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Created May 12, 2017 20:03
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"STILL_DONT_HAVE": "Still don't have an account?",
"REGISTER_NOW": "Register now!",
"BY_CREATING": "By creating your account you agree with our",
"TERMS_POLICY": "Terms and Policy",
"ENTER_RESET_EMAIL": "Enter your email address below to receive your password reset instructions.",
"ENTER_SEARCH_KEYWORD": "Enter search keywords here...",
"ENTER_TOPIC_TITLE": "Enter topic title here...",
"GO": "GO",
"SHOW_TIPS_CONCERNED": "Show tips concerned under this condition only",
"AGE": "Age",
"YEAR": "Grade/Year",
"FOR_TIPS": " for tips ",
"OR": "OR",
"TIPS_FOUND": " tips found under this topic",
"TIPS_FOR": "Tips for ",
"REVIEWS": "Reviews",
"APPLES": "Apples ",
"LOVES_L": "loves",
"LOVES": "Loves",
"NO_REVIEWS": "This tip has no reviews yet.",
"TOP_10": "TOP 10",
"TOPICS": "Topics",
"TIPS": "Tips",
"USERS": "Users",
"EARN_FREE_APPLES": "Earn FREE apples!",
"GET": "Get ",
"INVITE_DESCRIPTION": " free apples every time someone installs the AN10NA app using your invitation code.",
"SHARE_DESCRIPTION": " free apples every time you share AN10NA on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.",
"FEEDBACK_DESCRIPTION": " free apple every time you contact us. AN10NA will continue evolving and improving, thanks to you.",
"PROFILE": "Profile",
"MY_PROFILE": "My Profile",
"APP_INFO": "App Info",
"WHO": "WHO",
"UPDATE_PROFILE_SUCCESS": "Your profile has been successfully updated.",
"HOW_YOU_SAY": "How you say what you say makes an impact so please choose your words kindly.",
"TIP_DETAILS": "Tip Details",
"LOVE_L": "Love",
"WRITE_REVIEW_L": "Write Review",
"EDIT_REVIEW_L": "Edit Review",
"EDIT_YOUR_REVIEW_L": "Edit your review",
"WRITE_YOUR_REVIEW_L": "Write your review",
"WATCH_L": "Watch",
"UNWATCH_L": "Unwatch",
"SHARE_L": "Share",
"FLAG_AS_INAPPROPRIATE": "Flag as inappropriate",
"ALREADY_FLAGGED": "This tip has been flagged by you.",
"TAP_ON_GOLDEN": "Tap on the golden apples to rate this tip.",
"ALL_REVIEWS": "All Reviews",
"FLAG": "Flag",
"FLAG_DESCRIPTION": "Whoa! Flag on the play! Thanks for the heads up so that we can take the necesssary steps to fix it.",
"REASON": "Reason",
"FRAUD": "Fraud / Phishing",
"ABUSIVE": "Abusive or harmful",
"PROBLEMATIC": "Problematic link",
"OTHER": "Other",
"PLEASE_EXPLAIN": "Please explain",
"LEARN_MORE_REPORTING": "Learn more about reporting violations of our",
"RULES": "rules",
"MY_STATS": "My Stats",
"STATS": "Stats",
"NO_BADGES": "No badges earned yet",
"RANK": "Rank",
"SCORE": "Score",
"TOTAL": "Total ",
"POSTS_AND": " posts and ",
"FREE_APPLES": " free apples",
"EARNED_BADGES": "Earned Badges",
"REGISTERED_EMAIL": "Registered Email",
"DISPLAY_NAME": "* Display Name",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"OCCUPATION": "* Craft | calling | speciality",
"PHONE_NUMBER": "Phone Number",
"PHONE": "Phone",
"BIO": "Bio",
"CONTACT_INFO": "Contact Information",
"SETTINGS": "Settings",
"SHOW_MY_PRIVACY": "Show my email to others",
"SHOW_MY_PRIVACY_DESC": "Tips and reviews are short and sweet. Allowing others to view your email address sparks connection and elaboration on the best ideas.",
"SHOW_PUSH": "Show push notifications",
"SHOW_PUSH_DESC": "This will keep you in the loop within the app itself. Turn it off if you wish but you might miss some important stuff.",
"GET_LATEST": "AN10NA news",
"GET_LATEST_DESC": "Keep tabs on us via social media. We will rarely shoot emails your way but this gives us that option. Thanks!",
"HELP": "Help",
"TERMS_POLIY": "Terms and Policy",
"NAME_HERE": "eg: (name) Lares or (nickname) Leaf",
"LOCATION_HERE": "eg: school/district | city | state | country",
"OCCUPATION_HERE": "eg: Math teacher, Special Education guru, social worker...",
"PHONE_HERE": "eg: 60173252410",
"BIO_HERE": "Who are you? who, who, who, who *I really wanna know* circa 1978",
"TITLE": "Title",
"YOUR_ISSUES": "What is your problem?",
"BEFORE_YOU_SUBMIT": "Befor you submit",
