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Forked from gburd/timeit.erl
Created May 1, 2014 15:00
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%% @doc Dynamically add timing to MFA. There are various types of
%% timing.
%% all - time latency of all calls to MFA
%% {sample, N, Max} - sample every N calls and stop sampling after Max
%% {threshold, Millis, Max} - count # of calls where latency is > Millis
%% and count # of calls total, thus percentage of calls over threshold
timeit(Mod, Fun, Arity, Type) ->
Type2 = case Type of
{sample, N, Max} -> {sample, {N, Max}, {0, 0, 0}};
{threshold, Millis, Max} -> {threshold, {Millis, Max}, {0, 0}};
{all, Max} -> {all, {0, Max}}
dbg:tracer(process, {fun trace/2, {orddict:new(), Type2}}),
dbg:p(all, call),
dbg:tpl(Mod, Fun, Arity, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}]).
stop() -> dbg:stop_clear().
trace({trace, Pid, call, {Mod, Fun, _}}, {D, {all, {Count, Max}}}) ->
D2 = orddict:store({Pid, Mod, Fun}, now(), D),
{D2, {all, {Count, Max}}};
trace({trace, Pid, call, {Mod, Fun, _}},
{D, {sample, {N, Max}, {M, K, Total}}}) ->
M2 = M+1,
Total2 = Total+1,
if N == M2 ->
D2 = orddict:store({Pid, Mod, Fun}, now(), D),
{D2, {sample, {N, Max}, {0, K, Total2}}};
true ->
{D, {sample, {N, Max}, {M2, K, Total2}}}
trace({trace, Pid, call, {Mod, Fun, _}},
{D, {threshold, {Millis, Max}, {Over, Total}}}) ->
D2 = orddict:store({Pid, Mod, Fun}, now(), D),
{D2, {threshold, {Millis, Max}, {Over, Total+1}}};
trace({trace, Pid, return_from, {Mod, Fun, _}, _Result},
Acc={D, {all, {Count, Max}}}) ->
Key = {Pid, Mod, Fun},
case orddict:find(Key, D) of
{ok, StartTime} ->
Count2 = Count+1,
ElapsedUs = timer:now_diff(now(), StartTime),
ElapsedMs = ElapsedUs/1000,
io:format(user, "~p:~p:~p: ~p ms\n", [Pid, Mod, Fun, ElapsedMs]),
if Count2 == Max -> stop();
true ->
D2 = orddict:erase(Key, D),
{D2, {all, {Count2, Max}}}
error -> Acc
trace({trace, Pid, return_from, {Mod, Fun, _}, _Result},
Acc={D, {sample, {N, Max}, {M, K, Total}}}) ->
Key = {Pid, Mod, Fun},
case orddict:find(Key, D) of
{ok, StartTime} ->
K2 = K+1,
ElapsedUs = timer:now_diff(now(), StartTime),
ElapsedMs = ElapsedUs/1000,
io:format(user, "[sample ~p/~p] ~p:~p:~p: ~p ms\n",
[K2, Total, Pid, Mod, Fun, ElapsedMs]),
if K2 == Max -> stop();
true ->
D2 = orddict:erase(Key, D),
{D2, {sample, {N, Max}, {M, K2, Total}}}
error -> Acc
trace({trace, Pid, return_from, {Mod, Fun, _}, _Result},
Acc={D, {threshold, {Millis, Max}, {Over, Total}}}) ->
Key = {Pid, Mod, Fun},
case orddict:find(Key, D) of
{ok, StartTime} ->
ElapsedUs = timer:now_diff(now(), StartTime),
ElapsedMs = ElapsedUs / 1000,
if ElapsedMs > Millis ->
Over2 = Over+1,
io:format(user, "[over threshold ~p, ~p/~p] ~p:~p:~p: ~p ms\n",
[Millis, Over2, Total, Pid, Mod, Fun, ElapsedMs]);
true ->
Over2 = Over
if Max == Over -> stop();
true ->
D2 = orddict:erase(Key, D),
{D2, {threshold, {Millis, Max}, {Over2, Total}}}
error -> Acc
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