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Last active November 23, 2019 05:37
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2 audio streams simultaeneously
d3z: With gentoo, restoring from an rsync or similar mirror is pretty easy. You can just
use the handbook but instead of unpacking a stage tarball, you copy the mirror onto
the volume, and then follow the steps to make it bootable.
d3z: It's good to print out partition tables and stuff to make it easy to restore that
on a new drive.
tlhonmey: tertl3: to restore you'd decompress piped to dd and put it back on the disk.
[01:26] tertl3: d3z: what about something like this
[01:27] d3z: I use a combination of external USB drives, and Amazon S3.
[01:27] tertl3: rsync -av --delete /dev/sda /dev/sdb
[01:27] d3z: I would use rsync on the mounted filesystems, not the raw devices.
[01:28] d3z: You want something like `rsync -aHAX --delete /source/path/ /target/path/`
[01:28] d3z: The trailing slash is very important on the paths.
tertl3@tux ~ $ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 931.5G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 2M 0 part
├─sda2 8:2 0 128M 0 part /boot
├─sda3 8:3 0 512M 0 part [SWAP]
└─sda4 8:4 0 930.9G 0 part /
tertl3@tux ~ $ fdisk -l /dev/sda
Disk /dev/sda: 931.5 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
Disk model: WDC WD1001FAES-7
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 175D0307-DE4B-4406-BBD8-AE715FCAF57D
Device Start End Sectors Size Type
/dev/sda1 2048 6143 4096 2M BIOS boot
/dev/sda2 6144 268287 262144 128M EFI System
/dev/sda3 268288 1316863 1048576 512M Linux filesystem
/dev/sda4 1316864 1953523119 1952206256 930.9G Linux filesystem
d3z: To back up root, I usually use a bind mount: `mkdir /mnt/root; mount --bind /
/mnt/root; ... (backup) ...; umount /mnt/root`
d3z: This way it can backup the things that are "under" various mountpoints, especially
[16:06] + iamben: i'd do something like: "mkdir /mnt/bind && mount -o bind / /mnt/bind" tobind mount rootfs. then "cd /mnt/bind && tar -cJf /rootfs-backup.tar.xz *"
[16:07] + iamben: set XZ_OPTS="-T5" in yoru environment if you want it to use 5 threads
[16:08] tlhonmey: Or more since you have 10 cores.
[16:09] tertl3: im a bit confused about where to add to my environment
[16:09] + iamben: you can either 'export XZ_OPTS="-T5"' in the shell to set it for this whole session, or
[16:10] + iamben: just put it right before the tar command like: XZ_OPTS="-T5" tar -cJf /rootfs-....
to restore
[16:01] + iamben: 'tar -xvpf /rootfs-backup.tar.xz -C /' or similar
[16:03] tertl3: okay
[16:04] + iamben: your tar command should also have --xattrs --xattrs-include="*.*" for best results
iamben: copy the old config into the new source dir, and make oldconfig
tlhonmey: Also turning on the bit about storing a copy if the config in the kernel and making it
accessible via /proc/config.gz is a handy way to keep from losing your config.
tertl3: emerge -auvDU --jobs 4 --quiet-build=y --complete-graph=y --verbose-conflicts @world
emerge -avuDN @world
emerge --sync && emerge @world -uvDNa
//grub-install --target=i386-pc
//if /sys/firmware/efi has stuff in it, you're booted in UEFI mode
wgetpaste -c 'emerge -vp musique'
wgetpaste -c "anycommandyoulike"
/etc/conf.d/xdm to set DISPLAYMANAGER="sddm" then do "rc-service xdm start"
[19:56] <+wraeth> tertl3_: After enabling SND_HDA_INTEL in the kernel, there should be some additional options for various codecs related to it. You need the codec appropriate for your card (but you can enable all of them as they're trivially small).
[19:56] <wokko> tertl3_: check 'aplay -l' if nothing check kernel for youe sound card/codec
[19:57] <+wraeth> tertl3_: After updating the kernel config, don't forget to build it, install it and the modules, regen any initramfs you might have, and reboot into it.
[19:57] <+wraeth> tertl3_: Also wokko's advice (he's far better with sound that I ;) )
* - media-fonts/arphicfonts
* - media-fonts/droid
* - media-fonts/ipamonafont
* - media-fonts/noto
* - media-fonts/ja-ipafonts
* - media-fonts/takao-fonts
* - media-fonts/wqy-microhei
* - media-fonts/wqy-zenhei
-U will skip rebuilds in certain specific cases where
it might not be strictly required
[12:51] + iamben: tertl3: you need xdm.eclass provided by whatever overlay that ebuild came from
[12:51] + iamben: probably should just enable the whole overlay
[12:52] tertl3: iamben: it hasnt been touched in years
[12:53] + iamben: you'll probably wanna look at what it's actually using that eclass for, and implement it some other way
[18:17] Viperlin: i use
[18:17] Viperlin: #!/bin/bash
[18:17] Viperlin: echo "sync? y/n"
[18:17] Viperlin: read PEE
[18:17] Viperlin: if [ "$PEE" = "y" ]; then
[18:17] Viperlin: eix-sync && emerge world -uNvDat --keep-going && revdep-rebuild --
--keep-going && emerge @preserved-rebuild
[18:17] Viperlin: else
[18:17] Viperlin: echo "no sync :("
[18:17] Viperlin: emerge world -uNvDat --keep-going && revdep-rebuild -- --keep-going &&
emerge @preserved-rebuild
[18:17] Viperlin: fi
[18:17] Viperlin: as
[18:17] Viperlin: but might be a better way!
These settings were set by the catalyst build script that automatically
# built this stage.
# Please consult /usr/share/portage/config/make.conf.example for a more
# detailed example.
COMMON_FLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe"
# NOTE: This stage was built with the bindist Use flag enabled
# 11:31 <+iamben> that bindist comment is unrelated to those^
# 11:31 < tertl3> oh
# 11:31 <+iamben> PORTDIR is an obsolete var, replaced by the settings in repos.conf ... the other 2 vars there match the default so they are not really needed
# PORTDIR="/usr/portage"
# DISTDIR="/usr/portage/distfiles"
# PKGDIR="/usr/portage/packages"
USE="-gpm icu alsa pulseaudio"
# This sets the language of build output to English.
# Please keep this setting intact when reporting bugs.
GENTOO_MIRRORS=" rsync:// rsync://"
Copy link

udo emerge -auvDN @world
WARNING: One or more repositories have missing repo_name entries:


NOTE: Each repo_name entry should be a plain text file containing a
unique name for the repository on the first line.

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!

Total: 0 packages, Size of downloads: 0 KiB

WARNING: One or more updates/rebuilds have been skipped due to a dependency conflict:


(dev-util/meson-0.52.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) conflicts with
<dev-util/meson-0.52 required by (gnome-base/dconf-0.32.0-r1:0/0::gentoo, installed)
^ ^^^^

Nothing to merge; quitting.

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