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Last active July 12, 2017 19:42
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Some Madness in Sankey
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>vertical sankey visualization in D3</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="sankey.css" type="text/css"/>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="sankey.js"></script>
<p id="chart">
$(function() {
var margin = {top: 5, right: 0, bottom: 50, left: 10},
width = 950 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 480 - - margin.bottom;
var formatNumber = d3.format(",.0f"),
format = function (d) {
return formatNumber(d);
color = d3.scale.category20();
var svg ="#chart").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
var sankey = d3.sankey()
.nodeWidth(25) // was 15 | 35
.nodePadding(0) // was 10 | 7
.size([width, height]);
var path =;
var themes = ["employment", "health", "housing", "education", "safety", "income",
"energy", "technology", "transit", "waste", "recycle", "materials", "existing",
"water", "greenery", "ecology", "agriculture", "pollution"];
var categories = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
var colorCode = {"energy": "#f16021", "transit": "#f2b536", "waste": "#dcd589", "pollution":"#7c7b7b", "employment":"#b476b2",
"health": "#df9ab7", "housing": "#89236c", "education": "#a15785", "technology": "#f5851f", "water": "#7accc7", "greenery": "#94c83d",
"ecology": "#46b974", "agriculture": "#637fbf", "safety": "#c4b6d9", "recycle": "#dcc589", "materials": "#facbcb", "existing": "#a9813a",
"income": "#824c9e", 2: "#A6A6A5", 3: "#808181", 4: "#5A5A5A", 5: "#404040", 6: "#262626"};
var sumThemes = function(d) {
var result = 0;
for(var i=0; i<themes.length; i++)
if(d[themes[i]] == 1)
result = result + 1;
return result;
d3.json("sankey_crazy.json", function (data) {
d.numTheme = sumThemes(d);
var filteredData = data.filter(function(d){
return (d.numTheme > 1);
return a.numTheme - b.numTheme;
var sources = new Object(), targets = new Object(), energy = {"nodes": [], "links": []};
// Source are indicators
targets[d] = i + filteredData.length;
energy.nodes.push({"name":, "numTheme": d.numTheme});
energy.nodes.push({"name": d, "numTheme": null});
energy.links.push({"source": i, "target": targets[e], "value": 1});
var link = svg.append("g").selectAll(".link")
.attr("class", "link")
.attr("d", path)
.style("stroke-width", function(d) { return Math.max(1, d.dy); })
.style("stroke", function(d) { return = colorCode[]; })
.sort(function(a, b) { return b.dy - a.dy; });
.text(function(d) { return + " → " +; });
// title is an SVG standard way of providing tooltips, up to the browser how to render this, so changing the style is tricky
var node = svg.append("g").selectAll(".node")
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
.sort(function(a, b) { return parseInt( - parseInt(; })
.origin(function(d) { return d; })
.on("dragstart", function() { this.parentNode.appendChild(this); })
.on("drag", dragmove));
.attr("height", sankey.nodeWidth())
.attr("width", function(d) { return d.dy; })
.style("fill", function(d) {
return d.color = colorCode[d.numTheme];
return d.color = colorCode[];
.style("stroke", function(d) { return d3.rgb(d.color).darker(1); })
.text(function(d) { return + "\n" + format(d.value); });
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("x", function (d) { return d.dy / 2 })
.attr("y", function(d){
return -sankey.nodeWidth()/2;
else {
if(d.dy > 38)
return sankey.nodeWidth() + 15;
return sankey.nodeWidth() + 35;
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d) {
if(!d.dy > 0) return "";
.filter(function(d) { return d.x < width / 2; });
function dragmove(d) {
// first line only allows y direction move, second x
//"transform", "translate(" + d.x + "," + (d.y = Math.max(0, d3.event.y)) + ")");"transform", "translate(" + (d.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(width - d.dy, d3.event.x))) + "," + d.y + ")");
if(!d.numTheme)"transform", "translate(" + (d.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(width - d.dy, d3.event.x))) + "," + d.y + ")");
link.attr("d", path);
body {
background-color: white;
.node rect {
cursor: move;
fill-opacity: .9;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.node text {
pointer-events: none;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;
.link {
fill: none;
/*stroke: #000;*/
stroke-opacity: .5;
.link:hover {
stroke-opacity: .8;
#chart {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
d3.sankey = function() {
var sankey = {},
nodeWidth = 24,
nodePadding = 8, // was 8, needs to be much bigger. these numbers are actually overwritten in the html when we instantiate the viz!
size = [1, 1],
nodes = [],
links = [];
sankey.nodeWidth = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return nodeWidth;
nodeWidth = +_;
return sankey;
sankey.nodePadding = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return nodePadding;
nodePadding = +_;
return sankey;
sankey.nodes = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return nodes;
nodes = _;
return sankey;
sankey.links = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return links;
links = _;
return sankey;
sankey.size = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return size;
size = _;
return sankey;
sankey.layout = function(iterations) {
// big changes here
// change the order and depths (y pos) won't need iterations
return sankey;
sankey.relayout = function() {
return sankey;
}; = function() {
var curvature = .5;
// x0 = line start X
// y0 = line start Y
// x1 = line end X
// y1 = line end Y
// y2 = control point 1 (Y pos)
// y3 = control point 2 (Y pos)
function link(d) {
// big changes here obviously, more comments to follow
var x0 = d.source.x + + d.dy / 2,
x1 = + d.ty + d.dy / 2,
y0 = d.source.y + nodeWidth,
y1 =,
yi = d3.interpolateNumber(y0, y1),
y2 = yi(curvature),
y3 = yi(1 - curvature);
// ToDo - nice to have - allow flow up or down! Plenty of use cases for starting at the bottom,
// but main one is trickle down (economics, budgets etc), not up
return "M" + x0 + "," + y0 // start (of SVG path)
+ "C" + x0 + "," + y2 // CP1 (curve control point)
+ " " + x1 + "," + y3 // CP2
+ " " + x1 + "," + y1; // end
link.curvature = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return curvature;
curvature = +_;
return link;
return link;
// Populate the sourceLinks and targetLinks for each node.
// Also, if the source and target are not objects, assume they are indices.
function computeNodeLinks() {
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
node.sourceLinks = [];
node.targetLinks = [];
links.forEach(function(link) {
var source = link.source,
target =;
if (typeof source === "number") source = link.source = nodes[link.source];
if (typeof target === "number") target = = nodes[];
// Compute the value (size) of each node by summing the associated links.
function computeNodeValues() {
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
node.value = Math.max(
d3.sum(node.sourceLinks, value),
d3.sum(node.targetLinks, value)
// take a grouping of the nodes - the vertical columns
// there shouldnt be 8 - there will be more, the total number of 1st level sources
// then iterate over them and give them an incrementing x
// because the data structure is ALL nodes, just flattened, don't just apply at the top level
// then everything should have an X
// THEN, for the Y
// do the same thing, this time on the grouping of 8! i.e. 8 different Y values, not loads of different ones!
function computeNodeBreadths(iterations) {
var nodesByBreadth = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d.y; })
.map(function(d) { return d.values; }); // values! we are using the values also as a way to seperate nodes (not just stroke width)?
// this bit is actually the node sizes (widths)
//var ky = (size[1] - (nodes.length - 1) * nodePadding) / d3.sum(nodes, value)
// this should be only source nodes surely (level 1)
var ky = (size[0] - (nodesByBreadth[0].length - 1) * nodePadding) / d3.sum(nodesByBreadth[0], value);
// I'd like them to be much bigger, this calc doesn't seem to fill the space!?
nodesByBreadth.forEach(function(nodes) {
nodes.forEach(function(node, i) {
node.x = i;
node.dy = node.value * ky;
links.forEach(function(link) {
link.dy = link.value * ky;
// Bin changed:
for (var alpha = 1; iterations > 0; --iterations) {
relaxRightToLeft(alpha *= .99);
// these relax methods should probably be operating on one level of the nodes, not all!?
function relaxLeftToRight(alpha) {
nodesByBreadth.forEach(function(nodes, breadth) {
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
if (node.targetLinks.length) {
var y = d3.sum(node.targetLinks, weightedSource) / d3.sum(node.targetLinks, value);
node.x += (y - center(node)) * alpha;
function weightedSource(link) {
return center(link.source) * link.value;
function relaxRightToLeft(alpha) {
nodesByBreadth.slice().reverse().forEach(function(nodes) {
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
if (node.sourceLinks.length) {
var y = d3.sum(node.sourceLinks, weightedTarget) / d3.sum(node.sourceLinks, value);
node.x += (y - center(node)) * alpha;
function weightedTarget(link) {
return center( * link.value;
function resolveCollisions() {
nodesByBreadth.forEach(function(nodes) {
var node,
x0 = 0,
n = nodes.length,
// Push any overlapping nodes right.
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
node = nodes[i];
dy = x0 - node.x;
if (dy > 0) node.x += dy;
x0 = node.x + node.dy + nodePadding;
// If the rightmost node goes outside the bounds, push it left.
dy = x0 - nodePadding - size[0]; // was size[1]
if (dy > 0) {
x0 = node.x -= dy;
// Push any overlapping nodes left.
for (i = n - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
node = nodes[i];
dy = node.x + node.dy + nodePadding - x0; // was y0
if (dy > 0) node.x -= dy;
x0 = node.x;
function ascendingDepth(a, b) {
//return a.y - b.y; // flows go up
return b.x - a.x; // flows go down
//return a.x - b.x;
// this moves all end points (sinks!) to the most extreme bottom
function moveSinksDown(y) {
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
if (!node.sourceLinks.length) {
node.y = y - 1;
// shift their locations out to occupy the screen
function scaleNodeBreadths(kx) {
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
node.y *= kx;
function computeNodeDepths() {
var remainingNodes = nodes,
y = 0;
while (remainingNodes.length) {
nextNodes = [];
remainingNodes.forEach(function(node) {
node.y = y;
//node.dx = nodeWidth;
node.sourceLinks.forEach(function(link) {
if (nextNodes.indexOf( < 0) {
remainingNodes = nextNodes;
// move end points to the very bottom
scaleNodeBreadths((size[1] - nodeWidth) / (y - 1));
// .ty is the offset in terms of node position of the link (target)
function computeLinkDepths() {
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
var sy = 0, ty = 0;
//ty = node.dy;
node.sourceLinks.forEach(function(link) { = sy;
sy += link.dy;
node.targetLinks.forEach(function(link) {
// this is simply saying, for each target, keep adding the width of the link
// so what if it was the other way round. start with full width then subtract?
