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Last active February 18, 2017 21:26
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  • Save bimlas/bbc2f5c6c0232f6f38f3b090f64ded92 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bimlas/bbc2f5c6c0232f6f38f3b090f64ded92 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Output of themis on lambdalisue/vim-gina#16@f98fe6f (Windows64, Vim 8.206)
v:progname: vim.exe
v:version: 800
has("lua"): 1
has("python"): 1
has("python3"): 1
&encoding: utf-8
&termencoding: cp1250
&fileencodings: ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
&fileformats: dos,unix
&shellslash: 0
git version: 2.11.0
worktree: 1
git config:
fatal: Cannot change to 'C:\Users\nyolcas\.vim\plugins\gina.vim" config --list ': Invalid argument
1) gina#command#log Use cases might be called with -- %
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Match( getline(1), '\* ^[[32m\w\{7}^[[m - First ^[[33;1m\d\+ seconds\? ago^[[m ^[[35;1m<.*>^[[m^[[36;1m^[[m')
Match was expected, but did not match.
target: '...'
pattern: '\* ^[[32m\w\{7}^[[m - First ^[[33;1m\d\+ seconds\? ago^[[m ^[[35;1m<.*>^[[m^[[36;1m^[[m'
2) gina#command#browse Use cases might be called without argument
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
3) gina#command#browse Use cases might be called with 'HEAD@{2.days.ago}'
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '{2.days.ago}/autoload/gina.vim')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: '{2.days.ago}/autoload/gina.vim'
got: ''
4) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with 'origin/HEAD...'
Error occurred line:
5: Assert Match( vars.File._called_with, 'https://github\.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/blob/[0-9a-z]\{40}/autoload/gina\.vim')
Match was expected, but did not match.
target: ''
pattern: 'https://github\.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/blob/[0-9a-z]\{40}/autoload/gina\.vim'
5) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with --exact
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Match( vars.File._called_with, 'https://github\.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/blob/[0-9a-z]\{40}/autoload/gina\.vim')
Match was expected, but did not match.
target: ''
pattern: 'https://github\.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/blob/[0-9a-z]\{40}/autoload/gina\.vim'
6) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with --scheme=blame
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
7) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with 3,3 prefix
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
8) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with 3,5 prefix
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
9) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with --
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
10) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with --yank
Error occurred line:
3: Assert Equals( getreg(), '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
11) gina#command#commit Use cases might be called without arguments
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, 3), [ '', '# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting', '# with ''#'' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['', '# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting', '# with ''#'' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.']
got: ['', '', '# ____________________________________']
12) gina#command#commit Use cases might be called with --verbose
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, 3), [ '', '# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting', '# with ''#'' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['', '# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting', '# with ''#'' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.']
got: ['', '', '# ____________________________________']
13) gina#command#grep Use cases might be called with {pattern}
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ 'A/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m1^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m', 'C/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m1^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['A/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m1^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m', 'C/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m1^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m']
got: ['^[[1;37mA/foo.txt^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[31m1^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[32ma^[[m', '^[[1;37mC/foo.txt^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[31m1^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[32ma^[[m^[[32ma^[[m']
14) gina#command#grep Use cases might be called with -e{pattern} --or -e{pattern}
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ 'A/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m1^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m', 'A/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m2^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31mb^[[m', 'C/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m1^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m', 'C/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m2^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31mb^[[m^[[1;31mb^[[m',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['A/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m1^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m', 'A/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m2^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31mb^[[m', 'C/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m1^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m^[[1;31ma^[[m', 'C/foo.txt^[[36m:^[[m2^[[36m:^[[m^[[1;31mb^[[m^[[1;31mb^[[m']
got: ['^[[1;37mA/foo.txt^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[31m1^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[32ma^[[m', '^[[1;37mA/foo.txt^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[31m2^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[32mb^[[m', '^[[1;37mC/foo.txt^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[31m1^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[32ma^[[m^[[32ma^[[m', '^[[1;37mC/foo.txt^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[31m2^[[m^[[36m:^[[m^[[32mb^[[m^[[32mb^[[m']
tests 288
passes 274
fails 14
v:progname: vim.exe
v:version: 800
has("lua"): 1
has("python"): 1
has("python3"): 1
&encoding: utf-8
&termencoding: cp1250
&fileencodings: ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
&fileformats: dos,unix
&shellslash: 0
git version: 2.11.0
worktree: 1
git config:
fatal: Cannot change to 'C:\Users\nyolcas\.vim\plugins\gina.vim" config --list ': Invalid argument
1) gina#command#status Use cases might be called without arguments
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ 'MM A/foo.txt'])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['MM A/foo.txt']
got: ['AM A/foo.txt']
2) gina#command#tag Use cases might be called without arguments
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ 'v0.0.1', 'v0.0.2',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['v0.0.1', 'v0.0.2']
got: ['']
3) gina#command#compare Use cases might be called with --cached
Error occurred line:
13: Assert Equals(getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$'), [ '2',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['2']
got: ['']
4) gina#command#compare Use cases might be called with HEAD~
Error occurred line:
13: Assert Equals(getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$'), [ '1',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['1']
got: ['']
5) gina#command#compare Use cases might be called with HEAD..HEAD~
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ '1',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['1']
got: ['']
6) gina#command#log Use cases might be called without arguments
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Match( getline(1), '\* ^[[32m\w\{7}^[[m - Thrid ^[[33;1m\d\+ seconds\? ago^[[m ^[[35;1m<.*>^[[m^[[36;1m (.*)^[[m')
Match was expected, but did not match.
