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Last active May 4, 2019 01:08
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  • Save binhqd/07ad78b04839ea7729871b804b2ad0c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save binhqd/07ad78b04839ea7729871b804b2ad0c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Note for Linux command line (Mercury)
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///cities1.csv" AS csvLine
MERGE (c:City {uuid: csvLine[0]})
ON MATCH SET c.name_ja = csvLine[3];
CALL apoc.export.csv.query("match (c:Country) return c.uuid, c.name_en","/tmp/countries.csv", {});
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///countries-translated.csv" AS csvLine
MERGE (c:Country {uuid: csvLine[0]})
ON MATCH SET c.name_ja = csvLine[2];
CALL apoc.export.csv.query("match (c:City)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(ct:Country) return c.uuid as city_id,ct.uuid as country_id, c.name_en","/tmp/cities.csv", {});
# list all json files
find . -type f -name "*.json"
# Find fail-extracted articles
grep -rnw '.' -e '^\[\]'
CALL apoc.export.csv.query("match (ct:Country)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(c:City)
return ID(ct) as countryID, ct.uuid, ct.country_code, ct.name_en, ct.crawler_id, ct.name_ja, ID(c) as cityID, c.uuid, c.name_en, c.name_ja, c.area_name, c.best_season, c.canonical_name, c.climate, c.languages, c.region_name, c.time_zone, c.urban, c.coordinates","/tmp/countries-cities.csv", {});
CALL apoc.export.csv.query("match (c:OBJECT_IN_SUB_TITLE {uuid: ''})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(ct:Country) return c.uuid as city_id,ct.uuid as country_id, c.name_en","/tmp/cities.csv", {});
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///object-extraction-2018.04.16.csv" AS csvLine
MATCH (c:OBJECT_IN_SUB_TITLE {uuid: csvLine[1]})
ON MATCH SET c.remain_string = csvLine[3]
SET c.potential_object = csvLine[4]
SET c.potential_type = csvLine[5]
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///object-extraction-2018.04.16.csv" AS csvLine
MATCH (c:OBJECT_IN_SUB_TITLE {uuid: csvLine[0]})
with c, [csvLine[3], csvLine[4], csvLine[6], csvLine[7]] as l
with filter(x in l where x is not null) as fl, c
unwind fl as x
create (o:PotentialObject {value: x})<-[:CONTAINS]-(c)
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///hotels/france-paris.csv" AS csvLine
MATCH (ct:Country {name_en: csvLine["countryName"]})<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(c:City {name_en: csvLine["cityName"]})
merge (c)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(h:Hotel {name_en: csvLine["objectName"], name_ja: csvLine["objectNameJA"], uuid: replace(apoc.create.uuid(), '-', '')})
elasticsearch_loader --index objects --id-field uuid csv all-hotels.csv
echo | openssl s_client -servername -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates
echo | openssl s_client -servername -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates
# Import missing cities
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///list-spot-cities.csv" AS csvLine
OPTIONAL match (ct:Country {name_en: csvLine["country"]})<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(c:City {name_en: csvLine["city"]})
with [csvLine["country"], csvLine["city"], csvLine["city_ja"], ct.name_en, c.name_en] as out
where out[3] is null
match (ct:Country {name_en: out[0]})
create (c:City:Instance:DESCRIBABLE {name_en: out[1], name_ja: out[2], uuid: replace(apoc.create.uuid(), '-', '')})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(ct)
return c, ct
# Find duplicate cities
match (ct:Country)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(c:City)
with [ct.name_en, c.name_en] as l
where l[0] = "Japan"
return l, count(l) as cnt
order by cnt desc
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