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Created January 1, 2022 21:05
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# Libraries
# Load 2022 Data
data_2022 <- hoopR::load_nba_pbp(2022)
player_2022 <- data_2022 %>%
# Only Shooting Plays
filter(shooting_play) %>%
# Only Steph curry
filter(participants_0_athlete_id == 3975) %>%
# Filter Down To Only 3s in a few steps
## Get Shot Distance Measurements from pbp text
mutate(shot_distance = str_extract_all(text, "..-foot") %>%
substr(1, 2) %>% as.numeric() %>% suppressWarnings()) %>%
## Only select where shot distance > 24 or score_value is 3 or
## where pbp text has the words "three point"
filter(shot_distance > 24 | score_value == 3 | str_detect(text, "three point")) %>%
# Add variable for what rack the shot belongs to and
# variable for Make/Miss rather than TRUE/FALSE like scoring_play
mutate(rack = case_when(coordinate_x <= 19 & coordinate_y <= 15 ~ 1,
coordinate_x >= 19 & coordinate_x <= 31 & coordinate_y >= 15 ~ 3,
coordinate_x >= 31 & coordinate_y <= 15 ~ 5,
coordinate_x <= 19 & coordinate_y >= 15 ~ 2,
coordinate_x >= 31 & coordinate_y >= 15 ~ 4),
scoring_play = case_when(scoring_play ~ "Make",
TRUE ~ "Miss")) %>%
# Only select the needed variables
select(coordinate_x, coordinate_y, rack, scoring_play)
# Make rack a factor variable
player_2022$rack <- factor(player_2022$rack)
# Graph of All Shots
ggplot(player_2022, aes(x = coordinate_x,
y = coordinate_y,
shape = rack,
color = scoring_play)) +
# Jitter shot locations so all are shown
geom_jitter() +
# Choose specific shapes for shots
scale_shape_manual(values = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)) +
# Choose Specific colors for Make/Miss
scale_color_manual(values = c("Make" = "#FF0000",
"Miss" = "#303c6a")) +
# FT Line
geom_hline(yintercept = 15,
color = "black") +
# Lane Lines
geom_vline(xintercept = 19,
color = "black") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 31,
color = "black") +
# Standardize the X Limits
xlim(-0.5,50.5) +
# Titles
labs(title = "2022 Steph Curry 3 Pointers",
subtitle = paste("Data as of", format(Sys.time(), "%b %d %Y")),
color = "Make/Miss",
shape = "Rack",
caption = "Visualization by Billy Fryer ~ Data from hoopR package") +
# Theme Changes
theme_minimal() +
theme(# Center Plot Title and Subtitle
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
# Get rid of axis titles, ticks and labels
axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank(),
# Make Plot Background the court color
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#eed6ab"),
panel.grid = element_blank())+
# Add on Circle for Rim, I stole this code from somewhere
x = 25+1*cos(seq(0,2*pi,length.out=100)),
y = 0+1*sin(seq(0,2*pi,length.out=100)))
# Save the Image as a png
ggsave("Steph Curry 3 Pointers.png",
width = 4.5,
height = 3.5)
### Bootstrap sampling
# Separate By Rack Function
sep_by_rack <- function(df, loc) {
# Filter data frame down to shots by a certain rack location
filter(df, rack == loc)
# Calculate Score per rack
calc_score <- function(rack_vec, moneyball) {
# If it's not the moneyball rack
if(!moneyball) {
# One point for every ball and the last is worth double (moneyball)
sum(rack_vec[-5] == "Make") + 2*sum(rack_vec[5] == "Make")
# Otherwise (if it is the moneyball rack)
} else {
# Every shot is worth 2
2*sum(rack_vec == "Make")
# Funcion that performs the bootstrapping
# df argument is a dataframe
# moneyball_rack is the number of the moneyball rack
# B is the number of resamples (defaulted to 1 thousand)
# seed for reproducibility
bootstrap_score <- function(df, moneyball_rack, B = 1000, seed = 30) {
# Separate Data Frames
rack_1 <- sep_by_rack(df, 1)
rack_2 <- sep_by_rack(df, 2)
rack_3 <- sep_by_rack(df, 3)
rack_4 <- sep_by_rack(df, 4)
rack_5 <- sep_by_rack(df, 5)
# Set aside space for rack results
r1score <- rep(NA, B)
r2score <- rep(NA, B)
r3score <- rep(NA, B)
r4score <- rep(NA, B)
r5score <- rep(NA, B)
totalscore <- rep(NA, B)
# Set Seed For Reproducibility Like Curry's Jumper
# For every resample
for(i in 1:B){
# Sample 5 shots From Each Rack
r1_pts <- sample(rack_1$scoring_play, size = 5, replace=TRUE)
r2_pts <- sample(rack_2$scoring_play, size = 5, replace=TRUE)
r3_pts <- sample(rack_3$scoring_play, size = 5, replace=TRUE)
r4_pts <- sample(rack_4$scoring_play, size = 5, replace=TRUE)
r5_pts <- sample(rack_5$scoring_play, size = 5, replace=TRUE)
# Calculate score for each rack (taking moneyball rack into account)
if(moneyball_rack == 1) {
r1score[i] <- calc_score(r1_pts, TRUE)
r2score[i] <- calc_score(r2_pts, FALSE)
r3score[i] <- calc_score(r3_pts, FALSE)
r4score[i] <- calc_score(r4_pts, FALSE)
r5score[i] <- calc_score(r5_pts, FALSE)
} else if(moneyball_rack == 2) {
r1score[i] <- calc_score(r1_pts, FALSE)
r2score[i] <- calc_score(r2_pts, TRUE)
r3score[i] <- calc_score(r3_pts, FALSE)
r4score[i] <- calc_score(r4_pts, FALSE)