link.ty = ty;
ty += link.dy;
//ty -= link.dy;
function ascendingSourceDepth(a, b) {
//return a.source.y - b.source.y;
return a.source.x - b.source.x;
function ascendingTargetDepth(a, b) {
//return -;
return -;
function center(node) {
return node.y + node.dy / 2;
function value(link) {
return link.value;
return sankey;
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_location_01_infill_well-connected to adjacent development street network_well-served by transit neighborhood amenities",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_location_02_infill developed site_infill not developed site_adjacent to existing developed site_not adjacent or infill developed site_QT",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_location_03_well connected street network_intersection_200 to 250 per square mile_250 to 300 per square mile_300 to 350 per square mile_350 to 400 per square mile_More than 400 per sq mile_QT",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_location_04_economic distressed area_ affordable housing_QT",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_ecosystem and open spaces_01_build on habitat species endangered_threatened_conservation_QL",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_ecosystem and open spaces_02_build on wetland water bodies_leave buffer 50 to 100 ft_undevelopement_QT",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_ecosystem and open spaces_03_build on prime agricultural land_unless is infill_transit served_ soil loss",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_ecosystem and open spaces_04_no build on floodplains_QT",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_ecosystem and open spaces_05_conserve existing habitat_native plants_wetlands_ water bodies_QL",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_ecosystem and open spaces_06_restores degraded habitat_plants_wetlands_ water bodies and conserves_QL",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_ecosystem and open spaces_07_long term_10 years_plan for wetlands_water bodies_habitat_QL",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_ecosystem and open spaces_08_limits development on steep slopes_15%_restore previous slopes_QT",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_contaminated sites_remediates a contaminated site_economic distressed area_QL",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_transit oriented locations_walking distance__mile_rapid transit_rail_ferry_bus_QT",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_cycling facilities_ bicycle network_mile_bicycle storage_parking_connects 10 diverse land use_residential building_occupants_visitors_QT",
"name":"LEED_smart location and linkage_jobs and housing proximity_job walk distance_mile_affordable housing_dwelling units_existing public transport_infill site_rail_ferry_tram_bus_public transit_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_walkable streets_01_90% frontage building entrance_public space_parking lot_height to street ratio_sidewalks_garage doors_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_walkable streets_02_distance sidewalk_entries_windows_blank walls_street parking_ground floor_height to street ratio_design speed_driveway crossing_dwelling units_low speed_driveway_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_walkable streets_03_60% of street non invasive trees_noon time shade_trunk center_sidewalk_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_compact development_01_minimum density_dwelling unit_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_compact development_02_exceeds increasing density thresholds_dwelling unit_non residential_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_neighborhood connections_01_street_pathway_ every 800 ft_140 or 90 intersection_street network_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_neighborhood connections_02_no cul de sac_includes street_pathway_every 400 ft_intersection 300 to 400 sq mile_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_mixed uses_ walking access_land use_neighborhood center_commercial civic facilities_restaurant_schools_pharmacy_market_parks_library_shop_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_affordable and diverse housing_multiple housing type_size_rental_sale_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_parking and transportation demand_01_surface parking area_off street parking_building_occupant_bicycle storage_visitors_carpool_shared vehicle_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_parking and transportation demand_02_shelters_benches_lighting_information displays_transit stop_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_parking and transportation demand_03_transit passes_price_cost_transit services facilities_vehicle sharing_parking_dwelling unit_transportation demand management_trips_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_parks and recreation_01_access to public space_walk distance_square_parks_plazas_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_parks and recreation_02_access to indoor outdoor reacreational facilities_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_universal design_universal accessibility 20% or 100% dwelling unit_people_public rights_diverse_ability_QT",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_community participation_input_feedback to guide the project_design charrette_smart growth_QL",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_local food_gardening space_shares_farmer market_walk distance_growing of produce_balconies_rooftop_patio",
"name":"LEED_neighborhood pattern and design_school access and design_walk distance to existing_new school campuses_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_construction techniques_01_erosion and sedimentation control plan for construction activities_soil_pollution_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_construction techniques_02_preserve heritage trees_undeveloped land 10% to 20%_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_energy efficiency and conservation_01_90% building sq f meets energy efficiency requirements_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_energy efficiency and conservation_02_90% building sq f increases threshold for energy efficiency_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_energy efficiency and conservation_03_orient 75% of buildings_dense blocks_ to maximize passive active solar_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_energy production and distribution_01_renewable energy on site_electrical thermal_energy cost_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_energy production and distribution_02_80% buildings heating cooling neighborhood shared system_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_energy production and distribution_03_energy efficiency infrastructure_traffic light_street light_water wastewater pumps_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_water efficiency and conservation_01_minimum requirements water efficiency in buildings_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_water efficiency and conservation_02_exceeds increased thresholds for water efficiency_buildings_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_water efficiency and conservation_03_reduce water consumption_outdoor landscape_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_stormwater and wastewater_01_retain and treat stormwater_rainstorm_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_stormwater and wastewater_02_treats and reuses wastewater_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_green building process_01_uses rating system to certify at least one project building_QT QL",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_green building process_02_uses rating system to certify 10 to 50% of project buildings_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_historic and existing building reuse_01_reuse and restore 20% of existing building stock_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_historic and existing building reuse_02_includes historic building_rehabilitates_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_heat islands_solar reflective roofs_vegetated roof_shade_paving_roads_sidewalk_hardscape_parking areas_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_reuse and recycling_01_recycled content in 50% of total mass of public infrastructure materials_paving_road_street_water_sewer_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_reuse and recycling_02_recycling services_resident_waste disposal_composting_receptacles_mixed use_construction waste_QT",
"name":"LEED_green infrastructure and buildings_light pollution_motion sensors_daylight_reducing brightness_exterior lighting_rural areas_residential_mixed use neighborhood_QT",
"name":"LEED_innovation and design process_innovation and exemplary performance_01_environment",
"name":"LEED_innovation and design process_innovation and exemplary performance_02_smart growth_nature_resource_QT",
"name":"LEED_regional priority_environment_social equity_public health",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_governance_01_consultation plan (Crit 1) CN1_member local community stakeholders_occupants_type_size project_shared facilities_local authority_service_maintenance_conmplex environment_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_governance_01_consultation plan (Crit 3) CN2_minimum consultation content_stakeholders_impact development_design quality_management_maintenance_shared facilities_infrastructure_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_governance_01_consultation plan (Crit 5) CN3_faciliated community consultation method_engagement_design_proposal_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_governance_01_consultation plan (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_02_consultation and engagement (Crit 2) CN1_good practice consultation methods_local community_stakeholders_informed_consulted_involved in the preparation of proposal_guidelines_options_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_02_consultation and engagement (Crit 3) CN2_feedback_summary_outcome_implementations of suggestions_feasible options_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_02_consultation and engagement (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_02_consultation and engagement (Crit 5)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_02_consultation and engagement (Crit 7)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_03_design review (Crit 1) CN1_community engagement process_ activities_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_03_design review (Crit 1 & 3) CN3_independent interdisciplinary panel_review panel independent of the developer and local authority_design development_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_03_design review (Crit 1, 3 & 5) CN4_design review_process_assess the overall design quality_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_03_design review (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_03_design review (Crit 3)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_governance_03_design review (Crit 7)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_governance_04_community management of facilities (Crit 1) CN1_community facility_amenity_menagement_buildings_meeting place_public access_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_governance_04_community management of facilities (Crit 4) CN3_significant support_financial_technical_operational_measures_community",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_governance_04_community management of facilities (Crit 6) CN4_community development trust_social purpose_ownership_buildings_land_economic_envioronment_urban_rural areas_neighborhood_public sector_private business_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_governance_04_community management of facilities (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_01_economic impact (Crit 1) CN1_economic study_local authority_business_employment_unemployment rates_economic activities_location of business_demographic needs_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_01_economic impact (Crit 4) CN2_infrastructure and facilities_transport_communications_power_community facilities_technical industrial_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_01_economic impact (Crit 3 & 7) CN3_employment opportunities provided development_temporary permanent jobs_apprenticeships_labour skills_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_01_economic impact (Crit 8) CN4_training provider_colleges_universities_higher educational institutions_apprenticeship scheme_ QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_01_economic impact (Crit 5)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_01_economic impact (Crit 9)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_02_demographic needs and priorities (Crit 1) CN1_demographic profiles_local authority and census data_age gender religion_household size_values_population_headship_deprivation_income_health_disability_ageing population_children_employment_education_crime_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_02_demographic needs and priorities (Crit 2) CN2_local needs and requirements_assessment of the services facilities amenties housing_community_affordalble housing_education_green space_leisure facilities_health social care_farmers market_fruit vegetable_children_communication services_bank_public house_religious places_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_02_demographic needs and priorities (Crit 4) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment (Crit 1) CN1_flood risk assessment_size density development_area m2_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment (Crit 1) CN2_sources of flooding_streams rivers coastal estuarine groundwater sewers highway drains surface water infrastructure failure_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment (Crit 1) CN3_appropriate statutory body_environment agency deparment rivers internal drainage_local authorities_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment_CN4_alternative standards and recommendations from statutory body_local authority_criteria_credits_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment_CN5_third party defences_motorway railway embankments walls_lifetime_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment_CN6_downgrade flood risk due to flood defences_downgraded circumstances category guidelines compliance_risk of flooding_policy guidelines_agency_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment_CN7_assessments in the functional flood plain_located classified zone_water_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment_CN8_ allowance for climate change_accordance with best practice and planning policy_flood risk_context location_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment (Crit 3)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment (Crit 5)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_03_flood risk assessment (Crit 7)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_04_noise pollution (Crit 7 & 10) CN1_rating noise level_characteristic features of the noise_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_04_noise pollution (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_04_noise pollution (Crit 3)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_04_noise pollution (Crit 4)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_04_noise pollution (Crit 6)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_social and economic_04_noise pollution (Crit 9)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_05_housing provision (Crit 2) CN1_affordable housing_diverse type of housing_local requirements_people needs_demographic needs",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_05_housing provision (Crit 3) CN2_minimum space standards for housing_floor area cooking_bedroom_bathroom_storage_play space_recreational space_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_05_housing provision (Crit 1) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_05_housing provision (Crit 5) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_05_housing provision (Crit 7) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_06_delivery of services facilities and amenities (Crit 1) CN1_local needs and requirements_demographic needs_green spaces_public park_village__infrastructure_amenities_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_06_delivery of services facilities and amenities (Crit 5, 8 & 11) CN2_walking distance_access_public transport_urban rural development_local facilities_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_06_delivery of services facilities and amenities (Crit 5, 8 & 11) CN5_safe convenient pedestrian route rural development_grass_footpath_road housing speed_junctions_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_06_delivery of services facilities and amenities (Crit 5, 8 & 11) CN6_pedestrian route extend beyond site boundary_accessible_convenient_safe_connection_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_06_delivery of services facilities and amenities (Crit 2) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_06_delivery of services facilities and amenities (Crit 4) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_06_delivery of services facilities and amenities (Crit 7) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_06_delivery of services facilities and amenities (Crit 10) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_06_delivery of services facilities and amenities (Crit 13) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_06_delivery of services facilities and amenities (Crit 14) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_07_public realm (Crit 1) CN1_consultation_engagement_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_07_public realm (Crit 2) CN2_multiple uses different residents_demographic needs and priorities",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_07_public realm (Crit 5) CN3_shared space_consultation_engagement",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_07_public realm (Crit 9) CN4_microclimate_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_07_public realm (Crit 10) CN5_local identity_local community_engagement_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_07_public realm (Crit 3) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_07_public realm (Crit 6) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_07_public realm (Crit 7) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_07_public realm (Crit 11) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_08_microclimate (Crit 1) CN1_microclimatic factors_temperature_thermal comfort_solar_skyview_shadow__air_wind speed_dust_pollution_acoustic environment_specific needs_site_integrated approach_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_08_microclimate (Crit 4) CN2_seasonal tailoring_adaptation_shade_cooling_air movement_wind_rain_tree_public square_natural light_plaza_comfort_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_08_microclimate_CN3_demonstrating compliance_design_project team_outcome_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_08_microclimate (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_08_microclimate (Crit 6)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_08_microclimate (Crit 7)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_08_microclimate (Crit 8)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_09_utilities (Crit 1) CN1_scope of services_heating_cooling_power_water_sewerage_communication_public space_area_maintenance_repair",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_09_utilities (Crit 1) CN2_single point of access_maintenance_junctions_people movement_site_service entry_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_09_utilities (Crit 4) CN3_circulation route_public access_maintenance_people movement_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_09_utilities (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_09_utilities (Crit 5)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_09_utilities (Crit 6)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_10_adapting to climate change (Crit 1) CN1_impacts climate change_temperature_heat island_flood risk_weather_water resource_ground conditions_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_10_adapting to climate change (Crit 2) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_10_adapting to climate change (Crit 4) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_10_adapting to climate change (Crit 6) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_11_green Infrastructure (Crit 1) CN1_consultation_governance_engagement_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_11_green Infrastructure (Crit 2) CN2_green infrastructure plan_ecology_value",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_11_green Infrastructure (Crit 4) CN3_walking distance_access_public transport_urban_rural development_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_11_green Infrastructure (Crit 4) CN4_safe convenient pedestrian route_services_facilities_amenities_site boundary",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_11_green Infrastructure (Crit 8) CN5_access_accessible natural green space standard_housing_home_population_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_11_green Infrastructure (Crit 10) CN6_reasonably justified_green infrastructure_size_site_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_11_green Infrastructure (Crit 10) CN7_access_constrained site_green space_developer_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_11_green Infrastructure (Crit 5) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_11_green Infrastructure (Crit 7) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_12_local parking (Crit 4) CN1_integrating parking into the development_small scale_trees and hedges_street_car parking_vehicles_entrance underground_ramps_pedestrians_materials",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_12_local parking (Crit 6) CN2_secure parking garage_residential parking_credit_controlled access_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_12_local parking (Crit 1) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_12_local parking (Crit 2) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_12_local parking (Crit 5) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_13_flood risk management (Crit 2) CN1_appropriately qualified professional_water pollution",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_13_flood risk management (Crit 2) CN2_report_run off_permeable_impermeable surfaces_infiltration test_lifetime_climate change_design_mitigation measures_summary_results",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_13_flood risk management (Crit 3) CN3_pre-development_site condition_brownfield_greenfield_run off",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_13_flood risk management (Crit 3) CN4_calculating the volume of run off_development_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_13_flood risk management (Crit 3) CN5_calculating peak rate run off greenfield sites_catchments_flood_ecology_hydrology_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_13_flood risk management (Crit 3) CN6_calculating peak rate run off brownfield sites_drainage_discharge point_soil_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_13_flood risk management (Crit 5) CN7_allowance climate change_flood risk",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_13_flood risk management (Crit 5) CN8_SuDS techniques_run off_pollution_wet pond_infiltration detention basin_swales_reed beds_permeable paving_rain water_drain_green rooftops_roof_underground storage_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_13_flood risk management (Crit 7) CN9_design system failure_urban drainage",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_social and economic_13_flood risk management (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_14_local vernacular (Crit 1) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_14_local vernacular (Crit 2) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_14_local vernacular (Crit 3) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_14_local vernacular (Crit 5) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_14_local vernacular (Crit 7) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_15_inclusive design (Crit 1) CN1_inclusive design and management strategy_inclusion and access_environment_transport interchange_housing and buildings_public realm_open space_sport recreation space_highway_footpath cycle way",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_15_inclusive design (Crit 5) CN2_the role of an inclusive design champion_facilities_estates_operational menagement_customer services_dveloper_public sector_social enterprise_community relations_policy_environment",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_15_inclusive design (Crit 7) CN3_the role of a consultant_project management_stakeholder_implementation and construction_inclusion",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_15_inclusive design (Crit 9) CN4_operational management strategy_environment_public realm_buildings_printed and electronic information_emergency evacuation",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_15_inclusive design (Crit 2) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_15_inclusive design (Crit 3) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_15_inclusive design (Crit 8) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_16_light pollution (Crit 3) CN1_street lighting_light_urban design",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_16_light pollution (Crit 5) CN2_additional lighting_minimise disruption_local neighborhood_residents_sport facilities_commercial areas_car park_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_16_light pollution (Crit 1) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_16_light pollution (Crit 6) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_17_labour and skills (Crit 4) CN1_support and promote a legacy skills base_credit_training_apprenticeship",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_17_labour and skills (Crit 5) CN2_build a local skills base_credit_developer_local training",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_17_labour and skills (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_social and economic_17_labour and skills (Crit 3)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_resources and energy_01_energy strategy (Crit 1) CN1_energy strategy_prediction demand_emission_site consumption_heating cooling electricity_street lighting_site layout_topography_shading_solar orientation_daylighting_wind_natural ventilation_decentralised energy_networks_system_carbon_source_land use_local_noise_life cycle cost_technology_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_resources and energy_01_energy strategy (Crit 3) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_resources and energy_01_energy strategy (Crit 5) ",
"name":"BREEAM C_S1_resources and energy_02_existing buildings and infrastructure (Crit 1) ",
"name":"BREEAM C_S1_resources and energy_02_existing buildings and infrastructure (Crit 2) ",
"name":"BREEAM C_S1_resources and energy_02_existing buildings and infrastructure (Crit 4) ",
"name":"BREEAM C_S1_resources and energy_02_existing buildings and infrastructure (Crit 6) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_resources and energy_03_water strategy (Crit 1) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_resources and energy_03_water strategy (Crit 2) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_resources and energy_03_water strategy (Crit 4) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_resources and energy_03_water strategy (Crit 5) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_resources and energy_03_water strategy (Crit 6) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_04_sustainable buildings (Crit 5) CN1_code for sustainable homes_developer_arrangement",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_04_sustainable buildings (Crit 1) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_04_sustainable buildings (Crit 2) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_04_sustainable buildings (Crit 3) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_04_sustainable buildings (Crit 4) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_04_sustainable buildings (Crit 6) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_05_low impact materials (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_05_low impact materials (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_05_low impact materials (Crit 4)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_05_low impact materials (Crit 6)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_05_low impact materials (Crit 7)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_05_low impact materials (Crit 8)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_05_low impact materials (Crit 9)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_06_resource efficiency (Crit 1) CN1_pre-demolition audit_demolition protocol",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_06_resource efficiency (Crit 1) CN2_high grade application_crushed material_fill material_construction site",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_06_resource efficiency (Crit 3) CN3_WRAP principles of designing out waste_resource efficiency_building level_credit_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_06_resource efficiency (Crit 2 & 4) CN4_waste management strategy plan_resource efficiency_construction waste_refurbishment_demolition_excavation_monitoring_measuring_sorting_reuse_recycling_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_06_resource efficiency (Crit 10) CN5_diversion from landfill_reuse material on site_energy recovery_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_06_resource efficiency (Crit 6) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_06_resource efficiency (Crit 7) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_06_resource efficiency (Crit 8) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_07_transport carbon emission (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_07_transport carbon emission (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_07_transport carbon emission (Crit 4)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_07_transport carbon emission (Crit 5)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_resources and energy_07_transport carbon emission (Crit 6)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_01_ecology strategy (Crit 1) CN1_ecological impact assessment_IEEM_large scale development_environment_impact_management_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_01_ecology strategy (Crit 3) CN3_ecology strategy_protection_local habitat_water supply_shelter_flora_fauna_movement_migration route_social_economic",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_01_ecology strategy (Crit 4) CN4_valued ecological resources",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_01_ecology strategy (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_01_ecology strategy (Crit 5)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_01_ecology strategy (Crit 6)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_01_ecology strategy (Crit 8)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_01_ecology strategy (Crit 9)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_02_land use (Crit 1) CN1_preliminary investigation_contamination site_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_02_land use (Crit 2) CN2_site investigation_code of practice_contamination site_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_02_land use (Crit 4) CN5_masterplan site layout and design_contamination area_land use_ground_parking_soil_drainage system_materials",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_02_land use (Crit 6) CN6_remediation strategy_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_02_land use (Crit 7)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_land use and ecology_02_land use (Crit 8)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_03_water pollution (Crit 1) CN1_drainage plan_drain_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_03_water pollution (Crit 4) CN2_appropriately qualified professional_skills and experience_water management_drainage system_rainfall_ run off_engineering_landscape_hydrology_infiltration_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_03_water pollution (Crit 6) CN3_areas where oil separators required_pollution_prevention_surface_water_drainage_risk of contamination",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_03_water pollution (Crit 8) CN4_5mm discharge for minimising water course pollution_pond and basin_run off_control_prevention_rain fall_green roof_permeable_surface_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_03_water pollution (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_03_water pollution (Crit 5)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_04_enhancement of ecological value (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_04_enhancement of ecological value (Crit 3)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_04_enhancement of ecological value (Crit 5)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_05_landscape (Crit 1) CN1_suitably qualified ecologist_ecology strategy_plant_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_05_landscape (Crit 3) CN2_ecology clerk of works_qualified ecologist_mitigation and or compensation measure",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_05_landscape (Crit 4)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_05_landscape (Crit 6)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_05_landscape (Crit 8)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_05_landscape (Crit 10)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_05_landscape (Crit 11)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_05_landscape (Crit 12)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_land use and ecology_05_landscape (Crit 13)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_land use and ecology_06_rainwater harvesting (Crit 1) CN1_use of rain water_percentage collection rain water_toilet flushing demand_washing machine_buildings_irrigation_plant_landscape_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_land use and ecology_06_rainwater harvesting (Crit 2) CN2_calculation of roof collection area_area impervious roof surface_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_land use and ecology_06_rainwater harvesting (Crit 4)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_land use and ecology_06_rainwater harvesting (Crit 6)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_transport and movement_01_transport and assessment (Crit 1) CN1_transport statement_traffic flows transport impact_trips_travel_public transport_highway network_injury accident_site layout_land use_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_transport and movement_01_transport and assessment (Crit 1) CN2_transport assessment_environment impact_public transport_parking facilities_traffic flow_links_junctions_road network_air quality__noise_highway network_carbon emission_trip_walking_cycling_safety_movement_accident_infrastructure_accessibility_economic_integration_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_transport and movement_01_transport and assessment (Crit 2) CN3_travel plan coordinator_scale development_travel_trips_transport_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_transport and movement_01_transport and assessment (Crit 3) CN4_travel Plans_ sustainable outcomes_transport_travel_access to site_accessibility_policy_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_transport and movement_01_transport and assessment (Crit 5)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_transport and movement_01_transport and assessment (Crit 7)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S1_transport and movement_01_transport and assessment (Crit 8)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_02_safe and appealing streets (Crit 2) CN1_context appraisal_form_scale_pattern_character street_buildings_open space_local character and distinctiveness_public realm_link and destination_connection_public space_transport node_educational facilities_office_retail area_movement_pedestrian_cyclist_transport_vehicle_traffic_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_02_safe and appealing streets (Crit 3) CN2_movement framework_street_transport_pedestrian_cyclist_public transport_vehicle_traffic_environment_building_landscape_activity_connection_permeable street network_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_02_safe and appealing streets (Crit 6) CN3_design measures for street safety and large vehicles_car parking_risk of collision_visitors_storage",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_02_safe and appealing streets (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_02_safe and appealing streets (Crit 5)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_02_safe and appealing streets (Crit 8)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_02_safe and appealing streets (Crit 9)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_02_safe and appealing streets (Crit 11)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_02_safe and appealing streets (Crit 12)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_02_safe and appealing streets (Crit 14)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_03_cycling network (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_03_cycling network (Crit 3)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S2_transport and movement_04_access to public transport (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_05_cycling facilities (Crit 4) CN1_compliant cycle storage_non residential_storage facilities_secure_light_covered_protect from weather_permanent structure_buildings_wall_distance_access_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_05_cycling facilities (Crit 4) CN2_compliantcycle storage_residentials_space requirement flexible_garden tools_garage_car_parking_access_dwelling_public_communal store_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_05_cycling facilities (Crit 7) CN3_funding for maintenance and adjustment_local authority_cost_financial resources_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_05_cycling facilities (Crit 1) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_05_cycling facilities (Crit 2) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_05_cycling facilities (Crit 5) ",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_06_public transport facilities (Crit 4) CN1_shelter dimensions_local authority_size of development_QL",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_06_public transport facilities (Crit 1 to 6) CN3_pavement obstruction_public transport shelters_passing pedestrians_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_06_public transport facilities (Crit 6) CN4_shelter from the elements out of the weather_precipitation and prevailing wind_local authority_roof_wall_QT",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_06_public transport facilities_CN5_key community focal points_facilities_local amenities_schools_parks_hospital",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_06_public transport facilities (Crit 1)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_06_public transport facilities (Crit 2)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_06_public transport facilities (Crit 3)",
