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Last active April 17, 2018 14:46
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  • Save binarycounter/9bd93ef4271a11aee3e395d04b93ed3a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Pokemon Red Bootleg, flash(?) save disassembly
WRA1:DE00 E5 push hl
WRA1:DE01 D5 push de
WRA1:DE02 C5 push bc
WRA1:DE03 3E 37 ld a,$37
WRA1:DE05 EA 00 21 ld [$2100],a //Change ROM bank
WRA1:DE08 21 00 A0 ld hl,$A000 //Source Address
WRA1:DE0B 11 00 60 ld de,$6000 //Destination Address
WRA1:DE0E 3E 0A ld a,$0A
WRA1:DE10 EA 00 00 ld [$0000],a //Enable Read/write to RAM
WRA1:DE13 3E 01 ld a,$01
WRA1:DE15 EA 00 60 ld [$6000],a //Latch RTC register? wut? Pokemon Gen 1 doesn't use RTC
WRA1:DE18 3E 03 ld a,$00
WRA1:DE1A EA 00 40 ld [$4000],a //change SRAM bank
WRA1:DE1D 7E ld a,[hl]
WRA1:DE1E 47 ld b,a //Load byte from source address (hl) into b
WRA1:DE1F 3E 00 ld a,$00 //Reset a to 00
WRA1:DE21 EA 00 60 ld [$6000],a //More RTC latching? uhhhhh......
WRA1:DE24 EA 00 00 ld [$0000],a //Disable read/write to RAM
WRA1:DE27 3E F0 ld a,$F0
WRA1:DE29 EA 00 40 ld [$4000],a //F0 into Ram bank number/RTC register select? uhhhhh what?
WRA1:DE2C 00 nop
WRA1:DE2D 3E A9 ld a,$A9
WRA1:DE2F EA AA 0A ld [$0AAA],a //i don't even....
WRA1:DE32 00 nop
WRA1:DE33 3E 56 ld a,$56
WRA1:DE35 EA 55 05 ld [$0555],a // what is life
WRA1:DE38 00 nop
WRA1:DE39 3E A0 ld a,$A0
WRA1:DE3B EA AA 0A ld [$0AAA],a // who am i
WRA1:DE3E 00 nop
WRA1:DE3F 78 ld a,b
WRA1:DE40 12 ld [de],a //write content of b (so the byte from the source address) to de (which should be $6000++)..... uhhhh did we just write to rom?
WRA1:DE41 1A ld a,[de] //Read back what we just wrote
WRA1:DE42 A8 xor b
WRA1:DE43 CA 49 DE jp z,$DE49
WRA1:DE46 C3 41 DE jp $DE41 //Only continue when b and content of de are equal (i'm guessing this is because rom/flash is super slow)
WRA1:DE49 23 inc hl //Increment source address
WRA1:DE4A 13 inc de //increment destination address
WRA1:DE4B 7C ld a,h
WRA1:DE4C FE C0 cp a,$C0 //Check that we're not stepping into other memory
WRA1:DE4E C2 0E DE jp nz,$DE0E //We're done when h is $C0 (so we looped from A000-BFFF)
WRA1:DE51 3E F0 ld a,$F0
WRA1:DE53 EA 00 40 ld [$4000],a //i don't get it, $F0 to the ram bank/rtc register again?
WRA1:DE56 C1 pop bc
WRA1:DE57 D1 pop de
WRA1:DE58 E1 pop hl
WRA1:DE59 C9 ret //Return from whatever hell this was made in
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