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Created January 13, 2015 21:00
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using PyPlot
using Base.Test
function minops{T<:Integer}(n::T)
queue = (T,T)[]
push!(queue, (n,0))
visited = Set{T}()
pops,evals = 0,0
while true
pops += 1
val,depth = shift!(queue)
val in visited && continue
evals += 1
# Subtract one
val-1 == 1 && return depth+1
push!(queue, (val-1,depth+1))
# Divide by two
if val%2 == 0
div(val,2) == 1 && return depth+1
push!(queue, (div(val,2),depth+1))
# Divide by three
if val%3 == 0
div(val,3) == 1 && return depth+1
push!(queue, (div(val,3),depth+1))
# Don't duplicate the above work
push!(visited, val)
function minops_rev{T<:Integer}(n::T)
queue = (T,T)[]
push!(queue, (1,0))
visited = Set{T}()
evals = 0
while true
val,depth = shift!(queue)
evals += 0
val in visited && continue
# Add one
val+1 == n && return depth+1
push!(queue, (val+1,depth+1))
# Multiply by two
if val*2 <= n
val*2 == n && return depth+1
push!(queue, (val*2,depth+1))
# Divide by three
if val*3 <= n
val*3 == 1 && return depth+1
push!(queue, (val*3,depth+1))
# Don't duplicate the above work
push!(visited, val)
@show evals
function minops_dp{T<:Integer}(n::T)
solns = Array(T,n)
solns[1] = 0
for i=2:n
solns[i] = 1 + solns[i-1]
i%2 == 0 && (solns[i] = min(solns[i], 1 + solns[div(i,2)]))
i%3 == 0 && (solns[i] = min(solns[i], 1 + solns[div(i,3)]))
return solns[n]
@test minops(5) == 3
@test minops(10) == 3
@test minops_rev(5) == 3
@test minops_rev(10) == 3
@test minops_dp(5) == 3
@test minops_dp(10) == 3
sizes = int(logspace(1,7,20))
loglog(sizes, [@elapsed minops(x) for x in sizes], label="BFS down")
loglog(sizes, [@elapsed minops_rev(x) for x in sizes], label="BFS up")
loglog(sizes, [@elapsed minops_dp(x) for x in sizes], label="DP")
xlabel("Starting positive integer n")
title("Time to compute minimum number of operations to unity")
@time minops(typemax(Int)-1)
@time minops(BigInt(2)^100-1)
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