target: 'fatal: your current branch ''develop'' does not have any commits yet'
pattern: '\* ^[[32m\w\{7}^[[m - Thrid ^[[33;1m\d\+ seconds\? ago^[[m ^[[35;1m<.*>^[[m^[[36;1m (.*)^[[m'
7) gina#command#log Use cases might be called with -- %
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Match( getline(1), '\* ^[[32m\w\{7}^[[m - First ^[[33;1m\d\+ seconds\? ago^[[m ^[[35;1m<.*>^[[m^[[36;1m^[[m')
Match was expected, but did not match.
target: 'fatal: your current branch ''develop'' does not have any commits yet'
pattern: '\* ^[[32m\w\{7}^[[m - First ^[[33;1m\d\+ seconds\? ago^[[m ^[[35;1m<.*>^[[m^[[36;1m^[[m'
8) gina#command#log Use cases might be called with -- :/
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Match( getline(1), '\* ^[[32m\w\{7}^[[m - Thrid ^[[33;1m\d\+ seconds\? ago^[[m ^[[35;1m<.*>^[[m^[[36;1m (.*)^[[m')
Match was expected, but did not match.
target: 'fatal: your current branch ''develop'' does not have any commits yet'
pattern: '\* ^[[32m\w\{7}^[[m - Thrid ^[[33;1m\d\+ seconds\? ago^[[m ^[[35;1m<.*>^[[m^[[36;1m (.*)^[[m'
9) gina#command#branch Use cases might be called without arguments
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ ' develop^[[m', '* ^[[32mmaster^[[m',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: [' develop^[[m', '* ^[[32mmaster^[[m']
got: ['']
10) gina#command#branch Use cases might be called with --remotes
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ ' ^[[31mext/master^[[m',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: [' ^[[31mext/master^[[m']
got: ['']
11) gina#command#branch Use cases might be called with --all
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ ' develop^[[m', '* ^[[32mmaster^[[m', ' ^[[31mremotes/ext/master^[[m',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: [' develop^[[m', '* ^[[32mmaster^[[m', ' ^[[31mremotes/ext/master^[[m']
got: ['']
12) gina#command#ls Use cases might be called without arguments
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ 'A/foo.txt', 'C/foo.txt',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['A/foo.txt', 'C/foo.txt']
got: ['A/foo.txt', 'B/foo.txt', 'C/foo.txt']
13) gina#command#ls Use cases might be called with HEAD
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ 'A/foo.txt', 'C/foo.txt',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['A/foo.txt', 'C/foo.txt']
got: ['fatal: Not a valid object name HEAD']
14) gina#command#ls Use cases might be called with HEAD~
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ 'A/foo.txt',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['A/foo.txt']
got: ['fatal: Not a valid object name HEAD~']
15) gina#command#ls Use cases might be called with develop
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ 'A/foo.txt', 'B/foo.txt',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['A/foo.txt', 'B/foo.txt']
got: ['fatal: Not a valid object name develop']
16) gina#command#chaperon Use cases might be called without arguments
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ '',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['']
got: ['3']
17) gina#command#browse Use cases might be called without argument
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
18) gina#command#browse Use cases might be called with 'HEAD@{2.days.ago}'
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '{2.days.ago}/autoload/gina.vim')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: '{2.days.ago}/autoload/gina.vim'
got: ''
19) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with 'origin/HEAD...'
