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Last active March 30, 2023 23:31
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  • Save biochem-fan/026ec2f191fee9285424d12fc2b84ce7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save biochem-fan/026ec2f191fee9285424d12fc2b84ce7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# by @biochem_fan
# VERSION: 210224
# License: GPLv2 or later (ask me if this is inconvenient for you)
# - This supports only a single chain. If you have more chains, shift residue IDs and merge chains.
# - Residue numbers (how to pack??)
# - Repaired Ile's abbreviation from L to I (pointed out by @QiuyeLi)
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
# All values are in Angstrom, even thought the code says "px". They are scaled by 10 for rendering.
RADIUS = 1.2 # Radius of circles for sidechains
MARGIN = 5.0 # Margin of the whole figure
CB_FUDGE = 1.4 # Extend CA-CB vectors a bit so that sidechains stick out
# For other styles, edit the <style> tag below.
one_letter_code = {'ARG': 'R', 'HIS': 'H', 'LYS': 'K', 'ASP': 'D', 'GLU': 'E',
'SER': 'S', 'THR': 'T', 'ASN': 'N', 'GLN': 'Q', 'CYS': 'C',
'GLY': 'G', 'PRO': 'P', 'ALA': 'A', 'VAL': 'V', 'ILE': 'I',
'LEU': 'L', 'MET': 'M', 'PHE': 'F', 'TYR': 'Y', 'TRP': 'W'}
# a: acidic, b: basic, w: hydrophilic, n: hydrophobic, g: glycine, s: sulfer containing
residue_class = {'ARG': 'b', 'HIS': 'b', 'LYS': 'b', 'ASP': 'a', 'GLU': 'a',
'SER': 'w', 'THR': 'w', 'ASN': 'w', 'GLN': 'w', 'CYS': 's',
'GLY': 'g', 'PRO': 'p', 'ALA': 'n', 'VAL': 'n', 'ILE': 'n',
'LEU': 'n', 'MET': 's', 'PHE': 'n', 'TYR': 'n', 'TRP': 'n'}
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: python input.pdb output.svg")
c_beta = OrderedDict()
c_alpha = OrderedDict()
for line in open(sys.argv[1]):
if line[0:4] != "ATOM": continue
resn = line[17:20]
name = line[12:16]
x = float(line[30:38])
y = float(line[38:46])
resid = int(line[22:26])
if name == " CA ":
c_alpha[resid] = (x, y, resn)
if name == " CB " or (name == " CA " and resn == "GLY"):
c_beta[resid] = (x, y, resn)
sys.stderr.write("Failed to parse line: %s" % line)
minx = -MARGIN + min([ca[0] for ca in c_alpha.values()])
miny = -MARGIN + min([ca[1] for ca in c_alpha.values()])
maxx = MARGIN + max([ca[0] for ca in c_alpha.values()])
maxy = MARGIN + max([ca[1] for ca in c_alpha.values()])
f = open(sys.argv[2], "w")
f.write('''<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<svg viewBox="0 0 %d %d" version="1.1" xmlns="">
line {stroke: black; stroke-width: 0.2px;}
.mainchain {stroke-width: 0.4px;}
.sidechain {stroke-width: 0.2px;}
circle {stroke: black; stroke-width: 0.2px;}
.a {fill: red;}
.b {fill: skyblue;}
.w {fill: green;}
.g {fill: pink;}
.n {fill: white;}
.s {fill: yellow;}
.p {fill: purple;}
.aa {font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 1.76px; text-anchor: middle;}
<g transform="scale(10) translate(%f, %f)">
''' % (10 * (maxx - minx), 10 * (maxy - miny), -minx, -miny))
# Draw main chain
for resi in c_alpha.keys():
if (resi - 1) not in c_alpha: continue
me = c_alpha[resi]
prev = c_alpha[resi - 1]
f.write(' <line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f" class="mainchain" />\n' % (me[0], me[1], prev[0], prev[1]))
# Draw side chains
for resi, cb in c_beta.items():
pos = cb
if cb[2] != 'GLY':
pos = (CB_FUDGE * cb[0] + (1 - CB_FUDGE) * c_alpha[resi][0],
CB_FUDGE * cb[1] + (1 - CB_FUDGE) * c_alpha[resi][1])
f.write(' <line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f" class="sidechain" />\n' % (pos[0], pos[1], c_alpha[resi][0], c_alpha[resi][1]))
f.write(' <circle cx="%f" cy="%f" r="%f" class="%s" />\n' % (pos[0], pos[1], RADIUS, residue_class[cb[2]]))
f.write(' <text x="%f" y="%f" class="aa">%s</text>\n\n' % (pos[0], pos[1] + RADIUS / 2.0, one_letter_code[cb[2]]))
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The output is an SVG file; you can rotate it in Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator, etc.
You can also rotate the input coordinates in PyMOL beforehand.

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