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Last active December 27, 2021 13:50
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rclone encrypted zfs snapshot selector and mounter
#Edit these
$USERNAME = "bindi"
$REMOTE = "unencrypted"
#Stop editing after this line (meaning end-users, you as the admin should preconfigure directory structure below)
$filename = "snapshotmounter_for_$REMOTE.xml"
if (!(Test-Path $filename)) {
$rclone_config_password = (Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter rclone encryption **password** for current remote (saved (**as encrypted**) for future use of the same remote)' -AsSecureString)
$rclone_config_password2 = (Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter rclone encryption **SALT** (password2) for current remote (hit ENTER for empty / not used) (saved (**as encrypted**) for future use of the same remote)' -AsSecureString)
Get-Variable rclone_config_* | Export-Clixml $filename
} else {
Import-Clixml $filename | %{ Set-Variable $_.Name $_.Value }
$basedir = "$REMOTE" + ":/bigboi/backup/$USERNAME/.zfs/snapshot"
$regex = "autosnap_(?<timestamp>\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d_\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)_(?<Type>daily|hourly|monthly)"
# list of snapshots
$list = rclone lsd $basedir
$snapshot = ($list | Select-String -Pattern $regex | Select -ExpandProperty Matches | Select Value,@{n="Local time"; e={[DateTime]::ParseExact($_.Groups['timestamp'].value,"yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss", $null).toLocalTime()}} | Out-Gridview -Title "Select a snapshot to mount" -Passthru | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Value")
if ($snapshot -match $regex) {
$snapremote = $snapshot.replace(":","_")
rclone config create $snapremote crypt remote "$basedir/$snapshot/encrypted"
$pass = (New-Object PSCredential "user",$rclone_config_password).GetNetworkCredential().Password
$escapedpass = $pass -replace , '"', '\"' #
rclone config update $snapremote password $escapedpass --obscure
$salt = (New-Object PSCredential "user",$rclone_config_password2).GetNetworkCredential().Password
if ($salt) {
$escapedsalt = $salt -replace , '"', '\"' # same as above
rclone config update $snapremote password2 $escapedsalt --obscure
$test = rclone ls ($snapremote + ":") --max-depth=1 --max-duration=10s
if (!$test) { Write-Host "Something went wrong, bad password? Delete file $filename and run this script again to re-set it" }
else {
try { rclone mount ($snapremote + ":") \\bindibox\$snapremote --read-only }
finally { rclone config delete $snapremote }
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