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Last active January 4, 2018 15:53
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Race conditions Django Test Case
# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import logging
import os
import sys
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db import connections
from django.test import TransactionTestCase
from django.test.testcases import _StaticFilesHandler, LiveServerThread
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.decorators import classproperty
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RaceConditionLiveServerTestCase(TransactionTestCase):
static_handler = _StaticFilesHandler
def live_server_urls(cls):
return ['http://%s:%s' % (, st.port) for st in cls.server_threads]
def setUpClass(cls):
# Changing settings is only for internal purposes... can be deleted
cls._settings_debug = settings.DEBUG
cls._settings_caches = settings.CACHES
settings.DEBUG = True
settings.CACHES = {
'default': {
"BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
"LOCATION": "redis://redis:6379/0",
"CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient",
"SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT": 5, # in seconds
"SOCKET_TIMEOUT": 5, # in seconds
"KEY_PREFIX": "tests_search"
cls.server_threads = []
super(RaceConditionLiveServerTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
connections_override = {}
for conn in connections.all():
# If using in-memory sqlite databases, pass the connections to
# the server thread.
if conn.vendor == 'sqlite' and conn.is_in_memory_db(conn.settings_dict['NAME']):
# Explicitly enable thread-shareability for this connection
conn.allow_thread_sharing = True
connections_override[conn.alias] = conn
# Launch the live server's thread
specified_addresses = os.environ.get(
for specified_address in specified_addresses:
# The specified ports may be of the form '8000-8010,8080,9200-9300'
# i.e. a comma-separated list of ports or ranges of ports, so we break
# it down into a detailed list of all possible ports.
possible_ports = []
host, port_ranges = specified_address.split(':')
for port_range in port_ranges.split(','):
# A port range can be of either form: '8000' or '8000-8010'.
extremes = list(map(int, port_range.split('-')))
assert len(extremes) in [1, 2]
if len(extremes) == 1:
# Port range of the form '8000'
# Port range of the form '8000-8010'
for port in range(extremes[0], extremes[1] + 1):
except Exception:
msg = 'Invalid address ("%s") for live server.' % specified_address
six.reraise(ImproperlyConfigured, ImproperlyConfigured(msg), sys.exc_info()[2])
server_thread = cls._create_server_thread(host, possible_ports, connections_override)
server_thread.daemon = True
# Wait for the live server to be ready
if server_thread.error:
# Clean up behind ourselves, since tearDownClass won't get called in
# case of errors.
raise server_thread.error
def _create_server_thread(cls, host, possible_ports, connections_override):
return LiveServerThread(
def _tearDownClassInternal(cls):
for server_thread in cls.server_threads:
# Terminate the live server's thread
# Restore sqlite in-memory database connections' non-shareability
for conn in connections.all():
if conn.vendor == 'sqlite' and conn.is_in_memory_db(conn.settings_dict['NAME']):
conn.allow_thread_sharing = False
settings.DEBUG = cls._settings_debug
settings.CACHES = cls._settings_caches
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(RaceConditionLiveServerTestCase, cls).tearDownClass()
# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import logging
from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession
from ahoy.lib.tests.racecondition_testcase import RaceConditionLiveServerTestCase
from import UserModel
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestSearchAuthRaceCondition(RaceConditionLiveServerTestCase):
def test_it(self):
all_requests = []
for url in self.live_server_urls:
session = FuturesSession()
all_requests.append(session.get("".join([url, '/'.format(s.external_id)]), headers={
'Authorization': "JWT abc"
# Wait for all now
all_results = []
for request in all_requests:
log.debug("All results: %s", all_results)
self.assertGreater(len(all_results), 0)
for result in all_results:
log.debug('Result: %s', result.text)
for result in all_results:
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 200, result.text)
self.assertEqual(UserModel.objects.count(), 1) # Race condition was producing 6 users...
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