
parseNumber: y,
parseNumberRaw: w,
getFloatString: function aa(ba, ca, da) {
var ea = String(ba),
fa = ea.split('.'),
ga = z.getIntegerString(fa[0], ca);
if (fa.length === 1) return ga;
return ga + da + fa[1];
getIntegerString: function aa(ba, ca) {
if (ca === '') ca = ',';
var da = String(ba),
ea = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (ea.test(da)) da = da.replace(ea, '$1' + ca + '$2');
return da;
f.exports = z;
}), null);
__d('formatNumber', ['intlNumUtils'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h() {
for (var i = arguments.length, j = Array(i), k = 0; k < i; k++) j[k] = arguments[k];
return c('intlNumUtils').formatNumber.apply(c('intlNumUtils'), j);
h.withThousandDelimiters = c('intlNumUtils').formatNumberWithThousandDelimiters;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('intlSummarizeNumber', ['fbt', 'formatNumber'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(j) {
var k = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[1];
j = parseFloat(j.toFixed(k));
if (Math.abs(j) < 1000) return c('formatNumber')(j, k);
j = parseFloat((j / 1000).toFixed(k || 1));
if (Math.abs(j) < 1000) return String(h._("{number}K", [h.param('number', c('formatNumber')(j, k || j % 1 && 1))]));
j = parseFloat((j / 1000).toFixed(k || 1));
if (Math.abs(j) < 1000) return String(h._("{number}M", [h.param('number', c('formatNumber')(j, k || j % 1 && 1))]));
j = parseFloat((j / 1000).toFixed(k || 1));
return String(h._("{number}B", [h.param('number', c('formatNumber')(j, k || j % 1 && 1))]));
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('PluginIconButton', ['invariant', 'fbt', 'CSS', 'DOM', 'Event', 'intlSummarizeNumber'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
function j(k, l, m, n, o) {
'use strict';
n === null || m !== null || h(0);
this.$PluginIconButton1 = k;
this.$PluginIconButton2 = m;
this.$PluginIconButton3 = n;
this.$PluginIconButton4 = o;
if (l === false) {
c('Event').listen(k, 'click', function() {
return this.toggleButton();
c('Event').listen(k, 'toggle', function() {
return this.toggleButton();
if (this.$PluginIconButton4) c('Event').listen(k, 'mouseout', function() {
return c('CSS').removeClass(this.$PluginIconButton1, 'stop_hoverx');
j.prototype.toggleButton = function() {
'use strict';
if (c('CSS').hasClass(this.$PluginIconButton1, 'active') === false) {
c('CSS').addClass(this.$PluginIconButton1, 'active');
if (this.$PluginIconButton4) c('CSS').addClass(this.$PluginIconButton1, 'stop_hoverx');
c('CSS').addClass(this.$PluginIconButton1, 'is_animating');
setTimeout(function() {
return c('CSS').removeClass(this.$PluginIconButton1, 'is_animating');
}.bind(this), 240);
} else {
c('CSS').removeClass(this.$PluginIconButton1, 'active');
j.prototype.setTitle = function(k) {
'use strict';
this.$PluginIconButton1.setAttribute('title', k);
j.prototype.$PluginIconButton5 = function(k) {
'use strict';
var l = function m(n) {
return i._("{count}", [i.param('count', c('intlSummarizeNumber')(n, 0))]);
if (this.$PluginIconButton3 != null && this.$PluginIconButton3 < 1000) {
this.$PluginIconButton3 = k ? this.$PluginIconButton3 + 1 : this.$PluginIconButton3 - 1;
c('DOM').setContent(this.$PluginIconButton2, l(this.$PluginIconButton3));
j.prototype.isActivated = function() {
'use strict';
return c('CSS').hasClass(this.$PluginIconButton1, 'active');
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('BanzaiODS', ['invariant', 'Banzai'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i() {
var k = {},
l = {};
function m(n, o, p, q) {
if (p === undefined) p = 1;
if (q === undefined) q = 1;
if (n in l)
if (l[n] <= 0) {
} else p /= l[n];
var r = k[n] || (k[n] = {}),
s = r[o] || (r[o] = [0]);
p = Number(p);
q = Number(q);
if (!isFinite(p) || !isFinite(q)) return;
s[0] += p;
if (arguments.length >= 4) {
if (!s[1]) s[1] = 0;
s[1] += q;
return {
setEntitySample: function n(o, p) {
l[o] = Math.random() < p ? p : 0;
bumpEntityKey: function n(o, p, q) {
m(o, p, q);
bumpFraction: function n(o, p, q, r) {
m(o, p, q, r);
flush: function n(o) {
for (var p in k) c('Banzai').post('ods:' + p, k[p], o);
k = {};
var j = i();
j.create = i;
c('Banzai').subscribe(c('Banzai').SEND, j.flush.bind(j, null));
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('AbstractErrorSignal', ['invariant', 'BanzaiODS', 'SessionName', 'ScriptPath', 'SiteData'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
'use strict';
var i = true;
function j() {
this.constructor !== j || h(0);
j.prototype.logJSError = function(k, l) {
l = l || {};
l.svn_rev = c('SiteData').revision;
l.push_phase = c('SiteData').push_phase;
l.script_path = c('ScriptPath').getScriptPath();
l.extra = l.extra || {};
l.extra.hrm = c('SiteData').be_mode;
var m = l.extra.type || 'error';
if (i && k === 'onerror' && m === 'error') {
l.extra.extra = l.extra.extra || [];
i = false;
var n = (c('SessionName').getName() || '-') + '/-';
this.sendErrorSignal('javascript_error', JSON.stringify({
c: k,
a: n,
m: l
j.prototype.sendBeaconErrorSignal = function() {
var k = 'beacon_error',
l = (c('SessionName').getName() || '-') + '/-',
m = {};
m.error = k;
m.svn_rev = c('SiteData').revision;
m.push_phase = c('SiteData').push_phase;
m.script_path = c('ScriptPath').getScriptPath();
m.extra = {
message: k,
type: 'info'
this.sendErrorSignal(k, JSON.stringify({
c: k,
a: l,
m: m
j.prototype.sendErrorSignal = function(k, l) {
switch (k) {
case 'async_error':
var m = JSON.parse(l),
n = m.err_code,
o = m.path;
if (n in {
'1004': 1,
'12029': 1,
'12031': 1,
'12152': 1
} && o.indexOf('scribe_endpoint.php') == -1) this.performSignalLogging(k, l);
this.performSignalLogging(k, l);
j.prototype.performCounterLogging = function(k) {
c('BanzaiODS').bumpEntityKey('js_error_reporting', 'error_signal.category.' + k);
switch (k) {
case 'beacon_error':
c('BanzaiODS').bumpEntityKey('js_error_reporting', 'beacon_error_signal.sent');
case 'javascript_error':
c('BanzaiODS').bumpEntityKey('js_error_reporting', 'error_signal.sent');
j.prototype.performSignalLogging = function(k, l) {
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('NonBlockingIFrame', ['Promise', 'DOM', 'TimeSlice'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {},
i, j;
function k() {
var n = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? h : arguments[0],
o = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? document.body : arguments[1],
p, q = {
className: 'nonBlockingIframe',
width: 0,
height: 0,
frameborder: 0,
scrolling: 'no',
'aria-hidden': 'true'
if (n !== h) q.src = n;
p = c('DOM').create('iframe', q); = '-1000px'; = 'absolute';
c('DOM').appendContent(o, p);
if (n === h) {;
return p;
function l() {
return new(c('Promise'))(function(n) {
if (!i) i = k();
if (i.contentDocument.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
if (!j) j = new(c('Promise'))(function(o) {
i.contentWindow.onload = c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
}, 'NonBlockingIFrame window.onload');
var m = {
loadImage: function n(o) {
return l().then(function(p) {
return new(c('Promise'))(function(q, r) {
var s = p.contentWindow.Image,
t = new s();
t.onload = c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
}, 'NonBlockingIFrame image.onload');
t.onerror = c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
}, 'NonBlockingIFrame image.onerror');
t.onabort = c('TimeSlice').guard(function() {
}, 'NonBlockingIFrame image.onabort');
t.src = o;
loadIFrame: function n() {
var o = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? h : arguments[0];
return l().then(function(p) {
var q = p.contentDocument.body;
return k(o, q);
f.exports = m;
}), null);
__d('isAdsExcelAddinURI', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = new RegExp('(^|\\.)fbaddins\\.com$', 'i'),
i = ['https'];
function j(k) {
if (k.isEmpty() && k.toString() !== '#') return false;
if (!k.getDomain() && !k.getProtocol()) return false;
return (i.indexOf(k.getProtocol()) !== -1 && h.test(k.getDomain()));
