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Created August 4, 2015 19:30
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  • Save binarymax/6befa448df3f5fd6dba9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save binarymax/6befa448df3f5fd6dba9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Starting training using file 10m.txt
Vocab size: 305432
Words in train file: 565170189
Alpha: 0.000045 Progress: 99.91% Words/thread/sec: 107.57k
real 174m19.955s
user 1315m35.661s
sys 3m27.011s
~/content/word2vec:$ ./distance hn.bin
Enter word or sentence (EXIT to break): javascript
Word: python Position in vocabulary: 416
Word Cosine distance
ruby 0.873880
perl 0.767505
java 0.753443
c 0.701438
lua 0.681293
django 0.672616
clojure 0.668801
scala 0.663778
haskell 0.644666
javascript 0.644618
numpy 0.637844
pyhton 0.637574
pythonic 0.633682
language 0.633268
php 0.632106
libraries 0.630903
languages 0.630623
scripting 0.624091
rails 0.618140
matlab 0.617199
stdlib 0.614645
idiomatic 0.608228
coffeescript 0.606101
langauge 0.596473
julia 0.596428
ror 0.596243
syntax 0.596034
pythonthree 0.594679
cython 0.589371
lisp 0.589159
pythons 0.584547
cpython 0.582011
pyhon 0.581842
libs 0.581026
rubyesque 0.579454
pythonistas 0.578034
pypy 0.577710
unittesttwo 0.573427
erlang 0.573425
nodejs 0.571690
Word: javascript Position in vocabulary: 521
Word Cosine distance
js 0.865393
javscript 0.740010
css 0.721703
jquery 0.705883
coffeescript 0.698153
javascipt 0.675318
coffescript 0.650551
serverside 0.647735
python 0.644619
java 0.643204
ajax 0.634219
ruby 0.629544
actionscript 0.622358
scripting 0.616210
gwt 0.614630
javacript 0.613625
htmlfive 0.613571
dom 0.609848
templating 0.602398
frameworks 0.600904
transpiled 0.599340
framework 0.594015
dart 0.593149
web 0.583364
javasscript 0.580934
javascrip 0.580165
clientside 0.576593
lua 0.574971
cofeescript 0.574445
browser 0.570030
asthree 0.565068
nodejs 0.563969
charti 0.553761
frontend 0.553225
transpiles 0.552285
javasript 0.551950
php 0.551195
hmtl 0.548945
cssthree 0.548168
evaling 0.547526
Enter word or sentence (EXIT to break): negative
Word: negative Position in vocabulary: 1168
Word Cosine distance
positive 0.918910
postive 0.611653
positivity 0.566937
negatively 0.562865
detrimental 0.520369
positively 0.518815
unfavorable 0.508470
externalities 0.506472
undeserved 0.503739
effect 0.497388
negativity 0.492392
kneejerk 0.492022
externality 0.490738
engendering 0.489453
negatives 0.485108
adverse 0.485072
deleterious 0.484023
hurtful 0.479806
emotional 0.474324
perceived 0.469187
reactions 0.465940
neutral 0.461162
elicited 0.456885
vitriolic 0.455488
undesirable 0.453206
dramatic 0.449569
inflammatory 0.449078
dismissive 0.448629
connotation 0.447220
unintended 0.446428
connotations 0.446365
damaging 0.445497
pernicious 0.444796
unconstructive 0.444740
counteract 0.444497
meanness 0.444105
fivesevenfourtwotwotwoseven 0.443305
constructive 0.442927
discouraging 0.440894
eliciting 0.440195
Enter word or sentence (EXIT to break): startup
Word: startup Position in vocabulary: 390
Word Cosine distance
startups 0.808231
bootstrapped 0.719379
entrepreneur 0.707722
starup 0.698379
bootstrapping 0.698216
incubator 0.683647
founders 0.664983
scrappy 0.660502
entrepreneurs 0.660176
entrepreneurial 0.656120
yc 0.652160
cofounder 0.651848
vc 0.650642
fledgling 0.636813
cofounders 0.632761
venture 0.622636
company 0.617562
incubators 0.612947
statup 0.608451
founder 0.608080
entrepreneurship 0.604812
sv 0.603689
bigco 0.602171
startuppers 0.592669
cofounded 0.588964
entrepeneurs 0.585747
solo 0.582533
entreprenuers 0.564045
boostrapped 0.562884
solopreneurs 0.559994
cofounding 0.559840
statups 0.558347
business 0.552922
bootstrapper 0.551885
techstars 0.545766
bootstrappers 0.545263
fintech 0.545090
fundable 0.542542
shotput 0.541257
accelerator 0.540787
Enter word or sentence (EXIT to break): exit
Word: exit Position in vocabulary: 2967
Word Cosine distance
exits 0.779482
exiting 0.665819
ipo 0.575241
exited 0.570347
acquihire 0.558582
resourceone 0.541449
buyout 0.528640
acquirer 0.523635
cashout 0.513777
ipoing 0.505894
aquihire 0.503887
onezerozerom 0.487352
investor 0.482498
vc 0.475629
investors 0.474169
dilutive 0.469565
errx 0.458413
runway 0.458150
acqhire 0.457493
ipos 0.457188
perror 0.455690
twozerom 0.449536
return 0.449262
aquihires 0.448795
ninefivezerom 0.447741
acquihired 0.445752
valuation 0.443258
buyouts 0.442572
amunet 0.441897
payout 0.441281
fivefourfivem 0.441065
acquihires 0.439327
fourzerom 0.438886
acquirers 0.436922
acquisition 0.436467
investment 0.435123
onezerozeromm 0.434582
onezerom 0.433996
liquidates 0.432296
onesevenzerom 0.430569
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