Error occurred line:
5: Assert Match( vars.File._called_with, 'https://github\.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/blob/[0-9a-z]\{40}/autoload/gina\.vim')
Match was expected, but did not match.
target: ''
pattern: 'https://github\.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/blob/[0-9a-z]\{40}/autoload/gina\.vim'
20) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with --exact
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Match( vars.File._called_with, 'https://github\.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/blob/[0-9a-z]\{40}/autoload/gina\.vim')
Match was expected, but did not match.
target: ''
pattern: 'https://github\.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/blob/[0-9a-z]\{40}/autoload/gina\.vim'
21) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with --scheme=blame
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
22) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with 3,3 prefix
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
23) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with 3,5 prefix
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
24) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with --
Error occurred line:
2: Assert Equals( vars.File._called_with, '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
25) gina#command#browse Use cases might be calle with --yank
Error occurred line:
3: Assert Equals( getreg(), '')
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ''
got: ''
26) gina#command#reflog Use cases might be called without arguments
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Match(getline(1), 'HEAD@{0}: commit: Thrid')
Match was expected, but did not match.
target: 'fatal: your current branch ''develop'' does not have any commits yet'
pattern: 'HEAD@{0}: commit: Thrid'
27) gina#command#commit Use cases might be called without arguments
function <SNR>134_BufReadCmd() abort Line:3 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/command/commit.vim)
function gina#core#exception#call(funcref, args, ...) abort Line:1 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/core/exception.vim)
function <SNR>67_call(funcref, args, ...) abort dict Line:7 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/vital/__gina__/Vim/Exception.vim)
function <SNR>134_get_commitmsg(git, args) abort Line:24 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/command/commit.vim)
function <SNR>134_get_commit_editmsg(git) abort Line:2 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/command/commit.vim)
Vim(return):E484: Can't open file C:\Users\nyolcas\AppData\Local\Temp\VIP5AA8.tmp\.git\COMMIT_EDITMSG
28) gina#command#commit Use cases might be called with --verbose
function <SNR>134_BufReadCmd() abort Line:3 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/command/commit.vim)
function gina#core#exception#call(funcref, args, ...) abort Line:1 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/core/exception.vim)
function <SNR>67_call(funcref, args, ...) abort dict Line:7 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/vital/__gina__/Vim/Exception.vim)
function <SNR>134_get_commitmsg(git, args) abort Line:24 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/command/commit.vim)
function <SNR>134_get_commit_editmsg(git) abort Line:2 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/command/commit.vim)
Vim(return):E484: Can't open file C:\Users\nyolcas\AppData\Local\Temp\VIP5AA8.tmp\.git\COMMIT_EDITMSG
29) gina#command#commit Use cases might be called with --amend
function <SNR>134_BufReadCmd() abort Line:3 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/command/commit.vim)
function gina#core#exception#call(funcref, args, ...) abort Line:1 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/core/exception.vim)
function <SNR>67_call(funcref, args, ...) abort dict Line:7 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/vital/__gina__/Vim/Exception.vim)
function <SNR>134_get_commitmsg(git, args) abort Line:24 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/command/commit.vim)
function <SNR>134_get_commit_editmsg(git) abort Line:2 (~/.vim/plugins/gina.vim/autoload/gina/command/commit.vim)
Vim(return):E484: Can't open file C:\Users\nyolcas\AppData\Local\Temp\VIP5AA8.tmp\.git\COMMIT_EDITMSG
30) gina#command#commit Use cases might be called with --message={message}
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(slit1.execute('log --pretty=format:%s'), [ 'Test Message', 'First',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['Test Message', 'First']
got: ['fatal: your current branch ''master'' does not have any commits yet']
31) gina#command#info Use cases might be called without arguments
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(4, 7) + getline(9, '$'), [ '', ' Second', '', 'diff --git a/A/foo.txt b/A/foo.txt', '--- a/A/foo.txt', '+++ b/A/foo.txt', '@@ -1 +1 @@', '-1', '+2',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['', ' Second', '', 'diff --git a/A/foo.txt b/A/foo.txt', '--- a/A/foo.txt', '+++ b/A/foo.txt', '@@ -1 +1 @@', '-1', '+2']
got: []
32) gina#command#info Use cases might be called with HEAD~
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(4, 6), [ '', ' First', '',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['', ' First', '']
got: []
33) gina#command#show Use cases might be called with HEAD
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), ['2'])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['2']
got: ['']
