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Created July 4, 2020 16:38
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Troop cost/wage inflation
public static class Util
struct PriceInflation
public int UpdatedDay;
public bool NeedsUpdate => (int)Campaign.Current.CampaignStartTime.ElapsedDaysUntilNow > UpdatedDay;
public float Inflation;
private static Dictionary<object, PriceInflation> categoryInflation = new Dictionary<object, PriceInflation>();
private static float GetGlobalAverageBuyPrice(ItemObject item)
return Town.AllTowns.Select(t => (float)t.MarketData.GetPrice(item)).Average();
private static float GetBasePrice(ItemObject item)
return item.Value * 1.5f; // 1.5 is just a hack to estimate an base game "real" average price from the base price
public static float GetInflation(object key, IEnumerable<ItemObject> items)
if(!categoryInflation.TryGetValue(key, out PriceInflation inf) || inf.NeedsUpdate)
inf = new PriceInflation
UpdatedDay = (int)Campaign.Current.CampaignStartTime.ElapsedDaysUntilNow,
Inflation =
.Select(i => GetGlobalAverageBuyPrice(i) / GetBasePrice(i))
categoryInflation[key] = inf;
return inf.Inflation;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(DefaultPartyWageModel), "GetTroopRecruitmentCost")]
public class DefaultPartyWageModel_GetTroopRecruitmentCost_Patch
static void Postfix(CharacterObject troop, Hero buyerHero, bool withoutItemCost, ref int __result)
var cats = troop.AllEquipments
.SelectMany(e => Enumerable.Range(0, 12).Select(i => e[i].Item).Where(ei => ei != null));
__result = (int)Math.Ceiling(__result * Util.GetInflation(troop, cats));
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(CharacterObject), "TroopWage", MethodType.Getter)]
public class CharacterObject_TroopWage_Getter_Patch
static void Postfix(CharacterObject __instance, ref int __result)
var cats = __instance.AllEquipments
.SelectMany(e => Enumerable.Range(0, 12).Select(i => e[i].Item).Where(ei => ei != null));
__result = (int)Math.Ceiling(__result * Util.GetInflation(__instance, cats));
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