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Created March 5, 2014 15:49
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Postgresql Wildcard Search
class User
# This is how I see most wildcard searches done. It matches anywhere, including
# in the middle of a word. E.g. for "John Doe"
# "jo" => yes
# "do" => yes
# "oe" => yes
def self.search_anywhere(query)
where("LOWER(users.first_name) LIKE :query OR LOWER(users.last_name) LIKE :query OR LOWER( LIKE :query", query: "%#{query}.downcase%")
# This is a little neater, IMHO
def self.search_anywhere_neater(query)
where(%w[first_name last_name email].map {|c| "LOWER(users.#{c}) LIKE :query" }.join(" OR "), query: "%#{query.downcase}%")
# This one copes better with word boundaries (depending what behaviour you
# want). E.g. for "John Doe"
# "jo" => yes
# "do" => yes
# "oe" => no
def self.search_start_of_words(query)
# The first space is the delimiter, the second adds a space to the start of the
# concatenated string. Note the space inserted in the :search parameter to
# only search starts of words.
where("LOWER(CONCAT_WS(' ', ' ', #{%w[first_name last_name email].join(", ")})) LIKE :search", search: "% #{query.downcase}%")
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