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('isValidURI', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = new RegExp('((^|\\.)atlassolutions\\.com$)|' + '((^|\\.)instagram\\.com$)|' + '((^|\\.)wit\\.ai$)|' + '((^|\\.)accountkit\\.com$)', 'i'),
i = ['https'];
function j(k) {
if (k.isEmpty() && k.toString() !== '#') return false;
if (!k.getDomain() && !k.getProtocol()) return false;
return (i.includes(k.getProtocol()) && h.test(k.getDomain()));
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('AsyncSignal', ['Promise', 'ErrorUtils', 'NonBlockingIFrame', 'Run', 'QueryString', 'TrackingConfig', 'URI', 'WebSpeedExperiments', 'ZeroRewrites', 'isValidURI', 'isAdsExcelAddinURI', 'isFacebookURI', 'isMessengerDotComURI', 'getAsyncParams', 'memoize'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h;
function i(j, k) { = k || {};
this.uri = j.toString();
if (c('TrackingConfig').domain && this.uri.charAt(0) == '/') this.uri = c('TrackingConfig').domain + this.uri;
i.prototype.setHandler = function(j) {
this.handler = j;
return this;
i.prototype.setTimeout = function(j) {
this.timeout = j;
return this;
i.prototype.send = function() {
var j = this.handler,
k =;
k.asyncSignal = (Math.random() * 10000 | 0) + 1;
var l = c('ZeroRewrites').rewriteURI(new(c('URI'))(this.uri)),
m = c('isFacebookURI')(l) || c('isMessengerDotComURI')(l) || c('isAdsExcelAddinURI')(l) || c('isValidURI')(l);
if (m) {
Object.assign(k, c('getAsyncParams')('POST'));
} else throw new Error("'" + this.uri + "' " + "is an external URL, you should not send async signals to offsite links.");
var n = c('QueryString').appendToUrl(this.uri, k),
if (c('WebSpeedExperiments').non_blocking_logger) {
o = c('NonBlockingIFrame').loadImage(n);
} else {
if (!h) h = new(c('Promise'))(function(r) {
o = h.then(function() {
return new(c('Promise'))(function(r, s) {
var t = new Image();
t.onload = r;
t.onerror = t.onabort = s;
t.src = n;
if (j) {
var p = false,
q = c('memoize')(function() {
c('ErrorUtils').applyWithGuard(j, null, [p]);
o.then(function() {
p = true;
}, q).done();
if (this.timeout) setTimeout(q, this.timeout);
return this;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("XJavaScriptLogviewSiteCategory", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
MBASIC: "m_basic",
MTOUCH: "m_touch",
WWW: "www"
}), null);
__d('ErrorSignal', ['AbstractErrorSignal', 'AsyncRequest', 'AsyncSignal', 'BanzaiODS', 'ErrorSignalConfig', 'XJavaScriptLogviewSiteCategory', 'emptyFunction'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i;
h = babelHelpers.inherits(j, c('AbstractErrorSignal'));
i = h && h.prototype;
j.prototype.performCounterLogging = function(l) {
'use strict';, l);
switch (l) {
case 'javascript_error':
c('BanzaiODS').bumpEntityKey('js_error_reporting', 'error_signal.' + c('XJavaScriptLogviewSiteCategory').WWW + '.sent');
j.prototype.performSignalLogging = function(l, m) {
'use strict';
switch (l) {
case 'async_error':
c: 'async_error',
m: m
}).setMethod('GET').setReadOnly(true).setOption('suppressEvaluation', true).setOption('suppressErrorAlerts', true).setHandler(c('emptyFunction')).setErrorHandler(c('emptyFunction')).send(true);
new(c('AsyncSignal'))(c('ErrorSignalConfig').uri, {
c: l,
m: m
function j() {
'use strict';
h.apply(this, arguments);
var k = new j();
f.exports = k;
b.ErrorSignal = k;
}), null);
__d('ErrorLogging', ['ErrorSignal', 'ErrorUtils', 'JSErrorExtra', 'JSErrorPlatformColumns'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(k) {
var l = k.extra || {},
m = {};
Object.keys(c('JSErrorExtra')).forEach(function(n) {
if (c('JSErrorExtra')[n]) m[n] = true;
Object.keys(l).forEach(function(n) {
if (l[n]) {
m[n] = true;
} else if (m[n]) delete m[n];
k.extra = Object.keys(m);
function i(k) {
if (c('JSErrorPlatformColumns').app_id !== undefined) k.app_id = c('JSErrorPlatformColumns').app_id;
if (c('JSErrorPlatformColumns').access_token !== undefined) k.access_token = c('JSErrorPlatformColumns').access_token;
function j(k) {
var l = k.category || 'onerror';
c('ErrorSignal').logJSError(l, {
error: || k.message,
extra: k
f.exports = {
defaultJSErrorHandler: j
}), null);
__d('XControllerURIBuilder', ['invariant', 'URI'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
function i(j, k) {
'use strict';
this.$XControllerURIBuilder1 = j;
this.$XControllerURIBuilder2 = k;
this.$XControllerURIBuilder3 = {};
i.prototype.setInt = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'Int', k);
i.prototype.setFBID = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'FBID', k);
i.prototype.setFloat = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'Float', k);
i.prototype.setString = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'String', k);
i.prototype.setExists = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
if (k === false) k = undefined;
return this.__setParam(j, 'Exists', k);
i.prototype.setBool = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'Bool', k);
i.prototype.setEnum = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'Enum', k);
i.prototype.setIntVector = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'IntVector', k);
i.prototype.setIntSet = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'IntSet', k.join(','));
i.prototype.setFloatVector = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'FloatVector', k);
i.prototype.setFloatSet = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'FloatSet', k.join(','));
i.prototype.setStringVector = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'StringVector', k);
i.prototype.setStringSet = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'StringSet', k);
i.prototype.setFBIDVector = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'FBIDVector', k);
i.prototype.setFBIDSet = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'FBIDSet', k);
i.prototype.setEnumVector = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'EnumVector', k);
i.prototype.setEnumSet = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'EnumSet', k);
i.prototype.setEnumKeyset = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'EnumKeyset', k);
i.prototype.setIntToIntMap = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'IntToIntMap', k);
i.prototype.setIntToFloatMap = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'IntToFloatMap', k);
i.prototype.setIntToStringMap = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'IntToStringMap', k);
i.prototype.setIntToBoolMap = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'IntToBoolMap', k);
i.prototype.setStringToIntMap = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'StringToIntMap', k);
i.prototype.setStringToFloatMap = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'StringToFloatMap', k);
i.prototype.setStringToStringMap = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'StringToStringMap', k);
i.prototype.setStringToNullableStringMap = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'StringToNullableStringMap', k);
i.prototype.setStringToBoolMap = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'StringToBoolMap', k);
i.prototype.setHackType = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'HackType', k);
i.prototype.setTypeAssert = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
return this.__setParam(j, 'TypeAssert', k);
i.prototype.__validateRequiredParamsExistence = function() {
'use strict';
for (var j in this.$XControllerURIBuilder2) !this.$XControllerURIBuilder2[j].required || this.$XControllerURIBuilder3.hasOwnProperty(j) || h(0);
i.prototype.setParams = function(j) {
'use strict';
for (var k in j) {
var l = this.$XControllerURIBuilder2[k].type;
this.__setParam(k, l, j[k]);
return this;
i.prototype.__assertParamExists = function(j) {
'use strict';
j in this.$XControllerURIBuilder2 || h(0);
i.prototype.__setParam = function(j, k, l) {
'use strict';
var m = this.$XControllerURIBuilder2[j].type;
m === k || h(0);
this.__setParamInt(j, l);
return this;
i.prototype.__setParamInt = function(j, k) {
'use strict';
this.$XControllerURIBuilder3[j] = k;
i.prototype.getURI = function() {
