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Created November 16, 2015 08:33
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Using of variables in Git aliases
# Simplify the similar aliases in .gitconfig by using variables instead of
# copying the same flags.
flags = "!FLAG_LOG='--graph --decorate --find-renames --date-order'; \
FLAG_DIFF='--patch --stat --ignore-blank-lines';"
glog = "!git flags; git log $FLAG_LOG --name-status"
gslog = "!git flags; git log $FLAG_LOG --stat"
slog = "!git flags; git log $FLAG_LOG --date=short --format='%C(auto)%h%C(auto)%d %C(bold blue)%ad %an%n %s%C(reset)'"
df = "!git flags; git diff $FLAG_DIFF"
dfc = "!git flags; git diff $FLAG_DIFF --cached"
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