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Last active March 30, 2024 23:11
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  • Save billywhizz/05cb391707bcb559dcedeb0165bc5d6c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save billywhizz/05cb391707bcb559dcedeb0165bc5d6c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

on linux

gcc -shared -O3 -o test.c

on macos

clang -shared -O3 -o libadd.dylib test.c

on windows

cl.exe /c /DL test.c
link /DLL /OUT:libadd.dll /EXPORT:add ./test.obj

run the bench

  • install latest deno (tested on 1.42.0)
deno run -A --unstable-ffi run-lo-bench.js
function is_a_tty () {
if (globalThis.Deno) return Deno.isatty(1)
if (globalThis.lo) return lo.core.isatty(1)
return process.stdout.isTTY
const isatty = is_a_tty()
const AD = isatty ? '\u001b[0m' : '' // ANSI Default
const A0 = isatty ? '\u001b[30m' : '' // ANSI Black
const AR = isatty ? '\u001b[31m' : '' // ANSI Red
const AG = isatty ? '\u001b[32m' : '' // ANSI Green
const AY = isatty ? '\u001b[33m' : '' // ANSI Yellow
const AB = isatty ? '\u001b[34m' : '' // ANSI Blue
const AM = isatty ? '\u001b[35m' : '' // ANSI Magenta
const AC = isatty ? '\u001b[36m' : '' // ANSI Cyan
const AW = isatty ? '\u001b[37m' : '' // ANSI White
const colors = { AD, AG, AY, AM, AD, AR, AB, AC, AW, A0 }
class Stats {
recv = 0
send = 0
conn = 0
log () {
const { send, recv, conn } = this
const [ usr, , sys ] = cputime()
console.log(`${AC}send${AD} ${to_size_string(send)} ${AC}recv${AD} ${to_size_string(recv)} ${AC}rss${AD} ${mem()} ${AC}con${AD} ${conn} ${AY}usr${AD} ${usr.toString().padStart(3, ' ')} ${AY}sys${AD} ${sys.toString().padStart(3, ' ')} ${AY}tot${AD} ${(usr + sys).toString().padStart(3, ' ')}`)
this.send = this.recv = 0
get runtime () {
return lo.hrtime() - lo.start
function pad (v, size, precision = 0) {
return v.toFixed(precision).padStart(size, ' ')
async function wrap_mem_usage () {
if (globalThis.Deno) {
if ( !== 'linux') return { mem: () => 0, cputime: () => [] }
const mem = () => Math.floor((Number((new TextDecoder()).decode(Deno.readFileSync('/proc/self/stat')).split(' ')[23]) * 4096) / (1024))
let lastusr = 0
let lastsys = 0
const decoder = new TextDecoder()
const cputime = () => {
const bytes = Deno.readFileSync('/proc/self/stat')
const str = decoder.decode(bytes)
const parts = str.split(' ')
const usr = Number(parts[13])
const sys = Number(parts[14])
//const uptime = Number(parts[21])
const res = [usr - lastusr, 0, sys - lastsys]
lastusr = usr
lastsys = sys
return res
return { mem, cputime }
if (globalThis.Bun) {
if (require('node:os').platform() !== 'linux') return { mem: () => 0, cputime: () => [] }
const fs = require('node:fs')
const mem = () => Math.floor((Number((new TextDecoder()).decode(fs.readFileSync('/proc/self/stat')).split(' ')[23]) * 4096) / (1024))
//let lastuptime = 0
let lastusr = 0
let lastsys = 0
const decoder = new TextDecoder()
const cputime = () => {
const bytes = fs.readFileSync('/proc/self/stat')
const str = decoder.decode(bytes)
const parts = str.split(' ')
const usr = Number(parts[13])
const sys = Number(parts[14])
//const uptime = Number(parts[21])
const res = [usr - lastusr, 0, sys - lastsys]
lastusr = usr
lastsys = sys
return res
return { mem, cputime }
if (globalThis.process) {
// node.js
const os = await import('os')
if (os.platform() !== 'linux') return { mem: () => 0, cputime: () => [] }
const fs = await import('fs')
const mem = () => Math.floor((Number((new TextDecoder()).decode(fs.readFileSync('/proc/self/stat')).split(' ')[23]) * 4096) / (1024))
let lastusr = 0
let lastsys = 0
const decoder = new TextDecoder()
const cputime = () => {
const bytes = fs.readFileSync('/proc/self/stat')
const str = decoder.decode(bytes)
const parts = str.split(' ')
const usr = Number(parts[13])
const sys = Number(parts[14])
//const uptime = Number(parts[21])
const res = [usr - lastusr, 0, sys - lastsys]
lastusr = usr
lastsys = sys
return res
return { mem, cputime }
if (globalThis.lo) {
const { mem, cputime } = await import('lib/proc.js')
return { mem, cputime }
function to_size_string (bytes) {
if (bytes < 1000) {
return `${bytes.toFixed(2)} Bps`
} else if (bytes < 1000 * 1000) {
return `${(Math.floor((bytes / 1000) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2)} KBps`
} else if (bytes < 1000 * 1000 * 1000) {
return `${(Math.floor((bytes / (1000 * 1000)) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2)} MBps`
return `${(Math.floor((bytes / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2)} GBps`
function formatNanos (nanos) {
if (nanos >= 1000000000) return `${AY}sec/iter${AD} ${pad((nanos / 1000000000), 10, 2)}`
if (nanos >= 1000000) return `${AY}ms/iter${AD} ${pad((nanos / 1000000), 10, 2)}`
if (nanos >= 1000) return `${AY}μs/iter${AD} ${pad((nanos / 1000), 10, 2)}`