"name":"BREEAM_C_S3_transport and movement_06_public transport facilities (Crit 8)",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_resource_water resource_waterworks_rain water utilization_level of rain measure utilization rate_inside building outdoor watering_80% or higher _ utilization rate method_waste water_calculate consumption collecting area storage capacity diagram_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_resource_water resource_waterworks_treated water_measures water supply evaluated_some facilities_majority_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_resource_water resource_sewerage_reduction of waste water discharge amount_treatment facilities evaluated_toilet system_ratio 80%_reuses water_building_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_resource_water resource_sewerage_reduction of rain water discharge amount 01_capacity of detention pond_efforts suppression discharge temporary storage evaluated_legal requirement_regulation_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_resource_water resource_sewerage_reduction of rain water discharge amount 02_rain water permeable surface and equipment_Efforts suppression promotion permeation evaluated_vacant space permable trench_permeable pavement inlet trench_level_rooftop greening_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_resource_resources recycling_construction 01 wood material_produced sustainable forests is evaluated_nultiple buildings sustainable forests_0.005m3 area 1m2_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_resource_resources recycling_construction 02 recycled material_recycled materials used_articles_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_resource_resources recycling_operation 01 garbage separation_the garbage separation level in operation is evaluated_number of separation items municipality_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_resource_resources recycling_operation 02 in area resource circulation_resource circulation executed in the object area is evaluated_fallen leaves compost resource_raw garbage_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_nature_greenery_ground greening_greening ratio_ground surfaces evaluated_percentage_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_nature_greenery_building top greening_rooftop greening_level building is evaluated_percentage_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_nature_greenery_building top greening_wall greening_evaluated_level_percentage_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_nature_biodiversity_preservation_natural resources_level of natural resources object area_preserved_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_nature_biodiversity_preservation_landform_consideration of development proporty transformation evaluated_performed according development activity_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_nature_biodiversity_regeneration and creation_patch planar quality 01 habitat space of species_various species established_green areas people cannot_various organisms 3% percentage area",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_nature_biodiversity_regeneration and creation_patch planar quality 02 consideration for regionality_existence of consideration regionality evaluated_greening conscious plant native species",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_nature_biodiversity_regeneration and creation_corridor network quality_network peripheral evaluated_ecological corridor road trees_level_diagrams_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_environment_artifact_environmentally friendly buildings_casbee assessment new construction_detached house evaluated_rank_QL",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_impartiality fairness_compliance_evaluated highly observes law regulation wind damage_radio waves_traffic_sunlight_light damage_soil pollution_noise_vibration_odors_air pollution_ground water withdrawal_water quality_project environmental assessment measurement results_level_QL",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_impartiality fairness_area management_neighborhood association area management organization involving inhabitants tenant companies employees government operate continuously system regional_level_community_town council alliance_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_security safety_disaster prevention_basic disaster prevention performance 01 understanding hazard maps natural disasters fire countermeasures earthquakes landslides floods infrastructures level performance water supply_communication systems_treatment infrastructure_heating cooling system_power supply_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_security safety_disaster prevention_basic disaster prevention performance 02 disaster prevention of various infrastructures",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_security safety_disaster prevention_disaster response ability 01 improving periphery area routine life certain time period_maintenance evacuation route network conditions_disaster prevention vacant space and evacuation route_level_vacant space_distance nearest evacuation 250 m or less_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_security safety_disaster prevention_disaster response ability 02 continuity of business and life in the block_level_ bcp lcp_accident_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_security safety_traffic safety_stablishing sidewalks securing pedestrian safety movement lines universla design_level_QL",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_security safety_crime prevention_level of efforts security measures night lighting monitorable periphery cameras patrol systems_level_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_amenity_convenience welfare_evaluated standart distance time facilities area covers 80%_convenience_level_1500 m 300 m_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_amenity_convenience welfare_evaluated standart distance time facilities area covers 80%__health and welfare education_minutes scale_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_amenity_culture_history preservation restoration legacies inheritance traditional landscape skylines guidelines tools_history and culture_level_items",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_amenity_culture_history preservation restoration legacies inheritance traditional landscape skylines guidelines tools_view_judged determination harmonization master plan qualitatively_level_item_content_Harmonization with the periphery",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_society_amenity_culture_view 02",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_traffic urban structure_traffic_support regional economic activities people logistics_Development of traffic facilities_traffic facilities in the district_level roads parkings lots bicycles parking area_level_usability of public transportation_railway station LRT BRT bus stop comprehensive system_1 km 300 m_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_traffic urban structure_traffic_support regional economic activities people logistics_logistics management_system block evaluated terms rationalization cooperative delivery_level_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_traffic urban structure_urban structure_consistency with and complementing of upper level planning_assessment performed based urban infrastructures existence planned management policy evaluated_level_municipal_QL",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_traffic urban structure_urban structure_land use_01 utilization level of standard floor area ratio_400 % _level_handling of brownfield site_soil contamination coutermeasures evaluated_level_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_traffic urban structure_urban structure_land use_02 utilization level of standard floor area ratio_400 % _level_handling of brownfield site_soil contamination coutermeasures evaluated_level_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_growth potencial_population_inhabitant staying population_inhabitant population_implementation results relevant district based increase decrease past state_level_staying population_implementation results relevant district based increase decrease past state_level",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_growth potencial_population_inhabitant staying population_staying population_implementation results relevant district based increase decrease past state_level",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_growth potencial_economic development_viewpoint that inviting companies investment community support local economy_revitalization activity_efforts economic revilization programs housing system non housing system_perform weighted average rate scale floor area_level_items_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_efficiency rationality_information system_flexibility and usability information environment block LAN wireless evaluated_information service performance_communication line capacity internet speed methods_level_QL",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_efficiency rationality_information system_flexibility and usability information environment block LAN wireless evaluated_block management_uniform management conditions of infrastructure in the block are evaluated_level_QL",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_efficiency rationality_energy system_flexibility change energy demand price_possibility to make demand supply sustem smart_technology introduction smartification energy demand supply system number items_level_item_content_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_UD_economy_efficiency rationality_energy system_flexibility change energy demand price_updating and expandability_efforts of piping and wiring are evaluated based on renewadability_renewability and expandability_level_item_content_QT",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_01_mean urban air pollution of particulate matter_PM10 and PM2.5",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_02_area of public and green space as a proportion total city space",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_03_percentage urban solid waste collected and well managed ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_04_fine particulate matter_PM2.5_concentration",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_05_particulate matter_PM10_concentration",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_06_NO2 nitrogen dioxide concentration",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_07_SO2 sulphur dioxide concentration ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_08_O3 ozone concentration ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_09_noise pollution",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_10_percentage city population with regular solid waste collection",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_11_total collected municipal solid waste per capita",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_12_percentage city solid waste_recycle",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_13_percentage solid waste_diposed in a sanitary landfil",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_14_percentage solid waste_disposed of in a incinerator ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_15_percentage solid waste_burned openly",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_16_percentage solid waste_open dump",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_17_percentage solid waste_other means",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_18_hazardous waste generation per capita_tonnes",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_19_percentage city hazardous waste_recycle",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_20_green area_hectares_100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_21_annual number trees planted_100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_22_disclosure natural resources rights holdings",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_23_global food loss indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_24_consumption ozone depleting substances_ MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_25_aerosol optical depth_AOD",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_26_share companies valued more than 1 billion_publish integrated monitoring",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_27_number of businesses_100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_28_share coastal marine areas protected",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_29_percentage fish tonnage landed within maximum sustainable yield_MSY",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_30_annual change forest area_land under cultivation_modified MDG indicator ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_31_area forest under sustainable forest management as a percent of forest area",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_32_annual change in degraded or desertified arable land_percentage or ha",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_33_red list index",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_34_protected areas overlay_biodiversity",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q1_environment_35_percentage change number of native species ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_01_percentage urban population living in slums or informal settlements _MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_02_percentage of people within 0.5 km public transit running at least every 20 minutes",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_03_ratio land consumption rate population growth rate_comparable scale",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_04_losses natural disasters_climate and non climate related events_US dollar and lives lost",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_05_number of fire related deaths per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_06_number of natural disasters related deaths per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_07_square meters public indoor recreation space per capita ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_08_square meters public outdoor recreation space per capita ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_09_number of police officers per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_10_number of homicides per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_11_crimes against property per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_12_response time for police department from initial call",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_13_percentage population living in slums",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_14_number of homeless per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_15_percentage households exist without registered legal titles",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_16_area size informal settlements as a percentage of city area",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_17_proportion population below minimum level dietary energy consumption_MDG indicator ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_18_percentage women reproductive age_15 to 49_ with anemia",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_19_prevalence of stunting and wasting in children under 5 years old",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_20_percentage children less than six months old who are fed breast milk alone_no liquids or food",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_21_percentage of women_15 to 49 years of age_consumption_at least 5 out of 10 defined food group",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_22_crop yield gap_actual yield as percentage of attainable yield",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_23_number of agricultural extension workers per 1000 farmers_or share of farmerscovered by agricultural extension programs and services",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_24_nitrogen use efficiency in food systems",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_25_crop water productivity_tons of harvested product per unit irrigation water",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_26_maternal mortality ratio_MDG indicator_ and rate",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_27_neonatal_infant_and under 5 years old_mortality rate_modified MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_28_percent children receiving full immunization_national vaccination schedules",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_29_HIV incidence_treatment rate_mortality_modified MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_30_incidence_prevalence_death rates associates with all forms of TB_MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_31_incidence_death rates associates with malaria_MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_32_probability of dying between exact ages 30 and 70 from any cardiovascular disease_cancer_diabetes_respiratory disease_suicide",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_33_percent population overweight and obese_including children under 5",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_34_road traffic deaths per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_35_consultations with lincesed provider in a health facility or the community per person_per year",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_36_percentage population without effective financial protection for health care",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_37_proportion of persons with a severe mental disorder_psychosis_bipolar_depression_who are using services",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_38_cotraceptive prevalence rate_MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_39_current use of any tabacco product_age standardized rate",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_40_average life expectancy ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_41_number of in patient hospital per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_42_number of physicians per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_43_ under age five mortality per 1000 live births",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_44_number of nursing and midwifery personnel per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_45_number of mental health practitioners per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_46_suicide rate per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_47_transportation fatalities per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_48_percentage of children_36 to 59 months_receiving at least of one year quality pre-primary education program_QL",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_49_early child development index_ECDI",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_50_primary completion rates for girls and boys",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_51_percentage of girls and boys who master a broad range foundational skills_literacy_mathematics_by the end of the primary school cycle_based on credibly established national benchmarks",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_52_secondary completion rates for girls and boys",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_53_percentage of girls and boys achieve proficiency a broad range learning outcomes_literacy_mathematics_by the end of lower secondary school cycle_based on credibly established national benchmarks",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_54_tertiary enrollment rates for women and men",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_55_percentage students completing primary education_survival rate",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_56_percentage students completing secondary education_survival rate",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_57_primary education_student_teacher ratio",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_58_percentage of male_school aged_population enrolled in schools ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_59_percentage of school aged_population enrolled in schools ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_60_number of higher education degrees per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_61_prevalence of girls and women_15 to 49_who have experienced physical or sexual violence_by intimate partner_in the last 12 months",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_62_percentage of referred cases of sexual and gender based violence against women and children that are investigated and sentenced",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_63_percentage of women aged 20 to 24 who were married or in a union before age 18",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_64_percentage of girls and women aged 15 to 49 years who have undergone FGM_C",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_65_average number hours spent on paid and unpaid work combined_by sex ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_66_percentage of seats held by women and minorities in national parliament and or sub national elected office according to their respective share of the population_MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_67_met demand for family planning_MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_68_percentage of female school aged population enrolled in schools ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_69_women as a percentage of total elected to city level office",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_70_percentage of women employed in the city government workforce",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_71_percentage of population using safely managed water services_by urban and rural_modified MDF indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_72_percentage of population using safely managed sanitation services_by urban and rural_modified MDF indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_73_percentage of waste water flows treated to national standards_and reused",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_74_indicator on water resource management",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_75_proportion total water resources used_MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_76_percentage of city population served by waste water collection",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_77_percentage of city waste water that has received