'use strict';
var j = {},
k = '',
l = /^(.*)?\{(\?)?(\*)?(.+?)\}(.*)?$/,
m = this.$XControllerURIBuilder1.split('/'),
n = false;
for (var o = 0; o < m.length; o++) {
var p = m[o];
if (p === '') continue;
var q = l.exec(p);
if (!q) {
k += '/' + p;
} else {
var r = q[2] === '?',
s = q[4],
t = this.$XControllerURIBuilder2[s];
t || h(0);
if (r && n) continue;
if (this.$XControllerURIBuilder3[s] == null && r) {
n = true;
this.$XControllerURIBuilder3[s] != null || h(0);
var u = q[1] ? q[1] : '',
v = q[5] ? q[5] : '';
k += '/' + u + this.$XControllerURIBuilder3[s] + v;
j[s] = true;
if (this.$XControllerURIBuilder1.slice(-1) === '/') k += '/';
if (k === '') k = '/';
var w = new(c('URI'))(k);
for (var x in this.$XControllerURIBuilder3) {
var y = this.$XControllerURIBuilder3[x];
if (!j[x] && y != null) {
var z = this.$XControllerURIBuilder2[x];
w.addQueryData(x, z && z.type === 'Exists' ? null : y);
return w;
i.create = function(j, k) {
return i.bind(null, j, k);
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('XRequest', ['invariant'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i = function k(l, m, n) {
var o;
switch (l) {
case 'Bool':
o = m && m !== 'false' && m !== '0' || false;
case 'Int':
o = m.toString();
/-?\d+/.test(o) || h(0);
case 'Float':
o = parseFloat(m, 10);
!isNaN(o) || h(0);
case 'FBID':
o = m.toString();
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; ++p) {
var q = o.charCodeAt(p);
48 <= q && q <= 57 || h(0);
case 'String':
o = m.toString();
case 'Enum':
if (n === 0) {
o = k('Int', m, null);
} else if (n === 1) {
o = k('String', m, null);
} else if (n === 2) {
o = m;
} else h(0);
var r, s, t, u;
if (r = /^Nullable(\w+)$/.exec(l)) {
if (m === null) {
o = null;
} else o = k(r[1], m, n);
} else if (s = /^(\w+)Vector$/.exec(l)) {
if (!Array.isArray(m)) {
o = m.toString();
o = o === '' ? [] : o.split(',');
} else o = m;
var v = s[1];
typeof v === 'string' || h(0);
o = {
return k(v, y, n && n.member);
} else if (t = /^(\w+)(Set|Keyset)$/.exec(l)) {
if (!Array.isArray(m)) {
o = m.toString();
o = o === '' ? [] : o.split(',');
} else o = m;
o = o.reduce(function(y, z) {
y[z] = z;
return y;
}, {});
v = t[1];
typeof v === 'string' || h(0);
o = Object.keys(o).map(function(y) {
return k(v, o[y], n && n.member);
} else if (u = /^(\w+)To(\w+)Map$/.exec(l)) {
o = {};
var w = u[1],
x = u[2];
typeof w === 'string' && typeof x === 'string' || h(0);
Object.keys(m).forEach(function(y) {
o[k(w, y, n && n.key)] = k(x, m[y], n && n.value);
} else h(0);
return o;
function j(k, l, m) {
'use strict';
this.$XRequest1 = l;
this.$XRequest2 = babelHelpers['extends']({}, m.getQueryData());
var n = k.split("/").filter(function(t) {
return t;
o = m.getPath().split("/").filter(function(t) {
return t;
for (var p = 0; p < n.length; ++p) {
var q = /^\{(\?)?(\w+)\}$/.exec(n[p]);
if (!q) {
n[p] === o[p] || h(0);
var r = !!q[1],
s = q[2];
this.$XRequest1.hasOwnProperty(s) || h(0);
if (this.$XRequest1[s].required) {
!r || h(0);
this.$XRequest2[s] = o[p];
} else {
r || h(0);
if (o[p]) this.$XRequest2[s] = o[p];
Object.keys(this.$XRequest1).forEach(function(t) {
!this.$XRequest1[t].required || this.$XRequest2.hasOwnProperty(t) || h(0);
}, this);
j.prototype.getExists = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest2[k] !== undefined;
j.prototype.getBool = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'Bool');
j.prototype.getInt = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'Int');
j.prototype.getFloat = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'Float');
j.prototype.getFBID = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'FBID');
j.prototype.getString = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'String');
j.prototype.getEnum = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'Enum');
j.prototype.getOptionalInt = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'Int');
j.prototype.getOptionalFloat = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'Float');
j.prototype.getOptionalFBID = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'FBID');
j.prototype.getOptionalString = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'String');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnum = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'Enum');
j.prototype.getIntVector = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntVector');
j.prototype.getFloatVector = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'FloatVector');
j.prototype.getFBIDVector = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'FBIDVector');
j.prototype.getStringVector = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringVector');
j.prototype.getEnumVector = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumVector');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntVector = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntVector');
j.prototype.getOptionalFloatVector = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'FloatVector');
j.prototype.getOptionalFBIDVector = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'FBIDVector');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringVector = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringVector');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnumVector = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'EnumVector');
j.prototype.getIntSet = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntSet');
j.prototype.getFBIDSet = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'FBIDSet');
j.prototype.getStringSet = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringSet');
j.prototype.getEnumKeyset = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumKeyset');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntSet = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntSet');
j.prototype.getOptionalFBIDSet = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'FBIDSet');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringSet = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringSet');
j.prototype.getEnumToBoolMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumToBoolMap');
j.prototype.getEnumToEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumToEnumMap');
j.prototype.getEnumToFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumToFloatMap');
j.prototype.getEnumToIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumToIntMap');
j.prototype.getEnumToStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumToStringMap');
j.prototype.getIntToBoolMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntToBoolMap');
j.prototype.getIntToEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntToEnumMap');
j.prototype.getIntToFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntToFloatMap');
j.prototype.getIntToIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntToIntMap');
j.prototype.getIntToStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntToStringMap');
j.prototype.getStringToBoolMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringToBoolMap');
j.prototype.getStringToEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringToEnumMap');
j.prototype.getStringToFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringToFloatMap');
j.prototype.getStringToIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringToIntMap');
