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Last active March 3, 2017 07:09
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Vitla.vim: DateTime: Failing test before #485 on Win64 + Vim32
not ok 1 - DateTime .from_unix_time() makes a DateTime object from unix time
# Error occurred line:
# 2: Assert Equals(dt.to_string(), '2012-01-02 03:04:05 +0900')
# The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
# expected: '2012-01-02 03:04:05 +0900'
# got: '10178-02-16 07:04:05 +0900'
ok 2 - DateTime .from_date() makes a DateTime object from date info
ok 3 - DateTime .from_format() makes a DateTime object from formatted string
ok 4 - DateTime .from_format() can treat the some format specifier
ok 5 - DateTime .from_format() can skip any text by %*
ok 6 - DateTime .from_format() throws an exception with invalid format
ok 7 - DateTime .from_julian_day() makes a DateTime object from string
not ok 8 - DateTime .timezone() makes a TimeZone object
# Error occurred line:
# 3: Assert Compare(tz.hours(), '>=', -12)
# The right expression was expected, but it was not the case.
# expression: -71582787 >= -12
ok 9 - DateTime .timezone() makes a TimeZone object from time string
ok 10 - DateTime .timezone() makes a TimeZone object from hour
ok 11 - DateTime .timezone() just returns a TimeZone object that was supplied from argument
ok 12 - DateTime .timezone() throws an exception with invalid argument
ok 13 - DateTime .delta() makes TimeDelta object from days and seconds
ok 14 - DateTime .delta() makes TimeDelta object from values and units
ok 15 - DateTime .delta() throws an exception with invalid unit
ok 16 - DateTime .delta() throws an exception with invalid arguments
ok 17 - DateTime .compare() returns -1 when left one is later more than right one
ok 18 - DateTime .compare() returns 0 when left one and right one is same time
ok 19 - DateTime .compare() returns 1 when left one is precedes more than right one
ok 20 - DateTime .month_names() with {longname} is 0 returns the list of name of months
ok 21 - DateTime .month_names() with {longname} is 1 returns the list of long name of months
ok 22 - DateTime .weekday_names() with {longname} is 0 returns the list of name of weekdays
ok 23 - DateTime .weekday_names() with {longname} is 1 returns the list of long name of weekdays
ok 24 - DateTime .am_pm_names() {lowercase} is 0 returns the list of am/pm names in uppercase
ok 25 - DateTime .am_pm_names() {lowercase} is 1 returns the list of am/pm names in lowercase
ok 26 - DateTime .is_leap_year() judges whether a year is a leap year
ok 27 - DateTime DateTime object .year() returns the year
ok 28 - DateTime DateTime object .month() returns the month
ok 29 - DateTime DateTime object .day() returns the day
ok 30 - DateTime DateTime object .hour() returns the hour
ok 31 - DateTime DateTime object .minute() returns the minute
ok 32 - DateTime DateTime object .second() returns the second
ok 33 - DateTime DateTime object .timezone() without an argument returns the TimeZone object
ok 34 - DateTime DateTime object .timezone() with an argument sets TimeZone object
ok 35 - DateTime DateTime object .timezone() with an argument does not change the original DateTime object
ok 36 - DateTime DateTime object .timezone() with an argument does not change the time
ok 37 - DateTime DateTime object .day_of_week() returns day of the week
ok 38 - DateTime DateTime object .day_of_year() returns day of the year
ok 39 - DateTime DateTime object .days_from_era() returns day of the year
ok 40 - DateTime DateTime object .julian_day() does not change the result by timezone
ok 41 - DateTime DateTime object .julian_day() without an argument returns Julian day by integer value
ok 42 - DateTime DateTime object .julian_day() with an argument 1 returns Julian day by float value
ok 43 - DateTime DateTime object .seconds_of_day() returns the number of seconds of the day
ok 44 - DateTime DateTime object .quarter() returns the quarter of the year
ok 45 - DateTime DateTime object .unix_time() does not change the result by timezone
not ok 46 - DateTime DateTime object .unix_time() can interconvert with .from_unix_time()
# Error occurred line:
# 4: Assert Equals(new_dt.to_string(), dt.to_string())
# The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
# expected: '2012-01-02 03:04:05 +0900'
# got: '10178-02-16 07:04:05 +0900'
ok 47 - DateTime DateTime object .unix_time() when DateTime is in the range of unix time returns the unix time
not ok 48 - DateTime DateTime object .unix_time() when DateTime is out of the range of unix time returns -1
# Error occurred line:
# 2: Assert Equals(dt.unix_time(), -1)
# The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
# expected: -1
# got: 257697946800
ok 49 - DateTime DateTime object .is_leap_year() judges whether the year is a leap year
ok 50 - DateTime DateTime object .is() checks that this and other DateTime are same
ok 51 - DateTime DateTime object .compare() returns -1 when this one is later more than other one
ok 52 - DateTime DateTime object .compare() returns 0 when this one and other one is same time
ok 53 - DateTime DateTime object .compare() returns 1 when this one is precedes more than other one
ok 54 - DateTime DateTime object .delta() returns TimeDelta object
ok 55 - DateTime DateTime object .to() with TimeDelta object returns new DateTime object to which time was changed
ok 56 - DateTime DateTime object .to() with arguments like TimeDelta returns new DateTime object to which time was changed
ok 57 - DateTime DateTime object .to() with TimeZone object returns new DateTime object to which timezone was changed
ok 58 - DateTime DateTime object .to() with TimeZone object does not change the time
ok 59 - DateTime DateTime object .to() with arguments like TimeZone returns new DateTime object to which timezone was changed
ok 60 - DateTime DateTime object .to() with arguments like TimeZone does not change the time
ok 61 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%%" is the '%' character
ok 62 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%a" is the abbreviated weekday name
ok 63 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%A" is the full weekday name
