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Last active October 24, 2018 20:09
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My personal leadership philosophy has been developed over more than a decade of...

Personal Leadership Philosophy

by: David Billingham

My personal leadership philosophy has been developed over more than a decade of managing software projects and working with engineering teams. It will define how I lead, what I place value in, what I expect and what is not acceptable. The reason to document this is so that we can level the playing field and both be working from the same expectations.

I lead by:

  • Inspiring and challenging you to come up with creative solutions to difficult problems.
  • Empowering you to do things outside of your comfort zone.
  • Recognizing you publicly when you do something amazing and critique you privately if needed.
  • If you need a teacher I will help you learn if you need a supporter I have your back.
  • Bringing the right people from the business to the table to help gain clarity around what problems need to be solved.

I place great value in:

  • Being able to be honest with each other - say what you mean and mean what you say.
  • Having fun - it should be a core component of our daily work.
  • Engaging as a team in order to solve complex problems - the problems we are solving are bigger than just one person and the solutions to those problems are bigger than one person as well.
  • Making decisions transparent - everyone should understand why we are making the decisions we make.
  • Quality - it is everyone’s job to ensure quality is a feature in the software we build.
  • Teaching - it is not a role of one person but all the people on the team. I am a teacher. You are a teacher.
  • Listening - in order to truly work together we need to be able to understand where each other is coming from.

What I expect:

  • Do the right thing. If there is a better way do it, don’t wait for someone to tell you to do something you know is better.
  • Keep me informed. I don’t know what I don’t know. In order to help I need to know what is happening.
  • No task is beneath me and no task should be something you won’t step up and do.
  • Understand the business. Do your homework and expand your knowledge beyond the projects you work on. Be inquisitive.
  • You will give me honest feedback and hold me accountable as I will you.
  • When issues are reported react quickly and with purpose. Never just quietly ignore an issue because you are afraid to mention it.
  • If you don’t know something admit it and then learn it.

Things I do not accept:

  • Negative attitudes - they are toxic and will destroy a team from the inside.
  • Lying, cheating, disrespect, harassment or prejudice - have no place in what we do.

I am committed to leading using these values and committed to you as an employee and a person. I am dedicated to helping you make your career successful.

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