j.prototype.getStringToStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringToStringMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnumToBoolMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'EnumToBoolMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnumToEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'EnumToEnumMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnumToFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'EnumToFloatMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnumToIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'EnumToIntMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnumToStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'EnumToStringMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntToBoolMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntToBoolMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntToEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntToEnumMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntToFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntToFloatMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntToIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntToIntMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntToStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntToStringMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringToBoolMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringToBoolMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringToEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringToEnumMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringToFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringToFloatMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringToIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringToIntMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringToStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringToStringMap');
j.prototype.getEnumToNullableEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumToNullableEnumMap');
j.prototype.getEnumToNullableFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumToNullableFloatMap');
j.prototype.getEnumToNullableIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumToNullableIntMap');
j.prototype.getEnumToNullableStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'EnumToNullableStringMap');
j.prototype.getIntToNullableEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntToNullableEnumMap');
j.prototype.getIntToNullableFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntToNullableFloatMap');
j.prototype.getIntToNullableIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntToNullableIntMap');
j.prototype.getIntToNullableStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'IntToNullableStringMap');
j.prototype.getStringToNullableEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringToNullableEnumMap');
j.prototype.getStringToNullableFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringToNullableFloatMap');
j.prototype.getStringToNullableIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringToNullableIntMap');
j.prototype.getStringToNullableStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest3(k, 'StringToNullableStringMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnumToNullableEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'EnumToNullableEnumMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnumToNullableFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'EnumToNullableFloatMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnumToNullableIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'EnumToNullableIntMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalEnumToNullableStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'EnumToNullableStringMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntToNullableEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntToNullableEnumMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntToNullableFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntToNullableFloatMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntToNullableIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntToNullableIntMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalIntToNullableStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'IntToNullableStringMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringToNullableEnumMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringToNullableEnumMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringToNullableFloatMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringToNullableFloatMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringToNullableIntMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringToNullableIntMap');
j.prototype.getOptionalStringToNullableStringMap = function(k) {
'use strict';
return this.$XRequest4(k, 'StringToNullableStringMap');
j.prototype.$XRequest3 = function(k, l) {
'use strict';
this.$XRequest5(k, l);
var m = this.$XRequest1[k];
if (!this.$XRequest2.hasOwnProperty(k) && m.defaultValue) {
!m.required || h(0);
return i(l, m.defaultValue, m.enumType);
m.required || l === 'Bool' || m.defaultValue != null || h(0);
return i(l, this.$XRequest2[k], m.enumType);
j.prototype.$XRequest4 = function(k, l) {
'use strict';
this.$XRequest5(k, l);
var m = this.$XRequest1[k];
!m.required || h(0);
!m.defaultValue || h(0);
if (this.$XRequest2.hasOwnProperty(k)) return i(l, this.$XRequest2[k], m.enumType);
return null;
j.prototype.$XRequest5 = function(k, l) {
'use strict';
this.$XRequest1.hasOwnProperty(k) || h(0);
this.$XRequest1[k].type === l || h(0);
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('XController', ['XControllerURIBuilder', 'XRequest'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
'use strict';
this.$XController1 = i;
this.$XController2 = j;
h.prototype.getURIBuilder = function(i) {
'use strict';
var j = new(c('XControllerURIBuilder'))(this.$XController1, this.$XController2);
if (i) {
var k = this.getRequest(i);
Object.keys(this.$XController2).forEach(function(l) {
var m = this.$XController2[l],
n = '';
if (!m.required && !m.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue')) n = 'Optional';
var o = 'get' + n + m.type,
p = k[o](l);
if (p == null || m.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue') && p === m.defaultValue) return;
var q = 'set' + m.type;
j[q](l, p);
}, this);
return j;
h.prototype.getRequest = function(i) {
'use strict';
return new(c('XRequest'))(this.$XController1, this.$XController2, i);
h.create = function(i, j) {
'use strict';
return new h(i, j);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("XLynxAsyncCallbackController", ["XController"], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = c("XController").create("\/si\/linkclick\/ajax_callback\/", {
lynx_uri: {
type: "String"
}), null);
__d('FBLynx', ['AsyncSignal', 'XLynxAsyncCallbackController', 'Event', 'Parent'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = {
alreadySetup: false,
setupDelegation: function i() {
var j = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? false : arguments[0];
if (document.body == null) {
if (j) return;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
if (h.alreadySetup) return;
h.alreadySetup = true;
c('Event').listen(document.body, 'click', function(event) {
var k = h.getMaybeLynxLink(;
if (k);
c('Event').listen(document.body, 'mouseover', function(event) {
var k = h.getMaybeLynxLink(;
if (k) h.mouseover(k);
c('Event').listen(document.body, 'contextmenu', function(event) {
var k = h.getMaybeLynxLink(;
if (k) h.contextmenu(k);
getMaybeLynxLink: function i(j) {
var k = c('Parent').byAttribute(j, 'data-lynx-async-dest');
if (k) return k;
k = c('Parent').byAttribute(j, 'data-lynx-uri');
if (k) return k;
return null;
click: function i(j) {
var k = j.getAttribute('data-lynx-uri'),
l = c('XLynxAsyncCallbackController').getURIBuilder().getURI();
new(c('AsyncSignal'))(l, {
lynx_uri: k
mouseover: function i(j) {
contextmenu: function i(j) {
swapLinksIfAsyncDestPresent: function i(j) {
var k = j.getAttribute('data-lynx-async-dest');
if (!k) return;
var l = j.href;
j.setAttribute('data-lynx-uri', l);
j.href = k;
revertSwapIfLynxURIPresent: function i(j) {
var k = j.getAttribute('data-lynx-uri');
if (!k) return;
var l = j.href;
j.setAttribute('data-lynx-async-dest', l);
j.href = k;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('BanzaiLogger', ['Banzai'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 'logger';
function i(k) {
return {
log: function l(m, n) {
c('Banzai').post(j._getRoute(m), n, k);
registerToSendWithBeacon: function l(m, n, o, p) {