no treatment",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_78_percentage city waste water receiving primary treatment",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_79_percentage city waste water receiving secondary treatment",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_80_percentage city waste water receiving tertiary treatment",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_81_percentage city population with potable water supply service",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_82_percentage city population with sustainable access to an improved water source",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_83_percentge population with access to improve sanitation",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_84_total domestic water consumption per capita_litres per day",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_85_total water consumption per capita_litres per day",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_86_average annual hours of water service interruption per household",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_87_percentage of water loss_unaccounted for water",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_88_access to all weather road_percentage access within x km distance to road",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_89_mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants_urban and rural",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_90_index on ICT maturity",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_91_manufacturing value added_MVA_as percent of GDP",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_92_total energy and industry related GHG emissions by gas and sector_expressed as production and demand based emissions_CO2e",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_93_personnel in R&D_per million inhabitants",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_94_average number of electrical interruptions per customer per year",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_95_average length of electrical interruptions_in hours",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_96_number of firefighters per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_97_number of volunteer and part time firefighters per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_98_response time for emergency response services from initial call",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_99_respinse time for fire department from initial call",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_100_number of internet connections per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_101_number of cell phone connections per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_102_number of landline phone connections per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_103_kilometres of high capacity public transport system per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_104_kilometres of light passenger public transport system per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_105_annual number of public transport trip per capita",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_106_number of personal automobiles per capita",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_107_percentage of commuters using a travel mode to work other than a personal vehicle",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_108_number of two wheel motorized vehicles per capita",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_109_kilometres of bicycle paths and lanes per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_110_commercial air connectivity_number of non stop commercial air destinations",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_111_violent injuries and deaths per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_112_number of refugees",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_113_proportion of legal persons and arrangements for which beneficial ownership information is publicly available",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_114_revenues_expenditures_financing of all central government entities are presented on a gross basis in public budget documentation and authorized by the legislature",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_115_percentage of children under age 5 whose birth is registered with a civil authority ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_116_existence and implementation of a national law and or constitutional guarantee on the right to information ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_117_perception of public sector corruption",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_118_debt service ratio_debt service expenditure and a percentage of a municipality own source revenue",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_119_capital spending as a percentage of total expenditure",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_120_own source revenue as a percentage of total revenues",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_121_tax collected as a percentage of tax billed",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_122_voter participation in last municipal election_percentage of eligible voters",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_123_number of convictions for corruption and or bribery by city officials per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_124_citizen representation_number of local officials elected to office per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_125_number of registered voters as a percentage of the voting age population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q2_society_126_violent crime rate per 100000 population",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_01_domestic revenues allocated to sustainable development as percent of GNI_by sector",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_02_assessed value of commercial and industrial properties as a percentage of total assessed value of all properties",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_03_proportion of population below 1point25_PPP_per day_MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_04_proportion of popuplation living below national poverty line_by urban and rural_MDG indicator",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_05_multidimensional poverty index",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_06_percentage of eligible population covered by national social protection programs ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_07_percentage of women_men_indigenous people_local communities_secure rights to land_property_natural resources_percentage documented or recognized evidence of tenure_and percentage who perceive rights are recognized and protected",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_08_losses from natural disasters_climate and non climate related events",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_09_total fertility rate",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_10_percentage city population living in poverty",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_11_share of the population using modern cooking solutions_by urban and rural",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_12_share of the population using reliable electricity_by urban and rural",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_13_implicit incentives for low carbon energy in the electricity sector_measured as US dollar MWh_or US dollar per ton avoided CO2",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_14_rate of primary energy intensity improvement",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_15_total residential electrical energy use per capita_kWh per year",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_16_percentage city population with authorized electrical service",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_17_energy consumption of public buildings per year_kWh per metre square",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_18_percentage of total energy derived from renewable sources_as a share of the city total energy consumption",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_19_total electrical energy use per capita_kWh per year",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_20_GNI per capita_PPP_current US dollar atlas method",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_21_country implements and reports on system of environmental economic accounting_SEEA accounts",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_22_youth employment rate_by formal and informal sector",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_23_ratification and implementation of fundamental ILO labor standards and compliance in law and practice ",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_24_city unemployment rate",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_25_percentage of persons in full time employment",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_26_youth unemployment rate",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_27_jobs_housing ratio",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_28_indicator on inequality at top end of income distribution_GNI share of richest 10 percent or palma ratio",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_29_percentage of households with incomes below 50 percent of median income_relative poverty",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_30_domestic revenues allocated to sustainable development as percent of GNI_by sector",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_31_official development assistance and net private grants as percent of GNI",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_32_private net flows for sustainable development at market rates as share of high income country GNI_by sector",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_33_annual report by bank for international settlements_BIS_international accounting standards board_IASB_international financial reporting standards_IFRS_international monetary fund_IMF_world intellectual property organization_WIPO_world trade organization_WTO_on the relationship between international rules and the SDG and the implementation of relevant SDG targets",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_34_share of SDG indicators that are reported annually",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_35_evaluative wellbeing and positive mood affect",
"name":"CASBEE_cities_Q3_economy_36_number of new patents per 100000 population per year",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_air quality_01_mean urban air pollution of particulate matter_PM10 and PM2point5",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_air quality_02_mortality from indoor air pollution_to be developed ",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_air quality_03_mean concentration of Sox and Nox",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_water quality and quantity_01_percentage of households connected with city water supply network",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_water quality and quantity_02_per capita water consumption level",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_water quality and quantity_03_continuity of water services_hours per day of continuous water supply",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_water quality and quantity_04_percentage of waste water flows treated to national standards_by municipal and industrial source",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_water quality and quantity_05_percentage of water samples in a year that comply with national potable water quality standard",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_solid waste management_01_percentage of urban households with regular solid waste collection and recycling_to be developed",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_solid waste management_02_solid waste generation per capita",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_solid waste management_03_percentage of the city municipal solid waste percentage disposed of in sanitary landfills or treated_compostinganaerobic digestion",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_solid waste management_04_percentage of the city municipal solid waste percentage disposed of in open dumps _controlled dumps _bodies of water_burnt",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_biodiversity_01_urban green space per capita or green area per 100000 residents",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_biodiversity_02_annual change in forest area and land under cultivation",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_biodiversity_03_area of forest under sustainable forest management as a percent of forest area",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_other_level_time and frequency of noise",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_pollutants noise solid liquid waste from construction activities soil pollution_solid liquid waste from the construction stage",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_climate change mitigation adaptation preparedness for extreme natural disasters_01_availability and implementation of transparent and detailed decarbonization strategy_2C or below global carbon budget_GHG emission targets for 2020_2030_2050",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_climate change mitigation adaptation preparedness for extreme natural disasters_02_CO2 intensity of the power sector_new power generation capacity installed_kWh",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_climate change mitigation adaptation preparedness for extreme natural disasters_03_CO2 intensity of the transport sector and of new cars and trucks",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_climate change mitigation adaptation preparedness for extreme natural disasters_04_prioritization and implementation of city level adaptation plan_strategies and or inclusion of disaster risk management planning in city development planning",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_climate change mitigation adaptation preparedness for extreme natural disasters_05_CO2 intensity of the building sector and of new buildings_kgCO2 per m2 per year",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_sustainable infrastructure_01_modal split_public transport_share of each mode_cars_buses_coaches_trains",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_sustainable infrastructure_02_kilometers of roads_bicycle path_sidewalk_pedestrians path per 100000 population_km",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_sustainable infrastructure_03_percentage of buildings adhering to national international green building standard",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_sustainable infrastructure_04_percentage of people within 0point5 km of puplic transit running at least every 20 minutes",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_sustainable infrastructure_05_sustainable development strategy for each urban agglomeration above 250000",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_environmental safeguards_01_precautionary approach to environmental challenges",
"name":"Gold Standard City_environment_environmental safeguards_02_conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_human rights_01_human rights abuses",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_human rights_02_involuntary settlement",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_human rights_03_damage on critical cultural heritage",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_labour standards_01_freedom of association and rights to collective bargaining ",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_labour standards_02_safe working environment",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_labour standards_03_forced or compulsory labour",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_labour standards_04_child labour",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_labour standards_05_discrimination based on gender_race_religion_sexual orientation_other basis",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_access to affordable and clean energy sources_01_share of the population with access to modern cooking solutions_by urban and rural",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_access to affordable and clean energy sources_02_share of the population with access to reliable electricity_by urban and rural",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_access to affordable and clean energy sources_03_rate of primary energy intensity improvement",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_access to affordable and clean energy sources_04_primary energy by type",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_access to affordable and clean energy sources_05_percentage share amongst four key sources_coal_oil_gas_renewables_in total generation or consumption at city level",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_access to affordable and clean energy sources_06_support incentive mechanism for promotion of renewable energy",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_quality of employment_01_training events for health and safety at work place",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_quality of employment_02_type of jobs generated_high or low skill jobs_temporary or permanent",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_quality of employment_03_share of informal employment in total employment",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_livelihood of poor_01_percentage of urban population living in slums or settlements - MDG indicator",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_livelihood of poor_02_percentage of the population living below urban poverty line",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_livelihood of poor_03_road traffic deaths per 100000 population",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_livelihood of poor_04_incidence rate of diarrheal disease in children under five years",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_livelihood of poor_05_percentage of women and men in urban areas with security of tenure_measured by percentage with documented rights to housing",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_livelihood of poor_06_percentage of population using basic sanitation services_by urban and rural_modified MDG indicator",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_livelihood of poor_07_percentage of households with toilet facility",
"name":"Gold Standard City_social_livelihood of poor_08_continuity of water services_hours per day of continuous water supply",
"name":"Gold Standard City_economic and technical development_quantitative employment and income generation_01_number of job created",
"name":"Gold Standard City_economic and technical development_quantitative employment and income generation_02_local employment for skilled unskilled and permanent jobs",
"name":"Gold Standard City_economic and technical development_access to investment_01_amount of domestic investment",
"name":"Gold Standard City_economic and technical development_access to investment_02_amount of foreign direct investment",
"name":"Gold Standard City_economic and technical development_technology transfer and technology self reliance_01_number of workshop_seminars_training_related activities for capacity buildings",
"name":"Gold Standard City_economic and technical development_technology transfer and technology self reliance_02_amount of financial resources provided for the capacity building for development and transfer technology",
"name":"Gold Standard City_economic and technical development_technology transfer and technology self reliance_03_number of participants or experts in training programmes on the development and transfer of technology",
"name":"Gold Standard City_economic and technical development_technology transfer and technology self reliance_04_total volume_number and dollar value_of joint research and development opportunities_environmental_sound technology_ESTs",
"name":"Gold Standard City_governance_governance safeguard_corruption",
"name":"Gold Standard City_governance_participation and civic engagement_requirement of stakeholder involvement in decision making and implementing of urban policies and strategies",
"name":"Gold Standard City_governance_institutional capacity_01_integration of climate change_adaptation measures in the city_including sector_planning",
"name":"Gold Standard City_governance_institutional capacity_02_evidence of strengthened capacity and coordination mechanism to mainstream the climate resilience",