r5score[i] <- calc_score(r5_pts, FALSE)
} else if(moneyball_rack == 3) {
r1score[i] <- calc_score(r1_pts, FALSE)
r2score[i] <- calc_score(r2_pts, FALSE)
r3score[i] <- calc_score(r3_pts, TRUE)
r4score[i] <- calc_score(r4_pts, FALSE)
r5score[i] <- calc_score(r5_pts, FALSE)
} else if(moneyball_rack == 4) {
r1score[i] <- calc_score(r1_pts, FALSE)
r2score[i] <- calc_score(r2_pts, FALSE)
r3score[i] <- calc_score(r3_pts, FALSE)
r4score[i] <- calc_score(r4_pts, TRUE)
r5score[i] <- calc_score(r5_pts, FALSE)
} else if(moneyball_rack == 5) {
r1score[i] <- calc_score(r1_pts, FALSE)
r2score[i] <- calc_score(r2_pts, FALSE)
r3score[i] <- calc_score(r3_pts, FALSE)
r4score[i] <- calc_score(r4_pts, FALSE)
r5score[i] <- calc_score(r5_pts, TRUE)
# Sum up each rack to a total score
totalscore[i] <- sum(r1score[i], r2score[i], r3score[i],
r4score[i], r5score[i])
# And repeat
# Put all of the scores into a dataframe
scores_df <- data.frame(r1score, r2score, r3score,
r4score, r5score, totalscore)
# Get median, mean, standard error and margin of error
# for each rack and overall score
median <- apply(scores_df,
FUN = median)
mean <- apply(scores_df,
FUN = mean)
se <- apply(scores_df,
FUN = sd)
me <- 2*se
# Make all of this other info into a dataframe of its own
other_df <- data.frame(rack = c(1:5, "Total"),
median = median,
mean = mean,
se = se,
me = me) %>%
# Mutate on a column that says which is the moneyball rack
mutate(moneyball_rack = case_when(rack == "Total" ~ NA,
rack == moneyball_rack ~ TRUE,
# Prepare a list of 2 dataframes for output
output <- list(scores = scores_df,
other_info = other_df)
# Produces each individual bootstrapped histogram plot.
# This is used as a helper function for the bootstrap_histograms function
# Inputs:
# info is an output from the bootstrap_score function
# rack is the specific rack that we want to graph
ind_bootstrap_histogram <- function(info, rack) {
# Number of Bootstraps
B <- nrow(info$scores)
# Identify Moneyball Rack
moneyball <- which(info$other_info$moneyball_rack)
# Get scores data frame
scores_df <- info$scores
# Get Column name of relevant column
column <- ifelse([rack]), "totalscore", names(scores_df)[rack])
# Get Text for (sub)titles and other formatting
rack_text <- ifelse(rack == "Total", "Total", paste("Rack", rack))
# Prepare subtitle text
## Start with number of rounds of bootstrapping
subtitle_text <- paste("n =", B, "Rounds of Bootstrapping")
## Clearly state if rack is the moneyball rack
subtitle_text <- ifelse(moneyball == rack, paste0(subtitle_text, ", Moneyball Rack"), subtitle_text)
# Find the min and max of the column for use in
# putting labels on the x axis of the histogram
min_x <- eval(parse(text=paste0("min(scores_df$", column, ')')))
max_x <- eval(parse(text=paste0("max(scores_df$", column, ')')))
ifelse(rack == "Total",
x_lims <- seq(min_x,max_x, by = 2),
x_lims <- seq(min_x,max_x))
# Green bar for moneyball rack histogram
# Purple Bar for total score histogram
# Royal Blue Bar Otherwise
bar_color <- ifelse(moneyball == rack, "forestgreen",
ifelse(rack == "Total", "purple", "royalblue"))
plot <- ggplot(scores_df, aes(x = get(column))) +
# Histogram Plot (with Density as first y axis)
geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..),
binwidth = 1,
fill = bar_color) +
# X Axis
# This is where we use the min_x and max_x to get all labels
# to appear. suppressWarnings is because it asks for the limits
# to be a factor or scale_x_continuous which doesn't work
suppressWarnings(scale_x_discrete(limits = x_lims)) +
# Double Y Axis
# First Axis is the Density and Second is Raw Number
# trans is transformation (so multiply density by number of bootstraps)
# name is name of secondary axis
sec.axis = sec_axis(trans = ~ . * B,
name = "Raw Number")
) +
# Titles
labs(title = paste("Steph Curry Boot Strapped", rack_text, "Score"),
subtitle = subtitle_text,
x = "Score") +
# Theme
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
panel.grid = element_line(color = "grey"))
# Grids all 6 bootstrap histograms together
# Input:
# info is an output from the bootstrap_score function
bootstrap_histograms <- function(info) {
# Runs the ind_bootstrap_histogram for every rack and total
hist1 <- ind_bootstrap_histogram(info = info, 1)
hist2 <- ind_bootstrap_histogram(info = info, 2)
hist3 <- ind_bootstrap_histogram(info = info, 3)
hist4 <- ind_bootstrap_histogram(info = info, 4)
hist5 <- ind_bootstrap_histogram(info = info, 5)
histtotal <- ind_bootstrap_histogram(info = info, "Total")
# Arranges in a grid and outputs
output <- grid.arrange(hist1, hist2, hist3, hist4, hist5, histtotal, nrow = 2)
### Test Run
example <- bootstrap_score(df = player_2022, moneyball_rack = 2,
B = 1000, seed = 30)
grid_bootstrap <- bootstrap_histograms(example)
# ggsave("grid bootstrap.png",
# plot = grid_bootstrap,
# width = 12,
# height = 6)
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