c('Banzai').registerToSendWithBeacon(j._getRoute(m), n, o, p);
_getRoute: function l(m) {
return h + ':' + m;
var j = i();
j.create = i;
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('FbtLoggerImpl', ['BanzaiLogger', 'ScriptPath'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
logImpression: function i(j) {
c('BanzaiLogger').log('FbtImpressionsLoggerConfig', {
hash: j,
sample_rate: 100,
script_path: c('ScriptPath').getScriptPath()
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType01', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType02', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 0 || j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType03', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 0 || j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType04', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType05', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 0 || j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType06', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j >= 0 && j <= 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType07', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j >= 0 && j <= 1 || j >= 11 && j <= 99) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType08', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j >= 0 && j <= 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType09', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType10', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType11', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType12', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 10 === 1 && j % 100 !== 11) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType13', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 10 === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType14', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1 || j === 2 || j === 3 || j % 10 !== 4 && j % 10 !== 6 && j % 10 !== 9) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType15', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 10 === 0 || j % 100 >= 11 && j % 100 <= 19) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ZERO;
} else if (j % 10 === 1 && j % 100 !== 11) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType16', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 0) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ZERO;
} else if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType17', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 0) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ZERO;
} else if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType18', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j === 2) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType19', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 0 || j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j >= 2 && j <= 10) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType20', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j === 0 || j !== 1 && j % 100 >= 1 && j % 100 <= 19) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType21', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 10 === 1 && j % 100 !== 11) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j % 10 >= 2 && j % 10 <= 4 && (j % 100 < 12 || j % 100 > 14)) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType22', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1 || j === 11) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j === 2 || j === 12) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else if (j >= 3 && j <= 10 || j >= 13 && j <= 19) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType23', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 100 === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j % 100 === 2) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else if (j % 100 >= 3 && j % 100 <= 4) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType24', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 100 === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j % 100 === 2) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else if (j % 100 >= 3 && j % 100 <= 4) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType25', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j === 2) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else if ((j < 0 || j > 10) && j % 10 === 0) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_MANY;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType26', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j >= 2 && j <= 4) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType27', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j % 10 >= 2 && j % 10 <= 4 && (j % 100 < 12 || j % 100 > 14)) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_MANY;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType28', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 10 === 1 && j % 100 !== 11) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j % 10 >= 2 && j % 10 <= 4 && (j % 100 < 12 || j % 100 > 14)) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_MANY;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType29', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 10 === 1 && (j % 100 < 11 || j % 100 > 19)) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j % 10 >= 2 && j % 10 <= 9 && (j % 100 < 11 || j % 100 > 19)) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType30', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j === 0 || j % 100 >= 2 && j % 100 <= 10) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else if (j % 100 >= 11 && j % 100 <= 19) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_MANY;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType31', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 10 === 1 && j % 100 !== 11) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j % 10 >= 2 && j % 10 <= 4 && (j % 100 < 12 || j % 100 > 14)) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_MANY;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType32', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 10 === 1 && j % 100 !== 11 && j % 100 !== 71 && j % 100 !== 91) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j % 10 === 2 && j % 100 !== 12 && j % 100 !== 72 && j % 100 !== 92) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else if ((j % 10 >= 3 && j % 10 <= 4 || j % 10 === 9) && (j % 100 < 10 || j % 100 > 19) && (j % 100 < 70 || j % 100 > 79) && (j % 100 < 90 || j % 100 > 99)) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else if (j !== 0 && j % 1e+06 === 0) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_MANY;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType33', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j === 2) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else if (j >= 3 && j <= 6) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else if (j >= 7 && j <= 10) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_MANY;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType34', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 10 === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j % 10 === 2) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else if (j % 100 === 0 || j % 100 === 20 || j % 100 === 40 || j % 100 === 60 || j % 100 === 80) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType35', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 0) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ZERO;
} else if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j === 2) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else if (j % 100 >= 3 && j % 100 <= 10) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else if (j % 100 >= 11 && j % 100 <= 99) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_MANY;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType36', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 0) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ZERO;
