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Last active September 29, 2022 22:52
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Remove point light attenuation in URP
// Drop this into a custom Shader Graph node, then output it to Unlit master Color and Alpha.
// If you want the point light to also behave as a directional light then instead of passing
// the Vertex world position pass the last column of the model Transformation matrix (Transformation node)
// instead.
// NOTE: this function removes GI feature entirely, as it wasn't necessary for my purpose.
void PBR_ZeroAttenuation_half(half3 Albedo,
half Metallic,
half3 Specular,
half Smoothness,
half3 Emission,
half Alpha,
float3 PositionWS,
half3 NormalWS,
half3 ViewDirectionWS,
out half4 fragOut)
BRDFData brdfData;
InitializeBRDFData(Albedo, Metallic, Specular, Smoothness, Alpha, brdfData);
Light mainLight = GetMainLight();
half3 color = LightingPhysicallyBased(brdfData, mainLight, NormalWS, ViewDirectionWS);
uint pixelLightCount = GetAdditionalLightsCount();
for (uint lightIndex = 0u; lightIndex < pixelLightCount; ++lightIndex)
Light light = GetAdditionalLight(lightIndex, PositionWS);
color += LightingPhysicallyBased(brdfData, light.color, light.direction, 1, NormalWS, ViewDirectionWS);
color += Emission;
fragOut = half4(color, Alpha);
fragOut = half4 (1, 1, 1, 1);
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