"name":"Gold Standard City_governance_capacity building and awareness_no of training events for capacity buildings and awareness",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_01_plan for multimodal transportation_multimodal transportation system allows people to use a variety of transportation modes_ walking_biking_and other mobility devices_wheelchairs_as well as transit_ reduce dependence on automobiles_encourages more active forms of personal transportation_improving health outcomes_increasing the mobility of those who are unable or unwilling to drive_youth_persons with disabilities_the elderly_Fewer cars on the road also translates to reduced air pollution_greenhouse gas emissions_health and environmental benefits",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_02_plan for transit oriented development_transit oriented development_TOD_ concentration higher density mixed use development around transit stations and along transit lines_such that the location and the design of the development encourage transit use and pedestrian activity_ communities to focus new residential and commercial development in areas that are well connected to public transit_ enables residents to more easily use transit service_which can reduce vehicle miles traveled and fossil fuels consumed and associated pollution and greenhouse gas emissions_ It can also reduce the need for personal automobile ownership_resulting in a decreased need for parking spaces and other automobile oriented infrastructure",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_03_coordinate regional transportation investments with job clusters_ areas of high employment densities_ transportation efficiency and economic development_ creating and improving access to employment opportunities_particularly for disadvantaged populations without easy access to personal automobiles",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_04_provide complete streets serving multiple functions_designed and operated with all users in mind_including motorists_pedestrians_bicyclists_public transit riders_ages and abilities_to support a multi modal transportation system_ street network safely and conveniently accommodates all users and desired functions_ not all modes or functions will be equally prioritized on any given street segment_multiple functions can accommodate travel_social interaction_and commerce_to provide for more vibrant neighborhoods and more livable communities",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_05_plan for mixed land use patterns that are walkable and bikeable_residential and non residential land uses located in close proximity to one another_ housing in close proximity to everyday destinations_shops_ schools_civic places_workplaces_ walking and biking and reduce the need to make trips by automobile_safe_convenient_accessible_and attractive design features_sidewalks_bike_street furniture_bicycle facilities_street trees",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_06_plan for infill development_development or redevelopment of undeveloped or underutilized parcels of land in otherwise built up areas_which are usually served by or have ready access to existing infrastructure and services_existing infrastructure while helping to steer development away from greenfield sites on the urban fringe_which are more expensive to serve with infrastructure and services",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_07_encourage design standards appropriate to the community context_neighborhood_corridor_special district_or jurisdiction as a whole_function and aesthetic appeal of a community_building placement_building massing and materials_the location and appearance of elements_landscape_signage_street furniture_community context and that enhances sense of place",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_08_provide accessible public facilities and spaces_communities_persons of all ages and abilities_equitably distributed throughout the community_located and designed to be safe_served by different transportation modes_and accessible to visitors with mobility impairments",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_09_conserve and reuse historic resources_ historic resources are buildings_sites_landmarks_districts_cultural heritage of a community_resources eligible for listing on the national register of historic places_or local inventory of historic resources_ conservation and reuse of historic resources_sense of place_economy _tourism_environment_construct new buildings that consume land and resources ",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_10_implement green building design and energy conservation_minimize the environmental impacts of the building over the course of its lifespan_energy and resource efficiency_waste reduction and pollution prevention_and occupant health and productivity_reducing energy consumption through energy efficiency or behavioral change",
"name":"CPSSP_01_livable built environment_11_discourage development in hazard zones_green building designs that meet the standards of the US green building council leadership in energy and environmental design _LEED_ or similar rating system are energy and resource efficient_reduce waste and pollution_improve occupant health and productivity_energy conservation_reduce energy consumption through energy efficiency or behavioral change_energy costs and improve environmental quality and community health_code requirements_regulatory incentives_and investment programs",
"name":"CPSSP_02_harmony with nature_01_restore connect and protect natural habitats and sensitive lands_natural habitats are areas or landscape_wetlands_riparian corridors_and woodlands_inhabited by a species or community of species_steep slopes and geographically unstable areas_ contain natural features_disturbed by human activity_resources_environmental benefits_restoring degraded habitat natural diversity ecosystem services",
"name":"CPSSP_02_harmony with nature_02_plan for the provision and protection of green infrastructure_green infrastructure network of green open spaces_including parks_greenways_and protected lands_natural topography and vegetation to capture_store_stormwater run off_often in urban settings_bioswales_rain gardens_green roofs_ecosystem services to communities, _wildlife habitat_stormwater management_and recreational opportunities",
"name":"CPSSP_02_harmony with nature_03_encourage development that respects natural topography_sensitive natural topography includes features such as hillsides_ridges_steep slopes_or lowlands_ private development and public infrastructure_construction costs_minimize natural hazard risks from flooding or landslides_mitigate the impacts of construction on natural resources_including soil_vegetation,_ water systems",
"name":"CPSSP_02_harmony with nature_04_enact policies to reduce carbon footprints_carbon footprint_carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted_individual_company_or city_in a certain time frame_environmental impact_lifestyle or operation_direct consumption of fossil fuels as well as indirect emissions_manufacture and transport of all goods and services_policies designed to reduce the carbon footprint_environment_air quality and health_energy conservation economic benefits for local governments and community members",
"name":"CPSSP_02_harmony with nature_05_comply with state and local air quality standards_air quality_pollutants in the air during a given period in a defined area_environmental protection agency_ air quality standards for ground level ozone_lead_particulate matter_carbon monoxide_sulfur dioxide_nitrogen dioxide to protect public health and the environment and enforced by state and local governments_pollutants may come from mobile sources_cars and trucks_area sources _small businesses_or point sources_power ",
"name":"CPSSP_02_harmony with nature_06_encourage climate change adaptation_adapting to climate change_natural and human systems_sea level rise_extreme weather events as well as long-term shifts in precipitation levels_growing season length_native vegetation and wildlife populations_community vulnerability and minimize adverse effects on the environment_ economy_public health",
"name":"CPSSP_02_harmony with nature_07_provide for renewable energy use_renewable energy sources_ sun or natural movements and mechanisms of the environment including solar_wind_biomass_hydropower_ocean thermal_wave action_tidal action_coal-fired energy plants_fossil fuels",
"name":"CPSSP_02_harmony with nature_08_provide for solid waste reduction_solid waste is garbage or refuse resulting from human activities_food scraps_yard waste_packaging materials_broken or discarded household items_construction and demolition debris_solid waste items_glass_luminum and other metals_paper and cardboard_plastics_organic materials_recycled into new products or composted",
"name":"CPSSP_02_harmony with nature_09_encourage water conservation and plan for a lasting water supply_reducing water use by buildings and landscape _water conservation and planning for a lasting water supply_ community long term sustainability_region limited precipitation or other sources of water_ground or surface water sources supply system to deliver water",
"name":"CPSSP_02_harmony with nature_10_protect and manage streams watersheds flood plains_watershed is an area of land drained by a river_river system_or other body of water_flood plain is an area of low lying ground adjacent to a body of water that is susceptible to inundation_ urban environments_constructing buildings in the floodplain negatively affecting the natural and beneficial functions they provide_Watershed management protecting water supply_water quality_drainage_stormwater run off",
"name":"CPSSP_03_resilient economy_01_provide the physical capacity for economic growth_economic growth_goods and services produce over time_commercial and industrial development and redevelopment for nonresidential land uses_communities land and structures appropriately built_sized_located to support existing and future production of goods and services",
"name":"CPSSP_03_resilient economy_02_plan for a balanced land use mix for fiscal sustainability_land use mix_residential and non residential uses_public services to residents_business owners_visitors_tax or user-fee revenue",
"name":"CPSSP_03_resilient economy_03_plan for transportation access to employment centers_high job density are accessible to employees via one or more travel modes_automobile_transit_bicycling_walking_ commuting options_access to employment opportunities_articularly among populations that may not have personal vehicles",
"name":"CPSSP_03_resilient economy_04_promote green businesses and jobs_environmentally friendly products and services_agricultural_manufacturing_research and development_administrative_service_or other business activities that contribute substantially to preserving or restoring environmental quality_industrial processes with closed loop systems in which the wastes of one industry are the raw materials for another",
"name":"CPSSP_03_resilient economy_05_encourage community based economic development and revitalization_businesses that serve local needs and are compatible with the vision_character_cultural values of the community_local resources_economic opportunities _ improving social conditions and supporting locally owned and produced goods and services_sense of place_reduce the need for imports_local economy_ revitalization of downtowns_ommercial areas_neighborhoods",
"name":"CPSSP_03_resilient economy_06_provide and maintain infrastructure capacity in line with growth or decline demands_structures and networks are appropriately sized to adequately serve existing and future development_ quality of service provision with costs to the local government_neighborhoods experiencing protracted population decline_residential uses to green infrastructure_urban agriculture_enewable energy production",
"name":"CPSSP_03_resilient economy_07_plan for post disaster economic recovery_post disaster economic recovery before a disaster happens helps communities resume economic activities following damage or destruction by a natural or human made disaster_hurricane_landslide_wildfire_earthquake_terrorist attack_polices and implementation tools ",
"name":"CPSSP_04_interwoven equity_01_provide a range of housing types_residential units of different sizes_configurations_tenures_price points located in building_ages_ownership structures_ lifestyle choices and affordability_households of different sizes and income level_ close proximity",
"name":"CPSSP_04_interwoven equity_02_plan for jobs and housing balance_equal number of jobs and housing units _households_ within a commuter shed_labor force living in the commuter shed_vehicle miles traveled_worker productivity_quality of life_ transportation investments_employment opportunities for disadvantaged populations",
"name":"CPSSP_04_interwoven equity_03_plan for the physical environmental and economic improvement of at risk distressed and disadvantaged neighborhoods_ falling property values_high real estate foreclosure rates_rapid depopulation_physical deterioration_distressed neighborhoods_physical deterioration _cheap land on the urban fringe_aging building stock_economic restructuring_land speculation_dissolution or relocation of anchor institutions_high levels of poverty and unemployment and low levels of educational attainment_abandoned buildings_graffiti_vandalism_social disorder_crime_violence_drinking and drug ",
"name":"CPSSP_04_interwoven equity_04_plan for improved health and safety for at risk populations_health or safety impacts_race or ethnicity_socioeconomic status_geography_gender_age_behavior_disability status_natural or human-made disaster or period of extreme weather_or throughout an indefinite period of localized instability related to an economic downturn or a period of social turmoil_children_elderly_persons with disabilities_living in institutionalized settings_ limited english proficiency_ transportation disadvantaged",
"name":"CPSSP_04_interwoven equity_05_provide accessible and quality public services facilities and health care to minority and low income neighborhoods_ building or property_library_park_community center owned_leased_ funded by a public entity_public services_facilities_health care _public have safe and convenient transportation options to reach quality services and facilities_minority and low income neighborhoods are often underserved by public services and facilities and healthcare providers",
"name":"CPSSP_04_interwoven equity_06_upgrade infrastructure and facilities in older and substandard areas_ water mains_storm and sanitary sewers_electrical grids_telecommunications facilities_transportation facilities _bridges_tunnels_roadways_addition or replacement of existing components with newer versions_older area is a neighborhood_corridor_district occupied for multiple decades_ a substandard area is a neighborhood_district_ corridor with infrastructure that fails to meet established standards",
"name":"CPSSP_04_interwoven equity_07_plan for workforce diversity and development_employment of a wide variety of people in terms of age_cultural background_physical ability_r race and ethnicity_religion_and gender identity_economic development strategy_region economic stability_ local workforce or training workers to meet the labor needs of local industries",
"name":"CPSSP_04_interwoven equity_08_protect vulnerable populations from natural hazards_ natural hazard is a natural event that threatens lives_property_floods_high wind events_landslides, earthquakes_wildfires_vulnerable neighborhoods face higher risks_disaster events occur_location_socioeconomic status or resources_lack of leadership and organization_lack of planning",
"name":"CPSSP_04_interwoven equity_09_promote environmental justice_fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people_regardless of race_color_national origin_or income_in the development_implementation and enforcement of environmental laws_regulations_policies_ communities and persons _protection from environmental and health hazards_equal decision making processes_healthy environments live_learn_work",
"name":"CPSSP_05_healthy community_01_reduce exposure to toxins and pollutants in the natural and built environments_disease in living organisms_waste substances or forms of energy_noise_light_heat_often resulting from industrial processes_contaminate air_water_soil _changes in the environment_carbon monoxide and other gases _particulate matter _fossil fuel combustion_toxic chemicals used or created in industrial processes_pesticides and excess nutrients from agricultural operations_toxic gases released by paints or adhesives",
"name":"CPSSP_05_healthy community_02_plan for increased public safety through reduction of crime and injuries_crimes or disasters_danger_injury_or damage to the general public_governmental responsibility_police_fire_emergency services_also environmental design using crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles",
"name":"CPSSP_05_healthy community_03_plan for the mitigation and redevelopment of brownfields for productive uses_abandoned_idled_underused real property where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by the presence or potential presence of environmental contamination_environmental assessment to determine the extent of contamination and to develop remediation strategies_site cleanup_market forces_reuse options_open space to mixed use development",
"name":"CPSSP_05_healthy community_04_plan for physical activity and healthy lifestyles_individual practices and behavioral choices that enhance health and wellbeing_physical environment can influence rates of physical activity and health benefits_active transportation facilities _sidewalks and bike lanes_accessible_equitably distributed recreational opportunities support physical activity and healthy lifestyles",
"name":"CPSSP_05_healthy community_05_provide accessible parks recreation facilities greenways and open space near all neighborhoods_natural state or improved with facilities for rest and recreation_greenways are strips of undeveloped land that provide corridors for environmental and recreational use and connect areas of open space_benefits to residents_physical activity_proximity of parks to neighborhoods _social and environmental impediments such as crime_unsafe pedestrian conditions_noxious land uses_ type of park and its function and design are appropriate for its locational context",
"name":"CPSSP_05_healthy community_06_plan for access to healthy locally grown foods for all neighborhoods_fresh healthy foods_obesity and negative health outcomes_urban areas_buying affordable or good-quality fresh food_ low in fat_sodium_cholesterol_locally grown goods in proximity to consumers in terms of both geographic distance and the supply chain_backyards and community gardens_farms within the region or state",
"name":"CPSSP_05_healthy community_07_plan for equitable access to health care providers schools public safety facilities and arts and cultural facilities_equitable access ensures services and facilities_social or economic background_healthcare providers individuals_institutions_agencies that provide healthcare services to consumers_schools education or instruction_public safety facilities_emergency services to a community_police and fire protection_performing arts centers_concert halls_museums_galleries",
"name":"CPSSP_06_responsible regionalism_01_coordinate local land use plans with regional transportation investments_neighborhood_corridor_district plan describing or depicting desirable future uses of land within a jurisdiction_regional transportation investments are any projects listed in a transportation improvement program intended to improve a transportation network serving a multi jurisdictional area_often included in metropolitan planning organization plans_highways and streets_public transit_pedestrian and bicycle systems",
"name":"CPSSP_06_responsible regionalism_02_coordinate local and regional housing plan goals_regional housing plan current housing conditions and describing or depicting desirable future housing conditions multijurisdictional area_ fair share plans establishing target affordable housing unit allocations among constituent jurisdictions_local communities affordable housing_regional housing plans",
"name":"CPSSP_06_responsible regionalism_03_coordinate local open space plans with regional green infrastructure plans_local open space plan functional plan or comprehensive plan element_local jurisdiction_regional green infrastructure plan_parks_greenways_protected lands_ecological and public benefits_ trails",
"name":"CPSSP_06_responsible regionalism_04_delineate designated growth areas that are served by transit_local or regional higher density development_including public transportation_growth over a 20-year timeframe_ municipality_county_region_compact_resource efficient pattern of development",