} else if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j === 2) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else if (j === 3) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_FEW;
} else if (j === 6) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_MANY;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType37', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 0 || j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType38', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType39', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 0 || j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType40', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType41', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j === 1) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else if (j === 2) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_TWO;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType42', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
if (j % 10 === 1 && j % 100 !== 11) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_ONE;
} else return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('IntlCLDRNumberType43', ['IntlVariations'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
getNumberVariationType: function i(j) {
return c('IntlVariations').NUMBER_OTHER;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PlatformDialog', ['cx', 'DOMEventListener', 'DOMEvent', 'CSS'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
var i;
j.getInstance = function() {
'use strict';
return i;
function j(k, l, m) {
'use strict';
i = this;
this.$PlatformDialog1 = k;
this.$PlatformDialog2 = l;
this.$PlatformDialog3 = false;
c('DOMEventListener').add(this.$PlatformDialog1, 'submit', function(n) {
if (this.$PlatformDialog3) {
this.$PlatformDialog3 = true;
if (m) c('CSS').addClass(k, "_32qa");
j.prototype.getForm = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$PlatformDialog1;
j.prototype.getDisplay = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$PlatformDialog2;
j.prototype.hasBeenSubmitted = function() {
'use strict';
return this.$PlatformDialog3;
j.RESPONSE = 'platform/dialog/response';
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('PluginReturn', ['invariant', 'Arbiter', 'Log', 'PlatformDialog', 'Plugin', 'URI', 'PlatformWidgetEndpoint'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('PlatformDialog').RESPONSE, function(event, j) {
if (j.error_code) {
c('Log').debug('Plugin Return Error (%s): %s', j.error_code, j.error_message || j.error_description);
var i = {
auto: function j() {
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('Plugin').RELOAD, function(event, k) {
var l = typeof k == 'object' ? k.reloadUrl : k;
syncPlugins: function j() {
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('Plugin').RELOAD, function(event, k) {
if (k.crossFrame) i.reload(k.reloadUrl, k.reload, k.identifier);
reload: function j(k, j, l) {
var m = c('URI').getRequestURI().removeQueryData('ret').removeQueryData('act').removeQueryData('hash').addQueryData('reload', j).addQueryData('id', l);
if (k) {
var j = new(c('URI'))(k);
c('PlatformWidgetEndpoint').isPluginEndpoint(j.getPath()) || h(0);
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('PluginXDReady', ['Arbiter', 'UnverifiedXD'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
handleMessage: function i(j) {
if (!j.method) return;
try {
c('Arbiter').inform('Connect.Unsafe.' + j.method, JSON.parse(j.params), c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT);
} catch (k) {}
b.XdArbiter = h;
xd_action: 'plugin_ready',
f.exports = null;
}), null);
__d('legacy:bootloader', ['Bootloader'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
b.Bootloader = c('Bootloader');
}), 3);
__d('LinkshimAsyncLink', ['$', 'AsyncSignal', 'DOM', 'UserAgent_DEPRECATED', 'LinkshimHandlerConfig'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
swap: function i(j, k) {
var l = c('UserAgent_DEPRECATED').ie() <= 8;
if (l) {
var m = c('DOM').create('wbr', {}, null);
c('DOM').appendContent(j, m);
j.href = k;
if (l) c('DOM').remove(m);
referrer_log: function i(j, k, l) {
var m = c('$')('meta_referrer');
m.content = c('LinkshimHandlerConfig').switched_meta_referrer_policy;
h.swap(j, k);
setTimeout(function() {
m.content = c('LinkshimHandlerConfig').default_meta_referrer_policy;
new(c('AsyncSignal'))(l, {}).send();
}, 100);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('legacy:dom-asynclinkshim', ['LinkshimAsyncLink'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
b.LinkshimAsyncLink = c('LinkshimAsyncLink');
}), 3);
__d('lowerDomain', ['lowerFacebookDomain'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
if (document.domain.toLowerCase().match(/(^|\.)facebook\..*/)) c('lowerFacebookDomain')();
}), null);
__d('markJSEnabled', [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = document.documentElement;
h.className = h.className.replace('no_js', '');
}), null);
__d('wait_for_load', ['Run'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j, k) {
k = k.bind(i, j);
if (window.domready) return k();
switch ((j || event).type) {
case 'load':
case 'focus':
case 'click':
var l =,
m =;
l.cursor = m.cursor = 'progress';
c('Run').onAfterLoad(function() {
l.cursor = m.cursor = '';
if (i.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a') {
if (false !== k() && i.href) window.location.href = i.href;
} else if (;
return false;
b.wait_for_load = h;
}), 3);
__d('PluginQuote', ['Arbiter', 'DOM', 'DOMEventListener', 'UnverifiedXD'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = {
init: function i(j) {
c('DOMEventListener').add(j, 'click', function() {
type: 'getTextSelection'
c('Arbiter').subscribe('Connect.Unsafe.setTextSelection', function(k, l) {
c('DOM').insertAfter(j, c('DOM').create('input', {
type: 'hidden',
id: 'quotationtext',
value: l.text
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PluginSend', ['Arbiter', 'CSS', 'DOM', 'DOMEvent', 'DOMEventListener', 'Focus', 'Plugin', 'PluginOptin', 'PluginResize', 'PopupWindow'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 3000,
i = 5000,
j = function k(l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t) {
new(c('PluginResize'))(function() {
return l.offsetWidth;
}, function() {
return l.offsetHeight;
if (r !== null) {
c('DOMEventListener').add(m, 'click', y);
if (t) {
c('DOMEventListener').add(m, 'click', function(aa) {
aa = new(c('DOMEvent'))(aa);
c('PopupWindow').open(t, 340, 670);
if (!o) {
var u = new(c('PluginOptin'))('send').addReturnParams({
act: 'send'
c('DOMEventListener').add(m, 'click', u.start.bind(u));
var v = false,
w = false,
function y() {
if (s !== null) {
if (x !== null) clearTimeout(x);
var aa =;
x = setTimeout(function() {
if ( - aa < i) window.parent.location.href = s;
}, h);
window.parent.location.href = r;
function z() {
w = !w;
if (w) {
setTimeout(function() {
var ca = c('DOM').find(o, '.textInput');
}, 500);
} else {
var aa = c('DOM').find(m, 'button');
if (!v) {
var ba = window.ServerJSAsyncLoader;
ba && ba.ondemandjs &&;
v = true;
new(c('PluginResize'))(function() {
return Math.max(l.offsetWidth, o.offsetWidth);
}, function() {
return Math.max(l.offsetHeight, o.offsetHeight + o.offsetTop);
}, 'resize.iframe', true).resize().auto();
c('DOMEventListener').add(m, 'click', z);
c('DOMEventListener').add(n, 'click', z);
c('DOMEventListener').add(l.parentNode, 'click', function(aa) {
aa = new(c('DOMEvent'))(aa);
if ( === l.parentNode) {
c('Arbiter').subscribe(k.CLOSE, z);
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('Plugin').ERROR, function(event, aa) {
c('DOM').setContent(l, aa.content);
if (q) z();
Object.assign(j, {
SUCCESS: 'platform/plugins/send/success',
CLOSE: 'platform/plugins/send/close',
success: function k() {
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d("PluginShareLogTypes", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = {
IMPRESSION: "impression",
CLICK: "click"
}), null);