return `${AY}ns/iter${AD} ${pad(nanos, 10, 2)}`
function bench (name, fn, count, after = noop) {
const start =
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) fn()
const elapsed = ( - start)
const rate = Math.floor(count / (elapsed / 1000))
const nanos = 1000000000 / rate
const rss = mem()
console.log(`${name.slice(0, 32).padEnd(17, ' ')} ${pad(Math.floor(elapsed), 6)} ms ${AG}rate${AD} ${pad(rate, 10)} ${formatNanos(nanos)} ${AG}rss${AD} ${rss}`)
return { name, count, elapsed, rate, nanos, rss, runtime }
async function benchAsync (name, fn, count, after = noop) {
const start =
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) await fn()
const elapsed = ( - start)
const rate = Math.floor(count / (elapsed / 1000))
const nanos = 1000000000 / rate
const rss = mem()
console.log(`${name.slice(0, 32).padEnd(17, ' ')} ${pad(Math.floor(elapsed), 6)} ms ${AG}rate${AD} ${pad(rate, 10)} ${formatNanos(nanos)} ${AG}rss${AD} ${rss}`)
return { name, count, elapsed, rate, nanos, rss, runtime }
const runAsync = async (name, fn, count, repeat = 10, after = () => {}) => {
const runs = []
for (let i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
runs.push(await benchAsync(name, fn, count, after))
return runs
const run = (name, fn, count, repeat = 10, after = () => {}) => {
const runs = []
for (let i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
runs.push(bench(name, fn, count, after))
return runs
function arrayEquals (a, b) {
return Array.isArray(a) &&
Array.isArray(b) &&
a.length === b.length &&
a.every((val, index) => val === b[index])
class Bench {
#start = 0
#end = 0
#name = 'bench'
#display = true
#name_width = 20
constructor (display = true) {
this.#display = display
set name_width (len) {
this.#name_width = len
start (name = 'bench') {
this.#name = name.slice(0, 32).padEnd(32, ' ')
this.#start =
end (count = 0) {
this.#end =
const elapsed = this.#end - this.#start
const rate = Math.floor(count / (elapsed / 1000))
const nanos = Math.ceil((1000000000 / rate) * 100) / 100
const rss = mem()
//if (this.#display) console.log(`${this.#name} ${pad(Math.floor(elapsed), 6)} ms ${AG}rate${AD} ${pad(rate, 10)} ${formatNanos(nanos)} ${AG}rss${AD} ${rss}`)
let [ usr, , sys ] = cputime()
const cpu_time = elapsed / 10
usr = Math.floor((usr / cpu_time) * 100)
sys = Math.floor((sys / cpu_time) * 100)
if (this.#display) console.log(`${AM}${this.#name.trim().padEnd(this.#name_width, ' ')}${AD} ${AY}time${AD} ${Math.floor(elapsed)} ${AY}rate${AD} ${rate} ${AG}ns/iter${AD} ${nanos} ${AG}rss${AD} ${rss} ${AY}usr${AD} ${usr.toString().padStart(3, ' ')} ${AY}sys${AD} ${sys.toString().padStart(3, ' ')} ${AY}tot${AD} ${(usr + sys).toString().padStart(3, ' ')}`)
return { name: this.#name.trim(), count, elapsed, rate, nanos, rss, runtime }
const runtime = { name: '', version: '' }
if (globalThis.Deno) {
globalThis.args = Deno.args = 'deno'
runtime.version = Deno.version.deno
runtime.v8 = Deno.version.v8
globalThis.readFileAsText = async fn => decoder.decode(Deno.readFileSync(fn))
} else if (globalThis.lo) {
globalThis.performance = { now: () => lo.hrtime() / 1000000 }
globalThis.assert = lo.assert
globalThis.args = lo.args.slice(2) = 'lo'
runtime.version = lo.version.lo
runtime.v8 = lo.version.v8
const { readFile } = lo.core
globalThis.readFileAsText = async fn => decoder.decode(readFile(fn))
} else if (globalThis.Bun) {
globalThis.args = Bun.argv.slice(2) = 'bun'
runtime.version = Bun.version
globalThis.readFileAsText = async fn => (await Bun.file(fn).text())
} else if (globalThis.process) {
globalThis.args = process.argv.slice(2) = 'node'
runtime.version = process.version
runtime.v8 = process.versions.v8
const fs = await import('fs')
globalThis.readFileAsText = async fn => decoder.decode(fs.readFileSync(fn))
globalThis.colors = colors
globalThis.arrayEquals = arrayEquals
const noop = () => {}
const { mem, cputime } = await wrap_mem_usage()
const decoder = new TextDecoder()
if (!globalThis.assert) {
function assert (condition, message, ErrorType = Error) {
if (!condition) {
throw new ErrorType(message || "Assertion failed")
globalThis.assert = assert
export { pad, formatNanos, colors, run, runAsync, Bench, mem, runtime, to_size_string, Stats, cputime }
import { Bench } from './bench.mjs'
let ext = 'dll'
if ( === 'linux') {
ext = 'so'
} else if ( === 'darwin') {
ext = 'dylib'
const lib_name = `./libadd.${ext}`
const { add: add_ffi } = Deno.dlopen(
"add": { parameters: ["i32", "i32"], result: "i32" },
const add_js = (a, b) => {
return a + b;
const bench = new Bench()
const runs = 2000000000
while (1) {
for (let i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
add_js(1, 2)
for (let i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
add_ffi(1, 2)
int add(
int a,
int b)
return a + b;
Copy link

