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Last active June 13, 2017 14:36
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async hanging
### client sending message async
use v6;
use lib 'lib/network';
use client;
say "Running Test...";
loop {
sleep-until now+2;
my $client = :destination( '' ), :port( 5000 ) );
$client.send( :message( "Test to print" ) );
### the class
#unit package EC::Network:auth<github:bioduds>;
unit module EC::Network;
class Client {
has $.destination;
has $.port;
method send( :$message ) {
await IO::Socket::Async.connect( $!destination, $!port ).then( -> $p {
if $p.status {
given $p.result {
.print( $message ); ## this is sent
react {
whenever .Supply() -> $v {
say "Sending " ~ $v;
#### the node on AWS
use v6;
use lib 'lib';
use socket;
say "Running Test...";;
### it's class
#unit package EC::Network:auth<github:bioduds>;
unit module EC::Network;
class Socket {
method run {
react {
whenever IO::Socket::Async.listen( '', 5000 ) -> $conn {
whenever $conn.Supply( :bin ) -> $buf {
await $conn.write: $buf;
say $buf;
say $buf.decode( 'utf-8' );
## now it hanged and I need to reboot the server to make it work again, here's the output
#ubuntu@ip-172-31-10-220:~/client$ perl6 node.p6
#Running Test...
#Tried to get the result of a broken Promise
# in method run at /home/ubuntu/client/lib/socket.pm6 (socket) line 8
# in block <unit> at node.p6 line 7
#Original exception:
# address already in use
# in method run at /home/ubuntu/client/lib/socket.pm6 (socket) line 8
# in block <unit> at node.p6 line 7
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