__d("XSharePluginLoggingController", ["XController"], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = c("XController").create("\/platform\/plugin\/share\/logging\/", {});
}), null);
__d('PluginShareActions', ['AsyncRequest', 'Event', 'UnverifiedXD', 'PluginShareLogTypes', 'XSharePluginLoggingController'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = {
init: function i(j, k, l, m, n, o, p) {
c('Event').listen(n, 'click', function(q) {
app_id: o,
href: j,
layout: k,
event: c('PluginShareLogTypes').CLICK,
has_iframe: l,
referer_url: m,
new_ui: p
triggerMobileIframe: function i(j, k) {
c('Event').listen(k, 'click', function(l) {
type: 'shareTriggerMobileIframe',
data: JSON.stringify({
href: j
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PopupLink', ['DOMEvent', 'DOMEventListener', 'Popup'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
listen: function i(j, k, l) {
c('DOMEventListener').add(j, 'click', function(m) {
c('Popup').open(j.href, k, l);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('PageNavigationStageLogger', ['Arbiter', 'BigPipe', 'Run'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = 'first_byte';
c('Arbiter').subscribe(c('BigPipe').Events.init, function(event, j) {
h = c('BigPipe').Events.init;
j.arbiter.subscribe(Object.values(c('BigPipe').Events), function(k) {
h = k;
c('Run').onAfterLoad(function() {
h = 'onafterload';
c('Run').onLoad(function() {
h = 'onload';
var i = {
getLoadStage: function j() {
return h;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d('clickRefAction', ['Arbiter'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(l, m, n, o, p) {
var q = l + '/' + m;
this.ue = q;
this._ue_ts = l;
this._ue_count = m;
this._context = n;
this._ns = null;
this._node = o;
this._type = p;
h.prototype.set_namespace = function(l) {
this._ns = l;
return this;
h.prototype.coalesce_namespace = function(l) {
if (this._ns === null) this._ns = l;
return this;
h.prototype.add_event = function() {
return this;
var i = 0,
j = [];
function k(l, m, event, n, o) {
var p =,
q = event && event.type;
o = o || {};
if (!m && event) m = event.getTarget();
var r = 50;
if (m && n != "FORCE")
for (var s = j.length - 1; s >= 0 && p - j[s]._ue_ts < r; --s)
if (j[s]._node == m && j[s]._type == q) return j[s];
var t = new h(p, i, l, m, q);
while (j[0]._ue_ts + r < p || j.length > 10) j.shift();
c('Arbiter').inform("ClickRefAction/new", {
cfa: t,
node: m,
mode: n,
event: event,
extra_data: o
return t;
f.exports = b.clickRefAction = k;
}), null);
__d('Primer', ['Arbiter', 'Bootloader', 'CSS', 'ErrorUtils', 'Event', 'PageNavigationStageLogger', 'PageNavigationStageLoggerGK', 'Parent', 'TimeSlice', 'TimeSliceInteraction', 'clickRefAction', 'ifRequired', 'nullthrows', 'performanceNow', 'trackReferrer', 'uniqueID'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = null,
i = /async(?:-post)?|dialog(?:-post)?|theater|toggle/,
j = document.documentElement,
k = {};
function l(w, x) {
var y = c('nullthrows')(;
if (!(y in k)) k[y] = 0;
if (k[y] === 0) c('CSS').addClass(w, 'bootloading');
k[y] += x;
function m(w) {
var x = c('nullthrows')(;
if (k[x] === 0) c('CSS').removeClass(w, 'bootloading');
function n(w, x) {
w = c('Parent').byAttribute(w, x);
if (!w) return;
do {
o(w, x);
} while (w = c('Parent').byAttribute(w.parentNode, x));
return false;
function o(w, x) {
var y = c('Parent').byClass(w, 'stat_elem') || w; || y.setAttribute('id', c('uniqueID')());
var z = JSON.parse(w.getAttribute(x));
l(y, z.length);
z.forEach(function(aa) {
var ba = aa[0],
ca = aa[1];
c('Bootloader')'Bootloader'), [ba], function(da) {
}, 'Primer: addEventHandler');
function p(w) {
return !!w.match(/^(http(s)?(:\/\/))?(www\.)?([\w.-]*\.)?facebook\.com/i);
c('Event').listen(j, 'click', function(w) {
w = w || window.event;
h = || w.srcElement;
var x = c('Parent').byTag(h, 'A');
if (!x) return n(h, 'data-onclick');
var y = x.getAttribute('ajaxify'),
z = x.href,
aa = y || z;
if (aa) c('clickRefAction')('a', x, w).coalesce_namespace('primer');
if (y && z && !/#$/.test(z)) {
var ba = w.which && w.which === 2,
ca = w.altKey || w.ctrlKey || w.metaKey || w.shiftKey;
if (ba || ca) return;
var da = n(h, 'data-onclick');
c('trackReferrer')(x, aa);
var ea = x.rel && x.rel.match(i);
ea = ea && ea[0];
if (z && !ea && !y && c('PageNavigationStageLoggerGK').gk_check && p(z)) {
var fa = JSON.stringify({
load_stage: c('PageNavigationStageLogger').getLoadStage(),
load_time: c('performanceNow')()
document.cookie = 'pnl_data=' + fa + ';path=/;max-age=1';
var ga = 'Primer: ' + ea;
switch (ea) {
case 'dialog':
case 'dialog-post':
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["AsyncDialog"], function(ka) {
ka.bootstrap(aa, x, ea);
}, ga);
case 'async':
case 'async-post':
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["AsyncRequest"], function(ka) {
ka.bootstrap(aa, x);
}, ga);
case 'theater':
var ha = c('TimeSliceInteraction').createAutoclosed('snowlift_open_autoclosed'),
ia = c('TimeSliceInteraction').create('snowlift_open'),
ja = c('ifRequired')('PhotoSnowlift', function() {
return '1';
}, function() {
return '0';
ha.trace().addStringAnnotation('is_bootloaded', ja);
ia.trace().addStringAnnotation('is_bootloaded', ja);
c('Arbiter').subscribeOnce('PhotoSnowlift.IMAGE_LOADED', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 20000);
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["PhotoSnowlift"], function(ka) {
ka.bootstrap(aa, x);
}, ga);
case 'toggle':
c('CSS').toggleClass(x.parentNode, 'openToggler');
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["Toggler"], function(ka) {
}, ga);
return da;
return false;
j.onsubmit = c('ErrorUtils').guard(function(w) {
w = w || window.event;
var x = || w.srcElement;
if (x && x.nodeName == 'FORM' && x.getAttribute('rel') == 'async') {
c('clickRefAction')('f', x, w).coalesce_namespace('primer');
var y = h;
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["FormSubmit"], function(z) {
z.send(x, y);
}, 'Primer: async');
return false;
}, 'Primer submit');
var q = null,
r = function w(x, y) {
y = y || window.event;
q = || y.srcElement;
n(q, 'data-on' + x);
if (x === 'mouseover') u();
s = function w(x, y) {
y = y || window.event;
q = y.relatedTarget || y.toElement;
t = function w() {
var x = q,
y = c('Parent').byAttribute(q, 'data-hover');
if (y) {
switch (y.getAttribute('data-hover')) {
case 'tooltip':
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["Tooltip"], function(z) {
if (q === x) z.process(y, q);
}, 'Primer: tooltip');
u = function w() {
var x = q,
y = c('Parent').byAttribute(x, 'data-hovercard');
if (y) c('Bootloader').loadModules(["Hovercard"], function(z) {
if (q === x) z.processNode(y);
}, 'Primer: hovercard');
j.onmouseover = c('TimeSlice').guard(r.bind(null, 'mouseover'), 'Primer mouseover');
j.onmouseout = c('TimeSlice').guard(s.bind(null, 'mouseout'), 'Primer mouseout');
var v = c('TimeSlice').guard(r.bind(null, 'focus'), 'Primer focus');
if (j.addEventListener) {
j.addEventListener('focus', v, true);
} else j.attachEvent('onfocusin', v);
}), null);
__d("XConsentCookieController", ["XController"], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = c("XController").create("\/cookie\/consent\/", {
pv: {
type: "Enum",
enumType: 0
}), null);
__d('DeferredCookie', ['AsyncRequest', 'Cookie', 'Env', 'Map', 'SubscriptionList', 'XConsentCookieController'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
'use strict';
var h = new(c('Map'))(),
i = {
shouldAddDefaultListener: true,
defaultHandler: null,
autoFlushCookies: false,
sentConsentToServer: false,
callbacks: new(c('SubscriptionList'))(),
addToQueue: function j(k, l, m, n, o, p, q) {
if (this.autoFlushCookies) {
if (o) {
c('Cookie').setIfFirstPartyContext(k, l, m, n);
} else c('Cookie').set(k, l, m, n);
if (h.has(k)) return;
h.set(k, {
name: k,
value: l,
nMilliSecs: m,
path: n,
firstPartyOnly: o
if (p) this.addDefaultInteractionListener();
flushAllCookies: function j() {
delete c('Env').defer_cookies;
h.forEach(function(l, m) {
if (l.firstPartyOnly) {