"name":"CPSSP_06_responsible regionalism_05_promote regional cooperation and sharing of resources_regional cooperation sharing of resources covers any situation where multiple jurisdictions coordinate the provision of public services and facilities_ share equipment or facilities_consolidate service or facility provision_share a tax base_local jurisdictions share tax _economic disparities",
"name":"CPSSP_06_responsible regionalism_06_enhance connections between local activity centers and regional destinations_node containing a high concentration of employment and commerce_regional destination trip ends_transportation network_job cluster_shopping or cultural center_district_park or recreational facility_surface streets_grade separated highways_off road trails_transit corridors",
"name":"CPSSP_06_responsible regionalism_07_coordinate local and regional population and economic projections_employment by industry or sector_personal income_public revenue_common time horizons for population and economic projections are 20 to 30 years_risk of planning cross purposes as the result of inconsistent data",
"name":"CPSSP_06_responsible regionalism_08_include regional development visions and plans in local planning scenarios_ plan development patterns across a multijurisdictional area_policy_demographic_economic assumptions_ participants collective vision",
"name":"CPSSP_06_responsible regionalism_09_encourage consistency between local capital improvement programs and regional infrastructure priorities_local jurisdiction during a multiyear_monetary resources_investment policies that identify regional infrastructure facility_multijurisdictional area",
"name":"CPSSP_07_authentic participation_01_engage stakeholders at all stages of the planning process_creating a community vision to defining goals_principles_objectives_implementation and evaluation_reflects community values and addresses priority and needs_engagement public understanding and ownership of the adopted plan ",
"name":"CPSSP_07_authentic participation_02_seek diverse participation in the plan development process_wide range of participants across generations_ethnic groups_income_community governance_including representatives of disadvantaged and minority communities",
"name":"CPSSP_07_authentic participation_03_promote leadership development in disadvantaged communities during the planning process_leaders and respected members_participation in the process can encourage development of emerging leaders",
"name":"CPSSP_07_authentic participation_04_develop alternative scenarios of the future_policy frameworks and development patterns_communities to envision the consequences of business as usual_planning process",
"name":"CPSSP_07_authentic participation_05_provide ongoing and understandable information for all participants_information available in multiple_languages_non english speakers_such communication may involve translating professional terms into more common lay vocabulary",
"name":"CPSSP_07_authentic participation_06_use a variety of communications channels to inform and involve the community_planning process include traditional media_social media_internet based platforms",
"name":"CPSSP_07_authentic participation_07_continue to engage the public after the comprehensive plan is adopted_stakeholder engagement should not end with the adoption of the comprehensive plan_engage stakeholders during the implementing_updating_amending of the plan_public remains involved with ongoing proposals and decisions",
"name":"CPSSP_08_accountable Implementation_01_indicate specific actions for implementation_accountable implementation policy_regulatory_investment_and programmatic actions that indicate the responsible agency_recommended timeframe_possible sources of funding",
"name":"CPSSP_08_accountable Implementation_02_connect plan implementation to the capital planning process_prioritize investments in facilities and infrastructure_capital planning",
"name":"CPSSP_08_accountable Implementation_03_connect plan implementation to the annual budgeting process_plan objectives linked to budget_community_planning outcomes",
"name":"CPSSP_08_accountable Implementation_04_establish interagency and organizational cooperation_coordinating the activities and schedules of internal departments and external agencies and organizations increases implementation effectiveness and can leverage resources for achieving local and regional planning goals",
"name":"CPSSP_08_accountable Implementation_05_identify funding sources for plan implementation_coordinating public and private funding sources_federal_state_and foundation grant programs_facilitates implementation of priority plan items_community support",
"name":"CPSSP_08_accountable Implementation_06_establish indicators benchmarks and targets_indicators allow quantitative measurement of achievement of social_environmental_economic _ existing conditions_monitoring of progress in plan implementation",
"name":"CPSSP_08_accountable Implementation_07_regularly evaluate and report on implementation progress_process for evaluating and reporting plan implementation status and progress to both the public and elected officials following adoption ensures accountability and keeps the community informed about plan implementation progress",
"name":"CPSSP_08_accountable Implementation_08_adjust the plan as necessary based on evaluation_process for adjusting plan goals_strategies_and priorities over time as conditions change or targets are not met keeps the plan current and in line with present conditions_ evaluation of and reporting on implementation progress",
"name":"ECI_01_citizens satisfaction with the local community_01 level of social relationships",
"name":"ECI_01_citizens satisfaction with the local community_02 opportunities to do hobbies and enjoy leisure",
"name":"ECI_01_citizens satisfaction with the local community_03 level of basic services_health and social services_schools_public transport",
"name":"ECI_01_citizens satisfaction with the local community_04 natural and built environments",
"name":"ECI_01_citizens satisfaction with the local community_05 employment opportunities",
"name":"ECI_01_citizens satisfaction with the local community_06 opportunities to participate in local planning processes",
"name":"ECI_02_local contribution to global climate change_annual tons of CO2 equivalent emissions_refers to anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide differentiated by sector_residential_industry_tertiary and transport_and energy vector_methane emissions from waste reported in terms of CO2 equivalent emissions",
"name":"ECI_03_local mobility and passenger transportation_01 the number of trips that_on average,_each citizen makes during the day_where trip indicates a displacement with a starting-point and a destination_number of daily trips per capita",
"name":"ECI_03_local mobility and passenger transportation_02 the reason for the trips and their regularity during the week_allowing for the trips to be classified as either systematic or unsystematic",
"name":"ECI_03_local mobility and passenger transportation_03 the average distance covered by each citizen during the day _km/per capita",
"name":"ECI_03_local mobility and passenger transportation_04 the time taken by each citizen for his/her trips minutes taken for the trips",
"name":"ECI_03_local mobility and passenger transportation_05 modes of transport used for the trips and/or for the different distances associated with each trip_% relating to the different modes of transport considered",
"name":"ECI_03_local mobility and passenger transportation_06 analysis of trips taken by private car_kind of car park used, number of passengers transported and reason for the choice",
"name":"ECI_03_local mobility and passenger transportation_07 qualitative level of the systematic trips",
"name":"ECI_04_availability of local public open areas and services_01 public parks_gardens or open spaces_or the exclusive use of pedestrians and cyclists_except green traffic islands or dividers_graveyards _unless the local authority recognises their recreational function or natural_historical or cultural importance",
"name":"ECI_04_availability of local public open areas and services_02 open air sports facilities accessible to the public free of charge",
"name":"ECI_04_availability of local public open areas and services_03 private areas_agricultural areas_ private parks_accessible to the public free of charge",
"name":"ECI_04_availability of local public open areas and services_04 primary public health services_general practitioners_hospitals_first aid posts_family advice bureaux or other public centres supplying medical services such as diagnosis or specialist examinations",
"name":"ECI_04_availability of local public open areas and services_05 collective transport routes that at least for part of a normal business day have a minimum frequency half hourly service",
"name":"ECI_04_availability of local public open areas and services_06 public schools_compulsory attendance schools_kindergartens",
"name":"ECI_04_availability of local public open areas and services_07 bakeries and greengroceries",
"name":"ECI_04_availability of local public open areas and services_08 recycling facilities or services for solid waste_including recycling bins",
"name":"ECI_05_quality of the air_01 the number of times the limit value is exceeded for the following air pollutants_sulphur dioxide_nitrogen dioxide _particulate matter _carbon monoxide_ozone ",
"name":"ECI_05_quality of the air_02 the existence and level of implementation of the plan for the improvement management of the quality of the air",
"name":"ECI_06_children journeys to and from school_01 walking",
"name":"ECI_06_children journeys to and from school_02 cycling",
"name":"ECI_06_children journeys to and from school_03 collective transport",
"name":"ECI_06_children journeys to and from school_04 private car",
"name":"ECI_06_children journeys to and from school_05 other",
"name":"ECI_07_sustainable management of local authority and local enterprises_01 percentage of organisations that have adopted environmental management procedures",
"name":"ECI_07_sustainable management of local authority and local enterprises_02 percentage of organisations that have adopted social management procedures",
"name":"ECI_07_sustainable management of local authority and local enterprises_03 percentage of organisations that have adopted environmental and social management procedures",
"name":"ECI_07_sustainable management of local authority and local enterprises_04 percentage of total number of large enterprises that have adopted environmental and/or social management procedures_classified according to the NACE code",
"name":"ECI_07_sustainable management of local authority and local enterprises_05 percentage of total number of small and medium sized enterprises that have adopted environmental and/or social management procedures_assified according to the NACE code_ 3 categories of SMEs",
"name":"ECI_07_sustainable management of local authority and local enterprises_06 percentage of total number of public organisations that have adopted environmental and/or social management procedures",
"name":"ECI_07_sustainable management of local authority and local enterprises_07 percentage of total number of non governmental organisations that have adopted environmental and or social management procedures_ broken down_into different types of organisations_example NGO_ charities",
"name":"ECI_08_noise pollution_01 the estimated number of people living in dwellings exposed to each of the following bands of values of Lden in dBA_road_rail and air traffic noise and noise from industrial sources",
"name":"ECI_08_noise pollution_02 the estimated total number of people living in dwellings exposed to each of the following bands of values of Lnight in dBA_ road_rail and air traffic noise and noise from industrial sources",
"name":"ECI_08_noise pollution_03 the proportion of measurements corresponding to each of the above mentioned value bands of Lden and Lnight_and the total number of measurements taken",
"name":"ECI_08_noise pollution_04 existence and figures corresponding to the percentage implementation for each single measure action identified in the action plan programme",
"name":"ECI_09_sustainable land use_01 urbanised or artificially modelled land_the size of the artificially modelled area as a percentage of the total municipal area",
"name":"ECI_09_sustainable land use_02 derelict or contaminated land_the size of the derelict or contaminated area",
"name":"ECI_09_sustainable land use_03 intensity of use_number of inhabitants per km2 of the area classified as urbanised land",
"name":"ECI_09_sustainable land use_04 new development_new building on virgin area greenfield sites and new building on contaminated or derelict area_brownfield sites_compared to the total area ",
"name":"ECI_09_sustainable land use_05 restoration of urban areas_renovation and conversion of derelict buildings_total number",
"name":"ECI_09_sustainable land use_06 restoration of urban areas_renovation and conversion of derelict buildings_total of m2 of each floor",
"name":"ECI_09_sustainable land use_07 restoration of urban areas_redevelopment of derelict areas for new uses_including public open spaces_area in m2",
"name":"ECI_09_sustainable land use_08 restoration of urban areas_cleansing of contaminated land_area in m2",
"name":"ECI_09_sustainable land use_10 protected areas_size of the protected area as a percentage of the total municipal area",
"name":"ECI_10_products promoting sustainability_01 consumption_percentage of families buying sustainable products _per category and per given product out of total number of families",
"name":"ECI_10_products promoting sustainability_02 consumption_percentage of families usually buying sustainable products_per category and per given product_out of families buying sustainable products",
"name":"ECI_10_products promoting sustainability_02 availability_availability of sustainable products_number of retail outlets offering them and number of consumers daily served_percentage of certified products_per type of retail outlet and per given product_out of total products sold",
"name":"ECI_10_products promoting sustainability_02 availability_number of specialised store_ example fair trade stores_organic stores per 10000 inhabitants",
"name":"ECI_10_products promoting sustainability_03 green purchasing of local authority_existence of procedures that encourage purchases of eco labelled_organic_energy efficient_certified timber and fair trade products and public canteens that serve organic food",
"name":"ECI_10_products promoting sustainability_03 green purchasing of local authority_use of recycled paper in local authority offices",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_education_01 student teacher ratio_percentage of school-aged population enrolled in schools",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_education_02 percentage of students completing primary and secondary education_survival rate_percentage of male school-aged population enrolled in schools",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_education_03 percentage of students completing primary education_percentage of female school aged population enrolled in schools",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_education_04 percentage of students completing secondary education",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_fire and emergency response_01 number of firefighters per 100,000 population_response time for fire department from initial call",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_fire and emergency response_02 number of fire related deaths per 100,000 population",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_health_01 number of in patient hospital beds per 100000 population_response time for fire department from initial call",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_health_02 number of physicians per 100000 population",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_health_03 average life expectancy",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_health_04 under age five mortality per 1000 live births",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_recreation_01 square metres of public indoor recreation space per capita",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_recreation_02 square metres of public outdoor recreation space per capita",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_safety_01 number of police officers per 100000 population_violent crime rate per 100000 population",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_safety_02 number of homicides per 100000 population",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_solid waste_01 percentage of city population with regular solid waste collection_percentage of the city solid waste that is disposed of in an incinerator",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_solid waste_02 percentage of city�s solid waste that is recycled_percentage of the city solid waste that is burned openly",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_solid waste_02 percentage of city�s solid waste that is recycled_percentage of the city solid waste that is disposed of in an open dump",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_solid waste_02 percentage of city�s solid waste that is recycled_percentage of the city solid waste that is disposed of in a sanitary landfill",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_solid waste_02 percentage of city�s solid waste that is recycled_percentage of the city solid waste that is disposed of by other means",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_transportation_01 km of high capacity public transit system per 100000 population_number of two wheel motorized vehicles per capita",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_transportation_02 km of light passenger transit system per 100000 population_commercial air connectivity_number of non stop commercial air destinations",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_transportation_03 number of personal automobiles per capita_transportation fatalities per 100000 population",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_transportation_04 annual number of public transit trips per capita",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_wastewater_01 percentage of city population served by_percentage of the city wastewater",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_wastewater_02 wastewater collection_receiving primary treatment",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_wastewater_03 percentage of the city wastewater that has received no treatment_percentage of the city wastewater receiving secondary treatment",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_wastewater_03 percentage of the city wastewater that has received no treatment_percentage of the city wastewater receiving tertiary treatment",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_water_01 percentage of city population with potable water supply service_total water consumption per capita (litres/day)",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_water_02 domestic water consumption per capita (litres/day)_percentage of water loss",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_water_03 percentage of city population with sustainable access to an improved water source_average annual hours of water service interruption per household",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_energy_01 percentage of city population with authorized electrical service_total electrical use per capita (kWh/year)",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_energy_02 total residential electrical use per capita (kWh/year)_the average number of electrical interruptions per customer per year",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_energy_02 total residential electrical use per capita (kWh/year)_average length of electrical interruptions (in hours)",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_finance_01 debt service ratio _debt service expenditure as a percent of a municipality own source revenue_tax collected as percentage of tax billed",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_finance_01 debt service ratio _debt service expenditure as a percent of a municipality own source revenue_own source revenue as a percentage of total revenues",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_finance_01 debt service ratio _debt service expenditure as a percent of a municipality own source revenue_capital spending as a percentage of total expenditures",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_governance_percentage of women employed in the city government workforce",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_urban planning_01 jobs housing ratio_areal size of informal settlements as a percent of city area",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city services_urban planning_01 jobs housing ratio_green area (hectares) per 100000 population",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_civic engagement_voter participation in last municipal election (as a percent of eligible voters)_citizen representation_ number of local officials elected to office per 100000 population",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_culture_percentage of jobs in the cultural sector",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_economy_percentage of persons in full time employment",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_environment_PM10 concentration_greenhouse gas emissions measured in tonnes per capita",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_shelter_01 percentage of city population living in slums_percentage of households that exist without registered legal titles",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_shelter_02 number of homeless people per 100,000 population",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_social equity_ percentage of city population living in poverty",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_technology and innovation_number of internet connections per 100000 population_number of new patents per 100000 per year",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_technology and innovation_number of internet connections per 100000 population_number of higher education degrees per 100000",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_technology and innovation_number of internet connections per 100000 population_number of telephone connections (landlines and cell phones) per 100000 population",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_technology and innovation_number of internet connections per 100000 population_number of landline phone connections per 100000 population",