ok 64 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%b" is the abbreviated month name
ok 65 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%B" is the full month name
ok 66 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%c" is equivalent to "%F %T %z"
ok 67 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%C" is the century number (year/100) as a 2-digit integer
ok 68 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%d" is the day of the month as a decimal number
ok 69 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%D" is equivalent to "%m/%d/%y"
ok 70 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%e" is equivalent to "%_m/%_d/%_y"
ok 71 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%F" is equivalent to "%Y-%m-%d"
ok 72 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%h" is equivalent to "%b"
ok 73 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%H" is the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23)
ok 74 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%I" is the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12)
ok 75 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%j" is the day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366)
ok 76 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%k" is equivalent to "%_H"
ok 77 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%l" is equivalent to "%_I"
ok 78 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%m" is the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12)
ok 79 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%M" is the minute as a decimal number (range 00 to 59)
ok 80 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%n" is a newline character
ok 81 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%p" is either "AM" or "PM" according to the given time value
ok 82 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%P" is either "am" or "pm" according to the given time value
ok 83 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%r" is equivalent to "%I:%M:%S %p"
ok 84 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%R" is equivalent to "%H:%M"
ok 85 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%s" is the number of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
ok 86 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%S" is the second as a decimal number (range 00 to 59)
ok 87 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%t" is a tab character
ok 88 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%u" is the day of the week as a decimal, range 1 to 7, Monday being 1.
ok 89 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%T" is equivalent to "%H:%M:%S"
ok 90 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%w" is the day of the week as a decimal, range 0 to 6, Sunday being 0
ok 91 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%y" is the year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99)
ok 92 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%Y" is the year as a decimal number including the century
ok 93 - DateTime DateTime object .format() symbol "%z" is the +hhmm or -hhmm numeric timezone
not ok 94 - DateTime DateTime object .strftime() is same as "format('%z')"
# Error occurred line:
# 1: Assert Equals(dt.strftime('%z'), dt.format('%z'))
# The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
# expected: '+0300'
# got: '(Invalid)'
not ok 95 - DateTime DateTime object .strftime() is same as "format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')"
# Error occurred line:
# 2: Assert Equals(dt.strftime(ft), dt.format(ft))
# The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case.
# expected: '2012-01-02 03:04:05'
# got: '(Invalid)'
ok 96 - DateTime DateTime object .to_string() is same as "format('%c')"
ok 97 - DateTime DateTime object when returns a new Object .day_of_week() does not have a old cached value
ok 98 - DateTime DateTime object when returns a new Object .day_of_year() does not have a old cached value
ok 99 - DateTime DateTime object when returns a new Object .days_from_era() does not have a old cached value
ok 100 - DateTime DateTime object when returns a new Object .unix_time() does not have a old cached value
ok 101 - DateTime TimeZone object .offset() returns the offset in second
ok 102 - DateTime TimeZone object .minutes() returns the offset in minute
ok 103 - DateTime TimeZone object .hours() returns the offset in hour
ok 104 - DateTime TimeZone object .sign() returns the offset of sign
ok 105 - DateTime TimeZone object .offset_string() returns the offset by the format used by RFC 2822
ok 106 - DateTime TimeZone object .w3c() returns the offset by the format used by W3CDTF
ok 107 - DateTime TimeDelta object .seconds() returns seconds component
ok 108 - DateTime TimeDelta object .minutes() returns minutes component
ok 109 - DateTime TimeDelta object .hours() returns hours component
ok 110 - DateTime TimeDelta object .days() returns days component
ok 111 - DateTime TimeDelta object .total_seconds() returns the total seconds of the delta
ok 112 - DateTime TimeDelta object .sign() returns the sign of the delta
ok 113 - DateTime TimeDelta object .negate() returns new negated TimeDelta object
ok 114 - DateTime TimeDelta object .duration() returns new TimeDelta object that is absolute value
ok 115 - DateTime TimeDelta object .is() returns true if two TimeDeltas are same
ok 116 - DateTime TimeDelta object .is() returns false if two TimeDeltas are not same
ok 117 - DateTime TimeDelta object .add() returns new TimeDelta object which added this and other
ok 118 - DateTime TimeDelta object .subtract() returns new TimeDelta object which subtracted this and other
ok 119 - DateTime TimeDelta object .about() returns a string that about this delta
ok 120 - DateTime TimeDelta object .to_string() returns a string representation
ok 121 - DateTime TimeDelta object with strange initialization is normalized correctly (plus)
ok 122 - DateTime TimeDelta object with strange initialization is normalized correctly (minus)
ok 123 - DateTime TimeDelta object with strange initialization is normalized correctly (zero)
# tests 123
# passes 117
# fails 6
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