"BEFORE_SUBMIT_DESC": "You can submit your own topics and we will review your submission within 24 hours. We will add your topic to an AN10NA topic list immediately after it has been approved by our technical team. If you add some comments about your topic, it will help our reviewing step and it will approved faster than other topics which don't have description.",
"TOPIC_TITLE": "Topic title",
"ADD_KEYWORDS": "Add keywords",
"ADD_KEYWORDS_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter keywords...",
"COMMENTS": "Comments",
"HINT": "Hint: ",
"ADD": "Add",
"MORE_QUESTIONS": "More questions? Helping us make AN10NA better for all? Yes, please! You get a free apple and we will address your concerns right away.",
"YOU_HAVE": "You have ",
"FREE_APPLES_TO_GIVE": " FREE apples to give.",
"SLIDE_TO_CHANGE": "Slide to choose the amount of apples you want to give this tip.",
"TIP_TITLE": "Tip title",
"SELECT_YOUR_TOPICS": "Tap here to select appropriate topic(s) for your tip.",
"TIP_TITLE_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your tip title...",
"EXPLAIN_ABOUT_TIP": "Explain about this topic to us...",
"NO_TOPICS_SLECTED": "No topics were selected. Please select one or more related topics.",
"NO_TIP_TITLE": "Please enter your tip title.",
"NO_TIP_EXPLANATION": "Please explain about your tip.",
"NO_KEYWORD": "Please add keywords.",
"KEYWORD_OVERFLOW": "Maximum 10 keywords are allowed. Please remove some keywords.",
"NO_APPLES": "You have no apples to give.",
"NO_ATTACHMENTS": "Please add attachment files",
"MAX_ATTACHMENTS": "Maximum 5 attachments are allowed.",
"MAX_KEYWORDS": "Maximum 10 keywords are allowed.",
"CONFIRM_DELETE": "Are you sure to delete this attachment?",
"TIP_UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Your tip has been successfully updated.",
"SINCE": "Since",
"CRAFT_NOT_SPECIFIED": "Craft | calling | speciality not specified",
"NOT_SPECIFIED": "Not specified",
"PRIVATE": "Private",
"SELECT_TOPICS": "Select Topics",
"EXPLANATION": "Explanation",
"RELATED_TOPICS": "Related topics",
"SUPPLEMENTAL_MATERIALS": "Supplemental materials",
"NO_MATERIALS": "No materials attached for this topic.",
"COPY+PASTE_URL": "Copy + paste URL link",
"SEARCH_OPTIONS": "Search Options",
"NEW_TOPIC": "New Topic",
"NEW_TIP": "New Tip",
"MY_TIPS": "My Tips",
"MY_REVIEWS": "My Reviews",
"FAVORITES": "Favorites",
"TOPICS_SELECTED": " topics selected",
"CHANGE": "Change",
"AGE/YEAR": "Age + Grade/Year",
"LOVE_BY": "Love this tip by giving your ",
"YOU_WILL_HAVE": "You will have ",
"AFTER_LOVE": " free apples left.",
"ATTACH_FILES": "Attach files",
"ATTACH_NOW": "Attach now",
"ATTACH_MORE": "Attach more...",
"ATTACH_LATER": "I will do this later",
"ATTACH_LATER_DESC": "We will send you an email and you can upload your attachments through that email.",
"TAKE_PHOTO": "Take Photo",
"PHOTO_ACCESS_HELP_IOS": "Please goto your device Settings page and scroll down to AN10NA app to turn all permissions on.",
"PHOTO_ACCESS_HELP_ANDROID": "Please goto your device Settings/Application Manager/AN10NA page and tap permissions option to turn all permissions on.",
"PICK_FROM_LIBRARY": "Pick From Library",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"KEYWORDS": "Keywords",
"POSTED_BY_AN10NA": "This tip has been posted by AN10NA.",
"POSTED_BY_YOU": "This tip has been posted by you.",
"FAQ": "FAQ",
"TERMS_CONDITIONS": "Terms & Conditions",
"PRIVACY_POLICY": "Privacy Policy",
"END_USER": "End-User License Agreement",
"YES": "Yes",
"NO": "No",
"OK": "Ok",
"BY": "By",
"BADGE_ELIGIBLE_CONDITION": "Badge eligible condition",
"BADGE_NAME": "Badge Name",
"PLEASE_VISIT": "Please visit below link to reference more.",
"BADGE_BONUS": "Badge Bonus",
"ENTER_ALL": "Please kindly enter all fields.",
"THANK_YOU_CONTACT": "Thank you for contacting us. We will reply you shortly.",
"THANK_YOU_SUBMIT_TOPIC": "Thank you for submitting new topic. We will review your topic and reply you shortly.",
"THANK_YOU_SUBMIT_TIP": "Thank you for posting new tip.",
"NETWORK_ERROR": "Oops!\nThere is an error with your network connection. Please try again.",