H4ad commented Mar 30, 2024

My spec:

│  SYSTEMINFORMATION                                                      Version: 5.22.6 │

Operating System:
Platform         : linux
Distro           : LinuxMint
Release          : 21.3
Codename         : Virginia
Kernel           : 6.5.0-26-generic
Arch             : x64
Hostname         : h4ad
Codepage         : UTF-8
Build            : 

Manufacturer     : 
Model            : X570 Phantom Gaming 4
Version          : 
Virtual          : true
VirtualHost      : KVM

Manufacturer     : AMD
Brand            : Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor
Family           : 25
Model            : 33
Stepping         : 2
Speed            : 3.4
Cores            : 32
PhysicalCores    : 16
PerformanceCores : 16
EfficiencyCores  : 
Processors       : 1
Socket           : 


addtwo-js            time 827 rate 2417468796 ns/iter 0.42 rss 53924 usr  99 sys    2 tot 101
addtwo-ffi           time 6361 rate 314367102 ns/iter 3.19 rss 54436 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-js            time 843 rate 2372238510 ns/iter 0.43 rss 54948 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-ffi           time 6598 rate 303086506 ns/iter 3.3 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-js            time 844 rate 2367385416 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-ffi           time 6595 rate 303259771 ns/iter 3.3 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-js            time 844 rate 2367455659 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-ffi           time 6594 rate 303300423 ns/iter 3.3 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-js            time 844 rate 2367228702 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-ffi           time 6592 rate 303386576 ns/iter 3.3 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-js            time 844 rate 2367741659 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-ffi           time 6592 rate 303373521 ns/iter 3.3 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-js            time 844 rate 2368001857 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-ffi           time 6598 rate 303086548 ns/iter 3.3 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-js            time 844 rate 2368457198 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-ffi           time 6599 rate 303065961 ns/iter 3.3 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-js            time 844 rate 2368156327 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-ffi           time 6594 rate 303294687 ns/iter 3.3 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-js            time 844 rate 2368335098 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-ffi           time 6599 rate 303065065 ns/iter 3.3 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-js            time 844 rate 2366998003 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-ffi           time 6611 rate 302506998 ns/iter 3.31 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-js            time 845 rate 2364464891 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100
addtwo-ffi           time 6601 rate 302953062 ns/iter 3.31 rss 55204 usr  99 sys    0 tot  99
addtwo-js            time 844 rate 2367390228 ns/iter 0.43 rss 55204 usr 100 sys    0 tot 100

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