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Last active August 12, 2020 21:23
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Create inline GIF favicons
/* Bill Ticehurst, 2020
Emits a minimal 16 x 16 gif suitable for use as an inline favicon
GIF spec at for the structure
Favicon formats supported at
For a transparent GIF (color_table = false, depend_on_background = true) this emits:
<link rel="icon" href="">
Note that this is transparent as a browser favicon, but shows as a black square when opening as a file.
To be correct as a file, should set use_transparency = true also, which is slightly longer:
<link rel="icon" href="">
For a default black square icon with the pixels specified (depend_on_background = false) this emits:
<link rel="icon" href="">
With an image color also specified (color_table = true) this emits:
<link rel="icon" href="">
With two_tone specified if will do top half color 0 and bottom half color 1, e.g. orange over blue is:
<link rel="icon" href="">
// @ts-check
// Use the system colors (index 0 is usually black)
const color_table = false;
// Use the background color for unspecified pixels
const depend_on_background = true;
// Specify to use the transparency extension
const use_transparency = true;
// Use the two colors for top/bottom halves of the image
const two_tone = false;
if (two_tone && depend_on_background) throw "Two tone doesn't work with background color";
if (two_tone && use_transparency) throw "Two tone and transparency makes no sense";
let expected_bytes = 28;
if (color_table) expected_bytes += 6;
if (!depend_on_background) expected_bytes += 13;
if (two_tone) expected_bytes += 6;
if (use_transparency) expected_bytes += 8;
// Even if using the background, a min 1 x 1 pixel image block is required
let pixel_count = (two_tone && depend_on_background) ? (8 * 16) : (depend_on_background ? 1 : 16 * 16);
// Specify the default index values prior to the LZW codes.
/** @type {Map<number, number[]>}> */
let dict = new Map([
[0, [0]],
[1, [1]],
[2, [2]],
[3, [3]]
let code_size = 2; // Bits needed per pixel
let bit_size = code_size + 1; // Initial size of codes in output
let clear_code = Math.pow(2, code_size);
let end_of_info_code = clear_code + 1;
let next_code = clear_code + 2;
* @param {number[]} arr1
* @param {number[]} arr2
function arr_equal(arr1, arr2) {
if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) return false;
return arr1.every( (elem, idx) => arr2[idx] === elem);
* @param {number[]} arr
function arr_clone(arr) {
let result = [];
arr.forEach(elem => result.push(elem));
return result;
* @param {number[]} arr
function find_code(arr) {
for(const [key, value] of dict) {
if (arr_equal(arr, value)) return key;
return undefined;
/** @type {number[]} */
let curr_input = [];
let pending_output = -1;
/** @type {number[]} */
let output = [];
for(let i = 0; i < pixel_count; ++i) {
// Skip writing any pixel values if just using the background color
let pix_color = (two_tone && i >= 0x80 ? 1 : 0);
// console.log(`Writing index ${pix_color} to pixel ${i}`);
// Do we have a code for it?
let last_found = find_code(curr_input);
if (last_found !== undefined) {
pending_output = last_found;
// Wasn't in the codes. Save this pattern
dict.set(next_code++, arr_clone(curr_input));
if (pending_output !== -1)
// Add the prior found pattern to the output stream
// console.log("Pushing value: " + pending_output);
pending_output = -1;
} else {
// Can only get here with a length 2 input
if (curr_input.length !== 2) throw "Invalid logic";
// console.log("Pushing value " + curr_input[0]);
// Set the next input to be just the additional char not found
curr_input = [curr_input.pop()];
// There's always either pending output code, or a char left to output
if (pending_output !== -1) {
} else {
if (curr_input.length) output.push(find_code(curr_input));
let bits_needed = 0;
const start_bit_size = bit_size;
output.forEach(val => {
// console.log(`Code: ${val}, bit_size: ${bit_size}`);
bits_needed += bit_size;
if (val + 1 === Math.pow(2, bit_size)) ++bit_size;
const bytes_needed = Math.ceil(bits_needed / 8);
bit_size = start_bit_size;
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(expected_bytes);
const data_view = new DataView(buffer);
let buf_idx = 0;
// === Signature ===
for(let char of "GIF89a") {
data_view.setUint8(buf_idx++, char.charCodeAt(0));
/* === Screen Descriptor ===
struct {
uint16_t logical_width; // 16
uint16_t logical_height; // 16
byte packed; // 0
byte background_color_index; // 0
byte pixel_aspect_ratio; // 0 (no aspect ratio given)
} // 7 bytes
<Packed Fields> = Global Color Table Flag 1 Bit
Color Resolution 3 Bits
Sort Flag 1 Bit
Size of Global Color Table 3 Bits
data_view.setUint16(buf_idx, 16, true); buf_idx += 2;
data_view.setUint16(buf_idx, 16, true); buf_idx += 2;
if (!color_table) {
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0);
} else {
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0xF0);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0);
if (color_table) {
// Write out the global color table. Min 2 entries needed.
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0xFF);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x80);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x40);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x40);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x80);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0xFF);
/* === Control block for transparency
struct {
byte extension; // 0x21
byte label; // 0xF9
byte block_size; // 0x04
byte packed; // 0x01
uint16_t delay; // 0x0000
byte transparent_index; // 0x00
byte terminator; // 0x00
} // 8 bytes
if (use_transparency) {
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x21);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0xf9);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x04);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x01);
data_view.setUint16(buf_idx, 0x00); buf_idx += 2;
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x00);
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x00);
/* === Image descriptor===
struct {
byte image_separator; // 0x2c
uint16_t left_position; // 0
uint16_t top_position; // 0
uint16_t width; // 16
uint16_t height; // 16
byte packed; // 0
} // 10 bytes
const width = (two_tone || !depend_on_background) ? 16 : 1;
const height = (two_tone && depend_on_background) ? 8 : (depend_on_background ? 1 : 16);
const top = (two_tone && depend_on_background) ? 8 : 0;
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x2c);
data_view.setUint16(buf_idx, 0, true); buf_idx += 2;
data_view.setUint16(buf_idx, top, true); buf_idx += 2;
data_view.setUint16(buf_idx, width, true); buf_idx += 2;
data_view.setUint16(buf_idx, height, true); buf_idx += 2;
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0);
// Table-based data
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, code_size);
// Image block
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, bytes_needed); // Block size
// Write LZW bytes. See
let bit_idx = 0;
let bits = 0;
output.forEach( (val, idx) => {
bits |= val << bit_idx;
bit_idx += bit_size;
if (val + 1 === Math.pow(2, bit_size)) ++bit_size;
while (bit_idx >= 8) {
data_view.setUint8(buf_idx++, bits & 0xFF);
bits >>>= 8;
bit_idx -= 8;
if (idx === output.length - 1 && bit_idx > 0) {
// Last val and we have data to write
data_view.setUint8(buf_idx++, bits & 0xFF);
// Block terminator. Must follow the last block.
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0);
// Trailer. Required at end of file.
data_view.setInt8(buf_idx++, 0x3B);
if (buf_idx !== expected_bytes) throw "Unexpected length";
const fs = require("fs");
fs.writeFileSync("/temp/icon.gif", data_view);
const node_buf = Buffer.from(buffer);
console.log(`<link rel="icon" href="data:image/gif;base64,${node_buf.toString("base64")}">`);
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