"name":"GCI_performance indicators_city quality of life_technology and innovation_number of internet connections per 100000 population_number of cell phone connections per 100000 population",
"name":"SDG_01 end extreme poverty including hunger_01 extreme income poverty_proportion of population below $1_25 (PPP) per day (MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_01 end extreme poverty including hunger_02 extreme multi dimensional poverty_proportion of population in extreme multidimensional poverty _ indicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_01 end extreme poverty including hunger_03 children with adequate caloric protein intake_prevalence of stunting in children under [5] years of age",
"name":"SDG_01 end extreme poverty including hunger_04 population with adequate caloric protein intake_proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption (MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_01 end extreme poverty including hunger_05 population with adequate micronutrient intake_proportion of population with shortfalls of any one of the following essential micronutrients_ indicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_01 end extreme poverty including hunger_06 impact of conflict and violence_violent injuries and deaths per 100000 population",
"name":"SDG_01 end extreme poverty including hunger_07 impact of conflict and violence_refugees and internal displacement caused by conflict and violence",
"name":"SDG_01 end extreme poverty including hunger_08 support to vulnerable countries_percent of UN emergency appeals and funds for UN peacebuilding fund delivered",
"name":"SDG_02 achieve development within planetary boundaries_01 economic development_GNI per capita (PPP, current US$ Atlas method)",
"name":"SDG_02 achieve development within planetary boundaries_02 labor market_share of informal employment in total employment",
"name":"SDG_02 achieve development within planetary boundaries_03 labor market_placeholder for index of decent work",
"name":"SDG_02 achieve development within planetary boundaries_04 Nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes_excessive loss of reactive nitrogen to the environment (kg/ha) _ indicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_02 achieve development within planetary boundaries_05 aerosol concentrations_aerosol optical depth (AOD)",
"name":"SDG_02 achieve development within planetary boundaries_06 release of ozone depleting substances_consumption of ozone depleting substances (MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_02 achieve development within planetary boundaries_07 population dynamics_total fertility rate",
"name":"SDG_02 achieve development within planetary boundaries_08 realization of sexual and reproductive health rights_contraceptive prevalence rate (MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_02 achieve development within planetary boundaries_09 realization of sexual and reproductive health rights_unmet need for family planning (MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_03 ensure effective learning for all children and youth for life and livelihood_01 access to early childhood development programs (ECD)_proportion of children receiving at least one year of a quality pre primary education program",
"name":"SDG_03 ensure effective learning for all children and youth for life and livelihood_02 access to early childhood development programs (ECD)_early child development index (ECDI)",
"name":"SDG_03 ensure effective learning for all children and youth for life and livelihood_03 primary schooling outcomes_primary completion rates for girls and boys",
"name":"SDG_03 ensure effective learning for all children and youth for life and livelihood_04 primary schooling outcomes_ poportion of girls and boys who master a broad range of foundational skills_ including in literacy and mathematics by the end of the primary school cycle",
"name":"SDG_03 ensure effective learning for all children and youth for life and livelihood_05 secondary schooling outcomes_secondary completion rates for girls and boys",
"name":"SDG_03 ensure effective learning for all children and youth for life and livelihood_06 secondary schooling outcomes_proportion of girls and boys who achieve proficiency across a broad range of learning outcomes_ including in reading and in mathematics by end of the secondary schooling cycle ",
"name":"SDG_03 ensure effective learning for all children and youth for life and livelihood_07 youth participation in the labor force_percentage of young people not in education_training_or employment",
"name":"SDG_03 ensure effective learning for all children and youth for life and livelihood_08 investing in youth_tertiary enrollment rates for girls and boys",
"name":"SDG_04 achieve gender equality and social inclusion and human rights_01 birth registration_percentage of children under age 5 whose birth is registered with a civil authority",
"name":"SDG_04 achieve gender equality and social inclusion and human rights_02 compliance with UN human rights treaties and protocols_compliance with recommendations from the universal periodic review and UN treaties",
"name":"SDG_04 achieve gender equality and social inclusion and human rights_03 discrimination_proportion of seats held by women and minorities in national parliament and or sub national elected office according to their respective share of the population (revised MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_04 achieve gender equality and social inclusion and human rights_04 compliance with ILO standards_ratification and implementation of key ILO labor standards and compliance in law and practice",
"name":"SDG_04 achieve gender equality and social inclusion and human rights_05 inequality_proportion of households with incomes below 50% of median income _relative poverty",
"name":"SDG_04 achieve gender equality and social inclusion and human rights_06 inequality_gini coefficient",
"name":"SDG_04 achieve gender equality and social inclusion and human rights_07 violence against women_rate of women subjected to violence in the last 12 months by an intimate partner",
"name":"SDG_04 achieve gender equality and social inclusion and human rights_08 violence against women and access to justice_percentage of referred cases of sexual and gender based violence against women and children that are investigated and sentenced",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_01 physical access to primary health care_percent of population with access to basic primary health services_including EmOC_Indicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_02 financial access to health care_out of pocket expenditure on health as a percentage of total expenditure on health",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_03 immunization coverage_percent of children receiving full immunization as recommended by WHO",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_04 mental health coverage (example depression and mood disorders)_functioning programs of multi sectoral mental health promotion and prevention in existence_Indicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_05 child health_neonatal_infant_and under five mortality rates (modified MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_06 maternal death_maternal mortality ratio (MDG Indicator) and rate",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_07 life expectancy_healthy life expectancy at birth",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_08 HIV and AIDS coverage_HIV prevalence_treatment rates_and mortality (modified MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_09 malaria deaths_incidence and death rates associated with malaria (MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_10 TB deaths_incidence_ prevalence_and death rates associated with TB (MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_11 non communicable diseases_probability of dying between exact ages 30 and 70 from any of cardiovascular disease_ cancer_diabetes or chronic respiratory disease",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_12 unhealthy behavior_percent of population overweight and obese",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_13 healthy diets_household dietary diversity score",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_14 unhealthy behavior_current use of any tobacco product (age-standardized rate)",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_15 unhealthy behavior_harmful use of alcohol",
"name":"SDG_05 achieve health and wellbeing at all ages_16 subjective well being (evaluative)_Evaluative Wellbeing and Positive Mood Affect",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_01 staple crop yields_crop yield gap (actual yield as % of attainable yield)",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_02 sustainability of agriculture_crop nitrogen use efficiency (%)",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_03_water productivity_crop water productivity _tons of harvested product per unit irrigation water_ indicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_04 food loss_share of agricultural produce loss and food waste (% of food production)_ indicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_05 conversion of land to agricultural and other uses_annual change in forest area and land under cultivation (modified MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_06 degradation of agricultural land_annual change in degraded or desertified arable land (% or ha)",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_07 impact of extreme climate events_economic losses from disasters in rural areas_by climatic and non-climatic events (in US$)",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_08 rural infrastructure and services_percentage of rural population using basic drinking water (modified MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_09 rural infrastructure and services_proportion of rural population using basic sanitation services (modified MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_10 rural infrastructure and services_access to all weather road (% access within number km distance to road)",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_11 rural infrastructure and services_mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in rural areas",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_12 rural infrastructure and services_access to drying_storage and processing facilities_ndicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_06 improve agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity_13 rural infrastructure and services_share of farmers covered by agricultural extension or equivalent programs _indicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_01 urban poverty_percentage of urban population with incomes below national extreme poverty line (adapted MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_02 urban sustainable development_indicator on the deployment of a sustainable development strategy for each urban agglomeration above 250000 to be developed",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_03 slum conditions_proportion of urban population living in slums or informal settlements (MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_04 access to water_percentage of urban population using basic drinking water (modified MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_05 access to sanitation_percentage of urban population using basic sanitation (modified MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_06 solid waste collection_proportion of urban households with weekly solid waste collection",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_07 access to transportation_proportion of urban households with access to reliable public transportation",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_08 access to ICT_mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in urban areas",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_09 air quality_mean urban air pollution of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2_5)",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_10 water quality and treatment_percentage of wastewater flows treated to national standards_by domestic and industrial source",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_11 urban green space_urban green space per capita",
"name":"SDG_07 empower inclusive and productive and resilient cities_12 vulnerability to extreme climate events_economic losses from disasters in urban areas_by climatic and non climatic events (in US$)",
"name":"SDG_08 curb human induced climate change and ensure sustainable energy_01 access to energy_share of the population with access to modern cooking solutions (%)",
"name":"SDG_08 curb human induced climate change and ensure sustainable energy_02 access to energy_share of the population with access to reliable electricity (%)",
"name":"SDG_08 curb human induced climate change and ensure sustainable energy_03 national deep decarbonization strategies_availability of a transparent and detailed deep decarbonization strategy_consistent with the 2Cglobal carbon budget_and with GHG emission targets for 2020_2030 and 2050",
"name":"SDG_08 curb human induced climate change and ensure sustainable energy_04 GHG emissions_total energy and industry related GHG emissions by gas and sector_expressed as production and demand based emissions (tCO2e)",
"name":"SDG_08 curb human induced climate change and ensure sustainable energy_05 GHG emission reduction measures_CO2 intensity of the power sector_and of new power generation capacity installed (gCO2 per kWh)",
"name":"SDG_08 curb human induced climate change and ensure sustainable energy_06 GHG emission reduction measures_CO2 intensity of the transport sector (gCO2/vkm)_and of new cars (gCO2/pkm) and trucks (tCO2/tkm)",
"name":"SDG_08 curb human induced climate change and ensure sustainable energy_07 GHG emissions from land use change_net GHG emissions in the Agriculture_ Forest and other Land Use (AFOLU) sector (tCO2e)",
"name":"SDG_08 curb human induced climate change and ensure sustainable energy_08 incentives to reduce GHG emissions_implicit incentives for low carbon energy in the electricity sector (measured as US$/MWh or US$ per ton avoided CO2)",
"name":"SDG_09 Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and Ensure Good Management of Water and Oceans and Forests and Natural Resources_01 ocean_ocean health index (national index)",
"name":"SDG_09 Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and Ensure Good Management of Water and Oceans and Forests and Natural Resources_02 biodiversity_Red List Index (by country and major species group)",
"name":"SDG_09 Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and Ensure Good Management of Water and Oceans and Forests and Natural Resources_03 critical biome management_protected areas overlay with biodiversity (regional_national_global level)",
"name":"SDG_09 Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and Ensure Good Management of Water and Oceans and Forests and Natural Resources_04 forests_area of forest under sustainable forest management as a percent of forest area",
"name":"SDG_09 Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and Ensure Good Management of Water and Oceans and Forests and Natural Resources_05 sustainable fisheries management_proportion of fish stocks within safe biological limits (MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_09 Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and Ensure Good Management of Water and Oceans and Forests and Natural Resources_06 trans boundary river shed management_reporting of international river shed authorities on trans boundary river shed management_indicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_09 Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and Ensure Good Management of Water and Oceans and Forests and Natural Resources_07 water resource management_proportion of total water resources used (MDG Indicator)",
"name":"SDG_09 Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and Ensure Good Management of Water and Oceans and Forests and Natural Resources_08 access to land_access to land in rural areas index",
"name":"SDG_09 Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and Ensure Good Management of Water and Oceans and Forests and Natural Resources_09 business code of behavior_publication of resource based contracts",
"name":"SDG_09 Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and Ensure Good Management of Water and Oceans and Forests and Natural Resources_10 good governance and business code of behavior_publication of all payments made to governments under resource contracts",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_01 integrated government reporting_country implements and reports on System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) accounts",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_02 integrated business reporting_share of companies valued at more than $1 billion that publish integrated reporting_indicator to be developed",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_03 corruption_perception of public sector corruption",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_04 international rules and SDGs_annual report by Bank for International Settlements (BIS)_International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)_International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)_International Monetary Fund (IMF)_World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)_and World Trade Organization (WTO) on the relationship between international rules and the SDGs",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_05 use of tax havens_assets and liabilities of BIS reporting banks in international tax havens (as per OECD definition) by country (US$)",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_06 domestic resource mobilization_domestic revenues allocated to sustainable development as percent of GNI",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_07 ODA and other grants_official development assistance (ODA) and net private grants as percent of high income country GNI",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_08 official climate finance_official climate financing from developed countries that is incremental to ODA (in US$)",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_09 pooled ODA and other grants_percent of official development assistance (ODA)_net private grants_and official climate finance channeled through priority pooled multilateral financing mechanisms",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_10 private finance_private net flows for sustainable development at market rates as share of high income country GNI",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_11 sustainable technologies and ICT_placeholder for indicator on coverage of ICT and possibly other advanced technologies in key sectors",
"name":"SDG_10 transform governance and technologies for sustainable development_12 technology transfer_researchers and technicians in R&D (per million people)",
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