34) gina#command#show Use cases might be called with HEAD~
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), ['1'])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['1']
got: ['']
35) gina#core #get() returns a git instance for a git worktree directory
function 421() abort dict Line:10 (~/AppData/Local/Temp/VIW3941.tmp)
function <SNR>15_eval(expr, scopes) abort Line:11 (~/.vim/plugins/vim-themis/autoload/themis/helper/command.vim)
Vim(return):E716: Key not present in Dictionary: refname, 'valid-worktree')
36) gina#process #open({git}, {args} [, {options}]) opens an {args} of {git} and returns a job instance
Error occurred line:
5: Assert Equals(job.stdout, [' develop', '* master', ''])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: [' develop', '* master', '']
got: []
37) gina#process #call({git}, {args} [, {options}]) calls an {args} of {git} and returns a result instance
Error occurred line:
5: Assert Equals(result.stdout, [' develop', '* master'])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: [' develop', '* master']
got: []
38) gina#process #inform({result}) shows a result content when success
Error occurred line:
5: Assert Equals(output, [ '[gina] develop', '[gina] * master',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['[gina] develop', '[gina] * master']
got: []
39) gina#command#diff Use cases might be called with --cached
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, 1) + getline(3, '$'), [ 'diff --git a/A/foo.txt b/A/foo.txt', '--- a/A/foo.txt', '+++ b/A/foo.txt', '@@ -1 +1 @@', '-2', '+3',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['diff --git a/A/foo.txt b/A/foo.txt', '--- a/A/foo.txt', '+++ b/A/foo.txt', '@@ -1 +1 @@', '-2', '+3']
got: ['diff --git a/A/foo.txt b/A/foo.txt', 'index 0000000..00750ed', '--- /dev/null', '+++ b/A/foo.txt', '@@ -0,0 +1 @@', '+3']
40) gina#command#diff Use cases might be called with HEAD
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, 1) + getline(3, '$'), [ 'diff --git a/A/foo.txt b/A/foo.txt', '--- a/A/foo.txt', '+++ b/A/foo.txt', '@@ -1 +1 @@', '-2', '+4',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['diff --git a/A/foo.txt b/A/foo.txt', '--- a/A/foo.txt', '+++ b/A/foo.txt', '@@ -1 +1 @@', '-2', '+4']
got: ['fatal: bad revision ''HEAD''']
41) gina#command#diff Use cases might be called with HEAD..HEAD~
Error occurred line:
6: Assert Equals(getline(1, 1) + getline(3, '$'), [ 'diff --git a/A/foo.txt b/A/foo.txt', '--- a/A/foo.txt', '+++ b/A/foo.txt', '@@ -1 +1 @@', '-2', '+1',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['diff --git a/A/foo.txt b/A/foo.txt', '--- a/A/foo.txt', '+++ b/A/foo.txt', '@@ -1 +1 @@', '-2', '+1']
got: ['fatal: bad revision ''HEAD..HEAD~''']
42) Git .new({path}) A git working tree by 'git worktree' returns a git instance of {path}
Error occurred line:
7: Assert KeyExists(git, 'worktree')
It was expected that a key exists in the dictionary, but it did not exist.
dictionary: {}
expected key: 'worktree'
43) Git .new({path}) A git working tree by 'git worktree' returns a git instance of {path} which ends with path separator
Error occurred line:
7: Assert KeyExists(git, 'worktree')
It was expected that a key exists in the dictionary, but it did not exist.
dictionary: {}
expected key: 'worktree'
44) Git .new({path}) A git working tree by 'git worktree' returns a git instance of a worktree which {path} belongs
function 508() abort dict Line:12 (~/AppData/Local/Temp/VI23986.tmp)
function <SNR>15_eval(expr, scopes) abort Line:11 (~/.vim/plugins/vim-themis/autoload/themis/helper/command.vim)
Vim(return):E716: Key not present in Dictionary: worktree, profile.valid2)
45) Git .ref({git}, {refname}) returns a ref (e.g. refs/heads/master) of {refname} (e.g. master)
Error occurred line:
5: Assert Equals(ref, { 'path': 'refs/heads/master', 'name': 'master', 'hash': hash,})
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: {'path': 'refs/heads/master', 'hash': 'master', 'name': 'master'}
got: {}
46) gina#command#changes Use cases might be called with --cached
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ "1\t0\tA/foo.txt",])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['1 0 A/foo.txt']
got: ['1 0 A/foo.txt', '0 0 B/foo.txt', '0 0 C/foo.txt']
47) gina#command#changes Use cases might be called with develop...
Error occurred line:
4: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ "0\t0\tC/foo.txt",])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['0 0 C/foo.txt']
got: ['fatal: ambiguous argument ''develop...'': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.', 'Use ''--'' to separate paths from revisions, like this:', '''git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]''']
48) gina#command#changes Use cases might be called on gina://valid1:show/develop...:A/foo.txt
Error occurred line:
5: Assert Equals(getline(1, '$'), [ "0\t0\tC/foo.txt",])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['0 0 C/foo.txt']
got: ['fatal: ambiguous argument ''develop...'': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.', 'Use ''--'' to separate paths from revisions, like this:', '''git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]''']
49) gina#command#patch Use cases might be called without arguments
Error occurred line:
12: Assert Equals(getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$'), [ '1',])
The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
expected: ['1']
got: ['']
tests 288
passes 239
fails 49
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