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D3 custom zoom to mouse position
// viewport dimensions
const WIDTH = 300;
const HEIGHT = 400;
// initial values
var tx = 0,
ty = 0,
scale = 1;
* On mouse wheel callback
function onWheel() {
// prevent default event behaviour
// set zooming
var factor = 1.1;
var center = d3.mouse(document.querySelector('svg'));
var newTx, newTy, newScale;
// calculate new scale
if (d3.event.deltaY > 0) {
newScale = scale * factor;
} else {
newScale = scale / factor;
// calculate new translate position
// [current mouse position] - ([current mouse position] - [current translate]) * magnification
newTx = center[0] - (center[0] - tx) * newScale / scale;
newTy = center[1] - (center[1] - ty) * newScale / scale;
// set new scale and translate position
scale = newScale;
tx = newTx;
ty = newTy;
svg.attr('transform', `translate(${tx}, ${ty}) scale(${scale})`);
// create svg
var svg ='body').append('svg')
.attr('width', WIDTH)
.attr('height', HEIGHT)
.on('wheel.zoom', onWheel)
.attr('transform', `translate(${tx}, ${ty}) scale(${scale})`);
// add rectangle
.attr('width', WIDTH)
.attr('height', HEIGHT)
.attr('fill', '#fff')
.attr('x', 0)
.attr('y', 0);
// add circle
.attr('cx', WIDTH / 2)
.attr('cy', HEIGHT / 2)
.attr('r', 40)
.attr('fill', '#996600');
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