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Last active December 11, 2021 10:16
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FnChain is an experimental helper I came up when dealing with following nesting closure:

return $query
    ->where('is_enabled', true)
    ->where('available_from', '<=', DB::raw('NOW()'))
        fn (Builder $q) => $q
                fn (Builder $q) => $q
                    ->where('available_until', '>', DB::raw('NOW()'))

I want to avoid fn (Builder $q) => $q. With FnChain, above code can be rewrite to:

return $query
    ->where('is_enabled', true)
    ->where('available_from', '<=', DB::raw('NOW()'))
                    ->where('available_until', '>', DB::raw('NOW()'))

But the toClosure is anoying me, maybe we can use Closure::fromCallable to get ride of it?

return $query
    ->where('is_enabled', true)
    ->where('available_from', '<=', DB::raw('NOW()'))
                    ->where('available_until', '>', DB::raw('NOW()'))
namespace App\Utils;
use Closure;
final class FnChain
private $calls = [];
private function __construct()
public static function start(): self
return new FnChain();
public function toClosure(): Closure
return function ($start) {
$current = $start;
foreach ($this->calls as $call) {
$current = $current->{$call['fn']}(...$call['args']);
return $current;
public function __invoke(mixed $start): mixed
return ($this->toClosure())($start);
public function __call(string $name, array $arguments): self
$this->calls[] = [
'fn' => $name,
'args' => $arguments,
return $this;
public static function __callStatic(string $name, array $arguments): self
return self::start()->{$name}(...$arguments);
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