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  • Save binarytemple/2089d94c24666412051f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save binarytemple/2089d94c24666412051f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
%%! -pa /usr/lib64/riak-cs/lib/riakc- /usr/lib64/riak-cs/lib/riak_pb-1.3.0/ebin /usr/lib64/riak-cs/lib/protobuffs-0.8.0/ebin /usr/lib/riak-cs/lib/riakc- /usr/lib/riak-cs/lib/riak_pb-1.3.0/ebin /usr/lib/riak-cs/lib/protobuffs-0.8.0/ebin /usr/lib/riak-cs/ebin
-define(USERS_BUCKET, <<"moss.users">>).
-define(DEFAULT_RIAK_IP, "").
-define(DEFAULT_RIAK_PORT, 8087).
usage() ->
io:format("Usage: ./user_cleanup.escript <UserId> [<RiakIP>] [<RiakPort>]~n").
main(Args) when length(Args) =:= 1 ->
main(Args) when length(Args) < 3 ->
main(Args) when length(Args) > 3 ->
main(lists:sublist(Args, 3));
main(Args) when length(Args) =:= 3 ->
[UserId, RiakHost, Port] = Args,
RiakPort = format_port(Port),
{ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start(RiakHost, RiakPort),
{ok, {Record, Object}} = riak_cs_utils:get_user(UserId, Pid),
Buckets = Record#rcs_user_v2.buckets,
NoDeletedBuckets = [B || B <- Buckets, B#moss_bucket_v1.last_action =/= deleted],
UpdatedUserRecord = Record#rcs_user_v2{buckets=NoDeletedBuckets},
riak_cs_utils:save_user(UpdatedUserRecord, Object, Pid),
io:format("User record for ~p updated~n", [UserId]).
format_port(Port) when is_integer(Port) ->
format_port(Port) when is_list(Port) ->
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