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Last active October 12, 2015 20:14
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Based on Running into issues using SchemaNo.sql despite the article's claim "because the Write-DataTable cmdlet uses sqlbulkcopy, you need the pass the columns to it in the same order as they occur in the table". Error is Write…
function Get-Type
$types = @(
if ( $types -contains $type ) {
Write-Output "$type"
else {
Write-Output 'System.String'
} #Get-Type
Creates a DataTable for an object
Creates a DataTable based on an objects properties.
Any object can be piped to Out-DataTable
$dt = Get-psdrive| Out-DataTable
This example creates a DataTable from the properties of Get-psdrive and assigns output to $dt variable
Adapted from script by Marc van Orsouw see link
Version History
v1.0 - Chad Miller - Initial Release
v1.1 - Chad Miller - Fixed Issue with Properties
v1.2 - Chad Miller - Added setting column datatype by property as suggested by emp0
v1.3 - Chad Miller - Corrected issue with setting datatype on empty properties
v1.4 - Chad Miller - Corrected issue with DBNull
v1.5 - Chad Miller - Updated example
v1.6 - Chad Miller - Added column datatype logic with default to string
v1.7 - Chad Miller - Fixed issue with IsArray
function Out-DataTable
param([Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSObject[]]$InputObject)
$dt = new-object Data.datatable
$First = $true
foreach ($object in $InputObject)
$DR = $DT.NewRow()
foreach($property in $object.PsObject.get_properties())
if ($first)
$Col = new-object Data.DataColumn
$Col.ColumnName = $property.Name.ToString()
if ($property.value)
if ($property.value -isnot [System.DBNull]) {
$Col.DataType = [System.Type]::GetType("$(Get-Type $property.TypeNameOfValue)")
if ($property.Gettype().IsArray) {
$DR.Item($property.Name) =$property.value | ConvertTo-XML -AS String -NoTypeInformation -Depth 1
else {
$DR.Item($property.Name) = $property.value
$First = $false
Write-Output @(,($dt))
} #Out-DataTable
Writes data only to SQL Server tables.
Writes data only to SQL Server tables. However, the data source is not limited to SQL Server; any data source can be used, as long as the data can be loaded to a DataTable instance or read with a IDataReader instance.
You cannot pipe objects to Write-DataTable
Produces no output
$dt = Invoke-Sqlcmd2 -ServerInstance "Z003\R2" -Database pubs "select * from authors"
Write-DataTable -ServerInstance "Z003\R2" -Database pubscopy -TableName authors -Data $dt
This example loads a variable dt of type DataTable from query and write the datatable to another database
Write-DataTable uses the SqlBulkCopy class see links for additional information on this class.
Version History
v1.0 - Chad Miller - Initial release
v1.1 - Chad Miller - Fixed error message
function Write-DataTable
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServerInstance,
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Database,
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$TableName,
[Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline = $true,ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyname = $true) ] $Data,
[Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Username,
[Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Password,
[Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [Int32]$BatchSize=50000,
[Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [Int32]$QueryTimeout=0,
[Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)] [Int32]$ConnectionTimeout=15
$conn=new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection
if ($Username)
{ $ConnectionString = "Server={0};Database={1};User ID={2};Password={3};Trusted_Connection=False;Connect Timeout={4}" -f $ServerInstance,$Database,$Username,$Password,$ConnectionTimeout }
{ $ConnectionString = "Server={0};Database={1};Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout={2}" -f $ServerInstance,$Database,$ConnectionTimeout }
$bulkCopy = new-object ("Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy") $connectionString
$bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = $tableName
$bulkCopy.BatchSize = $BatchSize
$bulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = $QueryTimeOut
$ex = $_.Exception
Write-Error "$ex.Message"
} #Write-DataTable
function PPrint
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline = $true,ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyname = $true) ] $DataTable
foreach($table in $DataTable.Columns)
Write-Host $table.ColumnName
foreach($row in $DataTable.Rows)
Write-Host $row[0], $row[1],$row[2],$row[3],$row[4],$row[5]
$LogList = @("Application", "System")
$server = $env:computername
$dbServer = "localhost\dev2014"
$dbName = "tempdb"
$logTable = "dbo.StagingEventLog"
foreach ($logName in $LogList)
$variable =
Get-EventLog -ComputerName $server -LogName $logName -Newest 10 | select @{Expression={$($server)};Label ="ServerName"}, @{Expression={$($logName)};Label ="LogName"},index,TimeGenerated,EntryType,Source,InstanceID, Message
$valuedatatable = Out-DataTable -InputObject $variable
PPrint -dataTable $valuedatatable
Write-DataTable -ServerInstance $dbServer -Database $dbName -TableName $logTable -data $valuedatatable
DROP TABLE dbo.StagingEventLog
CREATE TABLE dbo.StagingEventLog
EventLogID int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL
, ServerName sysname
, LogName nvarchar(15) NOT NULL
, LogIndex [int] NOT NULL
, LogDate [datetime] NULL
, EntryType [varchar](30) NULL
, Source [varchar](120) NULL
, InstanceID [varchar](30) NULL
, Message [varchar](MAX) NULL
, CONSTRAINT PK_dbo_StagingEventLog_ServerName_LogName_LogIndex PRIMARY KEY (ServerName,LogName, LogIndex)
CREATE TABLE dbo.StagingEventLog
EventLogID int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL
, LogName nvarchar(15) NOT NULL
, LogIndex [int] NULL
, LogDate [datetime] NULL
, EntryType [varchar](30) NULL
, Source [varchar](120) NULL
, InstanceID [varchar](30) NULL
, Message [varchar](MAX) NULL
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