c('Cookie').setIfFirstPartyContext(, l.value, l.nMilliSecs, l.path);
} else c('Cookie').set(, l.value, l.nMilliSecs, l.path);
this.autoFlushCookies = true;
h = new(c('Map'))();
if (!this.sentConsentToServer) {
this.sentConsentToServer = true;
var k = c('XConsentCookieController').getURIBuilder().setEnum('pv', this.getNoticePolicyVersion()).getURI();
getNoticePolicyVersion: function j() {
try {
var l = document.getElementById('cpn-pv-link');
if (!l) return '1';
return l.getAttribute('data-pv');
} catch (k) {
return '1';
removeDefaultInteractionListener: function j() {
if (this.defaultHandler) {
if (window.removeEventListener) {
window.removeEventListener('click', this.defaultHandler, true);
} else if (document.detachEvent) document.detachEvent('onclick', this.defaultHandler);
this.defaultHandler = null;
addDefaultInteractionListener: function j() {
if (this.shouldAddDefaultListener) {
this.shouldAddDefaultListener = false;
this.defaultHandler = this.baseInteractionHandler.bind(this);
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('click', this.defaultHandler, true);
} else if (document.attachEvent) document.attachEvent('onclick', this.defaultHandler);
registerCallbackOnCookieFlush: function j(k) {
if (this.autoFlushCookies) {
} else this.callbacks.add(k);
baseInteractionHandler: function j() {
canEmbedThirdPartyPixel: function j() {
if (c('Env').no_cookies || c('Env').defer_cookies) return false;
return this.autoFlushCookies || h.size === 0;
f.exports = i;
}), null);
__d("XRefererFrameController", ["XController"], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
f.exports = c("XController").create("\/common\/referer_frame.php", {
v: {
type: "Int"
}), null);
__d('isOculusDotComURI', ['URI'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = new RegExp('(^|\\.)oculus\\.com$', 'i'),
i = ['https'];
function j(k) {
if (k.isEmpty() && k.toString() !== '#') return false;
if (!k.getDomain() && !k.getProtocol()) return false;
return (i.indexOf(k.getProtocol()) !== -1 && h.test(k.getDomain()));
f.exports = j;
}), null);
__d('ControlledReferer', ['Bootloader', 'DeferredCookie', 'URI', 'UserAgent', 'XRefererFrameController', 'isMessengerDotComURI', 'isOculusDotComURI', 'lowerFacebookDomain'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
useFacebookReferer: function i(j, k, l) {
if (!c('DeferredCookie').canEmbedThirdPartyPixel()) {
c('Bootloader').loadModules(["BanzaiODS"], function(p) {
p.bumpEntityKey('defer_cookies', 'block_controlled_referer_iframe');
}, 'ControlledReferer');
var m = false;
function n() {
if (m) return;
var p = j.contentWindow.location.pathname;
if (p !== '/intern/common/referer_frame.php' && p !== '/common/referer_frame.php') return;
m = true; = 0;
var o = void 0;
if (c('isMessengerDotComURI')(c('URI').getRequestURI())) {
o = c('XRefererFrameController').getURIBuilder().getURI().toString();
} else if (c('isOculusDotComURI')(c('URI').getRequestURI())) {
o = '/common/referer_frame.php';
} else if (!c('lowerFacebookDomain').isValidDocumentDomain()) {
o = '/intern/common/referer_frame.php';
} else if (c('UserAgent').isBrowser('Opera')) {
o = c('XRefererFrameController').getURIBuilder().getURI().toString();
} else o = c('XRefererFrameController').getURIBuilder().getURI().qualify().setProtocol('https').setSubdomain('staticxx').toString();
if (l) o += '?fb_source=' + l;
j.onload = n;
j.src = o;
useFacebookRefererHtml: function i(j, k, l) {
h.useFacebookReferer(j, function() {
j.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = k;
}, l);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('TrackingPixel', ['Arbiter', 'ControlledReferer', 'DeferredCookie', 'JSLog', 'NonBlockingIFrame', 'WebSpeedExperiments'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
_iframe: undefined,
loadWithNoReferrer: function i(j) {
if (!c('DeferredCookie').canEmbedThirdPartyPixel()) {
c('JSLog').error('Attempting to load a TrackingPixel (%s) while cookies are deferred. ' + 'This is not allowed because tracking pixels sometimes set cookies.', j);
if (!h._iframe)
if (c('WebSpeedExperiments').non_blocking_logger) {
h._iframe = true;
c('NonBlockingIFrame').loadIFrame().then(function(l) {
h._iframe = l;
c('ControlledReferer').useFacebookReferer(l, function() {
c('Arbiter').inform('TrackingPixel/iframeIsLoaded', null, c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT);
}, null);
} else {
var k = document.createElement('iframe');
k.frameborder = 0;
k.width = k.height = 1; = 'absolute'; = '-10px';
c('ControlledReferer').useFacebookReferer(k, function() {
c('Arbiter').inform('TrackingPixel/iframeIsLoaded', null, c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT);
}, null);
h._iframe = k;
c('Arbiter').subscribe('TrackingPixel/iframeIsLoaded', function() {
var l = h._iframe.contentWindow,
m = new l.Image();
m.src = j;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d("areJSONRepresentationsEqual", [], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
function h(i, j) {
return JSON.stringify(i) == JSON.stringify(j);
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('UIForm', ['ArbiterMixin', 'BehaviorsMixin', 'DOM', 'Event', 'Form', 'Run', 'areJSONRepresentationsEqual', 'mixin'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h, i;
h = babelHelpers.inherits(j, c('mixin')(c('ArbiterMixin'), c('BehaviorsMixin')));
i = h && h.prototype;
function j(k, l, m, n, o) {
'use strict';;
this._root = k;
this.controller = k;
this._message = l;
if (n) {
this._confirm_dialog = n;
n.subscribe('confirm', this._handleDialogConfirm.bind(this));
c('DOM').prependContent(this._root, c('DOM').create('input', {
type: 'hidden',
name: 'confirmed',
value: 'true'
c('Run').onAfterLoad(function() {
this._originalState = c('Form').serialize(this._root);
this._forceDirty = m;
this._confirmed = false;
this._submitted = false;
c('Event').listen(this._root, 'submit', this._handleSubmit.bind(this));
if (o && o.length) this.enableBehaviors(o);
var p = true;
c('Run').onBeforeUnload(this.checkUnsaved.bind(this), p);
j.prototype.getRoot = function() {
'use strict';
return this._root;
j.prototype._handleSubmit = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._confirm_dialog && !this._confirmed) {;
return false;
if (this.inform('submit') === false) return false;
this._submitted = true;
return true;
j.prototype._handleDialogConfirm = function() {
'use strict';
this._confirmed = true;
if (this._root.getAttribute('ajaxify')) {
c('Event').fire(this._root, 'submit');
} else if (this._handleSubmit()) this._root.submit();
j.prototype.reset = function() {
'use strict';
this._submitted = false;
this._confirmed = false;
j.prototype.isDirty = function() {
'use strict';
if (this._submitted || !c('DOM').contains(document.body, this._root)) return false;
if (this._forceDirty) return true;
if (!this._originalState) return false;
var k = c('Form').serialize(this._root);
return !c('areJSONRepresentationsEqual')(k, this._originalState);
j.prototype.checkUnsaved = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.isDirty()) return this._message;
return null;
f.exports = b.UIForm || j;
}), null);
__d('VerifiedXD', ['XD'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = c('XD').XD;
f.exports = h;
}), null);
__d('VerifyDomain', ['Arbiter', 'CSS', 'VerifiedXD', 'guid'], (function a(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var h = {
VERIFIED: 'platform/plugins/verify_domain',
verify: function i(j) {
var k;
if (location.ancestorOrigins && location.ancestorOrigins.length > 0) {
if (location.ancestorOrigins[0] === j) c('Arbiter').inform(h.VERIFIED, null, c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_STATE);
} else(function() {
var l = c('guid')();
c('Arbiter').subscribe('Connect.Unsafe.xd/verify', function(event, m) {
if (m === l) c('Arbiter').inform(h.VERIFIED, null, c('Arbiter').BEHAVIOR_STATE);
type: 'verify',
token: l
show: function i(j) {
c('Arbiter').subscribe(h.VERIFIED, c('CSS').show.bind(null, j));
f.exports = h;
}), null);
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