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Created December 17, 2019 08:54
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export default function BrowserType () {
// 权重:系统 + 系统版本 > 平台 > 内核 + 载体 + 内核版本 + 载体版本 > 外壳 + 外壳版本
const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
const testUa = regexp => regexp.test(ua);
const testVs = regexp => ua.match(regexp)
.replace(/[^0-9|_.]/g, "")
.replace(/_/g, ".");
// 系统
let system = "unknow";
if (testUa(/windows|win32|win64|wow32|wow64/g)) {
system = "windows"; // windows系统
} else if (testUa(/macintosh|macintel/g)) {
system = "macos"; // macos系统
} else if (testUa(/x11/g)) {
system = "linux"; // linux系统
} else if (testUa(/android|adr/g)) {
system = "android"; // android系统
} else if (testUa(/ios|iphone|ipad|ipod|iwatch/g)) {
system = "ios"; // ios系统
// 系统版本
let systemVs = "unknow";
if (system === "windows") {
if (testUa(/windows nt 5.0|windows 2000/g)) {
systemVs = "2000";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 5.1|windows xp/g)) {
systemVs = "xp";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 5.2|windows 2003/g)) {
systemVs = "2003";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 6.0|windows vista/g)) {
systemVs = "vista";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 6.1|windows 7/g)) {
systemVs = "7";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 6.2|windows 8/g)) {
systemVs = "8";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 6.3|windows 8.1/g)) {
systemVs = "8.1";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 10.0|windows 10/g)) {
systemVs = "10";
} else if (system === "macos") {
systemVs = testVs(/os x [\d._]+/g);
} else if (system === "android") {
systemVs = testVs(/android [\d._]+/g);
} else if (system === "ios") {
systemVs = testVs(/os [\d._]+/g);
// 平台
let platform = "unknow";
if (system === "windows" || system === "macos" || system === "linux") {
platform = "desktop"; // 桌面端
} else if (system === "android" || system === "ios" || testUa(/mobile/g)) {
platform = "mobile"; // 移动端
// 内核和载体
let engine = "unknow";
let supporter = "unknow";
if (testUa(/applewebkit/g)) {
engine = "webkit"; // webkit内核
if (testUa(/edge/g)) {
supporter = "edge"; // edge浏览器
} else if (testUa(/opr/g)) {
supporter = "opera"; // opera浏览器
} else if (testUa(/chrome/g)) {
supporter = "chrome"; // chrome浏览器
} else if (testUa(/safari/g)) {
supporter = "safari"; // safari浏览器
} else if (testUa(/gecko/g) && testUa(/firefox/g)) {
engine = "gecko"; // gecko内核
supporter = "firefox"; // firefox浏览器
} else if (testUa(/presto/g)) {
engine = "presto"; // presto内核
supporter = "opera"; // opera浏览器
} else if (testUa(/trident|compatible|msie/g)) {
engine = "trident"; // trident内核
supporter = "iexplore"; // iexplore浏览器
// 内核版本
let engineVs = "unknow";
if (engine === "webkit") {
engineVs = testVs(/applewebkit\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (engine === "gecko") {
engineVs = testVs(/gecko\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (engine === "presto") {
engineVs = testVs(/presto\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (engine === "trident") {
engineVs = testVs(/trident\/[\d._]+/g);
// 载体版本
let supporterVs = "unknow";
if (supporter === "chrome") {
supporterVs = testVs(/chrome\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (supporter === "safari") {
supporterVs = testVs(/version\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (supporter === "firefox") {
supporterVs = testVs(/firefox\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (supporter === "opera") {
supporterVs = testVs(/opr\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (supporter === "iexplore") {
supporterVs = testVs(/(msie [\d._]+)|(rv:[\d._]+)/g);
} else if (supporter === "edge") {
supporterVs = testVs(/edge\/[\d._]+/g);
// 外壳和外壳版本
let shell = "none";
let shellVs = "unknow";
if (testUa(/micromessenger/g)) {
shell = "wechat"; // 微信浏览器
shellVs = testVs(/micromessenger\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (testUa(/qqbrowser/g)) {
shell = "qq"; // QQ浏览器
shellVs = testVs(/qqbrowser\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (testUa(/ucbrowser/g)) {
shell = "uc"; // UC浏览器
shellVs = testVs(/ucbrowser\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (testUa(/qihu 360se/g)) {
shell = "360"; // 360浏览器(无版本)
} else if (testUa(/2345explorer/g)) {
shell = "2345"; // 2345浏览器
shellVs = testVs(/2345explorer\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (testUa(/metasr/g)) {
shell = "sougou"; // 搜狗浏览器(无版本)
} else if (testUa(/lbbrowser/g)) {
shell = "liebao"; // 猎豹浏览器(无版本)
} else if (testUa(/maxthon/g)) {
shell = "maxthon"; // 遨游浏览器
shellVs = testVs(/maxthon\/[\d._]+/g);
return Object.assign({
engine, // webkit gecko presto trident
platform, // desktop mobile
supporter, // chrome safari firefox opera iexplore edge
system, // windows macos linux android ios
}, shell === "none" ? {} : {
shell, // wechat qq uc 360 2345 sougou liebao maxthon
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