"INVALID_USERNAME": "The username is not valid.",
"INVALID_EMAIL": "The email addresss is not valid.",
"INVALID_PASSWORD": "Your password must be at least 6 characters",
"PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH": "Passwords do not match.",
"CHOOSE_YOUR_AVATAR": "Choose your avatar",
"RESET_EMAIL_SENT": "We've sent an email to you and please check your mailbox to reset your password.",
"TIP_POST": "Tips written:",
"LOVE_GIVE": "Loves to others:",
"REVIEW_GIVE": "Reviews written:",
"SCORE_LEVEL": "Your score is over:",
"TOP10_ALL": "Your tip is in overall Top10",
"TOP10_RANK": "Your user rank is in Top10",
"TOP10_SUB": "Your tip is in Top10 spot of its topic",
"LOVE_GET": "Loves from others:",
"REVIEW_GET": "Reviews from others:",
"SHARES_GIVE": "Share AN10NA or invite other users:",
"ABOUT_SECTION_TITLE0": "Top10 reasons why AN10NA is so awesome:",
"ABOUT_SECTION0_DATA0": "Our app consolidates a huge range of relevant educational resources into one user-friendly + accessible platform.",
"ABOUT_SECTION0_DATA1": "Our topics and tips are written by you - the people in the field who actually know what works and what doesn’t work.",
"ABOUT_SECTION0_DATA2": "Our user base is extremely diverse - you are instructors, assistants, student teachers, administrators, counselors, case managers, Special Educators, content-area specialists, parents + family members, students... the list is endless.",
"ABOUT_SECTION0_DATA3": "We shed some light on some tricky topics.",
"ABOUT_SECTION0_DATA4": "We share our own innovative ideas.",
"ABOUT_SECTION0_DATA5": "We share our supplemental materials thanks to our secure server.",
"ABOUT_SECTION0_DATA6": "We are kind + complimentary, give constructive criticism, and offer suggestions + modifications when we review tips.",
"ABOUT_SECTION0_DATA7": "We “love” and “watch” the tips we adore the most.",
"ABOUT_SECTION0_DATA8": "This app is all kinds of shiny-brand-new - manifested through heaps of hard work, true love, and a dash of the sweetest reckless abandon.",
"ABOUT_SECTION0_DATA9": "This app is now yours as much as it is mine and I only hope you enjoy being a part of this community as much as I have loved creating the platform for it.",
"ABOUT_SECTION_TITLE1": "Top10 glimpses into my life (Amy Froelich, the teacher behind AN10NA):",
"ABOUT_SECTION1_DATA0": "choosing my college based solely on a poster hanging on the wall of my bedroom",
"ABOUT_SECTION1_DATA1": "schlepping 60+ hours a week in a Chicago group home for teen moms (inventing the ‘school liaison’ job title for myself so that my girls would be taken seriously by their teachers)",
"ABOUT_SECTION1_DATA2": "working every odd job under the sun to make it living in Italy",
"ABOUT_SECTION1_DATA3": "relocating to Western Australia with a woman I had been dating for less than a year",
"ABOUT_SECTION1_DATA4": "marrying that same woman less than a year later and taking a last name that means “happy” in German which is incidentally the very place we are suddenly relocating to this May - thanks to her sweet job promotion",
"ABOUT_SECTION1_DATA5": "obsessively loving back-breaking disaster relief work *“All Hands” shout-out!",
"ABOUT_SECTION1_DATA6": "straight-up crazy-cat-lady (cue Debbie’s infamous EHarmony video bio)",
"ABOUT_SECTION1_DATA7": "2 Masters degrees, 3 teaching certificates, full time SPED + Art instruction in three different states over the past 8 years yet I choose to sub",
"ABOUT_SECTION1_DATA8": "Nia-dancing, spiritual-deck pulling, messages-from-the-universe-noticing, outside-the-box thinking, impulsive emotional-eater mover and shaker... that’s how I roll",
"ABOUT_SECTION1_DATA9": "I’m all heart and I’m wearing it on my sleeve :)",
"FAQ_TITLE0": "Apple colors",
"FAQ_DATA0": "When you click on any given topic, you will up to 10 green apple tips. This means they are the rated as the Top10 tips for that topic. When you see red apples, you’ll know they are signifying the Top10 tips out of ALL tips. When you see grey apples, these are the tips that are not on any coveted Top10 spot. But please check them out and give them reviews + free apples so that maybe they will grow into green apples someday!",
"FAQ_TITLE1": "Free apples",
"FAQ_DATA1": "There are two instances in which you will be giving apples:\n1) When you tap “love” on a tip, you will be prompted to give that tip any free apples that you may have accumulated by tap-adjusting the green slider.\n2) When you write a review, you will be prompted to give 1 – 5 golden apples (just like you do when giving 5-star reviews).",
"FAQ_TITLE2": "New topics",
"FAQ_DATA2": "Our team will review your new topic within 24 hours. You will receive a notification once it has been approved. Please keep your title to 10 words or less and provide a brief description for us. Heads up! We want you to have some creative freedom here but we might flag your topic if it’s too similar to another topic and/or if it already exists elsewhere. We may also suggest modifying the language or spelling if needed as well. You’ll get a message if that’s the case. Otherwise, it will just be published, “as is” J",
"FAQ_TITLE3": "Writing tips",
"FAQ_DATA3": "The best Tip Titles are 10 words or less. Be creative when writing if you wish *but* keep in mind our international user base. Using straightforward and clear language (especially when writing and reviewing tips) is our best advice. Please include a URL link and/or attach supplemental materials whenever possible. Identifying specific keywords (and clicking on the different topics it might also fall under) will help other users find your tip when they search.",
"FAQ_TITLE4": "Flagging posts",
"FAQ_DATA4": "There is an option, within each tip, to flag the content. We are not big fans of censorship and people will have all kinds of opinions, perspectives, and colorful language when writing and reviewing tips. However, we can understand certain lines needing to be drawn here especially because this app is all about positive connections for personal and professional advancement. Excessive profanity, name-calling, negatively targeting the user (not the tip)… these issues can be flagged so that the AN10NA Support Team can take it from there (coaching, requesting edits, possible deletion, etc). If you flag a post, you can trust that we will address this so you can go back to your happy place with no retaliation needed J",
"FAQ_TITLE5": "The WATCH icon",
"FAQ_DATA5": "This is the bookmarking feature of the app. Your tips and reviews will be holding space here as well as ALL of the awesome tips you pick up along the way. When you’re looking at a tip, don’t forget to tap the “WATCH” icon to save it for implementing + reviewing later.",
"FAQ_TITLE6": "”LOVE” tap",
"FAQ_DATA6": "Loving tips makes everybody feel better so “love” as many tips as you wish! However, please be aware that tapping the Love icon does NOT save that tip for later. If you want the tip saved for later, you *must* tap on the “watch” icon.",
"FAQ_TITLE7": "Sliders",
"FAQ_DATA7": "Any time you see a green slider on our app, you can slide *both* ends to be specific with age and/or grade/year level ranges.",
"FAQ_TITLE8": "Pre-School + Kindergarten teachers",
"FAQ_DATA8": "We have not left you out, I promise! However, it’s a challenge to include these distinctions on our numerical-based grade/year level slider. This is why we have the grade/year level option from ZERO - 12 to include you but please let us know if this isn’t sufficient and/or how it could work better for you!",
"FAQ_TITLE9": "Badges",
"FAQ_DATA9": "You earn badges based on the quantity and quality of your app usage, it’s that simple. However, the naming of the badges is a unique feature within our app. Badge naming is an opportunity to recognize teachers making a difference out there in the world. There are 10 badges and each one is named after a 2017 Global Teacher Prize finalist. To learn more about the Varkey Foundation and these truly inspiring educators, please visit this link: "
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